Noticing the Australia Day Awards

For a couple years I’ve run my eye over the Australia Day nominations, and noted the outsized representation by certain demographics relative to their population group size within Australia.

Total Order of Australia honor lists recipients 2020:

837 Awards for General Division,
26 Military Division,
236 meritous awards,
so around 1100 in total.

In terms of Demographic skew take for example Jewish celebrated award winners, being 41 in total. That actually amounted to 4% of the total awards (3.7% to be more precise)…. sounds reasonable – or does it? Per the 2016 Australian census Australia’s total Juicy population was 91,000 out of a total population of 24m… or 0.38% of the population, so they appear to be OVER-REPRESENTED by a factor of 10.

I did a similar study the following year in 2021 and last year in 2023 the ‘Australian Jewish News‘ compiled the list for me, a mere 25.

Anyhow, I haven’t bothered running the numbers yet for this year. I’m waiting for the AJN to compile the list for 2024 again for me – I’m pretty sure I’ll know what the answer is; somewhere between egregiously over represented to ‘wtf how do they think they’ll get away with it!

Speaking of “WTF how do they think they’ll get away with it!” I thought I would turn my eye to other matters this year following Drago’s link into yesterday’s comments:

Where upon may autism kicked in and I took it upon myself to verify and find out more about this claim – so I looked it up and it was indeed there and this is what the very specific $27,500,000 purpose was for:

“A grant has been awarded to rapidly implement additional security measures for the Jewish community in the context of the Israel/Hamas conflict, with a focus on Jewish schools and pre-schools.”

This prompted me to do a little bit more research this morning to see what other grants were given out.

Searched “Catholic” in the Australia Day Award site’s search bar for Grants and sorted by publish date, while there were multiple grants for greater than $1m, in the main they were sub 200k. In terms of the +$1m there were some stand outs like $8.1m to GA353135 “Disability Support for Older Australians”, or $1.9m to GA353025 “Indigenous Boarding Providers 2024 expansion” .

Note that each purpose was generic and all inclusive to other Australians, it wasn’t limited to ‘older Catholic Australians’ or ‘Indigenous Catholic Care.”

Now let us take a look at a couple more grants using “Jew” in the search bar:

Well, as I’ve already discussed first up at King of the pile and 3 times the amount of the largest single grant towards Catholic charities we have GA352404 distributing $27.5m for ‘Enhancing Security for Jewish Communities Program‘. Looking back in past years “Community Safety” seems to be a re-occurring theme for Jewish Australia Day award grants, not as excessive as the $27.5m we’ve just witnessed, but certainly in the multiple hundreds of thousands.

Next up we have a total of $1,447,101 across two grants to care for old Jews. I won’t begrudge them too much as much of the Catholic allocation was caring for the old. However I will say that it did seem a little excessive for 0.38% of the population, consider the largest Catholic old age care grants was for $8.1m and Catholics are still nominally something like 20% of the population.

But it was the other 3 major grants that I found interesting

GA353340 granting some $549,227 again in the category of “Community Safety” to be used for ‘Securing the Jewish Museum of Australia’:

“A grant has been awarded to support religious schools and pre-schools, places of worship and faith-based community centres to address the risk of crime and violence motivated by religious or racial intolerance. The grant is expected to fund the installation of security infrastructure and the engagement of security guards at the Jewish Museum of Australia in St Kilda, Victoria.”

GA352772 granting some $527,167 again in the category of “Community Safety” to be used for “Safeguarding the Sydney Jewish Museum”:

“A grant has been awarded to support religious schools and pre-schools, places of worship and faith-based community centres to address the risk of crime and violence motivated by religious or racial intolerance. The grant is expected to fund the engagement of security guards at the Sydney Jewish Museum in Darlinghurst, New South Wales.”

GA352770 granting some $402,928 again the category of “Community Safety” to be used for “
Install security fencing and employ guards at North Eastern Jewish Centre”

“A grant has been awarded to support religious schools and pre-schools, places of worship and faith-based community centres to address the risk of crime and violence motivated by religious or racial intolerance. The grant is expected to fund the installation of security infrastructure and the engagement of security guards at the North Eastern Jewish War Memorial Centre in Doncaster, Victoria.

I had no idea how big the Jewish War Memorial is in Doncaster so I thought I would google it to find out:

If it has more than 1000 names on it for Jews who fought for Australia I would be surprised, but anyway we not get the privilage of forking over $400,000 a year so the Jewish community can hire Jewish security guards through a Jewish security company to guard it.

So the breakdown of Australia Day Grant Awards has the Australian Jewish community getting nearly $30million dollars in grants to go towards their “security”.

