Australians living in tents due to immigration to be evicted to make way for Gazans living in tents

Australians who have found themselves homeless due to the worst immigration intake in history will be evicted to make way for Gazan refugees, Clare O’Neil has said.

Tent cities across all major cities are set to be bulldozed to make way for record numbers of Palestinians being granted asylum while living in UNRWA tents.

“Australians must simply accept that there are people in need halfway across the world and they have an arbitrary moral obligation to give up their tents to these people fleeing persecution,” O’Neil said.

“I can confirm that none of these tent cities will be in Eastern Sydney or in Caufield, but there are plenty of working class suburbs that can open themselves up to house them in local parks, the ones the Indians aren’t hitting in anyway.”

Meanwhile, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry has threatened air strikes on any tent city hosting Gazans in Australia.

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Happy St Patrick’s Day for the other day.


crazy stuff, but i knew one way or the other this israel business was going to be bad news for us no matter who ‘wins’ in the end. if the arabs win the jews are coming our way, if the jews win the arabs are coming our way. eitherway we get screwed. the prior status quo antebellum or a properly enforced two state solution is the best possible outcome we can hope for. unfortunately neither seem likely final outcomes anymore.

radical solution: give it back to the egyptians who can revive the new kingdom and their old god king pagan sun worship religion circa 1100 b.c and put the jews there under permanent slavery (though for real this time).

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47

May the scourge of Amalek be upon them.

In seriousness, you’re right. Although if Israel loses then they’ll likely fuck off to Ukraine after they’re done genociding the white men again. No joke, they’re thinking of resurrecting Khazaria.


stalin even gave them some part of russia in the 1930s but none of them wanted to live there. would have been much less of a headache for the whole damn world if they chose somewhere for their shitty homeland a lot less volatile and politically sensitive. goebbels floated the idea of madagascar. if that had happened itd of made the dreamworks cgi movie a lot less entertaining though.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

There’ll never be a two state solution to the arab-israel thing because the Koran requires the Muslims, may they be eternally damned, to kill Jews until the end of time.

Even if you had some relatively sane Arab leaders, there would still be fanatics who ignored any solution, and carried on killing Jews.

There is no solution, and Muslims and Jews are just gonna keep on killing each other forever.


the solution is one group is eventually going to leave and go elsewhere i.e here.


Sell them Melville Island for $50b and send them there

It’s the Australian way

A fly in your ointment

… because the Koran requires the Muslims, may they be eternally damned, to kill Jews until the end of time

that’s more load than what the sewerage system of Sydney would take, let alone Canbera.
Not that either side does not deserve the wrath and despise though, the fair share is probably equal.

No mention of “keel da choo” in holy books, but it comes handy to troll the useful idiots


You are grotesquely ill-informed. The Koran contains dozens of sections urging Muslims to kill infidels in general and Jews in particular.


o kill infidels in general

I’d bet the bible does to.
There was this little thing called the crusades…

That’s what makes the whole blame the jew thing so tedious and pointless. It’s a function of all cultures and ethnicities to want to maintain themselves, or they wouldn’t have maintained themselves.


“It’s a function of all cultures and ethnicities to want to maintain themselves,”

which is why other ethnicities keep kicking the jews out


which is why other ethnicities keep kicking the jews out

So kick them out of australia.
How many people in the yimby photo look like they are jewish?


I’d bet the bible does to.

There was this little thing called the crusades…

That’s right, I expect, especially if by “bible” we mean the entire set of texts treated as canonical (by whichever denomination you prefer)

but the fact is that most “normal” christians don’t actually read the bible. And most normal jews don’t read the talmud. And most normal muslims don’t read the koran.

this is one reason that the hermeneutics relied upon as “gotchas” by the anti-[semite/christian/muslim/whatever] crowds are senseless. They describe what some document says (ie what some long-dead man wrote) not how people actually live.

as a non-religiously charged example, the constitution of Australia says that New Zealand is one of Australias’s states… so what?! Does that mean we have to allow fucktards like Hugh to post at

A fly in your ointment

You are grotesquely ill-informed. The Koran contains dozens of sections urging Muslims to kill infidels in general and Jews in particular.

why don’t you grotesquely provide passes in Quran where it says, clearly, “keel da joo whereever you see him too” and provide the context where it calls for that indiscriminately?
It should be easy peasy, eh?

it is the most misquoted non-quote, absorbed by lapdog goyims and kaffirs.

