YIMBY horse shit is going to be spruiked up the wazoo on Q&A tonite

Q&A are doing a housing special episode ti make it look like the government gives a fuck, they even invited Cameron Murray on the show and he’s probably mostly going to talk about his stupid new idea called HouseMate which is just another milquetoast dodge to avoid talking about cutting immigration. Here’s the gist of it in some critical Conversation article:

“Murray proposes bypassing the private market altogether with a scheme called HouseMate. The federal government would buy or repurpose land, build homes, then sell them at a discounted price to Australians who do not own property.”

Don’t know what this is other than more wonkish fucking shit that will do absolutely nothing

Meanwhile if you read the Q&A blurb, you just know exactly what to expect from the show, and very possibly the direction policy is heading in. The YIMBY’s have provided the government with their next pantomine platform to make it look like they’re ‘doing something’ without actually doing anything, and I suspect that they are starting to run with it. Here’s the blurb:

“Has the great housing dream become a nightmare?
Supply is falling behind demand, inflating a red-hot market.
How do we boost affordability and accelerate construction?
Are we ready for the big shifts coming to our suburbs?

You just know what they’re insinuating those “big shifts” are gonna be. If anyone wants to brave watching the show without throwing a bunch of shit at their television report back in this thread on what is said. I suspect Murray will give at least some kind of weakish mildly negative answer about immigration if it comes up, but it will be so milquetoast, limp and qualified it will have no impact on anything.

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The YIMBYs have come out in force against Cameron Murray. He clearly doesn’t support their upzoning zealotry, so they’ve had to undermine his credibility instead.



i dunno…. public housing….? except he calls it housemate.

It sounds like the first home owners grant, but much more money and given to only a select few instead of every first home buyer.


Didn’t it turn out Murray has an ip or 2? Haha. Another grifter.

Agent 47

He had 4 but claims he sold them all.


They used to put up on screen sent in comments. Full kudos goes to one of the EZFKA commentariat who manages to get a subtle pointed message up on screen.


>big shifts

When? I haven’t seen that much development, except in far flung suburbs, and I don’t expect to.

Qanda has always been useless. The new abc ceo is some old elite faggot.


Yeah its the new smokescreen. Another 5-10 years of peoples’ lives will pass. It probably appeals to zoomers who all probably have a western born shitskin friend or two.


A handful of YIMBY homos and a couple of conferences have achieved more to change policy in like 3 years than all anti-immigration people ever


Yeh we would probably have to win a civil war to get back to 75K pa lmao


According to EmBee, 70% want a reduction in the immigration rate. Yet EmBee can barely get more then 7,500 followers.
The yimbys are getting their opinions in the media much more than EmBee.


that 70% is not the richest 70%…

A fly in your ointment

The bit that EmBee conveniently omits is in Italics:

According to EmBee, “70% want a reduction in the immigration rate as long as it does not drive the house prices down.”


A handful of YIMBY homos and a couple of conferences

Thats just the pr. the change is from donations to political parties. If anti immigration had some benjamins to throw around…


I’m surprised Waleed Aly hasn’t come out and complained about the treatment of the Russian terrorist suspects yet. Imagine the outcry from the AWFLs if something like that happened here. Well done to the based Russians though.

Gruppenführer Mark

What did the rooskies do this time?

Apart from beating them up and, upon capture, cutting off an ear of one of the suspects and then stuffing said ear in his mouth? /s


And then there was the battery wired to the balls of one of the others. I bet that stung.

Agent 47

The phone book era of Australian police interview yielded far superior results against violent crims. Just saying.

A fly in your ointment

That had to go because pigs used it on common crims and petty thieves too, than indiscriminately across the full spectrum of anyone that was accused of anything, falsely or not.

The cunts from the attack in Russia are not violent crims, they’re known terrorist.


are not violent crims, they’re known terrorist.

And what seperates one from the other? Much like a ministry of truth it’s all in the details…

A fly in your ointment

there, I saved it for you in case it gets deleted somehow. I’ll save it on wayback machine too.
this stupidity should be recorded for educational and coaching purposes.

to answer your question, *everything* separates one from another except violence which is the one and only common thing.


That’s not an answer.
Everything is nothing.

OR for something more concrete,

Is crashing a car into a group of people terrorism, or an accident?

