Australia is being destroyed by immigration on purpose and it’s time for you to start acknowledging this

So, you may have seen the figures stating how many migrants came into Australia in January alone from the ABS:

We’ve also got three of our major cities in the top ten globally for homelessness:

You will soon be competing against Gazans for tent space.

We’ve also got a fresh batch of foreign criminals about to be let out of immigration detention, because some Iranian criminal has decided he’s suddenly bisexual (lol his lawyer probably told him to say that) and will allegedly face persecution for being a homo back in Iran, rather than face some actual consequence.

In my view, Mark Dreyfus is doing this on purpose because he knows how the High Court will rule. This is the guy that signed off on the lawyers and funded that led to the first lot being let out.

Remember, this is also the same High Court that would have adjudicated on the Voice to Parliament.

You’ve also got increasing attacks on white Australia’s history and heritage with no one peep from those so-called based Senators Antic, Canavan and Rennick or Dutton for that matter:

You’ve also got Daniel Andrews and Dave Sharma going to Israel for some reason because the Jewish lobby don’t control Australian politics:

Obviously he’s going over to gain a contract for the CFMEU to build the Third Temple.

The long and short of it is, all of this is being done deliberately in an attempt to destroy the country. Bringing in large groups of economic parasites who don’t give a fuck about the country and are just as much on the economic zone take as the current group of parasites in Lee and Collins Street, is a surefire way to demoralise and destabilise the country, as well as render the locals politically impotent.

This is exacty how the Chinese took over Tibet and Xinjiang by moving in a large numbers of Han in very quickly after militarily occupying them.

This is already known to regular EZFKA posters, however the cope I’m seeing online and everywhere else that it’s just ‘incompetence’ and ‘stupidity’ is becoming annoying.

They don’t give a fuck if you’re living in a tent, have no wage growth, get forced out of your job because Harpreet decided to hire all of his mates, Deng kicked your door in at 3am to steal your car, or Fafita from Tonga runs over your family in regional NSW because he was drunk and driving on an international licence – it’s a feature, not a bug.

They closed the borders at will over a cold from China for two years, they can do the same right now if they wanted to, but they won’t allow a return to that brief window of wage growth, decreased rents and house prices (until Scomo went money printer go brrr anyway) because that’s the plan.

So, where does that leave us?

Well, our current nationalist party is too busy trying to get you to buy alcohol so they can make shit cartoons about every other non-important topic, instead of hammering the government 24/7 on this topic which should be a dead-tell to the normies that Pauline Hanson is a useless gatekeeper and fraud.

Voting is a WOFTAM. Even if you are one of these tards that still believes in muh democracy, even after South Australia are going ahead with a Voice to Parliament despite voting against it federally, if you’re outnumbered, you’re outvoted.

We’re seeing all kinds of social cohesion issues spring up and the ethnic lobbying is getting absolutely ridiculous, to the point of Indians wanting funeral pyres for their dead in Melbourne. The Jewish imposed multicultural façade is collapsing (good), because even the huge police state that it requires to keep it all together can’t even do that anymore.

Tl;dr you are seeing the Cloward-Piven strategy being used against Australia and every other Anglo nation at warp 10.

It’s deliberate, and denying it is wasting far more time and energy than trying to solve it.  I’m just sick of the cope from the usual suspects pretending that it’s not.

The focus needs to be on who is directing the local management of Australia to open our borders, because the real story is it’s mostly not coming from within.

Alejandro Mayorkas’ background is a good start.

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Great read. Completely agree. Things certainly seem to be getting to a terminal stage.

Is it okay to share this?

A fly in your ointment

The message is good but arguments are poor, actually quite bad.
See this:

This is exacty how the Chinese took over Tibet and Xinjiang by moving in a large numbers of Han in very quickly after militarily occupying them.

In our case it’s as if Tibetanese are vacuuming Hans’ themselves at the rate of 1% of Tibet population per annum,
whilst making Hans perceived public enemy because of some imaginary military expansion.

It’s the people which you and every Mick and Sheila voted over the last 1/4 of the century who are destroying this penal colony.

Agent 47

The message is good but arguments are poor, actually”

From the undisputed champion of poor arguments.

No, this is exactly what the CCP did to Tibet and Xinjiang in the 50’s because they knew what would happen on a long enough timeline demographically. Stanley Coe and Israel Epstein were Mao’s advisers and this was part of their long term strategy for those regions, they were bent over as part of 17 point agreement after the Kuomintang lost the civil war.

Now they are both politically impotent in their own homelands.


Now they are both politically impotent in their own homelands.

So are the native chinese in china…

totalitarianism and all that.

Agent 47

Mao’s Jews: How Jews Helped To Install Communism In China

Well if that’s true the jews are absolute idiots because the first thing communism did was crush all religion.


Bolshiviks did the same – executed a huge number of Russian Orthodox priests…. yet weirdly one of the very first laws the Revolution passed was to make anti-Semitism a crime.

One of the big rules in the Talmud is to not allow Gentiles to developed their own beliefs and rule system. Abolishing religion while ensuring the belief system of the state is in alignment with their Noahide laws effectively kills two birds with one stone.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie
A fly in your ointment

@ dirty Hary wannabe 47

Fluck, that response on dirty cops (as if there are many that are not) must’ve spoiled your ointment and caused your vein on forehead to almost explode!


Good morning Columbus, I DID agree on slopes flucking the other mob, thats given. I actually said that comparing destructuon of australië, which convict-REinvestors support and enable, is NOT comparable to sexample with slopes of China and Tibet.
But if you did not knee jerked you’d see that, lol.


Nice to see you back.


Until those who are forcing these policies upon us have reason to fear for their safety and those that they love, then they will continue to punish us with their vision of making Australia a better place.

There will be no end to this until they live in fear.

the arborist

We should make the effort to confront our local political ‘representatives’ and ensure they know we’re on to them and that they are despised. Physically seek them out at their offices and at their community meetings.

If our representatives don’t love their constituents, the only other viable option is for them to fear us. Drive them out of office by any peaceful means possible. Exhaust all peaceful options until there are none left. And then after that…


Just skip the peaceful stuff. They already know they are despised. They fear being disendorsed by their party far more than they will fear anything other than actual violence, ie a polly or 30 actually ending up dead.

Drive them out of office by any peaceful means possible.

There are thousands more staffers lining up for literally years to decades to take their place.

the arborist

Fair enough, but there’s a meaningful difference between confronting them online and confronting them in the flesh.

Actual violence at this stage will bring out the full force of the state. I don’t think it’s viable right now – but then I suppose that means I’m not an accelerationist.


Actual violence at this stage will bring out the full force of the state. I don’t think it’s viable right now

Then most of the population supports the status quo. And all the other stuff you said won’t work either.
Shit will literally have to get so real that a significant chunk of the population supports violence as the only viable solution.

Like that haiti thing, i heard one of the gang leaders that is taking over is former police. And the gangs can only take over with implicit support of the military and police, unless they are such a huge force that they outnumber them.

Rulers can only rule if the population accepts that rule. They can start killing off people that won’t accept and try to threaten others to accept or die but fundamentally you can only rule someone who accepts being ruled by you.

the arborist

So what do we do then? Politely sit and wait until some madlad starts the party?


You can do whatever you want.
Russians lived for a lifetime under communism.
The reality is a madlad or 10 simply can’t do anything effective. Not unless you are elon musk wealthy anyway.

the arborist

So there’s no solution and no viable actions? We just sit and wait for the future to sort itself out?


Welcome to reality.
Unless you can organise yourself into a big enough group or become singularly wealthy and powerful enough you have no ability to shape the future.
The people who are already in that category are already shaping the future for their benefit. You need to be more wealthy either singularly or as a group if you plan to change that. Or big enough in number and willing to use violence with enough support from the populace as a whole.

Personally I just choose to bitch into the void that is the internet. The other options are a bit dark…


I’d recommend this as a first intro if you really want to take over and get shit done:

The Rules for Rulers

A fly in your ointment

Decorate the lampposts


Another example is Yemen. Watch “Rise of the Houthi”.
They took the capital in 4 days, it suggests a decent amount of public support.
The filmmaker arrived about a week after the takeover happened, and it was interesting seeing the Houthi ‘rebels’ go into government offices and start asking the officials exactly what they have done with Yemens money.
It actually looked quite civilized compared to what you’d otherwise be led to believe.


This is nonsense. The “diagnosis” is nonsense and so is the conclusion that you draw from it.

You’re assuming that there is some kind of elite (presumably jewish?) conspiracy to destroy your vision of Australia. This is vanishingly unlikely.

But even if you were right, then making the jews “live in fear” can’t be the answer. Because the average dude who runs the local print shop or works in the dentist surgery who might be put in fear wouldn’t be the one pulling the strings of government.

