ASIO boss Mike Burgess enjoying another day of doing fuck all about foreign interference

After revelations that Indian spies have been targeting Australia, ASIO boss Mike Burgess says he plans to do fuck all about it.

The revelations come after India joined the list of countries spying on Australia, alongside China, Indonesia, Israel and just about everyone else.

‘We didn’t think the streetshitters were after anything important, but it turns out they weren’t just trying to steal indoor plumbing secrets and porn from the government servers. They actually were trying to steal our defence secrets,” Burgess said.

‘I won’t be doing anything about it because it would be racist and this is EZFKA, and foreigners are encouraged to rip it off. That and the Lowy Institute telling me I’m not allowed to and that our focus should be harassing Australians upset about being invaded through the front door with immigration.’

Burgess said he might give another half-arsed speech before ASPI or Senate Estimates and make vague inferences to some spies somewhere, but won’t name them ‘because that would be mean.’

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yimby jono o brien claiming yimby policy will make houses more expensive for some reason

what a strange admission


He is wrong though. This happened at The Entrance where they broadly rezoned all the freestanding houses within a few kms of town centre. Most of the properties are too far to walk to town centre and amenity, and their prices actually fell due to MUCH higher land rates.


the entrance is a shit hole

more like the exit amirite folks

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

and their prices actually fell due to MUCH higher land rates.

Land rates are based on land value…


Land rates are based on land value…

Land rates are based on land VALUATION….a number conjured up by a Government department that has the highly desirable property of increasing council revenue.

It does not always represent the actual value of the land in a real-world market.


It does not always represent the actual value of the land in a real-world market.

It usually represents the value from a year or 2 ago fairly well, and you can contest it if you want to.
The actual value in a real world market is a nebulous concept at best for a unique item such as a piece of land.


The actual value in a real world market is a nebulous concept at best for a unique item such as a piece of land.



I meant Council Rates not Land taxes. The council can do whatever the fuck they like. In this instance the council decided that higher density meant much higher rates. The rates on my uncle’s holiday hoom went up to $8k per annum so he decided it was cheaper to sell and rent holiday accommodation.

And there was no windfall when selling. Developers didn’t want a bar of any house that was 20+ min walk to town centre.

Gruppenführer Mark

How are council rates set? In my neck of the woods, council rates are a function of a perceived rental value of a dwelling. With rental prices rising, I’m dreading what the new rates will be.


Here’s how it’s done in Victoria:

Each year your property is valued by the Valuer-General Victoria to determine the Capital Improved Value. This value is used to work out your rates and land tax. Council is not involved in setting your property’s valuation.

The amount of rates you pay each year is influenced by changes in the value of your property and the type of property you own.

We calculate your rates by multiplying the Capital Improved Value (CIV) by the applicable rate in the dollar that is set each year by Council as part of the budget process.

Council adopted a 3.5% rate increase in the 2023/24 budget. Property owners who have experienced a large increase in the value of their property will likely see that the increase in their rates on the previous year is higher than 3.5%. 

The above is an extract from a typical Victorian regional council notice.

As you can see, there are two bites at the cherry.
First, the Valuer-General gets to determine both the Site Value and the Capital Improved Value of your property.

Then, the local council gets to set the “rate in the dollar” of the CIV that determines your General Rate.

In addition to the General Rate, there are similarly calculated charges for Waste collection, Recycling, Fire Services, etc. – all adding up to your total Rates bill.

Then, as in the case cited by Freddy, the council may, at some stage, rezone your land, which has immediate implications for the valuation of your property as determined by the Valuer-General.

As Freddy has pointed out, under some circumstances, the resultant Rates burden can adversely affect the actual market value of the property in the real world.


As Freddy has pointed out, under some circumstances, the resultant Rates burden can adversely affect the actual market value of the property in the real world.

At the entrance, a massive increase in supply of dwellings a very long way from both public transport and and highway infrastructure is probably what led to the fall in values, not any change in rates which is insignificant compared with loan service costs.


Ask Jono (and every other YIMBY you come across) whether they’d be happy to live in something like this?

Gruppenführer Mark

Literally “shit where you eat”!


This him?


Nothing to see here


If we’re not careful we’ll run out of all that yummy Indian food and servo staff and Uber drivers and staff for pretty much every shop I go in.
Anyway he’s out of a job soon but, my prediction, will miraculously reappear in another 6 figure salary pubic service job within the month. Natural fit for E-Safety except he’s a man, sort of.


Based poos. They know legacy citizens are entitled retards. I look forward to when they replace the RAM drivers and get rid of the feminists out of cushy government jobs.

A fly in your ointment

convicts do what convicts do thr best.
this convict did a 5yo and a 8yo, for years

A fly in your ointment

that’s a record number of ointments spoiled.
tnx guys, keep’em minuses coming.


Yeah it could have been because the women were being a fuckin bitch.


Do what exactly?
Find another unfortunate white guy like Alexander Csergo, and proceed to ruin his life with some sort of penny-dreadful spy novel idea of 21st century spying.
shame shame shame!

Agent 47

Albo got called in for a meeting with the owners of EZFKA. Looks like we’ll have antisemitism laws a la US congress last night within the week. 18C basically is that already courtesy of Liebler but still.


Fuck me. Last week bit was a a turban, now it’s a small hat. What a fuckhead.


Normies are in danger of waking up. Not that I think most of them would care even if they did know. Most legacy citizens are just as jewy as Jews are. Can’t afford a house? Sucked in! Muh street smarts!


Nah cnut looks like he was carrying a few comorbs

A fly in your ointment

the comorbidity called Emma Renay suddendeathitis?


Dunno. But don’t have to worry so much myself as I wasn’t a submitting faggot


So the .gov is going to start pumping normies full of MDMA to deal with made up climate-related PTSD. What a time to be alive!


Good idea. MDMA will probably counter all the shit they put in food.


What about my climate related ptsd?


How many people are gonna use the domestic violence payment to go for a holiday? Fuck me dead. I might get someone to punch me in the head I wouldn’t mind going to Japan.

Another stimmy masked as something else.


Woman’s shelter = good business opportunity. Seriously ndis v2. Fmd how do I get on this gravy train.


All men’s fault. Whites are either regressing back into being barbarians, hence the ubiquitous tatts these days and the excessive focus on muh muscles, or joining the jew.

A fly in your ointment

we need more of this.
very positive news

Lord of da Fries goes the way of windshield flies.
I’m an tempted to be the fly in the ointment of major meathead fast food chains, Lord of the fries failed miserably, being totally repossessed. Apparently one key ingredient they missed: non-wokeness. Serving plant based meat substitute dealt a major blow. it is obvious that trying to capitalise on brainwash too early may may cause bankruptcy beyond moral and well into financial


Veganism is a fad, a fad that is fading!

Aussie Soy Boy

This jew stuff is insane. It’s fucking genocide. It’s gotta to be called out for what it is. A holocaust of the Palestinian children and women in fact.


Zionists are simply the most terrible people on earth.


did anything new happen

i stopped paying attention the only faction the whole region that hasnt demonstrated themselves to be total cowards are those yemeni corsairs

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

Why aren’t they Holocausting the men too?


