An Australian recruiter has collapsed exhausted, after another day of sifting through thousands of bullshit applications from Indians lying on their applications.
John Turner, a small business IT provider, said he was looking forward to yet another day of trying to find an entry level candidate that actually knew what the fuck he was doing.
“I really enjoying sifting through applications from Harpreet and his mates lying about their qualifications from universities that don’t exist,” Turner said.
“India doesn’t even have a university in the top 300 worldwide, but Gurpreet here says he has a Masters in IT from Haaarvard University of Princeton Cambridge in Bangalore, so it’s definitely legit. Completely worth spending time and money hiring him and then finding out three days into the job he’s full of shit and can’t do what he’s told to.”
“I’d like to hire an Australian but ‘we don’t do IT in Australia mate, we sell houses’ was the response I got from Clare O’Neil.
Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has responded to the claims by introducing legislation making it illegal for employers to reject any job applications from India.
This isn’t satire.
“Do you have Australian work experience?”
– nope
“Sorry, we are looking for someone with Aussie experience”
– but it’s a cashier at fish and chips shop?
” sorry, we do it differently here, moite”
(Inscription on the back side of the above satire paper)
Exactly. I have developed a new fear at work of recent Indian migrants messaging me “Good morning/afternoon, how are you?”
This is awkward, not that it’s another grifting aboriginal sponging off the taxpayers her whole life, but I thought the ‘oppressed’ Aboriginals and Palestinians were aligned?
She’s taken the choo’s money for an Insta post, won’t be the last to do that.
In reality, the Palestinians are stupid, savage inbred cunts, and everybody hates them.
They are, however, a useful tool for Muslim maniacs, who use them to gain sympathy amongst gullible western chumps, of which there is an unlimited supply.
Replace words Philistines with joos and mozzies with Ashkenazi and somehow the meaning remains the same
Another day, another shit decision in EZFKA
Another apparatchik who never had a job outside another politicians office, and so totally unqualified in her current role
Worthless vermin, the lot of them
But he attended a local Uni, must’ve been well educated for any job???
The only way we can build enough houses for the excessive amount of immigrants we are bringing into the country is to bring in more immigrants.
If you thought build quality was bad now you haven’t seen anything yet!
How could it get any worse? Might be better. Probably not but maybe.
It can always get worse. We haven’t had a block of units collapse yet have we?
You would be an absolute mug to buy anything being produced by the Australian residential construction sector.
Not too long before the last 3 words in your sentence become redundant. And the boat is steered in that direction by our captain at full steam ahead
This is what they teach at local schools and unis, this kind of logic. This, and gender spectrum, and drag queening,, and …
Because _everyone_ is educated with this logic, everyone thinks it must work. Not your fake educated pajeet, He still has common sense, to a small degree.
We have lots of retail and takeaway places and uber and taxis because immigrants. Same applies to housing. You need x amount of immigrants to get all this building done instead of just relying on the RAM meatheads.
I doubt they’ll do it though, everyone seems to worship the tradie jew for some reason.
A few weeks ago, I was involved in a review panel to assess undergraduate Engineering at several tier2 Australian universities.
The whole experience was embarrassing. In one case, we have a top notch university (maybe top 20 in the world for their particular specialization) that is being criticized for not graduating what (in engineering circiles) would basically be considered to be service technicians. This particular university is holding itself to a higher standard, and for the impertinence of showing up Gof8 universities, they are about to be royally F’ed.
The basic problem is that Australian Industry is way ahead of our politicians, our universities, our elites, and our students. Industry knows they only really want service technicians, that’s all they need, and that all they’ll pay for. They know they don’t need top notch engineering design people, like wtf for?
They need qualified bods to fix/modify the latest shit they just imported. (good idea if the chap also speaks Chinese, to understand the completely F’ed up instruction manual).
So guess what? they want to turn half of all Aussie engineering courses (all the non G0f 8 ) into service technician focused degrees. FFS what are we doing? Why are other Aussies accepting this? This is a giant leap backwards for the country.
The weirdest experience was realizing that they wanted “service technicians” who would duitfully work for individuals who were absolute morons. On one occassion, I spoke with a “business professional” who wanted to hire good Engineers that would think about “innovative” solution spaces”, like solutions that clearly violated the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
I gave up in disgust…what can I say? EZFKA.
Yep. Went to a sustainability thing a couple of weeks back. Biology, physics and thermodynamics apparently don’t matter much any more.
Yep nature has many laws which simply can’t be broken.
It doesn’t matter if someone is policing these laws or not. they simply can’t be broken.
But in Australia you can get a fine for braking any law!
That’s another hijack by woke brigades, a fancy symbiosis of navel gazing.and leftsrd ideology
Fuck me, I laughed like a drain.
I particularly remember an application feom one Indian cunt who was already employed here in Australia. His qualifications were from something like Wellington University (ie some posh white Anglo name) in India.
10 minutes on Google showed that this “uni” had been shut down in the US for being a fraud, transferred to India, and then even the Indians had shut it down as a fraud.
When your business gets shut down for fraudulent activity IN FUCKING INDIA, well, that’s some next level fraud right there.
