Mark Liebler says Israel has every right to defend itself with airstrikes against unarmed Australian aid workers

AIJAC President Mark Liebler has defended the assassination of an Australian aid worker in Gaza by re-asserting Israel’s right to defend itself.

After an Australian aid worker was among several killed in an airstrike on an aid convoy by the IDF, Liebler said that it was 100% Hamas’ fault and to ‘remember the atrocities of the Holocaust.’

‘This was all avoidable if Hamas had just not attacked us, it’s their fault for launching that air strike and all of the previous air strikes so I will not accept that Israel is to blame,” Liebler said.

‘Israel has every right to kill anyone it wants without consequence. People really need to move on from this incident. Remember the Holocaust and the 40 beheaded babies.’

Liebler stated that a Voice to Knesset for Palestinians was off the table until and threatened to release blackmail tapes of Anthony Albanese and anyone else who dare sanction Israel for murdering an Australian citizen.

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honestly would have to have rocks in your fucken head to wanna be there. feel bad for all the brainwashed idiots who feel the need to insert themselves in this conflict regardless of side. get the fuck out of there and just let these marsh arabs fight each other

the arborist

All the people flying arab flags and protesting in Australia should head over there and get involved directly.

Agent 47

Along with those flying Israeli flags. Fuck them both.


tbh you dont see that often these days


I like your thinking there.

Aussie Soy Boy

All the cunts supporting Ukraine should go into the meat grinder too


to be honest ukraine barely has any organic popular support, its not like palestine which has been a popular issue amongst college left types for over 20 years at this point

the arborist

Yet all the twitter fags had the U flag in their bio. Gotta support the current thing, I suppose.

Gruppenführer Mark

So what form of charity, outside of Centrelink, do you find acceptable?


free ammo to both sides


🤣 🤣

A fly in your ointment

…brainwashed idiots who feel the need to insert themselves in this conflict regardless of side. …

this is sad, product of a spineless aimless culture. No goals or ideals to aspire to.


so why arent yall over there right now then?

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment


I have my own ideals and goals to aspire. Can’t fight for every cause. Both Philistines are equally abhorent to me but I don’t ridicule those that want to help common human suffering.


I agree.

Just looked up the profile of the aid worker who died.

She basically spent her life travelling to third world shitholes and disaster areas for the sole purpose of feeding starving people.

And here she was in 2020, preparing food for firefighters and survivors of the bushfires in NSW.

These aren’t high profile people, and there are probably many just like her helping those in need who we would otherwise never even know about.

You’d take one of her over any of the sportsballers, investment property owners or politicians that EZFKA venerates.

It’s really fucking sad.


no one is ridiculing her, but given how indiscriminate the israelis are at carpet bombing every body in sight people should absolutely not be going there regardless of how good their intentions are.

they are going to keep doing this, over and over again. their lobbies have significant influence on their most powerful benefactors so they have an extremely long leash when it comes to doing stuff like this and getting away with it. stay away.

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

honestly would have to have rocks in your fucken head to wanna be there. feel bad for all the brainwashed idiots who feel the need to insert themselves in this conflict

no one is ridiculing her…

R u sure?




Something like this, even though it is only a few extra deaths compared to what has already been mete out, strangely has the potential to wake a lot of people up.
Israeli narratives and view of the country is crumbling globally under Netanyahu.

Given Albo’s piss-weak statements on the issue, it should be clear why they are pumping immigration and citizenship.
What is EZFKA citizenship worth if the PM can’t forcefully advocate for a slain Australian humanitarian aide worker?
Shows how gutless he is.


Surely the initial attacks on Israel were deliberate to enrage the Israeli political military complex/Benjamin, and make Israel overreact, so the world could see their true colours.

Which appears to be working.

A fly in your ointment

that’s one strange theory.
like saying that master choos destroyed krautsland through predatory banking in order to create the Big H’s response on common choos and show the world the krauts true colour (and If I may add, to make any critic of choos become a hate crime).
it’s more plausible that a vacuum was made to suck in Hamas to respond to a prior provocation and create a flag for a response which surpasses any severely disproportionate response by several magnitude orders.


Goading opponents to overreact is a classic strategy.

A fly in your ointment

Goading opponents to overreact is a classic strategy

Can you name one classic example of that strategy?

Blowing up events beyond proportion (to raise them to a goading) in order to overreact… well, that’s what “God’s chosen” have done in the lands of Philistines


Admittedly I think Hamas underestimated just how all in the response would be…

A fly in your ointment

your link tells of the overreaction as a side effect which “may” happen.

“This may provoke the enemy into a brutal, excessively destructive response which will both anger their own supporters and increase support for the guerrillas”

Guerilla which creates deliberate overreaction loses support of people.


I don’t think the Palestinian people are losing support globally it’s going the other way…


Which appears to be working.

Working in what way? The world overall seems pretty happy to let israel continue with much harsher treatment than was being dished out for the last few years before the current situation.


Slow burn but momentum is building. As per the latest story.


I think gaza will be fucked before the slow burn finishes, and israel will just ignore international pressure anyway…

Gruppenführer Mark

Israel is certainly leveling Gaza, and is set to continue with assault on the southern part. They are also are itching to pick a fight with Hezbollah, and have now attacked a consular building belonging to Iran, killing 7 (?), which was a huge escalation.

Houtis are continuing to do their thing. Arab world is simmering.

As The90KWbeast said,

Goading opponents to overreact is a classic strategy.

which is what it looks like from the outside looking in. Much of the Arab world doesn’t particularly like Palestinians, but are happy to provide lip service of support and indignation in hopes that Israel overextends itself, believing its own bullshit about being chosen, invincible, best trained army, etc. etc. etc.

This ME business is like a slowly turning maelstrom. Once in, impossible to escape.


looks like hamas is meeting some of its strategic goals already

israel cant do shit without its allies, its fucked w/o u.s aid

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

israel cant do shit without its allies, its fucked

It can probably turn a significant chunk of the middle east into radioactive glass, and if push comes to shove I’d bet they are far more likely to than most other countries.


It can probably turn a significant chunk of the middle east into radioactive glass,”

wow yup, that’ll make it popular and wont doom it to complete destruction


Destruction from whom? If they are already fucked as you claim, that is likely to be the trigger as how do they get fuckeder by doing it?

Gruppenführer Mark

Prevailing winds in that part of the world is generally east to west. So nuking anything east of Israel necessarily gets them fuckeder.

Or Samson Option to just piss everyone one off.


Exactly, at least economic and social destruction.

Not to mention the Jewish diaspora living elsewhere would be under huge threat also. Would be a nice boom in security guard work though.