And the ones pulling the strings of government wouldn’t be put in fear because they are rich and powerful and insulated from such fear.


it doesnt have to be a conspiracy. the idea is that a group of strongly ethnically identified jews believe, either implicitly or even explicitly, that a less monolithically white australia was beneficial to their ethnic group interests. so they advanced this via academic/political/economic activities of various kinds. its simple evolutionary group strategy, based at least in the case of jews on what are called social identity mechanisms.

its not this shadowy group of explicit conspirators all sitting around a table in a lair in switzerland brainstorming how they can ruin australia (though it wouldnt surprise me if there was some of that going on somewhere), its a partially coincidental ‘meeting of the minds’ where certain, not all, ethnically identified jews have concluded that multiculturalism, fewer white people around etc, would make australia and other places safer for them to live in. that’s the argument put forward by kevin macdonald in culture of critique. in the case of some individuals they are outright explicit about it and just say so directly.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Maybe I need to read this Macdonald text you mention so that I can better understand where this loopy thinking comes from.

the idea of some kind of jewish ethnic interest manifesting as a multigenerational project to achieve a “less white Australia” sounds absolutely deranged.

the only aspect of it that is recognisable is that it follows the template of
[something one doesn’t like] + [the jews did it]


how is it loopy? a jewish guy just has to have a huge chip on their shoulder about “gentiles” or “white people” (and they very obviously so commonly do) for that to infuse into their personal thinking and impact the policies they endorse, what they write, etc. it is hard for you to understand because you’re presumably white so strongly identified ethnic fellow feeling and various ethnically based social identity mechanisms (in group vs out group identification, bunker mentality etc) are not as psychologically apparent for you.

more ethnocentric groups such as jews have thoughts dominated by these paradigms more strongly than especially northern european groups in the contemporary world. it is also apparent in groups which are more consanguineous and have higher rates of inbreeding preference, which includes jews but also gypsies, irish travellers, mountain peoples such as chechnens etc.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Maybe I need to read this Macdonald text you mention so that I can better understand where this loopy thinking comes from.

Maybe you should.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

How does worrying about anything jew specific actually fix the thing?
The problem is the results can be achieved by anyone doing the thing. Fix the thing.
Jew is simply a distraction that is at best a waste of time and at worst truly counterproductive as you miss most of the problem from non jews engaging in the same behaviour.

It also makes your position ridiculously easy to attack…

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

how does posting on this shithole fix the thing? no one is fixing the thing, its not going to be fixed.


hating/blaming the jews won’t fix the thing either…


no will replying to me all day, but here you are hey


Yep, just a quick question. How much time have you spent on ezfka in the last 6 months?
How much do you think I have?
And why do you think I don’t have my password for my actual account?

What times am i actually posting?


“Yep, just a quick question. How much time have you spent on ezfka in the last 6 months?”

too much


IMHO it is important to identify the cultural source for where these ideas of MultiCult and open borders continuously manifests from and is reborn from.

I believe that a transient parasitic culture that makes itself at home in other people’s societies and then using a past rule book of how to gain influence and achieve their physical and financial security, is a logical choice for the source and continuous repropagation of these notions and ideas.

If you cannot attack these ideas at source, which is cultural, then they will continuously reinfect the hosts social narrative.

Secular Jews as a disporia are not toxic, it is the highly endogamous Jews from Eastern Europe that gave rise to Bolshivism, Zionism and Marxism that are the main problem. They are all to willing to use other Jews as their sword and shield and sacrifice them without hesitation in order to achieve their own goals.

MacDonalds 6 part series “The War on White Australia” is interesting, even if you don’t reach the same conclusions as the author, simply for the history that it reveals in terms of Jewish involvement in promoting policies that most people seem to believe spontaneously and organically developed themselves.


a lot of secular jews are pretty toxic imo. increasingly their identity is fading but a lot of them are still highly self-deceived i.e pro-israel but anti-nationalism outside of israel, etc. in the opening phase of yom kippur when egypt was kicking their ass a lot of less identified jews turned out to be more jewish than they thought they were, though that was a long time ago.


IF you think they were getting their arses kicked on a holiday you’d really hate to see what would happen if australia got attacked on christmas. The entire military and government is on a 2 week stand down.


wasnt just due to that but the fact that their air force was not able to be used due to the clever use of SAM batteries, as well as the first time use of fly by wire rockets which destroyed a lot of israeli tanks. first time israel had to deal with an army that had came prepared and they couldnt just use air power

man you REALLY have a hard on for the jews, what’s your last name?


If you say so, just like hamas was giving hell to israel, until they mobilised…

If egypt was so shit hot how come with a massive initial advatage they still got beat?


bc the syrians fucked up in the golan which was inevitable and anwar sadat was forced politically (extremely reluctantly) to move his forces outside of the SAM umbrella the egyptian army created so the israeli airforce piecemeal destroyed the egyptians.

your co-ethnic brethren israeli heroes probably would have won eventually regardless but it would have been a lot harder

but yeah israel totally kicking ass in gaza that shit is still ongoing lmao theyre literally fighting a 10,000 strong militia or whatever it is

everyone made fun of the russians for how long it took them to take mariupol but that was done far more efficiently than the ongoing disaster thats still unfolding every day in the gaza strip.


e made fun of the russians for how long it took them to take mariupol but that was done far more efficiently than the ongoing disaster thats still unfolding every day in the gaza strip.

Having huge amounts of land to operate in does offer some advantages…


also not being an army full of surprisingly incompetent near eastern inbreds


lol, if the russians weren’t incompetent they would have won the war in weeks…

I’d say the isrealis have a pretty good win/loss ratio compared with virtually any other country on earth from 1950 to now.
How many wars has the US lost, or russia.

Did you get abused in a hebrew school or the local rabbi or something?


“lol, if the russians weren’t incompetent they would have won the war in weeks…”

no not possible unless they had a monumentally enormous army and the productive capacity to back it up which they didnt and still dont.

the israelis have a great win loss ratio bc they have been fighting arabs who produce the most incompetent armies in modern times outside of sub-saharan africa, not bc theyre exactly that flash themselves. certainly not anymore.


no not possible unless they had a monumentally enormous army and the productive capacity to back it up which they didnt and still dont.

Maybe they should have realised that before invading.
What I am hearing is a lot of 20/20 hindsight excuses for getting their arse kicked.


Maybe they should have realised that before invading.”
the idea was that ukraine would just not fight like georgia in 09, that was plan A anyway. plan B was to fight a long slow war of attrition w/o disrupting public life too much in the russian federation, and that is still ongoing. the war will probably end when ukraine runs out of bodies just like has been told you a million times before.


saying it over and over again doesn’t make it true.

At least not to people with functioning brains.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

if only you applied that logic to your own thoughts


I think Moshe Dayan said that the greatest advantage the Israelis had was that they were fighting Arabs.


Post WW2 australia was very open borders and multi cult, all the greeks italians and so on. Was that all pushed on us by the jews as well?
Or was that driven by the benjamins and self interest.


Post WW2 australia was very open borders and multi cult, all the greeks italians and so on. Was that all pushed on us by the jews as well?

No – they were accepted as WW2 refugees (there was already a significant amount of Italian immigration into Aust by then.

However it is worth noting that the immigration surge you pointed out was also conducted under the auspices of immigration by “Integration and Assimilation”, and by and large most of them did.

What Jews did, and Zionist jews in particular, was push to change the requirements of immigration from “Integration and Assimilation” which they viewed as acceptance of genocide, to MultiCult.

Have a read of MacDonalds the “War on White Australia” – it is very clear what their motivations were and their goals, which they have largely succeeded in.


are you sure that article series was written by k-mac? thought it was written by someone else, unless the name was a pseudonym


You are correct “Brenton Sanderson” but I remember first reading it through K-Mac’s Occidental Observer.


the idea of some kind of jewish ethnic interest manifesting as a multigenerational project to achieve a “less white Australia” sounds absolutely deranged.

Honestly Peachy – that is Judaism. They view their existence through a multigenerational lens, that is the number one reason why they have it over us atomised gentiles.

Many Rabbis will proudly list off their ancestral linage back centuries, most Westerners would have trouble naming their great grandparents.

Their cultural goal is to inherit the earth, and their Egregore is continuously working to achieve that goal.


they to this day refuse to walk under titus’ triumphal arch in rome, their grudgeholding capacity is phenomenal and transcends time/space

no wonder theyve been hanging shit the whole time on the egyptians since they rocked up again in the levant last century

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

the idea is that a group of strongly ethnically identified jews believe, either implicitly or even explicitly, that a less monolithically white australia was beneficial to their ethnic group interests. so they advanced this via academic activity,

I bet you can find a group of indians, muslims, russians, italians greeks, aboriginals, armenians, africans and on and on that also did this.
Always back self interest.


yeah im absolutely sure you can. guess who was way more influential though?


Those backed by people with money?


are you saying jews have lots of money?

uh oh.