I don’t think much of the jew but sand nig countries seem to go pretty quiet about taking them in. Same with the weegers in China. It’s only 2-3m palis. Fuck all compared to what shitskins the west has taken in.

Gruppenführer Mark

I’ve heard this statement many times over the course of last 7 months, but I’m trying to understand the logic of it still. Why do other ME countries have to take in refugees that are being driven from remnants of their land? So Israel can take over?

The West has taken in what amounts to in most part economic refugees. Yes, there were some that fled from Isis, but not the majority.

Not having a go at you, maybe I’m just thick.


Well from my point of view just so this genocide can stop happening. Not much of a bro code among muzzies. At the end of the day it’s just a pissy bit of land that doesn’t look very nice. They don’t even have water they have something like 7 desal plants in the sea. If people think it’s some sort of holy land I don’t care. It’s just a shitty bit of desert.


israel is more like adelaide than a desert

only the southern portion of it is outright uninhabitable desert

Gruppenführer Mark

Gaza is by no stretch of imagination is holy land. It is, however, home to those Palestinians who live there. Let’s say, arab bros take in all 2 million or however many there are. Genocide stops. The genociders get what they want. What is stopping them from turning their sights onto a new portion of the land and start genociding there? Won’t it just reinforce their tactics and their belief that they will get their way eventually?

Rhetorical questions at this stage, of course, but Israel is quickly losing the veil of infallibility.

On another note, arab bros might not want Palestinians. I say this based on a sample of 1 conversation. Egypt, apparently, received some money a while back to build refugee camps in Sinai with the explicit goal of housing Gaza refugees. Those camps are ready, but the people of Egypt are very much opposed to the idea. I don’t explicitly know why.


Different tribes, they’ve probably hated each other for centuries

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m not worthy of a response from THE sponsor ))

Yes. Probably. It’s a point that is easy to dismiss for those who live in younger societies, US, Canada, Oz. Genetic memory is a real thing.

Europeans, Arabs, Mongols, Chinese have been fighting each other for centuries. I recall walking into a house belonging to a friend’s parents in Central America, and the walls had family portraits of people in Nazi uniform. My lizard brain reacted.


They don’t give a fuck, the middle cesspool of war and misery, always was always will be


What about the 6 trillion jws that got gassed? Surely they are allowed to do whatever they want now forever without any judgement?


The Holohoax is their word of power, it is their sword and their shield.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

I don’t know why they settled on that number though, shouldn’t it be at least 12 million? At least 6 before ww2 and 6 during?


What many people fail to appreciate is the importance of numbers within Judaism. Which is surprising, when you consider that it is the religion of a mercantilist trading clan

Vikings, who were great travelers might have given us superstitious beliefs in the stars and and the ability to divine the future – why would it be so strange to consider that a religion organised around finance and trading would see sacred meaning in numbers? For instance one of the main books of the Jewish bible incorporated into the Christian bible is “The Books of Numbers.”

The six million figure comes from a prohecy made by a Jewish mystic who became a leading prophet in the Chabad stream of Orthodox Jewry most recently represented by the likes of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

Anyhow the exact quote goes:

“This is called “the purple earth.” It shines with every kind of light that proceeds from hashmal. In this earth are sunk twelve thousand myriads of pearls, sunk in this earth and reaching as far as the eastern gate. There there are six million open gates, and Anael is the chief guardian of them.” 

Their Talmudic obsession with interpreting prophecies and bullshit numbers is the living embodiment of what I spoke about a while back about the power of prophecy – in that over a long enough time line a reasonable prohecy has a reasonable chance of coming true.

Consequently since the above quote was made, which was interpreted as meaning it would require the sacrifice of 6 million Jewish souls in order for them to be handed control of the world, they have been ‘writing into history’ numerous massacres and alleged atrocities where by 6 million Jews supposedly died.

There are numerous pre-WW2 articles where this claim for 6 million deaths or imperiled Jews was made. With their total triumph over Germany with WW2 and the free reign they have been give to write their own unquestioned narrative and history, they have been allowed to write their prophecy into reality – hence the 6 million claim, that was essentially magiked into existence in the early 80s, after gradually being built up and increased since the 60s… basically increased inline with the decrease in surivours of WW2 who could legitimately refute it.

If you are interested this is the link to the complete antisemetic background to the 6 million quote, including hundreds of supposed instances of the 6 million figure being used and bandied about even before when Hitler was still painting water colours.

The Holohoax has become their word of power, like Sauron’s magic ring. It is both their sword and shield, it allows them to attack anyone who criticises them as “antisemtic” and provides them with a shielf of criticism for their behaviour “Oh they were nearly exterminated“.

But like Saurons Ring of Power, which he poured all his hate and essence into, the Zionists have made a similar fatal mistake pouring all their lies and hatred into it. For if it is ever discovered that the Holohoax is just a fabrication, Zionists and Jews in general will lose all their institutional power, and go back to being viewed as they have for the thousands of years before WW2 – manipulative, un-trustworthy, perfidious liars.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie



Despite the usual “They cannot be named for legal reasons” I’m amazed that 7 does a poor job of hiding the identities. Story from 2022

the arborist

Such precious little angels. It’s not their fault. It was white man who made them like this.


Perfectly ordinary victim and perp.
According to the usual suspects we all look like this


lmao this article

we nailed it a while ago when we talked about how “housing affordability” is just a weasel term for credit availability

A fly in your ointment

I thought this was written by Llewdo or Bleato. T hey still don’t get it that high mortgage repayments are not because interest rates are too high but because the principal is excessive and detached from reality. If you buy expensive at low rates, any change means pain. With high rates and low loans most changes are a relief.

Had a friend dumbfounded by explaining housing as buying a 500 bucks shitbox car for 5000 bucks because in 5 years it would be worth 10000 bucks and this was “the new normal”


LOL – a couple week’s back I came across a rather amusing mockumentary done in the style of David Attenborough of the ‘Pajeet’ and India ‘The most disgusting country on earth’:

“Anyone not gifted with the Pajeet’s incredible power of self delusion would see a shattered and destroyed landscape, covered in trash. The wildlife, what there is left of it, clings onto a miserable existence.

Few could look upon such wanton devastation and feel anything but incredible sadness. In his endless entitlement, insecurity, and hubris, the Pajeet lays waste to everything in his path.

Scenes reminiscent even the most war ravaged cities of the second world war are repeated over and over again. There is seemingly no bounds to the ability of the pajeet to bring his native habitat to ruin. No other creature could be so careless, so destructive, or so callous.

But the Pajeet, wrapped in his thick self-delusion can see absolutely nothing wrong with his environment. For him this wasteland embodies everything quintessentially Indian and he feels nothing but a sense of pride.

For anyone else these conditions would be almost intolerable, but with a smug arrogance the Pajeet will proudly tell you that India is superior to your country.”

Anyhow, it was very funny if not somewhat disturbing. However I’ve since found out it was a complete product of 4Chan and is somewhat revolutionary in its use of AI to produce it.

