Western Sydney Lebo relaxes after another day of rorting the NDIS

A Lebanese man in Greenacre has kicked back after another tough day stealing cash from the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Bilal Al-Muhammad said he run off his feet filing false NDIS claims and charging thousands for carers rates.

“ohmagawd yuleh, da past week has been hektik Habibi. Haven’t been able to catch my breath putting in da fake claims,” Al-Muhammad said.

‘I haven’t been this busy since I was ripping off the childcare subsidies getting my sista to take care of my kids and calling it a childcare centre.”

Al-Muhammad said he would relax with some illegally imported tobacco before phoenixing some more building companies tomorrow.

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Not even satire anymore.

Shows how weak the Libs and Greens are when Bill Shorten can oversee the greatest taxpayer ripoff and scam against the truly disabled, and still smile away as a Gov Minister.

Your ABC and the mainstream media won’t even give it 10 secs of their time.

Next thing Labor will demand more immigrants to prop up the NDIS scam.


Hah free groceries. I don’t give to charity even when the chugger girl acts like I’d have a chance of banging her.


You really don’t get it huh?


No I guess not I assumed that picture was immigrants exploiting food charities.


This is immigrants exploiting the University system maybe. Typical Melbourne scene of wall to wall shitskins



How much better for every white person in that clip, simply in terms of having more personal space and less crowding let alone every other benefit to be had, if every brown person in that clip was removed from Australia.


I was gobsmacked when I went in the 90s. I was basically told to go to hell by my friends. I guess being a cuck isn’t a new thing. Most of them had to move out of Sydney despite having good jobs. Brilliant.


The Leftards are aware of this, but still can’t bring themselves to acknowledge it is Labor’s doing…

Look at the dribbling faggots commenting



I don’t have twitter atm. Cbf finding my password and logging in. It’s improved under Elon but it’s still a cesspit.


Yep. Shorten give tongue-bath on all the ABC channels.
Meanwhile in Spain

You might need a pencil to work it out, as we used to say.


Did you notice that rooter number 1 also has breasts and female looks, as well as the dick and balls?

All those responsible should be killed.


That’s pretty fucked up.

As a parent I’d be wanting a full investigation of eveyone who wrote, produced and was involved in the decision making around selling or buying that book be investigated.

As a National Socialist I would also build a bonfire and see that every copy was publicly burned. If any of the above were found guilty of knowingly promoting the books sale to children, after the administration of a suitable jail term, that they be placed on a register and bared from holding any public office for the remainder of their life.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

As a parent,I support you. As an uncle, I just shake me head to understand where did this come from


People need to be so scared of being caught that such a thing is unthinkable. That kind of fear doesn’t come from laws and judicial remedy alone.

Last edited 8 months ago by robert2013

Here’s the headline – Ford still using dog rapist and killer in video promoting utes

Several Australian Ford dealers still have a video of self-confessed dog rapist and killer Dr Adam Britton promoting the company’s Ranger ute on their Facebook pages, while Ford Malaysia have today removed the video from its Facebook page.

Here’s the first search

Seems like a good bloke

Second search

I’ll have to go and research a few politicians and ABC staff with the same parameters.


Deportations, migrant suicide, or both?

I’d vote for both.


A nice sign that Australia has a long way to slide before it’s no longer desirable for migrants to move here.


Deportation – a plan with no draw backs, and unlike most Govt policy will actually be good for the environment.

the arborist

But he’s helping to boost EZFKA GDP though, right? That’s the main thing.


Star Wars is completely dead.

May its undead corpse be permanently buried and George Lucas buried alongside it for selling it out to those Jews.



I saw some footage of that Amandla (Amandla? WTF) Stenberg bitch saying that the aim of the show was to make white people cry.

Nobody will watch that shit.

I hope her cunt dries up and heals over. And the sooner Disney goes bust and vanishes from sight the better off Western civilisation (such as it is) will be.


Walt would be turning in his grave.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

To be fair I watched Shogun on Disney and it was pretty good. But so anti-woke, all the Japanese characters were played by Japanese actors, I was having trouble believing none of the 16th Century population in Japan weren’t actually black trannies.