No, I’m saying businesses with aligned interests support useful idiots of any background sprouting policies that benefit them.
How do you think these jews influenced government policy? The only people with access to politicians in any meaningful way are big dollar donors.


well if you had been saying that you would have said something correct for once

theyre one of the per capita richest ethnic groups if not the richest, definitely the richest at the the extreme end of human wealth. ashkenazi jews dominate global ‘richest’ lists; its a consequence of both an unusually elevated average IQ (about ~108 or so in adulthood) that has a heavily weighted verbal profile as opposed to performance (VIQ > PIQ) which correlates much more strongly with mercantile skill, and ethnic networking effects.

for the record this is one of the reasons oriental east asians which also have higher average iqs than europeans tend to underperform a bit socioeconomically (especially at the highest levels of mercantile performance), bc their IQ profile is more performance rather than verbal (PIQ
> VIQ).

an ususually elevated average IQ and verbal IQ profile also helps in the ‘influence’ sphere quite a bit bc it obviously facilitiates capacity in language, and what is influence other than the conversion of language into power.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

So it’s not all about the benjamins they just do this and are coincidentally wealthy?



yes? its both, jew academics, jew journalists, jew politicans, jew theoreticians, jew lawyers jew businessmen. all disproportionately influential in the formation of contemporary australia, the australian immigration complex and australian multiculturalism.


you are playing into the conspiracists hands. Much like the US distraction of blame the whites, blacks and hispanics.

The WEALTHY are the problem. ALL THE WEALTHY. the 0.1%.

But kill all the jews. that will fix thing.


holy shit i give up lmao

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Ok, you keep saying that but yet here you are telling me I’m wrong but avoiding answering any questions.

Feel free to replace kill with stop them from doing whatever it is you think the jews specifically are doing. The end result is the same.


ive answered literally all your questions and all i get is strawman after strawman

you just extract more to my words than what i write to you, and top it off with some bs about genocide

ni sorry

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

you don’t even know what a strawman is.

This kinda looks like one

are you saying jews have lots of money?

uh oh.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

i know its the character from the wizard of oz you most strongly identify with bc you havent got a brain

the arborist

Maybe he just means politicians and their owners (whoever they might be) rather than jews. But whatever is happening – it can’t be mere incompetence. The majority of citizens are against mass immigration – and they know this – yet that’s what we get in ever increasing volume.

Either the ruling class are deliberately trying to destroy us or they’re flooding us with consumer units because they don’t want a massive economic crash to be on their watch. Probably both. The end result and the solution is the same either way.


ither the ruling class are deliberately trying to destroy us or they’re flooding us with consumer units because they don’t want a massive economic crash to be on their watch. Probably both.

increased consumer units = increased profits for big business.
Increased labour pool = lower wage costs = increased profits
increased population = increased housing demand = increased property profits

You see grand plans where none exist. Although maybe a little of avoiding a massive crash is built in the majority is doing what the donors want, and the donors want more profits. It’s that simple.
See KRudd and resource tax.

the arborist

There are too many incidences across western countries happening simultaneously for it to be simple market forces. UK and Australia at almost exactly the same time massively ramped up immigration only to reduce it slightly (but still well above the previous rate) and then claimed they’d taken action.

Maybe it’s paranoia, but there seem to be a hell of a lot of coincidences.


The biggest and wealthiest companies are multinational…

and the market forces at play are fundamentally the same throughout the west.

the arborist

So market forces somehow cause two different western governments to use exactly the same sneaky ploy at exactly the same time. Amazing.


It’s the most freaking obvious ploy ever, especially after 2 years of zero immigration due to covid. Crank it to max to catch up and then lower back to long run average and claim you are doing something.

I bet it was called on this site during covid that this is exactly what would happen.


i was the one who called it

but just bc its obvious to perceptive people on this site doesnt mean the average legacy unit with an IQ of a brick would clue on. and they mostly havent.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

They mostly don’t care even if they are smart enough.


agree unfortunately. im on the ozcuckian school of thought w that

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

Being obvious doesn’t make it any less sneaky. And it happened at exactly the same time in two different countries. Just a coincidence of powerful market forces, I’m sure.

So these otherwise omnipotent market forces don’t have any effect on big media / news / entertainment who keep alienating their viewers with woke garbage, but they still keep pumping it out? Why might they be immune to forces that cow governments?


Why might they be immune to forces that cow governments?

Because very wealthy investors want cheap labour and increased customers for their large global businesses and are willing to lose some money on entertainment and news that pushes an agenda to push policies that achieve that?

It’s an investment, just like political donations…

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

Someone on MB once said ‘markets? you mean the rich’

Seems relevant


I didn’t mentioned Jews, I was focused on our elites – being politicians and media. These are the people that are facilitating it either through their twisted morality or through outright corruption.

That said the Jewish community, particularly the Zionist Jewish community of the likes of Mark Leibler, have an outsized impact on the political superstructure of Australia, who is well documented at interfering with our democracy and getting rid of PM’s he doesn’t like).

While Peachy and most Normies have no trouble conceiving that their might be evil white Nazi supremacists, they have a great deal of difficulty believing that the same endogamous, ethnic hatred towards white people might exist in other cultures like Zionist Jews, and that they may actively take steps to influence national policies in order to achieve their goals – like removing inconvenient prime ministers like Kevin Rudd.

While I didn’t mentioned Jews by name, it certainly wouldn’t hurt if the Jewish Zionist Business leaders in Australia, who spend vast amounts on political donations, were also made to feel a little fear.


“While Peachy and most Normies have no trouble conceiving that their might be evil white Nazi supremacists, they have a great deal of difficulty believing that the same endogamous, ethnic hatred towards white people might exist in other cultures like Zionist Jews”

its amazing how powerful the brainwashing has been. only white people can be racist, only white people can hate other races and groups, only white people can construct putative superstructures that oppress other groups for their own benefit, attendant logic cannot however be applied — even with the level of nuance and specificity it was in say macdonald’s trilogy (which is far more moderated and less monolithic towards ‘jews’ than say, CRT style theoretical discourse is towards ‘white people’) — to any other group. its astounding.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yes, the bad jews hurt you. They are responsible for all the woes of the world. Don’t try and fix the woes, just fix the jews.

You are caught in exactly the same trap. Worry about the ethnic groups rather than causes and solutions to the actual problem.


“Don’t try and fix the woes, just fix the jews.”

tbh it definitely might help a bit


So you are down with fuck off the jews, not fix the problem. Got any swastikas at home?

This is why I say anyone with this attitude is a useful idiot just like pauline hanson, you don’t further a solution and also poison the debate about the problem.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

are you? you definitely seem to like talking about fixing the jews a lot, you’ve brought it up like four times when no one else has brought it up even once. it seems to be on your mind an awful lot.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

as for the swaztikas at home, well im posting from my living room right now


Funnily enough, I spotted this relatively innocuous post by some literal Communist. Trying to make a point in this ‘60’s Civil Rights photo.

I looked at the name of the man pushing this Aboriginal to break the law for his own virtue signalling.


Communist party? Aarons sounds like a surname I’d recognise as being from Eastern Europe post WW2. Especially in a time where most surnames were almost entirely Anglo. Better Google that name.


Maybe an Early Life Check?





Lisa Maloney

Can these articles be shared on social media?


If you are game.
(I do occasionally and the EZFKA twitter account does it regularly)

Lisa Maloney

Thanks but not very savvy with computers and I couldn’t find any share icon. Of course I am game.


Just grab the HTTP address and post it in your twitter post

It won’t post a picture, just the WordPress symbol, so I usually post a picture to go along with it, cause you need funky eye candy for most people to bother taking a look.


Ever share any of mine?


No cope here. I went from “These people are fucking things up. How can they be so stupid as to believe all the shit they spout?” To “These people are evil, they’re deliberately fucking us over and they need shooting” many years ago.

Also agree about voting. All politicians on all sides work for their owners. We’re not gonna vote our way out of this.

Agent 47

I wouldn’t waste ammunition, it’s too humane.


Destroying Australia is merely a side effect.
It’s all about the benjamins baby.

but they won’t allow a return to that brief window of wage growth, decreased rents and house prices

The focus needs to be on who is directing the local management of Australia to open our borders, because the real story is it’s mostly not coming from within.

If it stops being profitable it will stop. Anything else probably won’t stop it short of actual revolution.

dead-tell to the normies that Pauline Hanson is a useless gatekeeper and fraud

Anyone who isn’t doesn’t get media attention and ends up going nowhere. That’s the reality of our democracy.

Controlling these things costs money. Lots of money. If it didn’t also make lots of money it couldn’t continue.

Remember, this is also the same High Court that would have adjudicated on the Voice to Parliament.

At least the people got a say on that. Although I think albo is just a useful idiot and didn’t even understand the ramifications of what he was doing.

Agent 47

“Destroying Australia is merely a side effect.
It’s all about the benjamins baby.”

No, it’s the other way around.


No, it isn’t.
Are these same people destroying poor countries for ideological reasons?
The local gangs are taking over haiti and noone gives a crap.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

it hasnt been about the money at all to the ethnically identified jews who have pushed mass immigration and multiculturalism


it hasnt been about the money at all to the ethnically identified jews who have pushed mass immigration and multiculturalism

Like who?
Are they working at the local coles, or are they a property developer?
Maybe a business owner who wants cheap labour?

