They hate you

Following comment disappearance, I have resorted to making a post

MB goes off it’s nut in “ABC positions Annabel for numberless immigration barrage”.

They still don’t get it. A long essay that demonstrates they think that the readership, the electorate and the polity in general respond to reason. That time is long past, if it ever existed.

The simple truth is that they, as in their ABC, hate you.


Hitchens: When I was a Trotskyist we were in favor of immigration, not because we like migrants. We couldn’t care less about migrants.
Interviewer: Because you hated Britain.
Hitchens: Exactly.
Interviewer: Just because you thought that, doesn’t mean it was a mainstream view.
Hitchens: It was mainstream among revolutionaries.
Interviewer: Exactly.
Hitchens: You say that, but I was in a Trotskyist sect in the late 1960s and early 1970s and so were probably more than a quarter of Blair’s cabinet.

The whole interview is worth watching, and yes, I’ve shared this before.

The same communist bullshit captured the ALP, and was held back for a time by BA Santamaria. Today it’s in power, like a medusa, destroying everything it looks at. You cannot reason with it, you cannot get it to back down with argument. You have to fight it.

It would be a public service to document and trace the person to person transmission of the mental illness that has seized power in Australia. Arguing with it futile.

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Cross River Railman

They hated Brisbane so much they made us double speak a Metro as a bus with wheel covers. And terrible humid swamp weather as beautiful one day perfect the next.


Phil is fully on board now


The ALP is in effect a cancer.

Case in point Victoria. The cancerous growth has gone too far, Dan Andrews deliberately replaced the public service with his minions. He gave ridiculous infrastructure projects to the CFMEU, enabling them to be hugely powerful in return.

These useless parasites are embedded in positions of power, all over the state and its operations. They are now the prison guards of the concentration camp.

They have to support the ALP no matter what destruction is caused. To go against the ALP would be suicide, and they would lose their hugely paying jobs.

Anyone who (rightly) tries to root out the cancer won’t ever get voted in, these parasites are now organised and will make that election policy into poison.

Trying to kill the cancer will kill the patient.


On June 30, 2018, there were 36 women and 37 men employed in executive positions. On June 30, 2021, there were 66 men and 110 women. “We make no apologies for recruiting large numbers of women on merit,” the department spokesman said.

High in Agreeableness, High in Openness, High in Neuroticism.

High in ability to be manipulated and empathy hacked.


Imagine then saying the bloated useless and hugely costly public service needs to be cut?

No politician is put up the policy of cutting hundreds of millions of dollars annually the public service.

But they need to.

The first thing the Teals did coming into power was demand more public servants (for them). They were like 3 year old having a tantrum.


Dan Andrews had more staff in his personal office than PM Morrison at the end, over 90 as I recall.

That didn’t include the Nudge team he had (outsourced).

This is a good article on how the political elite used these weapons against the public, and how the mainstream media keeps this knowledge from the same public:

Gruppenführer Mark

Reflecting back to the previous thread on miniseries, check out Better than us on Netflix. About androids, Russian made, and the women are gorgeous. I think there is one minor Asian character and maybe one black for 30 seconds.


It’s all done in front of everyone now, the press hardly seem to dig into why Dan Andrews’ business partner is a long term CCP operative.


Interesting development.

As far as I know, EU Parliament elections are pretty meaningless, let’s see if the energy gets carried across to the national elections where more normies and pension grubbing Boomers (the key constituency who put Macron in over LePen last election) will be out in numbers to defend the establishment.

Newspoll also went to 50-50, tough times for soyboys.


Just the first 2 paras for today’ FFS.


The ratio is so good here, but it’s crazy that rich Karens from the ABC should be able to push this pro immigration agenda as politicians.

Check out Teal member for posh suburb Brighton Zoe Daniel.

Ex ABC, pseudo intellectual elitist spends her life on the taxpayers, then taps into the Jewish money to back her into parliament.


So who is the ‘Australia Institute’ pushing the pro immigration agenda here?

Ok so it’s run by Greens. What else?


So it got $9 million+ just last year from Philanthropic organisations no one has heard of.

Why would some unknown organisation be pushing immigration and the climate scam?

Sounds like Soros huh?


Ok so the money comes from Murdoch family.

Where does that name come from?


Ohh ok



The Australia Institute held its “Politics in the pub” to get down and dirty, mix with the common plebs.

Which pub?

Oh, Canberra in an upmarket restaurant place called Verity Lane Market.