That was a good series, but the difference is they don’t own James Clavell’s books, so they have to stay true to the story, or his estate won’t approve it.

Disney own the Star Wars name and brand now, so they can fuck it in the arse and corrupt it as much as they want.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

Haven’t seen the Disney version….but you might also enjoy the original TV miniseries produced in the 80’s.
All Japanese cast (except for the mandatory Europeans), all dialog in Japanese, and filmed entirely in Japan.

NBC had the highest weekly Nielsen ratings in its history with Shōgun. Its 26.3 average rating was the second highest in television history after ABC’s with Roots.


Several copies available on eBay.

But, alas…….no black trannies 🙂


There was a kerfuffle a few weeks ago because the latest Assassins Creed game was set in mediaeval Japan, and the idiotic AWFL writer had made the main character, (supposedly a Ninja) an American black guy. All the Japs gave it a huge fuck you, and deservedly so. These people can’t see their own racism and stupidity.


Theyve killed the sitcom too. I’m watching Peep Show which is from the 2000s. There’s a black dude who has a small role and he’s actually very good and believable as a very ambitious office manager.


Peep show is friggin awesome. Johnson is the dude you refer to. So many good skits.



Yeah its all on iview I haven’t stopped watching it for a while now. I love Brit comedy but the only person doing anything decent now is Ricky Gervais I reckon and he is probably not bothered to work much anymore.


I think the only half decent sitcom I’ve been able to find to watch with my daughter in recent years, that hasn’t been filled with the sort of regime adherence crap that nearly all TV show spew out now, has been ‘Young Sheldon’. Other than that I’ve had to go back to ‘Malcolm in the Middle’.


It’s a shame that there isn’t some sort of family comedy like Family Ties. I think families are still watching shows like Friends which I would say is right in the middle somewhere between family friendly and hypergamy and degeneracy. Most definitely reluctantly favouring the latter.


the prequels at least had some competent world building and cool ideas, the new movies are just pointless


Yeah – they were cohesive, had a great story arc, relied on relatable archetypes and had underlying themes and messages. The 2nd triology was mared by Lucas’s stilted dialogue while the 1st series was enhanced by Carrie Fisher’s excellent written dialogue contributions and editing of the original script.

The news ones have just been typical JJ Abrams sequence of large explosions tied together by people running between scenes with frantic energy, only pausing to utter pledges of adherence to the current regime speak.


Another unwanted immigrant from south-east Asia.


I really like how this appears to be a particular problem for “men who have sex with men”. Heh.


Men cannot have sex with men. Men have sodomy with men.


Correct – bring back sodomy!

Edit: not the action, the descriptive word to stop the act being conflated with actual reproductive heterosexual love making


Bahaha just like the Monkeypox fear they peddled.

Everyone pointed out it was probably from some faggot fucking an ape, and it only transmits between faggots.

Hilarity ensued and the media dropped that fear porn as quick as you could throw one of them in a woodchipper.


I distinctly recall reports of a gay couple who had monkeypox, and so did their dog.


What are the odds huh?

Jewish woman elected as President of Mexico, after 37 candidates are knocked off during the campaign.


Niggers like that are like tertiary organisms akin to bacteria; they’re the entropy that return civilization back to the dirt.


Mute makes Chimp noises, not unironically.

Screeching, an awful pained noise that even Helen Keller would be embarrassed about.

World goes nuts for latest black rapper who is deaf mute.

Piss funny.



You’re link didn’t work, but I think I came across the same guy here:


And yes, he does sound like a chimp wanting a banana.


lol that man is stunning and brave for telling such a believable story


So the transport wagon’s were very hot and and the Nazis sprayed them with water to try and cool them down and alleviate their discomfort?


The truth shall set you free. Well, not always

the arborist

So this mob came up with an excellent plan to solve EZFKAs housing crisis: Get old people to retire, rent their houses to young people (and immigrants) and piss off overseas. Genius! Because kicking old people out of EZFKA is kinder than killing them, right?

So many great supply side ideas are coming out to solve one of EZFKAs biggest problems. Maybe one day, they’ll start looking at demand side solutions.


the arborist

On Boomer Hate:

I know it’s very fashionable right now to hate boomers and blame them for everything but…

Would the elite prefer the peasants to be angry at the elite, or a bunch of weak and defenceless old people?