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

a lot were listed in the article i just posted


Speaking to an “Invasion Day” protest rally in Melbourne this year, Aboriginal activist Tarneen Onus-Williams, screamed: “Fuck Australia,”

All about reparations ie the benjamins

And a dead scholar and author no one has heard of. Maybe I should have qualified my statement with “effective”.

his entire wikipedia entry:

olin Tatz AO (18 July 1934 – 19 November 2019) was the director of the Australian Institute for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Professor of Politics at the University of New England, Armidale, and at Macquarie University, Sydney. Biography

Colin Tatz was born in South Africa on 18 July 1934. He was a graduate of the University of Natal and Australian National University. In 1964 Tatz received his Ph.D. from the Australian National University. He authored several books and published articles on race politics, genocide, the Holocaust,[2]antisemitism, and racism in sport.


why is it so hard for you to understand people can be motivated by more than one thing at once. its money but its also other stuff too.

also thats just.. one person mentioned amongst 505050505 in the article

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Again, is it happening in any place other than wealthy western countries?
What other stuff do you think is causing it?
It’s also not just restricted to jews.
Indians want funeral pyres, muslims want everyone else to fuck off and so on.
It is all fundamentally self interest and nothing more. We want stuff for us because reasons.


“It is all fundamentally self interest and nothing more. We want stuff for us because reasons.”

why does self interest have to be specifically only about money?

i dont understand the rest of your post sorry


Well what else is it about? We want you to fuck off out of your country so we can have it to burn it to the ground?
Or we can have it to exploit for our own benefit?

Give me a single reason they are doing this that is not money or resources(which are fundamentally money).


if you were dying of thirst crawling through the desert and came to an oasis where a guy guarding it offered you a gold bar or the opportunity to drink from the oasis which would be more in your self interest to pick? the gold bar worth $65,000 or the water worth $0


Well if you pick the gold bar, you then die, and the guard takes it back off you, so I’m going to go with the water.

You clearly aren’t going to be able to use the gold bar to buy access to the water as the guard is simply giving it away. He sees it as having no more value than access to the water.


OK so self interest isnt just about money that’s the point. survival or the perception of safety which may may or not be about money is also important to self-interest.


or the perception of safety which may may or not be about money

If you say so.
South central los angeles, chicago, gated communities and sub saharan africa and western countries in general all have a little to add to that particular claim.
Money seems to influence safety very strongly in my experience.


ok but for a hell of a lot of chews no amount of money is going to make them feel safe if some successor of the austrian painter gets into political office is it. if jewish anxieties about white people was all just one big proxy for making money why the fuck did they care so much about getting swaztikas and sieg hailing banned in public, wheres the financial interest in that.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

why the fuck did they care so much about getting swaztikas and sieg hailing banned in public, wheres the financial interest in that.

Wheres the safety interest in that?
This place clearly has a significant anti jew bias with not a single swazstika in sight.

My guess is it’s an extension of a desire to get any and all criticism of jews banned, so they can exploit and make as much money as they want and remain free from criticism.


“Wheres the safety interest in that?”

wtf?????? are you seriously asking this question???? you think jews are indifferent to swaztikas and sieghailing in public and dont feel unsafe by these behaviours???



“While we wish making these laws wasn’t necessary, we will always tackle antisemitism, hatred and racism head-on – because all Victorians deserve to feel accepted, safe and included.”

do you just argue for the sake of arguing

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

If it stops being profitable it will stop. 

yes, this is how to apply Occam’s razor.

short term thinking, confusing flow with profit, ability to externalise costs.

no illuminati nonsense required


immgiration isnt profitable for the state govts that bare the brunt of its costs through increased infrastructure spends etc, yet they never speak out about it and even lobby for more of it when they can (ie dan andrews). might be personally profitable for certain state govt officials but not for state govts as a whole.


It is profitable for donors to political parties and parties need those donors to be able to get into office to obtain power, status and monetary benefits of being in office.
Whatever happens in government and to the people is entirely secondary and as I said funfdamentally a side effect of doing what the donors that fund them want.





Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie
Agent 47

Are you Jewish Peachy? Genuine question.


The Normie baseline is that Jews are just like Christians, except they’re like their older cousins and wear funny little hats.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

It’s greed driving all of it. Always has been.

GDP go up.

You are essentially a number in a spreadsheet to those who staff and direct the treasury department. They will economically destroy entire areas if it means GDP is higher and aggregate wealth is up.

“Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.”


“Show me the incentives and I’ll show you the outcome.”
It’s not a hard concept yet people seem to struggle with it…


required reading, one of the best articles on where this all began

Agent 47

Yes the series on Mark Leibler is also required reading. Kevin McDonald’s work was excellent.

Agent 47

Great post Timbo.

It’s too confronting for a lot of people to accept it, hence the excuses.

Reading the Talmud over a period of 5 or so years was the enlightening experience for me.


it’s more unrealistic than confronting.

I doubt anyone would deny that ethnic and religious groups pursue group interest or sometimes view those outside their group as less than.

The problem is what we’re seeing is better explained by the greed of individuals and the way that we measure economic success.


why cant it be both?

there have been a lot of factors that have gone into the immigration cult, it hasnt been a monocausal process.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

It can be both, but if it’s the jews, it’s also the indians, the muslims, the greeks and the italians and the abos and th LGHDTV and the purple haired freaks and…

It’s not just both.


yeah but it was waaay more the jews than any of those. we already addressed this.

you are the energizer bunny of shit arguments


t it was waaay more the jews than any of those. we already addressed this.

No we didn’t, you keep saying it, but as I said before, saying it doesn’t make it true.

For an example of an argument:
If it was way more the jews than any of the other groups them the immigrants would not be anti jewish groups would they?


The normie revulsion to any questioning of Jews is imho un-natural.

For nearly all of their existence their presence in nations have been controversial and associated with financial and economic abuses, and 5th columnist activities – like throwing open the gates of Toledo.

How can I prove that it is un-natural, surveys of different population groups have to rank their percieved placement of various races – only one group ranked them unnaturally equally.

You would think that if we all truly shared the same values, as in cultural values, than people other other races living in our society would rank all races equally – they don’t.

There are only two possible answers to why these results are being returned:

1. White people are being brainwashed into thinking that all races are equal; or

2. White people are actually more morally developed, we are actually genuinely better people, by irrationally ranking all population groups identically.

The reality is that up until the last 40 or 50 years, white people would have been no different to any other population group in terms of ranking their race above others suggests that this is a recent phenonium.

By exention, if you admit that social engineering and effective brain washing is the most likely explanation for the results shown in the chart below, then it is also equally likely that the Normie revulsion towards any criticism towards Jews, and ignoring the vast amount of genuine historical criticism towards their cultural practices, is also a result of psyops and conditioning.


“Love your neighbor like you would love yourself”

is very different to

“Love your fellow Jew”

Yes as CommentBot mentions below, there are Indians, Muslims and Greeks, etc, etc who might all be acting collectively for their own interests…. but only one group has compiled it all into a collective body of 37 works and take it with them whenever they move to another city with the expressed purpose of remaining who they are instead of becoming who they are moving to.


If we want to survive as a we, we must do as they have done.


True – this is what Hitler attempted to do.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

Wonderful, so do you think a political party espousing ban all jews is going to be successful or a party suggesting that all migrants should be forced to assimilate?
Pretty sure muslims and the koran have similar things to say although I’m not an expert on the matter.
Even without any guiding book indians and africans seem to be pretty good at bringing their previous cultures with them to australia.

Ranting about the jews is not seeing the forest for the trees.


Wonderful, so do you think a political party espousing ban all jews is going to be successful 

Hell no – I’m discussing it here at this blog because I genuinely believe that the threat possed by Jewish Zionists and majority Jewish silent support of Israel, is a massively understanded issue.

I also firmly believe that Jewish culture is toxic to host societies and that they (as in the Jewish Egregore) seeks to secure its future by obtaining as much control of host societies through cultural domination, as it can.

I believe the overwhelming driving force towards feminism, Multculturalism, neoliberalism, monetarism, anti-white hatred and mass migration and paleo-neoconservatism is all sourced from Jewish intellectual headwaters.

It imho a direct result of the cultural influence of Jewish migrants, and Eastern Jewish migrants in particular, into the United States both before and after WW2.

I believe their dual morality and two faced ethical system – clearly on display in regards to their treatment of Palestinians yet still denied by most normies, is real social threat to Western self determination.

Indians and even Muslims imho pose less of a long term threat to Australia. Given enough time they will become Australian, and will be consumed by the secular society they have moved to. Where as the entire point of Judasim is to remain separate from the society they reside in – forever.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

Agreed, the sooner we stop accepting this intentional (engineered) housing shortage as an economic issue the better. It’s not an economic issue it’s a political choice deliberately created, nurtured and supported by politicians on both sides of the asile.
There are no “laissez faire” economic solutions to deliberate political interference in the functioning of markets.
We need housing availability to be seen to be a 100% political issue, with no economic excused accepted. Aussie politicians deliberately created this disaster and need to be judged for their action/inaction.


