Steven Miles confirms that African gang crime that doesn’t exist in Victoria also doesn’t exist in Queensland

Queensland Premier Steven Miles has confirmed that African gang crime doesn’t exist in Queensland, after a 70 rea old grandmother was stabbed at a shopping centre in Queensland by a group of Africans.

The Premier laughed off suggestions that Africans were running amok in Brisbane in the wake of African crims on bail engaged in crime sprees.

“Absolutely racist to suggest that Africans are roaming Brisbane and committing homicides at shopping centres among other crimes,” Miles said.

“Just like that African that knifed that doctor in Melbourne a few weeks ago, the racism from some parts of the White Australian community in response to these events is disgusting and I will be using the full force of the law to hunt down and prosecute these racists.”

Meanwhile, Miles has engaged law firm Arnold Bloc Leibler and the services of Mark Leibler, to help cover-up crime committed by Africans in the Sunshine State as they did in Victoria.

“I’ll wheel out that dumb she-boon Nyal Nduon again on the ABC to tell white people they’re racist for getting angry about some imported sub-saharan knifing one of them in public in front of a child,” Leibler said.

“I’ve had great success threatening everyone in Victoria with the Racial Discrimination Act that I basically co-authored in 1992, I don’t think it will be much of a stretch in Queensland. Plus I need revenge for the Voice being destroyed.”

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I watched that. This thing is delusional. It is gone in a month.

Misreading the room is an understatement.

I can’t even work out the politics that got this thing to be premier.


He sure looked crazy to me, giggling like a fucking lunatic while the subject of two murders was being discussed. And he’s brazenly attempting to claim he didn’t do it, even though it on video!


Reminds me of “The Things that Batter” episode.


Pretty simple.

The Unions selected him, he’s their bitch. Same as Jacinta Allen was selected Premier by them in Sicktoria.

Unions have been given huge power by Labor, especially in Vic and Qld but also nationally. Specifically the corrupt CFMEU, who are basically an underworld crime gang protected by the Premiers of Vic and Qld.

CFMEU Vic head John Setka is a wife beating thug, collects protection money from developers and building co’s. He’s just announced he’s going to retire, the sheer gall of the maggot because he occupies an elected position (like any good crime gang there is no one game enough to challenge him so he just gets elected unopposed and decides when and how).

In reward for supporting Labor, the Unions are given massive projects to rort and the taxpayer cash flushes straight into their RAMs and beach houses. Victoria is massively in debt because of needless projects that have ruined the state and a hapless Dan Andrews introduced 50+ new taxes to try to cover stop the blood flow. We have ex strippers holding Stop Go signs on projects for $150k a year for fucks sake.

The public votes for maggots like this because “big build” and “jobs”.


“The key figure in Palaszczuk’s removal is the United Workers Union (UWU) national political director, Gary Bullock, who sits on the Labor Party’s national executive as a representative of Labor’s “Left”

The UWU’s Bullock is said to command the allegiance of 34 of the 52 Labor MPs in Queensland’s single-house state parliament. That includes the man whom Palaszczuk yesterday endorsed as her successor, Deputy Premier Steven Miles.


great post


ROFLMA – I hate that uppity anti-white bitch.

Agent 47

Leibler bankrolled her the whole way. Timbo is on the money, she was used to downplay African crime. I question her actual law knowledge given she went to Victoria University which is notorious for low score admissions.


100% I’ve seen a couple articles with Leibler standing next to his pet negro who he sponsors through his law firm with sympathy employment.

He’s also a big funder of ACFA which specifically targets and supports African migration into Australia.


Is that easy to verify? I wouldn’t want to launch a character assassination without very good evidence. Character assassinations could very easily lead to real assassinations in the wrong minds. Such a figure, if as well connected as you say, would surely be a major interconnector in his network.


High velocity deportation with a catapult is the only answer


Awaiting for approval

fuck off rajesh


Ermo fighting hard, but there’s always one pro migration fuckwit.


They’re always bow out in the end, secure in the knowledge that this shit isn’t changing no matter what anyone thinks

None of these cunts is willing to go to the mat for open borders


It takes a special kind to complain about and accuse others of resorting to personal attacks and insults, yet does exactly that.