It is reviewed rather well here by proto-fascist CatgirlKulak:

Although rather amusingly her age has prevented her from gronking that “THAMES” is the historic way many BBC produced and sponsored TV programs, including David Attenborough’s series started with.

Made by the mysterious creator known only as “Thames”, It is the immediate opposite and ideological complement of K-On.

I dunno perhaps the guy who produced it does go by the name of “Thames” also? He is definitely British – the only thing Britt’s scorn more than Africans is Pajeet’s and other invaders from the Subcontinent.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

I watched the whole thing all the way through. The pajeets being hit by trains segment was astonishingm


Yeah – I had to take two breaks while watching it, the cow pooh pancakes and the scene where the train pulls into the station with the Pajeet attached to the front grill that was flapping in the breeze like a rag doll, so I still had the last 10minutes to watch that I finally pushed through last night…. it was worth the wait.

A Fly In Your Ointment

just for comparison, what can one buy for a ticket price of your low end of median homes in Sydney hills shire



or just look at the list here

note: ZAR 20mil is approx AU$1.6mil

ongoing costs are a bit higher comparatively (by %)

What’s the build quality like in SA? I can’t imagine anything would be more shoddy than Aussie built but how much better?

A fly in your ointment

Build quality is excellent. At least for anything built 20+ years ago. I doubt much have changed now. They build full brick everything and only the ceiling of single level houses being a wooden frame.
You’ll note that even i gated communities (complexes) there are hardly 2 same homes, unlike Brezhnevkas all over Sydney

Yeah, the risk of getting a tyre over your shoulders filled with petrol and set on fire tends to dampen the real estate prices.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark
A fly in your ointment

The cuntry has hit the rock bottom and it may sink a bit more but being right now at the bottom of the Mariana’s Ditch – the only way is up (eventually). Blacks are the one who will drive out the crime when more of them become blue collar. BRICS membership will means something too. In fact I see a good perspective for them in the next 5 decades.

Don’t need to live there. Can buy a decent 2bd cluster-townhouse for ZAR550,000- which returns 15-18% per year. IR is about 12% and strata can be higher (R3500/mo for most) bc of security and shyte like pool, gardening etc.
Just to put it in the right perspective, R550k is about $46000 or about a hybrid Camry price tag. If paid cash it could pay back itself in <10yr after all expenses considered or with 50% deposit for mortgage, the rent would make it break even. Positively geared property there is not a drag as much as here, not even close. Skip buying a new car every 5 yrs and could own a dozen of these for less than the cheapest apartment in Sydney, all returning net about $5k/mo for retirement (at today’s prices). Same money here gets about half of that before taxes. Risks… they don’t always pay but to make money one has to take risks.

the arborist

SA is nowhere near rock bottom. They’ll be at rock bottom when they’re back to living in mud huts.

Blacks are going to drive out crime, you say? Interesting take.

A fly in your ointment

Blacks are going to drive out crime, you say? Interesting take.

Nope, well-off blacks will drive out the crime. It affects them by far more.
The crime stats of blacks on blacks are unreported and estimates are that they are far greater than 100:1 in occurrence vs. reporting. Crimes on whites are dwarfed in numbers by comparison.

the arborist

Yeah, blacks are known throughout the world for crime&fighting crimefighting.

A fly in your ointment

Are you daft?
Because your poor sarcasm (if it is) is not even on the target.

Wealth chases away the crime.
See what happens in US as wealth goes down….

Nope, well-off blacks will drive out the crime.


Wealth chases away the crime.

See what happens in US as wealth goes down….

That statement is arguing poverty increases crime. Perhaps too subtle for you but a significant difference.

A fly in your ointment

quited statement argues both vectors. Because it is 2 statements.
both are valid.


both are valid.

No they aren’t.

And crime chases away the wealth seems a far more valid statement than wealth chasing away the crime.

A fly in your ointment

No they aren’t.

Damn, you are drSmithy!

Of course they are both valid.
Even you confirmed this in your very next sentence by using gradations of validity for both statements:

…seems a far more valid statement than…

Cognitive dissonance?

US since its inception is a good example that both statements are valid. Savage culture turned into seemingly crime free back to savage crime ridden culture again as the basic wealth disapperas from the layers of its population.
But you can’t grasp that.


blah blah blah, no evidence bullshit bullshit bullshit I’m so smart and right you are an idiot.
smug superiority, etc.

But for some actual evidence, the wealthy have always LEFT the crime riddled areas to go live where it is safe. How many sports stars or musical superstars stayed in the ghettos when they became millionaires and drove away the crime? None.
Of course they moved to hollywood or wherever where it was already safe.
The crime drives away the wealth, not wealth driving away the crime. You have clearly failed to have any grasp of that and the fundamental difference it actually signifies.

A fly in your ointment

For someone whom offers substantiation for the first time, you are pretty smug.

If you read what I wrote and somehow jump out of the mind box you put yourself, you may find that you talk of only one possible extreme.
In fact what you claim is not untrue, its that its one of many possibility which is not to the exclusion or what I suggest.

As societies come out of poverty the crime naturally subdues.
Is that difficult to comprehend or do you want me to dissemble it to a series of simple, single verb sentence explanations?


Is that difficult to comprehend or do you want me to dissemble it to a series of simple, single verb sentence explanations?

It’s easy to say. Justifying it on the other hand…

How about this alternative,
In the poorest of all societies crime is non existent.

A Fly In Your Ointment

It’s easy to say. Justifying it on the other hand…

do you need justification too that the Sun rises on the east skies when observed from Mongolia?

How about you funnel your energy on disproving my claim “As societies come out of poverty the crime naturally subdues.” instead of making another tangent in hope we forget where we came from?


How about you funnel your energy on disproving my claim “As societies come out of poverty the crime naturally subdues.”

The US is the wealthiest nation on earth, and has high crime levels.

A fly in your ointment

that’s a rerun of what you said before

how does that disprove:
“As societies come out of poverty the crime naturally subdues.”???


Nope, well-off blacks will drive out the crime. 

You fruit bat – blacks in the top 10% percentile commit more violent crime, per head of capita, than whites living in the bottom 90th percentile.

The only way wealthy blacks will “drive out crime” is from the vortex they create as they flee the ghettos, dragging other blacks out in their wake.

The first thing a black does in America when they gain wealth is to move to a white suburb to escape their violent brethren.


Blacks are the one who will drive out the crime when more of them become blue collar.

Either that or just confiscate everything off whites Rhodesia style…

A fly in your ointment

what is the difference between the gov buys your property for cents to a $ or when it eventually allows the RE bubble to burst?

The answer is simple: lesser likelihood that your commoner property will be confiscated.

I’d not buy top tier properties in RSA for they are attractive to wealthy kaffirs. But normal blacks… they get homes fo free built on the outskirts and are not crammed into dog kennels like blacks here. Land is released for new development in RSA literally unrestricted in comparison to here. Since I left RSA almost 2 decades ago, Joburg has grown significantly, but mostly in girth. Higher density there means clusters and townhouses instead homes on one or two Roods.
Go to street view on maps and see if you can find high rise outside CBD areas


All I have to say is,
you are here, not in RSA.

