They hate you

Following comment disappearance, I have resorted to making a post MB goes off it’s nut in “ABC positions Annabel for numberless immigration barrage”. They still don’t get it. A long essay that demonstrates they think that the readership, the electorate and the polity in general respond to reason. That time is long past, if … Read more

An open letter to Madeline King

My MP, Madeline King, sent me this in an email: Last week, the Albanese Labor Government set out the next steps in our plan to endfamily, domestic and sexual violence in a generation – and I wanted to makesure you heard a bit more about it. Too many women in Brand, and across Australia are … Read more

Where to get quality news for free?

I first went to MB when Alan Kohler’s site (forgot its name) became the paid for “Eureka report”. Then MB went paid, and I was happy to pay at first. Then most zerohedge’s good stuff became paid as “the market ear”. Bloomberg went paid. The ABC went so far left that I can’t even read … Read more