There are no “laissez faire” economic solutions to deliberate political interference in the functioning of markets.

There are fundamentally no markets without some sort of political interference either. The issue is what interference is good and what is bad.


Not sure you need Political interference but you definitely need Judicial interference to ensure that these large (for the individual) transactions have an acceptable degree of safety.
But even this minimum safety is missing in Australia (Mascot towers / Opal towers)


Not sure you need Political interference but you definitely need Judicial interference to ensure that these large (for the individual) transactions have an acceptable degree of safety.

Judicial interference only exists as an arbiter of political interference. They merely apply the laws as created by politicians.

But even this minimum safety is missing in Australia

Yes, reducing previous building standards, inspections is bad interference.
Adding them initially many many decades ago was good interference.


The real problem with Political interference in the Houising market is that this interference guarantees that other “investments” apart from housing (I know ridiculous idea in Australia) but all other investments produce sad returns when compared to the politically preferred investment.

The lack of viable alternative investments reduces market breadth, and thereby compresses available options and reduces investment diversity which directly reduces Economic Complexity.

there’s a very good reason why Australia’s Complexity Index ranking has fallen from 50’ish (ca 1995) to 90plus (ca 2023)

50th is acceptable for a country like Australia but 95th puts us in the same basket as failed African and ME states, it’s a joke!


Not arguing against any of that but a simple interference bad argument is ridiculous, especially for housing.
Land ownership can only exist in an environment of central regulation and registration.


I agree that our economy isnt as complex as it could be, but the reality is that Australia isn’t in the same basket as failed African and ME states, so it sounds to me that there’s something wrong with the metric.

Just the fact that we are able to raise train and sustain highly capable and technically advanced armed forces (eg Wedgetail AEW&C) indicates that we have a degree of complexity/sophistication here that failed states in Africa don’t have.


indicates that we have a degree of complexity/sophistication here that failed states in Africa don’t have.

Yes, but’s its a hangover from being above the point we are at now.
60 years ago we had a local aeronautical industry supplying military aircraft.
Now we can’t even build a car locally.
Where are we going to be in another 20 years. Or another 50?


Seriously watch this video
Australia is headed towards the conditions of dictatorships at a significant rate.


“No one rules alone” indeed, it is the collective will of those in charge that steer the nation and the manner in which they rule is an outgrowth of their cultural values.

Good vid if you are after a TLDR summary of Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, which it seems to draw most of its insights from.


Yup – we’re definitely going backwards at a rate of knots in terms of our manufacturing capabilities. Complex systems and manufacturing require complex economies filled with economic depth, we’ve done nothing but become shallower and narrower for 40years.

Those tech and manufacturing industries that remain exist more as a result of the collective efforts of an earlier time, like a rocket moving through space from earlier momentum long after its engines have been switched off.


forty years ago (yeah I’m old enough to have such memories) Australia was one of maybe 10 countries in the world that could develop leading edge Biomedical equipment.
We had
– extraordianary Uni’s/ Profs and gov’t research institutes.

  • top notch product R&D companies
  • capability to manufacture components for the next wizz-bang thing
  • first class medical facilities

I could go on and on but you get the picture (we had the whole encahlada). We had breadth, not simply a point capability but the structural strength (connectiveness) to combine these multiple disciplines into a world class product team. And we did.

March forward 40 years, we still have top researches but no way to translate their ideas into world class products.

As a direct result of this, our best Unis now focus their undergraduate efforts on producing degree qualified service technicians.
Why? simply because there is huge demand for these technicians to service all the imported medical equipment.
But what does that mean for would be R&D bioengineers?
well basically we don’t have demand for them so our degrees aren’t focsed on these skills, and this reality has killed our R&D and with it our support manufacturing capabilities.

We still look good on paper with smart Prof’s researching incredible things and Top medical facilities having the best equipment, but it’s not something that we can make for ourselves.

We’ve gone from one of maybe 10 countries that could develop world class medical equipment, to one country in say 150 importing medical equipment and competing to acquire the skilled technicians to support our purchases.


Aus used to have government-sponsored degrees with the proviso of quotas into required disciplines and merit-based entry. We now have a bipartisan free-for-all of toilet paper degrees. Conservatives are happy they are not funding it. Progressives are happy that any idiot is allowed to study.

We will probably end up with the worst of both worlds like in the US where they still churn out toilet paper degrees, and the government is forgiving existing student debts.

A fly in your ointment

We need housing availability to be seen to be a 100% political issue, with no economic excused accepted

And in fact it is already, for about last 25 years.
Just insert ine single word and it makes sense:

We need investment housing availability to be seen to be a 100% political issue, with no economic excused accepted

whenyou have a vast majority of RE investors in one cuntry and they are almost all voting plebs, best of luck doing any policy that will upset the financial position of the majority of your voters.
Only a depression can fix the current state and that includes immigration issue


When I lived on the Gold Coast I would see the daily increase in newcomers getting off the train, suitcase and phone GPS to guide them to their accommodation. Now I live in the middle of nowhere, with a nice beach the weekend visitors are all newcomers. I encourage them to go for a swim! I can’t imagine what it’s like for those in the big smoke.

Agent 47

You can’t outrun this, it will eventually show up in your town.


if its happening in dubbo its happening everywhere.

Agent 47

Yep. Same plan in action all over the globe.

South Korea and Japan are now being targeted as well under the excuse of muh falling birth rates, so this isn’t just a white country thing. The small hats don’t want cultural uniformity in a ethno-nationalist sense anywhere on the planet.

At least this post has flushed out the gatekeepers, efforts to gatekeep this at this stage of the game are completely futile but can’t blame them for trying I guess.


South Korea and Japan are now being targeted as well under the excuse of muh falling birth rates, so this isn’t just a white country thing. The small hats don’t want cultural uniformity in a ethno-nationalist sense anywhere on the planet.

How big is the jewish community in japan and south korea?

Agent 47

Right on cue


So nonexistent then?

You are the useful idiot…

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

The more I argued with Commentbot, the better I came to know his
dialectic. First he counted on the stupidity of his adversary, and
then, when there was no other way out, he simply played
stupid. If all this didn’t help, he pretended not to understand, or,
if challenged, he changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes
which, if you accepted them, he immediately related to entirely
different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and
pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you
tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like
slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next
moment collected again. But if you really struck him
so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn’t help but
agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step
forward, your amazement was great the next day. He had not the
slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old
nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly
challenged, affected amazement; he couldn’t remember a thing, except
that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn’t know what to be more
amazed at: the agility of his tongue or his virtuosity at lying.

Gradually I grew to hate him.


i actually enjoy talking to him though so this is just a joke !!!!!!

the arborist

All his comments seem to be “move along, nothing to see here” or “ok, there is something happening but it’s entirely innocent and there’s nothing we can do about it”.

ju mao

the arborist

JFK assassinated? Just market forces, bro.
Joe Biden installed? Market forces!
Donald Trump demonised and lied about non-stop by every mass media outfit? Market forces again.


commentbot is a real dialectical materialist


Its the freemasons, isn’t it?
Or maybe aliens, lizard people?
Rock people? Fraggles?
NAh, it’s the jews.



why cant it be more than one thing at once genius


It can, but if it’s more than one thing does fixing one thing fix the thing, or do you think maybe you should consider all the things?

Especially the actual one consequential thing.
The poor jews on the gaza strip are not having any impact on political decisions in auistralia.
Wealthy people are.
All wealthy people, not just jewish wealthy people.

And the non jewish ones are happy to have you idiots making it all about the jews so you are both easy to demonify and will never solve the problem anyway since you miss most of it.

the arborist

He’s probably not familiar with Venn diagrams.


Because he’s a binary thinking NPC.


Yep, I’m the binary thinker, not the people claiming all the problems in australia are because of the jews…

of course they also offer no solution that is possible to fix the problem that is all because of the jews. Maybe discussing and fixing the actual problems might be a more productive use of time, but no, it’s the jews.
Even if it’s true that it’s the jews, saying it’s the jews is still counterproductive.


lol at Fraggles!


Lmao i laughed at that too


and all yours seem to be jew bad, fuck jews, they did it.
If only we got rid if the jews the problem would go away.
What a complete crock of shit.

the arborist

Incorrect. But there is indeed something more sinister going on than free market forces. Who / what is it? Is it the people who control mass media? Bankers? Arms manufacturers? Who?


Who do you think controls mass media.
The person who owns it? Or some shady council of people planning the entire path of the world?

Test Case. What happened at twitter when ownership changed to Elon Musk.
A) nothing
B) A very significant shift in underlying bias of the organisation?


B obviously…. I haven’t had an account banned at Twitter since he bought it. Previously I would lose one every 6mths.


me either, i got banned there as frequently as i did on reddit prior to musk


But my conspiracy, the chews.