Bahaha did you really expect them to actually go to a pub with the plebs? Can’t have that, they’re smelly and obnoxious of course.

They hate you.


Bummed I missed hearing these 2 ladies and a Eunuch speak last year too…

It’s so funny that the Teals Party and their backers can’t even go to a pub amongst the pleb scum.


It’s very hard not to assume she’s under their control.

She knows what’s expected of her.

They targeted the electorate of Goldstein for her, it’s no cohencidence.

They even made her and Monique Ryan attend a pro Israel rally.


They are yet another disappointment. One teal member has said that property is a very complex issue ie we dont care. Hopefully they’ll lose their seats, people seem to be tiring of moral superiority and fickle moot owners in general.


Interestingly bold headline


She is doing a good job representing the interests of her Brighton electorate isn’t she? They want more immigration to lower costs for companies expanding their share portfolios, subsidies for the Tesla cars that they’ll buy and subsidies for the energy projects that they have substantial investments in. The Rodent brought in middle class welfare, the teals are bringing in upper class welfare.

All she needs to do next is bring in an ICE car tax so that the great unwashed will not set foot in Brighton.


That Zoe Daniel bitch dont got a forehead. That bitch got a six head.


Lolz 🤣


Annabel Crab – female reporter AWFL.

This immigration debate is something of an empathy meme that our largely female narrative class (supplimented by a variety of Beta men) are now caught up in.

They can’t escape from it because their personality trait demands agreeableness and safety in numbers, and because they define ‘truth’ as collective agreement rather than factual objectivity they are unable accept the legitimacy of any opposing view.

The fact that they have near complete control of our social narrative means they are mistakenly of the belief that their views are of the majority, which reinforces their sense of being right. Combine this sense of being correct with the paradox of agreeableness and they simply become increasingly intolerant of those who oppose group consensus, as increasingly present in women like Annabella Crabb and Zoey Daniel’s speech:

As the level of discussion i.e. division increases in the community they become increasingly distressed as it creates uncertainty with their world view. Rational people will generally soften their view with uncertainty, while the irrational generally harden their position.

As their level of anxiety rises over these debates, their intolerance rises with their frantic desperation to remain on the side with the correct political and moral view increases, and so they use increasing emotional attacks in order to discredit their opponents views and morality, and justify why their position is correct – even if that means forcefully silencing views opposed to theirs.


Having gone to a fairly violent and insolent bogan school I never liked most Australians much either but I didn’t have this cut off your nose to spite your face attitude AWFLs and the left have. It must be similar to the self destructive thing that gets people on drugs and drinking too much.

A fly in your ointment

‘Katie did not need the vaccine’: AstraZeneca victim was ‘doing her bit’ to end lockdow
Luv the but where it says “doing my bit”. One of the greatest baits which makes Aussies swalow diarrhoea shyte like it’s Marmite with cheese on a toast. And they luv it.

I wonder if there is anyone here supporting the jab as “the roight thing to do moite”…


So now they’ve scape goated AZ once again normies get to be the clever ones whilst being clueless rubes.

A fly in your ointment

Homo convictus vulgaris can’t grasp why the jabbadabba mandate is pivotal for their freedoms. Stockholm syndrome, I guess.

If you can forget above from the video you deserve your offspring to become Indian or slopes or negroes or a wog.

Last edited 3 months ago by A fly in your ointment

Textbook case of morons getting some power. Feel free to go to those small Liquorland shops and bang a prozzi though. That makes perfect sense.


From what a fairly loose mate says, all the pay by the hour ladies have doubled or significantly raised there prices since covid. Guess it’s the cashed up boomers or tradies getting 250k for holding a stop sign..allegedly. so don’t think it’s your average bogan chump using pro’s


>tradies getting 250k for holding a stop sign
I’d say they are at least half of the retail economy atm. As I’ve said here before I reckon 70% of the people who ‘made it’ around my way have a ute out the front and an suv for the mrs.

Then other neighbours get the shits because they have tradie stuff like trailors and boats they never use parked on the street all the time.

Talk about Dumb Street.

A fly in your ointment

If that’s the case it’s not the fault of foreign student but rather unis catering for foreigners. You voted for parties which allowed this to happen.
Most important, the sequence is rather that unis slowly shifted the model of education to vacuum more full fee paying students. The shift came from unis themselves.
Good luck getting a well paid uni education job that can’t be replaced with computers in near future. That’s why they are selling uni education like hot cakes before everyone with some intellectual capability realise they learned sfa. At best they learned how to make computers do the engineering tasks.


