Maybe you should run back over to MB stewie. Your ego is more fragile than dls’s.

Apparently this reposting of stewies actual post gets him so butthurt he has to delete any post containing it.

Where did the post go stewie?
It’s not like you didn’t say it.
Was it because of this?
Are you really that insecure?
Own your statements if you are going to make them.
Post them under your own name if you are going to own them cock head.
You have disabled my ability to post them, see below.
but why does it matter? Cause like dls you wouldn’t bully someone who is your equal?
I don’t think that image posting ability has been disabled. I think it’s just weird IT voodoo.
More likely because Mr Big Brain ain’t half the IT expert he thinks he is. ROFL
I know but given he thinks I banned chad or whatever I thought I’d return the favour.
Sure looks that way to me…..
Cry louder.
Oh the irony of you call me insecure and having to listen to crap…. poor Chaddles.
So how does this filter work, and why haven’t I used it on you yet?
Because I haven’t set up multiple accounts to harangue people who are making posts and contributions to this site in good faith?
No, you just delete or edit peoples posts you don’t like.
That is the BIGGEST offence here at EZFKA and I think a Banning might be in order.
The only reason this place exists is because of shenanigans like that at MB.
Yawn – the only posts I’ve edit were ones by W@ffle and Chad making obscene comments in regards to my wife.
The only comments I’ve deleted are yours – because i) it pisses you off, and ii) because I could.
Go for it.
You are so stupid you didn’t even know they were mine.
Do you see what I mean by constant contradictions yet?
Can we do polls here. Want to put one up and let the people decide?
Of course I knew they were yours – your stilted, boring use of language almost had me falling asleep before I could finish reading the sentence.
Go for it – run you poll. Since this is apparently all just a popularity contest for you, how about we make it interesting:
Ban hammer for Stewie or ban hammer for BlowJobWanker
As opposed to quality insights like:
was too much for you.
I’m game, i wonder what stagmal wants to post…
Of course your identity seems much more tied up in this place than mine, maybe it should be 5 bans for me to make the odds fairer.
Owwww poor diddums – is that what all of this is about? Me getting attention and you, the eternal wall flower, left sitting unloved and unattended on the sidelines with your boring personality and beige insights.
You are simply starved of attention and jealous ROFLMGDAO!!
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
At least he wasn’t full of himself.
Neither are you… anymore.
I agree – that guy is a fkn legend!
ban stewie
he a limp wrist faggot accountant and im sure everyone is sick of hearing his bs opinions
So cucksta – did you work out how to get past the filter or did they actually remove it?
Who do you think THEY are?
Are the voices getting a bit too loud again?
Was I talking to you fuck face?
Well, you called me part of they before, so maybe?
Well there is a good chance you are a Tranny, so maybe I was just being polite.
Yeah, yeah fuck face.
Say’s the unmarried 40yro dued who lives with his mum.
Nah, he lives with your mum.
Does your wife on the side.
Your mum has crabs – I think there is a high chance you were the one who gave them to her.
Lol swing and a miss. At least I don’t invent a fake wife and family and then let my alter ego troll me about it.
I seriosuly think you’ve made it all up and play many of these roles yourself to entertain your broken mind. If you haven’t it’s even crazier, IF you do really have a wife and family to be the way you are, believe what you believe and carry on the way you do is ridiculous and that they must suffer dealing with you is very unfair.
Get help cunt, you’re unhinged.
lol W@ffle – you really think Chad is my alter ego?!? Fuck you are dumb. I’m kinda chuffed that you think I could do it, but honestly, follow the language, the style and even the basic punctuation we ain’t anything alike. I have run multiple twitter accounts before for a couple different persona – it is hard work, after a while both the identities end up merging.
As to the belief or not in my family, mate I have one, I enjoy it very much – you should try it… I mean with someone other than your mum.
I think someone with a single twitter account probably needs help, but this…
Hey, what can I say – I use to enjoy to Troll.
Sad sad stewie, enjoys his family life so much he trolls from multiple twitter accounts and fake personas.
Your life can’t be good if this is how you spend your time. Stop lying and get help you sad deluded fuck.
People need hobbies. As I got older I found healthier and more productive pursuits…. like writing the Crypto articles which keeps you coming back to post at EZFKA.