Agent 47

Stewie in answer to your question about motivations for policing, civic duty is essentially why I and most cops join. There’s a few that join for the prestige, attention and the power hungry types but generally most join for a sense of community. It’s about 12 months in when the reality of our legal system hits when the cynicism and demoralization starts.

As for Dutton, I’m personally not positive. I know nothing about his career or anyone that worked with him as he was in a different state. I assume his motivations would have been similar as he was pretty good at deporting criminals during his home affairs stint (the rest of the immigration intake is a different story).

He might still have some of that civic sense left but I’d say his political career and his sucking up to the Zionist lobby have likely eviscerated that. Hope I’m wrong but I seriously he’s going to do anything different.


i dont think he will do anything. look at how theyre all pivoting to this big new pointless discussion about nuclear reactors and making that the hot button election issue so migration is off the table now.

very slick.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yes. Further distractions could be expected also additionally to avoid discussing the most important issues.

It’s actually so predictable now really.


Modus operandi in EZFKA. Real issues are never discussed here.

As for energy policy, no one ever discusses demand.


To be fair even if immigration was zero I think we’d still have an energy crisis.

Coal power plants are all old and fucked.


Per capita use has been decreasing. Plus better insulation and other measures will decrease usage.


industry has disappeared from aus over the past 20 years so thats going to reduce per capita electricity usage


And that is the only reason the closures of powerplants that have already happened haven’t led to regular rolling blackouts through summer.


Coal power plants are all old and fucked.

And why is that?
Because the free market has built exactly 0 new large baseload plants in it’s entire existence here.
Only anyone who realises that a new baseload powerplant is only likely to be reasonable commercial venture at the point that rolling blackouts are a regular occurrence in a demand/auction environment rather than a contracted supply centrally controllede\planned one.

Agent 47

I want nuclear so we can try to fuck off this dumb shit energy policy we have had for 40 years and try and get some kind of manufacturing and tech sector back onshore, but yes, nothing about migration until the high court releases a few criminals back onto the street which he won’t do anything about either.


I want nuclear so we can try to fuck off this dumb shit energy policy we have had for 40 years

Nuclear wont fix our dumb shit energy policies.


yeah its a false panacea


I want to see a rational debate on our energy policy which seems all too hard for our politicians.

The other obvious question on solar or wind is, if China is involved in a war, where will all the solar panels and turbines come from?

We don’t make them here at all to my understanding.

At least nuclear should detach us from China to generate power I imagine.


Nuclear is the biggest own goal for Dutton, it’s fucking stupid.

As seen by Albo and Joe Biden, all you have to do is hide in your basement for the election campaign, promise a few pissy things ($275 off your power bill), let the media do its thing with directing the plebs, and you’re in.

He’s opened another front in a (culture) war he was struggling to win anyway.

He could have just sat back and watched Albo destroy the economy, pick off some easy wins (like halt all immigration for 18 months), announce a housing plan (as pathetic and unachieable as Albo’s), and no more Climate taxes.

Gruppenfuhrer Mark would have a more expert opinion but that’s my take.

He’s fucked the pooch.


He’s so weak he can’t even lie about intending to cut immigration


He’s got massive bitter incel vibes. The fuck is he even leader. He just appeals to fake based boomerish dumb cunts.


The fuck is he even leader.

He’s the best they’ve got left. Haven’t you noticed it’s been a massive downhill slide in quality of leaders in politics on both sides since the turn of the century. Each worse than the last and you think theres no way it could get worse, then you get albo, and then dutton.


You can be the scum of the earth and still be amiable. Talking heads on TV specialise in it. Australian propadee culture has been doing it for 30 years. There’s plenty of MPs who aren’t completely repulsive.


There’s plenty of MPs who aren’t completely repulsive.

How many have the political skills to get into a leadership position?
Of course this is assuming you are correct. Got a list of who you think is competent and not completely repulsive?


>political skills to get into a leadership position
Ok I don’t know much about that.

But even Michalia Cash would be better than Dutton, people would vote for her for the lulz. I would.


people would vote for her for the lulz. I would.

Ok, but the party has to vote for them before you get to…


The Libs need to hire this guy and give him 100% control over everything


I want to see a rational debate on our energy policy which seems all too hard for our politicians.

