Daniel Andrews heads to Israel to lobby for CFMEU contract to build the Third Temple

Former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is headed to Israel this week, as part of a bipartisan delegation to lobby for the CFMEU to build the Third Temple.

Andrews will head to Israel with Dave Sharma as part of a delegation to assist in the return of the Moschiach, citing recent award-winning CFMEU works on Chabad tunnels in Caufield South.

‘It’s the least I can do for Mark Leibler who is currently defending me in court over that time I ran over, er, collided with a teenage cyclist. If it’s one thing that’s Jews love it’s slaves to do their manual labour and Victorians have proven themselves great serfs during the COVID years,” Andrews said.

“The least I could do is give Israel some imported labour to build the Third Temple. I’ve been reasonably informed that the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be hit by a missile blamed on someone else, probably Russia or Iran. That’s a great opportunity to get this job done.”

Andrews dismissed criticisms from Benjamin Netanyahu that CFMEU contractors would blow the construction time out, given concerns that no Jewish kingdom has lasted more than 80 years and Israel was 75 years old already.

‘I understand we’re on a timetable but I’ve been told that if we do a decent job here then there’s great opportunities for high rise development in Gaza – the Frankston foreshore of the middle east.’

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I moved into my current home in April 2021. At the time there were some road widening works uderway nearby. 3 years later almost to the day there are still road widening works underway nearby.

Many years ago an Asian taxi driver was taking me to the airport and we went past a new overpass that had been under construction by about 3 blokes for years. This dude actually said “You white people are crazy. In my country we have ten thousand men work on that, and it finished in 3 months”

The inability of the Australian construction industry to apply labour to a task and achieve timely results is truly a marvel to behold.


When government has outsourced all it’s expertise to the companies it then contracts to build these projects why would you expect them to do anything other than take the piss and get as much money as they can out of the deal.

Other countries also don;t need a safe work statement on how to operate a pen to create the safe work statement for how to open a gate.

Last edited 6 months ago by commentBot

Yes. Unless you keep at least some limited internal capability, you lose the capacity to keep service providers honest.

in early days there will be some inertia, sure, but over a few years that dissipates and you get permanently escalating pisstaking.

the arborist

Can’t read it. Paywalled.


Anyone notice this site got hijacked last night? Redirected to some steroid website


lol, who where they thinking they were going to sell steroids to?


i need them to become even fatter


Remembering the synthol dueds!

the arborist

What do you shut-ins make of this?

The Albanese Government is rushing new legislation through Parliament this week in an attempt to avoid another disastrous ruling from the High Court – after more than 140 asylum seekers, including murderers and rapists, were released into the community in the NZYQ case last November.

The proposed laws would give the Immigration Minister the power to single out countries that do not cooperate with Australia’s attempts to deport people back to their country of origin.

That could result in citizens of Iran, Iraq, Zimbabwe, Russia and South Sudan being banned from travelling to Australia altogether, even for a holiday – although some exceptions would apply.


Is it just a smokescreen to make them look like they’re tough on borders while they crush load us with ever more indians and chinese?

BTW… including Russia is pathetic. It’s not because we have a problem with gangs of Russian youths raping and stabbing grandmothers. It’s because we’re in a stupid proxy cold war with them.

Agent 47

Hard to say, I do know for a fact that there are countries we’ve had a hard time sending these people back to – Iran is one of the hardest because they take the approach that if you destroyed your identity and then boarded a boat in Indonesia and ran away then you can fuck off. There’s a cohort of about 10k Iranians walking around who have all been found not to be invaders, er, refugees but we can’t ship them a lot of them back. A lot of them are now involved in organized crime, esp in SW Sydney.

I mean it’s unintentionally based if we don’t get darkies and muzz rats but yes, I agree it counts for naught if it just means increased poos and chongs likely the order of the day.

the arborist

Makes sense. I didn’t know Iranians were that much of a problem, but I’m not the slightest bit surprised. Iran’s attitude on ID destroying degenerates is a good one, but unfortunate for the (once) civilised world.

But yeah, nothing is ever going to stop the poochink invasion. At least until EZFKA is as thoroughly fucked as their own countries. Even once we are as fucked, the momentum will continue until they eventually figure out their lives are worse here and it stops being a matter of prestige for them. Fucking locusts.