Would the elite rather look at supply side solutions (old people) or demand side solutions (immigrants)?

In short, boomer hate is manufactured by the elite and their propaganda is working. It’s not too big a leap from the generalised boomer hate of today to killing them in the street tomorrow.

Boomers are old and ugly and evil, right? So let’s kill them and take their houses and money. But just ignore the people with actual wealth and actual power and actual responsibility for the ills of the world, ok?

The propaganda is also directed at white people in general – for very similar reasons, and has been similarly successful. It’s as big a psy-op as covid and other things, but is almost never recognised as such.

Agent 47

I tend to agree.

They’re certainly responsible in some respects but a lot of boomers are just working class and middle class poor and aren’t the property barons that the zeitgeist makes them out to be.

Fags like friendlyjordies and juice media have helped gatekeep this out of the conversation. In my opinion, the parasite ruling class is just engaged in a wheeling out a constant string of proxies to take the heat off of them. Boomers are one of them.

the arborist

Exactly. The ruling class were startled when young lefties cottoned on in the early 2010s and started the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ever since then, it’s been a constant campaign to (((shut it down))) and direct that anger onto whites and boomers.


I think your bang on. Was someone once on the other place who used to say same.

I reckon their are more gen x carnts. All the people from school I knew bought houses whilst I was doing my six years at uni. And in that time houses more than doubled. I had a stoner mate who was a baker, dumb as fuck but top bloke. He is now consider3d savvy

the arborist

I don’t know what younger generations expected older generations to do when houses were cheaper. Not buy houses and give their money to charity instead? What would the boomer haters have done in the same situation?

Most boomers are just working class poor slobs, but the few who made out like bandits are held up as being representative of all old people. It’s generally not boomers starring in all the endless house flipping TV shows, but rather millennials. House accumulation / flipping is still pretty much the only game in town. But somehow it’s all the fault of old people.


Boomers were responsible to begin with but now it’s millenials because mass immigration. Both are spastic generations in their own way. Gen x well they’ve barely had a voice since Nirvana was around. I am seeing jack shit from zoomers. They are a cross between gen x and millenials. More pragmatic but still woke af.

The only people that seem to genuinely want to attack the elite are the Greens but obviously they are demented too.


I use to 100% blame boomers, and for a time ran several twitter accounts and campaigns against Boomers (BoomersAreEvil and Boomerocracy).

However, the thing that always puzzled me was how they were goaded into betraying their nations and their children?

These things come from people’s values, and so inevitably I kept following the logic path of where do people’s values come from – culture obviously, when you think about it some more.

Then it was a question of why was our culture changing and who was changing it? It is impossible to have a culture war without an opposing culture.

Anyhow, everyone knows the path on from there, but in regards to Boomers I no longer see them as evil, I’ve actually come to see them as the first victims of the cultural revolution.

the arborist

And you know who else accumulates real estate and has been doing so for decades? Italians, Greeks, Chinese, Afghans, Pajeets and pretty much every race in EZFKA given half a chance, but it’s always blamed on old white people. If anything, legazens picked up the practice from wogs – because it proved a successful strategy.


Boomers initially grew up in a white nat Christian society. Did the right thing. Never really had a lot of money. Until Howard. By that time they were middle aged. So they were pretty thrilled with their ww2 gen inheritances and personal house prices rises. At the time the media still had enough credibility. They may have thought that wages would have risen in line with house prices.


I am somewhat conflicted about this.

Whilst it is premature to remark “it is all the boomers fault” and everyone is going to approach this issue with their own personal bias (as most of us at least know one or five hoomers who think they are Warren Buffet because their principal place of residence inflated in value), but I think it is reasonable to state they do have a bit to answer for.

I do not think the culture is against boomers at all. On the contrary. Major news networks are dedicated to reinforcing boomers personal biases, whether it be Fox News, The Daily Wire or Sky News on the right, or CNN, MSNBC or The Guardian on the liberal left.

Boomers had free tertiary education and did not make a sound when it got chiiped away through hecs then hecs help. Houses were 3x national income, but 20 months with high interest rates and they moan like they went through the great depression.