Our energy policy is that the free market will provide. Anything else is PR and BS.
The first thing that needs to happen to be able to have any actual energy policy is recentralise the grid not run a free market auction system.

The only thing that will change that is a major problem ala SA going dark for a week which led to a huge gov investment in the battery to fix the thing that was the obvious end result of the free market.


we need an ezfka post hall of fame

i nominate this

also the previous thread was incredible


Why not have a top ten of all time as measured by eg.number of comments or number of +1s awarded for comments, or maybe a ratio of the two?


The previous thread was most disappointing. Lots of heat and noise but still no plan. By sticking together we can play the subversion game, but there has to be a plan to grow. I like the ‘born of convicts’ guy on facebook…on one level it’s just merch, on the other it’s a way to bring people together IRL when they buy the same clothes from the same niche store those people are likely to have similar views. Done right, it could form something like terrorist cells only with no direction, just small groups of like minded people. Eventually, coalescing into something bigger.

A fly in your ointment

At best this will give some sense of achievement and no real results.

Short of lamp post decorations,
general disobedience does miracles and people can easily associate with the cause and partake. Ghandi awoke poojits to expel English cunts through disobedience alone. Multiply that by tens of millions then hundreds of millions and results are astonishing.
Another thing is to choke air supply to real cause of decay of Aus, and that is both the AU$ and the US$ profits. Do not take credit, ever again, except for PPoR. Credit and growth to infinity is what drives excessive immigration. Frugal life is acceptable to most and it always causes a perception of wealth far greater than financial wealth alone.


we have no plan. people like to say that’s what we should focus on but what can we all do,w e’re pretty powerless as it is.

the best thing we can do is the small things like ointmentbrah said but itll make no difference. dont use ubereats or any heavy migrant pipeline service, put the major parties last, troll and shill on twitter.


we have no plan.

Starting from a position of blaming the jew just reinforces that. You have no actionable path to take from that even if it is 100% true.

I really think this place should change name to or something now though, because that seems to be the main ideology in the comments.


you havent got shit either


at least i’m not hiding out in buttfuck nowhere blaming the jew or the man for my own lack of motivation and ability.
Or beating up or most probably getting beaten up by local abo kids…


ok but what does that matter eitherway if you’re not hiding out in the middle of nowhere not blaming certain people. does that mean you have a plan that’s better than ours then and if so what is it

you know theres no way out of this its over gg.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Well what do you think is going to get more people to convert to your cause?

IT’S ALL THE JEWS, stupid! We need to get rid of the jews and that will fix thing.


Multiculturalism isn’t working, we need to get immigrants to assimilate and or reduce the immigration intake? It is currently high because business wants…

Because the only thing that will be effective is getting people to convert to your cause.

Test Case: why did pauline hanson get all the media attention?
Because she turned my second argument into

And what happened with immigration since then?
You and stewie are doing the same thing pauline hanson did.
Whether it’s true or not isn’t even relevant. It is inconsequential to getting anything changed.
But it seems to be a very effective distraction to prevent you from doing anything constructive to try to change the status quo though.


“”Test Case: why did pauline hanson get all the media attention?
Because she turned my second argument into
and when she did that she had never been more popular. but that was in the 90s.

then she got put in jail and shes been weaksauce ever since

mate no one is listening no matter what the f_ck we say. SAP has gone the extremely moderate road like youre talking up like this incredibly persuasive shit and they only get 10 votes. for whatever reason no one cares. this is just a place to talk about sh_t i have no idea why youre freaking out like we’re all supposed to be “doing something”.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

and for the record SAP get called far right neo nazis by AUWU types on FB, ive seen it with my own eyes. anyone who supports any cut to migration no matter how much they frame their arguments in the most moderate non-inflammatory language gets that shit hung on them. the shit youre sayijng:

“Multiculturalism isn’t working, we need to get immigrants to assimilate and or reduce the immigration intake? It is currently high because business wants…”

which SAP doesnt even say or come close to saying

would get you called nazis regardless of whether you mentioned jews at all.

i dont think you realise just how extreme mass immigration supporters are, its untouchable policy

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

has gone the extremely moderate road like youre talking up like this incredibly persuasive shit and they only get 10 votes.

How many votes do the nazi party get?

and for the record SAP get called far right neo nazis by AUWU types on FB, ive seen it with my own eyes.

and dickheads like you and stewie make it really easy to cherry pick examples to back it up.

