Albanese announces plan to reduce violence against women by requesting High Court of Australia to release more foreign criminals

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has announced a plan to combat violence against women, by requesting more violent criminals be released from immigration detention.

Albanese said he was working closely with Jewish refugee lawyer David Manne and the High Court of Australia, following the home invasion and bashing of an elderly woman in Perth by an Iranian released from detention last month.

“It’s quite clearly white Australian men who are perpetrating this scourge and it’s only fair that we release these men who have been held in detention due to blatant racism,” Albanese said.

“These are men from India, the Middle East and Africa that have had their visas cancelled and from cultures where exemplary treatment of women is a core tenet. It’s only fair that they be let out to lead by example. This whole shitshow will get me through to the next RBA meeting at least.”

Albanese said he would also be looking at expediting Indian migration with a subclass of visa explicitly for Indian men, guaranteeing no extradition if charged with rape.

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Aussie Soy Boy

Four Corners was nuts. Basically 45 minutes about shitty parents who don’t want to raise their spastic kids properly. The next generation truly is fucked if these are the people raising them. Chinese and Indians will eat their lunch.

One kid must have been 8 or so, the mother is homeschooling the kid even though she’s a dummy who would have barely graduated from high school herself.

Goes to the kid’s room, open the door, kid on the bed playing with his ipad, mother asks what do you want to learn today, he just keeps yelling nooo nooo nooo over and over until she meekly gives up and he goes back to playing on his ipad for the rest of the day. The camera shot also shows the little kid has his own desktop computer in his room which he’s later mindlessly playing Minecraft on.

How about, if you don’t want to do school work today, I take the ipad and computer away from you for a week. If you do it again after that the ipad goes into the bin and I cut the cord on the computer and TV as well.

You only have to do it once. How fucking dumb are these parents?


How fucking dumb are these parents?

Not as dumb as people that watch four corners?


Yeah 4C use to be the last half decent current affairs show on TV, but even it has simply become another msm narrative enforcer doing little genuine investigative report. There is now honestly no reason to save the ABC imho while SBS should have been closed down years ago.

A fly in your ointment

Not as dumb as people that watch four corners?

…and those are dumber than those who watch programmed television broadcast


whats driving the autism explosion is late births. every generation is getting born a little later than the one before it, now women are delaying child birth into their 30s and even 40s and this is resulting in the proliferation of autism, downs syndrome (though downies are often aborted) etc like we have never seen before in human history. its simply unhealthy and probabilistically more likely for a woman (and a man – sperm quality declines with age too) to have a mongo child of some kind post peak fertility age. look at barron trump, the donald’s latest and youngest child, both parents were too old and — BAM — autism, same with the infamous chris chan too.

we have spent so much time demonising teenage mothers and men who say they are attracted to younger women and now we’ve got an army of NDIS addicted speds as a result of it. its infinitely healthier to have a child at 16 than 36. the amish have very few autistic children and its bc they marry and have babies early.

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal

Downs syndrome risk is known to increase with age, autism is not so clear cut. It’s correlated, but age is said not to be the main cause. A lot depends on what papers you read. Not settled science.


wow, could actually be, apparently it may only explain a small amount of the increase in autism, the information i was going on is now out of date. and it seems to be more linked to paternal age rather than maternal (possibly proxying life history speed in autistic males?)

the whole rising autism thing remains a mystery

Last edited 4 months ago by stagmal
Gruppenführer Mark

It’s too hard to be firm, teach and practice discipline. Which creates the never-ending cycle of gimme cause I deserve it. I came across this today.

Aussie jobseekers warned of ‘complete fallacy’ after young woman rejected: ‘Bosses don’t like it’

Long story short, this US-based chick has shit all over her face, including a spider, which is absolutely normal and is called body art. But, surprisingly, can’t get a minimum wage job at a discount retailer (minimal customer-facing role). But, as Australian recruitment expert explained,

“If you’re going for any sort of corporate kind of role, companies still do not like to see visible tattoos and piercings,” he said.

