Is DLS Bernard?

MB channelling the ‘FKA again?

Very low numbers of comments compared to us. Looks like MB’s subscribers are either not much interested in talking to one another or are not large in number. I would not like to see MB die. This would be a great shame.

Leftist attacks are going to get more viscious. It is now hate speech to spout “rhetoric seeking to undermine confidence in solutions to climate change”.

I wonder if these people can tell me what the difference is between expressing doubts, backed up with some cogent argument and evidence, about the effectiveness of proposed anti climate change measures, and “rhetoric seeking to undermine confidence in solutions to climate change”. I’m pretty sure the only difference is the person hearing the argument.

It seems to me that the main effect of climate control measures will be to drive standards of living lower. This will kill many at the bottom of the heap as they disappear into homelessness. I’m not convinced killing people is merely a side effect, not that they would ever admit it. I suspect it is the goal. Perhaps that’s why growing Australian homelessness is having zero impact on the migration debate.

On another note, despite immigration, if commodity prices don’t hold up neither will the Australian economy. My gut says DLS is right about iron ore. In which case, with BTC still not halved, I’m thinking BTC could do better than Australian property over the next few years. I’m looking for a retracement first. I’d reckon that has started. My gut reckons BTC will fall close to $50k, maybe as low as $40k.

Judging from previous halvings it might take 1 year for the big post halving run up to complete. Taking $5k as the low, with the halving in May 2020, the post halving high (a bit above $60k) wasn’t reached until April 2021. If you timed it well, you made 12x. This time the low is ~$20k. We’re definitely going above $100k this time, and $200k isn’t out of the question.

Also, please ask if you don’t know who Bernard is.

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Yay another gay and autistic Robert article

at least MB goes to trouble of adding an awful AI artwork


who was that revert2mean guy


I remember him, he was like a DrSmithy clone only more of a midwit.


The biggest hyprocrite on MB. A bit like Alex Turnbull, levered up into renewables investments, and “we are all gonna die if we don’t stop pandering to the capitalist pigs”

A fly in your ointment

R2M went with several aliases, Lamb guy, etc. Had some self-confessed connection to the Llewdo/Bleato hot bros and Llewdo had it confirmed. Something about recognising a shilling or similar on that property forum.
The guy was a literal retard that went to those web places with literal instruction how to argue for the hockeystick and other climate agenda of the leftards then came over to copy pasta.
Was a useful idiot as he attacked anyone with some semblance of “science is never settled” arguments so that Llewdo and Bleato can delete it all.
Oh, and on Trump topics too.


do yimbys really think streets like this are the best places in the world


Very similar to Waterview Drive in Lane Cove. Hideous.

Letting the private sector run rampant is producing results similar to Russian central planning. Is this a kind of housing horseshoe theory?


use the timeline meter on google street view to go back past 2013, its a completely different street. low density, kind of run down working class industrial area it wasnt pretty back then but it has personality compared to the grey apartment block shithole it is now. every city in aus is going to go in the same direction.

and the soviet microdistricts were at least full of trees and open spaces

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Exactly, they are ringing out all the costs possible at this point.
At least the old Kruschevkas could be built in less than 2 weeks and they lasted 50yrs+.
These things are dribbled slowly out to market (deliberately) and show visible deterioration after 10yrs.


Obviously, but there is no edit button any more.
Are you spell checking the whole internet or just this site?

A fly in your ointment

With Kruschevkas you still had a bit of a park around and they weren’t packed tight.

The tight packing of Kruschevkas here is not by a chance


That is not dense enough for YIMBYs. Despite all their talk about apartments suitable for everyone, YIMBYs are really only interested in tiny dormitories with no parking facilities.


It’s another way of embracing the incel life and hurting the hot white girls that wouldn’t give them a second look.


Not much architectural merit there. What other density possibilities are there?
Given that if people all want to live in large cities, quarter-acre blocks are not realistically going to work.

Picked at random:



The yimbys do have a point in that neither of these streetscapes could be legally built in Australia

planning regulations regarding setbacks and solar access overlooking etc etc would prevent it

regulations certainly need to be removed

not that should be an excuse for rampant immigration


Every change in density laws will only seek to further enable yet further immigration

A fly in your ointment

The important difference is that in Europe most of these are tucked in with lots of local businesses and life buzzes around them. Ezfka khruschevkas are hyped up isolated dormitories.


Who said Labor politicians have no idea about running a business?

Bill Shorten has done more for small business and investors than the Libs could ever dream of.

Sure, Bill Shorten has overseen the NDIS expansion into a $40 billion a year scam fest, but we need doers like these economic generators in this country.


I also know first hand of a guy who has to fight to get a carer one hour a day for his high care disabled son. That carer told him he’s booked every week taking another ‘patient’ to a brothel on the NDIS. Carer drives him, sits outside, drives him home.

Thats why we need infinity migration, who’s going to do that job? Lazy Aussies won’t. Besides it gives the sex worker a job, and don’t you dare tell me it’s not a legitimate job either Sister..


NDIS fuelling a Propadee investment scheme, what do you think?

I’m gonna go all in, this looks like a no lose situation.

Thanks Bill Shorten and Albo, I’m gonna get mine!


If the Pajeets back it, has to be legit too.


Are we sure that carer isn’t taking Albo to True Thai massage?
Albo looks mentally challenged enough to qualify for NDIS.


Stimmy under another name. Same with the Voice.


Muh I love Science

Ok so I love to see a public servant and Lefty shill get ratio’d too


Halving is only 38 days away – it won’t fall as low as $50k until after that, although the distribution of the MtGox coins is a bit of a downside wild card, ETFs are actually sucking money AWAY from exchanges as the BTC price currently booms, which is the opposite of previous booms.