For the record I have seen everyone and everything called racist. TO the point it’s now almost meaningless.

i dont think you realise just how extreme mass immigration supporters are, its untouchable policy

And you think “Get rid of the Jews, They did thing” is touchable policy?


“How many votes do the nazi party get?”

PHON got way more votes when they were trashing asians than SAP ever got

irrelevant eitherway as neither approaches would work today

“”For the record I have seen everyone and everything called racist. TO the point it’s now almost meaningless.””

cool, meaningless to you but not to most dumbfuc normies

“And you think “Get rid of the Jews, They did thing” is touchable policy?”

did anyone ever say it was?

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Because PH got far more media coverage than SAP because SAP had actual implementable policies…
that PH poisoned. She was the epitome of the useful idiot. SAP are actively ignored by MSM. Why do you think that is?


“Because PH got far more media coverage than SAP because SAP had actual implementable policies…

bc they are boring as fuck, dont know how to run a campaign and no one cares anyway about their message.

it couldnt just be bc theres only like 10 people in the country who both want to stop immigration and care about the environment at the same time. SAP has absolutely zero fucking base no one gives a shit about them.

PHON still get way more votes than them. and phon is weak on immigration themselves.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

The only actionable redpill path, is to buy as many IPs as you can.

If you can’t stop what is happening, at least profit from it.


ezfka will own all of whyalla


wtf 135k


I keep telling you mate get on it

These old places need $15k in renos but they aren’t staying at these prices.

Heaps of vendors already asking $165k + now.


what sort of rent are you getting on these?


Market is $250pw+ even for a basic shitter maisonette selling for $155k

Can push to $290pw for a $185k better one

Rent is still so cheap here comparatively I think it will go higher

8% gross yield

3.5% net pending what you budget for in repairs


If you front run all repairs net yield nudges 4.5%


Great, thanks – been looking in the Spencer gulf area


Happy buying

Whyalla is my favourite but prices are jumping already from the hydrogen plant and steelworks upgrades

Port Pirie is now the cheapest but has the worst rent for some reason this worst yield but I think that will change also


yeah i read pirie has upgraded the smelter and potential green iron plant, the population has also increased in the last 5 years unlike other SA country towns


You’re Jewish, aren’t you?


No, but i’m pretty certain we’ve got a palestinian or 2.

Edir: They fucked around and are now finding out big time from what i hear…

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

” They fucked around and are now finding out big time”

believing in collective punishments for other groups while flapping your arms wildly and crying foul when people apply that same logic to your own group is the most jewish behaviour par excellence there is

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Stick a jewish candlestick up ya ass goy boy


oh it’s finally come out now!


believing in collective punishments for other groups while flapping your arms wildly and crying foul when people apply that same logic to your own group

Sounds like what the palestinians did to me. Crossed the border, raped, killed and kidnapped, and then *pikachu face* when the isrealis responded.

Frankly they can all kill each other for all I care. Anyone stupid enough to still be living their deserves what they get. It’s never going to end.


to me?!?!!? personally, to you?!


Yes, personally to me, it sounds like what the palestinians did.
Much like to me you seem bordeline retarded or at least a little slow…


whats goin on ya oven dodga


The bordeline retarded will be first ones in the ovens come Hitler 2.0…


bc in order to get there first we’ll have already wiped out all the jews


The jews weren’t even first in hitler 1.0.

Thats why they have to lie about the numbers of jews killed in the holocaust. Isn’t that the party line here?


you tell me, you seem to know an awful lot about it and really want to talk about it all the time.


Yeah even Hitler admitted the Germans deserved everything they got because they didn’t win the war

Consistency, that’s what that is


if he had been netanyahu, hed of just fucked off to america and spent the rest of his life on the public speaking and cable news commentary circuit


Put that one down as an EZFKA prediction

Chuck in Zelensky too


No. No, it wasn’t incredible


i think it may have made the guinness world records for tediousness so it deserves a special place


That’s more like it.

The comment bot, who really does seem like a bot, will keep biting you as long as you keep feeding him.


I’m 80% sure it’s bjw with even more spare time

A fly in your ointment

Listen to this 💩 🚨

“Eating Meat is Racist & an expression of White Supremacy”

“Our whiteness is part of the problem with meat eating”

“Meat eating is also one of the ways Gender based oppression is perpetuated”

And you’d think the enemy is not within the anglo ethnicity


Yeah I think it’s highly likely we’d be doing this even if jooz didn’t exist.

