Australian authoritarianism update: compulsory banking and digital ID

We are now being faced with the end of cash due to the possible bankruptcy of armaguard:

The end of cash is the birth of compulsory banking. Jennifer Hewitt at the AFR noted that “Despite the decline in the regular use of cash, there is actually more cash lying around – just over $100 billion at the end of September – than ever before. ” We are clearly looking forward to negative interest rates, bail ins, arbitrary restrictions on what you can spend money on and when. The main alternatives I see are: crypto (which ones are best?), gold, foreign cash and foreign bank accounts. What will you use? I’d like a bit of each.

Authoritarian regimes usually demand that citizens carry ID at all times. Fiercely opposed in Britain after the war, Australians inherited similar hostility. It was seen as one the hallmarks of tyranny. Is digital ID the same thing? It was just jammed through the senate with no debate.

Those who use public transport are subject to compulsory surveillance via ticketing. I had a few hours stopover in Melbourne last year and was unable to get a bus to go anywhere because their system didn’t take cash or credit cards and I didn’t have one of their travel cards.

Australia is rapidly becoming an authoritarian regime. “Nanny state” is far too generous to rich know-alls like Clare O’Neill and Andrew Charlton. As the demographic train approaches derailment, the elites are getting the tools ready to ensure that they will be OK.

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RBA moving to a an “Ample Reserves” framework post pandemic printfest.

Of course they’re doing this to get in front of potential problems caused by their previous intervention.

Agent 47

Of the 33 senators that voted for digital id, 22 were women.

A fly in your ointment

why did the remaining 11 “men” vote for it?


Donors whispering sweet nothings?

Or they just hate the population and want us to respect their authoritae

A fly in your ointment

your reply is not even in the general direction of my point


your comment has no point, as per usual.

A fly in your ointment

sophism as usual.

yes, the point is clear for those with a gram of brain, or more.


Clearly you lack that gram, or you’d make the point…

A fly in your ointment

so lame….


Not compulsory. When it becomes compulsory with no way to do or purchase anything without being tracked and controlled, then by all means start burning shit down.

IMO it would be cool if a homeless person had a central id, linked to a bank account, and linked to biometrics. No need for a residential address, no need for a mobile phone, no need to risk their life protecting the cash they are carrying. Can receive and spend welfare, can receive medical attention, can travel anywhere, etc.


i’m pretty sure most rough sleepers in australia are on the DSP already. i’m not sure what arrangements they have tor receive it but they are definitely getting money from the government somehow. there was this massively obese homeless guy who used to sleep in the main street in dubbo and do nothing all day which would not have been sustainable without a fairly decent income coming in on the regular.

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

Ah, your alter ego then 😀

Last edited 6 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

i genuinely dont know where that photo was taken ima tryna figure it out


What if his wallet and cards were stolen?

That also applies to us. Without redundant Identification or bank cards we are pretty much fucked. Cannot even catch transport home from a mugging.


he ate his wallet and cards


The new legislation doesn’t change any of that.

A fly in your ointment

Not compulsory. When it becomes compulsory with no way to do or purchase anything without being tracked and controlled, then by all means start burning shit down.

And who do you think will burn the shyte down?
Those with IP and gazillion of AU$ on paper?

Like Canada, this place is perfect for this kind of experiments as it has population with highest complacency and compliance index in the world. People here stand still when fornicated and at most ask for Vaseline, to alleviate the fornication. Hence the repopulation with other highly ranked complacent/compliant replacement subjects from India and China to improve that index (poor people with big mortgages effect).
One thing good, when all is done this pond is likely to become 100% abos and convicts. Though convicts will be living the Truman Show. Well… you voted for it and thought that smooth talking tyrnats can be voted out.


There is an increasing pool of homeless people. Nearly all of them accept their fate but I am sure there are some recently displaced working-class males that are homicidal and suicidal.

We didn’t vote for it. Political donors paid for it. Democracy is an illusion.


Political donors”

They and their kids deserve to be shot in the face.