How much ends up in the hands of Jewish Security companies? I have no idea, but if I were to guess it would start at $28.5m


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A fly in your ointment

Tucker Carlson with Abbott (the better one)

It’s still mostly the peacock show but there’s smoke and where there’s smoke….

I expect this to simmer until the first debt selling trouble for beltway.


Imagine shooting your own countrymen so you can let in infinity shitskins. I’d say whoever is on that side will disobey orders, assuming they are even given.

There is always the front door for shitskins. It’s legal then! They’ll go through the big beefy tough salt of the earth working class security people at customs. Yay.

A fly in your ointment

Immos are just the casino chips. This is a fight for electorate body that actually votes demoncrats and it is obvious why vacuuming immigration and legalising them is the easy and probably the only way for them to gain more votes and offset losses.


Tienamin Square? The CCP used troops from the other side of the country, hard to work out how many but could have been an entire division (300k) over the 20 days. They killed anywhere from 241 to 3,000, CCP has denied all facts.

It can be done.


Check out this wanker – supposedly a millennial yet defending the property ponzi and status quo at all costs.

A fly in your ointment

Judging by the image of the twatter from the link, millennial age quick to resemble 60+ and actually have some brain activity to concoct a 15+ sec of reading material


Nah, looks like a David Sharaz type


im blocked by him haha, dont even remember interacting w him


Millenials will never add up to shit. Nerdy word salad faggots, soy boy faggots, milquetoast diplomatic faggots. Faggots faggots faggots. Absolute. Fucking. Faggots.


There’s a real image to these soy juiceys, David Sharaz types.

Nice take from this faggot. Chardonnay socialist of the highest order, you stinky bogans should stop complaining and just leave Sydney.


Yeah we should.

He’s an economics type. Arts degree/economics types rule the white collar world. In a more natsoc and or economically sensible world they wouldn’t be so powerful. It’s always about status, money and power.



my generation is fucking cursed, they are simply just weak, group think addled milquetoast faggots


Will we ever get the Militia style organisations like they have in the US?

That post I found on X about the younger males being conservatives but their female demographic being progressive, gave me some hope.

Maybe the social upheaval caused by Albo’s infinity migration, will really cause a counter reaction? Young Aussies have been comfortable for a few generations, but won’t be now.

Anyway, here’s a copy of Tony Burke ALP Gov Minister’s declaration of interest showing he owns a lazy 5 properties…fuck the Stage 3 tax cuts when you’re negatively geared on your $15m+ property portfolio…


People are starting to work Albanese out.


Booed at the tennis. Or was it Al-Booo…


I was saying Al-Booo.


it’d be exciting if there was anyone else to vote for


Fuck lefties are dumb. They’ve only got decades of Labor to look back on.


Probably just taking out their anger over the Voice referendum. If caught, be assured that there will be no criminal consequences, but the local Aunties will ask them not to do it again.


It’s actually in NZ

These lax on crime attitudes are probably stimulatory economically. Lots of money changing hands with insurance, more widgets needing to be bought. Then ultimately when more civilised non nigs move in everyone loves it.


I’m sure you’re just being sarcastic, but just in case I would refer you to the parable of the broken window.


I am aware of that. Maybe it’s not true in a world of money printing, little to no concern for debt levels, and mass immigration. Maybe breaking windows is essential even.


Well the politicians might think so, but in reality physical things require time+resources. If we spend it rebuilding or re-purchasing stuff we already had, then the overall wealth is decreased compared to where we would otherwise be.
Over time this simply becomes obvious in the societal standard of living.
Another example would be high versus low trust societies, if you have to spend money on useless things like ‘security’ guards (and apparently we need to import a lot of those), you’re not spending it on other things to increase the overall prosperity.


Time + resources can be bought by printing money. If the glass remains intact the window fixer guy gets no work and can’t go and buy food for his family.

So called prosperity is just material things. When it comes to most things these are mostly made by taking advantage of Asian work ethic.

The goal isn’t overall prosperity its to allow the elite to remain in power and create dynasties for themselves that last as long as possible.


How long can it remain the case that the societal elite ensconce themselves in such a position and turn a blind eye to the rest of society.
I guess we can look to the US where things are more advanced. What is the point in being elite if your city starts to look like a dump.
But it won’t be the poor who bring the system down it will be the former-elite who are no longer elite enough to escape the effects of what has befallen the society.

The window fixer can after all do more productivity enhancing things with his time like installing new windows.


If you look at other countries its basically infinite. As long as there is enough bread and circuses for the plebs. Which there is in copious amounts. Being middle class and breeding is pretty overrated. It’s mostly a life of fear, fear of both the upper and lower class. Having to be skilled and hard working enough to please the upper class while being humble enough and pay enough taxes to not piss the lower class off too much.