A fly in your ointment

really, that’s your argument?

do you invest only in Aus stocks on ASX or do you buy international too?

the king of the sophism.
Every blog has its own Dr. Smithy. At times you surpass him


They also have their own sources of verbal

A fly in your ointment

yep, that’s how lesser mind seem to feel wrt stuff beyond their intellect


nothing from you ever exceeds pseudo-intellectual at best.
You like to think you sound smart but you never have any point to your ramblings.

A fly in your ointment

Lol, “pseudo intellectual ” from you is extra funny.
I expressed overwhelming number of times that I find myself infinitely stupid, in comparison to all the knowledge that there is.
It’s only that in this little pond, which morphed from somewhat intellectual discourse into “it’s the jews/negroes/poojeets/slopes/anyone-but-anglos to blame for all our problems” and nazi apologia, that I find evidence that I’m not the most stupid man. Naturally, i must feel good in such environment.


The tone has definitely lowered.

A fly in your ointment

You are being modest and polite

Aussie Soy Boy

How much does it cost to have a darkie look after the garden and wash the dishes?

A fly in your ointment

for dishes, cleaning and ironing I think its about about 100 bucks.
per week

100 bucks there in purchasing parity methinks is about 4-5x more


White countries are gonna be like Monaco and then all the other countries are gonna catch up. They are already in the 70s-80s mostly. They’re having a great time while whitey sucks nigger cock.


How white is this song. Pure alpha whiteness.


The fuck stain generation.

Can’t even say wog on twitter now. Elon is a jew faggot.


They just let Nick Fuentes back on – which I must say I found surprising. I am wondering if Elon did it deliberately in response to the US passing the Antisemitic defamation laws?


Yeah good point. I think it’s just me being censored actually. I said faggot too much or something. Abused the privilege I guess.

A fly in your ointment

“Can’t even say wog on twitter now.”

What stops you to go elsewhere?

They advertise as free speech but in reality it’s just another cuckoo’s egg.
What E-Lone did was just dial down a bit the censorship. All the argument with over “graphic” stabbing of the priest is just for show (and for them it’s for giggles seeing gullible biting that bait)


Maybe. Hard to tell if anyone is genuinely altruistic anymore, yeah they usually aren’t. But the alt right grifters do at least a bit of good like with the jabs and they give whites a bit of self respect back.

A fly in your ointment

….altruistic any more???
Last altruistic died almost 2000 years ago.
And he was killed


You can be a cunt and still be a little altruistic. For instance this Ukraine war maybe wouldn’t have happened under Trump.

And if you don’t want nigs and other undesirables to get abortions well he got that covered for you.

A fly in your ointment

LOL wrt Trump. Though he ended up accidentally altruistic


Mike Burgess did fuck all about this character
Crikey, the M word, the failed deradicalisation program, tasers don’t work, on it goes. Far less detail in the MSM.


The copy cat effect is real.

I think theres a high probability of a wave of stabbings, vehicle attacks etc by young Muslim men in Australia in the coming months.

All such attacks will be accompanied by Muslim anger over the way the attacks are reported, claims that they are the result of mental illness instead of islam, along with plod and politicians trying to play it all down.

The biggest concern about a Muslim terrorist attack is, of course, the populist backlash against Muslims. Definitely not the killed and injured victims.

A fly in your ointment

Plausibility that it was just a bad flu which was PCR’d to a myth grows every day.
Killing the vulnerable with ventilators in the early days was/is a perfect murder and a great scarecrow.


More Islamic antics


It’s just another of the endless “consultations” aimed at keeping the process dragging on without actually doing anything.

A fly in your ointment

He will but will the sheet where it eat?
Nope, this will effectively just further restrict ban on cash and do sfa on the staple food of RE sales to tho the largest money coffers on the market.

AUSTRAC estimates that, in 2020 alone, criminals linked to China laundered $1 billion through Australian real estate

What’s 1 billion in the 10 trillion market?

1 billion that they know about, it gonna be 100x that for sure, I am sure they are not looking that hard or they would have done something about it by now

A fly in your ointment

roight, perhaps 100x more, I agree.

100bil is still just 1% of the market.

if it is only 1bil that they caught, it’s probably because that money was Not laundered through approved channels.
RE is so big here no one will dare touching the arterial blood line from dodgy money.


“Coffs MP Gurmesh Singh said the community was in a state of ‘significant fear and trauma’.”

The ascent of the poos is well underway.


She’ll take the dogpill.


Imagine being in the RAM tradie surfy Chad protected class and throwing it all away by going to Mexico.

Ford Rangers are the biggest selling vehicle atm.

Aussie Soy Boy

Or at least keep it low key and look like you have less money than the locals if you’re going to go traipsing through cartel country.

Then they were stupid enough to put up a fight thinking it would be like a scrap on the footy field.


Yeah they are so used to being kings. White privilege is real for them. Barely even have to be literate.


You guys are such geniui with all this knowledge of the murders…how do you do it?


Why the fuck should I have to know what genuii means you faggot.


This whole male violence psyop is just weird, all of a sudden every .gov in Australia had shitloads of money to throw at this non-issue.

And people losing their minds because some teenage boys made a spreadsheet ranking the attractiveness of girls at their school? That’s only been going on since the start of recorded history, why is this even newsworthy? Oh wait, rich white kids doing it, they will get thrown under the bus.


Private school suspended them lol. The eternal christ cucks.


It’s because they didn’t go about it the right way.
The boys should have mapped the girls only fans accounts by turnover and provided market analysis.
It’s a supposed free market, let the markets decide.


This is female neurosis over being judged and ranked by boys, amplified by the media who are likewise filled with equally neurotic women, all of whom are angry they’ve previously had their attractiveness ranked by boys – and highly likely to have been found wanting.

Even worse they’re probably equal part outraged because not only was there a list, but they weren’t on it.


I think you’ve pretty much nailed it.


Yup – these boys did nothing that millions of women do comparing men over drinks, cocktails or the water cooler, only the boys made the mistake of autisticly writing it down in spreadsheet so prying harpies could find it and sacrifice them at the alter of the Matriarchy.


And people losing their minds because some teenage boys made a spreadsheet ranking the attractiveness of girls at their school? 

That’s basically how Facebook was created.

Combine this hysteria with the announcement that the gov is going to cover training wages for various female dominated professions and it’s starting to look like the gov is going all in on the chick vote.

They must have research that shows they’re completely on the nose with the dueds.


Imagine if the boys involved were mostly Asian…as I hear they are.


I am actually surprised they selected this school for the very obvious stitch up.

It is a co ed school, they surely had a “scandal” at St Kevins or Scotch ready to go?


Such a Government media psyop when you consider Sudanese gangs are bashing 13 year old girls into a coma at school the other day:


Well, I don’t know about you fellas but to me it’s all seeming to look like revelation is playing out. Perhaps those blokes banging on about the flying spagetti monster were right?