Dribble dribble dribble
You’ve been exposed of your lack of knowledge on crypto, they are no longer worth reading. It’s all way over my head so that’s why I read your articles, now I see you ducking and weaving when challeneged on your knowledge = you have no knowledge on the subject. This place really is a cesspit, fuck all of value to read, at least your mental breakdown today has given me a few chuckles.
You hang shit on Mig and then behave exactly like him…..
The only articles offering any sort of practical value (and humor) are written by peachy. The rest – especially ol’ cuck stewie’s, are mostly just rants and weak attempts at displaying the author’s supposed superior intellect.
But in the end we all know stewie is just some weak, limp wrist, faggot accountant. And his ‘wife’ is probably some big black dude.
Still didn’t answer my question Chadllette – how did you end up getting out of the “Review” box? Although I disagreed with it I know for a fact that a filter was applied.
Awesome – so I suppose we’ll be seeing a whole lot less of you… at least something positive has come out of this exchange. I suggest you go follow Blow Job instead, he’ll tell you whatever you want to hear.
That’s because unlike you W@ffle I can see an attempt at entrapment a mile a way. It didn’t matter what I said, the vaugest inconsistency or casual remark would have been pounced on by Mr Pedantic ‘A blockchain isn’t a Database’. That’s what dick heads whose main dialectic is dismissal do.
Go look up what P2P in the BSV system is meant to behave and tell me whose explanation was closer to the mark… big ask looking something up for yourself I know, but consider it a personal growth challenge.
Still ducking and weaving. Faggit
Yup, there it is, ducking and weaving. Dude, you got schooled today, own it. You deleted posts to hide your lack of knowledge, it can’t get worse than that, just fuckin own it. Gutless faggit.
You knuckle dragging masturbator, if you think any of you schooled me you’ve got another lesson coming.
I deleted blow job’s alt account post because I could and because I knew it would piss him off because he’s such a gay little control freak – a lot like you but probably marginally smarter.
aaahahahahaha one inch floppy! that guy is a comedic genius!
stewie u fkn weak kunt, we all know you are the one banning ppl.
limp wrist faggot
O contra my favorite troll – I was fighting for your freedom
Yup – I deleted them. Post them under your own name you gutless turd stabber.
The comment was made to Peach and I stand by it – P2P payments for Bitcoin weren’t meant to be made in the same way as uploading a file to Napster you God damn idiot.
They are discrete payments without any intermediatory, and they formed part of the original Bitcoin code before being removed…. which is probably why you are confused about how they work.
The p2p were designed to be a chain of signatures to allow small discrete payments to occur in localised areas of a p2p network that exists as a subset of the wider Bitcoin network. Such a network would be present on the IoT, or local apps in the network you are a part of or to people you know by transferring it to them by email address…. this is what I meant by “know who you are paying”
The chain of signatures is sufficient guarrantee for small discrete payments in local networks that you know and where the risk of a double spend is low – FROM A FINANCIAL COST PERSPECTIVE, not the likelihood or possibility could occur. If a participant is consistently attempting to cheat on micro payments then they will eventually be cut out of the network.
For larger transfers outside of your network you can broadcast your transaction to wider network, with a fee attached which will be picked up by a miner who will validate not only that immediate transaction, but all the other previous transfers that have occurred p2p and form a merkle tree of signatures.
So yeah, go to town on me because in your ‘opinion’ you got me. Even though “know who you are paying” was a fine as a casual comment to the person I made it to, it exists as a contradiction in your pedantic anal retentive mind, just like all the other contradictions you keep speaking about – they are all only contradictions that exist in your head because of your flawed understanding of the principals that they rest on.
But hey, to clarify your position why don’t you write an article on “Code is Law” or “Store of Value” please, please explain to me why you think they are valid…. you know something original, like your woeful “Fiat has value because Govts have Guns” post.
If you paid any attention to anything but yourself you’d know that I can’t post images from the bjw account.
Probably because you’re not very good at IT
So school me, how is the peer2peer napster different from a peer2peer crypto network. Why do you think they used the name?
Read my post – I explained cock head.
Good argument. Well done.