Plus I remember reading somewhere that after halving at the current difficulty rates the price needs to rise to around $75k to remain economical. I expect volatility to increase massively for the next couple months until a new equilibrium is reached in terms of hash, price and transaction costs.


I’m not sure how big the impact will end up being. Although it is 200,000 coins or so, they are releasing them in a staggered fashion and some people will likely only sell a portion of what they receive – say 50%, which is 100k.

Supposedly 20k a day has been sucked away from the exchanges in the last couple weeks, so realistically that is only 5 days of supply if that flow rate supposedly continues.


I was asking after that the other day:

Craig Wright is a liar and a fraud.

I’ll send it through tomorrow when I am more sober (not through any commiserations) 🥴 I did take the opportunity to pivot the small amt of loose crypto I still held back from BSV to BTC, so thanks for the chiding.

Still interested in BSV, people might put it down to cope but the tech remains cool.

Last edited 7 months ago by Stewie

Who is Bernard?

$100k bitcoin doesn’t seem impossible at all from a pure price perspective. What is possibly more interesting is the narrative which will be in play at those levels (or perhaps be triggered by those levels).

It does seem right that Bitcoin has the potential to demonetize other assets, including gold and houses. Possibly $100k is a level at which this would already be happening.


lol this is actually pretty good


Just lol at this comment

The roof over your head, or the staple of value for thousands of years

Versus some useless coin that could be worth anything and has absolutely zero intrinsic value

For the record I already got in and out of the Bitcoin ponzi


absolutely zero intrinsic value

Nothing has intrinsic value. It is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it dependent on the situation. If you were dying of dehydration in the desert a bar of gold has less intrinsic value than a bottle of water.


You’re using edge cases to defend the indefensible


Edge cases are where the knowledge is, if there is an edge case where the value doesn’t exist then it isn’t intrinsic.


Just lol at this comment

The roof over your head, or the staple of value for thousands of years

if housing is “demonetized”, that doesn’t mean it becomes worthless.

it just means that the element of its price that represents “store of value” is removed and it starts trading more like a commodity

Versus some useless coin that could be worth anything and has absolutely zero intrinsic value

It is not useless. It is very finely divisible, easily And quickly transferable, unforgeable/easily auditable and unprintable. This combination of qualities is quite unique and potentially very useful.

The “intrinsic value” is potentially in the monetary function that it can perform. The value is in what it does and what it enables.


MB’s dead, reading the comments is about as appealing as sorting through month old leftovers in the fridge, wondering if you can make a meal. One container smells OK, but what’s the green stuff, the next is definitely a Bio weapons experiment and then you open the container that you just can’t close quick enough, the smell gets out and you can’t unsmell it. In the end with your stomach turned you toss the lot. Yep just like MB comments.


your fridge must be gnarly


Why they disabled comments for non-subscribers I don’t understand.
a) Comment variety were often the best part. (Aside from those who only accused others of being astro-turfers)
b) Don’t expect to agree with everyone but every now and then you might get a piece of insight from someone who infrequently comments on a subject matter they know about.
c) I don’t even think Hugh Pavletich bothers spamming them with NZ property posts now.
d) One can’t pay and subscribe to everything.


They disabled non-subscribers years ago and that was beginning of the end. That decision probably knocked off more than half the community, leading to the subsequent decimation of the comments section which was one of the main attractions. If NZ Hugh can’t be bothered… that really says something.


Oh Christ, so he is and with the same level of engagement he used to get – zero.
Be better off investing the time in developing his own site.

Last edited 7 months ago by V

When neither the comments nor the articles are fresh, I find the whole experience a bit like week old fish. It’s probably OK to eat, but why bother, it doesn’t smell great, it won’t taste great and if your’e wrong, you’ll spend a week wishing you hadn’t it.
MB is in decline because both DLS and LVO are past their use by date. 12 years ago it was new, it was fresh, it was different. Now it’s just another corner of the internet, another echo chamber, another circlejerk. You know exactly what to expect and MB tries not to disappoint, but much like a plate of week old fish, you have to ask yourself: Am I really that hungry!


There were just to many fuckknuckles in the comments. Dennis with-a-small-d, yokel, ginger, stomper and a few others were highly aggressive. Disagree with them and they’d abuse the shit out of you.

Being abused by fools who are wrong about everything us unutterably tedious, so I gave it away. I suspect a lot of others were the same.


Haven’t seen them commenting in a while, maybe their troll farm had its funding cut


Heh…yeah. I’ve seen it posited that non-MSM websites that don’t toe the line can be targeted by troll farms that make life so unpleasant for subscribers that they go away and the site eventually dies.

If MB were so targeted it seems to have been a roaring success. Too late for me though…I cancelled my subscrition a while ago, and haven’t even been there at all for the last few months. Pretty sad, for a place I used to visit every day and the only website I ever subscribed to.


he’s not coming.


yeah he is


And i’m a dancing ballerina…


paranoid much


Gullible much?


who even are you? you rocked up here like 2 weeks ago and now youre claiming youve got a better grasp of comings likely identity than someone whos been talking to him for like 2.5 years, all just bc he was gone for less than a month or so


Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

muh coming


hail coming hail our people


ho even are you? you rocked up here like 2 weeks ago

Blame the stupid password requirements for that.

But you are proving my point. At least one person seems to have worked out who I am, and more probably suspect but haven’t bothered commenting. I’m not trying to hide it but I didn’t bother using the same name because the content of the message is what matters not who is saying the thing.

Last edited 7 months ago by commentBot

ah ha! I knew it


lol, way to bravely not actually commit to a guess…


said it weeks ago


You danced around it and left some wriggle room.

If it was you anyway, I can’t actually remember or care enough to go find it.


Here ’tis


i don’t believe you are coming


I don’t believe I am coming either.
I also don’t believe comingback is coming.


who are you


bjw is my guess.