Iran is one of the hardest because they take the approach that if you destroyed your identity and then boarded a boat in Indonesia and ran away then you can fuck off.

The irony being that preventing people from legally entering from these countries will do absolutely nothing to prevent the actual problem which is illegal immigrants…


iran isnt even that bad. who are these people who are so desperate to leave a decent enough middle income state they are willing to do all that, so they can live in a mattress share at the back of birrong and work as a uber eats deliverer?

at this point it is really making me wonder how much of the draw for so many global migrants to places like australia is due to PR psyop. yes bangladesh or pakistan or india to australia = pretty large material QoL difference, Iran to australia = you will see some but nowhere near as much as these people probably expect.

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
Agent 47


Case in point is we take ‘skilled migrants’ from Iran and refugees (lol) from Iran. So which is it?

A lot of the reason is also Israel not wanting us to have any kind of diplomatic relationship with them because they’re talmudic psychos but that’s above my pay grade.


I don’t care anymore. It’s the numbers.

Elon wants 1 billion.


Conservatives are niggers. If you could call a guy who has 11 kids to fuckin 4 wives or whatever it is and wants an EV fest conservative.


I like the dude and the hatchet job backfired. This is pretty funny though.


Is there a background story to it? I don’t get the joke.


Some hack nymag story with info from his old girlfriend saying he had a number of women going at the same time.


Id like to see how hot all these girls were. Looks like he just wants to spoof in anything to mark territory like a doggy.


He’s rich and famous and has chad energy. I can’t see him banging mingers.


In honor of Coming/Comingback I post this Daily Mail link, the story of which has sailed under the radar of most Australian news outlets:

Why this ‘disparaging’ post about an Aussie UN trans expert who plugs bondage, bestiality, drugs, and taxpayer-funded sex-change ops MUST be taken down – or billionaire Elon Musk will cop an $800,000 fine


This is all a result of the newly progressively empowered eSafety Commissioner, i.e. the ideological Government enforcer of extreme tolerance (unless it shows a hint of national spirit).

The guy who made the “offensive” tweet vs the guy who the tweet was about.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

That is the most repulsive manlady I ever did see. A truly demented goblin.


OMG it is F to M 🤮 I skimmed over that bit. The fuck she doesn’t have psychological issues.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

On the topic of manlady psychological issues, feast your eyes and ears on this masterpiece.



Please no – my brain refused to process the last image, and saw it as a fat, ugly, psycho Scotsman trying to to assume a woman’s identity.

It just could not process the fact that it was a hideous she-goblin who for some God unknown reason was pretending to be a fat, ugly Scotsman.

I am increasingly of the view that FtM Trannies should be given lower doses of T because it is obviously too strong a drug for a woman who hasn’t gone through male puberty to get a grip of, least they freak the fuck out and go postal or turn into sex crazed manlet energiser bunnies.

Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

Mini Manson is from Chicago.

You’re dead right on the T meds though. T is a hell of a drug. And while T levels are dropping in males, it’s rising in females. Not a recipe for success.

Gruppenführer Mark

I have two questions:

  1. How did you even come across this?
  2. Why?
the arborist

Fair questions. I saw a youtube documentary about weird people on the internet and this part looked so weird, I decided to have a closer look to make sure the guy wasn’t making it up. He wasn’t. The more you look into it, the weirder it gets. A bit like EZFKA.com


I despise almost everything about Islam. I say “almost”, because they have very sound ideas about how to deal with demons like that.

Agent 47


A fly in your ointment

wish stagmal could understand this….
pawns, kingpins et cie


Shitskins don’t demand I can’t buy piss or go shopping on their special days. Wtf.


A fly in your ointment

if Christian holidays were not public holidays too, no pne would care.
retail industry conspiracy to sell moar

More like retail industry conspiracy not to pay holiday rates to their staff.

More… less… conspiracies none the less…


Even the jew needs a break from jewing.


A Jew will always be a Jew, unless they become a Christian.

Besides Jews specialise in Jewing on their Sabbath – all the little tricks and cheats they employ in order to met the strict letter of their religious law, while still doing exactly as they please.

the arborist

Archived for future reference!

the arborist

It’s anti-semitic to notice this type of thing.

the arborist

Oh no! I hope commentbot is ok.


What’s the sabbath? You can’t even go and get maccas on your phone or something. Gay.