Agent 47

That’s too humane.


the homeless could be catalysed into a revolutionary force.

The motivated and competent are not the ones that end up homeless…

A fly in your ointment

both motivation and competence are too wonky to define the homelessness.

Competent are well aware that putting all the past and future earning on “red” is not a smart way to do with one’s life as it opens up vulnerability to everything else (I.e. participation in a gov sponsored medical trial with 0 benefits).
Cotton pickers also had motivation aplenty to eat, poop, sleep and pick cotton.

A fly in your ointment

homeless will be taken care of and it’s a play of inate feelings. Once sheltered and with UBI they will feel taken care for, own nuttin and be happy….
there goes your “rebel” demographic.

A fly in your ointment

they don’t just accept their fate, they embrace it.
English ruling overlords developed probably the most acute sense of the plebs pulse and know how to make their bellies full just enough not to rebel. Same is in use in our little pond. Except for Ned Kelly, the last convict with balls and gall to say no, when have ever convicts rebelled against something which resulted in a swing of their fate towards their benefit?

We didn’t vote for it. 

unless you did not take part in the circus by by casting a “no show” vote through abstinence…. then ofcourse you voted for it.


just got NDIS funding for a fork lift driver to carry me in and out of the house and around town so i can finally move again and see the sunlight

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

Finally a good use of NDIS funding.

They should forklift you to the local Thai massage place too.


even better bc to reach my withered tiny penis you will need a forklift will to winch up the fat load so this is getting more useful every time

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

You should mix your butt sweat with chilli and sell it as a sauce. NDIS sauce.


It’s been 3 months since Christmas. Let’s make everyone constipated again through chocolate. Thanks Jesus.


Sounds like you need Dr Metamucil


It’s annoying especially given most of the adherants are jewish af.


i don’t know what these people to expect. extremely brutal winner take all, lowish barrier to entry, hyper competitive ‘industry’ glutted with market participants. why do this to yourself?


Yeah they don’t even try to be good and then expect everyone to finger themselves over their shit. I remember seeing the Hunters and Collectors daughter demanding her dad stopped being one of the top 10 pub rock bands of all time so she could sing her basic bitch shit at the NYE concert.

Agent 47

Basically have to suck dick literally to make it in that industry as P Diddy is proving.

Michael Gudinski is from the usual tribe and was basically the Australian music industry gatekeeper until he carked it. Lots of rumors throughout the years about his behavior around certain artists but I have no concrete proof.


Don’t agree with this. You all need to care about me because my fee fees.

Catholics focus too much on base human life rather than the overseeing governance that vastly improves the human experience. It was Protestants that are primarily the instigators of the modern world, and are therefore extremely superior.


That was imho true – right up until the point they allowed women Vicars and Priests. Now Protestantism is ruled by Vaginal feelings and fags.

It is now the most Cucked of all Christian religions. If I didn’t have Catholicism as a background I’d be going Orthodox, as it is heading in the same direction as Protestantism under the current Pope.


Oz’ new GG. FMD When you read her Wiki and see she’s worked closely with deviants Michael Kirby and Bob Collins and what she “advocates” for now you know she doesn’t represent the average Aussie. Let’s hope she’s vaxxed.


why even have a gg or state governors anymore


How would you plan on getting rid of them?




Shoot them in the face…. and a couple bank CEOs if you are going to go postal.


hard to get them all in one go

A fly in your ointment

can see that this science denialist and climate alarmist was likely groomed for this position of prestige and no substance.

Gruppenführer Mark

Go-fund-me set up. Do the needful. /s

The way the story is described as have happened just doesn’t make sense.


Wow suss as.

Mother in law: you bloody go get help
Wife: you no bloody get help
Mother in law: don’t you angry me


My son works at a gym, and he says there’s been a massive rush of phone calls from ethnic people enquiring about adult swimming lessons since Sunday.

Aussie Soy Boy

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I’m sure you carry your cellular monitoring device with you everyday.


Fuck these fat/electric bike niggers. Little cunce going 50-60km hour I swear, hooning right past the walkers and joggers.