I told our HR people to ho back to the head-hunters who proposed him to us with the fruits of my research and tell them to stop wasting my fucking time by sending me job applications from unqualified retards.
It’s little wonder I no longer work there.
Suffice to say that the company must’ve been in taters by now, or not.
Not all fraudulent activities are the same. Because it may be legal to find the ways where every student passes with or without honour in some countries without transferring much or any knowledge at all, it does not make those institutions as more reliable.
Some industries locally have thrived since the staffing has evolved towards almost exclusively towards Indian subcontinent, majority with overseas education.
The truth about the war in Gaza.
An opinion about the war in Gaza.
Hamas was created by Israel as a counterbalance to PLA. PLA supported two state solution, Israel did not, neither does Hamas.
So Palestinians were split between two factions, there was no unity, thus progressing Israel’s goals of further settlement of Palestinian territories.
Israel has created an effective concentration camp, walled, controlling food, water and energy supply to the place. 2 million people, half of whom are under 20, were effectively detained, fully reliant on their captors.
After October 7th attack, which, some say, was provoked by hasidic Jews at the holy Muslim site on October 5th, Israel moved to wipe out everything. There is no differentiation between Hamas fighters and peaceful population. And it is not going to stop until one side loses completely.
I am not saying that Hamas are the good guys, in the right, or their actions are justified. I am saying that the way Israel carries out this war is a genocide.
See the way the terrorist attack on Ruskis is labelled as as anything but terror. Same kitchen which suppress the word genocide. Anyway, the word genocid is so overused and incorrectly it has lost its meaning.
Correct, and meanwhile they continue to steal more land illegally in the West Bank with total impunity, so you can’t say this is all about Hamas.
The Palestinians have cameras now so it is increasingly difficult for the West to turn a blind eye to what is going on, despite the overwhelming propaganda effort.
What is happening in this video?
In what other ‘State’ would this be legal in any way whatsoever?
Look back on old videos of Ben Nitay as a 28yr old and it is clear what his position is.
The thing about laws is they are only as good as their enforcement and there are no international police…
No international police?
This confusion is a direct result of iinsufficient levels of CNN watching.
That attack wasn’t planned, organised and executed in 2 days. No way no how.
It’s not like the life in Gaza was work 9-5, go to pub and weekend escape with biggest worries being if Rabbitoh are going to win or not.
When you have 100% of population living in near constant fear and military threat, thus armed, spontaneous reactions like the excursion outside the concentration camp are not impossible but rather quite likely.
I did not give you that minus
They just fell across the border all at the same time, with no planning. While being in a
There is no implied contradiction in your argument/sarcasm. It was an effective concentration camp, fences were not guarded equally as in an actual concentration camp.
And one should not disregard the notion that the joos “protection” was Swiss cheese on the day of rebellion and cameras did not work too. They were also ready to strike with stories of 1 million dead babies and 1 billion dead partygoers all armed to the teeth.
There are million possibile theories and most are plausible, we can never know which one is the most accurate account of events. Silly to pick one to the detriment of all others.
When your mind is preoccupied with armed captors, the way of life is to constantly breeding ideas on resistance means. Some can grow to be bigger than planned
So everyone just decided to cross the border completely independently of each other at exactly the same time?
The level of stupidity on display in the comments here amazes sometimes. No wonder coming left.
It’s silly to be smug whilst observing an event through a peep hole
Planning may have been there,. Maybe it was planned for months before but it could’ve been triggered by an event to begin earlier than planned. Perhaps Choos sleuths and spies saw it, and saw an opportunity to trigger the response amounting to a genocide? Once the onslaught begins, coordination is not required for resistance to activate at every level and everywhere. They’vedone it like that before. Would be good to learn from resistance movements in ww2 (minus france) and apply that when passing judgement on Gaza events.
Referencing to Coming is the ultimate self-denigration. Coming is the next level retard (taking jab was smart thing to do for him) with a very narrow field where he may be mediocre to good. Farewell to him…
That minus is from me this time.
Oh noes, a minus.
doesn’t stop you…
I just think incognito minuses are chickenshits way of life hence the need to express one in public, and support if needed, with arguments. Your smugness does not affect my assertiveness where assertiveness is due.
What’s the real message of your reply above?
work it out, or don’t.
that response tells it all.
Israel reportedly had intelligence about an attack coming for at least a year and the Hamas planning for the attack apparently goes back to 2014.
These reports could be bullshit, but I agree that it definitely was being planned for more than 2 days.
The guy said that Hamas attacked the Israelis, they bit off more than they chew, and now they’re getting smashed. Those don’t seem like opinions to me, they seem like facts.
There’s all sorts of opinions about who did what to who over the last 70 years and how justified either side may be and who is the most evil etc. I don’t care about any of that. It would be good if both sides could lose. But I think it’s indisputable that Hamas declared war on Israel on 7-Oct, Israel has greater combat power than Hamas, and Hamas are now finding out.
Also this is not a genocide. It’s pretty standard Military Operations in Urban Terrain.
