Welcome to the Weekend Links, 31 July – 1 August, 2021! Lots of exciting things are happening at EZFKA, and we are going from strength to strength.
This is really good to see. Personally, I am extraordinarily optimistic about Australia’s future. I genuinely believe that Australia has become EZFKA, and that EZFKA is going to turn back into Australia. No dooming, black pilling or acting defeatist.
If we win, we win. If we loose, we die on our feet facing forward. Its pretty simple. Read Timbo from earlier this week!
Of course, executing on that statement …
If all the literature in the world were to vanish, except Russian literature, it would be enough for all of us.
We hope you enjoy the Weekend Links, and of course its a combination or satire, meme reviews, and assorted nonsense. Don’t take the banter too seriously, and caveat emptor as with all things.
~~Teh Resistance~~

~~Erasing Women For Fun And Profit~~
- Its always amusing to see – A Gold Medal Question: Should Women’s Sports Even Exist? | ZeroHedge – feminists get burned.
- Carrying on from last week – The Olympics Begin on NBC With Abstract Imagery, Drones and Dancing – The New York Times (nytimes.com) – understand everything they say is lies, but instructive lies in fairness.

- Bigot, 2 Medal-Winning Chinese Female Athletes Are Accused Of Actually Being Men – Elite Readers! REEE

- Well done IOC – Tokyo Olympics: IOC medical chief praises transgender athlete’s Laurel Hubbard’s courage | Stuff.co.nz – making friends and influencing people!

~~Everything In Its Right Place~~
~~Off Covid 19~~
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
C. S. Lewis (Quote by C. S. Lewis: “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised…” (goodreads.com))

- The WSJ realizes that the expert class is – How Science Lost the Public’s Trust – WSJ – f’ed. As we predicted some time ago on these pages. Maybe WSJ should seek to understand EZFKA?
- Poor woman – Minnesota Woman Loses Both Legs and Both Hands Following Second Pfizer COVID-19 Shot (healthimpactnews.com) – this is going to hurt so many…
- The UK Government – Unvaccinated Students Will Not Be Able To Attend Lectures Under UK Government Plans | ZeroHedge – is jumping the shark. It’ll probably bite them in the rear.

- Lying liars – Why Is The CDC Quietly Abandoning The PCR Test For COVID? | ZeroHedge – will lie. Actual CDC statement – Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing – here.

- The French are – Hal Turner Radio Show – SHOCK! Protective Detail of France President ALL Resign over COVID Restrictions; will no longer protect President Macron – fighting back?

- Yep – Protesters Rage Across Europe As Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Begin | ZeroHedge – this is going down.

- But why? More here… and why there is a 10 year commercial in confidence clause…

~~Friends Don’t Understand How Man Not Depressed~~
~~Resistance News~~

- Who knew – Gibraltar still has high covid rate of infection despite extremely high vaccination rollout – TheLiberal.ie – Our News, Your Views – this could happen?

- Maybe its the cold weather – Iceland’s infection rate spikes after French tourists blamed | Daily Mail Online?

- Something something – Even with high vaccination rate, Israel changes strategy as Delta variant hits | ABS-CBN News – Israel?

- The EU spending money – EU issues report on how “far-right extremists” use humor and they say “it’s not funny anymore” 😬 | Not the Bee – where it counts.

~~Me And The Bois~~

~~Culture Wars~~
- The American Civil War is slowly ending its legal phase – Mississippi AG Asks Supreme Court To Overturn Roe v. Wade | ZeroHedge – as the legal system itself is now contested territory.
- The leftists are – Marxist memes for TikTok teens: can the internet radicalize teenagers for the left? | Joshua Citarella | The Guardian – panicking.
- This is just – American women to be forced to register for military DRAFT, according to revision planned by Senate Democrats – media — RT USA News – funny. The comments are all strong, independent wimmenz, clearly.

- Hopium is now being ingested – FRIGHTENING: Dirty Leftist Hack Alexandra Chalupa Hints at Assassination of President Trump — With Blame on the Russians (thegatewaypundit.com) – by leftists at scale.

- Solid thread talking about left wing extremism – Thread by @bennyjohnson on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App.

- NY Times Journalist found to be a CCP spy – Oh My, Something About That New York Times Journalist Who Recently Called Trump Supporters “Enemies of The State” – The Last Refuge (theconservativetreehouse.com) – sky also blue in other news.

~~Goose has epic response to humans taking her injured boyfriend~~
- The 300 – Hundreds of Australian Defence Force troops to be deployed to Greater Sydney to enforce lockdown measures – News Chant Australia – are in Western Sydney!
- Bruz up to – Have the Barilaros avoided GST on their luxury estate? What’s the scam? – Michael West – no good again?
- Canberra is all about – Prime Minister, state leaders to chart course to an open nation as army is deployed in Sydney | The Canberra Times | Canberra, ACT – troops!

~~WW 3~~
- My guess is Oz played a role – UK’s Sending 2 Warships To Japan Infuriates China – Warns Against “Flexing Muscles” | ZeroHedge – in making this happen. Probably why Brisbane got 2032.
- More excitement from the – https://sputniknews.com/military/202107151083394866-us-has-produced-its-first-in-new-line-of-updated-475-kiloton-thermonuclear-warheads/ – Americans.
- Pegasus – Leak Exposes Global Abuse Of Cyber-Spying Weapon To Target Politicians, Activists, & Journalists | ZeroHedge – is getting interesting.
- This is quite scary – https://civildeadline.com/bombshell-chinese-whistleblower-releases-video-and-photos-of-counterfeit-ballot-printing-operations/ – so apparently the Chinese were printing out fake ballots for the 2020 election.
~~Have A Good Weekend!~~