Agent 47

“Hate speech” is one of the shittest of all the shitful concepts that have slipped out of the arsehole that is wokeness into the toilet bowl that is modern life.

Because hate is in the eye of the beholder, anything TPTB don’t like can be defined as “hate”, and banned. It’s simply a means for facilitating totalitarianism, while mouthing platitudes about protect marginalised communities yadder yadder.

Beyond that, WTF is wrong with hate? It’s a normal human emotion.

I hate woke cunts, and I’ll cheerfully let everybody know it.


its a woman concept


Words hurt emotions, which for obsessing female neurosis with nothing else to obsess over, is the equivalent physical pain.

Roko had an interesting post on this topic earlier today:

Interesting that he thinks women’s influence on productivity is a net negative too, for many of the same reasons I enunciated in my own missive.


For a long time I supported female engineers in my workplace.Eventually I gave in to reality, which is that female engineers are almost entirely hopeless, and generally produce a net negative because of the amount of effort required to cater to their dysfunction.

Even my boss, who was a normie who always toed the party line eventually came to the same conclusion.


What type of engineering? Have met three Indian woman who were very good structural engineers. And zero top tier architects as woman.


Control language and you control they way people think. That way some ideas and concepts remain forever out of most people’s reach by effectively ‘banning’ them through social ostracization.

By policing and making the use of these words or language because it causes “offense” to some woke wanker or HR manager, robs of us of the ability to accurately and emotively describe where our pain is coming from. It robs people of the ability to describe their emotive reality.

The other thing it does is to “shift” the center in terms of our collective social narrative towards the left. I’m not actually a white nationalist, I’m a civic nationalist, yet I support the rights of White Nationalists to articulate and define their reality because their existence in our narrative both helps pull the centre to the right, and makes sure that our social narrative is truly a more accurate reflection of our society by its full inclusivity of all views.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie





Yimby are all Shitskins and incel Fags, prove me wrong


Four virgins hoping they will overbuild in a cool suburb, so they can afford to buy a new place and attract someone to sleep with them.


Maybe Peter Tulip had as many skin surgeries as Michael Jackson to give him his current complexion?

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image

As I wrote the other day, if you go to a pub or bar there are just no hot chicks anymore. I don’t know what happened.

Look at them. These are chicks supposedly into fitness.

Those two Asians at the front are heavily Australianised this is what happens to the second generation one’s they take on the body shape of the local legacy units and get that dumpy look. Everything blows out while the first gen one’s might have the body of a 25 year old at 45.

All the chicks in the photo have strange short legs and long torsos, not a beautiful face among them. Look at the fucking guts on the amazonian one too.


Yeah they’ve become boys. When I was a teen we couldn’t stop flogging ourselves because there was plenty of smoking hot girls.

That’s why Sydney Sweeney and Taylor Swift are so big. People are blown away with their normal white beauty because they’ve been fed so many ugs and shitty Kardashian style shitskins for so long.


Comment of the day!


Look how they’re all trying to be J-Lo and the hot girl boss ethnic. Haha so gross. At least 95% of them would be dumb cunts so if you’ve got a bit of brains you should be ok and not be replaced.


remember the old bras and things catalogue back in the day! Now it looks like this line-up, a bag of fat licorice allsorts with no right to model anything other than KFC bucket


maybe theres a correlation between having less white chicks around and more ugly chicks, just a thought

might want to get your clocks cleaned on that whole lets get rid of all the legacy australians thing bc indians and other associated mystery meat ethnics make better neigbours than they supposedly do

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

I just looked at that pick that’s so aesthetically dystopian lmao


Asians have short legs versus their torso


Straight pubes too!


Strange but true.

Aussie Soy Boy

Tent cities are not a symptom of cost of living, but of the drug crisis.

The solution is to bring Singapore style laws and punishments for any drug use, possession, dealing. Kill these people.

The tent cities should not be allowed in public parks. Move them on, enforce the laws. Simple as that.

I see homeless bums setting up not just in public parks, but any kind of general public area. They are almost always on drugs, drunk, or have some kind of psychiatric disorder (brought on by frying their brain with drugs so it’s their fault).