If you are suggesting Israel using it’s supposed nuclear weapons that’s the absolute end of the perception that they are not the aggressors, they surely would be cut off economically and diplomatically and become the next North Korea.

Could only see that happening if they were under direct attack from two or more hostile countries to send a warning.


they would be simultaneously invaded by a joint coaliation of all the arab states including iran and maybe even pakistan if they used nukes in the way commentbot described, and their allies would likely not step in to help them

pakistan itself has nukes it could result in them getting nuked back

commetbot is an idiot

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

they would be simultaneously invaded by a joint coaliation of all the arab states including iran and maybe even pakistan if they used nukes

And you think they wouldn’t nuke those invading armies as well if they had started letting off nukes?
An invasion from multiple countries is a likely trigger for the first nuke being set off.
I can guarantee the palestinians aren’t going to be causing the fucking of isreal you seem to think is going to happen.

I’m starting to think hypotheticals are a problem for you…



Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

The only way choos will nuke anything near them in ME is to scorch the earth in case of them being run over like what they do to Gaza now. They just need one nuke for that, yanks have the rest ready and loaded.


I’d bet if they have 1 they have 10 at least, and much bigger than the ww2 jobbies.
They could certainly nuke all the armies likely to turn up anytime soon.

Why don’t they do this now?

Because living right next door to a nuclear wasteland isn’t exactly a pleasant option, but being overrun by arabs isn’t either so…

And currently they are not fucked, the palestinians are fucked.

Gruppenführer Mark

Big Serge had a good take on the Israel situation, I posted this link before. It’s as impartial as one can get, in my opinion.


Basically shitting in your own nest letting off a nuke so close to your own country. Israel to Iran (capital cities only about 1500km), especially if your own country is the size of a postage stamp.


Especially the way the Choos mock and film the dead bodies of the Australian and American aid workers they killed:

Hard. Core.

Gruppenführer Mark

Well, that disappeared quickly. What was there?

Agent 47

Lieblers have literally both nuked their Twitter accounts lol.


If only they could be nuked from Australia.

Agent 47

I propose deported to Israel and then nuked repeatedly.


This one can join them too.

He should be celebrating their deaths, as they were helping terrorists. What a self hating anti-semite!

Agent 47

Yep. He’s an absolute kunt.


He typically is a cunt – this is the first post I’ve seen from that cunt offering any concession towards people aiding Palestinians. He’s usually online kvetching about any gentile criticism or protests against Israel, basically engaging in your stereotypical “crying out in pain as he strikes you” behaviour.


I wouldn’t have been surprised if he was advised by some Rabbi to nuke his account. Liebler going on I think the Drum or some shit lefty ABC show to drum up support for his cause had the opposite effect with ordinary people describing him as ‘a nasty man’.

IMHO I think losing him from twitter is a negative as he was a perfect showcase of Zionist values, and potentially an important trigger point for raising general awareness as to how cunts like him influence all of Australia’s social policies…. unfortunately it will be back to the shadows for him, as while his public presence may be smaller I very much doubt if it will reduce his behind the scenes lobbying.

the arborist

Melbourne is basically New New Delhi.

More than 30 beaches in Victoria have been declared unsafe for swimming following heavy rain across the state.

The Environmental Protection Agency reviewed and rated the water quality in Victoria’s Port Phillip Bay and deemed it ‘poor’.

‘With heavy rains, everything gets flushed into the river – vehicles, faeces – it all gets into water system and out into the ocean,’ Mr Taylor said to AAP.


dubbo has the best beaches anyway

the arborist

It’s also the greatest cultural centre in EZFKA. London, Paris, New York, Berlin, Dubbo.


if brisbane can have the summer olympics then why cant dubbo

the arborist

The WEF should ditch Davos and have their meetings in Dubbo.


you will eat the mulligrubs and live in the fibro shack


We should all be encouraging as many pajeet as possible to get into the water, particularly if there’s a raging polluted surf.


Best article ever!


If only blackmail tapes of Albo was satire.
They probably are in possession of his Thai specials.


Well well well….bcnich is back at MB!

If anyone’s a subscriber please can you reply to him with an invite for here?

A fly in your ointment

I can understand the appeal from Nostradamus effect…. his confidence surpasses several times the need for confidence artists, hence he’s a believer. A funny and entertaining one too.


Sydney YIMBY were butthurt today when their submissions were effectively ignored.


The YIMBYs are revealing quite a lot about themselves.

In this set of polls, it appears the majority of YIMBYs are opposed to rent controls which puts them more in line with the landlord class.


that guy literally doesn’t believe in borders. he admitted it as much to me a while back


I agree with PFH’s idea that the only rent control needed is ensuring minimum vacancy rates. If it falls below 3% the govt decides whether to restrict Airbnb or cut immigration, and measures to increase housing supply.

A fly in your ointment

I dont believe in direct restrictions. However, indirect restrictions are a treat. Why cant ABnB be licensed and a pre set % of all rentals within a suburb for non owner occupied places and unrestricted for anything with resident owner (I.e. spare rooms).

Immigration will never be cut under no circumstances, not even if Aus is like a towering inferno due to Immigration.


they will and can engage in smallish cuts to shut people up but never anything more

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

which puts them more in line with the landlord class.

Colour me surprised, not. talking their own book. who couldanode?


The yimby leaders just look like they are using yimbyism to get some attention for a political career.


yeah the Jon O’Brian media whore type. If you scratch the surface, the policies they advocate will just result in many more overpriced and defective apartments. They will do well at the Greens as self-loathing middle-aged white men fooling another generation of voters into maintaining the status quo.


the policies they advocate will just result in many more overpriced and defective apartments.

Isn’t that literally what their policy is. Yes to more apartments the same as current ones.


Those poor, oppressed yoof –
They could be out terrorising a community somewhere.


so how are we supposed to outbuild migration when builders are going bust everywhere even in spite of a massive demand boom? what’s the YIMBY response to this?


Why let facts get in the way of being a retarded faggot. Larping is more important than being real these days. Probably always was with humans.


We aren’t supposed to outbuild migration.
how can they inflate RE prices if they outbuild demand?


we know

but tell that to the yimby idiots


Most of the yimby idiots know.
They like inflated real estate prices.


nah, not the ones on twitter. maybe a few of the insider ones do like peter tulip, but most of them really are stupid


Really? how would you know? how many are there?


i talk to them

theres a lot of them

some of them are 20 year old furries


They think that if there’s enough rezoning then developers will flood the market with new supply and reduce prices

But developers aren’t fucking retarded so they will keep trickling out supply well below what is required by the mass immigration that YIMBYs also advocate


hey think that if there’s enough rezoning then developers will flood the market with new supply and reduce prices

From what I’ve seen the active ones ARE developers.


you dont look at enough of them


Probably, I tend to avoid twitter as it seems to be completely full of idiots on all sides.