Can anyone see this? It missed its scheduled publish and then crashed a few times when i tried to manually put it out 🙁
Seems to be online & working.
I’ll see if there is any IT issue causing this…. the only thing I can think of is that perhaps the site is running out of some hosting quotas/limits due to growing popularity….
Yep it said if 508 Resource Limit Is Reached if that helps when I was trying to refresh.
You’re a champion! It’s even at the top now thank you very much 😍
I can see it now. Feel that it’s going to get lost under Timbo’s post, should try and pin it to the top at least for the weekend if possible.
Can I also add that 200 comments on Saturday alone is also very impressive. Granted, probably a good chunk are akin to monkeys flinging their own shit but it’s a good number nonetheless 🙂
Well done again T!
Last week I saw the EC’s:
“It’s Not Funny Anymore. Far-right Extremists Use of Humour”
as you mentioned above.
Here is the original European Commission paper: Link
These people are beyond contempt. The EC is unelected and Europeans are paying for this tripe through their taxes, WTF!
Anyway, I had a nice weekend away from the screens, but will check your links during the next few days.
Wishing you all a good week.
EUSSR will make Stalin proud
I want to read it, but it’s soooo loooong!
It is enough if you do fast reading to get the clear picture of what is it all about.
As I posted elsewhere (gunna style better repost it in 4 different threads because self validation) boosters are now coming.
I actually think the hypothesis that the first couple of hand to destroy your immune system and then make you dependent to take the rest in the style of AIDS, may warrant some further investigation.
This is a medical treatment for life I thought that was clear because the vaccines aren’t immunising and efficacy is short lived.
DCF that annuity, mofos!
Yeh it’s total fraud. But unbelievable people with go through with it.
The Age posting this at 4pm on a Friday is somewhat concerning. Are they essentially trying to reveal the method?
I’ve long posited that the sudden pullout of troops from the mideast was to either redeploy them for internal civil unrest or to South China Sea. We shall see.
pummel someones face in at a night club for no reason: good behaviour bond, maybe
call someone a faggot: 10 weeks in jail
Although I agree his sentence is ridiculously harsh (I’d have a cumulative lifetime sentence if this applied to me)
I also have to say the penalties for assault are nowhere near harsh enough
Why is getting bashed any worse than getting raped? Particularly non violent rape
I think the emotional damage would be similar or worse, and obviously the physical damage is far worse
The justice system in this country is f’ed
Devils advocate, a punch in the face is probably less uncomfortable than the descriptions of getting the vax I have heard.
that female chinse athlete thing is similar to what happened with soviet/east german athletes, they were so pumped w steroids they were forbidden from giving interviews bc their voices would have given their drug use away.
1980 Moscow all over again.
I assume by default that the Chinese team is cheating, happy to be proven wrong but I don’t doubt for one second that they are not drugged up to the max.
Yet they won’t be kicked out. The whole Sun Yang affair shows that China, FINA and the IOC are corrupt to the core for competitive sport and yet nothing will really happen. Mack Horton took the right moral stand, but all it got him was death threats and the greedy and backboneless Caulfield Grammar refusing to name their pool after him.
Given Sun Yang and ‘90s female swim team, one could infer the doping is state backed. But who would kick the Chinese out like the Russians.
Probably the best thing would be to allow the IOC to fade away into irrelevance.
Given trans athletes are now ok will we see a big spike in chinese trans?
My gut says this may be the last Olympics for some time. Don’t even think Brisbane will happen.
good… fkn corrupt shitshow it is!
I said the same thing about Brisbane to my partner. She works at the Sports Commission, so didn’t agree. We’ll see.
Nah – China’s still trad. They put Trannies in mental institutions instead of on a pedestal
Tesla grid power storage on fire before it’s even finished.
You might want to think twice before putting one in your house.
looking forward to the next breathless embee article mentioning the kwhr price of solar + battery , and the imminent death of the coal industry (for the last 8 years)
And the commentariat all pulling themselves off about how renewables have no cost at all.
Nah, they have been spruiking gas lately. A few people have tried to point out that you can’t have cheap gas and emissions reduction, but that is something that seems pretty hard for DLS to comprehend. I mean he still believes you can have lower interest rates and lower house prices.
Well, you can have lower prices and interest rates if you set it up correctly, but if the main point of the lower rates is higher prices you really aren’t going to do that are you.
Tesla has good marketing, but seems their products don’t live up to expectations:
If you were really environmentally conscious, you would look at reducing your overall energy consumption, but seems gimmicks are the things that sell and get the media attention.
There’s no profit in getting people to lower their consumption of anything.
Absolutely, and yet the people spruiking these fact solutions tell you to follow the science. Better off following the money.
Fu is the only definite female, Liao a male, the other two could pass for men.
They like to interview those unvaccinated COVID patients in hospital asking them whether they regret not getting vaccinated the articles almost gleefully mocking them, I wonder if they will make a big thing interviewing the armless/legless Nigerian woman asking whether she regrets getting the vaccine?
Deliberate campaign of guilt and ritual humiliation. Pathetic but world on the weak minded.
People on the Caribbean island where a volcano went off are being evacuated on cruise ships – but not without a COVID-19 vaccine
christ almight
Insane. Burn to death or roll the dice with your health.
All right, let’s play some bingo.
How many cases to be announced for NSW tomorrow? I’m going with 177.
Next, how many protesters will turn out again tomorrow? The politically acceptable number will be 3,500 again I’m sure.
imo they wont be out, too many warnings will have spooked them off
That’s possible too. Maybe they’ll lick their wounds and be back for the inevitable 2+ week extension announced end of August when people will have had enough.
I reckon Sydney can tolerate another 4 weeks max, it’s not like Melbourne where the winter weather is crap anyway, people will want to go out and do stuff.
are melb winters really that bad? ive been comparing them to dubbo and dubbo winters are actually worse, and dubbo winters arent that bad (though theyre still pretty shit)
I’ve only lived in the Northern Rivers, SEQ and Sydney, so they’re definitely bad by comparison 😉
But lower daily highs, intermittent rain which the other capitals don’t generally get and some sporadic chilly lows make it worse than most of the other bigger cities bar Canberra and Hobart.
It’s the PMS weather pattern that makes the weather hormonal in Melbourne
Not really just a population full of softcocks.
I mean, the wind and rain can be annoying but it’s not really that cold.
There wasn’t any sanctioned protest planned for tomorrow. Most of this is the media and Police trying to incite people so they can lock them up.
Don’t know. If Melbourne last year is anything to go by, they will still come in reduced numbers.
Fair call. To be honest, constant disruptive protesting is the only thing left now.
Sustained pressure and all that. Ironic that adopting extinction rebellion crazies tactics seem legit now.
I am going for 158 cases and 700 at the protest with 43 arrests. I also predicting 23000 calls to dob in a protester with a dozen sacked from their job for attending.
need more, 700 isnt enough. they need the same turn out as last time or even more if they want a chance of the cops backing off and not messing with them lest sydney be turned into a smouldering crater.
problem with even these types of protests is they’re performative, they achieve nothing. you need the kind of civil disobenience the french carry out and just go all out, every day of the week protesting, shutting down roads, causing unending chaos for weeks and weeks. one day does not cut it.
With the protest they will publish some bogus high number to scare people, let’s say 243.
Plus I wouldn’t be surprised if they manufacture another fake young Covid death this weekend like they did to coincide with last week’s protest.
There was no protest planned and if social media is anything to go by that is the correct outcome for now.
NSW Police essentially banning people from entering the CBD and shutting down the transport network is nuts. I believe there is genuine fear among the ruling class now.
even if Police bring 1000, if 100,00 turn up that’s nothing. It would be unprecedented for EZFKA bit given the way 2021 is going it’s be worth a pint or two if more people have nothing left to lose.
Guarantee ten times that turn up if house prices ever dipped.
