Albanese uses Chinese New Year message to sell off more Australian residential property to Chinese investors

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has issued his Chinese New Year message by auctioning off more residential real estate to Chinese investors.

Large swathes of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane have been rezoned for purchase exclusively to Chinese investment, with Australians to be forced out of their homes by visiting PLA troops if they fail to list on Weibo.

“Xin nian kuai le! I hope all Chinese investors out there celebrate today by partaking in the good old Australian tradition of selling real estate to foreigners. Be sure to partake in this great multicultural country by celebrating in a tent city with some of the locals,” Albanese said.

“There’s never been a better time to get your money out of China and park it in any of our wonderful coastal properties, or just fraudulently buy one outright as they do in Canada.”

Albanese will spend the evening in Chinatown in Sydney collecting red Aldi bags full of cash and meeting with local dignataries, as well as Sam Dastyari and Peter Tulip.

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Gruppenführer Mark

Well, according to the experts, the vendors are dumping their properties. According to one commenter, one Melbourne seller sold at a loss.

Take that, Winnie the Pooh, muahaha.

Always trust the experts!

Oh yeah, iron ore to $40


Yeah more like Sydney cunce gonna sell for 2.5 then bugger off to the goldy, buy for 1.5 and have a million bucks and be goldy boomers. I reckon one near me is “distressed”. Distressed about what a sick cunt hole Sydney is.

A Fly In Your Ointment

ive seen 2 properties which earned exactly SFA during The Age of Covidiots and “the seller is motivated – you guessed it – to sell”. Went within 3-4 months at the original price, or less.

“Distressed” it just within the reach of the inflation and rate hike. Hodl the rates and the agony will extend for some. But far from reverting to historical mean (approx 40% of current prices)


prices have been at best treading water since 2021 it feels like

A Fly In Your Ointment

not in my sheethole.
minimum 20% up



Gruppenführer Mark

40% in my neck of the woods in 3 years

A Fly In Your Ointment

my sheethole was not the best performer.
Now imagine how bad it must be to see a property that was sold for the same or less money than in 2019.
NG is good only with capital gain….
But this is straya moite, its different….

I’m no housing investment expert. But markets for less liquid assets can be quite strange, especially for expensive assets. And doubly so in boom and bust towns, like Perth. Port Hedland or Karratha have experienced even bigger swings.

Anecdata of 1 example. Bought my place 3 years for less than it sold for 10 years ago (new good quality build, same specs as developer’s house next door). In 3 years’ time place next door sold at 40% more. Haven’t valued my place, as I’m not planning to move anytime soon, but even if market drops 20% from here, so what.

Lucky timing.

A fly in your ointment

u should’ve played lotto at the same time. That is indeed lucky

there’s a difference between ppor and investment, later providing benefits only in limited scenarios. If you live in a home, only the factor of “I can pay” matters.


Markets with very limited supply are much more effected by changes in demand. Hence the much larger price swings in small markets when demand changes, like mining boom towns, and far more gradual changes in a sydney or melbourne.

Peter Tulip

I told youse guys I’m not lurking!


yay the guest randos are free again at last


Just another day in the Anglo-homo-globo paradise. “Please don’t approach the convicted sex offender from Afghanistan we granted asylum to:


This is the best “look over there!” from the Brit cops, they are so cucked from all their protection of Islamics they think the public will believe it. They’ve just given up now, like Vic Pol refused to attend a violent attack on a city restaurant Friday night.

It’s a fucking river running through the biggest cities in the world and no one will see a dead body washed up?


Clare O’Neil’s going to get kicked out of the Labor party for this one.


she’s got orders to post this kind of weaksauce bullchit to make it look like anyone gives a crap


Migration plummets back to sustainable levels. From 600K pa back to a nice “sustainable” 300K pa. 🙄


Now it really is looking planned. Gaslighting of the highest order that Dan Andrews perfected.

She bullied a colleague to death and walked away, there ain’t no way this cow is anything but evil.


That’s a man.


I was shooting at the range yesterday morning with half a dozen other blokes. All white men aged 30-65. Someone mentioned the hassle their kids are having finding affordable accommodation, another said it was because of excessive immigration, and then holy shit, the torrent of anger and abuse towards immigrants and multiculturalism that followed for the next ten minutes was astounding.

Idiotic and endless DEI training at work, gang crime, abuse of infrastructure by non contributors, so-called “skilled” immigrants pushing shopping trolleys etc etc, richly laced with profanity.

It was very refreshing to get an uninhibited take on what s representatibe samplebof white men in Australia actually think about immigration, versus what the politicians tell us we should think.

the arborist

I’m not sure a group of dudes at a shooting range is a representative sample of EZFKAians. God bless them all the same because they are truly awake. I hope they do what they can to wake up others around them, rather than just have a bitch with like-minded blokes at a safe place like the range (or We need to proselytise and recruit good people to the cause.

In regard to the bit about ‘believing what politicians tell us we should think’… I was speaking to my father the other day about immigration. He hates being flooded with 3rd world immigrants and he hates politicians. Yet he still believes the lie that ‘we’ need all these 3rd world immigrants to ‘increase productivity’. I’m 100% certain he doesn’t know what ‘increased productivity’ means but that little nugget of a meme / lie has worked on him. I tried to set him right, but he still believes the ABC is at least semi-trustworthy.


yup its so common “the economy will fall over” “we need to grow the economy” “who will take care of me in the nursing home” etc etc etc it’s all so painful and tiresome,but what do you expect when the economist shills pushing all of this stuff are saying the same thing. its the land of midwits where even the experts don’t understand their own concepts

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

Don’t think you were saying it was a blended representative sample of all EZFKA, just that it’s now being spoken openly amongst good people.

Would be interesting to know where they get their information from?

I have parents who still buy The Age and swallowed their whole bullshit agendas from there being kind Jewish people to nice immigrants who worked to build this country to it being safe and effective and we all are in it together. They are starting to mention the fear of these Sudo Orcs and the government corruption being so common, the fear their grandkids will be homeless etc. I can see it’s hard to realise it’s all been a bullshit lie you bought into, easier to pretend and say that diversity is our strength etc.


Would be interesting to know where they get their information from?

From the past, at least in terms of general attitude and such. I’d bet the age of the group was much more towards the older than younger end of the 30-65 bracket.
They simply predate the brainwashing propaganda and have a memory longer than a goldfish.

A fly in your ointment

…another said it was because of excessive immigration, and then holy shit, the torrent of anger and abuse towards immigrants and multiculturalism that followed for the next ten minutes was astounding.

noice, fuck the farken fucked up fuckers from overseas.

…as long as noone wondered whydafaq are those immigrants being vacuumed from their farken shitholes in 100’s of 1000’s per year and are being spinless to rebel against it.

Texas has Chuck Norris, maybe that’s the difference?


We import tribes of people from countries where the political leadership cheerfully announce their intention to kill all the white people.

A fly in your ointment

anyone whom voted last elections either endorsed this directly, endorsed this inadvertently, endorsed this out of stupidity, or all of the above.
hope it was worthwhile

Voting never changed much, particularly in western model of “democracy”


How funny is it when these rent a crowd muppets have to use their phones to read their scripts.

It’s almost as if they don’t believe the shit that comes out of their mouths, or they have no mind of their own…

Worse that police at these staged events don’t act on it, choosing to persecute white men.


is there anything that is happening in australia anymore thats worth noting? i really feel like we’re in for a whole year of effectively nothing. no real economic news, just puttering along with less (but still a lot) immigration than the year before, no big dumb thing like the voice for everyone to obsess over.



Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal





the news cycle has been effectively dead since the voice karked it, the palestine/israel stuff does not interest me whatsoever an d it has nothing to do with ezfka anyway. inflation looks like its finally being subdued, you dont seem toh ear as much about the so-called cost of living ‘crisis’ either (why is everything always a ‘crisis’ – sounds like there’s a lot of money in labelling society as constantly in crisis even when it kind of isnt).

does anyone have any predictions for 2024? economically, geopolitically, business-wise or elsewhere?


I think we just crossed a line where the west has officially become a big spastic centre.

Economically nfi. Stock market all time highs, I guess people are bidding up normie stocks. My penny stocks have mostly been doing awfully and I expect it to be the same this year. No doubt the same old bear shills will be still spruiking metals.


yup no ZIRP means stocks are going to suck compared to the last 10-15 years.


Are you suffering from pandemic deficiency syndrome? Need another disaster maybe? I’d reckon wait 5 minutes for another economic disaster from Albo and his L plate Ministers all Gucci Socialists.

Pisstakes aside there is definitely something about the sugar hit from all the mass media hype around Covid that flattened many people. Journalists have conspired to rob us of many things, enthusiasm is just one.


true that, covid created crisis overdose/densensitation. faggot who cried crisis syndrome


Predictions for 2024:
Bullshit bullshit and more bullshit
I feel like I left something important out, but no that’s it
Bullshit bullshit and more bullshit


I’ll have a side of extra bullshit please.

Gruppenführer Mark

I think second half of 2024 will be interesting. Presidential race in USA, and its outcomes will certainly influence local politics, as we have federal elections coming up in 2025. If the US economy stumbles, which it can, given their debt repayments are over a trillion IIRC, it will send shockwaves around most of the western world, and probably wider. Historically there are two ways US has dealt with this: print/lower rates and war.

This brings us to geopolitics. Middle East shows no signs of slowing down. The only way, Historically, US has dealt with conflict is to double down. Not sure this strategy will work in the future, though.

For us here this may result in a slowdown or recession, if we are lucky. RBA in this case will have to ease. Immigration is likely to stay at the elevated level to paper over other problems.

So, yes, bullshit and more of it.

Here in WA we will be double blessed, as state elections are also in 2025. Personally, I am concerned about the next 12-24 months, but remain hopeful that I can stay afloat thanks to state government job. People in private sector may not be so lucky. Which will lead to a reduction in disposable income and hordes of uber eats contractors going with no earnings.

I don’t think our society is as divided, compared to Europe or US, but it is a slippery slope.

Happy Sunday!


Bless their lederhosen.

The next thing you know, there’ll be squads of blue-eyed, blonde haired Einsatzengruppen in stylish black uniforms stalking the land, killing Muslims and other darkies. If they’re lucky.


For us here this may result in a slowdown or recession, if we are lucky. RBA in this case will have to ease

Is this not wishful thinking based on the mortgage-belt bias that so infests EZFKA?
Depending on what global rates are doing, how does any such ‘luck’ not simply result in more inflation?

Last edited 11 months ago by V


I think it’ll go something like this:


It just feels like a lull before the next politically inflicted disaster strikes.

I’m seeing alot of talks about interest rate cuts (except for NZ), but instead I look at the global yield curves and am thinking at the back of mind that the US has to try and roll 6 trillion+ this year.
How in the hell are rates going down without destroying the value of money?

I’m not ruling out them trying, but in that case I can’t see how inflation will be controlled. Wouldn’t it be a kicker if either rates or inflation ended this year higher than the last.

Gruppenführer Mark

Maybe all this talk about rates going down is an attempt to string the punters along a bit longer, sustaining themselves on instant noodles in hopes of lower rates. Think back a couple of years when the RBA promised low 2% mortgages until 2024 (?) and lots of people bought into that promise and overloaded on debt.


Both. Both will be higher than last year.

A fly in your ointment

the trolling by ruskies is becoming a bespoke skill with lots of wit.


That was horrible.


Incels call it hoeflation. I guess it’s real. Back in my day guys might do a slam pig if they were desperate and a bit mentally ill. But they were never considered for a proper relationship.


Once you go fat you never go back! But a feminist?! Who no one has ever heard of?!

A fly in your ointment

Once you go fat you never go back!

that’s effin scarry.
feels like one of those evils from Stanger Things which socks you and you’re trapped


Blurk – reading that makes me want to go and have a shower.

Interesting that she states she met Caleb when he was 17 and he was 30. Most “Feminists” would consider a similar relationship in reverse exploitery.

My bet is that this particular land dugong’s brand of feminism is less about addressing wrongs than it is in holding power over men.

Good on Caleb from escaping a predatory misandrist – hopefully his arsehole will recover from the pegging she undoubtable inflicted upon him.


It’s absolutely about power over men, and power in general.


Looking for good Canadian girl.

Bahah imagine the smell of that house full of street shitters in Canada?

Wonder how often the Pajeets advertise like this in EZFKA?


When the missus and I were looking around for a house 3 years ago we came across one place that would have suited us pretty well and we strongly considered bidding at the auction. We eventually decided not to, and one of the major factors in that decision was that the place had a pungent stench of pajeet.

Every room in the house reeked of curry, and a weird mix of other smells…incense maybe, I dunno, but it was soaked into the physical house itself and really struck us every time we walked inside. Maybe a recarpet and repaint could have removed it, but I’m not sure.

We saw several other open homes that were the same. God knows what those people are doing in their houses.


Have a look at the Teal Party candidates funded by Simon 2 Dads. Is this some massive Mummy-issue thing for him? He’s running Wine Mums in all these seats.


To a lot of people it looks better than worthless hard ons like Abbott and Scomo. Any idiot can keep the ponzi running and do nips and tucks around the edges so skill and aggressiveness is not important.


Bar the fag in the navy blazer and the pajeet on the second row, each and every one of them were AWFLs.


Today’s BS, BS and more BS example

So let me get this straight.
Our Aussie politicians decided (amoung themselves) that “boat people” should be taken to Manus Island (which inconveniently happens to be the property of another country, PNG) .
But the decision was made so now we needed to move on to execution phase, which was naturally contracted to private companies (PPP etc) but guess what some sticky fingered PNG politicians (yeah I’m more surprised than you) wanted the deal to be sweetened.
Honestly who could possibly of foreseen this outcome? I mean honestly!
Well naturally, to help our government out, these private companies do the needful.
Oh, shock and horror they engaged in “corrupt practices”

And this passes for news …BS, BS and more BS


rove mcmanus island


It is a little bit of real news isn’t it? They’re supposed to put things out to tender and have companies bid on it. But instead they enriched themselves and mates. Not that fairfax will let it go any further than smh and theage so people think they’re serious journalists.


whats with this baranby joyce thing

this guy is cooked af

Agent 47

Nothing. Politician gets drunk. Left wing Twitter spazzes out. Everyone else dgaf.


He was ‘waiting for a mate’.


Classic Canberra bubble and sheer hypocrisy.

Guy is a moron, but no less a moron than any of the rest of them and the simping Leftards ripping into him. Probably drank a lot less than Britt’s and she was given a sainthood by Leftards.

In a proper world he’d resign in disgrace, but in a proper world he be back shovelling shit as he’s skilled for.

Needs to claim the mental health card. No one can tough him then.


Another day, another grift. Lobby groups should be banned from using “independent” in their name.