>Unpublished (so far) novelist, freelance copywriter,

Another arts degree flog. Somewhere along the line someone told these fucktards that they should be doing something more than teaching high school kids grammar and history. It’s some sort of delusions of grandeur collective narcissism. I remember back at school at least of my teachers was trying to elevate himself above that, sometimes giving us preachy lectures on politics and whatever.


Yep I’m on to my third novel yet still unpublished.
All that I’ve learned so far, is the art of writing content that others don’t like to read. I sometimes think this skill alone should qualify me for an honary Arts degree.


Ermo still believes he’s fighting a class war and not a culture war.


race war


Religious war.



Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

There was a time (not so long ago) when I believed Aussies would change their ways if they knew the facts about housing shortages and the social evil of rationing shelter. But lets be honest everyone knows what’s happening.
Everyone knows what’s happening. Everyone, yep every single Aussie knows that they are championing a throughly corrupted housing system.

Take today’s smh story
Is anyone even a little surprised? the only shock for me is the missing A-lister names. It’s almost as if our corrupt eliete is making a token sacrificial offering to a second rate god (housing). They’re sure they need to offer up someone’s head but they’re certain that it shouldn’t be anyone important.

For me the fix is in, the sacrifice will be made, a head will roll and we’ll be back in business by Monday 9am (at the latest) shame, shame, shame. But don’t worry everone will be over this by Tuesday when the weekend’s auction results get releeased.
Is it possible to love Australia, yet hate Australian’s?


Such corruption was uncovered in “Game of Mates” right back to the beginning of the colony. I like to think it took a breather from Federation to the end of WW2, along with immigration. I like to think for a brief moment that we were a nation.


Hi Peachy/Poochy/Thingy, saw your reply last night – I’m already pretty much limit long in BSV however to humour you and to keep things interesting I took out a $3k Long BSV/BTC trade.

As we can’t actually set a bet up between us and remain anonymous, I invite you to place your own counter bet… I would suggest using the online trading platform DXS

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

no point in reckless grand gestures – if you’re limit long, adding another $3k of exposure is silly.

why don’t you follow sensible risk management practices and close that position out?

Rather than fiddling with this DEX stuff I’ll give you a plain $100 bet on the outcome. Secured by good old fashioned honesty. Settle up in privacy coin. You can have 2:1 odds, if you think you need them.


no point in reckless grand gestures – if you’re limit long, adding another $3k of exposure is silly.

I exaggerate it was a $3k margin CFD with a $500 margin and $250 stop.

Rather than fiddling with this DEX stuff I’ll give you a plain $100 bet on the outcome. Secured by good old fashioned honesty. Settle up in privacy coin.

Sure – happy to take a $100 bet on those odds. What is the precise thing we are betting on:

“That the judge rules that Craig Wright holds the identity of Satoshi i.e. CSW is Satoshi” ?

If so I am fine with that, on the condition that changeling will convert BSV to Monareo (I am not going to go through the process of setting up some other privacy coin wallet). If it doesn’t I am happy to send you BSV to say your own Handcash wallet.

I won’t risk sending any suspiciously small amount of crypto from my pristine onshore account to some other anonymous offshore exchange. I’ve become immensely paranoid about such things. I now have no other accounts, nor have I held any for several years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

no point in reckless grand gestures – if you’re limit long, adding another $3k of exposure is silly.

I exaggerate it was a $3k margin CFD with a $500 margin and $250 stop.

Rather than fiddling with this DEX stuff I’ll give you a plain $100 bet on the outcome. Secured by good old fashioned honesty. Settle up in privacy coin.

Sure – happy to take a $100 bet on those odds. What is the precise thing we are betting on:

“That the judge rules that Craig Wright holds the identity of Satoshi i.e. CSW is Satoshi” ?

If so I am fine with that, on the condition that changeling will convert BSV to Monareo (I am not going to go through the process of setting up some other privacy coin wallet). If it doesn’t I am happy to send you BSV to say your own Handcash wallet.

I won’t risk sending any suspiciously small amount of crypto from my pristine onshore account to some other anonymous offshore exchange. I’ve become immensely paranoid about such things. I now have no other accounts, nor have I held any for several years.