Now this is based


So a truthful journalist gets sacked…


It’s disappointing that more chicks aren’t racist. The levels of worship and slavery from men they could enjoy…

Now I just assume a woman is a retard until proven innocent.


She just said what every normal person thinks, but can’t say today.

I learned a useful acronym in Texas…”TNB” aka Typical Nigger Bullshit. You see a nrws article about Sudanese home invasions etc, and that’s the first thing that springs to mind.


now look up TND


Slightly off topic, but why don’t more incels just start going to church?

I was thinking about this today, our regular minister has been on leave and we’ve had a guest minister in for a while. This guy is early 30s, prematurely balding and grey hair, minister so absolutely rubbish pay and poor, would clean up as a 3, and is married to a totally fit Asian babe, at least a 7.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised all the guys in the congregation are punching above their weight. Plus as Christians the women are based, hate the homoglobo crowd and have a natural dislike of both sides in the Middle East.


she was prob filipino


From mainland Asia. Now that I think about it I’m not sure if I can ever remember a Filipino being more than a 5. And what do the IQ studies say because they have be pretty low on an international level.


Cristine Reyes


” as Christians the women are based”… Depends. Plenty of Christian women are woke. Esp. protestants. I’d have thought incels would be far better off becoming Muslim. Plenty of Isis guys pulling multiple brides and reproducing massively.


Yeah fair enough, I’m thinking Orthodox women would be the most based in Christianity, Muslims would take it to a whole new level.


jesse lee peterson (most based black man on earth) queries a jew


i dont think its a function of intelligence its honesty and the capacity to not fall for your self-rationalisations

look at how the slimy jew whos probably still higher IQ than peterson in that video persuade himself that his position is logical and makes sense even when its clearly a special pleading self-excuse and makes no actual sense at all

jews are pathologically incapable of honesty regardless of how smart they are


Oy vey, good post Stewie.

Aside from the bizarre fact that Juiceys have to have their own war memorial (it would be very small because there was very little evidence that they actually fought for Australia in any number)…but how does the security compare to that given to Cook’s statue?


It all comes out eventually.

Every single time.




1 billion is the YIMBY (Y for Yiddish?) target population then, but Infinity Migration will do for now.


he’s loathesome


Also stupid. Now this screenshot of the billion comment can be used to discredit anything a YIMBY says.


Not this cunt again?


Jews must like brown nips.


Clearly racist. Infinity is the only acceptable number.


I started saving photos of the ‘Invasion Day and Free Palestine’ fagfest, they are just so funny.

There was the Greens one the other day, then this.

An obese Aboriginal woman in her indigenous disability scooter, being cheered on by soy faggot in a mask, middle class zoomer with Daddy issues behind, the white guy with Palestinian scarf and banner of Government funded legal service, woman in blue hat with mask over her whole face, etc. It’s like a Renaissance painting, so good.


And this guy.

So many LOLs.




Look at the middle class white kids hiding back left…


I must be too sheltered, but these guys are hysterical, absolute parody.


Key word from this drivel: “autism”, at least you can acknowledge you’re a full blown mong disabled.


Looks like it’s happening.

Wish my parents house was near a train station. It must double the price at least. The penthouse alone would probably be sold to money laundering gooks for not much less than a chatswong house. Gooks actually prefer high density and find too much space uncomfortable.


I do recognise that people need houses, so I’ll probably move on

“I do recognise that my property value has quadrupled overnight”


Hilarious that it’s happening in Roseville where Peter Tulip is from.

So if the residents there are unhappy and want someone to blame for being harassed by developers…


He has to own it now. Any chance he walks the walk and shows of pictures of his shitbox?


When I was a lad I got myself into more than my fair share of strife, but my Dad never moralized, never once uttered a word against me, never a question, never a reproach. One day, I was in way over my head, and asked for his advice, he didn’t need to think about it, nor reflect on the problem, the morality was simple: A young man’s core responsibility, is to live a young man’s life!
For Dad that meant mistakes and all. A young man’s life is shaped by his bad decisions just as much as his good decisions…but they are a young man’s decisions.

I guess I’m foolish in that I sort of believe, I can guide my boys through the worst of what life will throw at them. It’s a morality along the lines of; just avoid stepping into complete stupidity and you’ll probably be OK.

What do you guys think?
Should a Dad be complete hands off when it comes to his son’s young adult life
Or is a sort of minimalist hands on (but definitely done behind the scenes) approach best
Of course I could just tell him the answer…but what fun would that be?