You voted for parties which allowed this to happen.”

Oh really?

A fly in your ointment

I explained that so many times.
If you can’t understand how participating in elections you actually enable and legalise the shyte that happens to you, it is perhaps impossible for you to comprehend it hence futile to explain further.
Aus election system is designed to allow main political parties to rule indefinitely, with zero political differences past the daily politics and it is rigged to prevent rise of new political parties.
Each time you vote, whomever you vote you vote for the current thing. Thus I’ve done more for your cause by not voting in the last 25 years than you did in your whole adult life.


Each time you vote, whomever you vote you vote for the current thing. Thus I’ve done more for your cause by not voting in the last 25 years than you did in your whole adult life.

Except not voting just makes it even easier for the status quo to continue as the sheeple vote the duopoly in forever.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot
A fly in your ointment

Except that is a circular reference and is logically incorrect.
More voting cannot be better than less voting in the circus act. If it did, we’d have changes come regularly since the preference voting was introduced.
If enough people abstained from voting, elections would become invalid. Got to get out of convict mindset to understand that for example Zimbabwe has more democratic electoral system than this pond as it allows for rise of new political ideas and parties and their path to winning. Aussie elections are a carbon copy of soviet system.


If enough people abstained from voting, elections would become invalid.

No they wouldn’t. Most countries get woeful voter turnouts.

ome invalid. Got to get out of convict mindset to understand that for example Zimbabwe has more democratic electoral system than this pond as it allows for rise of new political ideas and parties and their path to winning.

Didn;t that lead to the confiscation of citizens property and hyperinflation that completely destroyed the place?

A fly in your ointment

No they wouldn’t. Most countries get woeful voter turnouts.

Of course they would and plenty of examples
Illegitimising any election causes major problem for the incumbent powers.

Didn;t that lead to the confiscation of citizens property and hyperinflation that completely destroyed the place?

No sequitur from what I said.

Anyway Mugabe came by revolution and on top of that he was deposed eventually because the system had provision gor so (unlike Aus). In Aussie system he’d rule in afterlife.
The hyperinflation and property grub was simple ineptitude combined with hegemon sanctions. What do you think is going to happen with property in Aus when the bubble bursts? Hint: equivalent to wealt seizures and hyperinflation.


Illegitimising any election causes major problem for the incumbent powers.

Any examples you want to share?
And anything that involves revolution is irrelevant because the revolution is what the major problem is.

Anyway Mugabe came by revolution and on top of that he was deposed eventually because the system had provision gor so (unlike Aus).

And you say I am a “no sequitor”
Revolution is not a provision from the system, but ultimately what is required for significant change.

A fly in your ointment

What classify as a “shitty tennant” by a subhuman class of shitty landlords in Aus is nowhere near the one in Krautlands.
Plus krauts landlords are not the savvy investors with negative gearing and negative cash flow trying to make someone else pay for their mistakes. The system allows that, unfortunately. In fact the system here promotes that.


Stop making excuses for Pajeets.

Gonna tell us their food is great as well?

A fly in your ointment

You’re dafter than yourself.
The most shittiest landlords are Poojeets.

Me says fuck’em numb with a BBC and let them “exit” the rental market. Idiot cun’t get it that if they sell an IP it’s a zero sum game of numbers and no tenant is punished.
Empty NG properties shoild be slapped with an “empty tax” equivalent to median rental in said suburb.


Empty NG properties shoild be slapped with an “empty tax” equivalent to median rental in said suburb.

An empty property can’t be NG’d under current rules. At least not without seriously bending them and risking the wrath of the tax office.

A fly in your ointment

Rules are for suckers and tax office is preoccupied with the 2 lowest income tax brackets so expect no resources for interfering with savvy investors.
There are ways around which makes tax office ‘can’t be bothered with’.


ules are for suckers and tax office is preoccupied with the 2 lowest income tax brackets so expect no resources for interfering with savvy investors.

There are ways around which makes tax office ‘can’t be bothered with’.

And they will comply with the empty tax if they are currently rorting the system?

A fly in your ointment

No lease = no NG + “empty” tax.
Can’t rort that.
Every vacant place would hit the market.

Rental market is 99% gangrene which needs to be removed.
It won’t happen, so this is all rethorical.


No lease = no NG

This is already the case unless you bend the rules so make up your mind, can you rort it or not?