“That the judge rules that Craig Wright holds the identity of Satoshi i.e. CSW is Satoshi” ?

yes. Hopefully it will be a binary outcome where Wright successfully defends the Satoshi claim [I pay $200] or he fails in this [you pay $100].

I guess if the outcome is something else, all bets can be null and void.


Yeah I’m fine with that.


A very lack luster performance by CSW over the past couple days – if he doesn’t pull a rabbit out of a hat and provide some real evidence then I think I’ll be funding EZFKA to the tune of $100 very shortly. 🙁


It’s too late to be providing evidence. The evidence has already been submitted, he’s being examined on it.

Later there will be some witnesses for him, maybe, but they will just say “yes, I think that my mate Craig is Satoshi” and that won’t count for much, in the circumstances.

It is all a lie. All of it. It always has been.

The recent BSV rally to $110 was an absolute gift. Great time to exit. If you missed that, then the current $80 is the next best thing.

Most likely never going to see $100 again and will grind down to negligible value. If it were me, I’d reduce exposure by 90%. At least through synthetic shorts, if you don’t want to get rid of the actual tokens.


Yet as I keep saying Peachy – BSV works, and it works very well, better than any other crypto I have used, and I’ve used BTC, BCH, ETH and XMR.

That is the most incongruous thing about this whole saga – BSV scales like it was suggested in the WP and works like it was originally described.


The major altcoins all “work” fine. So does Mastercard and Amex.

The problem with BSV is that the blocksize wars have already been fought, and that side lost.

Micropayments just don’t really concern anyone. Nor does keeping a distributed permanent immutable(ish) record of other random junk data. The value proposition is poor.


Micropayments just don’t really concern anyone. Nor does keeping a distributed permanent immutable(ish) record of other random junk data. The value proposition is poor.

I disagree – they were one of the coolest things about early BTC, being the tipping.

Anyhow it certainly appears that Core or COPA side is likely to win unless Craig does something unexpected. Whether or not it will mean the end of BSV – I don’t know. Maybe it will be good for BSV?

If Craig is denied being Satoshi then it also denies him of the legal right to claim the Satoshi coins on the BSV blockchain.

More likely it will be bad price wise as it will certainly weaken some of the patent defenses. But will it kill it? They’ve pretty much tried to kill the idea of a micro-payment ledger ever since it was conceived in its first iteration as BTC before Blockstream developers seized it.

If CSW is denied being Satoshi it will be interesting if the hatred against BSV and the army of Trolls dissing its use continues – theoretically their biggest bugbear has been slayed, so BSV should have about as much interest to them as any other shitcoin.

Micropayments were what interested me and if BSV went to zero tomorrow I would still walk away from crypto well in front.


If Craig is denied being Satoshi then it also denies him of the legal right to claim the Satoshi coins on the BSV blockchain

This was clearly the main game of all of this (with potential upside of also trying to grab the coins on BCH and BTC, but that wouldn’t work).

But the value of the BSV coins he might claim is only about $80m (assuming that there would be exit liquidity, which is unlikely), whereas the cost of building and maintaining the whole charade plus court cases would probably already be at $30m plus. So the profitability of the gambit for the backers is quickly diminishing.

That means that if (when) he loses here, he probably won’t get funding to appeal or other legal claim because to run the charade (“developers” and bot/astroturfing armies) for another few years + more legal costs will probably push the total to $50m, but the chance of payoff will be <10%, so expected value will have turned drastically negative. He will be cut off.


If CSW is denied being Satoshi it will be interesting if the hatred against BSV and the army of Trolls dissing its use continues – theoretically their biggest bugbear has been slayed, so BSV should have about as much interest to them as any other shitcoin.

none of this is real. nobody hates BSV for being BSV or object to its use.

if BSV folks just wanted to shitcoin quietly, nobody would disturb them.

but people do hate the cunty way that the team tries to get in the way and obstruct BTC with lawfare


Micropayments were what interested me and if BSV went to zero tomorrow I would still walk away from crypto well in front.

micropayments just don’t seem to have the economic value/use case to justify using a globally distributed pow based ledger, let alone one designed around append-only records and a fixed-supply token.