The lesson learned from European protests over the last few years (inc Russia) is that if you have 100,000 protesters – it is smarter not to just have 100,000 marching through the streets together in one lot
better to break it up into 5 lots of 20,000 in 5 different places. Then the police are fucked as they can’t concentrate their resources to pen in just one herd.
This works for any number above a certain critical mass.
Have you seen this https://youtu.be/9jiHoDiH5CQ Bishop of good Shepherd here in Sydney. His warning to scomo and Gladys is mental.
The below is sensible an balanced video about continued lockdowns and future variants from a US perspective.
So the big news is 80% vaccinated to avoid super dooper metro lockdowns.
The article could also have read another 6 months of Sydney lockdown… that’s at least how long it will take. For fucks sake.
For all of my clashing with bjw/coming here – now this really shits me. Why was 80% chosen, where is the report that led to that conclusion, anything? If 50% is good enough for the UK and the US why do we need 80%?
Scomo just threw Gladys to the wolves with this.
its derived from Grattan institute “modelling”
the health system will otherwise be overwhelmed allegedly
meanwhile UK is not locking down even with more cases per capita, and a similar CFR/hospitalisation rate because of “vaccines”
the vaccines are having minimal absolute effect – CFR of the NSW and UK are similar
Ah John ponzi Grattan. Spreads his arse cheeks for whatever donations he can get and then tailors the outcome to what the donors want.
Ditto Lowy and the rest.
They’re taking their orders from elsewhere. Hazard and Elliott are just fucking clown world.
80% is never achievable. I agree that the vax stats are inflated and realistically they will be lucky to get more than 40%. Normies can now see that it’s not about a virus and lockdowns are being used as a club to get the jab.
The longer it drags on the more Trigaboff and the migration addicts squeal so it’s the only upside.
they’ve made opening the borders a “carrot”
I think it will backfire
most people don’t have any desire to travel, or the means to do so . And also they really don’t want any more fucking foreigners in the country
the best way to prevent it is to not get vaccinated – scomo has now made that explicitly clear
did he really link borders with vax rates?
(I didn’t watch/read what he said)
…he might have signed his own death warrant then, the pompous tool….
80% will be unachievable anyway. Have you seen the adult vaccination rates for other diseases? You are supposed to have boosters, but how many people here have had one in the last decade?
Yes he did
It’s become very overt now
No, opening the borders is a deflection. They won’t be opened prior to the election in any meaningful way. They will magically open post election and they will say 80% had the opportunity to get vaccinated and we won’t want to be left behind. It also won’t matter who wins the election both sides want international students but for the rest of the makeup will align with their ideology.
Well firstly, there hasn’t been enough data to produce definitive evidence.
secondly, even if we had perfect data and evidence there is no perfect solution,
because thirdly, any solution involves trade offs in many different areas for many different people, and ultimately what one person prioritises over another.
Why do we need 80%? To kick the can as far as possible. Expect re-evaluation when we reach or near 80% to push that out further again.
the video above discusses this partially, while this video discusses the US extending the rental eviction moratorium right now to can kick the problems removing it will cause.
You asked me what the gov would want to delay for. So it all goes pear shaped on someone else’s watch.
And really I was wondering why they don’t just aim for 95% in the over 50s and vulnerable
it’s much more achievable
would have the same effect ultimately with regards to hospitalisation and death
and less likely to get peoples backs up because young people know that it’s not beneficial or necessary for them
80%, huh?! well, fuck me!
See my response and link above re 80% and 82%.
It is a sheer subliminal play
This is very interesting!
Oh, and why we need much more than the US/uk/everywhere else?
Because our initial lockdowns where far more effective than everywhere else and have set the expectations the gov will be judged against.
I have upped my expectations thay this whole thing will prove to be an “enough rope” situations for the EZFKA machine from 0.1% to 1.2%
As long as house prices continue to boom she’ll be right mate
Lockdowns plus decreasing house prices? Adjust that to 50%.
Yeh, I was thinking along those lines too… but then I got caught up sorts of circular/contradictory thoughts:
80% and 82% are the most effective gullibility inducing mumbers.
80% is actually quite easy to explain.
The usual process of Au bureaucracy is to look what is happening overseas (particularly like countries, Canada, UK (especially) etc), use that as a benchmark and copy it.
So 70% I’ve read is the “heralded” rate. Most countries don’t make it there. So I suspect the bureaucracy said “ok – we are especially risk averse here so lets bump it up to 80%”.
Well I hope that after all my warnings and expressions of deepest concern that there would be no EZFKA members who have any crypto remaining on Binance:
For those interested that means overnight and with immediate effect Binance changed the withdrawal limits of accounts that had not done full KYC from around $100,000 AUD to $7,000.
Frankly this hasn’t really changed anything as it has as been rumored to be impossible to even get small change amounts out of Binance without weeks long delays.
Basically once liquidity gates are installed it is pretty much the last play of the dice.
Crypto is flying tho
any ideas what’s happening
No idea – people getting out of Tether?
I said a couple days ago to Peachy that I thought it just looked like a technical bounce. Basically just bounced from the 50 back to the 38 fib… I would be surprised if it got above 45k. There are no real inflows at the moment in terms of stable coin printing.
Damn im just about to get into the crypto world and am now second guessing. Unsure whether to dive in or not.
If you’re in EZFKA you can use IndependentReserve or BTCMarkets and you’ll be fine from a provider legitimacy perspective. These guys are exceedingly unlikely to screw you.
as to what crypto assets you buy (if any) that’s up to you… There are lots of good posts on EZFKA on crypto (and awesome comments under the posts), but in summary, nobody knows if it will moon or will go to 0 a year from now.
Or as they say in the legitimate investments world, past performance is not a guarantee of future gains.
Further to peachy’s advice. Anything that you can’t directly deposit into and withdraw from and to an australian bank is going to be far more risky than something you can.
I’ve used btcmarkets.net and haven’t had a problem since my first transaction in 2017.
Yeah – I eventually got my bank details sorted with my offshore exchange, but I’ve opened up a back up account with BTCmarkets with ease and performed some withdrawals to ensure I’ve now got at least enough money to pay my tax. Some of the liquidity is very thin on some more exotic markets, but it is sound enough on the majors.
huzzah! Well done Stewie.
0.06BTC is bloody nothing. Seems like they’re going to lose their launderer clientele.
If you’re right, this is an act of desperation to
or maybe they are now going mainstream and want to be accepted in first world markets.
Yeah – liquidity gates getting shut are a BAD sign. First fiat access disappears, then crypto gets locked in.
That ship has long since sailed.
That is far more politely than I would have put it.
While on the subject of Crypto, I came across this interesting read during the week.
Much along the lines of what I have previously written about.
From your linked article
The only problem with this is back in 2013 or whenever I first stumbled across bitcoin the user experience was exactly the same and the problems where obvious and inherent and unavoidable as transaction rates increased.
The BTC user in 2013 was of a embryotic network that was always meant to scale, lightening as a hub and spoke network simply can’t.
I’ve used BTC since 2013 as well, and imho there has been little advance in the average BTC user’s experience since around 2015, in respect of native BTC experience/use. There was a significant and noticeable step up in early wallets and apps in those early years, then nothing.
Where there have been ‘improvements’ it is through services provided to BTC from other chains… which is Blockstream’s business model.
In the spirit of meme making I’ve decided to post a few more
hey to anyone who would know
why do people keep complaining about the “vaccine rollout” when we already have so many vaccines anyway, clearly its not the rollout its the TAKEUP RATE, no one wants this shit
and two, is AZ really so much worse than pfizeR?? ive heard plenty of people say pfizers garbage too
apparently they have the same level of risk
so this whole AZ thing has been a media beat up and Pfizer marketing scheme
bizarrely also supported by our politicians
absolute clown shit
I think of the two I would prefer the AZ because virus vector is a bit better understood and studied (and “natural”) than mRNA
