‘An Opal Tower on every corner’ Sydney YIMBY unveil new housing vision for Australia

Sydney and Melbourne YIMBY have unveiled their new plans for the çountry – covering it from coast to coast in shitty apartment towers full of defects for bugmen to live in.

A day after announcing he wanted 1 billion people for the nation, YIMBY spokesman and all-around insufferable, smarmy cunt Jonathon O’Brien stated that lowering building standards to that of Opal and Mascot Towers was the fastest way to solve the nation’s housing crisis.

“I came up with the plan in between sniffing spread sheets while walking around in my furry outfit. I saw Opal Towers and I thought, why can’t every street corner have one? Australia could easily fit more people into it if we just award a contract to Meriton to grind up everyone into a fine dust and house them in unstable Triguboff silos from Sydney to Perth,” O’Brien said.

“Of course, we’d have to lower building standards to that of the third world which is why we’re strongly advocating for Indian and Nepalese tradies to be added to the skills list. It’s the only time we’ll ever mention immigration, because the thought of cutting it makes me physically ill and need to reach for another COVID booster.”

Notorious fat, bald cunt Peter Tulip has given his seal of approval to the plan, adding that charging people significant strata fees to live in a silo with the constant threat of imminent collapse would greatly stimulate the nation’s GDP.

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i love the anti tulip posts we write here every couple of weeks, do you think he’ll one day ever acknowledge our existence or reply to us?


Depends if we get popular enough to appear on the first page of results when searching for his name.

Agent 47

He definitely lurks. Some of his tweets are an insinuation that he is aware we’re mocking him.

Peter Tulip

He definitely lurks.

No, I don’t!




wish that was really him but i doubt it 🙁


Its a low blow insulting him in the article based on a lack of active hair follicles, when the issue at hand is his lack of a functioning brain on economic matters.


Tulip getting pwnd by the replies. This legacy unit appears to be malfunctioning badly.

“Misrepresentation. Blocked.” – Peter Tulip



Haha, just saw that. Better not tell him that the leader of Melbourne YIMBY wants a billion new Australians.



A nice variation on Keynes non productive gdp example of paying someone to dig holes and then paying someone else to fill them up again. Useless fn society.


yup, makes you wonder just what percentage of australia’s gdp is some variation of the broken window / hole dig fallacy; it’s a pretty good litmus test for a person’s actual understanding of economics if they do or don’t understand this concept.

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

yup, makes you wonder just what percentage of australia’s gdp is some variation of the broken window / hole dig fallacy; it’s a pretty good litmus test for a person’s actual grasp of economics if they do or don’t understand this concept

Agent 47



Also needs one that points to women.


For me the great unknown is, what happens, over the next 6 years, if Building Materials double and double again?

Will anyone buy up tracks of Sydney’s outer burbs to open a “housing factory”?
If you’re a believer in Neoliberalism then this will happen, an invisible hand will cast it’s spell and before you know it the west of Sydney will be producing useful housing stuff and lots of it, huge housing giga-factories will just suddenly appear.
But hang about, how can the factory owners ever afford to buy the land and who, with the required tradie like skills, will be stupid enough to give up their tradie gig for a factory gig? Opps we need more immigrats to fix this.

And what happens to Sydney house prices if building materials double and then double again?

In the mean time used appartment prices will continue to fall, making the stupidity of the whole exercise clear to everyone. At this point the governmant will step in and buy up these collapsing jumk heaps to fulfill their “Social housing” promiss (and bail out specufestors)

I mean, how good is Australia!


I notice nobody is talking about compulsory acquisition of property as they do when they are building new roads. This is because the entire thing is ultimately political corruption and grift. Take away the windfalls and rezoning corruption, and nobody wants to know about it.


Wow you must have missed the class on privatizing profits while socializing losses
What you’re talking is bloody communism and as we all know the problem with all forms of socialism/communism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

I prefer to imagine Australia as having two currencies, one which devalues (we call it the AUD) and the other which revalues, we call it our home.
The former was meant tp be a stable currency but isn’t, while the latter was never intended to be a currency but gets used as one.

It’s your choice under which which currency system you price your labour, btw only a fool chooses the AUD.


IMO you are contradicting yourself with talk of currency and value. If land was maintaining REAL value, it would be rising in line with wages/inflation. Yet you are disagreeing with a fair-value government acquisition which is already exceeding wages/inflation.


Land Tax solves the problem of public goods effortlessly accruing to private land. Unfortunately we don’t have one, mainly as a result of Jewish property developers lobbying.

MBR is correct though when he says this:

I prefer to imagine Australia as having two currencies, one which devalues (we call it the AUD) and the other which revalues, we call it our home.

The former was meant tp be a stable currency but isn’t, while the latter was never intended to be a currency but gets used as one.

I’ve long maintained that this is they current system – it wasn’t always like this, once upon a time we believed in a sound currency, however thanks to Culturally imposed views around Neoliberalism (new Liberalism, Jew Liberalism) money is now viewed as little more than a transactional device/lubricant, while real wealth is “Saved” in land.


Tax structures have a lot do with it. Interest rates are generally fairly close to inflation rate so if there were no taxes it wouldn’t matter too much whether your money was in savings in hard assets. However, savings rates are taxed and interest on investment loans are a tax-deduction.

In other words, workers savings are taxed, speculators debts are being partially forgiven. A legislated transfer of wealth from workers to speculators.

the arborist

I assume you mean land tax on other than PPOR, because land tax on PPOR effectively means people will never own a piece of land.


yep land tax is part of the solution, if for no other reason then that it recoups some of the public expenditure on physical infrastructure which contributed to the land revaluation.
but as you say we have guttless politicians and greedy developers so they’ll never allow a significant land tax reform to occur.

Gruppenführer Mark

Land tax effectively transfers your ownership of the land to the state. Try missing a few tax payments and find out.

Terrible idea! Any improvement of public infrastructure that might benefit private land owners via an increase in the value of the land needs to be a levy with a finite time horizon / amount, not a perpetual tax.


Land tax effectively transfers your ownership of the land to the state. Try missing a few tax payments and find out.

If your land doesn’t cost much then it won’t cost much to maintain.

If the land values increase substantially due to capital works provided by the Government, then the Govt has effectively transferred the value of their capital works program to you.

Gruppenführer Mark

I am not saying that there should be no payment. I am saying that there should be a levy with a finite end date / amount. Not a perpetual tax, like in the states, where the state taxes the value of the land based on its “assessment” and not because the state has done anything to improve said land. Taxed forever, in perpetuity.


Fair enough, everyone can have their view.

Taxed forever, in perpetuity.

But in my opinion, yes is should, because no one lives forever, in perpetuity. Maybe a social Egregore, but certainly no man.