Now actually explain it in different words not something you copypasted from somewhere.
Dead shit those are my words, they’re virtually identical to what I’ve written about and posted before.
We’ve had this entire P2P conversation before, but you are to dull witted to either remember it or have processed what we talked about.
Instead you get your knickers in a knot because I casually mentioned “paying someone you know” in another conversation, sorry I wasn’t as precise as your anally retentive personality demands.
You owned yourself.
And you doubled down hard by going full mb banhammer.
And you got caught out.
I’ve been trying to protect you from yourself but given your hypocrisy I hope you get burnt hard on bsv.
That above summary on P2P, which you ignored, is one that I’ve made several times before.
But instead you latched on to a casual comment to Peachy to try dismiss what I’ve said or written about as wrong, because you are an insecure moonboy whose crypto bro mentality has warped your judgement and objectivity.
You make it word for word every time. You are just like skippy, a copy paste warrior.
If you don’t understand what peer2peer means…
BlowJob “How do you describe a box?”
Stewie “Well it has 6 sides, usually square or rectangular and a space to put things in the middle.”
Blow Job “Cool – okay, descibe a box again using different words.”
But see that is an accurate sensible description of a box.
What you posted above…
…is a sufficiently accurate description of the P2P workings on BSV…. something that you’re not in the slightest bit familiar with.
Yeah, nah. It isn’t.
So is not deleting it if I post it but deleting it if someone else posts it a contradiction in your mind?
I deleted it because you are a cunt and I could.
Do I need a better explanation?
That says it all.
Lick my bag.
You are a true wordsmith.
MB might pay you to write stuff of that quality.
I kept it simple so you would understand.
Understand what?
That you have no argument at all?
Like you have no genitalia?
I am rubber, you are glue,
it bounces of me, and sticks to you.
Bring back Chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
Bring back chad!
I think Chad put it best when he called you a low T neckbeard. Eat some steaks and you might sprout a few pubes.
dont delete stuff pls
I didn’t delete everything… I left up the post where he hopes my wife dies.
And I still do.
You are such a dishonest piece of shit, talking how virtuous you are and then you act like this, she would be better off.
Saying that isn’t making you look better by the way.
Your just a gutless cunt.
So delete my post again then.
That was a completely not gutless move.
You gonna punch my face in too like w@f
I think you are projecting an awful lot.
You realise if you just left the post there I wouldn’t have cared, right.
Oh – so I should have just rolled over and let you dominate me with both your ignorance and your enormous ego?
You could try pointing out why I was wrong, but when that fails you just have to delete like dls, or yell abuse.
The abuse started when you wished my wife dead – it won’t stop now cunt…. you think Chad turned EZFKA into an unreadable quagmire of Trolling spam – you ain’t seen nothing yet.
Come at me retard.
I’m gunna do you slow.
At gosford?
Nah cunt, that would be quick. I’m gunna spit roast you here, nice and slow, you dumb impotent old cunt.
Where’s all the abuse gone, I’m getting bored.
At least chad could keep it up for more than a minute….
Delete the post where you wish my dead? Nah, I’ll just leave it up to highlight to the world what a cunt you are.
Would you like me to? I live in Sydney, I got nothing better to do at the moment in lock down.
Surely there is somewhere nearby we can meet, I’d love the opportunity to smash you face in.
Send me your address and I’ll be there.
Oh that’s right, you are such a pussy you can’t even make these comments under your own identity with your own email.
Top of Queens park will do.
How about you just identify yourself properly, at least DLS has the guts to do that.
* an Eastern suburbs wanker, I should have known.
Gave you a place to meet. I’ll be the big cunt with a black hat – what time?
A gutless turd that wouldn’t delete the post if he knew it was me that posted it, as if you are gonna show.
But if you are keen, Gosford station, send me a photo when you get there and I’ll meet ya.
Write abbadaabagoogoo on a bit of paper so I know you aren’t full of it, and have the station in the background.
Cunt – you wanna fight come the fuck down to Sydney. Gave you place – give me a time.
But YOU are the one that wants to fight.
I just think your an idiot, and your hypothetoical wife must be an even bigger one to be with you.
Cock head – you were offering it. I didn’t ask for it, but if you offering I’m happy to oblige.