High immigration is to give a tax base to support boomers in retirement. Getting the government pension with a large super and asset over a million dollars is only justified in the boomers mind.

Boomers also have amassed more asset wealth here and in the United States than in any other time in history. And whilst I do not begrudge people their chance and circumstances, from my experience, there does not seem to be any acknowledgment that they had a good hand dealt to them that they made the most of, or were lucky. Added to this, there does not seem to be any sense they are responsible for future generations.

If you are familiar with Neil Howes Fourth Turning theory, perhaps the end of this fourth turning will be the transfer of wealth to the next generation and suddenly governments will decide to tax then daylights out of it and rebalance economies. This for me, is the only reason the west appears to have raised and lowered interest rates in unison and allowed asset prices to inflate to the moon, they will get their cut of it soon enough… presupposing they are smart enough to think that far ahead..


I can see how you see that, because that is exactly what I use to focus on. But these are all transient short term things, baits and lures used to align the interests of the largest demographic (transient) with that of the elites (semi-permanent).

If there is one fault of Western culture it is to think of themselves only in the present, rather than as a part of a continual cultural presence, that being born into we have an obligation to perpetuate.

Boomers are effectively the first secular generation to grow up in history, and the first to be largely completely educated by the state. Prior to this, despite being notionally ‘secular’ most people were still practicing Christians and only received the most cursory education that only equipped children with the basics of functioning in society; basic reading, writing and arithmetic.

The real education came through apprenticeships and through classically studies at University, where the collective wisdom and experience of human existence was available to be studied and debated.

Not only that Boomers were the first generation to experience the full effects of mass media. This was a information technology that was rolled out with little consideration (other than a few prescient writers, like George Orwell) as to its potential to manipulate society and control our social narrative.

The Boomers were defenseless against this technology. Where as perhaps later generations are more cynically understanding of it, the Boomers swallowed it hook, line and sinker.

This has made Boomers easily mailable, and the largest generation the most important one to coddle in order to manipulate democracy. Returning to my first comment:

But these are all transient short term things, baits and lures used to align the interests of the largest demographic (transient) with that of the elites (semi-permanent).

How do you defeat an enemy? Make their short term interests align with your own, even if over the longer term is completely works against their long term interests.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

People in earlier generations knew full well what their long term interests were: their descendants. The boomers were the first to have effective and cheap contraception and have easily available abortion. The severing of the link between reproduction and sex turned sex into escapism: a drug. People didn’t have to grasp the facts of life until it hit them like a brick when it’s too late in their old age. They could pretend that it was OK for massive numbers of women to spend their time as single, primary, wage earners. They could pretend that it was OK for couples to separate. They could pretend that having more than a very small minority act out lettered fantasies (LGBT….) was OK. Now our society is literally dying and no one is prepared to address the root cause which is the overriding desire of young women to achieve economic status in their own right. The enrolling of women in the workforce is now complete. The house price boom that followed prevented early family formation and its continued maintenance by immigration now prevents almost all family formation. What happens next is a massive downturn. Children are at the root of all economic value. They are the chief purpose of all economic activity. Without enough of them everything else falls apart. Without children or the achievable possibility of having them there is no reason to develop, improve or build, and ultimately, to live.

the arborist

The only information boomers had was the mainstream newspapers and a handful of mainstream TV stations. Of course they fell for the narrative. They had no other information or points of view available.

Later generations had the internet which broke the elite monopoly on information. The boomers cannot be blamed for being ignorant. They were living in Plato’s cave – through no choice of their own.


I can’t believe the 4chan groypers still think this guy is for them.



Anyone here investing in USD or T-Bills/Notes?


I’ve got about half my funds in the banks making 5% at zero risk.

Given the snap election in the UK, the upcoming US election and associated “peaceful protests”, war in Ukraine, war in Gaza and soon to be war in Taiwan, a conservative approach seems reasonable right now.

I may be foregoing potential gains, but this is the only funds I have for the rest of my life, so I’m more interested in preserving my capital than making huge profits.


I’ve got about half my funds in the banks making 5% at zero risk.