/\ what they said.


If MB were so targeted it seems to have been a roaring success.

MB targetted themselves by banhammering anyone that had a contrary opinion or hurt their feelings, or dared to link a previous article that the author had written that is ridiculous in hindsight to provide context to any position taken in the article.

By doing that any and all interesting discussion in the comments got killed and the comments were always far more interesting than the copypasta articles they churned out,


 “the comments were always far more interesting than the copypasta articles they churned out”

So true

the arborist

Reusa’s comments alone were more valuable and accurate than all the articles.


I miss reusa.
It’s a sad state of affairs when a blatant parody ends up being so accurate.

Gruppenführer Mark

Wouldn’t it be a doozy if we got reusa here. And bcnich, he too was entertaining with astrological stuff, crash predictions and health bennies of sunning one’s arse.


If they haven;t made it here by now then they aren’t ever. Probably for the best for them if I’m honest.

Gruppenführer Mark

Was wishful thinking, that’s all. But yes, they’re gone.


it hasnt all helped but what really ‘did them in’ was their big prediction failure re: housing. covid not killing aus’ housing market caused them to finally give up and they lost all their credibility beyond that

honestly though why are we even talking about them like they were ever this super success in the first place. they have less comments now but 3/4ths of that is bc we’re all on here now but we all still look at their site anyway so i doubt they give a shit

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

i haven;t been back there since the first time i got banned after this place existed.


I’ve never liked that whole ‘paid astro-turfer’ line. Because it is so easy to make the claim. Maybe people are paid to comment/troll like that but what would it pay? A fraction of a cent per comment maybe.
Best thing would be to ignore it, but then I guess it is hard to resist.

A fly in your ointment

“Paid astro turfer” is the ultimate ad hominem. Because it is a loaded statement (accusation is central part of it) and one has to defend the accusation first.
EmBee actively supported its use against the critics of approved thoughts.

Last edited 7 months ago by A fly in your ointment

I still think it has more to do with the effect of subscriptions have on comment moderation. Before requiring memberships they dealt with troll comments reasonably well.

But that soon stopped – after all, if someone is willing to throw cash at you you’re probably going to be a bit more lenient with what is allowed. As more of that started to occur that in itself changed the vibe of the comments, making it a lot more hostile.

Regular onlookers who see the likes of dennis and yokel regularly shitting on people aren’t going to want any part in it. Coming did the same, but obviously crossed a line somewhere which got him banned.


crossed a line somewhere which got him banned.

You could shit all over commenters to your hearts content. Suggesting that dls wasn’t god himself is what got you banned.


Who do you think got banned the most?
I’m not sure exactly but I was banned about 5 times (maybe more) …new handel + new IP = new life


Who do you think got banned the most?

They just stop posting, so who knows.
I never bothered with a new handle because I didn’t care about posting there that much, especially by the time the ban hammer got heavy enough to ban me as well.


Yep Dennis is top of that list.


Comments don’t pay the bills, ad revenue does, I’d be interested to the actual traffic the site gets, they may have decided being more mainstream friendly is far more lucrative! Who gives a fk about 10-20 rando freaks who spend their lives arguing on a fringe economic blog

A fly in your ointment

comments are a goldmine for traffic and ad revenues

it was a mater of time before Llewdo and Bleatho got caught up in their assertive wishful thinking and comments begun to be undesirable critic and tolled the credibility of the duo.
dennis, r2m and ilk are just the useful idiobots who got away with anything when they baited the critics, focused attacked them inciting a ban.


You can literally look this stuff up

1.1m visits in Feb which isn’t too bad

I’d estimate their monthly ad revenue to be in the realm of $20-40k pm


The people are just as bad as the politicians. Libs are a gangster clique of tradies, finance workers, real estate agents etc. Labor are the pigs in Animal Farm that want to take over the system and not really change it. Greens love being mentally ill and worthless.

They all generally like woke because it gives an easy way to be superior and a cowards way to hurt others. Mass immigration a massive grift.

How often do you hear a normie irl say fuck this shit there’s too many shitskins? Yeah never.

People in previously neglected and looked down upon suburbs like seeing their house go up and all the shiny new apartments and shopping centres.


regional councils love it too. in my exp the av person in dubbo loves all the pop growth they talk about like we have a booming economy


Yeah it’s generally a boon for a lot of the legacy scum. They’re disgusting. It’s ok to be disgusting because mental illness/fat/slut shaming etc..a perfect storm.


I keep saying this

Stagmal needs to buy in Whyalla or Port Pirie

Sub $200k houses that aren’t terrible

Source: bought there myself


In Port Pirie or Whyalla?




If Stags buys there you can set up an EZFKA colony!


if we buy it they will come


Source: bought there myself

to live there or invest?


Invest. Could never convince my wife to live that far away from a major city.

But for others where this works it’s a great option IMO.

the arborist

Oh no! We lost a brave Aussie IT specialist working for Nike in Melbourne.

A major investigation has been launched in the wake of a young mum’s shocking death after she went under the knife for a ‘minor’ surgery in Melbourne.

Harjit Kaur, 30, unexpectedly fell pregnant after landing a new IT job with Nike and made the tough decision with her husband to schedule an abortion for January 12. 

Ms Kaur tragically died while her surgeon, Dr Rudolph ‘Rudy’ Lopes, was operating.


the abc must have a daily quota for articles talking about a random boring woman doing some boring unremarkable thing

coming was right


I’d give her one.


Yeah this is unreal

nobody will ever acknowledge what they did

A fly in your ointment

Jabbadabba caused all cause mortality to reduce but the real world all cause mortality increase was due to unjabbed dying of asymptomatic covid without knowing they had covid!

There is no greater safety signal than all-cause mortality.