Arras, France 1918

Stalingrad 1942
Bakhmut 2023
When armies engage in large scale warfare in cities, everything turns to shit. But it’s just a battle, not genocide.
It turns to shit in the jungle as well.
It pretty much turns to shit everywhere.
The difference is that jungle is shit to begin with. I’ve spent a lot of time in jungle, so I know this for a fact. After the fight is over, it’s just rearranged shit. Jungles will also recover by themselves if left alone.
Cities are massive highly complex and sophisticated structures, and after a battle they’re just shitty piles of rubble.
It will be a long, long time before the cities of Gaza return to what they were, if ever.
My prediction, the chicoms will step in and for a share of offshore gas revenues will rebuild.
Yet another own goal for the West when we increasingly are seen as destroyers (including our own societies).
Israel are destroying their own reputation with 85% of the worlds population. Bibi too blind to see it as his short term need to stay out of jail trumps all.
srael are destroying their own reputation with 85% of the worlds population.
I’d disagree with that, They are destroying their reputation with the vocal minority that support all the woke bullshit. But when the rubber hits the road the woke bullshit has very little actual support from the populace when they vote with their $$$$
Are Hamas finding out?
The Palestinian women and children are certainly finding out as are the buildings.
But it seems to be taking the IDF a hell of a long time to clear an area of 12x40km maximum.
Maybe if they spent less time on TikTok posing with ladies panties they might achieve something and find some hostages to rescue, if they stopped shooting them themselves.
The women, children and buildings could stop hiding them. If the enemy combatants are being actively hidden by the population this is the inevitable end result.
it’s quite convenient, eh?
“actively hidden by the punters.” so carpet bombing and a total demolition by bombs is “avceptable”
that’s not urban warfare, that’s “kill’em all”
Urban warfare is Kill em all most of the time. Thats why civlians fuck off before the battle gets there if they have the option.
Asymmetric warfare always is if you want any chance of winning.
And the israelis play to win.
It’s been standard military practice since it became feasible ala ww2
Europe got flattened.
When the goal is extermination, every civilian becomes Hamas, no matter the age or sex.
You try to defend genocide by one despicable type of Semites against other type of equally despicable Semites as “just”. That’s not just, that’s emotional and irrational thus devoid of reality.
I don’t think either side is just, but reality is if you poke the bear don’t start complaining when you get mauled.
It had been relatively peaceful for many years.
which side changed that?
Seems a lot like FAFO to me.
With a lot of conplaining about the FO bit.
Ironically the complaining is from some of the same people that whine about matriarchy being sympathy-hacked, et.
“After October 7th attack, which, some say, was provoked by hasidic Jews at the holy Muslim site on October 5th”
Some might say that, but it’s nonsense. Oct 7 was months if not years in the planning. And even if it was true I don’t think that some Jews) being provocative deserves 1300 or so Israelis and a bunch of other people being raped, tortured, butchered and burned alive in return.
To be clear, I am not a fan of Jews in general and Israelis in particular. But Israel exists. It is a powerful and well organised nation-state. And as they have demonstrated over snd over again, if you fuck with them, you will find out.
Of course the pro migration voice who can’t conceive a practical solution to reducing immigration is a YIMBY…
A fun little game to amuse yourself for a while.
Peter Singh Dutton doing the needful
What a disgusting faggot.
Oh FFS. All of our politicians are worthless, despicable cunts.
He’s just looking after his donors interests. Why would you expect anything less.
This is very good.
“During the Nineties, through a combination of misguided intellectual fashions and vague Boomer idealism, the belief took hold across the elites of Western societies that the unfettered movement of goods, money and people across national borders would herald a new era of cosmopolitan prosperity and social harmony. Eventually, reality intervened: as with other Western societies, only more so, Britain is now poorer, unhappier and less harmonious as a result. Yet the mental maps of Britain’s political class are still those of Nineties Britain.”
Replace Britain with EZFKA, FTW.
Tories, Liberals, etc. are sort of conservative in that they conserve the dominance of the elite classes over the rest. They don’t really conserve social norms (a little bit for religious groups and perhaps rejecting the worst excesses of wokeness for a while, but generally not really) and obviously they don’t conserve the cultural/racial makeup of their countries in any way, much the opposite. But they do approximately keep the old social order intact.
It was probably always understood that neoliberalism would fuck over the little guy but help grow the wealth of elites, so it’s natural that conservatives bought in. It’s a little bit surprising that leftist parties joined in so enthusiastically but the left pretty much always loves forcing its views and theories onto the population and became great evangelists and enforcers for neoliberalism once they were won over.
The comments in here about Young Doctors in the NHS are funny, looks like the youth are striking back at the Boomers. I assume without researching further that it’s because even the money a Young Doctor earns gets them fuck all housing in a big chunk of the UK.
Looks correct.
Sort of sounds like cultural values, being political and economic beliefs, as well as moral structures around the rights and responsibilities of individuals versus the state.
Culture matters – replace the culture at the top and let it filter down.
We need to bring some skilled Indian train drivers
That’s….incomprehensible. How can you possibly be walking along a train line, and not hear a train, of all fucking things, coming up behind you?