Lmao this bloke dreams of a dickensian world where slum dwellers pile into inner city tenements and are routinely brutalised by their employers

Agent 47

Quite obvious that Mirvac and others are paying him to shill build to rent.


the best shills are he ones who believe in the message they are shilling, its double reward for them


Trent Saunders and Peter Tulip

Another demand factor, high immigration, also helps explain the tight housing market and rapid growth in rents in the late 2000s.


lol wow

he’ll just rationalise it though if he was ever forced to admit and say “its irrelevant because you can just add more supply anyway”


They really are that criminal. It’s no wonder they love jews so much.


On this issue, I happen to agree with Peter Tulip.
I guess that makes me a shrill and a fool.

But let’s, for a moment, assume that I’m neither a fool nor a shill.
why would a rational, thinking human believe that Instutional ownership of rental property is a better model than private ownership of rental property?

In the past I’ve screamed louder about tenant rights than anyone, have I forgotten everything?
Why would anyone support something that’s so obviously wrong?


It is always a transfer of wealth to private industry. Tax payers pay for the infrastructure, additional subsidies to build, these cunts get all the profits and pay fuck all in taxes. There is already talk of lowering company tax rate to 15% for build-to-rent. No doubt they donate to the political parties as well and will demand a tight rental market to maximise profits high immigration to reduce skills shortages.

It is grift on epic scale. If you want to do what is best for young Australians then do the complete opposite of what they are asking. Zero immigration, get rid of all the tax incentives, and ban institutional ownership.


I would suggest you take a look at Singapore.
They are doing a fantastic job minimizing the price of shelter, with what many would consider to be far more difficult fundamentals.
Sure immigration plays a role
In Signapore’s case they’re not pretending that construction labroures need to be on a path to either home ownership or citizenship, Labourers are just that, grunt workers, when their value is exhausted, you send them back to China or Phillipines or wherever.
Australia, on the other hand, want’s construction to be a protected industry (tradies) and in the process sacrifices affordability by pandering to tradies.

But we’re drifting off topic because generally speaking the construction process, has little to do with the operational ownership structure of rental properties. Private vs Instutional


Treatment of tenants has little to do with the operational ownership structure either. It has far more to do with the regulation/laws applied by the government.
In general the big corps screw people over more than mom and pop operations though


Yeah you can look at strengthening RE laws and tenant rights but it also helps to have an economic / operational structure which naturally delivers better tenant security.

So many Aussie landlords treat tenants like dog-shit because agressively managing their IP is vital to their solvency (given insane leverage ratios)
When the market turns down or interest rates tick-up the landlord tries to dump these costs on the tenant. Often the courts will side with the landlord because their financial position is so fragile (makes no sense, but in NSW with no-fault evections it happens everyday)
Wrt instutional ownership of rental RE the court would simply bankrupt the Instution and sell the asset to another REIT, often this happens without the tenant ever knowing about the problem.


Wrt instutional ownership of rental RE the court would simply bankrupt the Instution and sell the asset to another REIT,

Where exactly does this happen? Fantasyland


In today’s world look no further than the US commercial RE market.
There are dozens of REIT’s and other Instutional owners (especially ones that own B grade properties) that have seen their valuations slashed post pandemic (halved in many cases). These buildings are changes hands (often as a result of liquidation) without the tenant ever really caring. In some cases tenants are buying the buildings cheap.
In Germany it is common place for large Insurance companies (like say Munich Re) to buy and sell residential appartment buildings as a way to balance the inherent lumpiness of large Insurance payouts.


Have you seen what the tenant laws are like in germany? The tenants don’t notice change of ownership because they legally can’t be evicted at change of ownership.

Do you think more rights for tenants are what is meant by

stop penalising institutional landlords

I’d love to know how you think institutional landlords are being penalised now.


stop penalising institutional landlords”
I read this mainly as addressing the tax imbalance.

Commercial residential RE doesn’t have all the NG and 50% CGT benefits that individual Landlords enjoy in Australia.

I’m the first person to say that Aussie Tenant rights should be strengthened, so no argument there, except to say that no sensible laws can ever stop the Private individuals IP owner from claiming that they need the property back for personal use. Obviously this way to get a tenant out dosen’t exist for the Instutional owner ( no need to have a complex law protecting a right to reoccupy the property, that doesn’t really apply for the institution)

A fly in your ointment

it’s the long standing culture that only scum rents and that good people rent only for a few years in youth until they save 20% for deposit and pay off their own place 10-15 years later. In such environment you don’t need to protect tenants and 12m lease suffice. tenancies are just the first stepping stone. FFWD to today and the omnipresent inaccessibility to buy, and the whole perspective changes.
microlandlords can be made to toe in, very simply. One option is to link cgt discount to consistent 5yr single tenant lease and landlords will begin to think of themselves less as the saviours of the mankind and more of businessmen who need to thread carefully. Also could introduce a law which prevents investment property purchase if someone own less than 50-75% equity in their PPOR.

options are aplenty to straighten the landlord/tenant laws to make them a better place, alas we can only dream of it. Any change which hypothetically may adversely affect existing investment strategies will be ditched instantly. A cynic would say that is by a design, to make everyone a tenant in a generation or two.

Last edited 11 months ago by A fly in your ointment

Agreed we Aussies divide ourselves into two groups
RE owners and Other rent scum
Everyone does everything they can to avoid landing in the rent scum bucket…once in that bucket, especially with a family….well you’ve failed and have earned your fate.
Now F’off rent scum and don’t let any of your disgusting ways pollute my clean living.

Now what was that new Tenancy law we needed to pass?


Commercial residential RE doesn’t have all the NG and 50% CGT benefits that individual Landlords enjoy in Australia.

A company can “Negatively Gear” anything without requiring special exceptions. Income and losses from any facet of the company can be offset against each other. The specific NG clause for individuals simply gives them the same capability to do this that a corporation has implicitly.

From here,
a business gets exactly the same 50% CGT reduction as an individual. On top of that they get a 100% CGT deduction at 15 years, a realistic timeframe for real estate, No individual gets that.

I’m the first person to say that Aussie Tenant rights should be strengthened, so no argument there, except to say that no sensible laws can ever stop the Private individuals IP owner from claiming that they need the property back for personal use.

Depends what you mean by sensible, but those exact types of laws are what will lead to markets with much more institutional than personal investors.


You seem to believe there exists some optimal setting legal/social/commercial which if it can be discovered will forever fix the Aussie housing problem.
imho that’s just not the case, what we have is 20 odd years of “bad” policy that has jammed all of us into a corner. What we need is 20 years of “good” (read different) policy to pull us out of this corner and hopefully land us all somewhere in the middle.
the problem is that average people have made substantial (heavily leveraged) bets that we’ll continue on the same “bad” path, someone has to lose, something has to give.

In the end this means a whole world of hurt for everyone that gets involved, no rights, no wrongs, no optimal just a procerss.

with this in mind what’s the first sensible step in this process?


No idea what it is, but it definitely isn’t favourable treatment for corporations so that they will “make it better”


singapore has the second lowest total fertility rate on the planet and a ‘migration’ rate that is still lower than australias, and its migrants are imported slaves like in the UAE or qatar, not citizens in waiting like they are here


Singapore is not what you think it is.

What Singapore has that Australia does not is a public housing developer, the Housing Development Board, which puts new dwellings on public and reclaimed land, provides mortgages, and allows buyers to use their compulsory retirement savings (what Australians call superannuation) for both a deposit and repayments.

There’s more to it than that. It limits eligibility by income and age, requires owners to hang on to the property for five years, and limits their resale to only other eligible buyers.