Elon musk clearly has FU money and has made it abundantly clear by his actions he is not interested in getting wealthier but is actually interested in doing good.
I believe his comment to bob iger and his social engineering BS was Fuck you bob.


they still ban people and anti semitic poasting gets throttled. keith woods, syrian girl, joel davis etc have complained about it.

when elon himself dipped his toes in the water it was red alert and he was whisked off to israel and auschwitz and netanyahu consulted him privately. same thing happened with kanye. the site changed after that but its still a bit better than it used to be.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Elons a busy dude, from what I can gather the site drifts back to it’s former self when he is otherwise occupied. Over time the staff will be turned over and replaced with people aligned with him rather than the previous culture. You can’t purge everyone on day 1 but he got rid of the worst of the lot early on.

This is also the fundamental method of controlling the narratove of the mainstream media. Rupert isn;t vetting every article published, merely hiring people allthe way down the chain that align with his values and produce what he wants, and firing anyone who doesn’t.


I think only two other people got your joke.

Interesting that the latest panic is the ability of AI to translate the unspeakable one’s speeches into English as though he were speaking it in first person to the listener.



nvest. Could never convince my wife to live that far away from a major city. But for others where this works it’s a great option IMO.

continued from previous:

I looked at investing in whyalla a decade ago and decided that the capital gains weren’t there and that if anything major required maintenance in the building any gains achieved from the rent would evaporate for very many years. Looking at prices recently it seems I was right about the capital gains.
Is there a decent positively geared return these days?


Many people that move far away end up moving back to the city. The 6-hour round trips to specialist becomes tiresome once they inevitably start having health issues.

Places like Coolangatta are popular with retirees for that reason. Hospital, doctors, physio, etc all within walking distance. It doesn’t take long to travel to Brisbane or Sydney if need be.


I know. That’s why all those places are both more expensive and have higher capital gains than buttfuck nowhere like whyalla.


I challenge you to look at the metrics and find a better priced town that isn’t something like Broken Hill, a dying former has been.

Kalgoorlie meets the list.

It is simply not possible to have maisonettes selling for $160k much longer.

My mate bought a couple for $135k a year back, now valued at $165k.

20% gain a year ain’t bad and they yield 8%+ gross.

Major projects and money being thrown around the area now, so something has to give.

Agreed a decade ago it wasn’t the right move though.


a decade ago you could get one for less than 50k.

A simple land release and not a particularly big one will destroy the land value there.


No you couldn’t.

In 2019 values had dropped due to the steelworks shuttering concerns which it nearly did.

A decade ago looking at a few of them you were still looking at $100-120k.

Asking prices have only recently jumped to $160k. But were basically up 0% as of last year. Something has to give.

Re: simple land release, ok cool release a $40k plot of land. Then spent $280k building a new duplex on it.

Why buy new for $320k when you can buy on the secondary market for half that?

Again, something has to give.


No you couldn’t.

Might be 15 years ago, but you could definitely get one for 50-70k when I was looking.

Again, something has to give.

If you say so. I haven’t looked there recently.


Could be post GFC

Well if you had bought for $70k you would have doubled or better your money by today


The reality is that mass immigration is far bigger than making Jews afraid. Jews are already being frequently being targeted by Muslims, Muslims who may have not ever reached the West if not for Soros or whoever. Do you think that mass immigration is going to stop because some Muslim wasted this guy:ש-hate-crime/

Do you think Soros or Biden gives a shit about this killing? Even if every normie Jew became anti-immigration, it wouldn’t make a difference. If we think that Soros or other shadowy power-elite Jews actually care about what happens to random normie Jews enough to change their insane views to protect them, I think that is something we need evidence for. As far as I can see, nothing that happens to any normie makes the slightest difference to world leaders.


jews are a lot less afraid of muslims than austrian street painters with funny little moustaches mate. for all their whining about hamas etc. they deep down know none of these guys are any serious threat to them. israel was probably funding isis along with the u.s thats how much of a “threat” they consider this stuff.

white guys wearing arm bands is really what gives them the spooks. a few thousand people killed over the past 20+ years by muslim terrorirsts could be topped by the waffen ss-tv in half an hour

if you got every influential jew to want immigration gone itd probably be gone next week.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Jews aren’t afraid of funny moustaches, it’s just a useful narrative for self advancement, just like I’m a woman, I’m LGHDTV, I’m black, I’m hispanic, I’m aboriginal, I’m a victim, give me give me give me


“Jews aren’t afraid of funny moustaches, 



If they were, going around repeating the behaviour that led to the whole germany thing in the first place in your new countries would seem to be a pretty stupid thing to do from where I’m sitting. Seems like you might make a new moustache dude who also wants to get rid of you.


first time ive ever heard a bloke say jews arent afraid of fucking adolf hitler

romans after cannae werent afraid of hannibal either right


how many jews are even alive anymore that have firsthand experience?


roman nannies were telling stories to their kids for centuries to gome after the second punic war about hannibal; his name was interchangeable with “bogeyman”

third punic war was a revenge operation 50 years after the fact


again you have avoided the whole our behaviour caused hitler so lets do the same thing again and see if we get hitler 2 that is fundamental to the argument that this is all preordained jewish behaviour.
It either isn’t or they aren’t scared of bringing hitler 2 down on them. It can’t be both.


they are shit scared of hitler 2.0. they outright fucking say it listen to that dvir abramobitch fucker on tv, the guy who sounds like count choculas brother. way more than a few retards protesting about israel.

talking to you is a motherfucking endurance match holy shit. i cant stand it.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

So they are continuing to engage in the behaviour that is claimed by this theory that caused hitler 1.0?


not just him but yeah


they are shit scared of hitler 2.0. they outright fucking say it

North Korea outright says it is a democratic republic.
Hitler called himself a socialist.
China still calls itself communist.
I outright fucking said I’m a ballerina.
That doesn’t make it true.

People Lie. Especially if they think it will be advantageous to them.

You know that old saying about judging people by their actions not their words. It has merit.


OK jews arent spooked by hitler at all. so do a natual experiment walk through caufield dressed as hitler (cover up the swaztika armband) and walk through it later on wearing a burqa instead tell me what reactions youll get doing either.


Your argument seems to be that they tell the truth about being scared of hitler but lie to us about multicult for their own advantage?


theyre not lying. they really think multiculturalism is great for the goyim. they just dont think its great for themselves.


they just dont think its great for themselves.

Didn’t you earlier argue they do think it’s great for themselves, thats why they live here and push it on us? For THEIR benefit.


many of them think or thought its great in the sense that it atomises the white societies they live in in their diaspora and prevents the formation of hitler 2.0. notice how theres no plan to atomise israel by flooding it with migrants.


Hitler 1.0 was a literal direct result of the jews being multicult with the local germans and not assimilating.
Massive multicult is pushing everything right wing and will almost certainly lead to hitler 2.0.

notice how theres no plan to atomise israel by flooding it with migrants.

Notice how if you try to get rich in isreal your shit is likely to get blown up?
People looking to get wealthier want third world workers in countries with the rule of law of the first world. Hence multicult.
It’s not complicated and the fact multicult only exists in wealthy first world countries seems like a pretty good indicator it’s right.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

yeah and the jews still dont want to assimilate for the most part, especially non-reform jews so what’s your point. so the best way to allow them to keep doing that while preventing hitler 2.0 is make sure society is atomised and split into a bunch of diff small groups so theres no super majority (especially whites) who can form a hitler 2.0.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

MY point is that your point is completely illogical.


National Socialists and Muslims have been making alliances since the OGs and Muslims are reviving old fashioned antisemitic views on a grand scale over Israel levelling Gaza.

If mass immigration is a plan to stop Nazism, it doesn’t make sense because mass immigration has probably done more to boost the far right than anything else in recent history, while at the same time Muslims are insinuating old-school Jew hatred through their presence in the West and their voting influence.

Mass immigration may have a lot of input from Jews, but I don’t buy that it’s about stopping Nazism, which was basically already dead before mass immigration started. More likely it’s about greed and the love of power on a grand level, by a relatively small cotarie of elite scum which isn’t really close to being exclusively Jewish.


“If mass immigration is a plan to stop Nazism, it doesn’t make sense because ms immigration has probably done more to boost the far right”

why does a ‘plan’ have to make sense or be a good plan that worked to have been the plan?


nothing spooks jews more than nazis perhaps with the exception of poles and russians, whom they might hate even more. i dont think no1 knows his jewology if he reckons jews are more spooked by a few mooslims than ethnically organised white people.


Nazism spooks Jews because Nazism is actually based around Zionism.

But don’t take my word for it take a Rabbi’s truthful insights:

What is nazism? Nazism is an imitation of Judaism; Nazism adopted the principles and ideas of Judaism with which to destroy Judaism and the Jews.

Rabbi Harry Waton

Essentially all other traits of both dogmatic groups are the same – especially the view that their cultural view, be it National or Global, becomes the unrivaled view or narrative.

“Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany are the same in essence and historic tendency. …Now, the communists and the fascists will emphatically deny this; they will insist that, even economically and politically, Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany are absolutely different from each other. Well, let them deny, but we know the truth and the facts.