Yet despite this fact the Australian Federal Health Department fail to take the jump in all-cause mortality after the vaccine rollout seriously.

In the eight months after the rollout deaths climbed by almost 10,000 people or almost 10%. This was before Covid was in the community.

To claim that these deaths were from undiagnosed Covid is just deliberately misleading. Every man and his dog was being PCR tested on the slightest of a sniffle.

Furthermore no autopsies were ever performed to prove this allegation of undiagnosed Covid.

Of course the reason why the Health Department will never admit the vaccine was responsible for even half of these deaths would be to admit that the government was responsible for killing thousands of people.

Remember these were the same people that censored your social media posts and denied you the right to say goodbye to your loved ones on the their death beds.


would be to admit that the government was responsible for killing thousands of people.

And on top of that are financially liable for any damages awarded against pfizer in any legal case as part of the supply contract…

A fly in your ointment

It’s very plausible that the long covid targets only jabbadabba-do’s. No wonder that want the focus elsewhere

Ha, this just came:

Could “long COVID” actually be long vax?

Yes, according to Dr. Pierre Kory.

In Dr. Kory’s clinical observations, “the vast majority are long vax.”

“If you look at my practice, maybe 1200 patients: 70% are long vax, not long COVID, meaning all of their issues, the syndrome, started after the vaccine, not COVID.”

What we all knew!




“long covid” was around in 2020 before the vax had even been in a single persons arm

i remember hearing about it heaps before the rollout even began

“long covid” is “long vax” in the way that both are hypochondriac bullshit from two types of lunatics converging in the same horse shoe

theyre the post lyme of the 2020s

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

most definitely

long covid and long vax are a mix of post viral syndrome
,hypochondria non-specific symptoms, & malingering / lying

there are serious complications from both covid infection and the vaccines but beyond those to the extent that there is a “long covid / long vax” that substantially lingers is the same w every other viral infection etc

this shit aint new

A fly in your ointment

Having emma renay in your system converting your cells into covid like cells at a slow pace can cause effects similar to low level untreated infection tolling your immune system and causing long term persistent effects.
A possible explanation.
I understand the hypochondriac effect and there’s some that can be ascribed to it but just not enough to be dismissed.


Nah you sound like a cooker, how can a vaccine possibly have side effects, only the vid can possibly cause long covid, hint: it’s in the name

A fly in your ointment



No refunds.


At least following MB and alt right and gay bears possibly saved my life.

A fly in your ointment

You probably nailed property like Nathan Birch, or better, just by following EmBee predicktions ?


Nah I need to go back 20-30 years and have a lobotomy and a complete removal of a social conscience for that one.


Not surprised. Canada seem to be pushing euthanasia HARD as a medical cost cutting exercise.
Coming to a western nation near you soon…


Probably a good idea! If the useless eaters want to top themselves why stop them?

Gruppenführer Mark

First, thanks for donating.

Second, thanks for showing the way how to donate. Once back from hols, will figure it out.

Third, useless eaters or not, even in dark ages I can’t remember any society that would encourage suicide. But I guess if there is a philosophical discussion in UK on acceptability of cannibalism, there is no end in sight to that slippery slope.


Japan has entered the chat…

Gruppenführer Mark

How? Kamikaze?

Gruppenführer Mark

Not even close. Ritualistic act to preserve honour.

As opposed to euthanasia just because.


even in dark ages I can’t remember any society that would encourage suicide. But I guess if

Way to move the goalposts…

Saying it is honourable is simply a way of encouraging it.
You should do it because honour is no different than you should do it because anything else.


Ha ha all good! CoinJar is super simple and legit, with the recent all time highs it’s a shame the folks here didn’t pull their heads in and do what peachy asked you may have made a bob or two


Sacrificing to the gods could be compared with both encouraged suicide and abortion to that matter. War has also been used for the same means. There really hasn’t been a time where mass death hasn’t been encouraged in some way or form

Gruppenführer Mark

Still not the same as encouraging a human being to take their own life for no purpose but to end life.


Progressive values are just one long slippery slope.


Most things are a slippery slope.
What matters is if you like the ride and whats at the bottom.

A fly in your ointment

it’s actually insurance mob trying to reduce out of pocket money, selling you (now) that living with cancer or similar is pointless and ofcourse, having diabetes too (later). Next stage for EZFKA

one step closer to Soylent Green.


Gay hipster pub going down.

>12 months ago, customers were spending an average of $68 per person, per visit and last weekend that figure dropped to $25

>under NSW licencing laws his business is required to offer substantial snacks when serving alcohol, meaning he must keep the kitchen staffed at all times his bar is open, even if customers are few and far between.

Haha the bureaucracy…I bet filled to the brim with women.

Does it really matter anymore if they can just print money and social engineer?

I went to the RSL a couple of weeks ago for lunch. Was pretty empty for a Saturday.

Spent about an hour last night looking for a movie to watch. Couldn’t find a fuckin thing that didn’t look fucked and woke. Staring at a brick wall is more fun.


a lot of zoomers and millennials just arent going to pubs anymore. i think people are realising how much of a waste of money it all is

$200 a night for the same grogs you can get at dan murphys for 1/5th the price just to be able to sit in a room that smells like piss and listen to bad live music, a lot of ppl are starting to ask wheres the value proposition here.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Getting a root! Oh wait…


increasingly not places for that girls just use apps now


Sounds shit!

Pubs/Clubs were much better in the 90s – no phones, no jimmys, no woke, full of second hand smoke, standards dropping dramatically as the night progresses, ah good times

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t go out too often but I just never see hot chicks in bars or pubs these day. Maybe everyone is just uglier.


Everyone’s fatter too


same im morbidly obese


never see hot chicks in bars or pubs

If hot means young they are all where the DJ’s are.