Eight in ten of all the dwellings in Singapore today were built over the past half century by the Housing Development Board.


HUH like whatever
Where did I say that Singapore’s housing model mirrored Australia’s or Germany’s or the US ‘s. It’s Singapore’s model and it is working really well, especially when you consider the obvious constraints of RE on a small island.
I get the feeling you deliberately misread, misquote and misinterpret… hmmm Astroturf much?


You were advocating for private institutions, and then mentioned Singapore. Chill out.


duplicate – delete.

Last edited 11 months ago by Stewie

LOL – you are thinking like a legacy EZFKA resident. That the “Institutions” will meet supply and we’ll all be suitably and cheaply housed, as though they were working for common social goals as other ‘Australians’, like some other relatively homogenous society – like Singapore or even Germany, which is the other often quoted example of where this model supposedly works successfully.

But no, it will be Corporations extracting maximum rent to ensure that 95% of the population can never save enough to afford to do save for their own home or do pretty much anything other than attend the odd Gay Mardi Gras, various Sportsball matches and dream of a once in a life time overseas holiday.

It will be exactly the same as it is now, only worse, with Corporations lobby for even more powers even more effectively than the Boomers have. There are no Australians in EZFKA anymore, just consumer units to extract the maximum possible rent from.

You will own nothing and be told that you are happy.


Frankly, that situation is on us. Our culture was destroyed long before our lands were given away. We (or at least or parents) didn’t do what was required then and we can’t do it now. A great deal of suffering is required.


Maybe but if we are serious about the nature of structures which can (at least in theory) deliver good tenant outcomes (in say 20 years time) then private ownership of individual rental properties is without doubt the worst structure imaginable.
Lots of social costs and risks shifed to the tenants for no real tenant benefit.
Maybe you’re right and in Australia Instutional ownership will create an uber class of powerful rentseekers shifting all costs to either the government or the tenant. a sort of TBTF RE parasite. but you know in the end accepting this sort of shit is on us. when we pretend not to see the shabby treatment that the least capable recieves we set ourselves to be the next “least able” target for these sharp practices.


Instutional ownership will create an uber class of powerful rentseekers shifting all costs

Hasn’t the US been complaining about exactly that with the institutions that moved in to residential RE post GFC

Gruppenführer Mark

I think the difference with the US situation is that post-GFC value of houses dropped significantly (50% or more in some markets, with 30-yr fixed mortgages at 3% or less), allowing institutional investors to buy up on the low and provide affordable rentals.

In Australia, low-priced dwellings simply do not exist. 30-year fixed mortgages do not exist. Rates are likely getting higher.

Focusing on the maintenance of an existing dwelling and putting it up as a leading argument for institutions vs. mom-and-dad investors is not relevant.

One thing the US have going for them are apartment complexes that are built for rent only, managed centrally and, in case of nicer places, are kept up on a uniform standard. Prices are quoted upfront, per month, for a fixed term lease, ranging from 3 to 15 months. Pets allowed in some of these complexes. Examples are in the links below. And yes, these are higher end places.

I think this type of approach (entire complex build for lease only, no private ownership of units) is not available in Australia as far as I know because it requires some business acumen of actually running a business on an extended timeframe.


allowing institutional investors to buy up on the low and provide affordable rentals.

In Australia, low-priced dwellings simply do not exist.

Those 2 are a direct result of differing land use policies.
California has similar policies to Australia, with similar results.

I think this type of approach (entire complex build for lease only, no private ownership of units) is not available in Australia as far as I know because it requires some business acumen of actually running a business on an extended timeframe.

In australia there is more money to be made in the land value uplift than in operating a property rental business, see above land use policy.

Gruppenführer Mark

No argument from me on the land use and land value uplift.

The conversation was on institutional vs. mum-n-dad investors.


The conversation was on institutional vs. mum-n-dad investors.

And the reason the institutions bought up in the US is because values collapsed massively there. If you want a similar institutional investment here(probably not going to end well in the US though) then you need a similar price crash here, and to achieve that you would most likely need what? It’s all interdependent.

Gruppenführer Mark

Institutional investment bought single houses, and made those available for rent after collapse of the property values in some states (not all) – agree with this statement.

However, institutional investment in apartment complexes has been around for a long time, way before GFC – this is the model that needs to be introduced to Australia. From my post above:

I think this type of approach (entire complex build for lease only, no private ownership of units) is not available in Australia as far as I know because it requires some business acumen of actually running a business on an extended timeframe.


this is the model that needs to be introduced to Australia.

What is preventing this model in Australia? There is no legal impediment to doing it, and the big apartment developers already do it while holding until they can sell an entire development to prevent crashing prices by flooding the market.
What do you think needs to be done to introduce this model exactly? Besides a complete shift of market fundamentals anyway.

Gruppenführer Mark

Focus on providing perpetual dwellings for lease only. Not, as your post says:

the big apartment developers already do it while holding until they can sell an entire development 

I’m not sure how much clearer I can make this – build to rent, not to sell.


I’m not sure how much clearer I can make this – build to rent, not to sell.

Anyone who wants to can. There is literally nothing stopping this being done now(besides profitability).
I can not make that any clearer.
It can be done, but isn’t. Suggesting it should be done achieves nothing.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, the entire thread literally started with “we need to stop penalising institutional landlords” – a suggestion. And then it evolved into mum-n-dads suck at maintenance.

Anyone who wants to can. There is literally nothing stopping this being done now(besides profitability).

And profitability is exactly the reason why corporates will always choose to build and sell, because the profit is booked immediately, for shit quality builds. I agree that building in Australia is more profitable for corporates, and rentals are provided by individuals to a large degree, as the risk of maintenance is hived off on them.

Now if we are talking next steps, let’s talk next steps.

I do not think the issue is “penalising institutional landlords“. The issue is developers extracting value out of existing (or promised future) infrastructure. Local governments are part and parcel of this scheme. This has been noted by multiple posters here and elsewhere. A system of penalising build-to-sell developers (especially on public land, like old housing estates, or next to established infrastructure), to benefit build-to-lease developers with a long enough time period prohibiting sale of individual dwellings for a long enough period of time (wholesale disposal of asset to another property management company is permitted, given that they too lease, not sell individual dwellings). Build quality could improve, too, as it will reduce future maintenance cost.


A system of penalising build-to-sell developers (especially on public land, like old housing estates, or next to established infrastructure), to benefit build-to-lease developers with a long

So how much does the sell cost need to be increased by these penalties to make build to lease commercially viable? Especially considering maintaining ownership requires building to a higher standard as you can’t pheonix the business to avoid liability for shoddy work. 10%, 20%, 30%, more?

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t know. What’s your guess?


My guess is more than the populace/banking system will be willing to accept.
It also begs the question, does it actually create an incentive to build to lease or does the increase in prices that inevitably result from reduced construction to sell make buying existing properties even more appealing instead?


If corporations get into owning homes and renting them out, I expect the administration burden in terms of OHS, Reg compliance, and insurance to all go through the roof.

Byzantine rule are designed to sink the common man beneath a sea of legalities and administration, creating a comparative advantage for large and powerful organisations that have pre-existing bureaucracies to face in towards the state.

Quite often they are the organisations that lobby for these rules in order to absolve them of some ‘legal’ exposure. This has already occurred in Banking and Finance, which basically sucks at the teat of property, and would be equally as likely to occur in corporate rentals markets should they develop in an Corporatocracy like EZFKA.