Other assets, yes sure perpetual ownership… while they last. But land is special – land is perpetual and that is why it should be taxed differently.

This is why I believe it is both moral and logical. Logical I will leave to the likes of Cameron Murray, etc to explain their efficiencies and the positive net impact unlocking land value as it is needed, instead of banking it, has on societies.

Everyone wants to leave an inheritance to their kids – fine, or even their grandkids, again – fine.

But once you get to great grand kids your genetic connection to them has diminished to 1/8th, by the time it gets to your great grandkid’s great grandkids, your genetic contribution has 1/64th. From there on some of your direct descendants on your family tree are likely to have zero percentage of your DNA.

You effectively bleed out into society, and in a fairly homogenous society stand a very good chance of being reborn – in terms of someone just like you, your same expressions of phenotypes, thought patters, etc, is likely to be reborn.

Now what will happen when that time comes and all the land is locked up by one endogamous ethnic group?

Land taxes are morally justifiable, because they homogenise populations and equalize the distribution of assets and access to land between groups over time.

By otherwising allowing one group to claim ownership over the land, and across time they and their values, their social Egregores gain dominance – an unfair advantage given to them by feeding on the productive values of others accruing to their property.

Personally I have less trouble justifying a land tax than I do justifying an inheritance tax. Time and human foibles are enough to eventually redistribute every other asset.


And yet you support Income tax: a tax on your effort, a tax on your enterprise, a tax on your knowhow, it’s hard to imagine a less just taxation regime, especially if others earn more from the state improving value of their assets tan you earn from your work…
what’s the old saying: Arbeit macht frei….but not in australia.

Gruppenführer Mark

And yet you support Income tax

Where did you get that from? I must have missed me making this statement. Nice strawman, drsmithy.

For the record, and I have written about it on this platform, I support consumption tax, not income tax. Read up on fair tax proposal that has been around for a while.



Land Tax solves the problem of public goods effortlessly accruing to private land. Unfortunately we don’t have one, mainly as a result of Jewish property developers lobbying.

Yeah. And if we did have a land tax that would be sufficient to deflate the value of a $1m suburban block back to, say, $400,000 … then the land tax would need to be in the order of $30,000 per year. That’s about 7.5%.

Of course that kind of extraction would also be the Jews’ fault, being the obvious tool of dispossession of everyone, etc


sufficient to deflate the value of a $1m suburban block back to, say, $400,000 … then the land tax would need to be in the order of $30,000 per year.

Then the whole principal of a land tax kicks in. If you can’t afford to live there – move. Make way for someone who is prepared to pay that premium, or a more enterprising establishment.

A broad based land tax attacks the foundations of most of Australia’s big property companies which hold huge quantities of land approved for build – waiting for YOU to pay more (dug up an old favorite).


Then the whole principal of a land tax kicks in. If you can’t afford to live there – move. Make way for someone who is prepared to pay that premium, or a more enterprising establishment.


its just that land tax is not the solution, because lack of land tax is not THE problem.

It might be a small part of a larger solution, sure.

the last point you make is valid. Having companies that are more incentivised to sit on land than build on it is a much bigger part of the problem

Gruppenführer Mark

Well put. Introduction of additional taxes to somehow make it fairer is another tool in the old toolbox of redistribution of wealth. A solid capitalist principle. /s

the last point you make is valid. Having companies that are more incentivised to sit on land than build on it is a much bigger part of the problem

Agree on this with stewie as well. Introduction of punitive levies that would incentivise land bankers to develop as quickly is possible are certainly worth discussing. Allow a certain timeframe to prepare and approve a master plan, and start development – say, 3 years after purchase. Development must be complete in 3 years after start. If either of the deadlines is not met, then the levy kicks in at %% of of the original purchase price, every year.


its just that land tax is not the solution, because lack of land tax is not THE problem.

Actually it IS the problem – the positive externalities from the society built around the land accrue to the land through no effort of the owner.

the last point you make is valid. Having companies that are more incentivised to sit on land than build on it is a much bigger part of the problem

Landbanking is simply the rational outcome when there is nothing to prevent the above from occurring.

PS: I’m not a Capitalist.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stewie

its just that land tax is not the solution, because lack of land tax is not THE problem.

Actually it IS the problem – the positive externalities from the society built around the land accrue to the land through no effort of the owner.

the last point you make is valid. Having companies that are more incentivised to sit on land than build on it is a much bigger part of the problem

Landbanking is simply the rational outcome when there is nothing to prevent the above from occurring.

PS: Although I believe in the private ownership of property I am not a Capitalist.


what just one contradiction? that must make my analysis the most correct.


Your first paragraph was also a contradiction, but I lost interest when you started with the ideological ad hominem.

If govt spends hundreds of millions on a new railway station, and the value of surrounding property goes up 400% due to the new infrastructure and zoning. Have a think about which scenario results in government “running out of other people’s money”:
1) The value-add is gifted to the private owner of the land all tax free.
2) The value-add goes to the government to pay off the cost of the infrastructure.


An Opal Tower on every corner, Ana electric scooter in every cupboard.

Gruppenführer Mark

And this is a cracker of a piece!

Owner-occupiers look to be bailed out by the government, mortgages forgiven. Investors, however, are set to fend for themselves.

I don’t necessarily agree with the government bailing out the owner-occupiers either. This is squarely on the developer, insurance companies and the like. As long as there are no costs to the taxpayer, and the deal involves forgiveness of mortgages (which the banks would certainly try to recoup from the developer), I can accept this outcome.

However, unlike owner occupiers who will get government support which would see their mortgages forgiven, investors have been left to negotiate with banks.

However, the investor situation is quite different. An investment is not a guarantee. Some investments lose value. DYODD and all that jazz. The image of protesters with signs demanding government bailouts for their mistake in investment vehicle is almost too much.

But not as bad as Mr. Najafian, who claims that the 1/1 unit in a crumbling building should be worth $800K, “based on current values”. By that logic, a total loss crashed Lambo is worth $400K. I will gladly make this deal.

Did some quick digging, and a 2-bed unit with 2 car spaces went for $770K in 2015. If Mr. Najafian sells for $133K, with a remainder of mortgage of $450K, this puts the purchase price for a 1/1 in 2015 at $580K, at interest-only loan. Gamble, speculation, the roulette wheel landed on red, you lose.

Well, I take my previous statement back!

I don’t necessarily agree with the government bailing out the owner-occupiers either. This is squarely on the developer, insurance companies and the like. As long as there are no costs to the taxpayer, and the deal involves forgiveness of mortgages (which the banks would certainly try to recoup from the developer), I can accept this outcome.

Here is the story of a retired couple who sold family home, bought a unit with the proceeds, so no mortgage, and will lose most of it.