They don’t have a response. Just rezone rezone rezone and “market will fix things”… by only selling to ignorant cashed up Chinese that are happy to guarantee builders a profit on defective apartments.


They only want rezoning in cool suburbs where their favourite cafes are. You will never see them asking for higher density in less cool places.


and they lie about how much will inevitably need to be rezoned. they say its all just going to be pleasant european style medium density but eventually that medium density will have to give way to high density and ever higher because of the demand pressures created by infinite population growth. today’s four storey apartment building is tomorrows single family detached dwelling. the yimbys of the future will be complaining about people living in 50 storey apt towers calling them selfish for not wanting another 50 storeys stacked on the top.

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

The medium density townhouses will need to be demolished in like 30 years from being built so shit (since any trash sells in a property/population boom) so it’ll be easy to ease Australia into its Asian megacity future.

IMO they should simultaneously zone off all land outside of existing urban areas to preserve the environment and fight urban sprawl or some shit and just develop every major Australian city into a Hong Kong knockoff complete with coffin-sized apartments.

However Toorak etc will remain untouched.


IMO they should simultaneously zone off all land outside of existing urban areas to preserve the environment and fight urban sprawl

They did this many decades ago.
why do you think dubbo has high prices.


Dubbo should be rewilded and reclaimed by nature, if it even wants it

Gruppenführer Mark

Judging by stagmal’s experience, Dubbo is being rewilded all on its own


I believe this is the case across the country. Crown land, native title land, national park, existing farmland all stand around urban boundaries of many country towns.


Zoned Rural stands around urban areas and is all that is required to cause shortages.
IE cannot subdivide and build houses on it other than 1 house per however many hectares.


dubbo has heaps of development


dubbo has heaps of development

So does sydney. Can you develop wherever you want or only on land zoned for residential?
How does dubbo land prices compare with broken hill(which has much more land zoned residential than is required for historical reasons)?

IE is the development right up against the city on expensive land or spread out through the countryside on much cheaper farmland?
And is heaps enough?



broken hill literally has a DECLINING POPULATION

prices have barely gone anywhere there in real terms forever

muh zoning muh land release lmao

cant believe we have to deal with YIMBY libertarian horse shit on here now too

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

I’m considering investing in Broken Hill.

Prices are up despite population down.


not by much in real terms; i suspect prices arent going to go crazy there. are investors expecting migrants to start flooding it or something?

there has been almost no development there for years so i dont know what commentbot is talking about

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

Prices are up 50%+ post covid and they’ve done well over the long term also, pending the timeframe selected if course as it’s volatile.


Rental yields are very strong in BH also 9% gross 10% sometimes


is it pure speculation? i.e investors just have nowhere affordable to stick their money anymore so now theyre splashing out on broken hill. i dont get how you can possibly get rental yields im a place like this


Low rent means less people per household, even lower house prices means higher yield?

There will eventually come a point when there are fewer people than houses and the whole thing collapses towards being a ghost town.


“There will eventually come a point when there are fewer people than houses and the whole thing collapses towards being a ghost town.”

it seemingly was looking that way in the stats until about 2020 or so. dont know what happened but i cant see this being sustainable

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

I don’t think this is correct. Broken Hills population is already half what it was 40 years ago yet prices have never been higher.

Also, no one wants to or even can live in a 70 year old run down abandoned home.

I’m going there myself in a few weeks to visit however my suspicion is there is a shortage of rentable housing and I’m expecting to see a few hundred boarded up crap holes.

These are all marked as residential but it’s meaningless because no one wants to or even can spend $80k on a $100k house getting it up to scratch.


there are places in broken hill for rent for below $200pw. that was what i was paying on my slum dubbo apt in 2015,+nsw+2880/list-1?activeSort=price-asc

these prices are VERY low, compare to dubbo,+nsw+2830/list-1?activeSort=price-asc&source=refinement

for the record ive inspected a lot of the lowest selling rentals in dubbo on this list already in previous years and a lot of them are rotting shacks, thats why they never include the photos

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

full house for rent almost at the price of my slum cinder block apt


There are 3 for less than $200pw and they’re 1 bedroom units…

$300pw seems the going rate for a 3 bedroom house you can buy for $150k


i dont get how you can possibly get rental yields im a place like this

Rental yields are usually highest at the lowest end of the market. Welfare pays enough to produce a decent yield if the property is cheap enough, because you can’t get a loan to buy it on welfare even if the payments are less than the rent.
People at the top of the market have choices and are more likely to buy unless the rental is significantly cheaper than the purchase cost.


It’s higher interest rates.

Owners increased rents to cover loan repayments. And the market pays it, because there is more demand for rent housing, as due to the higher rates, a chunk of buyers are also removed from buying a PPOR themselves due to servicing issues.

Same story with Whyalla or any other cheap town or the entire country at this point.


And once rents go up I can find only a handful of examples where they go down, and the driver of that wasn’t interest rates.


There are 2 sides. Supply and demand. When demand exceeds supply prices go up. When supply exceeds demand prices go down.

Broken hill is the example of what happens when supply exceeds demand, because unzoning residential land is practically impossible. It is virtually the only example because population is growing everywhere else and supply is kept below demand via zoning restrictions and prices go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Last edited 6 months ago by commentBot

Broken hill is the example of what happens when supply exceeds demand,

yeah cos its degrowing. yimbys dont want people to know this part


And dubbo is the opposite because supply is restricted, artificially obviously given the vast expanse of land out there.


no, heaps of people also move to dubbo. its becoming little mumbai and sydney backwashville out here

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

More people than there is land available for?
You suffer from the same blindness you accuse the yimbys of…

Last edited 6 months ago by commentBot

you can’t live on “land” you have to build a house lol

thats the fundamental problem with yimbys and their stupid arguments, you actually need to build the shit and its pretty obvious the capacity is not there. builders going bust left and right, building material prices through the roof. we are obviously beyond capacity, and the quality of the stuff we do build now is fucking shit.

then you’ve gotta pay for the surrounding infrastructure, either add new or upgrade it, whos gonna pay for that when state govts are broke

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

but yes commentbot we have an unlimited capacity to just build infinite housing if only we didnt have those zoning rules!!! with this yimby bullshit just go on twitter and hang out with them you seem to agree with 100% everything they say


It’s actually worse if the land is cheap.

In Whyalla, land sells for $80k or thereabouts.

But you still need to spend $320k or more actually building a 3 bedder basic house.

Why would you buy a new house and land package for $400k-450k really when you can buy existing for $330k like for like?

Or a $160k maisonette lol

So, cheap land actually discourages development.