Even when I used to go it was usually a waste of money. Sausage fest. Girls mega on the defensive. Often some roid muscle cunt looking for fights. Loud music as fuck so you can’t even speak so you just drink to ease the boredom. Have a few beers and the estrogen takes over and you’d rather just relax rather than try and talk to a chick. The one good one I used to go to boomers got the shits with it and shut it down. One drink you’re over the limit so you can’t even drive.


now imagine what its like in dubbo


I don’t want to imagine what it’s like in Dubbo. I went there once in about 1987, and that was more than enough.


I stopped off in Coffs once. Went to the pub. Got mega death stare off some fat bikey moll that looked like she was a blonde Gina Reinhardt on the dole, like she was trying to take a shit at the same time. Spoke to the bouncer and asked where’s the club. Acting like speaking was like asking him to show his cock he said mhehehh wemmmmh eeredfger. Went to the club. About a crowd of blokes 10 deep and a pissy little group of chicks and a couple of Chads on the dance floor. Like some sort of severely culled and defeated tribe.


this is an incredible story


Gina was surrounded by these mega hateful skinny 50 year olds with little mos. Her little posse of simps all trying to be the guy that gets their end in at the end of the night. Trying to outdo each other with pool skills or how much they liked acdc and all that.


I’ve got to believe that there are still hot girls, even in Dubbo.
I’ve also got to believe that these girls are out on a Saturday night, totally horny and ready to F anything with the right moves. At least, that’s how it was in my day.
It’s depressing to imagine today’s reality is other than as I remember it, totally depressing.


Yeah noone believes you got laid that much.

Zoomers are more conservative but they are still too woke to have any effect. They’ll just be a pack mule generation. They’ll facially express desire for rebellion but won’t do anything. They’re like replicants.


just not worth putting yourself through all this hassle and money just for some mooty hole

its not hard to see why so many are going herb and giving up the game

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Yeah if you’re a bloke you gotta be on your a-game all the time. Basically be a robot. Even then you aren’t guaranteed of anything very good.

Couple of guys I know didn’t do that now they’re divorced and rekt.


I really do sympathise though, whether it was a ‘hipster’ bar or not.
The government has absolutely no clue what all these costs do to a business and because of the relative ‘good times’ Australia has had they assume these charges can continue to go up ad infinitum.
Suddenly customers cut discretionary spending massively and they are left high and dry.

Unfortunately there will be more collapses and the answer is a collapse because the politicians are not capable of recognising what is happening and responding.
In their world they are all still getting paid (as are their officious minions) and everything is fine.

the arborist

Maybe governments are deliberately trying to drive pubs out of business because pubs are a legazen thng and government hates legazens. There are coffee shops, gyms, kebab shops, middle eastern barbers and shisha bars popping up everywhere, but pubs are dropping like flies.


Alcohol will go the same way as cigarettes, taxed into oblivion and hopeless bogans will continue to drink – alcohol costs society way too much, the upcoming generations drink far less than previous, it’s a matter of time


Except it’s not all that hard to brew your own beer at home using wort kits for half the cost of buying it


yeah hopeless alcoholics will still drink and brew their own I agree


Brewing your own beer is a recipe to become as fat as a butter ball.


Its not that hard to grow tobacco either…


Old fart who never saved any money for retirement and admits making lots of bad decisions is now supplied with free housing and income at the expense of everybody else but still complains bitterly that the handouts aren’t big enough.

I want to shoot people like this.


Admittedly that is a low amount of super to have by that age however realistically we are only a market downturn away from everybody losing a large % of superannuation ‘wealth’ overnight. Nobody is wealthy enough to sustain a 20-30% drawdown (or a rapid loss of real purchasing power via inflation) when you get close to retirement age were it to happen.

Personally I view the system as ‘untested’ given that we are really only now seeing people retire and be reliant on the private super system. Those initial retirees also have the benefit (generally) of massive property wealth, that following generations will not have unless through inheritance.
How this plays out is anybody’s guess.


How this plays out is anybody’s guess.

People who earn plenty of money will be fine, same as before super.
People at the lower end will have minimal super and be denied a pension or have it heavily reduced because super.


Her main mistake was not buying back into property in the 2000s after her divorce

She would have been fine if she did that and if she was working could have surely got a small mortgage and done just fine

Let it be a lesson to everyone that renters will always be scum class


Our poofter PM walking his fluffy dog, accompanied by another poofter.

Seriously, if albo isn’t an arse-bandit I’ll eat my night vision scope.


Those pants. Almost definitely gay. Probably bi.


What a nonsense article I had to check it wasn’t a satire site.
Everything in Canberra is designed to do one thing, get money from the government. Whether those workers are classed as contractors to the government or ‘private’ sector, what is that ‘private’ sector engaging in?
You guessed it – trying to get money from the government.


Of course Tulip supports super being used as collateral for housing loans on the basis that it would reduce deposit requirements. Anything to supercharge demands…


How did this Peter Tulip bum become a chief economist?
So we throw even more cash demand (and associated leverage) at a market providing limited supply and wonder what will happen.


These accountant/economist types are the banality of evil manifest. Creepy as fuck.


Already happening for borrowers over 40yo. The banks allowing people to borrow (and redraw) more than they are capable of repaying before retirement based on super as collateral. That is why I keep warning everyone not to rely on govt pension for retirement.

What Peter is suggesting for younger borrowers will inevitably happen. It will be the next phase of the current 5% deposit scheme. Government currently guarantees 15% of the loan. It is not a stretch for the government to wash their hands of the 15% guarantee, and instead shift to using superannuation as collateral for that 15%.

A fly in your ointment

I would fully support super use for funding PPoR (only).
it actually is already approved if your supper could outright own the property (you could rent from your super) The change would only be that the super can now get a mortgage.
PPoR has intricate value and it is a lesser risk to Super in case of a downturn. Would prevent leverage against such property for obvious reasons.IWhen shyte hits the fan they will allow 100% access to super for derisking banks anyway.