A fly in your ointment

Not the case now, one can have property in endless renovations, reparations and no-interest-from-tenants limbo (to name a few). Options are aplenty.

No lease = no NG means “if you can’t get a a tennant for whatever reasons then fuck off”. Fair proposition, tax payers should not support non-performing properties.


one can have property in endless renovations, reparations and no-interest-from-tenants limbo

They can’t and be in compliance with the actual ATO rulings.
What people declare on the other hand…

No lease = no NG means “if you can’t get a a tennant for whatever reasons then fuck off”.

But it’s all on the honour system AKA tax return,
so people will continue to lie and nothing changes.



A fly in your ointment

Ironically this is what all except one of my convict acquaintances think…


Fuck your ackwaitance nigga! if I was in charge I send you bitch ass back to seff africa!


Sydney’s future. God we’re pathetic. The shame.


Sydney is a laundromat, but nowhere near the scale of London.


Not yet. When Asia develops more and gets richer…


This is the scariest thing, there’s plenty more to come here…

Lord Kremnos

Speaking of hate, certain types really hate their womenfolk don’t they? Two women dead after being swept off rocks at Kurnell ( Three women in a group of Indians are the only ones washed away at a well known danger spot. Something suss for sure.


Harsh form of remigration I guess


Pajeet on the left of the pic is standing there casually with his hands in his pockets looking at one of the dead women. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was an honour killing, or some such.

A fly in your ointment



Log in is also completely broken


because logins are all fucked up, and when you aren’t logged in the comments don’t update immediately even if you refresh the page, they appear some undetermined amount of time later.
ie you get the page as it was some amount of time ago, including your own comments not showing up until later.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot

What’s the issue here getting this fixed? WordPress isn’t overly complicated – sounds like the site needs an update and permalink fix?

The domain name expires on 29/9/2024. Will Peachy continue? Will time tell???


Given the direction the comments around here are headed I wouldn’t be putting much effort into maintaining it, but that’s just me.
Bitchin about how the womenfolk are the cause of all the worlds problems doesn’t seem like a great way to encourage peachy to want to fix it either but YMMV.
I’m sure ezfka2 is available as a domain name…


nor have I ever complained about “the juice” lol


I’ve never bitched about the women folk!

Also donated to help this place – well supposedly help – you/peachy/whoever you are don’t seem to want to take help but rather complain a free speech platform doesn’t conform to your beliefs

Just close the place then if it’s such a burden


nor have I ever complained about “the juice” lol

Maybe you haven’t but it sure seems like it became one of the main points of discussion during my last extended absence from the place.

Also donated to help this place – well supposedly help – you/peachy/whoever you are don’t seem to want to take help but rather complain a free speech platform doesn’t conform to your beliefs

I am a mere freeloader that makes comments just like you.
The help that needs to be applied to fix the problems is people hours more than money I suspect. And the only one that can do and/or organise it is peachy since she is the one that owns the site(as far as I know)

I have seen virtually nothing from peachy on here for a very long time so I suspect she no longer has much interest in the place as it currently exists, and the amount of effort she is willing to put into the place reflects that.

What’s the issue here getting this fixed? WordPress isn’t overly complicated – sounds like the site needs an update and permalink fix?

Given you level of knowledge on the subject and interest in the places continued functionality I was making the suggestion that you may want to donate that skill and knowledge to creating an alternate site that the discussions could move to. Alternately you can scream into the ether and hope peachy hears and responds and maybe hands the place over to you but I wouldn’t be holding your breathe.


such hyperbole!

Who cares if other people make comments you disagree with? Why does it bother you? Sounds like a “you” problem, not a site problem

I’m sure Peachy doesn’t need you to white knight for her

“I am a mere freeloader that ALSO makes comments just like you.”
There, I corrected that one for you

I have extensive knowledge of WordPress and would easily fix this site—it’s not complicated—much like donating a bit of crypto, easy—but most people are lazy and would rather complain as you do.

If we all helped each other from time to time, the world would be a better place – Wanting control of the site sounds more like a reflection of you, like you want to control others’ thoughts and speech.


You are complaining about the site being broken.

I am explaining to you a likely reason that it is broken.

And you have a hissy fit.

’m sure Peachy doesn’t need you to white knight for her

How am I white knighting fuckface?
I mad a factual observation that she hasn’t been here and a fairly reasonable assumption from that.