Interesting article. Thanks. That was my humble view also, at least AZ has come from an understood development process rather than something brand new.
Brand new is not really true.
20 years old but has never passed the approval process when it has been presented is more accurate from my limited research.
I may be wrong but it is highly unlikely they developed a truly new tech from nothing to widespread use in 12 months
Semantics, it’s the first approved application of it, thus it’s brand new. The fact though it’s been around for 20 years makes it even worse it was now deemed ok and rushed out.
It still hasn’t been deemed OK by the standards of any other diseases vax ever.
And even worse was exactly my point.
IMO, on the first point it’s really just constant spin to deflect from the massive vaccine refusal. It’s always a supply shortage or some other reason, not the fact that more and more people are starting to see the whole thing is a charade. They don’t want to explicitly admit it though.
On the second point, Pfizer is way more dangerous but there just seems to be more of a media campaign against the AZ one. I think it’s a classic marketing campaign FOMO. TGA stats are there but they don’t break down by vaccine.
Also the class bullshit about Pfizer v AZ is fucking hilarious. Like AZ is for plebs and Pfizer for the bourgeous.None of you actually know what you are putting on your arm, you’re just more comfortable with the Pfizer brand than AZ. It’s all about comfort and perception in my opinion.
Top post, Agent47
AZ is not really much more risky than Pfizer. Additionally, AZ’s effectiveness is similar to Pfizer where it matters most in reducing hospitalisations and death. This is across the original virus leaked from a lab and the variants. You are 100% right it is the takeup rate and that the boomers are too posh for AZ. The young are enduring lockdowns to protect the
assetownersboomers and they turn around and say we don’t like what you are giving us.Point about boomers is spot in.
The whole thing is risk outsourcing in the EZFKA spirit.
The adverse reaction is after the first shot of AZ or second shot of Pfizer. Anecdotally, the people I know didn’t really have much reaction to their first AZ jab, but the ones that I know who got the second Pfizer actually felt crap and some took time off work. Not a statistically valid sample and more an observation.
Watch this and see what you think
I’m a few minutes in – so far, so interesting.
What are your views?
Hey Aura
i finally finished watching that piece to the end. Bloke seems sensible overall with his messages, which are similar to what’s been discussed in the comments here over recent months:
what i learned was:
there are bits where he seems to go towards the ‘potential nutbag’ end of the spectrum:
…although on that last bit, I have admittedly speculated in that direction myself…
Peachy (Potential Nutbag)
Watch this and decide
Watch this and decide, what do you think?
Has anyone watched this?
After watching the first few minutes I’m assuming he’s going to say we shouldn’t be using all these vaccines that haven’t been through the approval process.
And my response is No shit Sherlock.
It is also seeming like it’s going to be very boring so unless there is some other message in there I don’t think I’ll bother with the rest.
He talks about why these specific vaccines won’t work, something about t cells vs antibodies. Towards the end of the video he talks about how governments are using covid and vaccines as a means to take away our freedoms essentially.
Clown show
Pasting my interpretation from embee
Of the infections, 74% occurred in fully vaccinated people who had one of the three FDA-emergency approved vaccines and 80% had symptoms
Results showed that vaccinated people who get COVID-19 have same viral levels as the unvaccinated
5 people were hospitalised – 4 of those were vaccinated (75%)
So in other words the vaccine made literally no difference to outcomes
-no difference to hospitalisation
-no difference to infectivity/transmissibility
And yet somehow vaccination is our sole criteria for lockdowns and individual freedoms/“passports”
can kick.
populace pacification.
making themselves look good because low or no cases and controlled the outbreak.
Nominations for biggest hypochondriac on MB other than DLS?
Swampy? RobotSensei? Ronin?
Skippy has to be up there
his entire existence is now consumed by the spectre of long Covid – the Chicago boys have faded away
“Chicago boys corporate neoliberal blue dog democrat atomistic individualism libertarian Hayek TM Michael Hudson…”
Am I doing it right?
needs more chortle…
oh they are massive pussies, these are the guys who freak out and lecture you at the gym for not spending 5 mins patting down a machine with a towel after you use it, even when therres no sweat on there. i mean, at least they would be if they went to the gym.
obnoxious hypochondriac health freaks
What I find most odd is they don’t believe the governments bullshit on immigration, economics, monetary policy, welfare and on and on.
Come covid and they believe every single thing they are told, to the point of giving away more than any of the other things caused them to.
And then go and rush to get the vaccine so the borders will be opened again. I mean, writes itself.
Its the Embee way. You know you can have lower interest rates and lower house prices. This is just another version, you can have a fully vaccinated population and closed borders.
A good review in Quillette on Charles Murray’s latest book “Facing Reality: Two truths about race in America:
Good why? It was a bit wordy and the reviewer had a tendency to go off on his on polemics a bit, but Good in that it is one of the few reviews of the book that you will actually read.
Basically in order to explain the continued socio-economic gap between population groups, particularly African Americans versus ALL other groups, the two Truths are: America is fundamentally racist or there are population group differences.
In the freest most egalitarian societies ever to have existed, one theory explains the residual differences on microscopic, levels of systemic racisim that are undetectable to all but “trained” professionals, the other is that there are simply natural differences.
The difference is one theory offers a way forward without the need to denigrate our society and culture as being immoral and in need of change.
Yes it is the Occam’s razor approach to assume group differences for sure.
The first explanation is always laughable to me purely because we live in a ruthlessly capitalistic society
what is the profit motive to arbitrarily treat blacks worse than whites ?
of course, there isn’t one
similarly, the gender wage gap is laughable because if it was real capitalists would exploit it by hiring only women
It should take less than a minute of contemplating the size of middle management and HR in modern organisations to realise how dumb the statement “we live in a ruthlessly capitalistic society” is.
Having an “obfuscation” or “responsibility diffusion” layer (or layers) is actually standard practice in evolved capitalist institutions and in the EZFKA in particular.
This allows plausible deniability or blame shifting in almost all situations. And when done right, the diffusion layers are closed in on each other, so that the responsibility disappears altogether.
a good recent example of that was in Victoria where they established that nobody made the decision to hire private security guards. (😂😂😂) that is masterful.
In organisations, HR/middle management is usually part of that function. maintaining them is like the cost of insurance….
Ah, the creeping assumption
Yes, they’ve now given it a convenient name!
Take more than a minute to think about it and it becomes logical again.
Decision makers in a large organisation are not owners and receive no direct impact from profit or loss. Even people receiving share options have no long term stake in profitability merely current share price and manipulate all sorts of things to boost short term share prices.
Managing more people looks really good on your resume to allow you to get a better job to make more money so the capitalistic incentives of a wage earner is to make decisions that improve your future employment prospects, not the profitability of your company.
The higher up in management you go the more weight the number of people you manage has than any useful skill, so senior managers have incentive to inflate middle management numbers.
At the point the company is i danger of going broke you see the same capitalistic self interest incentives kick in and the excess middle management is usually the first to get culled to preserve the people above’s jobs.
The US is not egalitarian. Your opportunities are entirely dependant on the wealth of your parents.
if all your ancestors were slaves at one point, that is starting from a big disadvantage.
The only way you have equal opportunities is with publicly funded services for almost everything including education and health.
…ever to have existed.
Sure they’re not perfect, but apart from a few hunter gatherer societies and virtually every other society to have ever existed throughout history, they are close enough.
No disagreement on equal access to things like education, housing and health. But even in MORE egalitarian societies, like those found in Scandinavia, these differences remain and persist across generations.