As I said, I’m in lock down and ain’t got anything better to do, getting smacked in the face will make a change from smashing myself on the rower or doing laps of the park till I can barely stand.
But now I given you a place, you want to walk it back like the gutless cunt you are. Queens park anytime, just give me time – I’m the big cunt with a black hat.
10 minutes.
Aww, you missed it, you soft cock.
So when ya coming to gosford?
Mate I was there – been in the park for the past two hours doing laps. I couldn’t see any hunchbacked, bitch titted soy boy lurking in the bushes when I left, nor when I came back, so I presume you are speaking out of your ass as usual.
All I saw was a bunch of girls…
“Gave you a place to meet. I’ll be the big pussified fag with a black bf– what time?”
fixed it for u
Keep dreaming Trolly 🙂
Time for some celebrity death match between you two, I would pay for a ticket to watch that …. LOL
Can you guys livestream it for those of us following along at home? Maybe loser has to be banished back to MB?
why cant i post articles? how do i, i want to write a quick one
Be careful, you may end up regretting it.
Someone might threaten to bash ya.
This link should work if you have permission
Is the article, is chaddles stewies wife, by any chance?
you Dont have a + button?
if that is the issue, workaround is to go to
can you try that!
nope doesnt work
Can you try again in 10 mins or so?
I’ll see if I can have some knobs twiddled.
And just for the lols,
this shitpost has more comments than at least half of stewies posts…
LOL, micro-penis has his ruler out measuring dick sizes again.
geez – did this diss track/character assassination really require its own article?
pwn him in the comments section if you really need to
i like stewie’s articles and comments a lot, even if he may or may not be a sensitive bitch
Well I did, and then he deleted it.
All I am doing is pointing out the hypocrisy. It’s not like I made you read it, it was pretty obvious what it was going to be.
Me too.
Many times I learn something from Stewie’s contributions.
Thanks Sacha – I simply write about what I find interesting and learn, and try to explain it in good faith to those who are interested as best I can. I’m glad you get something out of it.
It’s just Blow Job’s enormous ego and need to be noticed. He repeatedly re-posted comments as he was worried that nobody would notice what he said, and when that didn’t get enough attention he did a whole blog post to tell the world Stewie deleted one of his posts… blah ha ha hah…. and the wanker has the nerve to call me a cry baby!
How many times have you posted that image?
Well now that I associate it with you, frequently I imagine.
you really are retarded. Do you get so butthurt about your wife because she’s imaginary?
No – as I said, my wife is a device to turn on/off or display my domination over Chad or W@ffle. I’ve explained it all to you before.
Speaking of wives – do you even have one? I can’t imagine any woman ever involving herself with such a pedantic autistic fuck like yourself.
Women don’t really seem to like spending time around wankers like you who never admit they are wrong, like the complete fuckwit you come across as.
That projecting thing seems to be happening again.
Has tether collapsed yet?
Have you lost your virginity yet?
Didn’t answer the question, that seems like a dodge to me. So combined with my assessment that your a ‘spergy incel I’d say you’d be a 40 yr old virgin.
About as accurate as your crypto predictions…
Ta – all I’m doing is writing about shit I find interesting.
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
Bring back chad
You’re not much of one for constructing a decent argument, but then your posts up until now have been just as much a waste of time…. they were so unnoticeable and completely forgettable that I had no idea you wrote so many until I went and had a look:
A Ponzi of a Ponzi
Your little footstamping post about how it isn’t proper to refer to Bitcoin as a Ponzi…. a little reminiscent of your “DTL’s aren’t a database because I work in IT and said so”, argument.
Dan tries his hand at RC distraction
A post so light on actual substance that it makes Jessica Irving look like Stephen Hawkings.
NZ Leading the EZFKA way?
A post so light on actual substance that it makes Jessica Irving look like Stephen Hawkings. (Just so there is no confusion, this is an actual copy and paste)
Fiat has value because the government has guns
Perhaps your most memorable post where you stake out your libertarian credentials by claiming fiat only has value because Govts have guns, and not because they make you pay your taxes with the dollars they issue.