Owner-occupiers, who were living in the apartments at the time of the June 2019 evacuation, will also have their mortgages forgiven in an agreement between the banks and the state government.

However residents, like the Bakers, who have significantly paid off their mortgages, or bought their homes outright stand to make a significant loss.

Debts on strata levies will also be wiped under a seperate agreement with the Mascot Towers Owners Corporation, however there is no reimbursement for people who continued to pay their levies on their uninhabitable homes.

This means that while the Bakers have paid about $130,000 in strata levies since June 2019, their neighbours who didn’t will have the outstanding amounts forgiven.

So three tiers here: OO with no mortgage, OO with mortgage, Investors. First and third get screwed, middle get bailed out, which benefits the banks, I suppose.


First and third get screwed, middle get bailed out, which benefits the banks, I suppose.

Which is what EVERYTHING is Australia revolves around.


It is a market failure created by poor governence. They want everyone to live in an apartment and yet don’t enforce building quality, can’t get insurance, etc.

The issue with Mascot Towers is even more perverse because it was the neighbouring development which caused the underground water to shift and loosen the foundations.


Single mum of three, Holly, also faces a similar scenario. She bought her one-bedroom apartment in 2009, however had to rent it out in 2011 due to financial reasons. 

“I was honestly so chuffed to have it but I realised fairly quickly that it’s really expensive living on your own,” she said. 

bullshit, Holly – you were always going to rent it out. Nobody buys a 1 bedder to live in with 3 kids.

“As of today, I can’t even officially divorce my partner because as far as separating assets, when you’ve got a debt of half a million dollars, no one want to take ownership of it.” 

Holly says that while she could get around $133,000 in the sale, she’d still be left with a $400,000 mortgage that would leave her “financially devastated”. 

She would also have to sell the second apartment that she owns with her partner, which was bought by remortgaging her Mascot Towers property in the months before the evacuation.

not really a single mum, either, seemingly



howd they last this long in the first place


Dysons killed them I’d say.

Gruppenführer Mark

Currently got a Dyson that I picked up off gumtree for $250 8 years ago, still going.

But I am actually looking for a robot vac/mop. Tons on the market, not sure what brand to buy. Even at $1000/unit, time savings alone in having freed up time from vacuuming / mopping would be worth it even if I had to buy a new unit every two years.

Similar to having forgotten how to wash / press / iron shirts, trousers and the like. I can do socks and jocks, everything else goes to professionals. Huge time savings.


Yeah the Dysons are good I can do it in about 1/3 of the time. Don’t need advice from a Godfrey’s salesman like some boomer, just do a bit of research on the internet and go to BigW and grab one.


Amazing they lasted this long.

A fly in your ointment

howd they last this long in the first place

Cohencidence of the right kabal membership?


Yes, admittedly not somewhere I have visited for a good while, but it is illustrative of the economic climate. It’s a slow squeeze.
Lasting nearly 100yrs suggests they were doing something ‘right’ in that space for at least a decent portion of their existence – jokes about vacuum cleaner salesman aside.

Increasingly the Australian economy can not support specialty stores with knowledgeable staff that you still find overseas, whether that be computers, electronics, musical instruments etc. etc.
Go and buy a computer in Singapore and compare the experience to ‘Hardly Normal’.
The overheads, rents etc. put these stores out of business, especially for commodity items. Previous commercial spaces will be torn down and replaced with the usual kennels for legacy replacement units.
I notice this is happening now even in the so-called ‘technology park’ business areas. What will be left?


Leaving this here




Ex stripper Attention seeker gets attention but complains about getting attention and forces apology.


So what was the specific point of the alterations? To give her a tan and smaller ties?


Nah, look closer. 1 inch of midriff is showing.


Apparently the one on the left is photoshopped, she claims to have Tatts on her stomach also, so it must be fake.

Now the Leftards are up in arms about anyone mentioning she was a stripper, while also arguing in their typically hypocritical way that it’s a perfectly honourable professional.

No one will question why an unqualified uneducated slapper can even hold a seat in Victoria’s parliament.

One of the several aholes who gladly voted for Lockdown after Lockdown.

Just like the Pajeet chick head of the Victorian Greens, who was on maternity leave but came back specifically to back Dan Andrews in the first vote for a Lockdown.


No one will question why an unqualified uneducated slapper can even hold a seat in Victoria’s parliament.

would rather have an honest stripper than a captured operative that rose through the party system

Gruppenführer Mark

What’s an “honest stripper”?


What’s an “honest stripper”?

i imagine it’s one where you pay your money and she shows you her bits.

And she’s the gender that she purports to be, so no surprises there.

Gruppenführer Mark

And no matter what the stripper tells you, there is no sex in the champagne room…


Apparently the one on the left is photoshopped, she claims to have Tatts on her stomach also, so it must be fake.

I wouldn’t get tattoos on my belly.


Excellent work.

“Do the math”, as idiot Americans like to say.


Always good – Brother Nathanael’s perspective is always interesting too.

Brother Nathanael is an Orthodox Jewish Convert to Orthodox Christianity


And since we are on the topic of Jewish influence, this one blew my mind. I always knew there was a connection with Jack Ruby, but I had no idea it was this direct and easy to formulate a credible theory that would stand the tests of Occam’s Razor and never actually have heard it before…


Your prejudice blinds you. You are so keen to believe what you want to believe and what you perceive as the secret and forbidden truth that you give credence to claims that are literally incredible.

the example above reads like a game of six degrees of Kevin bacon, but with each tenuous connection being ascribed fantastic causative significance


But what if your prejudice blinds you?

Prejudice can run both ways, positive and negative – both can be misplaced.


Yes both can be misplaced. And own blind spots are very hard to notice.

but if you look above a plank of the theory that you find credible is that the man holding the video camera was jewish


That was the TLDR version. The longer version (below) made for more interesting reading). The real key man was Bloom, who comes across as a Mark Leibler/Jonathan Pollard type.

I certainly don’t find it less incredible than the Lee Harvey Oswald theory.

When you consider that the Israeli’s were prepared to deliberately attack a US ship, like the US Liberty and deliberately kill 34 US sailors – I certainly wouldn’t put it past them to try and assassinate a foreign leader.

You wouldn’t put it past the US to assassinate a foreign leader – why do you think the Israelis are so special that they wouldn’t if they believed it was an existential issue?

Prejudice runs both ways, positive and negative.


When you consider that the Israeli’s were prepared to deliberately attack a US ship, like the US Liberty and deliberately kill 34 US sailors – I certainly wouldn’t put it past them to try and assassinate a foreign leader.

ok, let’s hear the theory about why they deliberately attacked the US ship. They thought it’s a good idea to give the US a bloody nose at the same time as facing off against all their neighbours?