A fly in your ointment

nice try to shift goalposts.
my response Is still a far better answer than yours on the previous topic.. equal to tucking the tail between the legs.

when one says “everything” is different, it means that there is so much and so strong difference that it is easier to say the similarities.

terrorism and criminal converge and cross eachother at violence but both depart from a very different spot and both equally want to get to a different spot. That’s enough and clear explanation.
It is utter ignorance to conflate the two, a bliss.


nd both equally want to get to a different spot.

Doing it to enrich yourself is the criminal action?
Did these guys not do it for the money?

A fly in your ointment

^ ^ ^ ^
noice sophism.


lol, avoiding the debate again?
Give a clear unambiguous definition for terrorism vs crime, not I knows it when I sees it.


Give a clear unambiguous definition…

You ask the impossible of him.


but he’s the one making specific claims about one v other

Last edited 6 months ago by commentBot
A fly in your ointment

no avoidance of anything. Oh irony.

I like your ways of sophism, well rounded examples. Works a treat, eh? You got yourself a sycophant too!

if you were to go back to original goalposts I’ll gladly respond and continue the “debate”. I don’t respond to sophisms.
In the mean time your previous post is one of the most stupid ever made on this site. Eclipses Coming’s “Jab was a smart thing to do” year after it was proven dangerous and inefficient – by a magnitude of order.

(in case you forgot, here it is)


What goalposts?
Please define them.

Gruppenführer Mark

Crime is use of violence and/or intimidation by the criminal to gain personal benefit in some way, shape or form.

Terrorism is use of violence and/or intimidation by the criminal to gain political benefit for the cause.

Is crashing a car into a group of people terrorism, or an accident?

If the driver is impaired, it’s a crime.

If the driver is deliberately targeting the crowd, shouting Alan Snackbar, it’s terrorism.

If the driver is having a medical episode, it’s an accident.

I’m sure you can shot holes in these definitions, but in general terms that’s it. Criminal code would be more specific.


Criminal code would be more specific.

Criminal code is almost certainly less specific, because it suits those in power for the definitions to be flexible and malleable, which is the entire point that the dickhead is ignoring.

And while I’d agree with those definitions proving one conclusively over another in the real world, especially when narratives and agendas collide is a whole other story.

Gruppenführer Mark

Criminal code is almost certainly less specific, because it suits those in power for the definitions to be flexible and malleable, which is the entire point that the dickhead is ignoring.

Actually, criminal code is specific. Interpretation thereof, on the other hand, is how lawyers make a living, and judges become famous.

A fly in your ointment

And while I’d agree with those definitions proving one conclusively over another in the real world, especially when narratives and agendas collide is a whole other story..

no you don’t agree, at least not expressed anywhere.
what defines, distincts and differentiate terror from crime is not in the domain of politics and msm interpretation. Not in Law either. Are these used for other gains, sure they are. But that changes nothing in qualification. You invented wonkiness in definition justify your sophism and “win” in an argumentation.

Last edited 6 months ago by A fly in your ointment
Gruppenführer Mark

What Telegram channels are you on, dirty dog? 😀


The goy is revolting.

>Ms Eastman said she owns four properties with her husband Phillip, which they use to fund their retirement.

No doubt loves her feminism and Miriam Margoyle and getting a butter chicken.

Seedy seedy festy people.



No issues with property ownership per-se, but it is an investment like any other – therefore subject to costs and risk.
These ‘battler’ types get lulled into thinking it will be risk free, permanently cash flow positive, passive income investment
It definitely is not even if you have a managing agent (who also cost by the way). If you want passive property investment buy a REIT.
What is it she was actually complaining about?

Gruppenführer Mark

Or, better yet, permanently cash flow negative, because mah negative gearing, but with a guaranteed capital gain.


Even with ‘capital gain’ its still subject to the law of ‘trees don’t grow to the sky’.
And fascinating what you can purchase overseas, when the same $ will buy you a dump in EZFKA.
Go figure.


Yimby’s are just bin chickens, F’ing bin chickens, disgusting bin chickens.
They devour political trash, they suckup social bin juice, they shit all over the place and think their behaviour is normal.
Yimby’s are feral!
They need to be eradicated, it’s just not natural what they say, it’s not natural what they do. And just like the bin chickens close realive “the born again christian” they want to convert you to their ways, their perverted ways.
Yimby’s disgust me!