Why privatised power is awesome (or not)
This was the only post of yours that I actually liked, however given that it was little more than a two line introduction to a video you came across it still isn’t saying much
BTC is Legal Tender in El Salvador
Ah yes – your insightful commentary on how El Salvador, backward little central American country that it is being run by a corrupt Lebo immigrant is somehow showing the world where the future of ‘Store of Value’ resides.
Lockdown forever?
Some whine about lockdown
MB, not even worth link spamming anymore?
A whine and a cry about MB and how you don’t like it.
Stewies butt hurts so much he deletes posts From article
A sad little insecure rant because I deleted your posts, following endless nickle and dime attacks over; i) What is a Database ii) Daring to use Iron Mountain as a reference for my existing opinion iii) Wishing my wife dead iv) A passing comment on p2p capabilities on BSV.
Are you really THAT butthurt you had to get the ruler out?
Nah – I was just curious as to what you’ve actually contributed to this site. It wasn’t much.
It was hard work too, despite being so light on content, as I almost fell asleep twice while reading your mind numbingly mediocre “insights”
At least I don’t drag the tone down too much with my advertising rants about tech I don’t understand.
Or badmouthing competing stuff I also don’t understand.
Have you done an article on anything at all other than crypto?
I think we are all crypto’d out. Even me.
The jokes on you though, I really doubt enough people read this for it to matter, and most of us aren’t going to be swayed by your stuff.
I’ve explained plenty about crypto and it has been appreciated. It has been correct, well referenced, well supported and broadly accurate.
You’ve explained nothing and contributed nothing except your bloated opinion…. remember I’ve checked all your posts and there was nothing but your libertarian crap and opinion “Fiat has value because Govts have guns” yeah right grandpa.
So why do you get so butthurt about what i say if i know nothing?
Because stupidity is contagious and you’re a veritable typhoid Mary.
ahahahahahhaahhaah you f*ktards are fighting amongst yourselves now. LMAO
I agree with the sentiment of the article though, stewie is a cuck!
I feel whole now again that my personal Troll has returned.
JFC yup feel the same – but that is fucking funny.
You really have no ground to stand on complaining. You are the one that always drags it down to this. Especially when you are proven wrong.
“Proven wrong*”
* in your opinion crypto bro.
When you resort to personal attacks, it’s petty obvious you agree.
Personal attacks – nah, deadshits just fucking annoy me and I got tired of swallowing my tongue and stopping myself from telling you what boring arse stupid cunt you are.
cool pic bro.
Saving it for a thread like this!
I have a surplus bucket of Vaseline left over from a hospital shutdown and I was wondering if there will ever be demand for it.
I should’ve taken 2 and sold them here.
hehehe đź¤
Yeah, so funny. You really are a piece of shit just like the rest of these cunts. Proud to be in charge of all this mentally ill shit? Fuckin House of Windsor grand conspiracy of lizard people jewish numerology satan circle lol. Fucked.In.The.Head.
Yet you keep coming back.
Not as bad as running multiple twitter accounts, but still…
Trolling is fun – that’s why I keep coming back to stick pins in you.
Pop in now and again to see what’s going on, hit the jackpot today lol.
I thought that numerology/cult symbology shit from T was peak tard for this place but Stewie has outperformed that cunt by miles lol
Is that a butt yurt?
Get vaccinated ya soft cock.
I believe in vaccines, however I don’t believe in open borders so resisting in whatever tiny way I can.
And, I actually like lockdown.
Smart man, Harry.
pays to remember that it is possible to get what you want. But nobody said it would be cheap or easy.
those who don’t want open borders but whinge about lockdowns are being a bit precious. The lockdowns are the price of non-open borders. For now.
of course it’s a long game, and it may well be that, as open borders come back harder than ever, the lockdowns will have been the price for nothing.
But there is a chance that this won’t happen. And, from the other perspective, let-it-rip approach would allow open borders immediately.
maybe the best way to look at it is that the lockdowns have “option” value. They may end up being worth something or nothing.
but the alternative is worse (as far as open borders go).
Stewie looking hot
between timbos articles and bile pits like this i get more laffs from this site these days than any other lmao
We need to have an EZFKA meetup imo
get on the piss
Well this sure escalated…
this must be what grandpa means when talks about “flame wars” back in the day.