I’ve provided enough theories and links tonight, I’ll let you find that out for yourself.

‘But Sir, It’s an American Ship.’ ‘Never Mind, Hit Her!’ When Israel Attacked USS Liberty

‘The Americans have findings that show our pilots were aware the ship was American,’ a newly published document by the State Archives says



you do know israel has been on the documented record to have done this false flag shit before right?


it’s absolutely in their wheelhouse to have attacked the uss liberty given no one disputes the lavon affair happened


Oh, so they blew up the US ship while trying to make it look like somebody else did it? Like Iran or Egypt or whoever?



false flag operation, lowest of the low

trying to frame the poor egyptians to get america involved in fighting them

Israel publicly honored the surviving spies on March 30, 2005; President Moshe Katsav presented each with a certificate of appreciation for their efforts on behalf of the state, ending decades of official denial by Israel.[3]

so not only do they not deny lavon, they gave awards to the people who tried to carry it out

bomb your ‘allies’, blame the arabs


There’s no doubt that the Israeli’s deliberately and repeatedly attacked a US vessel in international waters, killing dozens of the crew.

The Liberty was an Electronic Warfare platform, aka a Spy Ship, so there are numerous plausible reasons why they may have done this.

The undoubted fact though, is that they were prepared to deliberately and cold-bloodedly massacre allied servicemen in the pursuit of their goals. Gut wrenching stuff.

I worked at many US defence facilities, including places no other Australian had ever been, and I was always welcomed. The US personnel I dealt with always treated Israelis as hostile foreign actors and a major threat, which is exactly what they are.


Remarkable that so many of their politicians don’t.


and it happened right at the time it looked like they were f_cked because the egyptians were swatting their planes out of the sky like flies in the sinai

there was a scare moment for jews all over the world during the yom kippur when it looked like the corporate headquarters was actually in serious jeopardy – if the syrians hadnt messed up in th egolan forcing anwar sadat – begrudgingly, to move his forces beyond the soviet anti-air defense bubble he had created, it wasnt impossible that israel would ahve been strangled to death then and there in its crib

not hard to understand the desperation they might have felt to do something as horrible as attack the USS liberty


…or assassinate a President.


Try this:


A communication to the Israeli ambassador on 10 June, by Secretary Rusk stated, among other things:

At the time of the attack, the USS Liberty was flying the American flag and its identification was clearly indicated in large white letters and numerals on its hull. … Experience demonstrates that both the flag and the identification number of the vessel were readily visible from the air … Accordingly, there is every reason to believe that the USS Liberty was identified, or at least her nationality determined, by Israeli aircraft approximately one hour before the attack. … The subsequent attack by the torpedo boats, substantially after the vessel was or should have been identified by Israeli military forces, manifests the same reckless disregard for human life.


This is the background to the “Six Degrees of Seperation” in the TLDR summary I posted above. It makes interesting reading AND googling in order to verify bits and pieces.


Apparently Dallas was renowned as a center Arms export, legal and otherwise, to Israel – which was another thing JFK objected to


Unlike JFK, good ole texan LBJ was a very big supporter of Israel… so much so that he let them off after they attacked the US Liberty and killed 30 odd US soldiers (which was after they spied on the US and stole their plans for Thermonucler bombs).


An Aircraft Carrier for Israel

On a hot July afternoon in 1945, a tight-lipped David Ben Gurion addressed a group of American Jewish businessmen in the Manhattan apartment of Rudolf Sonneborn. Sonneborn was a wealthy Jewish industrialist who had traveled to Palestine where he became friends with Ben Gurion and remained active in Jewish affairs upon his return to America.


Thanks – that is a good link that provides some additional evidence supporting assertions made in the screen shots above:

On a hot July afternoon in 1945, a tight-lipped David Ben Gurion addressed a group of American Jewish businessmen in the Manhattan apartment of Rudolf Sonneborn……That day the Sonneborn Institute – really a Jewish-American arms underground – was born.

That Sonneborn Institute covered a program of arms procurement that was rampantly illegal. It was and is against the law for U.S. citizens to sell weapons to other countries without permits. Illegal or not, the Sonneborn Institute started buying and shipping weapons to Palestine. 


Which corroborates a lot of the base assertions in my screen shots above.


Rudolf Sonneborn
On July 1, 1945,[4] David Ben-Gurion asked a small gathering of American-Jewish activists at Mr. Sonneborn’s apartment to send supplies to the Jewish community and its military force, the Haganah. The group became a secretive, nationwide organization led by Mr. Sonnenborn, Materials for Israel, also known as the Sonneborn Institute.[5][6][7] Sonneborn was the fourth husband of New York Post owner and publisher Dorothy Schiff, a granddaughter of the American financier Jacob Schiff.



I’m not googling for elements of that writeup. I’ll take your word for it that people have composed and posted a bunch of stories about it, which I would find.


Never questioned why Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald? Or did you think it was the CIA covering their tracks?

Fascinating the whole episode, I’m of the view Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t shoot him, that shot was beyond his capabilities. He may have fired but the real shot/s came from elsewhere.


Yeah – that Jack Ruby a Jewish Gangster deliberately shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald out of “patriotism” is probably one of the least credible explanations for the whole affair.

Agent 47

If you really want your mind blown go and watch the Jay Weidner documentary JFKX on Bezos Prime. Alleged that Kennedy staged his own death because he realized what he was up against.

Not sure I buy it but my mind is certainly open to the possibilty. I personally think it was Israel but anyways worth a watch.


Yeah, nah – that one fails Occam’s Razor for me. To me it smells like Zionist misinformation.

Agent 47

Weidner is generally really good, probably the #1 authority on decoding Kubrick’s work.

But yeh, I still think it was definitely Israel that offed him.

Agent 47

Should add that one thing that Weidner does show in the film is that the Zapruder film has been edited and that this has been up until recently due to 4k and other advancements.

Gruppenführer Mark

Complete fiction, of course, but I found this book quite good!


Actually listened to an audiobook version, the narrator is very good.


I’m not reading another jfk book.

read one once and it was a drag

Gruppenführer Mark

It’s Steven King, so not your regular JFK book. Give it a whirl.


If you check out the nature of the space where JFK was shot, the range from the book depository window to Kennedy was only about 80m. It’s surprisingly much closer than the pictures indicate. Go to a local oval and pace out 80m…it’s not far at all. And the target was travelling almost directly in line with the window, so no requirement to lead the shot, which would be the biggest embuggerance.

Despite all the hoopla, it would actually be a pretty easy shot, assuming that the scope was zeroed to the gun. I’m no sniper but I could do it in my sleep, and I think anybody with military training would have a good chance of making the shot, or shots.

I’m not saying Oswald was the shooter, just that anybody with basic rifle skills could have made the shot.


