More space needed

Far out, step away for a day and the place goes nuts! A big welcome back to Poochy (Peachy?) and NoMansLand! I can’t say I read the whole last thread, but it seems like mix of interesting and useful contributions and a flame war. I’m especially impressed with Stewie’s ability to recall and locate old … Read more

The future is not the past

Interesting Russian fertility data. After collapse in 1990s, bottoming in 2000, Russian fertility has been rising ever since, but may be stalling. Obviously a degree of prosperity and comfort is necessary for people to want to breed given they have choice in a contraceptive culture. The time of elites relying on taxing the excess profits … Read more

A few trade stats and some other stuff

50% of Australia’s exports are from mining and another 18% from “energy”. Volumes are forecast to go up to 2029, but prices and net export earnings are expected to fall Remittances currently took about USD 5 billion from our current account in 2022. That’s more than this year’s entire current account deficit. Also, … Read more