If at sometime in the future micropayments start to make good economic sense, perhaps a centralised solution will be developed for them. Or maybe a blockchain with different design tradeoffs to BTC. Or a custodial solution of some sort.


ok what’s the code at the bottom of the page now

Support with XMR: 8BDZ1E1fTUZPzMKZ8Vj2Nqao1PpfbQhMMFnJxwz5W6HzTHJSbgWzA1GhoNtEM2fgUcU3gAXUz89bhizs1P7NHMtd2wrNNrT


This blog spot doesn’t pay for itself with thoughts and prayers.

I think Poochy pays the ongoing maintance fees – so happy to kick a couple dollars to that address every now and then.


happy to help, but clueless as to how this xmr stuff works


Poochy posted a link about Changling or something some time back. It was pretty easy and straight forward.

From your claimed background you should be easily able to follow it as an exercise in how to learn new things. If it takes you more than an hour, two max, then you are doing it wrong. Even that retarded FlyOil could probably solve it.


why can’t we just donate to a paypal or something? i could easily/happily do that


It’s a veiled threat, pay up or else!




yesterday I glanced at Facebook marketplace and noticed a 48ft steel hulled yacht for free.

46ft Yacht – Yachts – Newcastle, New South Wales | Facebook Marketplace | Facebook

What does it mean when life’s luxturies are free while at the same time life’s essentials (shelter) are priced astronomically.?


They use those piece of shit yachts as place holders for moorings on the harbour. Moorings are like precious car spots that are hard to get. That’s why when you look at somewhere on the harbour and see all the yachts moored they often look like pieces of shit.


Yep the real value is the property (aka mooring right) the boat is just the thing that’s required to claim / extend your private right monopoly use of public assets (mooring locations)

I don’t know what mooring minders look like in your neck of the woods, but I’d say this is actually a pretty good looking mooring minder.


I don’t know what it’s like now but every time I went to Manly most of the boats looked shitty. A bit like what a 2001 getz would look like. Maybe it’s just another boomer rort I don’t know. I haven’t walked along there for at least 10-20 years.

Literally never saw anyone row out to them and take off with them.

Gruppenführer Mark

8 boys stabbing and kicking the victim. No description of the boys. Melbourne. Stolen car. Usual suspects?


A few months ago the one who was 13-years-old at the time was found not guilty due to his age. Yet they stole a car, beat and stabbed a kid and set the car on fire.

With these sorts of role models it will only a matter of time.

Last week, the brother of the acquitted 13-year-old – who was a year older than the boy and on bail at the time of the killing – was jailed for at least 10 years for murder.


10 years is too short – he’ll be out at 25 IF we’re lucky. He’ll be prancing around max strength, max testosterone, cronically under developed impulse control, eeerkgh. He should jailed until mid 30s at least.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

This was 4 years ago, so it’s got a lot worse. 9iners is one of the gangs, literally cops lock them up and Labor Party appointed Magistrates let them go.


No issues in Hellbourne…Vic Pol too busy so sent an email to this:


Poochy spam


Anyone watch the Putin interview yet? I’ve watched the first half, as someone interested in European history it’s fascinating to hear a politician incorporate a 1000 years of history into an interview.

Regardless of your views it’s embarrassing to watch Putin and then look at the empty shells we have as leaders in the West.


So good.

This clip, where Poots flexes on Tucker. Mate, I knew you tried to join the CIA. What? How? Fuckkk..


Add to that the Biden court case where his attorney used the defence that he’s basically got Alzheimers


i didn’t watch it to be honest because i don’t think there’s anything new in there for me but putin is prob the highest iq political leader in the world since lee kwan yew

james kirkpatrick had a good succinct take on a lot of the rhetoric surrounding


Correct. He’s saying things that will be making the Democracts and Zelensky’s heads explode.

More here:

Watched the whole thing. If the translation was accurate, the thing that struck me the most was the difference in approach of Tucker and Putin.

Tucker, being an American, had very pragmatic questions. Putin had a philosophical view, rooted in centuries, history, religion.

Could be a game or propaganda, of course. However, every yes/no question by Tucker was responded to by layers upon layers of succinct and factual reasoning.

I got the feeling that Tucker was utterly unprepared for what he got himself into.