All the best truth comes from 4chan.


Why are comments getting stuck awaiting for approval?


whole lotta cope from these butthurt stonkbrahs who never managed to get in on the hooming racket when the going was good


When I bought my house at auction, the main opposition bidding came from a bunch of rat-faced young slopes taking orders over the phone in a foreign language. They didn’t look like home buyers and didnt give off the vibe of people buying a home, they looked like cheap crims. Only one of them spoke English, and poorly at that, and the nature of their interactions made me think she’d just been hired for the day by the two grim looking blokes because she spoke the lingo.

I have no proof, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they were simply foreign crims looking to launder some money. And I have no doubt that that goes on all over the Australian property market.



It must be time to abolish another nationalistic policy. A single wasted dollar is unacceptable if it gets in the way of the EZFKA’s open border destiny.

Agent 47

Nick McKenzie is a real POS and it seems most of his recent work is to destabilize the last remaining institutions holding what’s left of the zone together (military, police, borders etc).


Every reporter at Fairfax is a jew, fag or AWFL.

Jordan Baker has my vote for the most toxic misandry spewing leftist cnut at that paper.


The eternal AWFL Nimby.


Lives in Martha’s Vineyard, Balmain house is part time living.

These women are worse than Jews. At least Jews seem to know they’re cunts.


“At least Jews seem to know they’re cunts.”

trust me they dont

Agent 47

No need for this. Should have just given them a few COVID boosters and no one would have been the wiser.



Sad – she’s deleted her account.

I would have given her a follow and fought the good fight in her mentions against the autistic female and leftist screeching in the comments below.


I also tried to support her.
I attempted to buy the second trilogy of the Dune series having just read the first trilogy over covid. Yes I am a nerd.
But the website is soooooo bad I just gave up after about 10 minutes of trying to pay and put in delivery addresses etc.
Amazon it ain’t.
Funny thing is I would have spent a couple of hundred there on other shit too. I don’t mind a hardcopy book even though most of what I buy is digital now.


It looks like the great big Texas versus the Feds civil war over barring entry to illegal immigrants may just be a lot of performative bullshit to drum up some publicity during an election year.



$79 to park for an hour in Sydney. We’re not as rich as we think we are.


I drove up there yesterday to pick up a few kilos of gunpowder and some projectiles and rimfire ammo. What a fucking shithole.

Driving down the M5 at 100 kmh in heavy traffic was bad enough with all the trucks and tailgating, and then some maniac came screaming up behind me at probably 140-ish weaving across all lanes and squeezing between vehicles with inches to spare. Just another day in Sydney.


think i posted a graph a while ago showing that when you adjust for work hours and cost of living australia slides down the list of wealthiest countries quite a bit

Gruppenführer Mark

That’s madness! That’s equivalent to an hourly wage for someone on $250K per year…. Shirley there has got to be some reason behind this that was not mentioned?


Been meaning to go into the city to have a look at something but I can’t be bothered. Every time I’ve been in my soul feels pretty black. Its a scum pit.

I wouldn’t even think about parking in the main parts. I think you can park on the outskirts on the street, maybe Ultimo for 3-5 an hour, probably 10 cant remember.


Makes you wonder who is paying those sums.


At the moment I’m trying to get to the bottom of the underlying stats supporting this “Casual Speeding Kills” advertising campaing in NSW.

There’s definite correlation between moderate speeding (less than 10km above posted limits) and excess deaths / injuries from collisions BUT what’s not clear is the role played by agressive driving in achieving this 10km/hr speed differential.

I’m inclined to say that excess accidents (leading to injuries and death) are almost exclusively caused by the agressive driving (ducking, weaving, undertaking, swerving / quick lane changes but it’s hard to find supporting data . It’s kind of like our road safety experts don’t want anyone coming to the correct conclusion so they obsfucate by only including excess speed within available data sets. curious.


I mentioned here yesterday that while doing 100 kmh in bumper to bumper traffic on the M5, a maniac in a Ford Ranger came veering and swerving through the traffic at probably 130-140 kmh. It was mind-bogglingly murderous/suicidal driving.

I’m pretty sure that stupid and aggressive driving has a lot to with the majority of crashes, along with very pissed people.

I rode a motorbike for several years when I first got my license, and it made me very very cautious because I knew if I fucked up I’d be maimed or killed. I’ve subsequently driven for 45 years without a prang. My partner’s 21 year old son, on the other hand, vastly overestimates his driving ability, is a very fast and stupid driver and he’s had 3 major prangs in the last 3 years, with the vehicle he was driving (someon elses vehicle in every case) written off every time. I haven’t said anything to her, but he hasn’t learned anything from the crashes, and I suspect he won’t make old bones.

It’s young men like him who are the greatest danger on the road…simultaneously overconfident and unskilled. And drunks.


As a young man I worked in automotive R&D, because I was driving cars classified as experimental I had to complete several weeks of advanced driving courses. There’s no doubt about it, these corses dramatically improved my driving especially when it came to handelling cars at the limit. Exactly what happens at that limit, what happens physically and more importantly what happens emotionally (which is to say are you capable of doing exactly the right move at the right moment). I’m certain that many car accidents happen because people just freeze.

It interesting what you learn about the causes of accidents, which accidents you can walk away from and which ones they’ll carry you away from. What always interested me was the split second before the accident when (for the most part) both parties had choices, had they acted correctly, they would have avoided the accident altogether, but technically they didn’t do the right thing at the right moment. Why?

In Australia the solution is to go slower, and sloower and slooooower but interestingly this solution has limits and I think we are seeing the limits of our Aussie solution reflected in the rasiing death and injury stats.


We see the devastating impacts of a million Pajeets on EZFKA renters, don’t you think their presence on our roads will similarly cause carnage?

Dangerous (not serviced, poor brakes etc) cars and trucks, driven by Pajeets at 10x the recreate?

No one will ever say it tho.


I don’t know about your Pajeets but personally I hate driving in the south west of Sydney because of all the stupidity going on around me, and most of these drivers are not Indian.

Why is it that there’s such a huge difference between the stress levels driving south of the Paramatta river vs north of the river?


Leb and bogan boofhead tradies in their ford rangers are more dangerous than cancer


Yeah. I’d probably rather be hit by a poo in a 20 year old Yaris than a guy in a RAM. Those things are so big and so high.



Having worked on the police computing system many moons ago, you literally could only pick from the big 3 causes of accidents as a factor that could be specifically selected and searched on, or you could enter freeform text.
As such aggressive driving is not something that was visible in the data on accidents, only speed fatigue and alcohol. therefore they are the causes of most if not all accidents in the statistics.


Insurers are the ones with the info to trust on this.


One would hope so, but if they are keeping worthwhile chash stats then they’re keeping them to themselves.