A fly in your ointment

Another view on the currency substantiated in thin air (QE, hyper inflation etc) link

And the meme which describes the decade

A fly in your ointment

And what the gov experts have to say about printing and borrowing: link


They’re all becoming Cookers now, Karen Phelps getting ratio’s as a Cooker for this


AH, yes, about that “Caucasian” stabber
I wouldn’t click on the link in the first para if I were you

the arborist

But I hear that these people are so much better than legazens and they make the best neighbours. So quiet and respectful. And of course their food is ah-mazing. And they’re most definitely not violent rape-y sex pests.


Would have been so hard for them shitting in the street as they do, North Road Ormond is a busy road.

“What investigators have gathered so far is that late afternoon to early evening on Saturday, there was party or gathering of four men, including the two suspects,” Homicide Squad Detective Inspector Dean Thomas said.

4 men having a party?


It’s a skills shortage though, and diversity is our strength and all.

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

Had a rise in my expectations list TBH.

Then again it’s pretty dire out there in the real world of business (not the micro bubble of Canberra or the media class). My take on sentiment is that it’s at all time lows


The fat fuck Labor lackey Kouk is saying he tipped this, yet only a month ago says this



Gruppenführer Mark

I think they held because State and C’wlth budgets are coming down over next week. Not sure if a rate hike would have helped politically.

Fed ALP seems scared that LNP has a good chance to get back in. There were some friction between fed ALP and WA state ALP regarding GST share. This tells me that feds are in real need to bribe voters in NSW and Vic, or else.


Asio will have to draw its members from those that borrowed too much money.

People think they’re clever being on top but it’s not all fun. Now you have to protect your shitty little spawn etc. Winning the cunt game isn’t infinite.


Bahah some based NSW Council Cumberland has just voted to get rid of any books in its Council libraries which feature gay parents. These fucktards bring in these scum who then act the way we knew they always would.

Turns out the deciding vote was a Labor guy, Muslim…oh well.

Damn I wish I could see all their faces now

Gruppenführer Mark

They should introduce books featuring monitor lizards and dogpill (referencing some of Stewie’s recent posts) as romantic interests. Muslims vs. Subcontinent vs. Teal.


apparrently you can identify as a season now.

A fly in your ointment

I identify as unidentifiable.
my pronouns are…. oops, didn’t think of that.


You pearl clutching wiener – I bet a nancy boy like you who has a fainting fit over names being included in a spreadsheet wouldn’t have enough testosterone to get a boner let alone impregnate a women with what, the three of four sperm your nuts produce.

Run along.

A good flame war for those who are bored…. my opponent has shades of Maggot.


The reaction to this is insane. There’s no doubt the terms used are bad, but I’d bet everyone being outraged by this has participated in a game of “Fuck Marry Kill” without a second thought.


“The reaction to this is insane.”

Yup – with domestic violence against women is actually near all time lows, this is imho more an example of mass female hysteria and neurosis writ large.

I think this very level head woman put it best (and more diplomatically than myself):

IMHO it is an empathy meme, that Labor plan on using to draw attention away from one of the root causes of Domestic Violence… financial stress from the atrocious mismanagement of our economy & cost of living.

The success they had with totally dominating the news and election cycle with the Brittany meme woke them up to the fact that they can pretty much empathy hack half of the population at will, and bury any other competing social issue, under collective female neurosis.

The woman/bear meme of women preferring to be in the woods with a bear over a man is a perfect example of women’s (as a group) inability to accurately assess risk.

Interestingly at no time while this meme and discourse has been running has anyone involved in the debate actually mentioned anything about having sex with either a man or a bear, yet here we are….

Dog pill meet bear pill.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

Bullock was piss weak not raising rates yesterday. I knew when she came in she would be too weak willed to do anything that make force single parents with a mortgage to go without snacks or botox injections.

A fly in your ointment

👍 ☝️


White Pill: The Dilbert weather vane is indicating brighter days ahead.

Amazing transformation in just 3 years.

HH !!




I just watched yesterdays ABC 7.30, wholly devoted to DV. It consisted of interviewing women, mostly working in the DV sector, who you wouldn’t touch with a barge pole. Even Anna Bligh with her new face lift. I hope she’s asked for a refund. These are the after pics that have been photoshopped to improve
the look


A friend and former colleague had a facelift. We’ve both avoided talking about it.

Gruppenführer Mark

AstraZeneca withdrawing Covid vaccine, months after admitting rare side effect

Company says decision is purely commercial as jab has been superseded by alternatives

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Aussie Soy Boy



Is superseded by alternatives code for doesn’t actually do anything preventative?

Gruppenführer Mark

Probably code for “we are getting sued so will make a commercial decision to cut our losses and offer the withdrawal as a part of lawsuit settlement”.

But then again, I don’t want to speculate.


Pfizer was smart enough to get the govs to agree to accept all financial liability before they sold em in the first place…


It’s code for “Woops….we’ve killed and maimed thousands of people with our stupid drug in the pursuit of profits, so let’s bunker down, initiate the cover up and cut our losses”.

Gruppenführer Mark

Prague celebrates its liberation… by the US Army. Naturally.

I remember watching a video a few months back where Japanese, mostly youth, were actually thanking the US for dropping nukes on Japan in 1945.

She was provocatively dressed and had it coming!

A fly in your ointment

I guess all serfs do the same

Gruppenführer Mark

How dare they?

So Chinese have continued their act of aggression:

This comes as a fighter jet from the People’s Liberation Army-Air Force dropped flares in the immediate flight path of an ADF Seahawk conducting routine operations off HMAS Hobart in the Yellow Sea on Saturday night. 

Sounds pretty serious. Except until you look on the map to figure out where this aggression occurred. Shirley HMAS Hobart was guarding our borders, no?


I’d bet that stunt occurred in generally accepted international waters, that china wants to claim are their territorial waters.

And also, protecting shipping from south korea to australia is probably a more valid use than sailing off sydney stopping the kiwis from invading.

Edit: I suppose you think china spraying phillipine ships with water in their waters is OK as well?

Last edited 4 months ago by commentBot
Gruppenführer Mark

That part of the world has no “international waters” per se, see the Wiki picture. Economic zones, yes, and there are so many countries that stake claim of this real estate, it is a minefield.

Honestly, I think that if Australia, US, etc. just trade with China, the world would be better off. I have not seen any intent from China to invade Taiwan, or anything of this nature, except what the western media parrots. As far as Philippine ships being hosed, this is a matter between Philippines and China. Accidentally, Philippines have a couple of US military bases, and a couple more are coming. Also completely by accident, the US just updated guidelines of their treaty with Philippines, pretty much guaranteeing a shooting war if they are so inclined.

So it looks like from my uneducated point of view (and I am very uneducated in this area) that the US is stirring the pot. Even Duterte agrees.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

have not seen any intent from China to invade Taiwan, or anything of this nature, except what the western media parrots”

Isn’t the Chinese air force in a constant state of harassment towards Taiwan in a effort to fatigue their equipment?

Gruppenführer Mark

Isn’t the Chinese air force in a constant state of harassment towards Taiwan in a effort to fatigue their equipment?