For sure, we’re all prisioners of history.
Most laws/social limits exist because they address some specific aspect of corporate / human behaviour that was considered (at the time) to be grossly anti-social.
ffs I believe there are still laws on the books that make swimming a Manly beach illegal.
Similarly wrt to OH&S, lots of archaic rules that make it very difficult (read all but impossible) to incorporate modern robotics into a traditional construction environment.

And it’s not just OHS we have all sorts of Australian Building industry standards which assume everything is built in place (overlaps of vapour barriers comes to mind) often these “standards” requirements are ludricous when the size of the minimum structure changes from a single tile to a whole pre-tiled wall.


I would say on-average the Mirvacs and Meritons etc are much better at the day/day management and upkeep of the property. As disliked as they are they still do have incentive to do it.
With smaller private landlords it is more a roll of the dice as to what level of professionalism you will get.
Many of these guys have no idea that a property requires a thing called maintenance.


maintance is a major cost for individual landlords and it’s something they’d rather ignore and/or pretend they can pass on to the tenant or the next owner.
I’ve seen landlords refiuse to repair a front porch where the wood was so rotted that children were literally falling through the floor boards.
seriously wtf repairing this sort of thing isn’t the tenants responsibility but in this case the tenant added a rubber matt so that deliver people (and friends kisd) wouldn’t injure themselves. In Australia tradies will expect so an so many $$$ to even look at the issue. whereas any good Instutional maintenence team will knock this out in a couple of hours and say $100 worth of materials.


House prices should be falling in Qld soon when everyone dies –
Incurable virus set to explode as mozzies swarm half the stateA potential explosion of Queenslanders becoming infected with a serious mosquito-borne disease is on the horizon, health authorities have warned.
I’m investing in swatters and insect repellant.


yeah sure thing i totally believe this


The threat is real – the effect on house price (if any) is unknown (yet).

However, I’d be willing to bet that there are a lot of southerners that made their bucket-list move North who, in light of almost non-stop rain, debilitating humidity, repetitive floods accompanied by a less-than-helpful insurance industry, and wall-to-wall midges. might be reconsidering their life choices.
I’ve seen it happen before in both Qld and NE NSW – they learn that winter holidays up north are a vastly different experience to living there year-round.

Whether that translates to a rush for the exits remains to be seen – but the threat of this virus ain’t gonna help.

The virus is incurable, and the effects can be life-changing.

Heightened risk of Ross River virus in Queensland

“We have been notified of 31 positive mosquito traps across the state so far, which is more than the total we saw over the 2019-20 summer months when there was a significant Ross River virus outbreak. In 2020, 3381 cases of Ross River virus were recorded.”

Watch this space 🙂

First mover

I lived in Qld for 2 decades and couldn’t wait to leave. Got Ross River and it wasn’t too bad but a mate got bed ridden. Living with numbskulls drove me out to live with country bumpkins in NSW these days. Hardly any jimmies here is the bonus. Brisbane is full on infested with south Asia these days. It literally stinks.

A fly in your ointment

because you know they’ll develop an Emma renay wax in noontime and stop the spread?


Patient Zero.

comment image

A fly in your ointment

Maui ‘Ground Zero’ for Release of Billions of Biopesticide Lab-Altered Mosquitoes

Up to 775,992,000 bacteria-infected mosquitoes could be released in Maui every week for the next 20 years, according to Hawaii Unites, an environmental advocacy group that last month lost its bid to require the state to conduct an environmental impact statement before allowing the controversial project to proceed.

According to the group’s lawsuit, the state did not perform a sufficient environmental impact study prior to the launch of the project.


What could go wrong…lol.
Cane toads anyone.

A fly in your ointment

No chance, science is flawless once settled.

See, the exact number of mozzies to a nearest 1000 makes the whole experiment with diseases plausible to go only one way – to success

A mosquito in your saimin

A fly in your ointment

awaiting approval” seems to be having the same effect as the proverbial Bleatho and Llewdo’s BAN button.
if no one is there to “approve” or to check the approval request…

I can log in and bypass this, but the login expires too quick and to be honest it’s a convenience to post unlogged at least now that there are almost none of the drive by shooters spaming the place.

there are probably about half a dozen of posts in the approval limbo without any particular offensive content other than the usual vernacular of this place.

what’s your thoughts?
is the character behind the moniker Peachy available for comment?


none of us know how to fix it but it sucks, and the edit button no longer works too

A fly in your ointment

it must be in the settings of the wordpress.
I guess only whomever owns the domain can change that.

I edited 2 words, no profanities, and a published post became a spam


IMO a conflict with guest accounts. You can either have guest accounts or you can have relaxed spam settings. You can’t have both.

A fly in your ointment

it was good until edit.

I’ll try your advice on guest acc

Last edited 11 months ago by A fly in your ointment
A fly in your ointment

nah, I just responded to you and I edited a single letter from ac to acc and it became spam instantly.

whomever has the entry to the control room of the wordpress/domain has info as to why/how/whenl/where to fix it


I mean the spam settings are obviously too tight. If everyone was forced to register the spam settings could be significantly relaxed.

A Fly In Your Ointment

how do you find the spam to be triggered by changing a single letter c in the sentence (bold) via edit function?

it was good until edit.

I’ll try your advice on guest acc


Last edited 11 months ago by A fly in your ointment

the rules are probably in the app not explicitly set by anyone here, s ogood luck gettin them explicitly.

A fly in your ointment

Well, if you don’t try the failure is guaranteed.

Mmm, wonder where’s Peachy now, what has she morphed into


probably locked out by her own draconian password requirements…
Heaven forbid someone shitposts from your essentially anonymous account

Because your attempt to correct misspelling automatically activates grammar police. If you were to just leave it alone, the spam bot would have assumed you were just another illiterate bogan


A fly in your ointment



theres a third option, you get more spam. How much actual spam ever ends up here though?


Well FMD. AN American politician with balls blasts the MSM with both barrels, bayonets the wounded and kicks their corpses.

This bloke sounds like a future president.


@ this twitter exchange i just had with this faggot


You should’ve said it was full of niggers.


that’s more orange these days


This is the type of specimen you’re arguing with.


Excellent work there!


Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg?

What was it that Mark Twain said?

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” 

Agent 47

No shit


chance of getting fair trial as non-jew or white person just dropped significantly


I’d call it a load of shit. Diversity ruins everything. Non-white cultures are largely shit.

Gruppenführer Mark

Paywall, 12 ft doesn’t help unfortunately

the arborist

Queensland Greens MP Amy MacMahon is in a serious condition in hospital after a two-car collision at a busy Brisbane intersection.


I’m not religious, but if it was a young nig I might believe in karma…nah


Giant glasses with thick rims always signifies “absolute woke luvvie fucking imbecile”

And those teeth!

Gruppenführer Mark

Coming would totally hit it!

the arborist

Leftie spectacles are known as ‘problem glasses’. Signifiers of toxicity in accordance with the rest of their appearance.

the arborist

The Daily Mail comments on the green politician car crash are pretty based.

I feel sorry for the lady in question and hope she recovers ok. But on the other hand, an evil part of me couldn’t help but think “oh well, one less greeie, by definition, can’t be a bad thing.” Slap me for being naughty but I couldn’t help but think that!


lol look at this fookin idiot

even smithy is sicking him, god these people are just brain damaged

Gruppenführer Mark

Economist researching cities, transport, housing, and energy. I focus on Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia, with European dalliances.

The very first word in his bio is enough to understand his drivers.