– Wanting control of the site sounds more like a reflection of you, like you want to control others’ thoughts and speech.


If you want to fix the site, you need the access to do it. If you are such an expert you should understand that particular concept.
The person with the keys is peachy, she aint here ergo it aint gettin fixed, yo.

This site exists because mb was thought unusable by many due to various issues including the fuckwits that ran it. so this site was started.
If this site is becoming unusable a perfectly sensible alternative is to create another site.

but most people are lazy and would rather complain as you do.

You are the one making complaints, i am explaining why it is the way it is in my admittedly uninformed opinion, but no one with more knowledge of the situation is currently adding their 2 cents.

And to use your own logic against you

Who cares if other people make comments you disagree with? Why does it bother you? Sounds like a “you” problem.


ha ha got ya!

now calm down and show me where I complained.


What’s the issue here getting this fixed? WordPress isn’t overly complicated

I even went on to explain what IN MY OPINION the issue actually is.

Last edited 3 months ago by commentBot

oh, shut up, you fat old biddy.


ooooooooohhhhh, burnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn


Give your head a bit of a wobble mate.


comment section is just in decline. seems to have mostly devolved into documenting every incident of ethnic crime, yes some groups commit statistically more crimes than others we should be free to talk about it and discuss the possible causes of that but do we really need to highlight every time it happens? stabbings otherwise are always going to happen, its normal, not that interesting australia barely has any crime in it to begin with anyway.


comment section is just in decline

yes, and for the same reason as mb went into decline many years ago. All the interesting people are leaving/have left. Even coming got sick of the place, must be having a quick wank between patients now instead of commenting here…

But on a more serious note, the same people posting essentially the same comments over and over again gets old.
You aren’t converting anyone by repeating them over and over again because the only people seeing it are the ones who have seen it all a hundred times before.


Peachy wants/wanted this to be a fringe economics and crypto site with some tasteful humour added. Most people don’t want anything to do with constant grievance posting because it’s retarded and bad for you.

It’s over.


ah people they ruin everything!


in all fairness tho the former would be as dead if not even deader. how many times can we talk about the aus housing market and immigration rate rises etc etc etc, its all preaching to the choir one way or another. MB has been repeating the same articles over and over again for years about similar stuff, theyre dead too.

most australians just dont care about any of this stuff its reality.

we had coming going on about the brittany higgins stuff last yr which at least i enjoyed. and prior to that we had the novelty of covid/lockdown to discuss which was a pretty unique time.

Last edited 3 months ago by stagmal
the arborist

There’s always Stagmal’s Slack forum.


if you build it they will come

A fly in your ointment

Your comments are in purgatorium pending approval. If you check the messages in the dashboard you can see them. It seems as if I can approve some but doing so results in nuttin.

Issue with comments not refreshing iseems to be in the server side. It probably preserves bandwidth by serving stale data and only refreshes whenever it is allowed. Who knows. F5 can sometimes force fresh page and all posts reappear.

You can vote only if logged in. Same issues as per above can cause your login to not be visible by the server.


what is michael west doing now equivocating for the scummy university sector? wasnt this bloke supposed to be ‘based’ and anti special interest?


What he says is true in the current environment.
The solution is for the government to fund universities again but that isn’t going to happen.

the arborist

Yeah, he’s based. As based a far leftist can be. Which isn’t very much. His heart is in the right place, but his head is up his arse.


He understands we are a ZOG occupied nation and that is enough for me.




Won’t happen. People are very compliant when they are up to their eyeballs in debt. Look at any large organisation whether public or private, there is absolutely no dissent. The elites have us where they want us: obedient debt slaves who will comply with their whims.

A fly in your ointment

Hence the plandemic importance in exposing the nation for what it is. Every jabbed person is conformist and compliantist.
Officially there is about 5% of recalcitrants who can save the nation, in reality it is probably a few % less because some are flogged with defeatism.


Mass obedience is near the core of the weakness I’m talking about. It wouldn’t take many to control many with the right amount of force deployed in the right place at the right time

This has always been the case, and is a fundamental requirement for civilisation to exist as I see it.
It has been the case from the days of the village chief all the way up to the king. Central leadership and decision making is required or you end up with everyone arguing around in circles and getting nothing done.


Could it have already happened and we didn’t notice?

Yeah, the corporate mafia took over decades ago…

Or did you mean criminals?

the arborist

We only need a few, like this King


Sites broken but let me + this, strange times . ain’t dead it’s a great concept. Maybe making memes with a direct link could uplift traffic


Bringing in the big guns now.