– Rabbi Harry Waton

As the good Rabbi says, who was alive and earnestly trying to make sense of the world writes, essentially in those days Germany and Russia were mirror images of each other except one had Jewish Socialism with global aspirations, while the other had German Socialism with their own aspirations (the book is an interesting read and viewpoint)

Jews are fearful of Nazism because they very nearly succeeded in what Europeans have been trying to do since before Martin Luther nailed his 95 thesis to the door of church, that is, expelled Jews from Europe.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

If a plan which has a purpose starts to fail, then I’d expect it to change. If we see some sort of carve-out of Muslims from the mass-immigration plan, while Hindus can continue to flood in, that would make it seem more likely.


i dont think the people who run our countries are actually that smart. the muslim thing doesnt even make sense in the context of aus anyway given theres not that many muslims who come here, its all indians and they all absolutely love israel.

most of the people moving to the u.s arent muslim either theyre catholic latin americans etc and the u.s is where the bulk of non-israel global jewry resides.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Heaps of Muslims migrating to the UK to the point where it might see its foreign policy flip eventually. Can’t really imagine a fully Jew-controlled UK allowing a wealthy Anglophone country with a permanent UNSC seat to end up with such a significant share of its population being Muslim.

If the whole purpose of mass immigration is actually just to advance Jewish interests as we understand them.


who said jews are necessarily equally influential everywhere though

they are pretty influential in australia and the u.s, maybe as much in the UK

even if thats what they wanted in the UK just bc their retarded plan backfired youre still assuming they either 1) know that 2) or care, and want to change course


It’s hard to comprehend that Jews can virtually dominate the developed world or at least the Anglosphere and operate it for their singular set of Jewish interests, but we on EZFKA understand their interests better than they themselves do so when they fail to adjust their plan when it has issues, we know better. You’d have to be massively competent to obtain that level of influence but massively incompetent to fail to adjust when issues arise.

We’ve seen a measure of the extent of Jewish influence as Israel has been cashing in its chips lately, and it is clearly quite high but falls well short of the concept of total Jewish dominance (for instance, several EU countries are condemning Israel, their courts are cutting off military supplies to Israel), and this is when applied to an issue that really nobody except Jews has a particular reason to care about.

There will be a lot more stakeholders in the matter of mass immigration which is drastically more important to national economies than Israel ever could be.


you are wasting your breath…

or finger movements i guess.


i dont understand why you think again this was some sort of grand conspiratorial plan. it doesnt work like that, this is just a strawman.

i already addressed this in my post to peachy:

“it doesnt have to be a conspiracy. the idea is that a group of strongly ethnically identified jews believe, either implicitly or even explicitly, that a less monolithically white australia was beneficial to their ethnic group interests. so they advanced this via academic/political/economic activities of various kinds. its simple evolutionary group strategy, based at least in the case of jews on what are called social identity mechanisms.

its not this shadowy group of explicit conspirators all sitting around a table in a lair in switzerland brainstorming how they can ruin australia (though it wouldnt surprise me if there was some of that going on somewhere), its a partially coincidental ‘meeting of the minds’ where certain, not all, ethnically identified jews have concluded that multiculturalism, fewer white people around etc, would make australia and other places safer for them to live in. that’s the argument put forward by kevin macdonald in culture of critique. in the case of some individuals they are outright explicit about it and just say so directly.””

you’re still addressing this like its some sort of ‘conspiracy’ when it hasnt and doesnt work like that.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

So how does this theory lead to anything actually actionable to fix things?
Build a time machine and stop the jews from thinking like that?

Why can’t you see that it’s far more likely that this is being driven by people who directly massively profit in the here and now from decisions being made today.


maybe we could come up with a solution from it, it might even be a final one. we’ll see.


I’m sure it will be, but hitler wasn’t really interested in getting the jews out of germany was he. That would have been easily achieved and he probably would have ruled for decades. He wanted all the resources of europe and russia for the benefit of his regime and people and the jews were a useful distraction to build and maintain power.


“I’m sure it will be, but hitler wasn’t really interested in getting the jews out of germany was he.”

maybe not, they did say those doors were made of wood after all.


The theory makes less sense to me as being not a conspiracy, because if mass immigration is really a Jewish project and Anglos really oppose it, then it would be hard to push it through without more organisation. Dispirate individuals can’t really achieve such a momentous policy change. Plus we already know that mass immigration is mostly pushed by “stakeholders” lobbies in Australia, not random Jews in Treasury or whatever.


“Dispirate individuals can’t really achieve such a momentous policy change”

influential people can influence policy through their ideas, writing, memes, recommendations, outright threats, etc. jewish intellectuals were pretty instrumental in constructing post-war australian multiculturalism etc. its not controversial at all. by the sake token these same intellectuals were very frequently backhandedly pro-israel. thats the point, deconstructing other people’s ethnonationalism while promoting your own. its effectively moral particularism which is a common belief system held by groups with formally non universalist religions etc.

mark liebler is a quintessential example of the crypsis / particularist tendencies you see in a lot of very strongly identified jews.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

I don’t buy that individuals having strong views can particularly modify the policies of a country.

ScoMo was hella Evangelical but largely couldn’t influence Australia’s policies to make them more Evangelical. The problem was that not enough other people really gave a shit. There aren’t that many Evangelicals in high positions and their lobbies aren’t that strong. Although he had a Jewish advisor so perhaps the counter-theory is that ScoMo’s efforts were negated. IMO, you can’t do it without organisation.

It takes organisation and a movement to make big changes. Especially on an unpopular policy like mass immigration.

The smartest thing mass immigration supporters ever did was making the Boomers filthy fucking rich through housing, so that they had a reason to support the establishment despite disagreeing with some of its policies.


who said anything about just strong views? theres various pipelines from individual perspective to actual policy, what makes you think a lot of these jews havent been using them?


Plus we already know that mass immigration is mostly pushed by “stakeholders” lobbies in Australia, not random Jews in Treasury or whatever.

Stagmal will have none of your “facts”

Cognitive dissonance hurts, don’t you know.


If pro-Zionist Jewish influence was really _that_ high, at the very least I’d expect it to be able to stop two of the most mass immigration loving countries of Australia and Canada from restoring funding to UNRWA.


jews are less influential in aus than they are in america, go figure theres a lot less of them here than in america. if we had the same proportional number % of jews in aus in america i bet you we wouldnt have that stuff here. they have had the americans completely over a barrel in terms of their level of influence and stranglehold on foreign policy (though that will fade for reasons stewie has noted), i dont think even you would deny that.


And yet our immigration is so much more mass than the US’…

Sure, the Jewish influence seems much more in the US than here, I would agree. And we see that in stereotypically Jewish goals like protecting Israel.

We don’t really see it as much in terms of mass immigration. So how does that square with Jews being responsible for Australia’s immigration policy?


many jews were partially responsible for it, youre doing the same shit commentbot does now.


Yep, talking at you with facts…
Or at the very least, obvious deductions.


The evidence is just weak that Australia’s mass immigration is a Jew directed project.

Did Jews have disproportionate influence compared to their population in making it happen? Sure.

Could it have happened if there weren’t a vast number of collaborators in the rest of the population? No.

If I go to Reddit and say some shit about immigration, is it probably going to be a Jew who replies to me about how the economy will collapse if we take 100K fewer migrants each year? I think it usually won’t be a Jew, more likely some YIMBY white cunt.

What about if I go to Reddit and take a shit on Albo, is it likely the defender will be a Jew? More likely, some white dumbass who thinks Labor is going to turn things around.

Are Coming and Soyboy also Jews since they’re so keen on infinite mass Asian immigration?

You can make it your project to redpill everyone about Jews but it likely won’t make any difference to the EZFKA’s problems because most of this shit isn’t actually coming from Jews, and most Jews don’t have any more influence on this than you do.


“The evidence is just weak that Australia’s mass immigration is a Jew directed project.”

there you go again

“jew directed project”

then in the same breath:

“Did Jews have disproportionate influence compared to their population in making it happen? Sure.”

literally myself and stewie were only ever saying the latter in the first place, this is what youre lashing out at.

and whats relevant & interesting is their motives for that influence, and that’s what we want to talk about. but no critical analyses of them allowed no siree, while they have been criticising white people with abandon for decades.

could it have happened w/o the jews? probably imo, but maybe not. i dont think itd be quite as hard to break the shell if it wasnt w/o them around to be frank with you, but still quite hard.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

just for the record you saying just this:

““Did Jews have disproportionate influence compared to their population in making it happen? Sure.”

would get you blacklisted literally everywhere


IMO, the first EZFKA in-person meeting will be in some black site somewhere. We are probably all on a list by now.


jewish watchdog groups already watch the ezfka account or similar confirmed. there was this abc documentary forgot what it was where you could see some ADL like guy at his office with his comp monitor visible w/ a spreadhset of problematic twitter accounts, nearly 100% sure i could see EZFKA on the list

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Idk whether it would have started without Jewish influence, but it can definitely continue without it now that it has so much momentum and there are so many migrants who want to see it continue.