Yes they are, if one is to take a side.

In the “rules based order” world, China is the belligerent. In an “international rules” world, Taiwan is a part of China. US still, to this day, recognises this fact. It is a US policy.

Selling weapons to Taiwan, sending political delegates to Taiwan is not viewed as ignoring the official policy, but as freedom fighting and different.

Unfortunately, the internationally accepted norms are being warped in order to give legitimacy to the whims of the made-up policy.


Taiwan is a part of China. US still, to this day, recognises this fact. It is a US policy.

Selling weapons to Taiwan, sending political delegates to Taiwan is not viewed as ignoring the official policy, but as freedom fighting and different.

Those 2 statements are inherently contradictory.
US plays nice and tells china it thinks taiwan is part of china while it’s actions say otherwise, and as the age old adage goes, actions speak louder than words.


That part of the world has no “international waters” per se, see the Wiki picture.

So it either occured in chinese waters or korean? I’d bet it wasn’t chinese so that makes it a far worse violation by the chinese.

A fly in your ointment

…and that is connected to Australia by exactly what?

A fly in your ointment

I’d bet that stunt occurred in generally accepted international waters, that china wants to claim are their territorial waters.

last time slopes came 1000nm of our coast it was “invasion” and “provocation” all over the main msm, not just tabloids.
But this is different, eh?


How did we not win Eurovision??!! It’s got a didgeridoo and everything. Out in the prelims

A fly in your ointment

so choo’s can compete but not the ruskies, eh?
it’s the most woke comp of them all


Aboriginal and a tranny? Normally that’s a winning combo for Eurovision.


It just goes to show that Australia’s Indigenous culture leaves most people cold unless they’ve been indoctrinated with ochre and dot paintings 24/7 while continuously being told how great they are since day one of school.


I’ve been in the UK for the last week.

John Cleese is right. London is no longer a British city. I’ve been on the tube a few times, and been in the white minority on each occasion.

Saw a bloke in a traditional Paki looking dress walking down the street with 4 women, whom I assume were his wives, walking behind him in burqas and masks. Fucking disgusting, and I’d bet the rest of the population are paying for them all via the dole.

Given that the invaders are generally violent, rapey inbred imbeciles who take while contributing nothing, the whole society is probably gonna collapse in a heap in the next 20-30 years. Too many consumers and not enough producers.

A fly in your ointment

what white men ride the tube?
white niggaz


Sydney 10 years behind London I’ve always said this

We just get more Indian and nepalese


The UK is the model for us. A finance sector, selling the houses to foreign money launderers etc. Probably a fuck load of white tradies making a mint.

Luckily the poos and south east asians we got are way more tolerable than muzzies.

Same with Canadia. The Anglosphere, Commonwealth countries…I don’t even know what you’d call them now. Faggots. That’ll do.


It is heart breaking.

It is worse that we are being told to celebrate it.

It is worse still that insufficient numbers of us have enough strength, skill, wit, courage and shared purpose to do what is necessary to roll it back.

I watch as my nation disappears without a fight. It must be one of the most shameful defeats the world has ever seen.


It’s farked as. I was in London last June and never again will return. Even when I lived there in 2002-2004 I worked in a shared office and there was a copyright working on same floor. He was always encouraging me to venture out of the capital and that london streets were like 3rd world cities. Also said the Danes are very attractive


As someone whose been out with three Danes and lived in Denmark for 6mths, I can concur with that statement.

Everyone should have at least one Dane in their lives.


Most whites think they’re being clever. So much for the master race. Most of them are as dumb as shit. A way to be smart without having to put the work into actually being smart.


welcome back coming

Aussie Soy Boy

4 in 10 of people in London are foreign born but that obviously doesn’t count all the darkies who are now second generation which there are many.

Can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube. London is now a black town until the end of time.

Sucked in!


Democracy could be replaced by Islamic Sharia law in the UK, Belgium and France within 15-20 years.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Give it 5-10 years max and it will be a Muslim country


So the NSW government is going to cut funding to libraries that are standing up and banning homo propaganda for children because it violates free speech. Does this mean they will happily allow books that take a critical look at what really happened in the German war camps?


Can’t have democracy if it goes against globohomo. They are so detestable. I’d vote for a muzzie party if there was one.


Shortly after that there would be no parties, no voting, and lots of beheading. Mainly of non Muslims.

A fly in your ointment

…critical look at what really happened in the German war camps?

why spoil otherwise good perspective with fecal matter?

we all know the swimming pool in death camps were because it were holiday resort style concentration camps and no one was gassed because machines can gas only 1000 souls plus a few jews per hour – which is not enough capacity – therefore no one was gassed. In fact, majority of deaths were accidental inhalation of Ziklon during showers and unfortunate stumbling in the pathway of a bullet departing from a rifle.
War actually never happened east of the Oder River.


Hydrogen cyanide (Zyklone B) kills people by preventing cells from absorbing the Oxygen that red blood cells bring to the cells in order to keep them oxygenated.

Thus victims of such poisoning turn cherry red as the oxygenated red blood cells wait around to offload their oxygen molecules – it is a defining characteristic of such poisoning (Go check it out for yourself).

So do you remember all the famous stories of those Holocaust survivors tell about piles and piles of naked cherry red bodies, piled high like mounds of lobsters ready for the eating?

No? Really? Well that’s not surprising because it never happened.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

Never is a very strong word.

A fly in your ointment

Not at all strong.
In fact ww2 is a Jewish propaganda and it never happened. 24mill ruskies died from self inflicted famine.


“Cherry red”

Just talk around it and pretend this fact doesn’t exist.

Reams of visually descriptive stories to pluck at our heart strings about how gas chambers were supposedly piled high with pyramids of bodies supposedly climbing on top of each other to get to the air vent at the top of the wooden doored gas chambers… but never a single mention of perhaps the most defining characteristic of hydrogen cyanide poisoning that would forever be associated with these deaths – had they actually occurred.

Surely you would not leave one of the most defining visual aspects of scene from your story?

Maybe Jews see everything in black or white…. or maybe when they were fabricating the stories back in the 60s and 70s they just didn’t yet know that detail.

The thing with lies is it is the little things that eventually catch you out.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

Because no other lethal gases exist?
Quite literally any gas will asphyxiate you in sufficient quantity.

Last edited 4 months ago by commentBot

Because no other lethal gases exist?

Quite literally any gas will asphyxiate you in sufficient quantity.

Yes, yes, there are a multitude of gases that can kill people.

Yet the only other gasing mechanism in this Zionist fantasy was by diesel fumes (which also leave victims with a very rudy complexion) – supposedly driving their victims around in vans until they expired, where upon presumably the evil Nazis dropped the corpses off at the local tanneries to be turned into lamp shades.

But when you examine the existing narrative over the Holocaust the blame is overwhelmingly laid at the feet of Zyklone B.

The reason? Zyklone B was a de-lousing chemical that the Nazis used to fight the cholera epidemic that the Nazi’s were working to save the Jews from dying from in their camps (only to immediately kill them in their gas chambers). This was well documented (although now not so well known) and the Red Cross worked closely with the Nazi’s in terms of bringing those epidemics under control.