Mass immigration must continue !!


Australia doesn’t produce anything that the rest of the world wants other than our lifestyle. The only bargaining chip we have at free trade agreements are visas. The elite know this and have plenty of useful idiots like hankyhead who will inadvertently do their bidding. No meaningful change to immigration policy will be made.


and the lifestyle is being eroded by visa issuances, go figure


211b that would probably mostly go to the property industry etc..what a faggot.


You mean the Hayne stain. This was a stitch up in my view and i don’t even support hayne …


Most of them seem to be. Evil women who are reversing consent after the act. Media and jews love it because it ads even more pressure on men.


he’s a total grub but this whole thing smelled pretty fishy

the arborist

Does anyone here have any comments on the recent spate of Euro elections?

I haven’t looked at it closely, but from what I can see so far… there’s been a hard right turn and young people are a big part of the rightward shift.


“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
Charles MacKay
Hopefully, the MEP elections are yet another example of this truism.
It’s gratifying that young people have been active in this long-overdue correction… is, after all, their future that was being flushed down the toilet by the incumbent powers-that-be.
I’m, very much hoping that this is a portent for more change world-wide, and particularly hopeful that the French and Canadian toy-boys are next in line.
As for the actual real-world effect of the MEP elections, the process of change will be painfully slow….the old guard will fight with every means at their disposal (Lawfare, anyone?), and you can expect a deluge of “isms” from their aggrieved souls.
But as has been said…a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
A good start would be to consign von der Leyen to the dustbin of history.
Here’s hoping J


An interesting take here:

Fyodor Lukyanov: Here’s what the results of the European Parliament elections tell us

The European Parliament elections have shaken up the political space but won’t bring revolutionary changes at EU level. Despite the success of Euroskeptic forces in a number of countries, the composition of the representative body has not seriously changed. The main jobs in the bloc’s institutions will, as always, be distributed between the mainstream – the conservatives (EPP), socialists (S&D) and liberals (Renew).


Yes, I am a Noticer.

Momentum is building, especially in the young.

Swedish election party on X had people dancing to Auslander Raus which the media obviously tried to quieten down.

The only fear I have of the right takes back power internationally is the desperate actions to stop it from the choos and their minions. Bird flu won’t cut it, need another bigger crisis to shift power back to the elites.


that’s WW3 – the backup plan – send out the nationalists to war!


You mean just like ww1 and ww2 which one could argue removed those with testosterone from the gene pool, at least somewhat. Ukraine was full of nazi , allegedly, wonder how many are left and if the special military operation was arranged , in part to remove those nazi. However the more I enlighten myself on the hook 👃 usury class they would sell their own mums.


That’s exactly what I mean, look at the men in both Germany and Japan now


Democracy in action.

If you don’t get the result you want, burn the place to the ground.


Cowards those soyboys Palestin larpers and Antifaggots protesting the democratic result in France, knowing that the Ultras are all away at the Euro football and anyway Paris was the only place to vote Cuck.

It’s coming and they’re not going to like it…


I think you’re right and I dearly hope so. Euro youngsters must realise that if they do nothing then their future is a lifetime of sucking Muslim cock. They need to keep demanding Auslander Raus.

If the Muslims start meeting ropes and lampposts, well, even better.


This is car crash stuff, but shows what the media and their celebrity mates don’t give a fuck about us.

These elites happily talk about Clinton and ‘relief missions’ then Epstein and young girls, all in the one ramble. The guy raped men, and brushes off Paedo human trafficking, and hasn’t seen a minute of jail time.

They hate us.


They never gave a fuck about us, it’s just becoming more obvious.

A fly in your ointment

Bleat v.O still don’t get it: visa system is made a Swiss cheese by design. If needed it could be easily made impenetrable like Moscau or Chinese Wall. But the 3 eternal parties of Aus don’t want that.

Shifting the blame away from the culprit on someone who simply sees those migration Swiss cheese loopholes. Useful idiot.


Shifting the blame?

Faggot says Sudos invade homes and steal cars because they’re poor and hungry.


The poor and hungry who try invading my home will receive a nail and razor blade studded baseball bat to the face, to start with. If I’m in a good mood, and I seldom am these days.


Guardian government mouthpiece larping as an economist now

They hate you


‘The wealthy’ meaning plebs who put in the hard yards and sacrifice to get $150k+. Bash him.