A fly in your ointment

That’s terrible on so many levels.
Once again, focus on pawns and distraction from the real culprits.

R U “Glueing” again?

A fly in your ointment

When you don’t sniff the glue you don’t post calls to kill people and you understand that those who benefit the most are the real culprits, not some paid shills and “Yorkshire terrier” pawns. Yimbis are too daft to be more than that.


paid shill = disposable replaceable pawn.

You need to get rid of the person paying the shill if you want anything to change.
This is why elections that changeone group of politicians for another achieve nothing. The donors are paying both sides to shill for them.


Theres a lot more people talking their own book than true believers

A fly in your ointment

remove the real culprit and shills and believers are like the fish in the dry, instantly.

A fly in your ointment

paid shill = real culprit

LOL, that’s not even gullible.

A fly in your ointment

I referred to the real culprit, those that the buck stops with them. the rest are culprit, granted, but not pivotal nor important (see my response below)


You can bitch about things, or try and fix things.


probably the first thing would be to stop replying to you

Yep, that will fix thing.

I suggest you get off the internet completely. Your life will be much happier.

Gruppenführer Mark

Weren’t you on welfare for a loooooooong time, despite being able bodied male to actually work? Any moral culpability here or is this different?

Gruppenführer Mark

Being able to work yet collecting welfare? You seemed to have found nothing wrong with this approach, had pontificated about getting onto disability and how hard it was. To you, you did nothing wrong.

A fly in your ointment

yep, confirmed, struggles with moral and ethics.

A fly in your ointment

ok so the people who are allegedly taking money from the real culprits to spruik all their ideas and vocalise them everywhere, thats totally not important…

spruikers can’t create demand for hidden agendas, it’s only the other way round, kingpins engage spruikers. Remove them and spruokers deflate like baloons
I hope you understand what is the role of pawns in any scheme.


>distraction from the real culprits

They are like skunks or stinkbugs, providing a layer of stench to disguise the real culprits.

As we’ve found out a lot of these leftists have ips. I’d put my money on it that these yimbys parents have big propadee portfolios.


yimbys parents have big propadee portfolios”

Of course they do
Yimby’s are thick as two short planks, they didn’t come up with anything on their own, rather they were nurtured on a diet of property speculation and virtue signaling.
It’s all Yimby’s know!
F’ Yimby’s. F’ their parents and F’ society that created these inbreeds.


They have that trashy morally bankrupt look and demeanor about them and it seems more than half of them are 2nd generation ethnics thrilled to be finally on top of whitey.

Even the propadee wogs whose families have been here since the 50s seem to be feeling bad now but not these faggots.


Yimby’s just keep winning. The media is falling over themselves to interview them. Politicians will reiterate their talking points. Nothing is going to change. Immigration is not going to be cut in any meaningful way, so Yimbys have all of the talking points.


Yimby’s just keep winning”

That’s why they are bin chickens.
You can’t kill a bin chicken by any normal means, they possess supernatiural powers of survival.
Nothing is too gross for a bin chicken
Fermented gutter puke = yum yum bin chicken juice
Yimby’s are the same
Some developer pukes on a property forum, and they all rush in to lap it up. It’s unnatural.
So they keep winning. In the end it’s not the bin chicken that dies, rather what dies is diversity.
Ecological diversity in the case of the real bin chicken.
Economic diversity in the case of the Yimby.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, just need to import right mix of skilled workers to kill bin chickens.



What is more disgusting, the bin chicken or the person who eats the bin chicken?


The thought is enough to make me want to dry reach, but apparently the ibs catcher caught it to go in a hot pot.

Agent 47


Welcome to diverse Sydney 2024


A fly in your ointment

The only thing different is that participants are now speaking English as their second lingo and their skin is yello or braun. Oh, and no fist arguments. When convict bogans do this, the fisting is guaranteed and comes sooner. Interestingly they would readily use the fist on fellow convicts but never on their wardens.


If they were wogs then they’d wait until one of them turned around to their missus or boss, before running up and punching their opponent in the back of the head.


Haha it must be a bitch having to use english as a conduit when you’re both shit at it.