There comes a time in one’s life when return of capital is far more important than return on capital.


Wow, in a Senate Hearing Lydia Thorpe just blew the whistle on another Aboriginal Land Council embezzling taxpayer money to buy a beach house and boats…

Would not be surprised if the MSM didn’t even bother picking up this one.


the arborist

I’m not all surprised by the aboriginal shenanigans and that a poo is involved (it’s part of their rich culture), but I am very surprised that Thorpe has done some good work. I hope she can keep it up.




Fake British PM Rishi Sunak bolted from the D-Day commemorations for no reason whatsoever. More proof, if any was needed, that the guy is about as British as Mahatma Ghandi.

Sunak, Trudeau, Biden, Albanese etc…all around the world our political leaders are corrupt fools and charlatans who don’t give a shit about the people and nations they are fucking up.


Dig deeper on this shitskin, it’s worse.

Like any grifting Pajeet who sees social climbing as their first aim, his parents sent him to a posh white private school SW of London. Smart guy sure, went to Oxford and Stamford in the US, so rich curry munching parents as well. Worked for Goldman Sachs and founded a Hedge Fund. Lined up a fellow curry muncher (Billionaire’s daughter). Personal wealth estimated at 650m GBP. Classic WEF stooge, who will keep larping as an Englishman but probably live in California when he quits.


I believe he’ll have to leave the UK eventually. His mega wealthy wife signed some sort “I Am Not English” document a few years back in order to avoid paying UK taxes. This means she pays about £30K tax per annum instead of about £4M pa. The long term consequence though is that eventually she’ll be required to leave the UK permanently as part of the deal. So she obviously feels a strong bond with the country.

Anyway, you have the fucking PM of England, who has signed up to leave the country permanently when he retires. What a close connection he must have with the people, the culture and the land.

If it were legal I’d horsewhip him in the street before I shot him.


Unbelievable that our ‘tolerance’ must extend across to having people who aren’t fully committed to our nations rule over us.


Albo recently snuck another AUD$20B to his fag friend Zelensky, but I was sure it would just feed his Cole habit.

Looks like the little Jew Zelensky’s bought WW1 shit like this?




MB goes off its nut…sucked in!

The real point which deserves repeating over and over is this:


All the verbiage can be ignored once you understand this.

Hitchens: When I was a Trotskyist we were in favor of immigration, not because we like migrants. We couldn’t care less about migrants.
Interviewer: Because you hated Britain.
Hitchens: Exactly.
Interviewer: Just because you thought that, doesn’t mean it was a mainstream view.
Hitchens: It was mainstream among revolutionaries.
Interviewer: Exactly.
Hitchens: You say that, but I was in a Trotskyist sect in the late 1960s and early 1970s and so were probably more than a quarter of Blair’s cabinet.

The whole interview is worth watching:

The same mental illness transmission mechanisms operated through the ALP which BA Santamaria was able to hold back for a time. Today, they are in power, busy destroying everything they turn their hands to. Just like communists everywhere and everywhen.


MB goes off it’s nut in “ABC positions Annabel for numberless immigration barrage”. They still don’t get it. A long essay that demonstrates they think that the readership, the electorate and the polity in general respond to reason. That time is long past, if it ever existed.

The simple truth is that they, as in their ABC, hate you.


Hitchens: When I was a Trotskyist we were in favor of immigration, not because we like migrants. We couldn’t care less about migrants.
Interviewer: Because you hated Britain.
Hitchens: Exactly.
Interviewer: Just because you thought that, doesn’t mean it was a mainstream view.
Hitchens: It was mainstream among revolutionaries.
Interviewer: Exactly.
Hitchens: You say that, but I was in a Trotskyist sect in the late 1960s and early 1970s and so were probably more than a quarter of Blair’s cabinet.

The whole interview is worth watching. Look up JlN0g6zut9c at youtube.

The same communist bullshit captured the ALP, and was held back for a time by BA Santamaria. Today it’s in power, like a medusa, destroying everything it looks at. You cannot reason with it, you cannot get it to back down with argument. You have to fight it.

Following comment disappearance, presumably due to too many links, I have removed all links. Hopefully this won’t disappear.


Testing (two comments just disappeared)