The change would only be that the super can now get a mortgage.

Super could take a loan previously in SMSF for property. There were restrictions about what the lender could get back if it went tits up from memory though. No idea what the current situation is.


Here’s a thought.
If you were to launch an MB replacement site, what would your focus be?
Personally I’d be focused on Complexity Economics especially as it relates to Australia (which has always been the historical outlier with GDP unrelated/uncorrelated to Economic Complexity)
I’m sure that others could do a bang up job with an Econophysics approach.
I suspect the raw numbers ($/click) favour a very left leaning, wordy social economics analysis.

What do you all think? Is Australia ready for an MB-mark2? if so how would it need to be focused to differentiate itself from MB today?

A fly in your ointment

Problem with AI fast search engine is that it can not rank the importance of what it collects as you would find fit, ulitimately railroading your thinking process.
Results are sterile and often noticeably-enough wrong.

There are ways to emulate this to a point but since irrational cannot be programmed in the way it works with humans it is impossible unless there was a computing unit which has access to thinking process of billions of people.


Thanks, food for thought
My feeling is that you’d also have to avoid the whole Housing fiasco like the plague. There are no good answers. I think the lack of real solutions for affordable housing, is the reason the MSM also avoids the topic.
In many ways Australian housing is our own home grown version of absurdly high US medical costs. There are no good solutions to this class of problem.

As for daily posts, I think therein lies the main problem with MB, to get today’s clicks they post and post and post again with almost no differentiation between each post. This is a textbook example of how to devalue your product through oversupply. Personally I’d be focused on weekly or even biweekly articles (probably making it a lot more like “The Conversation”).

It’s interesting that you mention AI, there’s a lot that could be automated with financial / business journalism. I’ve played around with throwing Australian Treasury statistics at a language model trained on Paul Krugman’s writings. It’s very good at getting a Krugman like tone with leftist leaning articles, out of raw Treasury data releases. I was surprised just how good they were.


In many ways Australian housing is our own home grown version of absurdly high US medical costs. There are no good solutions to this class of problem.

Most of the world has a good solution to absurd US medical costs. The only problem is vested interests and representative democracy’s fundamental properties.

As for daily posts, I think therein lies the main problem with MB, to get today’s clicks they post and post and post again with almost no differentiation between each post.

MB did this the entire time I visited it. Maybe the topics have narrowed since then, I bet there is no self driving car articles there anymore telling us we’d all be using them LITERALLY by now. How’d that play out?
The thing that was worth visiting every day or whatever was the discussion below not the articles.


that is already this site


Yeah nah nah

A fly in your ointment

Is Australia ready for an MB-mark2? if so how would it need to be focused to differentiate itself from MB today

Why would you make a better version of something so poor and unknown enough and not start from a scratch without any encumbrance?

I’d distance myself from the news.comau feeders and those who’s thinking process is impeded by irrational and by ideology. I.e. from Llewdo and Bleatho


Well, I think MB is nearing collapse, so It would be nice to have a jump start to MB2 by winning over MB1 loyalists. It’s just the old startup from what problem.

A fly in your ointment

And farewell to them
EmBee is Llewdo and Bleatho, married forever. I’d want to distance from them to the opposite end of spectrum


Well, I think MB is nearing collapse,

seems to negate any need for

winning over MB1 loyalists.

since they mostly don’t exist and based on the descriptions I hear here of current day MB why would you want the few that are left?


If you were to launch an MB replacement site, what would your focus be?

Strong writers who cover interesting and varied topics from multiple viewpoints in significant depth rather than surface level gloss.
MB were getting a good chunk of this for free when they were popular and then they chased off the people providing the content for them.

’m looking for commentary that compresses the many good and free data feeds

Again the comments on MB used to be great for this.

I guess what you need above all else is a diverse intelligent and engaged reader and commenter base. How you get there I have NFI. You need interesting enough articles to get the ball rolling and a huge chunk of luck presumably.


“”Strong writers who cover interesting and varied topics from multiple viewpoints in significant depth rather than surface level gloss”

I know that I’d also be interested in this BUT I suspect if this venture were to be a commercial success, then it would need to target a different demographic (to myself) with a lot less depth than I would personally like.


BUT I suspect if this venture were to be a commercial success, then it would need to target a different demographic (to myself)

If you want a commercial success you’d be better off starting a youtube channel, and probably doing it 5 years ago realistically.

As actual paper print has been killed, so goes blogs and online text as well. The advertising dollars are in video, and people after less depth seem far less likely to subscribe.
Feel free to take it with a grain of salt given my complete lack of any experience running a venture like this.

Actual quality articles take a significant amount of time and effort to create, and to build a large audience you probably need a reasonable stable of writers as well. MB is copy paste central and a single main writer because that is all that can be funded in the current environment.


Veritasium is an example of a youtube channel that goes into a lot of depth but is still popular (and only posts about once per month). I guess this is the model I’d need to follow. It’s a big ask to produce high quality, detailed orientated content, especially for an unknown audience.

If I were to focus on Economic Complexity, then it would have to be targetted at a global market rather than focused on Australia.

I know I don’t have the right camera presence. I’ve done enough media training sessions to know that I suck at being in front of the camera. I’m just so’s painful to watch.


Veritasium is semi retired at this point IMHO. It got popular posting a whole lot more regularly than it does now. The getting popular part is a lot harder than the staying popular part.

A lot of channels have also been sold off in the last year or two as well. I think peak youtube may have passed now as well. I don’t think the revenue it was providing to the content creators is actually sustainable.
Trying to start now there is also a much larger pool of existing channels to compete with as well.

know that I suck at being in front of the camera. I’m just so’s painful to watch.