Where as someone like Soos has 10k followers, and his posts get about 300-400 views

I’d say Musk is the new Murdoch.

Gruppenführer Mark

I’d say you are not too far off base here. Musk has 172M followers. Most on his platform. He controls content on X. He has un-banned, after buying Twitter, a vast number of opponents of the current establishment. X links are being re-shared on other social media, increasing its reach.

Hell, there are estimates that Putin’s interview got 1 billion views (~300M on X alone). Musk is creating news.

Correction to the above: 200M on X. Spam bot, stay asleep!


It would be pretty easy to promote anti reffo stuff whilst also promoting ‘house prices arent because of mass immigration’ stuff. You could probably do that with a few lines of code.

But you gotta take what good you can get at least he’s anti war, most likely.


Career academic. Effectively a high priest of the new religion.


Do you read Ben Hunt at epsilon theory?


I don’t read him but I have listened to him in the past. Come to think of it he does use similar language and probably no coincidence


This is the perfectly normal tweet that Joe Biden put out after the superbowl game. 😳


Argh…wrong link…dunno how that happened. Try this…


The only thing that remotely makes sense is the crypto meme for laser eyes when there is a bull run in the market… But Biden posting this???

Gruppenführer Mark

I think it is a throwback to Dark Brandon meme that appeared not too long ago. Trying to stay relevant, I guess.


Are you an ex-libertarian? just for curiosity


Is there any NZ counterpart of yourself?


“Sydney is at risk of becoming “the city with no grandchildren”, a senior government official has warned, as high housing costs drive young families to leave”.

That’s a bona fide skill shortage. We need a grandchild visa to bring in other people’s grandchildren from India and plug the gaps.

The problem is accurately phrased, pricing out all young people from Sydney is only bad insofar as it may upset a subset of Boomers.

Gruppenführer Mark

Clinton Foundation can assist in this, following their great work in Haiti

Gruppenführer Mark

I give you another success story of a divorced woman turning her life around

Success achieved through: hoarding cash increasing savings due to Covid (probably Federal largess, but the article is mum on that), selling property at a profit (oi-oi-oi), getting a new partner (to share costs), and negotiating a six-figure salary post-Covid (field would be nice. $100K in Sydney isn’t all that, from what I understand).

Some more detail would be nice, though. What was the university degree / successful career that still prevented her from having a well-paying job (six-figure salary only came after Covid). Living with parents, certainly being eligible for amily tax benefit and child care subsidy, how would all of her income go to child care? Don’t get me wrong, circumstances differ, but the piece is heavy on stunning and brave and light on reality.


‘Inspirational’ stories probably do a lot more damage than good. Could give green light to youngins being flaky.


That’s some bizarre shit right there.


Would Scotty have been able to expose China if he’d had a bunch of bitches around him?

I can’t believe I miss Scotty. Fat poof. At least he didn’t make out to be a good guy.


Just to be clear this “human rights advocate” is suggesting the West take the illegally frozen funds of Russians and use it to fund more violence and slaughter in the Ukraine.

Don’t bother with the early life check, already confirmed.


it doesnt matter how much money and weapons you give ukraine they can only fight so long as theres enough men they can recruit to do so. when they run out of guys they can stick in a uniform and hand a rifle to its all over. no amount of money can generate new manpower and ukraine’s total fertility rate is lower than every other country besides singapore, taiwan and south korea.

Gruppenführer Mark

Problem is, serious weapons have already pretty much run out (tanks, artillery, air defense systems). Ammo is low, reportedly ~2 months left for artillery shells and air defense missiles. The West is not producing these, giving money to Ukraine differs from a computer game, where resources are created in a click of a button if you have the tokens.

So all is left is infantry against a modern mechanised army. Doesn’t look good.


allegedly but ill believe it when i see it. i think the main thing that will cause this to end is simply ukraine running out of manpower, they still keep finding a way to give them stuff. if im correct by the time this is over (2027-2028~) ukraine is going to have the most stuffed demographic pyramid in the world, its going to be a country full of cripples and russia will have quite a lot of losses too, maybe as many as 150-200k total killed on their side. pretty brutal that this war is turning out worse than iran-iraq was.

A fly in your ointment

Countries can recover from that.
25 milion ruskies died sothat the west is free from nasties in 1940s

The end in UA is neigh bc yanks are changing the narrative from “we’re winning” (never didl) to “it’s a stalemate” (we lost the war).


Removing men barely moves the fertility rate. And the fertility rate 18 years ago is the one relevant to available men of military age.

I also think you vastly underestimate the amount of men available to be sent into the meat grinder.


when did i say it moved the fertility rate? the fertility rate is relevant for ukraine (or occupied ukrainian territories post war0 recovery, which is what we were talkinga bout.

there is only so many men that can be sent to a meat grinder in a high intensity attritional war with low fertility rates so no ability to naturally replenish losses over time (such as in iran-iraq, which is why that war ended with a status quo antebellum ceasefire). especially for a country like ukraine, which has absolutely poo demographics:

“The median age in Ukraine is 44.7 years.”

“The sex ratio of the total population was 0.852 (852 males per 1,000 females) which is lower than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1,016 males to 1,000 females as of 2023.”

russia has poo demographics as well to be frank, though somewhat better and has way more people, the latter is why it’s probably going to win long term.

who the fuck are you?

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

who the fuck are you?

the fertility rate is relevant for ukraine (or occupied ukrainian territories post war0 recovery, which is what we were talkinga bout.

What do you think an active war does to local fertility rates? Think it might increase again post war?

better and has way more people, the latter is why it’s going to win long term.

Plenty of cases where that doesn’t work out but if you say so.


im stagmal ive been here for years. who the fuck are you? pretty weird some ukraine spuriker rocked up out of the blue here with the name “commentbot” that we have never seen before ever here. are you in a basement outside of lyov while a guy behind you sticking an ak47 into your back forces you to post right now?

“Plenty of cases where that doesn’t work out but if you say so.”

agreed, but those were usually in places where the demographics werent poo for war (afghanistan, 1960s vietnam etc) not some decaying grandma nation like ukraine, and where the war wasnt seen as especially existential by the aggressor fighting it.

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

I did not say it was easy or happening as we speak in Country error 404.

Ruskies recovered o er 2 generations.
My first mail order bride told me that in her town women would share a husband for a night during ovulation of their good friend 5 villages away, just to compensate for lack of semen carriers. It worked to some degree.


the ussr ‘recovered’ over a period when global TFR was high, not during a time when TFR was in the pits and going further into the pits. ukraine is done

and not even sure anyone can say it recovered, barely 40 years after hitler put a bullet in his head in the fuhrerbunker they were pulling the soviet flag down from the kremlin.

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

My first mail order bride

Was the warranty still active when you returned the first? Or is it like Costco policy, no conditions on returns?

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

On a serious note, what was your experience / impressions on the whole mail order bride experience?

It seems that now the trend is to go to Thai/Philippines and return with a wife, lots of white retired dudes with SE Asian women around, at least here in the west.

A fly in your ointment

no warranty return, she was actually in every bit a woman for non soy boys. Knew her role in relationship quite well but was demanding the opposite side stick to their role too. It’s actually much easier to be in a relationship where everyone know what is their responsibility and shifting between eachother here and there was not a problem. Predictable bit where one would want predictability.
Not formally married and not a mail order wife, but was in defacto. I called he mail order when i wanted her pissed off. In the end, I just don’t get to be jealous ever and she needed it so after almost 6 years we went separate ways.

not sure if modern ruskie wives are still the same but I’d marry one in a jiffy if in the need of a wife. Seth Afrikan Indian women (legacy imports) are also high on the list, providing you can find one that looks good and is not married.