What is the sample size for people with dark HAIR in scandinavia, let alone dark skin.
And the entire anglosphere is more egalitarian than the US.
They talk a big game about equality but it is bullshit by any measure.
Go look it up yourself – it has been well studied it may even have been covered by Murray in his book It is a well observed phenomena. Although google is making it far harder and harder to find anything that even admits that there are population group differences like IQ nowadays, despite it being broadly scientifically accepted (vs unaccepted in regards to cause).
Differences exist and persist across EVERY society where sub-saharan Africans reside as an expat population. Denying that population group differences exist, condemns our society and ourselves as racist.
Snap lockdown in Queensland lol.
Naughty plebs not getting enough jabs or were the SOE due to expire again?
You’ve been hanging too long at EmBee the DEL button use rubbed on you a bit?
Sometimes I get ahead of myself and hit post before the photo has uploaded, in which case you can’t then load it as an ‘edit’.
We all know it’s that you are nostalgic for the banhammer…
On the subject of meme’s, one of my favorite is when pre-existing meme’s are matched up with real life counterparts.
Example 1: A real life coomer
Did you see what’s happening in Germany nowntheyve banned Pornhub and Xhamster?
I mean easily circumvented with a VPN bit interesting now there is a concerted push back against the porn industry off the back of all the trafficking stuff Mind Geek is involved with.
What’s happening in Germany since they banned it ?
Only just been announced but massive uproar as Germany is probably world capital for sick fuck porn.
So, er, educate me.
they banned particular sites in Germany, or all porn? And if particular sites – why those particular ones?
is xhamster anything to do with, you know, hamsters?
In short, there’s been a series of court cases against Pornhub and the parent company Mind Geek for all kinds of nastiness that gets uploaded onto the platform, of the trafficking and underage variety.
That’s led to blocks in some companies and trafficking operations shutting a lot of it down. Mind Geek is owned by a shady Israeli hiding out in London who has only just been identified.
A bunch of studios are also being prosecuted for all kinds of stuff. The lawsuit against GirlsDoPorn is a really interesting read. Basically a couple of dodgy kiwis in the us set up one of the biggest sites and allegedly conned most of their actresses. One guy got 20 years jail. Owner is on FBI top ten list as a fugitive.
thanks for the link, it’s useful as a primer on what the matter is.
that said – OH MY GOD – Moira somehow manages to bring in a stupid “left vs right” thing into it and displays a complete ignorance of how internet works. Seems that she reckons that by shutting down pornhub the issue of bad videos or pirated content will go away…like closing down Napster and blocking piratebay in EZFKA has solved content downloading – good god!
I think closing those sites did work, in that there are quite a few people I know believe you can no longer use torrents/magnets etc after there was some announcement a few years ago and ISPs started sending out warning emails.
This was happening in my father’s generation too – they’re old a bunch of oldies who swap movies/music etc and a few of the big leechers in his group also chickened out some years back. It apparently quieted down for a bit, but later some of them learnt how to rip Blu Rays so they went back to physical HDD swapping which would go completely under the radar.
In my opinion the biggest difference was legal streaming became available at a reasonable price.
The threats wee going on for years and napster got shutdown to be replaced by a few others but only really went away when spotify and similar appeared.
Good point – I tend to forget about streaming services as they’re never something I’ve really been interested in.
Years ago I can remember paying for an expensive prep course for my work, and being annoyed that they’d not let us download and save the video content which I wanted to convert to audio files to listen on long country drives. In the end I worked out how to do it, and was discussing it with a friend who said he’d wouldn’t know where to start, and only saw himself as a consumer. Eg. if he liked a song, he’d pay 99c to get it on iTunes, whereas I’d be more inclined to try and get it for free – either through the usual channels or even the library/CD rip.
For me the fun is getting the content, not actually having it on demand and watching it. I think it has to do with never having a regular consumer mindset and the “thrill of the chase” so to speak. Fortunately for the big media companies we’re not in the minority.
Majority, not minority. Ahh, editing.
No more than pornhub(but not a definitive no,i’m not going looking for it)
because of… you may like it?
Self regulating your behaviour because you’re scared of the govt lol.
Obeying govt lockdown orders like a bitch – check
Won’t look at stuff on the internet because scared of govt
– check
Confirmed faggit
Confirmed stupid.
You really think I would post here what I do if I was scared of the government spying on me.
I guess spelling mistakes really are predictive.
So scared of the govt you won’t even break lock down. Lol confirmed faggit
How would you know what I do?
You’ve demonstrated your stupidity already.
Hmmmm how would I know…..
perhaps your endless hysterical ranting about not being allowed to leave your house?! Such hysteria that for it not to be true indicates larger issues
Hysteria is what you display over the bat sniffles. your car trip to sydney is more likely to kill ya,
Keep lying to yourself, it will save you lol
I secretly hope that you get put in jail like that Neil Erikson bloke or lose your job for your constant use of the f***t word. Something about seeing lefties fall on their own sword from the shit storm cancel culture they’ve created floats my boat x
Unlike you gutless faggits I’ve served time. You wouldn’t last a fuckin day.
Fucking LOL! Getting detained by the police for mental health problems or drugs doesn’t count as serving time our make you a hard ass you tard.
I wouldn’t be dumb enough to get caught so won’t need to.
One of the best at having his meme’s turn up time and again in reality is Stonetoss
Example 2: The liberal pervert
Convinced he is a time traveller.
He speaks the truth
Best political cartoonist anywhere. His observations are like tiny razor blades.
Whenever I see Osman Faruqi or his odious mother I think of this
…and one of mine that I made when someone actually called me a colonizer.
Seems like you were trolling some ladies….
I don’t discriminate.
As I’ve been arguing for some time:
Vaccination alone won’t stop the rise of new variants and in fact could push the evolution of strains that evade their protection, researchers warned Friday.
I hope you understand that this means lockdown is only fix for time being
It’s not the only “fix”.
How did we fix the 1918 flu?
No clue.
Wikipedia says this:
Overall we didn’t, it just happened and then people got on with their lives and lived with it. The spanish flu is still around today.
No matter what we think we can do to fix this that is still the most likely end point and an almost certainty now.
I am not sure Kansas flu is comparable to Covid 19. From little I read on it, it was in times before antibiotics were in mass use and most deaths came from secondary complications from bacterial infection which always follows viral one.
It is hypothetically possible that Kansas flu would’ve been not noticeable and global if antibiotics were widely available at the time.
But I don’t hold a strong opinion on this topic and don’t have enough info to make one.
My opinion at this moment is that corronavirus will naturally mutate into more contagious but less deadly variant as time goes by, until it became manageable by our immune system.
Shouldn’t it become less lethal over time though? Delta may or may not be the high watermark for Covid as a cross section of transmissibility versus lethality.
Because vaccination is messing with evolution
ie altering evolutionary pressures
evolutionary pressures aren’t as clear cut as is often claimed.
If covid in australia become 1000x more infectious and 10000x more lethal it will wipe itself out from an evolutionary perspective and allow the less lethal versions to thrive, but it will take all australians with it.
Wow, it it went 1000x and 10000x, RBA would crank rates to -17% and property would have a fkn insane boom!
lol. You seem to have missed a critical detail though…
I think I covered the important bits – teh rates and the prices.
what else is there??
New South Wales has recorded another death from COVID-19 after a man in his 60s died at home in southwest Sydney.
It’s the 14th death of the state’s current outbreak, which started in mid-June.
NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard said on Saturday that he did not know whether the man had been tested for the virus before his death, but that his family was suffering symptoms
how the fuck can they declare this a Covid death?!
It’s the feels.
family. suffering.
nobody would be so crass as not to care about the family’s feelings and stuff and ask nitpicky questions.
