Hate speech and civil society

Drew Pavlou posted this and it’s been picked up by onenation: It purports to show an Israeli being told by a muslim nurse in Australia that she is killing jews in Australian hospitals. Given the passing of the hate speech laws, this may have been staged to justify them. It is normal not to trust … Read more


Never really watched the Footy show (at least the Victorian version of it) I don’t know a lot about Sam Newman and have never really listened to him other than as a passing curiosity in terms of whatever news, scandal or outrage he managed to generate through his own public behaviour. However, given the work … Read more

How Australia ceased to be a nation

The claim that mass immigration began as part of the ‘populate or perish’ doctrine post WW2 only part of the story and neglects important context. Marc Moncrieff read Arthur Calwell’s memoirs and wrote this review: https://xyz.net.au/2025/01/arthur-calwell-and-his-memoirs-be-just-and-fear-not He quotes: “If Australians have learned one lesson from the Pacific war….it is surely that we cannot continue to … Read more

Kalgoorlie property

I have been checking out Kalgoorlie in the data. There are 225 properties for sale and 75 for rent according to realestate.com.au . Growth has been tapering even as Perth continued to go nuts: https://www.yourinvestmentpropertymag.com.au/top-suburbs/wa/6430-kalgoorlie (go to the bottom for links to the other kalgoorlie suburbs) From ABS: https://abs.gov.au/census/find-census-data/quickstats/2016/LGA54280 2016 population: 30,059 2021 population: 29,306 … Read more

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year to one and all. Best wishes for 2025. This post has been done purely so I don’t have to look or comment to you all beneath a post by that sniveling idiot whose lack of Perspicuity is only matched by his lack of Perspicacity, the strongest dovetail of stupidity. Having nothing much … Read more

Effects of lending micro powers to every Jake and Jill finally go megabomb. Will it go nuclear?

(or in 150yo EZ-fkers tradition, will it fizzle out soon?) On a lateral topic, it is noice to see that “blame thy joo/poo/slopoo/aboo/negroo” ran out of steam and only cometh out of its crevices when Dumbo inspires them, then vanish into off-topic. Noice. What can go wrong when every Jake and Jill is given power … Read more

EZfka achieves an important milestone: a 5 day post with absence or negligible blame on “poojeets, negroes, abos, jews, slopes, etc”

Well done ez-fkers! in this post we get to observe the beginning of TDS, or better known as Trump Derangement Syndrome. Next 4 years are likely to be followed with no news being aired without something somehow being blamed on Trump. This replaces previous PDS (you know what it means). These 2 combined become (in … Read more

Who Radicalized you?

[Stewie: The below is published without permission from some rando on Twitter – I haven’t made any edits other than attempting to re-instate the paragraph spacing that disappeared when I did the alt Copy and Paste] In my first month of college, I was banned from a debate tournament because I’m white. The club president … Read more

How long can the loss of social cohesion be ignored in the EZFKA?

The protests in favour Hezbollah are just the beginning. Mass immigration has already destroyed the old Australian culture. https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/09/multicultralism-disintegrates It’s destroyed the private sector and productivity: https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/10/canadian-and-australian-economies-live-off-the-public-teat https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/2024/10/chalmers-productivity-sinkhole-deepens There is worse to come: “There are three solvents of social trust: 1) the self-aggrandizement of insiders; 2) decay of competence, and 3) precarity, generated by soaring … Read more