To recover, countries need:

  1. Men – mobilised, slaughtered or running away
  2. Women – starting to be mobilised, some sent to the front already or running away
  3. Favourable economic outlook – good luck with this

I think recovery is unlikely


I think the land Russia doesn’t conquer will be used to resettle refugees

Gruppenführer Mark

Already talk around hiving parts of area in western Ukraine and give it to Poland / Hungary / Romania. The leftover rump will hardly be appealing to the refugees, methinks.


It’s pretty important to America’s “rule-based order” thing that internationally recognised borders don’t change through the use of force (excluding Kosovo and Israel), so I don’t think that NATO countries will de jure dismantle a NATO ally.

Otherwise it’ll be even more ridiculous next time the US spends hundreds of billions to prevent a border changing in Bumfuckistan, and that’s their usual casus belli for advancing their geopolitical aims.

Gruppenführer Mark

All depends on the outcome of the special military operation. If Ukraine (collective west) capitulates, that would mean there are no more palatable ways to prolong the conflict. Russia would not want to deal with western Ukraine, it will be other NATO members trying to get a slice. “Rules-based order” may have to be adjusted to prevent NATO from disintegrating.

Just a guess, of course.


i think it can go both ways at this point tbh. wouldnt be surprised if putin tries to move in a bunch of central asians and whatever to ‘repopulate’ ukraine in the same way that the globalists might try to do the same with their own brownsters in the event of a ukrainian victory. the country is being carved up by neolibs regardless, either the western or kremlinilogical variety (latter is a bit better).


Yeah could be

The only criteria would be that the new population doesn’t align with Ukraine or rebel against Russia down the line

Vietnamese could be good, the Eastern Bloc had a lot of Vietnamese migrants

A fly in your ointment

Recovery of cuntry error 404 will be impossible for a totally different reason: most will resume to be ruskies.the ret will become poles or Huns or Gypsies.
Demography requires favourable economic outlook only in the west. See India or communist China. It’s some medicine and hygiene that exploded population survival past youth.

Yes, some will try to become Russians. Most of those left would likely decide to stay put in their current location. If Putin decides not to take any more land, but rather creates a neutral buffer between Russia and NATO, Ukrainians will remain as just that. Some lucky ones in the western Ukraine are likely to become Polish or Hungarian, but are likely to require some serious proof of ancestry. For some reason Ukrainians are not much loved.

Demographics is an interesting area, lots of arguments either way. I don’t have a coherent reason why I think Ukraine will not recover at all, or recover fast, but I do believe this is the case.


It is organised genocide of the Ukrainian Slavic population by their ethnically distinct leaders.


Yeah Ukraine getting pretty desperate. There seems to be at least one new video per day on telegram of military commissars rounding people up against their will.

Then there is this:


not new, been seeing and hearing the same claims on both sides for 2yrs now

its why im skeptical of everything i hear now

only certainty is someone will eventually run out of guys to fight with, then its over


only certainty is someone will eventually run out of guys to fight with, then its over

Guys are never what runs out first.


wrong. armaments production in germany during ww2 peaked around 1944, the fundamental limiting factor even in that war was mostly german manpower.


yeah, nah, it wasn’t. The US beat the germans with overwhelming numbers of tanks, aircraft and so on.

Gruppenführer Mark

The US beat the germans

What version of history did you learn in skool?


robots in basements in kiev dont go to school


the soviet union beat them dumbcunt, mostly with overwhelming manpower. the wehrmacht was achieving a 3:1 kill ratio against all opponents or thereabouts roughly up until the end because it was genuinely just that good

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

Ya – the Eastern front dwarfed all the action that took place on the Western front.


The planet’s pool of mercenaries might be adequate to keep up the supply of cannon fodder. There were already a lot of Colombian mercenaries in Ukraine, they could put out an open call to all third-world countries.

The bigger problem must be that not enough materiel is being manufactured to keep up with Ukraine’s requirements


for how long ? most mercenaries dont want to touch this war, theres only so many mercs out there and most mercs are not going to be that itnerested in fighting a war like this

im sure there are some there but hardly that many, the bulk of the people getting blasted on the Ukrainian side are those native ukrainians still stupid enough to enlist and those unhappily getting press ganged


just lol at the idea of ukraine importing millions of indians to fight its war in the same way we import uber eats deliverers and aged care workers though

maybe ukraine has a skills shortage list just like here and Cannon Fodder is at the top of it

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

We have to loosen visa requirements to stay competitive against Ukraine’s cannon fodder visas

A fly in your ointment

Noice insight.

Gruppenführer Mark

Putin in his interview listed countries by mercenaries. Top 3 were Poland, USA, Georgia. Yes, there were Colombians, etc. but far fewer numbers.

Mercenaries go to war to make money, not to get killed, and to look tough on Instagram. This conflict didn’t quite pan out this way, as the Russians shot back with more than AKs.


Exactly. Artillery rules tha battlefield, and the Ukes don’t have enough tubes or shells. And the rest of the world doesn’t make enough to supply them, either.

All the blokes with rifles in the entire world would just become pink mush in the face of a good Russian artillery stonk.


All the blokes with rifles in the entire world would just become pink mush in the face of a good Russian artillery stonk.

So why is russia still stuck in a stalemate and not victorious already? Maybe they have the same production constraints?


Not much will on the Russian side to mobilise the numbers needed to take a lot more of Ukraine. Their strategy is more focused on bleeding Ukrainian manpower while keeping losses low, than taking territory.


Their strategy is more focused on bleeding Ukrainian manpower while keeping losses low, than taking territory.

Not a great plan…


I’ll let Putin know


i dont think it is either for that matter, but it will probably succeed in the end. the kremlins boomer’d their way into this one and shogiu is a real idiot.

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

Offensive maneuvers will necessarily result in higher Russian casualties. Putin is conserving people (his own military and civilians), the kit can be built. Ukraine keeps throwing more and more resources to retain land (Bakhmut, Avdeevka). Russians do not give a shit about land, once the enemy armies are gone, land will fall.

That is the fundamental difference: people vs. land. So far people saving strategy is winning. It is not as spectacular as “shock and awe”, wiping tens of thousands of people off the face of the earth. It is not as righteous as the very successful Gaza operation by the most advanced military farce in the world, literally leveling entire blocks, complete with hospitals and schools, killing civilians, including children, indiscriminately.

It does work, though. One of the BBC-aligned sites, Mediazona, tracks Russian casualties through publicly available sources – OSINT. They are at 43K, and this is a source hostile to Russia. Ukraine sits at at least 500K, per Ukrainian officials.


One of the BBC-aligned sites, Mediazona, tracks Russian casualties through publicly available sources

Why would these sources be remotely accurate?


mediazona seems pretty legit to me


Do you think the “publicly available sources” they are using are likely to be legit?

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t know. But it is the best that I can get my hands on. Telegram full of photos / videos of Ukrainian cemeteries full of newly dug graves with rows and rows of flags. Kiev is building a new military cemetery on 250 acres.

I haven’t seen photos and videos of the same from Russia. Yes, probably blocked by evil KGB.


Not a great plan…

Perhaps this map will help you understand:


Maybe they have the same production constraints?

No….just different objectives.

Gruppenführer Mark

You mean tripling the price of artillery shell since the start of this conflict does not motivate MIC to increase production and reduce the price?