This is what I hate about juking the stats, you might start off with a simple agenda but before you know it you end up up to your bottom lip in shit(crap stats). In the end you can’t make any sensible decisions because the info you’re processing to make these decisions is all corrupted. it’s all BS piled on top of BS

It’d be serious even if the topic wasn’t road safety.

Gruppenführer Mark

For road safety statistics, bulk of it is generated by drivers. Only KSI crashes (killed or seriously injured) would be investigated by police. The rest of the statistics on crash severity (property damage, medical, etc.) and crash type (side-swipe, right angle, run off road) are generated by drivers themselves.

Unless police presence is necessary, the drivers usually exchange information,file a police report online, and send the police report number to their insurance companies. Insurance company could care less about a lot of things, but they do care about not paying the claim. Unfortunately, insurance companies operate on police report information.

So for road safety data, crashes are categorised by severity and type only. Road safety measures are then being incorporated into road design with a view to decrease severity (installation of barriers) and change the type of the crash (side-swipe is preferable to right angle because it decreases the severity, hence roundabouts are preferred over + or T intersections).

Other data is also kept, like time of day, wet conditions, etc. Driver behavior is not looked at because it is an unreliable statistic.


Any car more recent than 2010 has a ton of data logging and will know exactly what the speed was before any suddent stop (or acceleration/ decelleration) event aka crash. Most will have a log of at least the last 30 min driving including any sudden lane changes or avoidence events. Some cars will have video both of the driver and from the car looking both forward and backwards.

Some with more advanced assist packages will include IR, Laser scan and maybe even radar along with cm accurate GPS / IMU data.

It’s 2024 so that’s 14 years worth of detailed crash analysis information that’s completely missing from public crash data bases.
Who does this information even belong to?


emu data


Belongs to Xi Jinping for anything from China mate


As if I haven’t caused enough outrage in the threads below, here is a really interesting thread on IQ:


TLDR, IQ isn’t actually fully normally distributed, even ignoring Africans there is in fact a double hump in the distribution with a small “fat tail” hump of IQ around the 50 to 60 mark. Where as the rest of the distribution outside of that range is normally distributed.

Ignoring non-genetic causes the simple reason for this hump of ultra low IQ’s is the far greater likelihood of genetic diseases causing things to go wrong, and throwing a gear in the works through a genetic mistranslation or anomaly has a far greater likelihood of being detrimentally expressed than making a group of people exceptionally bright.

One of the interesting findings was that where there were siblings of individuals with a mild intellectual disability, then there was a corrosponding likelihood of downward skew in their siblings IQ. Perhaps to be expected.

However where there were siblings of individuals with extreme or significant intellectual disability (ID), then there was virtually no difference in their siblings IQ to the normally distributed remainder of the population.

The thinking is that mild expressions of ID are genetic as in polygenically dependent, while extreme expressions of ID are more likely to be a result of a catastrophic gene transfer error in the original transcoding.

Also why low IQ in the range of 70s, while associated with mental retardation in some cases, doesn’t necessarily mean that the individual can’t present as superficially normal and in fact capable of living successful independent lives.

The distinction between types of mental retardation that are demarcated by their symptoms and, thus, by their causes, is important to understand. It’s why an IQ of 70 for a Japanese person is likely to indicate an extraordinarily severe issue in need of attention, while for a Bushman, they won’t have any trouble surviving.


Free houses in Japan…


One town has come up with a novel solution to attract new residents by giving away abandoned properties for free. Kamiichi is home to about 20,000 people, a population that has been shrinking for over a decade.

“There are less young people, but there are many elderly people,” local resident Miho Nakamura said.

“The town lacks vitality.”

To address the issue, the town local council created a Zero Yen Vacant Home Bank, where empty, good-quality homes could be transferred to new owners free of charge.

Thirteen homes and an empty plot of land were initially selected to be part of the program, and most have already been snapped up.

“We’ve received more phone calls and e-mails than we expected,” said Keiji Kanamori, a local town official.

“We’re also receiving e-mails from overseas.”

The deal is touted as a win-win since the seller can dispose of a near-worthless asset — which is often inherited and attracts fees and costs — while the buyer gets a free home.

To help the process, Kamiichi also offers a range of cash bonuses to help with relocation, renovation, and childcare costs, including IVF.

the arborist

Another skilled immigration success story.

Srikanth Jagilapu: Indian immigrant, 28, who sexually abused an 11-year-old girl twice in swimming pool toilets is jailed for just THREE MONTHS – but will be deported



He won’t be deported. He’ll appeal based on his human rights being violated and the appeal process will drag on for decades. That’s just how it works.

There are serious fucking terrorists in the UK who can’t be deported because it would violate their human rights. Raping children is nothing.


Eventually we will abandon democracy.


Woke comes for the Torys.


Haha, they didn’t give a single fuck when the middle/working classes were being buried under it. Suck shit. Enjoy Communism tm.


The Matriarchy has to invade and occupy all male spaces.


Yeah, they think they’re not mothering us, while mothering the fuck out of us. I guess they get paid for it and don’t have to change nappies etc. Completely deluded.


suck shit


don’t forget the coffee roaster business or the ‘drive through coffee’


Enjoy coomism.


The Aussie “economy” is just a way to filter resources revenues from the gov to the masses without making it easy to get and causing inflation

The other thing is lots of financial advisors and real estate agents


i swear with the sheer number of disability support ‘businesses’ around you’d think at least 25% of the population is an outright sped

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

i swear with the number of disability support ‘businesses’ around you’d think at least 25% of the population or more is an outright sped


Jordies backs off from taking on the system and some sort of propadee mafia. Even though his Labor mates are running pretty much the entire country. So brave.


Agent 47

Lol had to check this was real, it is.


Burgertory arson turns out not to be the anti Muslim hate crime that the Palestinian owner had claimed.

He rolled out the EZ Mart stores in Melbourne so probably has absolutely no connections to the illegal tobacco and vape trade…

Photo of suspect here probably not shown on mainstream media of course.

So many lols here.

All those leftard aholes white flower flogs gone very quiet on this one.


major dramas in bankstown tonite

Agent 47

Dandenong 2024


I am sure there’s a quote from Orwell’s Animal Farm something about the pig Squealer convincing the animals that what they saw and heard was not real.

Not that I particularly care, but the crowd chanting Gas the Jews! etc was a classic example of the Leftards here listening to Squealer.

We all heard the clip, but now they’re not only in denial but want anyone who heard it to apologise for saying what they heard.


idgaf either, jews getting some of their own medicine, i was gonna say they’ve gone from beta faggot to pedo tier but they did that years ago with rotherham.


Wait a second, so they did an investigation and “gas the Jews” never happened?


It gets better.