I love the multicult tension that these peasants bring – that fat neck bearded brown turd is pretty much the standard hardware GUI that most retail users are going to experience in the future.


Shouts, waves finger, and talks in aggressive tone and says, “I am talking to you very nicely, sir”.

A fly in your ointment

pinnacle of English vernacular culture. Just add a stiff upper lip and you get Richie Sunak

the arborist

Hooray! Demented trannies get cheap inner city houses in Sinny!

Trans women will get affordable accommodation in a sought-after area near the centre of Australia’s largest city after a council agreed to sell seven properties to the state government at a knockdown price.


Staggy. You should start wearing a wig and a frock.




There is nothing that wrong with the HouseMate idea. It works well in Singapore and would theoretically work here. The fact that it would advantage the working class is the reason that it is not an option.

A fly in your ointment

true, idea is good indeed, if Aus had the same problems like Singapore (or HK): the lack of available land.
There is a valid reason for SG to have expensive housing. With us it is a superficial ponzi scheme that got everyone hooked and excessive immigration to make housing scarce. None of it is natural, capitalistic market movement.


nd would theoretically work here.

The only way it will work is if they release enough housing to end the shortage, which will crash prices, which is why they can’t free up land use and just have the market build enough affordable houses in the first place.


The one thing I hate more than Yimby’s is property speculators that lose and then want to socialize their losses.
You made a bad bet
You “invested” your life savings in stupidity
You hoped to make out like a bandit

But now you want to make your losses our problem.
F’in unbeliveable! gfy!


Sounds like that guy was going to use the place as his PPOR.

It appeared to me at the time that about 90%+ of the owners at Mascot Towers were Chinese property speculators, so they can GAGF, but I feel a bit different about this blokes case.


I hear what you are saying, but Mascot Towers is just the tip of the iceberg. In Australia there are at least 100 recently built apartment buildings which will need serious structural repairs in the next 10 years.
Do you really want this to become the government’s problem?

Taking a hard line stance is the best way to reintroduce a healthy amount of fear to the RE market. Individuals need to fear exactly this (total loss) outcome and price adjust their bids to take this risk into account. Sorry but there is no other solution. In healthy markets are a balance of fear and greed.

Gruppenführer Mark

Defo shouldn’t have had politicians involved, but they did, because elections. So now we have what we have.


Sorry but there is no other solution.

Proper b uilding standards and enforcement would fix the whole building falling down thingy…


But muh red tape


and muh having to actually build to the standards…

Gruppenführer Mark

My issue with this particular situation is that the pollies intervened, and, in the process, created three tiers of owners

OO with no mortgage, OO with mortgage, Investors. First and third get screwed, middle get bailed out

Discussed this in a previous thread, see here



The issue is that we are forced to bet if we want a PPOR in Sydney or Melbourne. That is why I am still renting.

Mascot Towers is a bad example because it was construction of the neighbouring building which loosened the foundations. You could have made a “good bet” only to have some fucker next-door loosen the foundation and not covered by insurance.


Was that Mascot Towers? I thought MT just disintegrated due to being built by shit Chinese labour who had no clue, and it was another building that collapsed due to nearby excavations.

Gruppenführer Mark

You might be right on that one, I too seem to remember that the loose foundations were the Opal Tower.

Opal in Olympic Park had a poor beam manugaxture, bottom floors. Similar to the Melbourne big bridge.



Residents of Sydney’s damaged Mascot Towers have reached an out-of-court settlement with the developer of the building next door they allege caused catastrophic damage to their homes.


I think Maacot Towers was due to the steel being smaller than spec. For instance instead of 20mm rods they were 16 or something like that.

Have a friend who is a steel fixer for high rise and he explained that the architect does the drawings, the engineer signs off on the drawing being correct, but NO ONE signs off on the steel being spec on site prior to concrete coming in!!! Even when I was a concreters laborer the steel work was signed off before a pour, and that was for domestic homes…why it does not happen on high rise is bewildering and frightening


To be honest, I’d be pretty disappointed with a 20mm rod. 16mm would be a complete non-starter.


Hard as steel tho, and ribbed??