It was also the only chemical that the Nazi’s bought in sufficient quantities that Zionists could possibly lay the blame for, in order to magic into the world their power word “Holocaust”. That is why saying “But what about other gases” is really clutching at straws in order to adhere to the Zionists narrative.

Here is a picture of someone whose died from Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning…. it is impossible to describe a naked victim of such poisoning without mentioning the colour – it is the most distinguishing feature of such a death and corpse.

One could NEVER forget such a sight, massive pyramids of cherry red bodies – the colour cherry red permanently burned into your retina. Yet where are all the eye witness reports and documents describing piles upon piles of bright red bodies, looking like so many boiled lobsters?

Such descriptions have never been mentioned once in any eye witness account that I have read.

Why? Because it didn’t happen.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

That picture is showing classic mid stage Livor Mortis.


As both livor mortis and hydrogen cyanide poisoning are expressed as blood discoloration/pooling beneath the skin I imagine they would look quite similar (further reading has confirmed this).

Likewise with CO poisoning as I believe CO has a much higher affinity to the hemoglobin than oxygen that leaves the red blood cells red as the CO remains stuck to it and refuses to leave (CO2 poisoning leaves victims much more purplish or blue).

It was quite hard to find a picture of a Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning victim on the internet (which may explain why it wasn’t so well known when the narrative was being written). In regards to the above photo it is quite possible it has been substituted. But for what it is worth here is another supposed victim.

The point is the Cherry red discoloration is a defining characteristic of death by Hydrogen Cyanide (and thus Zyklone B) and it would be impossible to describe a room full of dead bodies without mentioning the exceptional puce colour.

It is imho a major discrepancy with common accounts and narratives of so called witnesses, and what people would observe in reality.


That picture seems more like it.

From what I understand, you’d be unlikely to see the cherry red colouring long after a person has died from HC poisoning. The colour would fade very quickly.

More a symptom of poisoning in the living, is my understanding.


Okay – I’ll assume you have specialist knowledge in this area, so I’m asking curiously not defensively.

Why would the discolouration fade relatively quickly?

I agree the hemoglobin would eventually denature and release the oxygen of its own accord and the colour would fade.

Most cell death has usually occurred by 10 or 15 minutes after death, but I would think it would still take time for enough lactic acid erupting from the autolysis of dying cells to denature the hemoglobin from all the effected red blood cells.

And by “unlikely to see the cherry red colouring long after the person has died” how long is long – minutes or hours?

That the erythema is mentioned in post mortem reports as something to look out for, suggests it lasts long enough for it to be inspected by people qualified to appraise and assess the dead – which isn’t going to happen minutes after someone is exposed and dies from it.

These camps had to be veritable production lines to achieve the deaths and disposals that are claimed, so it can’t have been more than 10 minutes between mass executions.

Unless the distinctive red discoloration faded within seconds or minutes of death then I would have thought that a puce, blood red pyramid of naked bodies would be a mentioned in nearly every account of those who supposedly survived and apparently corroborated the official version of events.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

I suspect the drop in blood pressure and transition to Pallor Mortis would see the redness fade progressively from about 15 minutes after death.

It’s worth noting that while the cherry red colouring is a defining characteristic, it isn’t seen in all exposures (I’m not sure on the percentage). It could also be very different for people that have received a high dose resulting in death within minutes, compared with a lower dose exposure resulting in death over a couple of days or recovery.


That sounds reasonable – I can believe that the cherry redness would remain for at least 15minutes after which it would commence to fade, but that would still be a process that took time.

But I think the colouring would still be pretty extreme and distinguishing in the immediate aftermath and within the time frame that the Sonderkommando would be initially dealing with the bodies.


Ok, after a little reading (yikes) it seems the reports are that victims were all dead after about 20 minutes. The Sonderkommando, wearing gas masks, removed the bodies after that.

The corpses were additionally found half-squatting, their skin discolored pink with red and green spots, with some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from their ears, exacerbated by the crowding in gas chambers.”

That observation make sense in reported timeline.


“The corpses were additionally found half-squatting, their skin discolored pink with red and green spots, with some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from their ears, exacerbated by the crowding in gas chambers.”

That quote is interesting in where it has come from. It appears in various papers and books by Dr. Franciszek Piper, who is supposedly one of the leading historians on the Holocaust.

Piper is interviewed by David Cole in his seminal documentary on Auschwitz – where posing as a religious Jew instead of an Atheist he elicited numerous candid responses from his subjects, including Piper, who when interviewed gives a far less convincing performance than his writings.

For his efforts Cole actually had to go into hiding for numerous years after receiving death threats, and has only been able to remerge into public life after completely disavowed his earlier documentary, which is now hard to find.

Fortunately the internet never forgets, Piper being interview from about 25minutes in:

The whole documentary is very, very interesting and although no real killer proof is provided that the Holocaust did not occur, he does run through so many logical inconsistencies with the official narrative that are deliberately kept from the publics view, that it is hard not to watch it and come with at least some doubts…. even on the positioning of where the chambers are supposedly located.

Just checking out the documentary for the 36min mark on the study of residue of Zyklone B in the supposed Gas chambers vs the legitimate delousing centres is worth viewing the above link.


But back to the quote:

“The corpses were additionally found half-squatting, their skin discolored pink with red and green spots, with some foaming at the mouth or bleeding from their ears, exacerbated by the crowding in gas chambers.”

This was take by Piper from Israel Gutman, who migrated to Israel after the war, joined a Kibutz and eventually became a professor at the Hebrew Museum of Jerusalem, and eventually went on to head the International Institute of Holocaust Research from 1993.

He also had connections Mossad and provided ‘evidence’ from where that quote comes from to Mossad in the trial of Adolf Eichmann who Mossad kidnapped in 1961…. at at time when Israel was faced with a number of existential survival issues.

I suppose it comes down to whether you believe Israel Gutman, a raving Zionist who worked very closely with Mossad and to secure the legitimacy of the state of Israel as a Jewish refuge is a credible witness?

With evidence, I usually find first hand accounts most closely associated with the events to probably be the most truthful. However, with lies it becomes the opposite. Lies most closely associated with the event become much more apparent due to inconsistencies as time passes and new information is revealed or becomes available.

My mum has a rare copy of The Black Book – the Soviet version (have a read). This was supposedly compiled by Jews from these camps in 1944. It went on to be published in 1946 by the World Jewish Congress in NY and was used as ‘evidence’ in the Prosecution of Nazis at Nuremberg.

I read it a few years ago. While there are undoubtedly truthful and very believable atrocities contained within it, that probably are verifiable to some extent, those particular atrocities are nothing worse than you would expect in a war, and certainly no worse than what you read of the Spanish civil war (the atrocities for which there was also plenty of photographic evidence).

But mixed into those undoubtable truths were obvious fabrications. At times reading it was like reading a very poorly written movie script, literally -the first person narration that is meant to be so convincing has the opposite effect.