ipso facto, anguis in herba, quod erat demonstradum!
To go full retard,
the same way the jews were responsible for the inter war problems in germany.
Twitter blocked me a while ago because I wished Gerry Harvey dead. They said they’d let me back when I deleted my Tweet. Fuck those sanctimonious simpering little cunts. They can go to hell. No twitter for a couple of months has been great for me, and I highly recommending deleting it from your life.
I closed Twitter and Facebook a year ago. I concur with your recommendation. I wanted to get rid of LinkedIn, but the wife wouldn’t let me.
Is linkedin even worth bothering with? I had a recruiter complain that heaps of people in my industry don’t have it.
LinkedIn is a massive wokefest with people trying to outwoke each other. It is actually cringeworthy and I rarely log on.
Recruiters just want an easy job of doing a search on LinkedIn and sending generic emails.
Ugh yeah – I had some Brahman Indian who use to work in my team. Loved to rub her ethno-narcissism into our face every day by going by her fully unpronounceable name and wearing traditional outfits around the office. Eventually left the Bank and now all I see is her virtue signaling her wokeness around diversity quotas (obviously to her benefit) and virtue signaling over indigenous issues. Recruiters do make good use of it though.
LOL, the unpronunciability is a feature in only one language in the world.
My surname was clearly pronounced instantly by every black South African and mostly by Afrikaaners. Blacks would read it properly without having me pronounce it for them not even once. OTOH, those that spoke only one lingo struggled even after knowing me for ages.
That’s not narcissistic, to ask someone for that little respect for their name to be pronounced as it supposed to sound. It is basic.
Phonetically some languages vary considerably to others – this woman’s name was a literal alphabet. SBS and various other cunning linguists make a big thing about pronouncing names, but really it is just another elitist filter used as a sign of their sophistication over the plebs.
IMHO part of integrating and assimilating into a new culture or society is taking on the cultural norms of the people you are moving too.
Anglicizing names or shortening them to a manageable mouthful, is something that many other generations of immigrants have done, and something that I respect about East Asians who move to here and contrast their choices in comparison to other groups.
Please read this tomorrow and tell me if any of it makes any sense.
Because today it seems as it makes none.
It’s nowhere near as basic as you think.
Not all languages contain the same phonemes and if you don’t learn how to make them as a child you will be unlikely to pronounce them correctly without huge effort.
“flied lice” is a stereotype for a very valid reason.
If fried rice is one’s name, perhaps.
Minimal respect effort towards any person is to at least genuinely attempt to try to pronounce their name as intended. Hear it then try to replicate voices.
This issue is present mostly in monolingual anglophone countries. Mostly, because where some effort is invested results were positive.
If ones name contains an r sound. That is just the most “stereotyped” example for obvious reasons.
For instance, is blett offensive? blenda, blandon, fledelick?
I use these specifically because I’m not a phoneme expert and it’s the obvious one I understand. I’m sure there are plenty of phonems that english speakers don’t use but since I didn;t learn them, I don’t recognize them.
Mostly because multiple languages exposes you to a greater percentage of all phonemes. I’d imagine its monolingual all languages, hence the asian example I used.
OK, I will be direct.
My experience and observation of 30+yrs of what I consider a very prolific intercontinental travel, only anglophone speakers whom knew only English lingo put little or no effort into repeating phonemes as heard seconds before. And I am notalking about perfect repetition of the phonemes.
I travelled all through South America, had an extensive vocabulary, couldn’t pronounce a fucking word that could be understood. My wife, perfect pitch, repeat what I said back to them intonation perfect. No idea what she just said, but said what I said correctly. Locals talk to her not me.
I think the ability to pick up the lingo is more dependent on the individual than the collective, my wife it of as Anglo Saxon Australian decent as myself. I think a fair few people who speak another language have just as much difficulty speaking a second language and getting the intonation and phonetics as correct, as myself, while some are just as good as my wife. Usually the those most capable of speaking correctly do so, while those who are just gunna stuff it up, like me, remain silent. Which can lead to some perspective bias based on who is more likely to interact with you.
I will agree that knowing English makes english speakers relatively lazy, in terms of seeking to learn another language given english is currently the global lingua franca. I’d also agree that some of the lack of ability to correctly enunciate foreign names is probably due to this lack of exposure to a second language.
However, that all said, I remain of the opinion that it is a form of ethno-narcassism to move to a country and not seek to show acceptance or attempts to assimilate and intergrate into the local culture and identity, by adapting your name. I did it in Spanish speaking countries, whether they appreciated it or not, it made it easier to check in and register my details…. because weirdly despite dealing with foreign sounding names all day, the hostels still had trouble with my name.
It’s a two way thing.
Having trouble is normal, I focused at many ( in my experience) not showing effort which produces different results.
Indeed individual. I agree.
Was most of that in europe, where exposure to a country speaking another language is a 20 minute drive away? Maybe south america were it is similar?
How much was in asia?
Australia and most of north america aren’t exactly likely to expose you to foreign languages very often.
Why do you care what I think anyway.
Alternately, watch this and try to pronounce some of the sounds not used in any languages at all.
That was a really cool video – it also lead me down the garden path on the ‘Great Vowel Shift‘ that occurred in English from 1400-1700.
I don’t care what anyone thinks and I expect the same in return. I like, though, that intellectual discourse takes place even is no one agrees with anyone.
This because one can learn a lot from others perspectives.
Place was unimportant, my experience was/is that English-only speaking people are the least likely to be attempting to repeat a new voice or a phoneme. Anecdata, by all means, however the experience is near uniform which should bear some weight. This particularly because experience with others was almost diametrically opposite and dramatic.
I learned my lesson several decades ago when an attempt to repeat my surname went so wild and into unexpected words in English that sounded not even close to the surname – I gave up. I now ask people how they want to call me and I just assume that name. Mick Skippy, Chuck Morris, Bruce Leigh… I even used the name Peter Button once. Next time I’ll try for Stewie Griffin 😉.
Mee-huh-el Shoe-mah-her.
Maykel Shoo’maker
Indian culture featuring the caste system is utter shit. An old girlfriend went there once and said that one reason the place is so dysfunctional is that all the lower caste people in service industries take every opportunity to piss off the arrogant high caste people. You’re a Brahmin and going to Delhi? Your luggage is going to Baghadad half the time. You’re a Brahmin and the toilet is blocked? Your lower caste toilet unblocker will be there next year.
A lot like EZFKA when I think about it.
Amen to that. Worst work ethic in the world with Africans a close second.
+2, I got sick of the constant virtue signaling from friends and mentally deranged lefties pushing their fucked up agendas. EZFKA is the only social media I need nowadays.
That makes two of us!
I thought I hadn’t seen you on twitter for a while Jolly. I’ve removed twitter from all my devices except my PC – mainly look at crypto stuff with it now. Only have FB because a team sport I play gets organised through it, but have completely de-personalised my account.
I wouldn’t stop at just FB or Twitter though, the msm news is just as bad imho – only more insidious in that it is even harder to realise it is conditioning you.
Agree about MSM news. I tend to only read what I need to knowing most of it is actually opinions. These days, it doesn’t matter what it is, media, science, medicine, politics, just follow the money.
Yeah, I gave up Twitter as it is not good for the mental health and would rather spend my time with the kids.
yep, get the F off social media, get off reddit, close all your accounts or deliberately get yourself IP banned, shit is an absolute toxic pit, waste of time. even FB, the most normie of all social media is a lump of shit.
I really don’t understand why people waste their putting their life on FB. If you are an identity thief, it is a gold mine. Oh and it is making Mark Zuckerberg much richer whilst he misuses your data.