I will admit cheap land discourages development, by removing all the profit from it, at least the initial subdivision. But it makes building more affordable relatively and the 2 are only linked currently because all the profit is in the land rezoning rather than the building.
Most of the independent builders simply can’t compete because they can’t subsidize their building business with land sale profits.
Hence we are in the current situation where the only way to get a house built is to buy a “house and land package”


The caveat at my statement is where land is so cheap that established stock sells for less than new stock by a meaningful margin.

If in Sydney though you had $200k blocks going anywhere different story


If you say so.

The builders are going bust because there is no money left over after paying for the land to spend on building.
Reduce the cost of land by $400,000 and all of a sudden building is a lot more affordable, and profitable.

st build infinite housing if only we didnt have those zoning rules!!!

We wouldn’t knock down perfectly functional houses to replace them with a newer one that houses equivalent people because there isn’t enough land. Broken hill is full of old cheap houses because there is plenty of fresh land so no point bulldozing existing housing. How many 50+ year old houses haven’t been replaced in dubbo?


How many 50+ year old houses haven’t been replaced in dubbo?

an absolute fuckload? i rarely see houses getting replaced, mostly the unbelievably shit abesotos ridden fibro public housing shacks from the 60s etc, and thats bc the govt is replacing a lot of them with new public housing. my street is nearly entirely houses built before about 1975, someone named kim wrote their name in the concrete outside my door in 1973

there are next to no new houses in broken hill at all. have you looked at it on satellite view at all?

new development is not plotted in rectancular grid patterns. this can be confirmed by going deeper on the street view; a great proportion of houses on the fringes of broken hill are old, many older than even 1970

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

If all the houses on the fringe are old, and they aren’t knocking down existing stuff, where is all this development you speak of?


there isnt any or hardly any, that’s the point? because there’s no need to develop much when you have a declining or stable population


This is correct.

There is a shortage of RENTABLE/LIVABLE dwellings in Broken Hill, not actual dwellings.


seems ok enough

id take bhs housing problems over sydneys

at least theres a true low end market in broken hill


Yeah on paper/aesthetic the $150-170k mark looks pretty good over there for sure.

Dream killer

Broken Hill Mine shuts down in less than 10 years, there’s nothing left for the town after that.


I noticed that as well. YIMBYs keep referring to Burwood as the example but don’t want a bar of living in that Suburb themselves.

YIMBYs want the cool European Cafes and restaurants in the inner west, but too stupid to realise Burwood was also once European before the highrises caused a hostile Chinese takeover.


Nah most YIMBYs are bugmen, they don’t care about cultural shit like that and they’re not going to eat at some expensive restaurant when they can eat Uber Eats shit at their shared apartment


Pay attention to Sydney YIMBY account. They keep pushing for areas like Haberfield despite Burwood already having many apartments for sale, with many blocks soon to be rezoned as highrise.


yimbys dont go outside much


Earlier this week I received a phone call from RE agent that effectively said, “Happy Easter, you are evicted”.

Two weeks ago, one apartment in same building sold for such a ridiculously high price, that my landlord decided to boot me out, renovate, and cash-in. This is a landlord that has owned the apartment for 20 years.

The defective highrise hysteria is causing people to fall over themselves for a neglected 40-year old apartment in the belief there will be no issues. I cannot close the balcony sliding door, and cannot remove some windows for cleaning because the foundations have shifted.

A fly in your ointment

older are bigger too.

like every ponzi, it takes someone to cash out to win. But that money would be itching to get in again…


I wouldn’t say bigger. This is a typical older 2-bedder at approximately 64sqm internal space (excluding balcony). Most of the newer 2-bedders I have looked at are 10-15% larger and with open plan living area.

Admittedly, I have been looking at the ~$1m price but these older ones are now the same price whereas they used to be 20-30% cheaper.

Last edited 6 months ago by Freddy
A fly in your ointment

I should’ve said older Apartments are usually bigger…
at least it is mostly my experience in the last 2-3 months since I begun actively trawling the low end of the apartment market.
But it’s not the rule
Anything after 2008ish begun to shrink with rooms under 3m, entry straight into the lounge, “dining corner”, long useless corridors, recessed balconies with rooms having 0 direct sunlight exposure, extremely poor water proofing… you name it.


I truly don’t get it. wtf is it that these do-gooders don’t understand about seige warfare?
For starters rule number1 of seige warfare is: Never let up with the seige.
There is no exception to this rule.
Rule number 2 (by consequence of rule no.1) is: Kill anyone who is in any way involved with breaking rule No.1.

There are more rules, but if you can wrap your head around these first two rules, then the rest are sort of obvious and self explanatory.


who are the do gooders youre referring to? the IDF?


Looks more like the mission is to kill everyone in Gaza while maintaining plausible deniability (at least among people like Biden) that this is still a war against Hamas only, and Israel’s contributions to the eventual outcome of mass starvation or epidemic was just a string of accidents


The point of the exercise is to have the local population come to the conclusion that you are a more powerful “king” than the last prick.
In this case, the people of Gaza need to make that decision, for themselves, once they make this decision they will deliver the kingdom to you.
Bibi knows this, Bibi understands this, he’s not the one trying to negotiate a deal, with a soon-to-be-dead ex-king. He knows there can be no negotiated deal, the people of Gaza just need to come to the right conclusion, or continue to suffer the consequences. No one is coming to their rescue. They have a decision to make, the seige is just a way to help them make the right decision and make it a little quicker.


That’s not a realistic goal, if Israel itself can’t finish off Hamas then there’s no real chance of Gazans doing it for them while Hamas is still reasonably fed, has medical care, and is much better armed.

Anyway, this scenario virtually never happens in practice. The West is always dreaming that the Iranians will rise up and get rid of the Islamic Republic, or Russians will lynch Putin (whose approval rating is higher than any Western leader by miles). The only example I can think of where a country was beleagured by an external enemy and nonetheless started a revolution against its own leadership was Revolutionary Russia, but Hamas isn’t anywhere near as unpopular as the Tsar was.

Gaza is supremely fucked unless the US decides to force Israel into a ceasefire.


Gaza is supremely fucked unless the US decides to force Israel into a ceasefire.

I guess that whole attack isreal thing was a really dumb idea then…




It’s not about Hamas or Gazan’s or, or, or …it’s actually about Bibi’s political survival.
Put simply the war is an unconditional win, or politically Bibi is fucked.
as for
“Gaza is supremely fucked unless the US decides….”

that’s a bit to wordy, lets simplify the sentence.
Gaza is supremely fucked

I wish it were otherwise, I really do.