I doubt it benefits the movement against mass immigration to be very blatantly anti-semitic, even if Jews bear a disproportionate level of blame. Inciting hatred against people who can’t actually influence this process to try to get at people who can easily insulate themselves against hatred, and may not actually care about the normies, won’t achieve much and may well discredit the anti-immigration side.


stand on a public street corner in two diff places in melb talking about how rich people and bankers are pushing immigration for all the reasons MB talk about

now do the same making extremely moderate, nuanced statements like:

““Did Jews have disproportionate influence compared to their population in making it happen? Sure.”

in the former youll be ignored, maybe confronted by a few angry retards

latter cops would rock up and youd either be put in a paddywagon and arrested or maybe told to ‘move on’ in the absolute best case scenario

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Jews are probably disproportionately represented in just about every political movement. Even Nazism:

Among white anti-Israel people, it is probably highly disproportionate, notwithstanding they oppose “Jewish group interests”.

Might be the influence of that high verbal IQ you’re talking about.


i doubt they were overrepresented in nazism, but i do think they are overrepresented in politics like you said. but its the way they often spin or interpret the politics that reveals their political differences shaded by their ethnoparticularism; read about lenin’s split with the jewish bundists prior to the 1917 revolution for example, the jews wanted to be communists and jews at the same time, rather than just internationalist communists. it was a big schism that was touched upon in the BBC series fall of eagles

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

in the former youll be ignored, maybe confronted by a few angry retards

latter cops would rock up and youd either be put in a

Di it saying it was trans, or abos or any number of other things and you will get arrested as well.


Their religion is a literal work book on how to get what they want.

The Talmud is a description of how they should behave:

As for the Talmud, Harold Rosenthal, senior aide to NY Sen. Javits said:

“It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating: intercourses between us and the goy. Our teachings; are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to ‘get.’”

This isn’t some conspiracy theory, this is literally what their religion is about – how to get what they want. It isn’t about the morality of being a better person or making the world a better place, it is about achieving their cultural goals of “inheriting the earth”.

The internet if full of Jews stating this clearly – but for most people who have been brainwashed into thinking even talking about Jews is dirty and antisemetic let alone criticising them, when they are confronted with some YouTube or article even posted by a Jew that confirms these statements, they’ll feel dirty or as though they were doing something bad…. how do I know, these were the very feelings I felt when I first started looking into this subject.


im exhausted man you take over from me if you can stomach it though i cant blame you for not wanting to bother. just cant do this anymore commentbot is like the chicken suit guy in family guy

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

I’m convinced he’s bjw


So does getting rid of the jews fix the thing?
Or does it not?

And if it does not then it is all a useless distraction much like democracy itself…


Historically speaking yes.


tbh i do think getting rid of all the liebler types etc might be enough to tip the scales in aus. this is the most jew riddled and pro-jew govt we’ve had in australia since possibly forever, and also seemingly the worst.


or 3)
it’s not actually THEIR plan, and they are being used to deflect the attention of useful ID10Ts like you.


phuck off hershel


Just like No1 above I ask, are they supergeniuses controlling the world for their benefit with a master plan or idiots that can’t even see that their plan is not doing what they want,
or far more likely it has nothing to do with them at all and there are other far more sensible targets to blame for the outcomes that don’t require a genius/idiot contradiction.


There is no plan, it is them pushing their cultural values at every opportunity.

Their may be smaller plans, like increasing diversity or pushing for MultiCult, but these goals sit within their cultural values.

All that is required is very wealthy businessmen to seek to project their values forward over the society in which they live.

Yes there may be other wealthy businessmen, but if they are cultureless Goyim like Gina Rhineheart, then it is more than likely they have already been educated in Jewish ideas and culture around Neoliberalism and open markets and borders, so for all intensive purposes unless those wealthy businessmen are Christian Nationalists or freaky libertarians like Musk, then you can consider them to be just another Jew.

Look at how quickly the Jews got Musk to bend the knee a few months back over his comments on Israel.


i mentioned that re: musk but commentbot just ignored it.


I ignored it because I know nothing about it. Something you might want to consider once in a while but if someone wants to be bothered posting any actual evidence I might be bothered to go look.


Yep, it’s all the jews. Never happened anywhere without their influence. They were running the slave trade to the americas, running the factories in england during the industrial revolution and on and on.
No one ever exploited and manipulated a population before the jew got in their ears.

This is the argument you are making in your comment above and in my opinion it is riduculous.


Slave markets were closed on Saturdays, right throughout the world. Got to keep the Sabbath holy.


why does a ‘plan’ have to make sense or be a good plan that worked to have been the plan?

It doesn’t, But a plan that does make sense and works would seem to be far more likely, especially if the plan is continued.


Considering the West’s treatment of Russia and China, it may have more to do with stopping nationalism in general by eliminating all meaningful national identities.


china is formally a communist state

the opposition to russia post cold war has been baffling but i think its better understood as “the boomers are still in charge and they hate russians bc they were raised to do so”

if it was about stopping nationalism theyd of sided with mao over chiang kai-shek, north korea over south korea, north vietnam over south vietnam, etc. why would they be siding against internationalist commie regimes with literal nationalist govts that explicitly call themselevs nationalists if this was true.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yeah definitely it was more important to destroy communism than nationalism during the Cold War.

But things changed when the “end of history” began.


OK so are they so pro-israel then, the most nationalistic ethnosupremacist state of all.


Yeah that is probably a carve-out for Jewish interests, e.g., AIPAC. That said, I doubt Soros cares about Israel either, even Jews are divided over Israel but it has sufficient influential protectors to stop it ending up under a sanctions regime for not being open borders.


yeah just a carve out youve had the minister for the opposition in the middle of an immigration driven housing and inflationary crisis spend more time sucking off jews and israel on his twitter than actually saying anyting about the policy for benefit of people who actually live here

thats no carve out thats outright getting your penis surgically stitched to a jews ass so your cum loads can automatically go into it whenever you ejaculate

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Surely out of everyone here, only Stewie believes that Dutton is actually a nationalist in any way, shape or form.

He is probably begging for Zionist donations or something, and maybe appealing to a subset of pro-Israel Boomers. He doesn’t give two shits about immigration or a cost of living crisis.


hes just a boomer whos been brainwashed by decades of :judeo-christian” propaganda that was extremely prevalent during his time and formative years and in legacy media etc, that explains this behaviour

the donations and jewish lobbies help but there you go – now thats an admission that jews are an influential political force. clearly.

look at commentbot in here whos prob about the same age or thereabouts as dutton assiduously replying to everyone who criticizes the tribe to see this behavioural manifestation in action right here on our beloved EZFKA

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Says the pavlovian anti jew who can’t mount an argument but merely asserts his position is the god given correct one.


ive been mounting nothing but arguments the whole damn time its not my fault you cant grasp any of them

i could open up an argument stable motherfucker with the sheer number of arguments ive mounted in this single timbo post alone


I have found that the least stressful way to deal with aggravating people on the internet is to ignore them.

A fly in your ointment

…oh, but it’s tempting and itching…. innit?

Because she’s “wrong so much”


i doubt he gives much of a shit about anything except himself.


To be clear, I don’t think Dutton is a Nationalist, I do however believe that he has a slither or perhaps a touch more of Nationalistic spirit especially compared to the vast majority of our other professional politicians.

The risk isn’t that Dutton would be another Hitler or Trump, it is that if push came to shove there is a possibility he may do something unexpected and actually act in the interests of ordinary Australians over the Globalist lobbysts that pull most politicians strings.


y he may do something unexpected and actually act in the interests of ordinary Australians over the Globalist lobbysts that pull most politicians strings.

Like a resource tax?


Don’t know, but as a Copper he has a strong civic belief somewhere within his body – I have no idea why anyone would become a copper for any other reason…. Agent47 maybe you can elaborate further?

Now a sense of civic responsibility might fall short of Nationalism, but they sit in the same quadrant.


, but as a Copper he has a strong civic belief somewhere within his body

That seems misguided to me. I think a lot of people become cops for the same reason they become security guards, they like having power over people or beating them up.


ScoMo or Perrottet might have been more likely to accidentally go off the reservation because their religious views may have exceeded their fealty to globalists. But both their flavours of Christianity are pretty easily twisted into being pro-globalist anyway.

As far as I can see, Dutton doesn’t really believe in anything. The fact that he’s banging on about nuclear and Israel while Australia is basically sinking below the waves shows that either he’s a very canny operator who won’t show his cards too early, or he’s just another stooge, the simplest explanation would be the latter.


if it was about stopping nationalism theyd of sided with mao over chiang kai-shek

It kind of seems like it’s not about ideology at all but whatever suits at the time, potentially financially?


Communism was obviously a vastly larger threat to the rich than capitalist nationalism, back when it was Mao vs Chiang.

Now nationalist capitalist countries like Russia are more of a threat, in that the state will curtail private business activities.

A fly in your ointment

the state will curtail private business activities.

Like…. ban tik-tok and ban non domestic 5G, Lidar, tech, cars…?