A fly in your ointment

Even the jew needs a break from jewing

you know the joke about an old choo in his deathbed?


It’s also a good psy op. People think the west are Christian countries.

A fly in your ointment

And it waters down the faith, reducing it to retail gifts and empty gestures

the arborist

Re: the Dali ship that crashed into the bridge in Baltimore, is anyone surprised it was an all Indian crew?



I would’ve been surprised if their were any white men on board.

A fly in your ointment

For navigation only 2, tops 3 (wo)men are involved in decision making. The top man is a Uke so technically a white Negro/poojit.
Coal feeders and under deck mob make no decision making as to steering and navigation.
So far the most plausible explanation is that a white man’s software gave false sense of reliability. But could be sumtin else.

“None of the above options” for political party name is the usual way…. this is on the next level


Ridiculous that US law allows verbs, adjectives, prepositions, articles etc to be used as legal names.

Gruppenführer Mark

Beacon of freedom and democracy. I suggest you listen to the song again!

A fly in your ointment


the arborist

Democracy in action!

Dodgy First Nations Voice Results and Low Voter Turnout



Pete Buttfucker states that road underpasses that are too low are racist.


This man stood for President of the United States.

A fly in your ointment

It’s a wonder he lost.


“We really want an equivalent indigenous role model like a European King, to show them that we are as good and as civilized as them, but everyone we select turns into a useless despot within a generation.”

Made up quote

Last edited 6 months ago by Stewie


Reviewing the Canuck front, every comment is anti-immigration which is impressive and based (much better than you’d see on /r/Australia), but Canadian awareness that they can’t get off the ride just by voting out their current WEF delegate seems limited.


Gay fag 30 something redditors, you’ve been replaced.


I noticed that there weren’t any immigrants defending themselves in the Canadian thread which you always see in Aussie ones

Their Indians might even be lower caste than ours and don’t have the literacy and don’t care enough to even bother trolling the natives online


Yeah they know we’re pretty dumb. Why bother. Just live your poo life.


the canadian subs seem weirdly…… free from moderation, but maybe that one is just thread specific. canadahousing2 is even better. honestly its better just to read it than any of the australian subs including r/Australian which ban everyone who criticises immigration too much or at all. all of the regional aus subs like melbourne/sydney instantly ban anyone who criticises immigration


Australia has a skills shortage in anti-immigration posting


Nah…we have a skills surplus in anti-immigratuob posting suppression.


Is there anything gayer than a bearded millenial? I’d rather hang out with a jew.



In response to recent disasters, Boeing doubles down by making a woman Prsident and CEO.


Guaranteed, abso-fucking-lutely 100% guaranteed that she will arse-fuck Boeing, probably into insolvency.


I forgot to mention that she’s an accountant, not an engineer. Guaranteed corporate catastrophe when accountants take over engineering companies from the engineers.


I had several good friends who worked for Boeing.
They were all top notch Engineers, damn proud to be both at the top of their game and working for Boeeng.
Pre 2000 Boeing was the first choice for the top engineering graduates from across the US (strike that, across the world) there was nothing second rate about it. Boeing was number one.
And then something happened, gradually they all left, gradually Boeing stopped standing for excellence, and the excuses started. Originally the business plan was a roadmap, a wish list, which real world reality would always interfere with.
But at some point, the business plan became more than a wish list and the engineering problems became a sort of obstacle to be avoided, as opposed to the old Boeing where it was a challenge to be overcome. Hard problems were a sort of worthy adversary for Boeing’s engineering dream team.

Eventually the hard problem solvers found other places to work (places that valued their unique abilities) while at Boeing the softcocks ruled. Business plans took on a new meaning and dollars flowed liberally to those who could stick-to-the-plan.

I’m sad that Boeing chose to go down this road, it’s a dead. The silver lining is that Boeing’s engineering dream team didn’t lose their skills, they just stopped calling Boeing home.

Gruppenführer Mark

Easy answer as to what happened to Boeing. 9/11/2001. Then the government announced their next great plan: war on terror. After dotcom crash of 2000 the US economy desperately needed a boost.

Stupid, nay, obscene amounts of money were being printed and pumped through that prism, with virtually no oversight. In 2002, Boeing formed Boeing Integrated Defence Systems, which is now the third largest military company in the world.