This was particularly the case for the section on the Camps which was written or compiled by Max Radin, who was a dedicated NY born Jewish Zionist and a member of the Jewish AntiFascist Committee (AntiFa).

That section is filled with colourful, individual eye witness accounts of possibly believable singular events of cruelty that they may have witnessed or been subjected to in those camps, juxtaposed alongside the almost bland perfunctionary descriptions of the mass killings, that generally lacked all colour other than mentioning implausibly large numbers of killings.

I suspect the reason so few people have heard of “The Black Book” is because as it has aged it has become increasingly transparent that it is propaganda no less believable than 40 beheaded babies.

Where ‘colour’ was added to this section which was meant to make it sound more real, now only serve to make it sound ridiculously implausible “raising geese and keeping them near the ‘bathhouses’ so their incessant honking could drown out the screams” (as if you would even bother if you were processing 25,000 people per day). Likewise with so much of the implausible first person narration that can be nothing but fantasy.

While there are many terrible atrocities described in the book, and every attempt to embellish every act of cruelty or visual horror as much as possible, while painting this apocalyptic scene – there isn’t any mention of blood red corpses waiting to be removed from the bathhouses.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

as if you would even bother if you were processing 25,000 people per day

I will state that I have worked in biological processing works that did 100,000 chooks a day.

I saw nothing resembling the level of agricultural processing infrastructure that would be necessary for killing even 2,000 people a day – which would be the equivalent in biological matter, when I visited Auschwitz.

This struck me as something that was wrong when I was a normie, but I just discounted it at the time because I thought it was simply destroyed. It wasn’t – everything was rebuilt for the museum, there was no missing infrastructure.

100,000 chickens a day could only be processed on conveyor belts that came past too fast for you to count. A tangled mound of bodies to disentangle then dispose of at a rate of 1000 an hour 24/7, by an emaciated, starved workforce who would be probably catatonically traumatized after a couple hours work?

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

@ commingBot

that is literally a masochistic quest to argue the Earth is not flat.


That guy’s violence is criminal. No doubt about it. Nonetheless that piece is propaganda. Calling what he did “family violence” conflates beating people and “causing fear”. It was Julia Gillard who redefined “family violence” in the family law act to include “causing fear”. That was the thing that finally turned me against The Left for good. I will never forget that nor forgive it. The over reporting on violence against women is intended to reduce the morale of normal, decent boys and men to provide feminists with a psychological advantage in their quest for power.



Deport that POS but shove him out the back of the plane on the way back home. Fuck that.


The Administrative Appeals Tribunal deputy president Antoinette Younes noted in her judgement last week that Wilton accused his partner of cheating, punched her in the face, and attacked her with a baseball bat, leaving her bloodied and bruised… But Ms Younes decided that Wilton’s mental health problems, drug rehabilitation efforts, his four minor children,the impact deportation would have on him and his family, and the fact that he’d lived in Australia from a very young age, outweighed the risk of reoffending and community expectations of removal.

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal

This is the most anti-democratic thing in Australia.

Guess who implemented it:

Australia’s AAT was set up in 1975 under the AAT act by Gough Whitlam

Guess why they implemented it:

Australia’s AAT was set up in 1975 under the AAT act by Gough Whitlam and was designed to bring Australia’s laws into harmony with the AAT framework established by the UN in 1950, which was to be the final arbiter over alleged non-observance of contracts of employment and other binding regulations of all staff working in the United Nations Secretariat.

In 1958 this framework was extended to include immigration.
Member states were then persuaded to adopt the same AAT framework.

Guess who lobbied for it, after Australia held out from joining it right up to 1975:

Gough rolled over for his tummy to be tickled not only for the Walt Whitman lobby group

Losing the ability to control who we are allowed to kick out of our country was the first step first step in the lose of our sovereignty.


I thought the gummint had banned people from chasing cops down the street with a chainsaw


this site is glitched af, it no longer keeps me logged in


It’s trying to tell you something.

Go outside and touch grass.


i’m coming to your house


coming dumped you did he?


The site doesn’t refresh in the same browser for about a half hour or something. There has to be some setting in the server side code that needs to be switched on.


There has to be some setting in the server side code that needs to be switched on.

But mah security…


No big deal it’s not like masses of legacy citizens or shitskins are gonna join us.


Yeah, been having that problem for about a week or so. Surprised I could log in today.


Retailer stonks getting fucked

Only whoever handles the remittances back to India will get a dime out of the New Aussies


the retailers who pushed mass migration to drive sales probably didnt take into consideration that indians are the biggest cheapskates on the face of the earth


Ordinary people are suffering the consequences of their inaction while successive government, opposition, union and other elites ate their lunch.

Things will continue to get worse for more and more people until that changes.

Do you have to be uncouth all the time?


Did those who won the last 20-30 years do it by being couth?


>Ordinary people are suffering the consequences of their inaction
Look at yourself. Dead set. Don’t fuckin blame me. Retard. Superman ain’t coming. You can be as couth as you want. But the jew will still stab you in the asshole.


She can’t afford to do her eyebrows and have all the streaming apps. I find it interesting that women pay $200 for a haircut and then they don’t even look very good. Haircut jew.

Aussie Soy Boy

Yeah if you’re fat, old and ugly a $200 haircut just makes you fat, old and ugly with nice hair.


Its not even that nice. Its just cut and cleaned and maybe coloured a bit. You could do it yourself with the help of the internet.

Same with those nail salons that wreak of something you’d think would kill you where these ug white women get some poor little asian women to tend to their disgusting feet. Almost never seen a hot woman in those places. Yucko.

Aussie Soy Boy

Even on small money it would be easy to save $5k per year. Of course 5k over 10 years is 50k. If she had the bare minimum level of financial responsibility how could she run out of money?

In reality it’s easy to save 20k on a small wages without really trying just avoiding the usual traps.

No sympathy. Just dumb and and fat.


yeah when i was on centrelink i still managed to save by investing money and collecting cans as well. just dont spend money on stupid shit you dont need, invest every other cent and find extra cash where ever you can find it


International financiers continue their attack on based nation of Japan

Would it be possible to fuck up Japan’s economy just for political reasons if the fundamentals didn’t support it? The lack of damage to Russia from all the sanctions suggests probably not, if Japan goes globohomo it won’t be because of anything they couldn’t overcome.

A fly in your ointment

Not that it had much of the reputation from before and that it was deemed as “just”, US kangaroo court is about to be punished for prosecution of, how should i say it, “approved criminals”.

ZH Republicans Ready Sanctions On World Court If It Issues Arrest Warrants For Israelis


What’s the connection between jews and wogs. Godfather 2.

Mo Green.

Jews are just higher iq wogs.


Jews are wogs that’s don’t like soccer.


Jews are wogs that can’t be bothered painting the sistine chapel and making bulk tomato sauce jars.

A fly in your ointment

sounds like a new line of jokes:

Jews are wogs which…..


This tier of whiteness was annoying.

Like you can just hang there being white and hot without experiencing the broader implications of your decisions.


We know mate, you just hate white Australians.

I’m sure you’d prefer Black musicians