Do what the yanks do have these cleaning crews roaming the cities with a fire hose and garbage truck. Throw everything in the back of the truck, spray the pavement. They soon get the message and don’t set up in public areas.

There’s bush everywhere in every city go set up in these places out of the public eye.


“Tent cities are not a symptom of cost of living, but of the drug crisis.”

so why did they all just pop up now then

Aussie Soy Boy

Rents were so cheap that a dole bludger getting rent assistance could do drugs all day and still keep a roof over his head.

Even if these druggies could afford the rent now, who would want them living in their investment when you can get a diligent, hard working Indian or Asian student or 10 of them living in your property.


might have a point for a lot of them, but its still better to have druggos indoors rather than outside on the streets harassing people isnt it. having rents higher than they need to be due to artificially driven population growth is bad for everyone.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Rents were so cheap that a dole bludger getting rent assistance could do drugs all day and still keep a roof over his head.

Even if these druggies could afford the rent now, who would want them living in their investment when you can get a diligent, hard working Indian or Asian student or 10 of them living in your property.

If you no longer need to let any of the dole bludgers rent your place because there is a heap of indians and asians to replace them isn’t that the very definition of a housing shortage?


The famed homelessness defeators… the Yanks

The problem is 100x worse there


Why don’t you Asian worshippers just fuck off there


Every post some bullshit about fucking Singapore





american homelessness stats are juked bc they measure it in a really weird way where they dont count the people couchsurfing etc, only the rough sleepers and people in shelters. so it makes it look like homelessness on a per capita basis there is a lot lower than it really is.

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s only in the major coastal cities where they are tolerated.


The ones with actual housing shortages and ridiculously high prices?

Aussie Soy Boy

They move to places like California and Oregan.


Japan would be a good choice for a seething beta. You can’t be fat though you are probably a fat poof. Big fat shamers in Asia.

Aussie Soy Boy

I hate fat people

Aussie Soy Boy

Spray these cunce

comment image


Show us on the doll where the Legacy Australian hurt you…


A YIMBY gets eviscerated by sound logic. I think I’ll donate just to stick it up them.


follow Phillip John Brown he’s been destroying yimbys for years


They’re finally saying it out loud.

The heart of Yimby is anti-white, that’s why they’re pushing it so hard.


But how good is their food!


100% chance that goon is eating butter chicken, which even when done well is average at best.


its all just prepared using the same bulk bought sauces from unilever

anyone can do it


Noone wants to buy indian off a whitey tho. Just as I wont buy fish and chips off gooks. Only white people and wogs.


Yeah Chinaman and food safety are mutually exclusive!!!!


Yeah I reckon most people who go for the hot stuff would be ‘far right’ sympathising bogans. Like me.


I became a YIMBY because after buying in Balmain 24 years ago I want to receive a tax-free rezoning windfall, retire early, and go on annual world trips.


/\ What he said. It’s all about the benjamins.


what an ugly kunt


All this tolerance and acceptance over the last 20 years and as it turns out pretty much everyone is just shit. That’s why gen x were nihilistic. We accepted it and that was the basis for Australia being great in the first place. Nihilism turned into larrikanism. Making light of it and making rules so shitness was never given any real power.


Personally I can’t wait to see Kevin Rudd’ wife pictured next to Melania Trump.
And those are the approved pics.
Meanwhile can’t wait for the new ABC show where Miriam Margolyes talks to average Australians – ads on ABC


You know Rudd’s wife was part of the biggest grift any pollie has pulled in terms of $’s?

She leveraged his contacts for years, he directly sent contracts her way, that make Scomo and his mates look like kids.

She is worth $250m, ran an employment services business that magically benefited from huge government contracts for years. Big coincidence how she won all those contracts of course.


To this day nobody knows what these ’employment agencies’ actually do. Hundreds of millions if not billions directed this way, and yet there are supposedly still ‘skills shortages’ everywhere.
She is basically a govt. contract fraudster, delivering little of measurable value. And yet we will point the finger at corruption in other countries.


An interesting vid suggesting woke is a conspiracy theory among other things.

Agent 47

Pajeets being pajeets


>no jail time
>no deportation

cant wait for australia to be comprised of 75% people like this

Agent 47

Neither can I


Nah, the jews were in his ear…

A fly in your ointment

Pajeets being pajeets

I hope you’d apply the same despise next time you buy the Nike (those who made them would be happy to have been paid 10 bucks per day)