A fly in your ointment

…and emigration of all populace to cuntries which vacuum anything walking on 2 legs.

the arborist

Even that’s too optimistic. I’ve seen several new middle eastern EZFKA immigrants in wheelchairs and with less than the full quota of legs.


I’m surprised no one has tried to shoot this bloke.


It’s ace how they reelected him and then the mugs realised he was really shit a year later

Same will probably happen with Albo, he’ll just barely scrape in in 2025 and then one year later the retard masses will realise he really is that bad while he’s still got 3 years left to smash up the joint before being escorted out


So I guess he’ll do carbon tax if he wins. 95% of what these leftist pieces of shit do is ban and tax while further enriching the fuck out of the very people they purport to hate.


cant really say albos worse than keating and howard in terms of his impact but optics wise he looks so bad its not funny


MB is right for once, Albo is the undertaker, Australian history will be divided into Before Albo (white Australia, period of vast ignorance and colonial entitlement) and After Albo (Austra-rashtra, enlightened beautiful Hindu state).


Given the draconian firearms restrictions he’s introduced, I’d say that’s at the forefront of hos thoughts too.


Shoot him in the face along with his kids – why should his line prosper when it comes at sacrificing everyone else.

These fuckers need to be made to fear.


“death solves every problem

no man, no problem”

— josef stalin


Australia has a whole heap of problems.

the arborist

It sure does. We had more than enough before the rest of the world’s problems were imported en masse.

The big lie was that the importation would solve some of our problems. The reality is that we just imported many, many more problems. And continue to do so. Low IQ, violent, corrupt, rapey, geo-political problems.

Last edited 6 months ago by the arborist

It solves the rich need to be more rich problem.
What more do you want /SARC


This sort of thing will continue to grow until there is consistent massive and violent reaction against it. Muh…legal action.

Last edited 6 months ago by robert2013
A fly in your ointment

in short: never (in this pond).


whats going on with bruce lehrmann?


Herpes probably


He got 7 to fund coke and prozzis. Apparently that’s meant to destroy his credibility. I think that’s perfectly normal in ezfka.

A fly in your ointment

How many bombs it takes to render a square and streets as ploughed arable land and a hospital as Roman empire ruins?

Last edited 6 months ago by A fly in your ointment
A fly in your ointment

clairvoyancing the ghost of Coming, show your self, the new booster is ready, please take the number and get into the line.

and one of my favourite memes of the 1. April

Last edited 6 months ago by A fly in your ointment
A fly in your ointment

a politician in parliament simplifies very effectively what it means to legislate the digital ID and to what end.

Planned cash obsolescence supports this assessment.
I can see bartering and gold pebbles everywhere as a tender for small trade when this hapens, that is everywhere but not in Aus. Here people will flagellate themselves into belief they are happy because their grand kids may ne able to pay off a 2 bedder they took mortgage now.

more memes



wtf is all this

A fly in your ointment

don’t worry about it mate, it’s all under control, you can resume your usual….


poor woman doesn’t know what a dishwasher or washing machine is.


Would be kind of amusing to see ezfkas shit themselves when they can’t eat 5kg of meat a day. Or be taxed to the shit when they go on their all you can eat $2k cruises. I don’t think they will do anything very authoritarian with it though.

A fly in your ointment

Adrian McRae
a Mick with some balls and brains.
So far all the good (alive) Australians can be counted with fingers on one hand. It’s overly pessimistic but I’d look on the bright side ot it: One more added to the tally. Hopefully none get to be taken of the tally (I.e. Assange)
I’d vote for this chap if voting would change anything anywhere ever.

Last edited 6 months ago by A fly in your ointment

I just watched the Tucker Putin interview. He genuinely seems like a good guy.

One of the conclusions was that there’s a good chance the war is basically over and the west is trying to save face atm and thinking about how to come out of it whilst still looking like they were in the right.

A fly in your ointment

he’s not a good guy.
he’s just good for his people and those with no ulterior motives or no other nefarious intentions towards them. Some say that’s a definition of a leader. Not a führer who leads lemmings…


Yeah true what a racist fascist scums.


The only people that know government like that now are boomers. All other gens are bunch of mongs with Stockholm Syndrome.


Payment by owner /developer of a monetary contribution of xxxxxxx  in exchange for additional development on the site. 

How the fuck is this legal?

A fly in your ointment

the origin of the pejorative “Banana cuntry” starts with Nicaragua and how the US corrupted otherwise generally prosperous country.
One of the features of Bananalisation (some pun there, eh?) was that everything which was subject to influence trading was legalised or rather “un-illegalised” (to use the modern parlance – as it brings a more accurate definition).
This helps the economy to spin slowly in spiralling motion rather than go with a bungee cord… and future… well phůçķ the future and let the future worry about itself.


lols how ‘prosperous’ was nicaragua 

A fly in your ointment

lols how ‘prosperous’ was nicaragua

much more prosperous then following US Bananalisation, or now.

at times you seem to just say something so silly deliberately which can be explained only by trying hard to be a dickhead seeking attention.


OK well do you have any objective measures on this? what was its gdp p.c prior to “u.s bananaisation” and what was it after, etc.

A fly in your ointment

when a cuntry is reduced to a colony run by literally a school example of a puppet regime I guess you’re the only one needing to be proven that what they had before cannot be worse than what they are reduced to now. Particularly in case of Nicaragua.

Last edited 6 months ago by A fly in your ointment
Gruppenführer Mark


Developer contributions are common. Especially if the land got rezoned, or proposed development will result in higher than expected population density.

Contributions are generally used to improve current infrastructure, mainly roads, to cater for a higher demand generated by the new development. Examples include road widening to increase capacity, intersection improvements and the like.


It makes sense. It just sounds like racket, and in practice I can’t see it. Traffic and footpath congestion is crazy at times. They did widen the footpath near the station, only to block the footpath again with these massively wide pot plants and bins. Burwood is deadset being run by a bunch of muppets.


Burwood is deadset being run by a bunch of muppets.

Where isn’t?


Haberfield. NIMBY central. Actually, most of the wealthy suburbs with expensive houses.

Last edited 6 months ago by Freddy

They just have the advantage of not being overridden by state planning since they aren’t close to a train station.

Current policy not much different than previous.


I have doubts on the power of State Govt to override council planning. State govt lost the council amalgamation court cases on the basis State could not prove there was a benefit to existing constituents in those LGA.

That precedent implies the State govt has the power to override the council in order to uphold democracy in LGAs when Councils are trying to subvert it, and not the other way around.


Maybe you should go and read the actual planning laws then.
Anyone can build a granny flat in NSW subject to meeting state produced requirements, council gets no say at all.
High rise near stations, same.

Fundamentally local government does not exist in the australian constitution, they are merely state government owned corporations. Ths state gov could legislate away local councils tomorrow if it wanted to.