NSW Police say the chants were “Where’s the Jews?”

Fucktards like these weasels at Crikey are fucking Nadia Comenici when it comes to the gymnastics here.

Here’s the link to the video, make your own mind up.

I reckon these Lebo’s were in desperate need of Vitamin C and were merely chanting “Where’s the juice?!”



NSW Police have just released a further clarifying statement, supported by expert witness and all round faggot Cameron Wilson.

It appears a Lebo had lost his shoe, was becoming distressed so the kind Islamic chanted to help. Here is the photo Crikey has just published as proof and overwhelming certainty. It was absolutely definitely not anti Jewish.

Crikey also interviewed the young man Mohammed Ifukkagoat of Lakemba who said,”I was with my mate Bilal Skaf, another fine Muslim boy, and someone stepped on my shoe. The crowd were just helping me so chanted “Where’s the shoe?”


This is the senior cop making the statement standing behind his investigation.

Damn this is funny



Crikey also support the NSW police who advise there is nothing to see here.

All this man said is “Aloha Snackbar and get the fucking shoes wiped out”


This is like watching a Ten times jabbed Masker and a Cooker fight, you just laugh and hope they really hurt each other…


I am actually hearing where’s the jews in that one, my brain being partial and wanting to hear it. That oz muzzie accent…they are more likely to say where’s as “whas”, where as a normal australian would say something more like “weears”.


Why would a crowd say “Where’s?”

Bunch of stupid Muzzies all hyped up, one of them starts a “Gas the Jews” and they all follow. It’s so obvious. Anything else is a complete farce, Monty Python like.


This idiot even claimed the clip had been edited, which everyone seems to have tip toed past.

Well NSW Police, was it edited?


Apparently it’s a crime to say gas the jews? So they wanted to say gas the jews without saying gas the jews.


hate speech is free speech, simple as that


So would you allow an ISIS channel on TV?

A fly in your ointment

when has any ban on sumting not created opposite effects?

on the second thought above should read…. “except in Aus tralia”


this place aint nothin without coming


I for one prefer the 80% reduction in trolling and Brittany Higgins posts

The guys a cunt and is unanimously hated by everyone except you it seems


hes hilarious


A very succinct and accurate summation right there.

I concur.


Yeah I liked trolling him. Noone else here is really troll worthy. Everyone else is well balanced enough in the head. We need to get another resident nutter.

A fly in your ointment

The guys a cunt and is unanimously hated by everyone except you it seems

I never hate anyone.
not even cunts who wished me to be raped by a faggot and justify jabbadabba, like he has.
As much as he’s as cognitively challenged as one can be, he was a cut above some here and offered some tiny sound dampening in the echo chamber of xenophobia and jew hating this place shifted into.

karma has his ways and when it’s his time to meet his, I reckon he’d be meeting a team effort of mycarditis and a stroke during a violation of his anus by a “cohencidence”.
Who knows maybe he met her, the karma.

A fly in your ointment

The guys a cunt and is unanimously hated by everyone except you it seems

I never hate anyone so that makes us 2
not even cunts who wished me to be raped by a faggot and justify jabbadabba, like he has.
As much as he’s as cognitively challenged as one can be, he was a cut above some here and offered some tiny sound dampening in the echo chamber of xenophobia and jew hating this place shifted into.
karma has his ways and when it’s his time to meet his, I reckon he’d be meeting a team effort of mycarditis and a stroke during a violation of his anus by a group of “coincidence”.
Who knows maybe he met her, the karma.


Coming was barely a cut above the average mouthy prick in a pub you’d like to punch in the face, which isn’t saying much.

Also, please stop the narcissistic use of made up words. No one who cares reads this blog and it makes reading your posts a pain.

But I otherwise at least appreciate your opinions and different perspectives.

Last edited 8 months ago by The90kwbeast

He saw his inflation and interest rate theories get crushed so he chose the only honourable way out: Seppuku.


After hearing about the Taylor Swift deepfake thing, one can only assume Coming is off somewhere using AI face swapping software to make his own Brit Higgins porn collection.


I reckon the Vax got him suddenly. He’s on the wrong side of the grass.

Either that, or his mummy has given him an internet timeout because she found his genuine Brit Higgins artificial pulsating vagina when she was cleaning his room one day.


It has been a while – 19th of December was his last post. My theory being that he absconded on a Summer holiday and would likely be back by Australia Day is waning.

When such a voluminous and regular poster disappears without warning then there comes a point when it is rational to assume the worst has occurred.

Still occasionally like Lazarus (or Drago) they return after a significant break but until then, vale Coming, may the worms choke on his bile.

Death stalks us all.


“Died Suddenly” or bored

Last edited 8 months ago by Nemesis
Aussie Soy Boy

Even if he was holiday he’d probably just check in once and post something while bored shitless at an airport.

Maybe got doxxed at work or something.

A fly in your ointment

the reality is likely that he grew bored of this place.


I admired his obnoxiousness and disagreeableness.

In shadows, a doctor named Coming,   

A malevolence in his heart is a pumping. 

With a sinister delight, 

He’d arrive in at the site,

And leave chaos behind with his typing.

Aussie Soy Boy

I think he had Christmas off, wasn’t posting here in between patients, and realised how happier he was without this site.


misery pit

tho he seemed like the kind of person who wanted that


Posting chooses us, we don’t choose it.




It now appears that the Zionist lobby has afflicted the national medical regulator AHPRA

Here we have a Jewish doctor with what appears to be a direct connection to one of the head bureaucrats divulging information about a decision about adopting a controversial definition of anti-Semitism that has not formally been announced.


Just as the “Lawyers for Israel” private discussion group was eventually leaked, one must wonder if a “Doctors for Israel” group is doing similar by reporting doctors who they think are expressing anti-Semitic views.



i love sovereign citizen videos

this guy totally mogging the magistrate into a black hole in outer space


Clearly there aren’t enough real terrorists to investigate, so the police grow their own and harvest them when they turn 14.Do they have a specific KPI to meet?


Counter-terrorism police encouraged an autistic 13-year-old boy in his fixation on Islamic State in an undercover operation after his parents sought help from the authorities.

The boy, given the pseudonym Thomas Carrick, was later charged with terror offences after an undercover officer “fed his fixation” and “doomed” the rehabilitation efforts Thomas and his parents had engaged in, a Victorian children’s court magistrate found.


the obsession w ‘terrorism’ has been utterly cringe since 9/11, especially the theatre they put on at airports absolutely everybody hates but no one lifts a finger to do anything about politically


Seems stock for AFP these days, grooming anyone?

But I’m laughing at the people pointing to another reason this is so bad was the kid having an IQ of 71.

Aborigines IQ anyone?