They go up in 4mm integers
, up to 36mm… take your choice…then we can get into the girth and length debate


NO ONE signs off on the steel being spec on site prior to concrete coming in!!! Even when I was a concreters laborer the steel work was signed off before a pour, and that was for domestic homes…why it does not happen on high rise is bewildering and frightening

When was this happening?
Many decades ago everything had to be signed off by a government inspector, but now everything is self certified in the interests of efficiency(or cost savings for political donors)


It is happening now in Melbourne. I imagine it is the same in Sydney, hence the defects IMHO


All true but this is the nature of risk.
In many ways private apartment ownership is a terrible way to provide housing. Lots of risks and not a lot of upside, in a properly functioning RE market.

In Australia (esp Sydney) we have a totally lopsided RE market where everyone wins, so no risk, until the market slows, and suddenly risks materialize that we previously just swept under the carpet. Suddenly, everything to do with RE (esp apartments) becomes a risk too large for the individual to accept. But the thing is this risk was always there, we just chose not to see it.


If insurance companies are unwilling to offer insurance, then that is a red flag that a market failure has occurred. Govt should do their job and either offer the insurance at suitably high premium, or regulate building quality. Either of those options would have a similar outcome towards better building quality and certification.

A fly in your ointment

but it would affect the cost of building, further eroding profits.. so nope, will not happen. We know which class of workers is the most important in thus pobd


You are excluding land value from that calculation. Land values need to fall to accommodate the higher building costs.

It is more the point that builders are also land value speculators and want to be guaranteed a profit with perpetually rising land values. There are options (pun intended) to address these risks as well.

Last edited 6 months ago by Freddy

A friend was telling me about a large block of land between Parramatta Road and Rosebank College in Five Dock. The developers have bought the block of land using options (value insurance). They are covered regardless of whether the land values rise or fall. The solution already exists. Let the developer land bankers and speculators collapse.


That by necessity would also mean the collapse of our private banking system, which is something that definitely should occur.

Under a fiat monetary system and without the risk of failure, bank loans become a form of financial slavery.

Another reason why the only answer to our problems lies in either ends of the horseshoe and can never be delivered from the middle – I have chosen my end.


Collapse of banking system is grossly exaggerated. During covid it was estimated prices need to fall close to 30% before the bigger banks were in serious trouble. House prices have risen how much since then?

Also, the risks are concentrated in newer mid-high-rise apartments. Banks have not been loading up high LVR loans for those.


stimated prices need to fall close to 30% before the bigger banks were in serious trouble. House prices have risen how much since then?

About as much as the loan book?
That failure figure is probably fairly constant over time, whatever it is.



A fly in your ointment

was sarcastic at the .gov.au

making a sound building cost money which would otherwise be profits for propadee builder. Knowing they literally pay of every political party, nothing will be done to prevent them from maximising their profits at the expense of the owner 1/5/10 yea4s later.


Candace Owens going full “Christ is King” mode:

The reason why some people believe that with enough insistence they can convince American Christians that the basic truth, “Christ is King” is actually antisemitic, is because they have been successfully spiking the ball on Christianity for the past 60 years.

Inch by inch, by pretending to be our friends and making us fearful of having the media project us as overzealous is how they have scored so many wins. It’s how mocking Christ has become commonplace in Hollywood.

The reality is that they accuse us of what they are guilty of: they hold contempt for Christianity.

The reality is that Christ consciousness is rising throughout the world and any person who is attempting to use methods of psychology to make people pause before they profess their faith is not on the side of Goodness.


She’s right though – the only way to fight insidious Jewish secular values which have leached out and taken over the west is through an opposing religious, cultural lens.

I’d definitely miscegenate for Candace – just think of all the Black Hitlers you could produce, High IQ and low impulse, violence control. Once again the imagine Golems that the small hats envisage might not quite work out the way they think they will.


The media is getting a raw deal here. I’ve generally found that a lot of religious people do a fine job of appearing overzealous all by themselves and media in general is overly accommodating and respectful.

let them fight, though.


To a degree I would agree with you in respect of Australia. Anti-Christian views in the media are generally limited to the left wing parts of the media, like certain columnists.

There are still expressions of bias imho; like the focus on Christian scandals vs scandals in other religions, and in particular the negative portrayal of early church missionaries in Australia. But this strays into another area of the culture war.

That said I would generally disagree with you in regards to America.