The NSW parliament could modify this to say whatever it wanted whenever it wanted if it gets a passing vote in parliament.

Courts make all sorts of BS rulings about all sorts of things though.


Building a granny flat to look after grandma is a benefit to constituents. Building a highrise that invades privacy, spoils views, traffic congestion, street parking, etc, is against the interests of constituents.

Croydon has already given the State govt the middle finger. The only suburbs that will conform are those like Burwood and Parramatta where the freestanding home-owner is already a minority.

Gruppenführer Mark

Developer’s contributions are not generally spent on footpaths and such like minor improvements. It is all down to the long-term planning process.

In layman’s terms, planning works like this. WA perspective, but likely same principles apply throughout the country.

Commonwealth sets a goal of 50 million people in Oz by 2050. WA current population is 2.8M, with rural population or circa 0.9M. Call it a third. Metro, meaning Perth and Peel (Mandurah, Bunbury) is 1.9M. WA is about 10 percent of total population.

By this logic, Metro needs to be 3.5M and rural 1.5M by 2050. These are actual projections by State government. These numbers are then crunched by WA Planning Commission and each Local Government Authority develops their own Local Structure Plan. LGA’s LSPs are based on land use. There are a number of different types, agricultural, light industrial, various flavours of residential based on density (low to high – from single family homes to highrise apartment buildings). Each land use type generates a mix of traffic, public transport, schools, and other demands on public infrastructure.

Developers then may apply for rezoning or push the envelope on limits of the existing zoning that changes the demand. LGAs then negotiate value of contribution to meet said demands to improve public infrastructure. These are then either get transfered to LGAs for future improvements, or retained by the developer with a pinky promise to build, say, school, when the development has progressed along significantly to warrant said school.

I’ll leave you to explore multiple opportunities to cheat the system, but this is the system.


Maybe there is still hope for DLS

Personally, I think the whole idea of measuring an economy wide Productivity is at best laughable and at worst deceitful

Seriously wtf is Productivity?

What are the units of Productivity?
Are we measuring $/house, $/kg, $/hour, $/$….what are the F’ing units of Productivity?
If I pay you $50 to mow my lawn and you pay me $50 to mow your lawn, does this transaction increase Productivity?
What Productivity improvements are really possible in a services focused economy?
Can I supply 1 hour of service in 1/2 the time?
If so, how about billing 1 hour of service for 1/10 the time?
If we all go down this fradulent path, does real world productivity for services actually increase?

IMHO it’s high time we drop kicked this bogus metric, and moved on to understanding and embracing Complexity economics.

Gruppenführer Mark

Agree. This metric has no useful value on a scale beyond a specific business. I can measure total number of manhours per hamburger sold by Macca’s in Dubbo vs. Macca’s in Kalgoorlie. Lower number of manhours per unit – better productivity. Does not necessarily translate to cost per unit though.

Used to work for a civil construction company that built a successful business through tracking and refining productivity numbers. Was a compilation of 50+ years, covered everything from crew size and skills needed to what plant was required. Dollars never entered the equation until the very last moment. It was an amazing book, still have a copy.

On a wider economic scale, what do we do? Take the total number of employed and partially-employed, figure out total number of hours worked per year and divide it up by the GDP number? And compare it to last year? Useless.


Productivity does exist though

A highly automated Japanese factory making cars or whatever will produce far more value with far fewer workers than a primitive agrarian village with triple the number of workers at work and minimal automation

Australia’s productivity is fucked because we have no complex industries and we disincentivise automation even in the industries we do have by accepting every request by businesses for more third world labour

But business lobby faggots of course blame the lack of productivity growth on people not working hard enough when productivity growth is the result of investments in new technology


Sure productivity has meaning in a “things” based economy.
If we double the number of output units for the same number of hours worked then productivity increases. But if we develop an economy where services dominate things, then productivity makes much less sense as a metric.
What makes more sense is to understand the ability of our work-force (and capital/social structure) to deliver a better life for the citizens. So productivity in a services economy suggests that we are gaining skills we would otherwise not have, if this is what’s important then, this is what we should at least attempt to measure.
20 years ago we could have developed Sydney as the financial capital of Asia and be all making lots of money managing Singapore’s wealth fund…but that didn’t happen …
We could have invested in Martin Green’s Solar cell technology when it was clear what potential this “invention” had, but we gave that knowledge away for a fistful of “education” dollars, Again this change would have been enormously productive…but alas

There were discussions 20 years ago about leveraging our health system to provide health services for Asia’s new-rich, also didn’t happen

There’s lots of scope for increased services productivity but we’re hampered by a metric (measurement method) that rewards bogus and punishes the real world productivity.


Services do have more bullshit, like the US healthcare system where prices are massively inflated so the same healthcare as takes place here adds a fuckload more to the US’ GDP, and would make the relevant workers more productive, without generally adding much quality (although I guess the US does have some of the best hospitals in the world so some of it won’t be complete bullshit).

Obviously the GDP which comes from Australia’s house-based finance system isn’t anything like the GDP that comes from Hong Kong or London being global financial centers. And we are seeing this from the fact that if Australia’s resources money gets cut off then it’s fucking curtains and the finance system won’t be able to cushion the fall, in the same way as London’s finance system could still bring in a lot of foreign revenue if the UK housing market collapsed.

But even services aren’t 100% bullshit.

Something I saw on Reddit the other day:

If they can fire a bunch of lawyers and keep charging the same for the legal advice then productivity would be way up for that firm.

It’ll be interesting to see how much damage AI does especially to countries like India which handle the low end of IT services work.

It’ll cause a lot of damage here too but we’ll just double the public service or something to absorb all these obsolete paper pushers.


I’m not overly concerned by AI in the professional services space because in the end what you’re really buying is assurance from a trusted source.
If you’ve ever been through a contested divorce you’ll know who really makes out like a bandit (hint: it’s not the husband, the wife or the kids). So for whom is the advice of a good lawyer actually good?
AI can give you the correct legal answers, but can it deliver the advice in such a manner as to fleece both parties, without even a hint of shame?

Similar thing wrt Professional Advice. Does anyone honestly believe an Accounting/Consulting company can deliver a worthwhile proposal for Submarine Nuclear Safety
AI would probably give you a reasonable report but it’s not accurate advice that lines politicians pockets

A fly in your ointment

AI can give you the correct legal answers…

peehaps in simple cases which were somewhat the base case for a legislation.
In all other cases, a good* lawyer can do more than what AI inherently cannot. Everyone would rather be fleeced and still get the desired outcome than get the blind justice. Another problem comes from both sides taking AI….

* i.e. as in knowing any particular law’s loopholes


There are literally Nobel Prize winners driving Ubers around our cities.