Now the Leftards are trying desperately to disparage it, creating dubbed clips etc.

You can’t argue the guy is smarter than the entire EZFKA parliament combined.

Psycho sure, but probably one we need to keep in power. Killary wants him dead like she suicided and knocked off basically every other leader she didn’t like, from Saddam to Gaddafi, annoyances like Epstein, and 47 others and who crossed her.

Gruppenführer Mark

Had a chat with a friend of mine on the subject. He has formed a solid opinion that the interview was propaganda, likely paid for by Kremlin. The West/NATO are not out to get Russia, and never were.

Did not watch the interview, mind you. 2 hours of concentration is too much to invest, soundbites from Facebook already told him everything.

He did read a story on BBC that argued that first 20 minutes of Putin’s recollection of history had interpreted certain events differently from other historians. So the entire thing is garbage.


Your friend sounds like a victim of propaganda himself, of course they’ll never recognise it.


Hope you didn’t argue with any of his excellent talking points, Mark.

You might get a visit 🙂


Well, he’s used to interviewing idiots.

Gruppenführer Mark

Putin did ask right from the beginning if this was a talk show. Set the stage, so to speak.

A Fly In Your Ointment

he must’ve meant Putin’s used to interviews with idiots.
Remember that Austrian chick (methinks it was Austrian) that made him cackle like a kid for so long it became viral

A Fly In Your Ointment

Regardless of your views it’s embarrassing to watch Putin and then look at the empty shells we have as leaders in the West.

Trump would not last this long to be coherent and Bidon would not be able to read this even if for video editing through AI.
Think of him what you (anyone) like, he’s a leader. A leader in the meaning before ‘the west’ invented secular and un-national states.


This place is almost unusable now.


Why does the maggot have such tiny hands?


Guy is drinking big gulps of the retard juice

Gruppenführer Mark

It’s not the hands, it’s the head!

Agent 47

Multiple stabbing in Melbourne ended by Police. If this is an African (I reckon it isn’t this time) this will be morbidly hilarious



Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal



based protester guy interrupts pro-refugee rally in i think brisbane (?) in an extremely rude manner lol

jesus this guy was harsh even by our standards


Based af. Lol typical scum as soon as someone disagrees with them call the cops.


“Tick fucking tock! The day comes near!”

Nice work son, hope it goes viral.

A fly in your ointment

you just described the majority of emasculated plebs in this pond. Bar a few, the population here has less spine than a common slug to stand for itself.

The Dyson strength vacuuming of immigrants is the fault of, duh, immigrants!


Good to see – this stuff is necessary to make stupid over the top empaths like those old cows from doing what they think is risk-less, costless virtue signalling.

Instead of being emotionally rewarded for being good people and getting supportive ‘honks’ the felt physically threatened – good.

Politics is ultimately about power, and those old crones only power was call for other men to come and defend them, or the few other middle age blokes who came and stood behind them.

They need to be made afraid and booed and verbally attacked. Good on him.


What can I say:
Change is all about the narrative.

Poor suffering refugees vs young families forced to live in tents

both sides are addressing the same facts yet the narratives somehow differ, is this possible? How is this possible?

Change is all about the narrative.

Agent 47

Yep 100% agree.

Most don’t even have the balls to do something like this. They’re literally defending imported nogs killing Australians and fags are worried about optics, there’s no civility in war. This is what needs to be done.


They might be wrong but that guy is a disgrace.


I thought that was just a common sense assessment. Good on that bloe. He simply spoke the truth


Why does every comment get hit with “Awaiting for approval”

A fly in your ointment

profanity, obscenity and other “bad” words.
you say fuçk and it flies, but change that Turko-Frenchie ç into a “c” and the çunt of the filter engages.


This morning in Redbank, nothing to see here


JimsCentralBanking posts backing up in SPAM.

Why do good posters end up in Spam, yet annoyances like FlyGrease always seem to make it through?


maybe coming has been trying to reach us this whole time but his posts arent making it through the great wall of ezfka


Maybe Coming was just a plant, got all the names and details he needs for the list?

A fly in your ointment

hahaha, that’s a good one.

in reality he just grew bored of this place echoing the same ole same ole and went to suddenly have a mild stroke and my-oh-carditis at the same time.