This seems to be the key to generating a successful channel, along with content that interests a particular group. Even a plumber clearing drains can have a successful channel just doing that, if done the right way.


Michael West seems to have come to a similar realisation and is on the youtubes. I wouldn’t say he has great camera presence but he’s got 75,000 subsribers.
How much income that actually equates to I have no idea.


$20k per million views


i dont think it translates perfectly into those theoretical numbers like that anymore if it ever did. theres very little money in YT these days unless you’re pulling huge view count, you have to have side income like merch, patreon etc.

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

Million views isn’t a huge view count?


not anymore imo, its decent but not much revenue in it i dont think

i have a video on my channel thats over 1m

Agent 47

islanders are so fat

A fly in your ointment

It seems to me that the main effect of climate control measures will be to drive standards of living lower. This will kill many at the bottom of the heap as they disappear into homelessness. I’m not convinced killing people is merely a side effect, not that they would ever admit it. I suspect it is the goal. Perhaps that’s why growing Australian homelessness is having zero impact on the migration debate.

CC measures are just one more tool to put pastured animals in the farmhouse. No need to kill anyone, no need to sterilise people, lifestyles and pharma created enough rope for fertility and mankind if hurling to it.
Interestingly there’s no conspiracy there, just the slow spiral to permanent (economical) growth. Everything is just the convenient positive feedback by-product.



A fly in your ointment

r u on glue sniffing binge again?


well its happened

was walking thru the park just then and some fat kid must have been like 14 walked past wearing a pokemon t shirt and knee high rainbow socks

some other fat abo kid sitting on the swings asked him whether he was part of the “lgbt community”

socksbrah replied “yeah im trans”

couldnt believe it myself

if this shit is happening in dubbo now what hope does the average kid in inner syd or melb have

absolutely banderas

its over boyos

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

LOL – we had work training where it was suggested that someone saying “I’m an Apache helicopter” was targeted harassment. The training made no allowance for other people’s right to disagree with people’s self described identity.


Because it’s not about anything other than forcing groupthink and conformity. They are literally fighting racism and sexism by applying extreme racism and sexism. Is anything more sexist than saying that putting on a dress and lipstick makes you a woman?


Nah it’s good, these fuckwits are being removed from the gene pool – means less competition

A fly in your ointment

Could’ve bin a beotch converting to look like a dude. One less to compete for.


Exactly! Gives stagmal a slightly better chance of getting a root

A fly in your ointment

Getting a root?
He’s a gin jockey, not a bum burglar.
I think


A root is an Aussie euphemism for having sex, getting lucky

A fly in your ointment

And gin jockey and bum burglar are euphemisms for…?


Bum burglars are shirt lifters


Chocolate frog hunters


incels are racists and wouldn’t fk a gin

A fly in your ointment

Yep, in online phorums and in the public.
But when a young Incel goes fishing, he takes a pack of cigies and a 6-pack extra…


Ha ha very good!


A lot of those pov rurals are lefties, or at least dress like them, nose rings, tatts, except unlike the inner city fags they say youse.


Most are bogan homophobes are would’ve given it a hiding 20 years ago

A fly in your ointment

Homophobes, homophiles,… all homophones


Synonyms not homophones

A fly in your ointment

In rainbow world, homophone is the new synonym


Of course! Transwordism


They weren’t homophobes. I knew some in the 90s they all liked Powderfinger and had tramp stamps and liked that show Recovery.


in cities that may have been true faggots got gaybashed in 2000s dubbo

the arborist

It might happen again once faggotry goes out of fashion and people are fed up with it being shoved in the faces 24/7. There’s surely got to be a backlash to all this rampant wokery.


While you get sent to prison for misgendering someone the backlash will be restrained…

and we aren’t that far from that point in various western countries.


Maybe when society is all conservative christians, poos and muzzies, and all the lefties and degenerates have died off.

Degeneracy is fun though and pays off now, and breeding is hard, boring and expensive and doesn’t pay off until they can take a shit without you having to wipe their bum.


delayed gratification is a sign of intelligence.
Kids can take a shit themselves from 2 years old unlike pets


Yeah it’s often a fuckin big delay though especially if you’re a nerd incel that needs good money to get some moot. Also in some circles you have to be at least a bit degenerate to fit in, like among surfy tradie types.


it’s really not that hard!

Agent 47

Going to take a wild stab and guess they’re Indian. In that case fuck doing CPR, they probably tried to rape the chick doing it while unconscious.

A fly in your ointment

A young man died a violent death in his own backyard. Some are calling it “the worst outcome imaginable of precrime policing”.


One time I was exercising with tracky dak stuff on in the warm weather coz I wanted to sweat more, the cops stopped me and asked me who I was. That kid must’ve been full on schizo.

A fly in your ointment

a lot of evidence points towards what is effectively slomo creation of a gang of citizens above suspicion of criminal activity.


A sad event. The officers were in plain clothes – the kid probably thought he was going to be mugged as he had been jumped before. From that perspective running home makes sense. Interesting how they wanted all his medical and school reports after he died – probably trying to find something to justify their stuff up.


Terrible policing, can’t even get their own cover up right. If he was indigenous though we’d have a public holiday and street marches.


100% shitskins.

It is lucky to be 2ft surf at Marengo, how many 23 year old legacy Australians would drown in that?

Oh well, never mind.

Ironic Boomer

Bloke just wanted to change his ring tone.


I wonder if these people can tell me what the difference is between expressing doubts, backed up with some cogent argument and evidence, about the effectiveness of proposed anti climate change measures, and “rhetoric seeking to undermine confidence in solutions to climate change”. I’m pretty sure the only difference is the person hearing the argument.

Welcome to the revolution. Enjoying it?

It seems to me that the main effect of climate control measures will be to drive standards of living lower.