Wtf is with MB’s descent into incoherence

Have they given up on influencing Aussie politics and are now just publishing rants that would even look silly on EZFKA dot com

Or is this a sarcastic reference to all migrants supposedly being doctors and engineers?


Wtf is with MB’s descent into incoherence

From memory (quite distant now though) it was always incoherent, or copy pasted from another site.
BS about how we would all be in self driving cars on the road 5 years ago at this point, about how solar was more cost effective than coal and it would replace everything with the same unreferenced bullshit about costs that didnt change at all even when our relationship with china turned very sour, and on and on


i think it was sarcastic


wrt coherence, not sure what’s going on, I used to jest that it’s time to put down the pipe….

Gruppenführer Mark

A Bachelor’s degree in business marketing from University of the Sunshine Coast. On HECS. But had an amazing time during the three years.

Didn’t realise there was a degree for business marketing. This knowledge can be gained through hands-on experience in about 6 months, if one applies oneself. Sinking 3 years and lots of money into this “degree” is mind boggling.

Should have gone for Master of Science in Foresight instead. Or OnlyFans.


Seriously fuck em.

Same happened when GST was introduced.


a lot of these business degrees arent what they seem to be, its pick and mix education. if you look at a lot of the classes taken for any given person its a bunch of random shit. business degrees are barely any diff from arts degrees, ask me how i know (i have one)


If house prices are free and shitskins are free I think uni should be free.


And for anyone wondering why no private companies are investing in large scale electricity generation capacity under our current system


LOL – this thread is hilarious as the leftist Atlantic details a internecine progressive war in Massachusetts;

It was between white liberals who have been brainwashed into the LGBTQ+ rights agenda in order to defend the increasing number of their kids opting out of life for effective self pleasuring, and a pair of based Christian school councilors who happened to be black and latino.

White liberal parents accuse Christian black and Latino counselors of being homophobic and transphobic. Chaos ensures. In retaliation the councilors inevitably played the race card.

After vacillating for a bit it appears that The Atlantic turned to its race and gender privilege hierarchy textbook in order to determine that the white fags came out on top, because even though they were white, -1 point, they were rational Atheists +1 and their fag kids were a protected sexual orientation class +1 for being gay, and they also received a a bonus +1 for being Trans and in a special gender class, for a sum total of +3 Pokémon privilege points.

In contrast although the councilors were an oppressed minority +1 point being Christian appeared to be a big no no, so they lost -1 point, meaning the they got no Pokémon privilege points, which meant that the fag white kids and their parents won.

So it is possible for white people to get to the top of the privilege pyramid – but only by permanently mutilating your genitals or pursuing a lifestyle that terminates itself.


The cheat code has just been unlocked.

Tell people you’re gay and your wife is trans (s/he transitioned after you were ghey married), + 2 points, and your kids are adopted +1 for each kid.

Anyone that questions you shall be accused of homophobia and transphobia, +1 for each accusation.

When questions arise over your choice to adopt white children, break down in tears and claim they’re black and suffer from Vitiligo. + 2 points.

Prove they’re black by getting them to fail a basic math test, + 1 point, then complain that algebra is racist for another point.

This is how we win.


Prove they’re black by getting them to fail a basic math test, + 1 point, then complain that algebra is racist for another point.



This should be the national anthem.


Was it Rodney Rude who had the lyrics “I have a tongue that is twelve inches long, and I’ve learned to breath through my ears”. ?


Nah Kevin Bloody Wilson, plus the brewery line was him too. Rodney had so much talent can reach very high and low notes plus be funny af. I never listened to much Kevin. The tapes did the rounds among friends in the walkman days.

Ironic Boomer

Does your dad own a brewery

Ironic Boomer

this is my attorney


who ami fooling i’d still hit it

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

With what?

With a stick, of course! Duh!


Absolute meathead country

>The construction union is pushing for an unprecedented 26 per cent pay rise in its new industry agreement for NSW, including an upfront 8 per cent increase that is expected to raise costs for already-priced government and commercial projects.
The three-year CFMEU draft agreement, which delivers an 8 per cent increase this July followed by 6 per cent increases in 2025, 2026 and 2027, would lift the pay of a level three construction worker on a 50-hour week from about $189,000 a year to $237,000 including allowances.
The pay claim is significantly higher than any other CFMEU agreements and would apply to existing projects that have already gone to tender.


That’s astonishing. They want nearly a quarter million per annum for construction work? FFS.


We’re going to bring in these immigrants to build lots goy. Promise.


Lets pay them that but only if what they have built is defect free after 30 years.

the arborist

This is good news – if you’re an accelerationist.


Let’s hope it gets up then


yup very good point, nothing is going to get built now


And many of the YIMBYs also love unions


I’m not. Legacys love burying you under shitskins and profiting from it almost as much as jews imo.

Aussie Soy Boy

The more you pay them, the more property prices go up.

Easy money.

A fly in your ointment

Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations via the “Green Pass” can no longer move without police protection. People are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer”.


The woman in this video has more balls than all the jabbed cucks in this pond combined. That’s how wogs do it. They don’t just re-elect them.
No rest for wicked.


if only they could channel their balls and energy into stuff like immigration instead of some issue from like 4 years ago now huh

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

The mafia probably likes shitskin labour. At least I get $1 tins of tomatoes for me spag bol.


i think all the $1 tomato tins are from china the expensive $3.50 ones are allegedly the ones from italy


Nah I just had a look. Tomatoes from Italy but the tomato paste is from China. Shieet.

A fly in your ointment

You could still be paying $3.50 for sloped tomato. Tomatos no more from Italy, they only make good bikes and fashion. And coffee too. That’s it.



A fly in your ointment

Not a fan of them so I subconsciously omitted them. Yep, bitchin cars too.


no economy that makes lamborghinis maseratis and ferraris is in that bad a shape imo

italy is unfairly put in the same basket with greece, portugal and spain

A fly in your ointment

JB HiFi nets only a few bucks less than Ferrari. Lux brands are at mercy of the eternal growth economy model. No Aus company would dare to ride the fashion business model and take the risk because reasons: why should they when propadee doubles every 10 years!

It all boils down to Balls, Italian bitchiz have them more than convict men (see the video from the link above)


Yeah I probably should switch to oz tomatoes if it’s still possible.

A fly in your ointment

Went for a ride this morning and stopped by some farms along the route.
15 bucks for tomatoes, same for cucs, 7 bucks for a tiny two finger pinch of snow peas….
Cukes were ok, tomato was tastier than colesworth but don’t beat Harris farm, peas… I don’t take drugs when riding so I passed it at the advertised price.
I dont feel sorry for many of them any more. Let them be raped by colesworth daily. I can understand them going for higher prices for passing traffic but 2-3 times more expensive than expensive grocer has no explanation.