Passenger aircraft is a risky business, make a mistake and civilians die. Your company name is splashed all across the globe in the news, stock price goes down, executives don’t get their bonuses. War business is much more profitable, plus killing civilians half way across the globe is bringing democracy to terrorists.

That’s why accountants run the company.


All true, but to my mind, the underlying problem is that Wall St. has built an earnings machine out of what was an engineering machine.
Engineering excellence was the core element in Boeing’s DNA.
Management simply failed to leverage the inherent genetic advantage of Boeing’s DNA.
In the early 2000’s, newly minted MBA’s popularized the idea that complex R&D projects could be managed. Unfortunately, this process simply neutered the workforce; Boeing management toiled hard to turn extrodinary into ordinary. But, that said, they achieved what they set out to when the word predictable replaced the word miracle in all their business plans.
What management seems to have overlooked is the effect this would have on their work culture. Pretty quickly, we had excellent engineers leaving and top new graduates shunning Boeing. Management has changed Boeing’s DNA. Excellence has left the room.

Gruppenführer Mark

I’m in agreement with you, but this loss of Boeing engineering excellence is a symptom, not an underlying cause, IMHO. Have a good friend, a graduate from one of the top US engineering universities. Back in late 90s Boeing was certainly one of the top places to land a job for a new grad with appropriate degree. Like Merck was for chemical engineering.

This friend happened to work for Boeing in 10s. The amount of admin paperwork, written justification needed for any overtime, other buearacratic rules made it a daily pain. And then, of course, the introduction of CRT, DIE (pun intended), ESG and whatnot certainly improved the culture for the worst.

Happens everywhere unfortunately. I left my last private employer because instead of engineering they became focused on gender equality, LGBTQ++++ rights, and other current things, thus completely forgetting why they were in business in the first place.

At least in government you don’t have to kiss the ring of the policy setters de jour, unless you are in the top rung. For now.



the taliban court system doesnt seem that unreasonable to me


Bad ideas infiltrate organisations, and spread insidiously.

I’m at the national folk festival, which I’ve been attending for more than 20 years. It used to be solely about music, with a bit of lefty bullshit thrown in here and there.

This year, there are queer bands, queer dancing, workshops on queering things, and a fucking a qweer qwire. Poofter shit everywhere.

The program also contains more acknowledgements of country than you could poke a woolly bull at, and it all kicked off with a smoking ceremony and welcome to country. I would be willing to bet the whole smoking ceremony thing is some bullshit invented twenty years ago, just like the acknowledgement bullshit.

Might as well call it the national abo and arsebandit festival.

Gruppenführer Mark

You are not wrong, according to this. And smoking ceremonies became a thing only in the last 10 years or so here in Perth.


Loved this little spat. If this was such an ancient tradition, they would’ve figured it out by now who had the right to earn some white fella tokens.



I was thinking of heading over to it Sunday or Monday. Perhaps I won’t bother.


Despite all the bullshit there was still some good music to be found.

the arborist

A pity there wasn’t more Sudanese diversity for those poos to enjoy.

Gruppenführer Mark

What a bimbo. I hope this is just an empty gesture to get the wimins vote.


hopefully richard hanania will be right


He’s a cryptid imho.


hes palestinian

his endless bjs to the jews imo is just so he doesnt get cancelled; he has a bunch of articles on his substack literally talking about not getting cancelled

hes obviously a weasly wormy dude but hes prob one of the best commentators in a lot of respects around today


Lol she’s so brave.


Daily Mail comments fawning over her. The eternal cuckservative.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate! You must get a degree once the other means can’t compete with younger model years.

After her divorce from Woods,  Elin is thought to have dated coal billionaire Chris Cline

Dude born in 1958, she in 1980. It was love.

Stunning and brave!


Half his age + 7 years is acceptable.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, they broke up in 2017, when, according to the formula, she was 37, and the formula gets us 36.5 as an acceptable age. Somewhere before that the formula didn’t quite work. But love conquers all. Ask Anna Nicole Smith!

Last edited 6 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

Life is a soapy for cuckservatives.

>son if you don’t think a gal deserves sixty-five million dollars for carrying your child for 9 months and supervising the nanny, you might just hate hardworking women

>we shoot fellers that promote rape culture round these parts

>but that brave woman gave up a junior business analyst title to stay home with the nanny and kids

Lol although I would say junior HR.