The only climate change control measure is lower living standards, or some fluke advance in technology that is currently unknown.
EV’s cost more than IC cars, so conversion to EV= less cars for poor people = lower living standard.
This same dynamic applies to everything, if the environmentally friendly option was as cheap or cheaper it would just be the only option.


Depopulation is another viable climate change control measure


sure isnt working, if these people were really serious about depopulation they would be sterilising sub saharan africans en masse


Sub saharan africans aren’t driving climate change significantly.
The west is what needs depopulating to prevent climate change.
Of course what we are doing is moving people into the western countries and increasing impact on the climate overall


It’s working, without immigration we’re Japan as is the whole west. As stewie mentioned Africa is solely reliant on the west once that support is gone the population will collapse. Both China and India are slowing dramatically population wise. Slowly slowly catchy monkey


weve been below replacement fertility since 1978, long before anyone even talked about climate change or gave a chit. even iran is increasingly close to below replacement fertility, are the iranian mullahs in on the same WEF depopulation agenda as well. its a worldwide phenomenon outside of a few povo countries that breed like jack rabbits bc everyone in them is horny and dumb as fuck


What? They’ve been banging on about climate change aka global cooling aka warming for over 50 years


But that’s before stags time, so didn;t happen.


Of course!


so were people talking about it as frequently and was it as known in the popular imagination in 1978 as it was today?

this is the first time ever heard someone try to argue that the entire phenomenon of declining fertility is due to people self-sterilising en masse bc they are trying to stop climate change. im sure there are some people doing that at the margins but fertility declines appear to be a pretty natural phenomenon associated with increasing industrialisation + material living standards. the only countries that avoid it are the ones that never industrialise like nigger town.

even petrostates where the entire economy is predicated on carbon like saudi arabia:,a%201.47%25%20decline%20from%202021.

enjoy having cumsuckbot on your side though

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

lol wasn’t arguing that at all,

Self sterilizing? People are far too dumb for that, much easier to convince them there’s no point having kids and/or sex in your case.

I agree with everything else you said apart from the commentbot jibe – because he insulted your boyfriend coming

now go back and reread our comments and not become a fly in our ointment 😀😀


Self sterilizing? People are far too dumb for that, much easier to convince them there’s no point having kids and/or sex in your case.”

that’s what i meant when i said “self sterilising”

commentbot has been following me around for ages and im fighting back now


dude who cares! At least someone has a boner for you, take it as a complement


well when i called him cumsuckbot whose cum do you think he’s sucking the dick out of?


ummm comings?



A fly in your ointment

what’s with you and the avatars resembling a phallus?


they just resemble bananas to me i didnt think about dicks


Subconscious yearning for comings cock


coming had to die so we could live

A fly in your ointment

ask your psychologist to decipher your fixation on bananas. for you.


commentbot has been following me around for ages and im fighting back now

Did i ruin your little groupthink bubble?

Poor stagmal, the whole world is out to get him…

I thought the point was to have a discussion.


Fertility has fallen for a lot of reasons and some of them are probably good like access to contraception and female education

IMO shit will really nosedive soon though with cost of living becoming astronomical

Is it possible to take the EZFKA to the ICC for the genocide of legacy Australians based on the following?

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Israel should have a go at inflating the price of Palestinian land to the point where only Chinese oligarchs can afford to buy it, it won’t be immediately obvious what they’re doing since some Palestinian Boomers will be filthy fucking rich and will feel good


“Is it possible to take the EZFKA to the ICC for the genocide of legacy Australians based on the following?”

if we have any qcs reading this site they now have the opportunity to do the funniest thing ever

A fly in your ointment

can’t be genocide if a group participates willingly in the actions and extracts wealth from the future ezfka units through the participation.

remember that next time you participate circus vote. If ruling parties change but immigration policy remains the same, again and again…. vote harder! /s


Still not sure if the photos of Princess Kate are photoshopped

comment image


I can’t stand open smile smug faces. I hope they die and they’re replaced by wogs chosen by fly in my ointment. Spag bol and butt sex. Euro 90s porn sets.


i was in some shitty budget store today and i came across a table near the cash registers that was completely covered in old rapid antigen tests that were being sold for like 20c each

just lol

can you guys remember when everyone was freaking out about these things not being free anymore and demanding supply of them

just a few months after that no one cared anymore and now theres trillions of them still out there floating through the system that no one wants to buy

really sad



There’s a whole Covid cult still living like this:

Absolutely bat shit crazy, as mental as that fat fuck cop mate of Dan’s.

They’re now really upset at the study the other day which said Long Covid is a mental illness.


And their leader is that old fart with dementia who was so wrong with his Covid models but no one ever called him on it..


whats brendan crabb up to these days

catching up w the loser doomer crew

Last edited 7 months ago by stagmal

It’s all a part of their grift, scare the public and milk the government…


Add in that ABC ‘Doctor’ Norman Swerski, quick to disparage a study that affects your narrative and income:


Mental illness doesn’t just go away, especially if it’s publicly funded and pandered to


There’s heaps of them.

Read the bio and in to head it goes ✅ for each line, Fark what a mental case, imagine living like this and demanding we all do as well?!




Doesn’t take much to work out why she lives alone with a cat and seeks out company by going on runs with strangers.


check out zerocovidcommunity on reddit

bunker insanity


Everything is a form of entertainment. Even going in the ambulance is a form of entertainment, there’s some sort of ambulance show on one of the commercial tv channels.


just a few months after that no one cared anymore

No shit. The gov stopped scaring the sheeple and gold fish memory took over.
Who coulda seen it coming? Anyone with half a brain.

Let me guess, your going to be surprised when the powers that be admit that the elevated risk of death from the vax thats been evident in the health data that a nobody on the internet could see is actually true.