IMO not completely hands off. Child needs to understand risks and consequences but ultimately be given the freedom to make their own choices.


the actual effects of parental involvement (within what is called the shared environment) has been effectively proven to have negligible / next to no effects on developmental outcomes, outside of extreme cases of neglect and abuse

what environmental effects do impact developmental outcomes are contained within what is called the non-shared environment, i.e those factors that don’t apply to siblings within the same family roughly equally

so peer group applies, but overwhelmingly things like womb effects, the birth order, physical damage, etc

i would jsut not worry about parenting that much because it really just doesn’t matter, children grow up to be the kinds of people they were always destined to be because the impact of genetics on behavioural outcomes are so overwhelming compared to any other factor; arthur jensen used to describe it as a stomping match between godzilla and bambi

pee mak

4 great kids and agree with this 100% . i did hands off same as my dad and his dad .


There are no universal answers. I’ve seen the difference good support and direction can make. I’ve also seen well supported kids go off the rails. Perhaps on average it makes no difference, but that does not mean no difference is made at the individual level. It just means successes and failures cancel out.


I’d probably be almost entirely hands off if I had boys. Culture changes all the time so I wouldn’t want them to feel out of place among the mob.

Tough decision though do you let them be a bit of a dummy in the hopes they become a RAM driving tradie or insist on them being a bit nerdy. Dunno.


I think that was my dad’s point.
my right answer isn’t necessarily his right answer because culture changes.
I know when my dad was young he witnessed a lot of “war crmes” committed by Aussie soliders. Of course, at the time, they didn’t call them war-crimes, just the boys having a little bit too much fun.

I have no idea if he participated in any of these “activities”, I’m guessing he didn’t, but I have no idea.


I remember MB saying what a rort those little pharmacies in the suburbs were. If you are desperately trying to think of anything good that Albo has done this is something. Although you will most likely have to be a boomer to enjoy it.

>Pharmacists have staged an angry walk-out of federal parliament, protesting the Albanese government’s moves to allow more than 4 million consumers to buy two months’ worth of medicine for the price of a single prescription.


It’s important to distinguish between pharmacists working on the ground (usually underpaid), with pharmacy owners – i.e. the pharmacy guild who wield a lot of political power.

The latter are fiercely protective of their cash cows and extreme grifters – just check out Guild president Trent Twomey who has strong Liberal Party links, awarding his wife’s company a few million when working as a staffer to Warren Entsch.


what i don’t get is isn’t the pharmacy guild supposed to stop pharmacies being built within like 1.5 kilometers of each other? but in dubbo and everywhere else i’ve been there are pharmacies across the road from each other everywhere, etc


>pharmacy owners
Yeah thats what i meant it doesnt look very good working for chemist warehouse.


The first rule of Rich Club is: you do not talk about Rich Club


No one ever questions how these “typical” person gets selected and interviewed by the papers. Hint – they’re mates of the journo or editor, kids friends parents, etc. and a total narrative. Poor saps will just do anything for ‘fame’, they never even realise what a fuckwit they are painted as. This woman probably sees it as another means to signal her immense virtue.


Relevant seeing the Soyboy Redditors and NSW Gov reactions.

The more autistic screeching in response to these naughty boys in black, the more I think they will actually gain support.

The VicPol high 5 to them a while ago was a classic.




yeah that cop likely got disciplined at a bare minimum for that


Dindu nuffins

>The investigation of the April 18 incident involved 25 police officers and 1,000 hours of investigative work, police told local media.


hey rabbi

whatcha doin?




So The Age runs cover for this, with these conflicting reports.

Pity the lazy Age journos can’t be bothered actually asking why the Owner hadn’t given a statement to police, or why he was claiming to be threatened but hadn’t formally reported that to police either…


We’re certainly bringing in the best the world has to offer.



another joel davis W

whoever this guy is i know he reads this site and has quite a bit of a following, wish he’d start posting here


hes unironically the most important public intellectual in australia today


Hapa does jealousy kill. Half nip.

Probably shouldn’t hook up with a gook. Hapa girls can be pretty hot though. Can soften up what might be otherwise masculine facial features. What a conundrum.


Son of former Victorian state premier Ted Bailleu (of Bailleu Knight Frank Real Estate) complaining about having to offer overs to secure a rental.

May he always be outbid by a rich migrant family.


I was outbid a couple of times on house purchases by Pajeets with doddery parents in attendance and speaking Pajeet. They don’t know close they came to being beaten in public.

With the house I now own, I had to bid against a bunch of gooks who were taking bidding orders over the phone in gook talk, and then passing the orders on to an English speaking woman who actually made the bids. They eventually gave up, but their bids meant I had to spend an extra $200K to put a roof over my head. Motherfuckers. I’d like to take every last one of them to the beach for a swim.


The irony is so sweet here. This chinless wonder is campaign manager for Mrs Put Your Mask Back On Teal…

He deserves to get Ratio’d about his refusal to consider infinity migration is the cause…


He could always move back in with Mummy and Daddy…they’d have a few bedrooms to spare in one of their Toorak mansions…