It’s the language of these elites in the media etc. Nothing to do with rewarding saving etc. to not sponge off the taxpayers in their old age.

It’s a culture of jealousy and stupidity.

Fat karnt is a lifetime sponge of the taxpayers, former public servant then ABC and SBS. Worked for a little while at Cairns Casino (must have really valued that Uni degree) which burned him all up inside clearly.

It’s a leftard version of tall poppy syndrome. Except they can’t cope with anyone being half smart who isn’t working for Government or Leftard sponsored Think Tanks etc. Anyone with money then me must pay more tax. More tax.

Karnts like this think tax tax tax then selective handouts is policy.


Bunch of craven weasels. Some high school pissing contest about who the ‘real’ people are. Then they crack the shits because although people don’t know exactly what’s going on they can sense it so vote Liberal.

Agent 47

Just needs a trans one


I mean they’re only a tiny minority and it’s just anti semetic to say they control everything.

Bald dude is the future King of England but is being forced to wear the small hat and sit at the same level as them.

Ironic Boomer

‘US inflation appears cooked.’
DLS 13/06/2024


Soyboy Middle Class Socialist Activists and small hats who write for The Age hate you as well.

Can’t even bring themselves to admit the Mass Migration disaster into EZFKA over the past few years, instead they gaslight and say it’s “coming off a bit”.

Meanwhile the biggest force in UK Politics only gets 2nd tier RW media coverage talking about their Mass Migration disaster:


Nationalists MUST become the opposition.

Only when the Globalist Uniparties are exposed for what they are will we actually have a democratic election.


Immigration is 10,000 per week.

They really do hate you.


It works though. Thats’s 10 years the people have been fooled. Now they’re gonna vote Labour. Now everyone’s gonna vote for half gook potato head in Oz.

News corp will be champing at the bit to talk about how he’s a half gook and made a lot of money out of property.


Jack Lang in 1971. The dollar is valueless. Imagine being a bear in those days. Literally the best time in all of history to buy property.


To be fair gold had a great run after 1971


yes. i did good with spec gold shares then.
was able to buy my new first car, and a house for $35,000, now worth its present owner over one million.


I dare any ‘journalist’ to print the same graph for migrants in Australia


People don’t like graphs. You have to write a nigger song.


That chart is hilarious. Presumably it’s because the income taxes paid by those groups from people in the 20-55 age bracket do not cover the generous welfare and healthcare system later in life.


Middle Eastern, Africans Pakistanis and Turks in Denmark don’t even pay their way a single one minute of their lifetime.

Importing any of those parasites over the age of 35 doesn’t even get near parity.

Easily extrapolated for any Western country, there should be a total ban on any migrants from those countries full stop.


At least Muslims generate something in EZFKA, like insurance scams:


Jews killed Australia, like they’re busy killing the West.


Come now houses have tripled in value in the last 20 years


Living in Canberra during winter, I wouldn’t mind one of those, just in a larger size.


i just use a size 15 extra long sock for mine


The ABC hates you.

Imagine how much worse this would have been if you’d voted Yes. This is soft pedalled way down the page and deliberately left out of their news bulletins.

Just a multi million dollar scam of taxpayers money being run by aborigines.

Their ABC reports that aboriginal guy who stomped on his pregnant wife are “allegations”. Admission of guilt in court says otherwise.

They hate you.


This guy


Police documents allege ? Must be a toxic white male racist saying those things.


The Big Green gold rush has started and the Elites will crush anyone who gets in their way of taxpayer subsidies.


…and he’s using the Teals as his narrative enforcers.


More non-paywalled info here:

I guess we should be thankful that the farriers lobby didn’t succeed in silencing those working on the horseless carriage.

Ironic Boomer

Unrepentant boomers in the current year eating the young;

‘Baby boomers can see younger Australians are struggling financially and want to help where they can, but they are not willing to do so at the expense of their retirement lifestyle, new research shows.

Four in five Australians over 65 think their children are facing harder times than they experienced at the same age and a corresponding three in four believe passing on their wealth is important, according to new research by the banking and superannuation company AMP.

But despite wanting to help, seven in 10 surveyed said they were unlikely to compromise their retirement lifestyle to do so.’


Its millennials fault now because if you want to reduce immigration by 2 you’re a Nazi. Being a colossal treasonous fuckin faggot has finally paid off.


boomers are way more based than soylennials anyway. they oppose immigration a lot more.