Who woulda thunk it!


There is a difference between a stalemate and positional warfare. The Russians are cheerfully sitting in their defensive lines, drinking vodka and vaporising Ukranians by the battalion-load.

Google for “Ukranian shell hunger” to find out what is happening. And note that those stories are all fronpro-Ukranian sources.


“Maybe they have the same production constraints?”

Probably not:

NATO vastly underestimated Russia’s ability to resupply its army with troops and ammo, general says

  • NATO has vastly underestimated Russia’s capabilities, a top general said.
  • Russia can make millions of shells a year and recruit hundreds of thousands of troops, he said.
  • “They can produce even more — many times more — ammunition,” Martin Herem told Bloomberg.

You might also enjoy:

Ukraine looks to be losing the ‘battle for ammunition,’ and its forces are being massively outshot by the Russians

  • NATO announced plans this week to increase its stockpile of artillery ammunition.
  • This comes as Ukrainian troops face shortages on the battlefield — and are outgunned by Russia.
  • A top Pentagon official stressed that Kyiv does not have the supplies that it needs.


both sides DO have ammunition constraints etc imo. russias artillery production is not unlimited and the amount they are firing has gone through lulls compaerd to the sheer quantity it was around jul 2022 when they captured the sivereodonetsk-lysychansk conurbation in a relatively brief time period. they are getting shells from iran and north korea just like NATO has to dip into south korea’s reserves. russia probably has more productive capacity than the u.s (dont know about nato as a whole) for these things but its not what the soviet union was.

this whole thing was never supposed to escalate in the way that it has, its impossible to have planned for all the eventualities that have occurred in ukraine.

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

its impossible to have planned for all the eventualities that have occurred in ukraine.

Like overestimating your own capabilities and underestimating ukraines?
And then telling everyone you didn’t really want to take ukraine, but just cause them losses till they concede.


yes they clearly underestimated ukraines willingness to fight and absolutely the willingness of the west to help them, why are you telling me this like im disputing that was an obvious blunder

im not making excuses like the ziggertards, this war has been a master class in east slavic incompetency all round tbh

so are you going to tell us who you are or?

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

IMO, Russia’s best case scenario was that it marches on Kiev and causes a regime change, and then outsources the job of controlling Western Ukrainian areas to pro-Russian Ukrainians.

Russia would never be interested in fighting in Western Ukraine itself, I doubt it would even want to keep Kiev, the most maximalist territorial claim it’d want would be around Odessa and surrounds to terminate Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea.

It’ll be interesting to see whether Russia makes a play for Odessa once the meat grinder tactic reduces Ukraine to human waves of teenage girls or whatever they have planned.


this commentbot guy im convinced is some ukrainian shill who scowers the internet looking for people to argue w

reddit and twitter are full of these types

Last edited 11 months ago by stagmal

Their numbers have thinned a lot since the start of this war

The NAFO dog is a threatened species




I think the EZFKA twitter gang will have a day out with this wanker.

Can’t handle the immigration discussion, so had to lock his comments.


yup i posted him before too, sketchy ass head on that mf


Another thought about this bloke being a career academic. His research is funded by International Student fees. Grifter


he has a really nice garden, so old mate apparently doesnt live in an apt but in a detached dwelling w a back yard


What a scum faggot. They’re not human.

A fly in your ointment

Philistines depicting Christ as a monkey by a chick in a bikini.


I guess getting someone to burn down your house when the council won’t approve a 4-storey mega mansion is one way of doing things.

I think the YIMBYs would approve of this behaviour to get around heritage laws.


This how Bruce Pascoe works on the ABC with his stories about Aboriginal history


Aboriginal history…

Walk around naked. Kill things with sticks and rocks. Eat moths and bugs and ants if necessary. Beat the shit out of the women all the time. Make absolutely no progress in any area whatsoever. Do this for 40000 years or 65000 years or whatever the latest fucking joke story is.

The truth is that the abos were primitive stone age savages for tens of thousands of years, and they generally still are. Their “indigenous ways of knowing” are, to be polite, a bunch of useless shit.


bush mechanics was a great show but lmao

Gruppenführer Mark

I beg your pardon? Aboriginees were highly skilled and innovative peoples judging by the artifacts being discovered. Sadly, after the invasion the colonists completely destroyed this great civilisation, burned up all of the technological advances and took all of the jobs.

Can’t remember where I pinched this from (probably this forum) but it is gold.


Why didn’t Aboriginals develop writing?
Originally Answered: Why didn’t the Australian aborigines ever develop written language, apart from rock art stories? Aboriginal heritage was passed on verbally, and as Aboriginal people were mainly nomadic, it made sense not to be weighed down with anything extraneous to standard living requirements.


  1. Aborigines built Quarries, apparently 140 of them, huge ones to mine stone they used to grind seeds.
  2. From this production method they used the engineered stone to process grasses and make bread.
  3. Aboriginals had trade and exchange, settlement systems and food production. Early version of Pexa for example.
  4. When Europeans first stumbled across this landscape in the 1870s, as historian Ray Kerkhove discovered in the archives, they observed “civilised blacks” living in villages and maintaining intensive fishing industries. So they weren’t brave and intrepid explorers these whiteys, they stumbled about and just fell over things. Of course Sydney Fish Markets was really an Aboriginal invention.

etc etc

Fark me…this is utter shit, how can these people even write this without laughing?


Also apparently the reason Aboriginals didn’t build great cities, and they would have in the 650,000 years they have been here, and we just haven’t found them yet, was because they didn’t have cloven hoof animals like European whitey did.

Ironically that article refers to the local tribe being Mithika, cos it’s all just a fucking mythical fantasy.


“Pascoe routinely describes himself as a Bunurong, Yuin and Tasmanian Aboriginal man. It’s how he has been introduced for several years and is, self-evidently, a powerful claim to the lived experience of being Aboriginal. 

It is also how he described himself in a sworn affidavit he made for a Federal Court hearing, seen by Crikey, dated November 2019.

However, two of those communities, Bunurong and Tasmanian, have flat-out denied Pascoe’s claims.

As well, Crikey’s investigation now raises serious questions about Pascoe’s claim to Yuin ancestry too”

”It’s unclear when Pascoe began to claim ancestry with the Bunurong (also written as Boonwurrung) people of Victoria.

However in early 2020, when questions swirled around his identity, the Boonwurrung Land and Sea Council publicly shunned Pascoe and his claimed ancestry. 

(Pascoe has claimed the link may have been through his great-grandmother.)

The council’s chairman Jason Briggs issued a statement to The Age saying the organisation had “a sophisticated ancestral database of all peoples and families who can rightfully claim to be of [Bunurong] descent”, and that Pascoe wasn’t on it. 

Briggs reaffirmed the council’s rejection of Pascoe when contacted by Crikey.

“We’re running a native title claim and I’ve got more reports on my desk than I care to mention,” Briggs said.

“In a community like ours we all know who each other is. We don’t accept Bruce Pascoe as part of our community.

“We’ve had enough.”


Whiny Soy Boy sets out the steps for any activist lunatic to find the home address of Australian company directors…AFP survey monitors this page, wonder if they have a chat with this guy now…?


I think this is filmed in Tarneit in Melbourne’s western suburbs


One of those gooks that probably got 99 in the hsc and became a lawyer.


Fuck me dead. Look at them. Shitskin fest.

the arborist

Such diversity!


I’ve been wondering where all the shitskins that got 99 in the hsc went. Because there’s not that many doctors around and we don’t have Microsoft 2. There you go.