In the early 1970’s despite still being immensely profitable, CBS completely axed all its country themed television showssuddenly a huge section of America were denied a cultural representation of their lives and values, all by the whim of some nebbish jewish CEO and his writers.

By self admission the entertainment industry in the US is extremely Jewish focused, and they dictate what views and aspirations its audiences are allowed to clamor for and have sated. While Hollywood itself is filled with toxic Jewish “comedians”, like Sara Silverman and Seth Rogan whose mocking and open displays of hatred towards Christians would have them excommunicated if the roles were reversed. Instead they garner themselves huge followings of cultureless cosmopolitan goyims being subtly trained to hate their cultural history and values.

All of Mel Gibson’s power and wealth in Hollywood stems from one film, “The Passion of Christ” which no existing Hollywood film house would make. So Gibson funded it and made it himself and earned himself a fortune and the ability to do whatever he pleases – I look forward to his take on the founding of the Rothschild banking clan that is apparently in the works.

Where Christianity in the US is encouraged and protected is the Christian-Zionist movements, like the Pentecostals and the like. Those guys, imho the worst displays and pantomines of what Christianity is, is very much protected from criticism and empowered.

On the other hand traditional Christianity is under threat in North America by a media that will only too readily beat up imaginary crimes on he back of dodgy re-tellings of history that are deliberately portraying Christian organsations as being blood thirsty murderers.

The example of countless Canadian church’s being burned to the ground because of a media beat up about potential indigenous bodies being buried at an old mission – something that has failed to produce a single unexplained body or hidden death since they started digging.

So while I would agree with you that Australia’s media is probably overly careful in terms of treating Christians fairly, it is also true that a lot of Australia’s culture that we bath in is imported from the US and as a consequence a lot of popular culture increasingly has an anti-Christian slant to it.


ll of Mel Gibson’s power and wealth in Hollywood stems from one film, “The Passion of Christ” which no existing Hollywood film house would make. So Gibson funded it and made it himself and earned himself a fortune and the ability to do whatever he pleases

Cool story bro. Except I think earning himself a fortune and the ability to do whatever he wants happened first and that’s how he could fund and make a film himself. But whatever you reckon…


Gibson is currently worth around half a billion dollars.

He was unable to find anyone to make the film, so he put up $30m – at the time nearly his entire net worth as he took out loans against his existing assets too.

The combined earnings of the ‘Passion of Christ’ was just over $600m, which netted him around $200m. This became the cornerstone of his and his production house Icon’s wealth.

With that capital he was then able to go on any produce and make numerous other big budget films eg Apocalypto. Prior to ‘Passion of Christ’ Icon mainly made art house films or flops like ‘Mavrick’. His biggest prior success was Braveheart, which was a co-production and only netted $200m in total, and his share was the main source of his initial $30m that he rolled into Passion.

Without a doubt Gibson was wealthy prior to filming Passion of Christ, but it was his sole production of that film which put him in the big league of Hollywood film production


Definitely agree with you on the bias.

It seems the more extreme Christian views are openly mocked, while similar extreme views when expressed by Jews or other religions are treated with far less derision.

The social justice movements influence and success pushing the ideas of power imbalances, where Christianity and to a lesser extent Zionism are fair game, has definitely played a part.

It’s not ideal. I’d prefer some equality when it comes to taking the piss out of those whose words and deeds warrant it.

There is also the reality that post Trump and the emergence of QAnon and some new alternative right wing media outlets, there has been a very noisy group of Christians getting a lot of media time. The majority of people seem to see them as either weird or crazy – easy targets for some cheap laughs.

I also suspect some of the decisions around embryo’s and abortion might have raised the level of hostility in the US, too.

It’s still hard to imagine a presidential candidate being anything other than Christian if they want any chance of being elected any time soon. That has to say something about the reality of America.


Found a based white woman and hot.


Yeah I would say being trad is almost essential now if you want to make it.


Yeah – based and hot. I discovered her the other day too…. maybe she’s a Glowi or a trad-trap?


Yeah probably, they probably have to bring out new faux based e-stars all the time to keep any genuine rebellion at bay.


Sterotypes are generally accurate for a reason – and apparently for quite a long time.

I had to search to see if it was genuine, as it could so easily be fake… and it still might be – however the listing at least seems to be genuine:





He knows!