@ GF mark

from experience, 19y younger wife can work well. I’ll tell you in 10yrs how it goes.

Gruppenführer Mark

More US news…

Easter Sunday is declared a… Wait for it…

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility. I call upon all Americans to join us in lifting up the lives and voices of transgender people throughout our Nation and to work toward eliminating violence and discrimination based on gender identity.

Yep, that’s right! Trans Day. Can’t even fathom what was the motivation. Surely this is going to alienate more voters than attract. And not a fake.



More braveness. I don’t know, Trump isn’t really predictable given he wasn’t particularly based the first time around. Uber propadee boomer.

Gruppenführer Mark

Stolen from ZH


I don’t know, everything is so depraved these days it will probably win votes. I recently watched the movie Poor Things in the mistaken belief it was going to be an interesting Victorian sci-fi film, (spoilers ahead) the entire plot revolves around older men having sex with a toddler/child in a woman’s body. They aren’t even trying to hide this twisted shit anymore, pro-pedophilia is now just mainstream art.


From an accelerationist point of view, which would be the most effective Australian political party?


Greens then ALP

ALP actually has the possibility of holding government though so realistically just them

LNP will moderate the migration rate probably a bit more and cause all of the immigration critics (who are mostly on the right) to stop complaining, so the answer has to be ALP


That seems about right. A bit depressing because neither go hard enough to produce the kind of results that would cause a real shift. Life is still too easy for the most part.

the arborist

Too easy for now. It’s going to get worse. The tipping point must be coming soonish. It’ll be like that Hemingway quote when one of his characters explained how he went bankrupt – ‘two ways… gradually and then suddenly’. Many people are noticing and talking about how things are getting bad. Not much anyone can do besides prep and mock politicians on the internet – and both will probably be illegal at some stage.


I was standing in line to get into a gig at the folk festival, and some boomers in front of me were saying that events are being cancelled (eg Splendour in the Grass) because costs are too high and nobody has any discretionary income. They sounded worried.


IMO it’s because the Boomers/Gen X are mostly property rich and don’t really care

If inheritances/family wealth allow the next generations to be insulated then it’s possible there’ll never be enough support to stop this

Actually it should probably be the base case

It’s up to Europoor countries to prove great replacement can be stopped, they don’t have much to lose

the arborist

Of course. It’s always the fault of boomers (and now X). In a few years time it’ll also be the millennials fault. And after that, gen Z.

Blaming generations is such tiresome and pointless nonsense.

You really think gen y & z are going to do anything positive at all? Good luck. All generations are the product of their time. None of them are good or bad. They’re just farm animals to the elite. It’s like chickens blaming cows for being slaughtered and eaten. Pathetic.


Gen z and y are worse

yimbys are the future and theyll get what they want in some form

ofc it wont deliver on anything, but it wont matter

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

The majority in every generation is still voting for LibLab but their reasons are different. It’s the Boomers’ fault for voting LibLab for muh economy/house prices, it’s the Millennials/Gen Y fault for voting for LibLabGreen for muh wokeness.

Sure, even if they stopped voting for those parties then we would still have some sort of WEF approved ruling party in charge, but Aussies haven’t even taken that basic step. At least in Europe they have new parties like Macron’s thing because their version of LibLab died.

Australian generations have a massive wealth and cultural gap so it would be stupid to act like they’re all the same and voting for the same reasons.


Australians have a pretty much communist tier sense of collectivism. If you act too ‘individual’ you can sense them getting very uncomfortable. Some of the biggest sheep outside North Korea.

A fly in your ointment

that is an excellent observation, quite apt


The YIMBYs can’t even bring themselves to mention migrants when it comes to landlords hoarding properties.



If someone unironically used the word “savvy” in my presence, I think I’d be compelled to punch them in the face.

Gruppenführer Mark

“Snapped up” is my fav /s


Already had the faggot muted.


nearly got mugged by two random boong adults (around 1/2th abo) walking around the deserted main street this evening

no one else was around and one of them approached me and demanded i give him money that for some reason was “owed”

i started walking back slowly as the other one sort of circled around to get me

they started following closer and closer and eventually i just turned and sprinted away as fast as i could and they didnt chase

fuck that though

it aint fuckin safe out there esp when theres no other people around

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

I thought you were a fat cunt?


its a joke

Last edited 6 months ago by stagmal

Oh so you do have a penis then?