I’ve never had a twitter, only used facebook for very specific groups that force me to use it
“Forced” lol fuck you’re a compliant lil bitch
At least I’m not a loose bitch like you…
Lol so lame dude, have another go, you can do better
You can’t, you repeat the same old insults over and over.
You keep saying I should get help, maybe you should go get checked for alzheimers.
Or go play with the faggits you seem to love so much.
Fuck you’re dumb bloke, seriously, you are unhinged. Get help
You seem to have forgotten you already said that.
Would you like me to arrange a visit from a nurse or Dr?
When was your last mental health assessment?
According tothe govt, QPS and an independent mental health specialist I’m all good. Not sure if I agree with them but not willing to argue against it lol
Lol, you are Miguel.
You’re a fuckwit, only one of us is correct
Oh, that is interesting response Miguel.
…which led me to this also interesting find:
Nah – he’s Mig’s asshole.
Not crazy enough to put in an overcrowded, underfunded mental health system.
That’s an unarguable endorsement…
Yawn, faggit
What the fuck is an ancient wrinkled cunt like you doing on twatter in the first place?
Serious question
Was there supposed to be a protest today or was that just made up gov bullshit? Hey look everyone, we stopped a protest from happening.
Faggits too scared to protest more like. Kinda like all the vocal anti lockdown faggits on here, all talk, no follow through when it comes to the crunch
You booked a plane ticket yet?
Fly? I’m driving down. When you get out of lockdown (probably January 2022) I’ll be in Lakemba to meet ya, don’t you worry about me not showing up, I’ll be there.
You know driving is far more dangerous than flying.
Yu might have an accident on the way down.
The propaganda is just getting more ridiculous. It’s all about maintaining the appearance of control.
There was never one planned from the groups that organised on Telegram. NSW Police trying to bait and intimidate them.
As I said above they are now genuinely fearful. The next protest will be bigger as everything keeps accelerating.
Just like at the absolute state of the embee comments section
they swallow the government media propaganda hook line sinker
July 31, 2021 at 3:06 pm
Seems nobody wants a big fine
Apparently Victoria has a bunch of community events happening Sunday. But I didn’t hear anything planned for Sydney yesterday.
Did hear a police chopper about though.
Did you see the footage of the police chopper in Sydney telling people playing basketball to return to their homes or get fined?
Nah missed that one 🙄 mental the whole thing.
It was only a matter of time…
PM eyes national rollout of cashless debit card
Tied in with vaccine passport and qr codes and credit scores. Just a conspiracy theory though.
Nah, it’s a good old fashioned dole bludger bashing.
You know they think they are in the shit if they are rolling that old chestnut out.
And it might backfire given the massive increase in people getting or thinking they might need to get welfare benefits in the current situation.
This has been on the cards since 2007 and none of you cunts have been up in arms until now.
How is any of this new or surprising? Remember George Brandis fucking us under the guise of “anti-terror” and the debacle of the NT intervention? We got fucked over 10 years ago and all you faggots did fuck all and said fuck all until it hit your backyard. Fake hypocrite muthafuckas.
Oh hai Miguel de sousa!
Such a tired comparison. Once again for the record, I want to punch that cunt in the face as much as I want to punch you and the rest of the gang of tards that hang here in the face. Just because he and I agree on some things doesn’t mean we’re the same.
Ffs I’ve liked some of bjw comments in this thread and I think he is actually mentally disabled lol
You hang around people you want to punch in the face on purpose and I’m the one who needs to get help.
We don’t hang out bro, occasionally I come here to help you check yourself before you wreck yourself.
End of the day, you need help
ur a fukn liar
You are a bin scabbing retard. What else you got?!
Did he eat a chocolate éclair out of the bin?
Repeatedly threatening violence is probably indicative of some kind of underlying pathology, either anger management issues, an impulse control disorder or antisocial personality disorder. I note W@F is quite proud of the fact that he has served time, so probably leaning towards the latter.
He keeps getting sacked for telling truth to manegement in defence of the workers, according to sprays he put on MB. Given how hard it is to sack someone, I’d say he’s probably as violent IRL as he appears to be here. Threaten to punch the boss and off you go to Centrlink again.
Personally, I just don’t feed the troll. He’s clearly wanking to the responses.
I may have to do the same. He is a strong case for an ignore.
Like clockwork. Pfizer now saying antiviral drugs post vaccine needed to treat covid. Ivermectin and HCQ still banned lol. Big Pharma gunna Big Pharma.
lol, even pfizer is admitting their vaccine doesn’t work very well.
I guess it doesn’t matter when you have contracts saying the government has to buy it whether it works or not,.
Have you seen this video, regarding covid vaccines? I’m not antivax, but just being cautious about the actual harm of the vaccine and the covid passport thing, this would really take away our freedoms.
Not getting too worked up by the whole Pfizer jab losing effectiveness thing.The overall effectiveness drop reported is 84% from 96%, and the sample size is tiny.
Very few people particularly the media understand statistics. With a tiny sample size, it is statistically possible that the drop in effectiveness is smaller or larger.
Given that Pfizer has probably employed the smartest biostatisticians and it sees a commercial opportunity, it will push for booster shots ASAP. The media will go along with it and same with the public as practically no one understands statistics and the ones that understand statistical results are on Pfizer’s payroll.
Usually the drug trials will recruit large numbers of participants to which increases the chances of finding a change. There are also issues with payment as an incentive, especially in the US so figures can sometimes be skewed by participants who ought not to be there.
Stats are quite easy to manipulate, and have had enough interactions with drug reps to know how. A common one is the use of absolute vs relative risk percentages – eg. an event has 0.002% chance of occurring but the drug halves this, so a “50% reduction” sounds more impressive than 0.001.
Unfortunately I graduated too late to enjoy the previous gravy train of lobster dinners and overseas trips granted to doctors. After the legislation was changed which limited it to a cup of coffee, they just ended up directing that ad spent towards government officials and the TGA themselves. Wouldn’t be surprised if a few social media influencers were getting sweet payouts to promote medications too as it’s fairly common in the cosmetic sphere.
Pfizer does not share your optimism
Keyword being “alongside”, so I take that this is a trial of a proposed treatment if you’ve got Covid regardless of vaccination status.
The natural assumption is that the vaccine prevents infection, but if that’s not the case then I guess it’s all just a waste of time.
Apparently the eastern euros were not originally Jews. They were the Khazars who practised the religion of ancient Babylon and preyed on everyone else.
The Russians beat them militarily and forced them to convert to Judaism, Christianity or Islam, and they choose Judaism. Hence the pathological dislike for Russians.
No idea if it’s true, but lots of places on the internet say something like this. Apparently they hate normal Jews and hence the destruction of many Jewish communities in the middle east over the last century or so.
That ws good. Never heard of him before so thanks for the link.
David Cole, aka David Stein. He made this video documentary as a teenage. As a Jew he was able to ask questions of fellow Jews running the Auschwitz museum who answered his questions very frankly on camera, that most died of typhoid and that the total tally was closer to the official Red Crosses records.
For his efforts he received death threats and had to change his name and go into hiding for many, many years until he eventually recanted some of his claims.
What weekend reading would be complete without some Steve Sailer to compliment David Cole. Here Steve ponders the question “Do whites have civil rights?”
Essentially so much of the civil rights principals and legislation, like Affirmative action are fundamentally racist. Indeed the Supreme court only temporarily allowed things like Affirmative action, which violate the 14th Amendment, by describing the policies as ‘goals’ rather than quotas and suggesting that there should be a time limit to which they are applied.
Basically Steve is arguing that there has now been sufficient time to address achieve the goals of affirmative action style policies, and that if America is supposedly now a diverse and multicultural country, then these policies that favour blacks over whites need to end, because they are both unfair and discriminatory.
Prescribing Ivermectin basically given the all clear. There’s a bit on Mark Hobart, a doctor who was reported for prescribing Ivermectin.