BtW, most of the farmers were not from convict lineage too.


Yeah everyone wants their own little personalised recipe of globalisation and protectionism. Impossible to agree on anything then.


Stuff like this just feels like the supermarkets are deliberately trying to fuck us

Why not just put in some Italian paste so we don’t need to eat Chinese shit? Is it that hard to turn some reject Italian tomatoes to paste? Or at least put it on the label and admit they use Chinese shit? Why are they allowed to not mention that other than they don’t want to?


Let’s grow some tomatoes in Chernobyl and label them Italian bc they were canned there or something

A fly in your ointment

if only they could channel their balls and energy into stuff like immigration instead of some issue from like 4 years ago now huh

Lol, like the way the convicts funnel their energy towards immigration?

Frog eaters still did sumtin and when fan hits the shit, they’ll do sumting more and decisive. Unlike local cooks here.


True, legacy australians like killing their own and saying sucked in!


If you had your career cut short like I did, if your niece was crippled by myocarditis, like mine is, or your Mum was killed horribly by blood clots, cancer and strokes, like my Mum, or you woke one morning to find your wife suddenly dead in the bed beside you like my friend Steve did a few months ago then you wouldn’t be so casually fucking dismissive of “some issue from like 4 years ago”.

Just because you weren’t hurt by that bullshit doesn’t mean others weren’t.Your lack of awareness is astonishing. You have no fucking clue what happened or how we feel.

To give you some idea of how I feel about these murderers, I would leap at the opportunity to gouge the eyeballs out of the bastards who did this with my fingers, tear their throats out with my teeth, play with their blood, and record their dying shrieks and gurgles for listening to later in my car.

To put it another way, some of us have been impacted much more significantly than you were by the covid debacle.

Aussie Soy Boy

They chose to get the injections. That’s life. We all have a choice over what we put in our bodies. No-one forced them. If they felt they had no alternative then they can only be blamed for their lack of mental strength. Some people are just weak. Weak of mind, weak of body.

If they had no choice due to needing the money, then that’s their fault for the series of bad financial decisions over their lifetime that led them to the point where they couldn’t take 6 months off work or find another job.

“we will make sure the life becomes a nightmare for those who don’t want to take the…” experimental genetic therapy.
(QLD minister of some sort on national television)

Poojits culd flee India to escape genocidal English, so they chose to be “governed” by a “superior” race?
Negros could flee cotton farms, but they did not, so they chose slavery?

When coercion is as strong as it was during the age of Covidiocy, surpassing even the definition of medico-industrial tyranny, only a small group of the most resilient people can sustain it.
To put it in better perspective, there was never a choice to be made. It was not to choose between a vanilla or chocolate ice cream but rather if you don’t get the shit flavoured ice cream you don’t get any and we take away from you everything.

People can never be prepared for this, they are either in a lucky situation/moment for them (like I was, and you too) or they are not (like many).

I lost a job with pay in the top 90%, I was lucky to have had an exemption from jabbadabba otherwise the employer would’ve sacked me unceremoniously for “gross misconduct – failing to follow a simple and reasonable instruction” (like they did to 2 of my colleagues and no severance pay), my father was denied competent medical care and assistance because I was not part of the jabbadabba experiment and subsequently died.

Then there’s a third group of idiots, like Coming, justifying jabbadabba-do as a smart choice. For them… well, when they get myocarditis and clots, well fuck’em


Of course they didn’t freely make an informed choice. Massive government propaganda and “nudging”, social pressure via the MSM and social media, coercion via threats of disemployment, absolute lies and bullshit about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines etc etc.

Nobody “chose” to get jabbed. Everybody was coerced, whether they knew it or not.


You’re always tempting fate for something horrible to happen to you with these posts, surely can’t be too much longer. Like when a character dies 10 minutes into a movie, this is their dialogue.


I feel the same, please make me a mixtape also. Eloquent, fair and well thought out.




LOL – you hit a chord there judging by the outraged support she’s called up!


its the belly of the beast wtf

ive summoned an army of angry menopausal boomer women


You nailed it.

The last thing a AWFL boomer wants to hear is the truth. They’ve convinced themselves they’re powerless victims, despite the fact they dominate almost all of the gay and retarded media narratives that bombard us daily.

Give them hell.

ps I’d like to run them over with my mobility scooter

Ironic Boomer

She should change it. She should be honest and up front so people know what they are dealing with when she rapes their ears with her incessant bloviating.
I note she doesn’t honestly address the ‘undue’ part when she is punching down. Of course that would require her to first dial down the toxic female solipsism and evolve some self awareness.


shes up there with jane caro as one of twitters most annoyingly prolific and vacuous sooks


I have all lefties muted. They want to jail men for rape accusations. Feminism has become terrorism.


Just when you thought this bloke couldn’t be more of a suck up.
What is it with politicians playing dress-up these days?
s he going to put on a nurses uniform when thanking the nurses?


A fucking turban?

We are ruled by fools and scumags.


He should go blackface when thanking Abos.

Aussie Soy Boy

I told you guys several months ago about those anti-social renters on my street that I successfully got evicted. Zero blowback because even though they were loose legacy units, they’re basically pussies when it gets down to it.

But I’ve become aware of some homeless people in a van in my area, and am wondering the best course of action now to move them along. Any ideas?


Set fire to the van?

A fly in your ointment

…and permanently resolve their heating issue for this winter?


What is it you have against someone who is homeless?
Are you affected in some way?
Or are you one of those legacy units with nothing better to do?

Ironic Boomer

High iq trolling.

…they were loose legacy units, they’re basically pussies when it gets down to it.

Prison culture, tough of other convicts but pussies when met with an authority.

But I’ve become aware of some homeless people in a van in my area, and am wondering the best course of action now to move them along. Any ideas?

like the V gal said: why, why reject those that fight the system one spliff at the time and live outside the government troughs ?


One of the best rants about modern western society (from an American perspective, but still relevant in the EZFKA) that I’ve ever heard.

A fly in your ointment

“Try to get loud”

Rant is a vent. Like a master of a happy-clappy church and its flock, he’s ranting and the folks are saying Amen. At the end, they all go home and resume to be obedient citizens, focusing on how to get more Vaseline to make the next round of .gov gang bang easier.

No change cometh without street, lamppost decorations and blood. The rest is futile. The revolution will not be televised.



Rhetoric isn’t action, but it can change minds, gather support and is the first step on the path to action.

Social change doesn’t go from “this is fine” to bodies dangling in the street in one day.

A fly in your ointment

That’s how he ended: Try to get loud [with your protest]