“They just don’t like it. They don’t think it’s professional. I think people are sometimes intimidated by it.”

But of course, the unfortunate lass had her own words of wisdom to retort the expert advice

“Just because I have tattoos doesn’t mean I’m not going to be a good worker,” she said in a video.

“Like, I just I do not understand that at all. Because quite literally some of the most smart, intelligent people I’ve ever met are people with tattoos and piercings.”

But wait, there is more. As another masthead reports, this Only Fans star, who is described as

The 23-year-old is heavily tattooed with dark Satanic imagery and has at least 11 piercings on her face including her nose and cheeks.

Imagine when OF gig pays less than minimum wage. Maybe tattoos are an issue…


My nephew being a case in point – a complete loser who as been totally enabled by his Mother. The guy is late 20s, hasn’t had a job since he quite McDonalds as a teenager, still hasn’t finished Uni, lives at home with his parent and girlfriend and spends his time making gaming videos with an audience of like 16 people.

His Father at least has been trying to get him to move out for a couple years and launch his life, but the kid dued is a wastral – he actually views his parents house as being 1/3’rd his!!! Views completely reinforced by his mother.

If you want to know where feckless weak men predominantly arise from, its from dominating, all consuming mothers and weak husbands who allow themselves to be brow beaten into agreeing with everything their wives demand.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie
the arborist

And don’t forget all the young men being raised without a male role model at all – weak or otherwise. They’re also being raised by indoctrinated female school teachers. No wonder many of them are messed up.

Also, I’d be curious to see statistics (if they’re available) on cases of female teachers having sex with students. It seems to be happening a lot more in recent times but that’s just based on what I’ve seen published on news websites. Given the way women tend to behave these days, I’m inclined to believe the issue is increasingly common.

I found this data on youth self harm interesting.

For some reason, the data on suicide is not categorised by gender (I suspect it’s mostly males), while the data on hospitalisations from self-harm is (spoiler – it’s mostly females). Am I being too suspicious or are they deliberately obscuring the male suicide figures while making sure we know that females are harming themselves in greater numbers?


Raised by a deadbeat single mother on welfare, like Albo you mean?


>Chinese and Indians will eat their lunch.
Some will. Most won’t because ezfka is a country of mafias where if you are in a certain club you are basically guaranteed to win (like the cfmeu, or high up in the finance sector) and most people are too retarded to see it.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying what’s left of the old ezfka rather than working your arse off to tread water or very likely go backwards.

Agent 47

Tl;Dr version


yup though to be as fair as possible this whole thing is a beat up like we have never seen before. theres been almost no meaningful upsurge in the rate of DV at all even with the demographic shift, this whole b.s came out of absolutely nowhere and is being pushed by someone with an agenda. a country with a murder rate lower than 1 / 100,000 (would be even lower w/o abos, who commit about ~25% of the murders in aus) that i think is actually *declining* YoY still for various reasons suddenly has a violence crisis, okay, this isnt astroturfed as all fuck.

Agent 47

Agree. As the second last paragraph infers I would not be surprised in the slightest if the rba hikes rates next Tuesday and he knows it, so cook up a distraction.

I don’t think they’ll hike but IMO there is something else going on that he’s trying to draw attention away from.


War on Women is among the most vintage of center left political distractions, we probably have the Bondi stabber to thank for dealing this card to Albo.

The problem is that violent criminal and woman are both protected classes in Australia so resolving DV is like the unstoppable force versus the immovable object. Judges don’t get to make a decision in respect to victims but they can always choose their natural inclination to do absolutely nothing to punish domestic abusers since punishing anyone for anything less than murder is wrong in 2024.


Yup as I said the other day Labor’s election strategy is now apparent – they’re going to weaponise female neurosis over the random acts of male violence.

This is an ‘empathy meme’ that they are going to run with to the next election in order to monopolise the female voters attention to an issue, which as Stagmal correctly points out, is and endemic issue and one, which as Drago has pointed out is actually on decline.

’Violence against women’ is going to be used to drown out all other issues – issues that actually have a chance of having real world solutions – like housing affordability and immigration.

It is a strategy every bit as cynical and dishonest as Labor’s us of Brittney at the last election to be the manufactured lightening rod to weaponise female empathy and neuroticism.

Real political problems are going to be ignored in order to fuel and weaponise the angst of the matriarchy.


and is being pushed by someone with an agenda.

And in news at 4…
something else being pushed bt someone with an agenda.

It’s all being pushed by an agenda. The trick is knowing which one and why.


The Teal Karens are back !!!

Good old super grifter Simon Two Dads in the background doubling down on his solar and wind investments…


She’s right, every time I watch a funny gambling ad and then some porn jerk I automatically have to punch a woman.

Take away those things and I’d be fine…

Aussie Soy Boy

Smash her!!!


They are really playing up this Bondi stabbing, it’s obviously an extreme outlier event and is responsible for 7 of the female murders this year, take that event away and the numbers look way better. It’s clear as fuck to anyone who watched the videos the attacker was not targeting women, it’s just the men fought back.

There is clearly no “endemic” but the question is what are we being distracted from?


There’s a new Brit cops and baddies show which probably reflects AusPol. I used to enjoy these, gritty and flawed characters, plausible plots, good results, bad results and so on. In this new show the first scene is 2 police chaps snogging. Second scene, black police lady doing all the work. Third, Downs Syndrome witness. Normie-free show which is what comes out of the BBC these days. I wonder how they’d go arresting this chap and what they’ll charge that poor lady with.
Meanwhile Hobart needs to change it’ name to Hyderabad.
Must have inherited the seat from Dad


Yeah my missus liked watching the BBC detective shows, and for a while it was something we’d watch together even though I find detective/crime shows derivative and always pick the ‘who done it’ in the first 5 minutes.

However over the past couple years I’ve just had to stop watching it for these exact reasons; Protagonist is always a hard working black woman who suffers vague micro-agressions from those around her which she stoically has to put up with (apart from letting the audience know through her onscreen camera wincing), while all the bad guys are white geezer boys as opposed to stabby niggers. Last night varied it up a bit and the psycho white guy was troon – which is the latest thing they try and weave into these stories.

For the sake of my wife’s television viewing enjoyment I no longer watch these shows.


Read somewhere about the characters of the teen show Heartbreak High have been ‘updated’ by the ABC:

Character: Rechner is new to the main cast of Heartbreak High in season 2, playing Rowan Callaghan, a country teen from Dubbo in New South Wales, and is new to the school. Rowan identifies as bisexual/pansexual 


Character: Zoe Clark is a new character to Heartbreak High in season 2, an Indigenous student and leader of the “Puriteens” group at Hartley. Zoe is opinionated, ambitious, and prying

Character: James Majoos plays Darren Rivers in both seasons of Heartbreak HighDarren is a queer and non-binary student 


Chloé Hayden as Quinn “Quinni” Gallagher-Jones: Chloé Hayden plays Quinni, Darren’s autistic, lesbian best friend in Heartbreak HighHayden is an activist in the disability rights movement, and Heartbreak High is her first major role


Thomas Weatherall as Malakai Mitchell: Thomas Weatherall appears as Malakai Mitchell in Heartbreak High, a bisexual Bundjalung (Aboriginal Australian group) basketball player 

Will McDonald as Douglas “Ca$h” Piggott: Ca$h is an asexual eshay, drug dealer

Gemma Chua-Tran as Sasha So:Gemma Chua-Tran plays Sasha So in Heartbreak High, a Chinese-Australian lesbian and Quinni’s old flame. She’s outspoken, individualistic

Sherry-Lee Watson as Missy Beckett: Sherry-Lee Watson plays Missy Beckett in Heartbreak High, a bisexual Indigenous student 


The only white straight person is an ‘anti woke’ PE teacher or something. I expect they’ll write an episode where he fiddles with the kiddies.

This is the standard of shit EZFKA taxpayers fund…


IMHO it is blatant grooming.


That’s some repugnant shit, right there.


LGBTI diversity high


And talking about violence, Australian Story featured the young Plibersek, aged 15, and her first relationship blues. Underage sex, underage drinking but it was all the boy’s fault. Nobody asked where the parents were. Anyway, bad white boy, who, at trial, was convicted of assault but not jailed and found not guilty of other charges, which rather flies in the face of the allegations. And poor young Plibersek had to go into the witness box and answer difficult questions, where, I suspect, it all fell apart. Now she’s surrounded by other self-identifying grape and violence victims, all with posh accents, private schooling and progressive views. It’s must watch, on mute, to see all the little future Labor voters.


Now she perpetuates the cycle of abuse on all Australians


Judging by her appaling choice in husband and partners and her own miscreant offspring, her choice in who she chooses to fuck remains as poor as ever…. which honestly is half the problem with DV – the appalling choice of women to pursue relationships with “bad boy’s”, as Stag’s Atomic Black pill brings home.


Heading towards an immigration election where both parties run on cutting immigration and neither party will actually do it should they get in.

Actually that’s every future election, forever


you might get a real cut down to 250,000 and that will be the end of the current immigration ‘debate’

Agent 47

Cut to 250,000 a month

Aussie Soy Boy

How’s MB’s cash rate call looking?

Gruppenführer Mark

Greens are racist! At least in Scotland. Maybe there is a chance to elect a Scot now.

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf resigns, setting stage for leadership battle – ABC News


Listening to that fat Paki sand nigger Mehreen Faruqi tell the court that you can’t be racist to white people, makes me want to track her down and…

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

And for your entertainment pleasure! This skit is terrific.

Is This Country Song Racist? | Key & Peele


Mmm…. only in so far as it is demonizing a form of music associated with white people and basically building a straw man around non-existent songs to make its point.

Country music isn’t racist – black people simply don’t exist for white country people. This is just brown fragility attacking a form of white culture because they don’t exist in it.

Gruppenführer Mark

Stewie, it is a collection of stereotypes. K&P do very well making fun of stereotypes, of any and every flavour.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and there is not an agenda under every jew.


I gather that and it was amusing, nor was I implying that there was an individual Jew behind it…. however the fact remains that it is normalising the dissing of a bastion of mainly white culture, and stigmatizing it as racist.

As to the cultural forces that have created a sufficient groundswell of brown angst that they feel as though they can label an entire music genre that basically isn’t about them as being racist, I think I’ve written enough here previously to suggest where the real problem lies and yeah Jewish cultural emnity plays a big part of it.

Anyhow, yes it was amusing but at the same time it helps popularise and perpetuate a false misconception, and for that reason comedy or not it needs to be commented if not called out.


Anyhow, yes it was amusing but at the same time it helps popularise and perpetuate a false misconception, and for that reason comedy or not it needs to be commented if not called out.

Speaking of which, I was recently listening to some Neil Diamond tracks (takes me back to car trips with my parents). For those not familiar with his background Neil Diamond actually worked the country scene for a while, which seems quite incongruous for a Jew.

But then I listened to the lyrics of one of his songs… and while it was funny, once again the enmity shows through:

You’re so sweet,
Horseflies keep hangin’ ’round your face
Kentucky moonshine
Could never take your place
And your eyes
Could give me goose bumps down to my toes
Feel like the only rooster in the hencoop,
And I guess it shows.
Mary Lou Jane (oh Mary Lou Jane)
Oh what a fine name (what a fine name)
And you’re nothing like them females
From Dover City
(nothin’ at all)
Front teeth missin’
(hee, you got your front teeth missin’)
And that’s fine for kissin’ (oh, feels so good)
You’re more loyal than my dog Sam,
And twice as pretty (and that’s goin’ some)
You’re so sweet,
Horseflies keep hangin’ ’round your face
Kentucky moonshine
Could never take your place
And your eyes
Could give me goose bumps down to my toes
Feel like the only rooster in the hencoop,
And I guess it shows.
I can’t forget (oh, no)
When we first met (first)
Well, it was bull wrestling time
At the county fair rodeo
(or is it ro-de-o)
And I almost cried (wept)
When you took first prize
(first prize, sweetheart)
You just looked them critters in the face
And down they’d go
(they never had a chance)
You’re so sweet,
Horseflies keep hangin’ ’round your face
Kentucky moonshine
Could never take your place
And your eyes
Could give me goose bumps down to my toes
Feel like the only rooster in the hencoop,
And I guess it shows.
You’re so sweet,
Horseflies keep hangin’ ’round your face
Kentucky moonshine
Could never take your place
And your eyes
Could give me goose bumps down to my toes
Feel like the only rooster in the hencoop,
And I guess it shows

This is basically a song laughing at poor white Americans, and once again although amusing, the contempt is clearly visible beneath the surface.

Gruppenführer Mark

Read the article. Facts: woman found dead in unit. Man arrested at the scene, who was wanted on an outstanding warrant, is understood to be her partner. He is assisting police with inquiries.

Headline omits some of those details, though. Very misleading.

Can be the case of OD for all we know.


Diversity is our strength.

With the Unions and Government corrupt as all fuck, who knew the Infrastructure companies would be too?




The names. How unsurprising.

When you import the third world, the imported people dont become first world, your country becomes third world. Every time.

A fly in your ointment

you think convicts wouldn’t do it, if they knew how to?
this is the LOL of the day.


They would probably get away with it and it wouldn’t be called corruption but lobbying or introducing or some shit

Takes some brains to find ways to be corrupt that watchdogs don’t care about


At least some of our institutions are still sufficiently functional to identify and prosecute this thieving migrants – the issue is that as dysfunction increases the likelihood of these cunts being discovered, let alone prosecuted, will diminish.


I’m pretty happy with the way this worked out. I feel that the justice system in Australia still works pretty effectively. In the end the only people that win are the lawyers, it’s in thier best interests to keep fights going. Never throw a rock at a hornets nest.
Brucey got exposed and probably became unemployable. Britt also. All in all it seems to me like it was just a series of shitty decisions while being drunk and horny. It’s happened to me before, I’m really glad I am on the path to recovery with my alcohol addiction. If anyone is struggling the Sinclair Mathod with Naltrexone is a new medical treatment and it saved my life. Would highly reccommend.


Sorry, just to clarify, I am not a rapist but have gone against my better judgement and stuck my dick in crazy whilst drunk and regretted it.


Is there a man alive who hasn’t put his dick in the wrong thing and lived to regret it, whether drunk or sober?


If I hadn’t fucked below what I thought I deserved I probably would never have lost my virginity. Substandard chicks are good training wheels.


“The bigger the cushion the better the pushin!”

Channel the spirit of Coming!


They were mostly cool with it too. I remember one guy I knew fucked this ham beast because he was bored with getting hotties.

My friend put on I like big butts and I cannot lie to put shit on me for being with a fatty.


I’ve taken a few home – they were usually wearing black, so when they stripped down just like the TARDIS suddenly they were bigger on the inside than the outside.


Once I did it out of pure trauma. Pretty good therapy imo.

ironic Boomer

Originally, what is known as the current Labor party was pro restrictive.
Here is a counter argument from the blue team.


Must speak Hindi.

Aussie Soy Boy

Would make a decent neighbour as well.


That first story…about the gay vet drinking dog semen….I really don’t know where to start.

Gruppenführer Mark

With a syringe, obviously


Well that cracked me up.


Yeah, that is completely fucked up.


My main is concern is any old karen cunt can whack a tracker on you.,measures%20to%20curb%20male%20violence.

>The new system will authorise police to fit an electronic device to an offender who breaches a domestic violence intervention order by committing a violent act or threatening to do so.

Looks like there’s enough of a buffer there.

A fly in your ointment

one small step for…. a giant leap for freedom abolition


Maybe. If they go too far normal men really will start killing I reckon.


It is all so tiring.


You won the bet. 🙄

A fly in your ointment

love a good sarcastic pun


Is this a follow on from the four corners report? We need more spastics for muh diversity!

I can’t believe this shit, in a few years there will visas handed out based on disability to increase our diversity.


do these ppl like abortion or dont they? they cant make up their mind on anything

Ironic Boomer

I don’t think it’s too late to abort albanese.


I can’t believe there is still downers and spastics. Id rather adopt a nigger. Maybe NDIS pays them 2k a week or something.


Breaking – Labor implement a ‘no fap’ policy.


I dont care what young boys do, but they better not try getting between me and my porn or there really will be a reckoning.

Gruppenführer Mark

You just might have to go back to Kmart undergarments ads, old chap.


Back to?

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes! That’s the ticket! Let boys, young, dumb and full of cum out on the streets!

They can fight the freshly released from immigration detention, this discouraging further immigration to the country.

Solves housing shortage, increases Murdoch’s print circulation and delivers exceptional profits to Serco.

Dutton is kicking himself somewhere.


So much projection in ezfka. If you’re a monumental cunt blame someone and or something else.


Is it me or is Labor wheeling out as many distractions as possible the past week?

As agent 47 said either a rate hike is coming, or potentially some other legislation is probably going to be rushed through..


Probably both – rate hike before July.


If only he’d listened to Albo and the screeching harpies

Man stabbed in head, neck and chest in shopping centre attack

A man was stabbed with a knife in the head, neck and chest by a stranger during an argument in a Casuarina shopping centre car park over damage to the alleged offender’s car, NT Police said.


Any bets on the ethnicity of the stabby chap?


Stabby fella in the NT – got to be a blackfella.


What are they distracting us from with all the DV hysteria?
You can’t give money to white people

Seems to be this US based trollop


$950M to defend women against toxic male toxicity. That’s a fair amount of distraction.

What shits me about all this is that it ascribes toxicity to men as a class. Rather than acknowledging that some men are mongrel bastards, just like some women, there’s the categorisation of all men this way.

It’s the “all men are rapists” bullshido all over again.

the arborist

And as per Agent 47’s earlier meme, it’s only the white blokes who are evil. All the africans, muslims and indians are most definitely not part of the problem and you’d be extremely racist to notice otherwise.


But remember you can’t be racist to white people apparently


Not all Muslims are extremists
Not all niggers are apes
Not all Chinese are CCP
All men though

So I don’t give a single fuck. I’m glad some of them died. Women going out of their way to bang violent scum and common variety thugs has done huge damage to the west. Which is a violent act in itself.


This is interesting. :

“The Noticer acknowledges, honours and respects the traditions, accomplishments, wisdom, and sacrifice of our ancestors – conquerors, explorers, warriors, pioneers, settlers, colonists, builders, inventors, artists, scholars, and visionaries among them – whose collective efforts over centuries gave birth to our magnificent civilisation.”


Holy crap – I just read this there!

25% of all public sector jobs to be reserved for imported shitskins.

These are supposedly ‘targets’ but we all know that targets quickly become quotas once Senior managements KPI’s are used to drive behaviour.

The actual Govt policy site appears to agree with the summation from the Noticer: (

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

One of the great contributions, if you can call it that, to Western society by our new Neo-elite, is the eradication of those sort of punishments due to so called human rights.

Rape a 14 year old and you are an animal who loses those rights – defend some pedo from having his nuts cut off, you’re an animal in the making.