In the US, the Washington State supreme court has ruled that lawyers no longer need to pass the bar exam to practise law, because it was too hard for darkies to pass the exam.


Unsurprisingly, the SC contains 7 women and 2 men. I really have come to agree with Stewie that women are too prone to empathy hacking to be allowed to make any decision of importance in society.

Unfortunately, it appears to be too late, and now we’re being fucked by the women, if you know what I mean.


This is what is gonna really destroy the US imo

How the fuck are they going to ensure shit works once they ban every quality assurance system for being racist?

They’re up against China, Russia and Iran which churn out STEM grads in the millions who at least passed exams even if some might have cheated


If they ever stop getting the elite immigrants then it’s over, there’s only so much dysfunction a big salary and job opportunities can cover for

They can’t be too far away at this point, open borders with fucking Venezuelan gangsters waltzing in


I don’t know if you see this guy on twitter much


But as well as providing pretty good summations of what’s going on in the Ukraine he regularly talks about the US competence crisis and the fact that the Russkis are basically production lining hypersonic and scram jet missiles while the US can’t even produce functional prototypes.


The damage they do is cumulative, building from generation to generation. The collapse of infrastructure in the US is imho a function of the matriarchal mediocrity not the patriarchal meritocracy.


The infrastructure collapse is just more class war. Is the infrastructure collapsing or being overwhelmed in wealthy areas.

See imigrants bussed to marthas vineyard vs chicago.


Yup – but imho the reason they’re being allowed into the country in the first place, instead of being ruthlessly turned back at the border, is because the matriarchy has been empathy hacked by elites into supporting their cause.


The elites don’t need to empathy hack to control policy, they just need to control the political parties.


…that thanks to diversity laws are increasingly staked with women in order to achieve “equity”.

The issue of empathy hacking remains a problem at small scale e.g. members and representatives of a political party, as at a large scale ie the electorate in totality.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie

What percentage of our parliament is women?

the arborist

It’s not just parliamentarians. It’s also the people who vote for parliamentarians.


Just under 40% – dragged down by the LNP and Nationals. Labor is just under 50%


I really have come to agree with Stewie that women are too prone to empathy hacking to be allowed to make any decision of importance in society.

I’m tending towards the lack of historical civilisations that are matriarchal not being a coincidence, but natural selection in action.


Yup – if their leadership, as a population group, offered any comparative advantages then the first tribe or society to have adopted their leadership qualities would have gone on to dominate all other societies with their comparative advantage.

The fact that there are none, is imho a very telling indicator of the actual natural advantages.


So much hate 🙁

how about we focus on the creeping of incompetent people into leadership positions in general? Isn’t the problem that government and administration is presently full of cunts that you wouldn’t trust to, how do you say it here, “run a poultry raffle”?

The problem is that these people are allowed near the mechanism of state power. The fact that these days some of these people are also women is neither here or there.


I merely made an observation of historical fact, at least as I see it.

Isn’t the problem that government and administration is presently full of cunts that you wouldn’t trust to, how do you say it here, “run a poultry raffle”?The problem is that these people are allowed near the mechanism of state power.

This is a fundamental problem of democracy and always has been, and is orthogonal to my previous very general comment.

The fact that these days some of these people are also women is neither here or there.

Maybe, but the changes over the last 30 years as women have become increasingly more prominent have been very different to those of the previous 100 years. Coincidence? Possibly, but also possibly any civilisation that gives women equal power is done in 100 years or less and that is why no historical examples. I guess we’ll find out in a few decades.

the arborist

A lot of slimy shits like Albo get voted in on the back of female voters. I’ve heard too many women express voting intentions on whether someone ‘looks nice’. And low T shits like Albo base their entire political ‘career’ on pandering to empathy-hacked women and soyboys.

I have no hate for women at all. I really, really, really like them. But things go to shit when they’re put in charge. I’m not saying men built a perfect world – far from it – but giving power to women is a one way ticket to civilisation failure. Many of them believe all sorts of nonsense such as asstrology.

Not all women are rubbish leaders of course, but it’s the same as the IQ bell curve for the different races. A certain percentage are better than the average man, but on the whole it’s not a recipe for success.


Comparing Albo to a slimy shit, is an insult to slimy shits.

Agent 47

Container shop takes out a bridge in Baltimore. That port is pretty strategic for the NE of the US. Inflation about to get a whole lot worse.