A fly in your ointment


the Warden class grooms some convicts offsprings to Warden other convicts. It is natural it gives them a feeling of superiority. Citizens above the suspicion. (A nice Italian movie too)


71? iv seen it as low as 65


Interesting podcast on the furue of Robotics software.
Sorry it’s in German but well worth your time if you can handle the language.
#141 Die Zukunft und Demokratisierung der Robotik – mit Christian Piechnick | Fabrik der Zukunft | Inspirationen für die Produktion und Logistik von morgen

Christian is the CEO of a Dresden based Robotics sofware company https://www.wandelbots.com/

btw Wandelbots is a company worth keeping an eye on if you’re interested in Unicorn startups.


There would be some here who’ve been honing their German on the classics, Mein Kampf, Hitler’s Table Talk, et cetera

A fly in your ointment

I find my comprehension grows after I ate a bowl of sauerkraut with bratwurst sprinkled with senf


The Greens…


Another Green media psyop?


Who is this guy?


Is he one of the Infinity Immigrants the Greens and everyone else refuses to talk about?

Anyways I love the look this one is giving…lols


CCP agent for sure

Gruppenführer Mark

What’s with the nose ring fashion nowadays?

A fly in your ointment

its to know where to hook an ox strap when irate


I saw this girl lined up to go through woolies checkouts. Tatts all over the body. Sad thing is she would have been probably an 8-9/10, classy looking enough to get a rich guy. Had a look of anger and regret on her face. Where I live is conservative enough that tatts *all* over the body is not gonna go down well. A few would be forgivable. So she’s probably gonna be restricted to inner city suburbs and soy boy cucks.


its been around for a while

pretty bad but nowhere near as bad as body part covering tattoos bc at least the nose ring is removable


LMAO, stands against Colonialism but I wonder how long she’s been in the country. Australian invasion is acceptable when it‘s 500K/year from Chindia, what a fucking joke the Greens are.



How fucking unbelievable that a Chinese would have the gall to get involved in Australian politics in the first place.

Let have the entitlement to disparage one of the greatest ever explorers. Australians owe him a debt of gratitude for finding this place, an empty dead land that the white man created into what it is today. Fuck her


And some say the Greens aren’t totally penetrated by the Chinese intelligence services.

A fly in your ointment

how many of youse types will allow your kids to fight for the US corporations? Scene from UA conscription may become local.

ready, steady, …..


Should get foreign legion like France. I reckon thats total clickbait anyway. Keep people scared and angry. They just want enough war to keep the military industrial complex ticking over.

A fly in your ointment

imagine the overdrive and profits if another WW looms. Better than covid because people will see bodies of those who actually died of war, not only some tv psyop and people whom died “with” war.

WW2 rinse and repeat for yanks MIC, money to the roof


I reckon the super rich in all countries won’t wanna risk it. I hope so anyway. They live like gods. I almost feel sorry for them that they aren’t actually immortal. Imagine having billions but you’re just a seedy old cunt and can’t enjoy it properly.

A fly in your ointment

when wars break out, particularly would wars, it’s because for super rich (the 0.1%) it pays handsomely.
they are insulated from war losses.
this time round, the side which is presenting itself as our side may be the one which will not write the history of the next war.


Yeah imagine fighting for boomers, psycho leftists, cunt tories, jews…..fuck is there anyone worth fighting for?

I don’t know how clued up zoomers are though. The ones I see seem to be pretty with it.

A fly in your ointment

I reckon thats total clickbait anyway.

for now, yes


They could mobilise the whole Zoomer generation by offering free houses for war service, then just say “psych” once the war is over.


I would rather fight Canberra than Russia.



soos now posting this on keith woods feed


Is journey has been one to behold.


Shock development?

Muslims practice honour killings regularly around the world, it’s an accepted part of their communities.

Where’s the shock?

the arborist

I think the ‘shock’ is that the charges were downgraded. But otherwise yeah… ‘honour’ killing is as natural to those degenerates as breathing.

A fly in your ointment

japs are worse than mohamedans.
for honour they harakiri themselves!


How is that worse? If they want to kill themselves that’s their choice.

This kid didn’t want to be stabbed by these imbeciles.

A fly in your ointment

how brainwashed one has to be to kill oneself when your master is gone?

imagine that girl killing herself because she banged a kaffir.


Any person who supports Muslims immigrating to Australia should be parachuted into an Islamic State stronghold.


america was probably funding isis

certainly they were responsible for creating the conditions for isis’ emergence by deleting saddam hussein from iraq in 2003 for absolutely no reason

thank bashar al assad and vladimir putin for largely getting rid of them

Last edited 8 months ago by stagmal

america was more likely than not funding isis

certainly they were responsible for creating the conditions for isis’ emergence by deleting saddam hussein from iraq in 2003 for absolutely no reason

thank bashar al assad and vladimir putin for largely getting rid of them



i love how much more polite japanese journalists are than western ones, if this interview had been on australian tv theyd be interrupting him to call him racist or some shit every 2 seconds and portraying jared with dark lighting and sinister music

the arborist

Has something changed? The Daily Mail actually did the forbidden thing. They gave a description.

Police believe a man, described as African in appearance, left the scene prior to the arrival of emergency services.



Meanwhile in Melbourne


Channel 7 news report describes the offender only saying it had a mask and no shoes…

You thought you hated journalists but you don’t, not nearly enough




I remember ACA making fun of this fat 50-60 year old white guy who clearly hadn’t had much luck in life, he was constantly having his house invaded by nigs. They show him trying to use numchucks, a bit like that famous star wars kid video from about 20 years ago. He was clearly quite traumatised and had no idea how to defend himself, especially legally, I mean you can’t even use a baseball bat afaik.


They were half pretending to be on his side but they were obviously making fun of him.


The craziest part of all that is that someone paid $2K for a phone.


The bloke has a point…




Here’s a thought:
Has Home Insurance become a defacto form of land-tax?


you can find hundreds of similar stories of pensioners who bought their house 50 years ago (along with young families who bought 10 years ago) but now can’t afford home insurance.

For me, it makes perfect sense that home insurance costs have sky-rocketted. Shortages of building materials, shortages of Tradies and insane valuations all add up to cost increases for the insurers. They’re in the business to make money, so naturally they pass on these cost increases (often with a little extra for houses they’d rather not insure (like the absestos house above))

If house prices double over the next 7 years then it’s logical to assume that insurance costs will also double. A $10Kpa preimum might be just manageable but make this $20Kpa or $40Kpa and suddenly nobody living alone can afford home insurance. Isn’t this the outcome that we’re trying to achieve through land-tax?
In this sense, Is home insurance just a privatized form of land-tax?


A list of nice female swimsuits featuring a lot of woke models.


Just another demonstration, not that it’s really needed, that the woke really are deranged.