“Indeed, federal Health Minister Greg Hunt wrote to one of the doctors in Australia who prescribes ivermectin confirming that he was aware that some physicians are prescribing ivermectin off-label for Covid and that they were quite within their rights as the practice of prescribing registered medicines outside of their approved indications is not regulated or controlled by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), it is at the discretion of the prescribing physician.”
There are Docs in Straya who can help with Ivermectin. Vaxed/ unvaxed might all need something that does work when things go bad. ( treatment- not prophylactic)
As seen prominent on ZH, it well describes those that lack critical thinking skills and range from plain ole gullible to clinical cases like Smithy and Revert2Mean from the EmBee blogosphere.
Good read thanks.
I posted this also at embee
It is absolutely staggering that the NSW health still has not provided clarity on this
Fairly suspicious that she probably WAS vaccinated, and that the death could well be related to vaccination
Allegations emerged quickly that there was more to the story. Friends in the Brazilian community said that she had received her first jab just before she tested positive. Yet when a journalist told NSW chief health officer Kerry Chant that ‘Some people close to her are suggesting she had at least one dose of the vaccine,’ Chant replied that she’d have to check but she’d been advised that Adriana did not have any underlying health issues. It was an odd comment because Chant should be briefed on the vaccine status of every Covid victim since it is the first question that every journalist wants answered. Yet days later Chant has yet to confirm or deny Adriana’s vaccine status. It floats in the air like a spectral phantom.
This was clearly a vaccine related death from day one, all the information I have managed to collect points to that conclusion and these were mainstream souces! The MSM is either too stupid to connect the dots or complicit.
They needed a martyr to parade to the plebs the weekend of the protest and this was delivered.
Meanwhile cases continue to explode because our woke government refuses to enforce the lockdown rules on the jimmy grants, and the upper class white women cheer them on so they can feel safe.
At least there’s finally a silver lining behind our Biblical PM, could you imagine how fucked we would be with a Labour/Green coalition in charge of a vaccine rollout?
Just today I heard anectdata of a 37yo mother of two that got a western pharma experimental jab and died few days later.
I will find out detail on Wednesday.
Anecdata for deaths from Sputnik or Sinopharm is yet to come, if it will.
FEMA and FCC doing test of emergency alert system. I’m sure just a coincidence given Melbourne and London had one a few weeks ago.
What does this mean?
There are routine tests all the time. However, given the unusual amount of major cities globally doing similar (I read somewhere several EU cities are also doing same) I would suspect something big is imminent. I would suspect large scale cyber attack that derails finance or supply chain. That’s what WEF were simulating last month with Cyber Polygon.
Just a hunch but I think it’s more realistic than fantasy. Also considering COVID narrative crumbling they need a distraction.
I’d put martial law more likely than a cyber attack that destroys finance or supply chains.
I assume you mean china is the threat actor, and they have no need to cyber attack to disrupt supply chains. They ARE the supply chains for most things.
They also own enough US dollars to destroy finance if they desire to.
How does China holding US dollars destroy finance ?
if anything they’ll destroy themselves and make US industry more competitive
They can spend them in ridiculous ways to crash things.
Destroying western finance systems with cyber attacks causes them similar problems with losses as just doing stupid things with what they hold.
Perth property:
Not sure how many people here are in WA, but I have a theory about why Perth prices aren’t rising like elsewhere and I’d like some feedback. I think it comes down to the amount of subdivision going on. So many back yards in so many suburbs are being turned into houses that the sticker prices aren’t moving much but you’re getting half the amount of land that you used to at those prices. Also there’s a lot of new suburbs being built – e.g. all along the northern coast up to Yanchep, at Ellenbrook, and south of Armidale around Byford. What’s really surprising is that in these new suburbs, you’re not seeing decent size blocks cheap. Many are under 500m^2. I don’t think you can easily get good info on average land size per dwelling sold as a time series, but if you can get the figures, maybe you can confirm.
Hmm, interesting theory. However, this sort of thing is happening everywhere though. New housing blocks are tiny on the outskirts of Melbourne as well. I guess it really depends on the supply and demand of these blocks. In Melbourne, they are held by land bankers (the EZFKA way) and dripped to the market, but not sure about Perth.
I understand rents are booming in Perth, but my theory on that is that FIFO from the East have rented in Perth due to the border rules, but that is my theory.
I think you’re right about rents. Possible good point about Melbourne, but don’t now much about it. Perth has the smallest average block size for new builds: https://www.abs.gov.au/articles/australians-building-houses-smaller-blocks
Thanks for the link. Didn’t know the blocks were so small in Perth. All capitals are trending in the same direction, so I don’t think block sizes explain it. Could be due to the number of people with negative equity from the last boom.
I guess that debunks the myth that Australian houses are larger hence justifying the increased price.
Is there somewhere containing data on average cost per sqm by capital city over time? That would be interesting
Yes, in the link that Robert replied to me with.
Sorry totally missed that. But that just has block sizes not cost.
So not only do we have massively huge house prices, we have declining block sizes to boot, shouldn’t be a surprise but now what we need to see is cost per sqm which would show a y axis heading into the stratosphere!
The factor always forgotten when claiming land prices can’t keep increasing, it’s not sustainable.
You just sell people a smaller piece for the same amount.
That’s right.
this is also a reason why housing in general doesn’t need to necessarily become more affordable.
just the housing purchased at each point on the price curve can yield less and less utility and convenience….
more units to the acre. More persons to the bedroom, etc, etc.
The houses are larger, the blocks are smaller.
Go through a new development and yard is virtually non existent.
Yup, easier to maintain is how they sell it.
Gotta keep the EZFKA machine well oiled and moving…
Nearly 15,000 visas have been granted to foreign millionaires since the start of the pandemic under a scheme that has been criticised for allowing people to buy their way into Australia.
ahahahha! So the investment is about $1m and yields about 2%.
That sounds like real high-risk/high reward innovation business!
“A lot of countries sell residency or citizenship. This is the way Australia does it” says the Grattan Institute. EZFKA has the think tanks that support the economic zone’s settings.
The irony is that this has been happening for years and yet the SMH wouldn’t even allow us to discuss it.
You’re all going to love this one:
What the fuck is going on with this country?
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sickening, fuck the police
The police aren’t the source of the problem. The laws they are enforcing are.
Are they even enforcing laws at this point or just draconian emergency health orders?
People still think if I just do one more lockdown. If I just wear this mask. If I just do what they ask then these measures will end and we will go back to normal. But we won’t be going back to normal and these heavy handed tactics will only get worse from here…
They are effectively the same thing.
And you don’t need to convince me it’s a bad idea.
There’s more blame the politicians and chief of police for the laws and instructions given than the people enforcing them though.
dude, its both.
the police love this power trip and won’t exercise any judgement cbecause they love booking people and telling them what to do. the old videos of armed police confronting two old ladies sitting on a park bench, or a pregnant lady…
there is the law and the enforcing. the enforcing has been just as draconian as these new laws.
And you think the enforcing hasn’t been directed from the top?
The police didn’t need new mask laws to be able to harass and arrest people.
It’s just making the news because the new laws are more widely unpopular and more people think it might affect them. When cops were harassing teenagers, or indigenous people or guys with hotted up cars no one gave a shit.
How far through that path do you think we are?
And another – https://www.instagram.com/p/CSF0xDSBaWX/
Ugh, I’ve lost my disposable Instagram credentials from the other week!
is this worth creating another junk Instagram account for?
Probably not. Just more heavy handed police tactics detaining an old guy for not wearing a mask. This ones in Qld though.