I’m not a structures guy, but that looked like total catastrophic failure beyond what I would’ve expected of a sound bridge.

Reports out of the US keep discussing the decay of their infrastructure, particularly bridges that are close to failure or that have failed due to age and lack of maintenance, and I would not be at all surprised if that was a contributing factor in this case.

For example…


A fly in your ointment

it’s balance that keeps them up in most of the cases. when one half is missing the other just collapse and it’s ripping like sea-saw.

for ship to hit the pylon – it takes a great effort. Controlled sail into ground?


Exactly, look up the Wikipedia list of bridge collapses and notice how many from 2000+ are US bridges.
OK this one was triggered by an accident, but these things have useful lives and the port will be far busier than it was in the 1970s.
Yet there were no protective structures put in place for basically the inevitable.
Merchant ships lose power all the time and they can’t do much at the best of times because of limited manoeuvrability.
Combine this with bean-counter culture which results in the ship moving under own power rather than perhaps being guided by tugs through a relatively narrow corridor.
There is always hundreds of billions of dollars to spend each year on a military and bombing other countries though.


Heaps of money for Ukraine and illegals though. Even the republicans must be amazed at how evil and corrupt dems are.

Gruppenführer Mark

Driver (or whatever the proper term is) of that ship is certain to have been Chinese or Iranian or Russian, or maybe one of the dreaded Norks!

Not a laughing matter of course, hitting a pylon caused the whole thing to fail catastrophically. Now both the vehicle and marine routes are destroyed, along with serious loss of life, as reports are here were a number of cars on that bridge.

Was involved in a marine project some time back, a barge crashed into some 25m+ piles driven for a future pylon, had to extract those and reinstall. Structural failure is a bitch, once that happens, the bulk of the structure will go almost certainly. As Fly says in the thread, structural elements are designed to be a system, not as a combination of standalone sections, mainly for cost purposes.

I am surprised that there were no deflection barriers or some such installed to prevent things like that from happening.

the arborist

I heard through unverified sources (some random guy on the internet) that the boat had an Indian crew and a Ukrainian pilot.


Sounds like it’d make an effective and inexpensive lube.


Go for a long walk in the heat and sweat that shit out like a mother fucker, while you’re out bash a boong and moosh his face into your sweaty gut.

Gruppenführer Mark

Better yet, do the same at some pride event, will get you laid, albeit in a peculiar manner.

Tub on two artificially elongated legs. You can probably get a successful OF career out of it

the arborist

You managed to get a job. Next goal is to lose some lard.

Gruppenführer Mark

Well, slap my ass and call me Sally! Never thought I’d see this!


Israel feels betrayed by the US. Thoughts on why now, when the US have been steadfast in vetoing every ceasefire resolution in the last 6 months.

  1. The US are stretched and can’t afford to support its staunchest ally and beacon of democracy in Middle East.
  2. US business is hurting because of Houti attacks in Red sea, having to reroute all cargo around Africa. China and Russia had a free pass issued to them by Houtis last week, btw.
  3. The US found some conscience.
  4. Biden administration is trying to distance itself from the conflict to a) take away some Trump talking points in the upcoming debates (if those indeed happen) and b) to shore up its base, as, strangely enough, the left is generally for Palestine, while the right has a large swath of evangelical types supporting Zionism.

I’d go with 2 or 4, or both.

Agent 47

Cyber attack theory now doing the rounds on Twitter re: the ship that crashed into the bridge.

Will reserve judgment, but Israel has form and history on these kinds of things when it doesn’t get what it wants.


That sounds a bit tinfoil hatty, even for me.


Anything can be blamed on a ‘cyber’ attack these days.
Its the new convenient excuse for people F-ing up.

A fly in your ointment

as much as you’re right, the more we make things to be “cyber” the more they can be attacked over cyber space.
we ge to sew cui bono to see who had the highest motive. one thing for sure, it’s too much of a failure in an environment which is fairly tightly controlled for an accident of this proportion. But then, sheer stupidity is plausible too


Well true. And it seems that use of software control provides marginal benefit in many cases where it ends up being used. Let alone when they expose the software to infiltration via network connectivity.
Be interesting to see if the failure here was ultimately caused by computer control systems.



Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie