Every single trans make everyone else a liar


Here’s another example of transactivists abusing society.

Expecting the whole world to act as if you are a women (or man) when you are clearly not is no different to asking people to say they love big brother, when they do not. Making someone call you a woman when you are a man, and they believe you to be a man, is making them lie. It is the sort of thing that happens only under extreme torture. It is subverting one of the most important social values there is: telling the truth and not lying. If we lose that, we fall into an abyss that will eventually include poverty, sickness and death for millions.

I have no doubt that that is where governments will get to if we, individually and corporately, are unable to get together and stop it.

The only way this stops is when their voices are silenced again. Let the bashings resume.

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A Fly In Your Ointment

The only way this stops is when their voices are silenced again.

Silencing never worked.

The only way this stops is by being pushed to absurd where compliance will make one obviously stupid. Like in tranny boxing.

If you want this to end, the first bit to do is to declare yourself something-something and then go to female toilet, ask for period pain leave, make your pronouns “dick and pussy”, identify as a Torres gay islander…. use their shyte against them.

There is a good reason why the lewd shyte is pushed hard in Cali and NY in US and then particularly in Canada and Straya’ moite! Blind compliance factor is over the charts there.


Silencing never worked.

And yet if it had worked, you’d never hear about it.

A fly in your ointment

Hence it is futile to try to do what cannot work expecting it may start to work…

the arborist

Yep. Do this. Tick all the boxes on forms. Declare yourself to be neanderthal, indigenous, female, non-binary etc. Take maternity and period leave. Claim everything.

Use their ridiculous ideology against them.

A Fly In Your Ointment

And here, in contrast, we have a genuine immigrant who killed a school boy in Victoria sentenced to ONE year in jail.


There are some differences in the cases. The Newcastle Bus driver was addicted to Tramadol, an opioid, but one which people become largely tolerant to especially if the addiction is long term.

The main difference seems to be his state of mind – the reckless disregard he supposedly had to his passengers well being…. but is that so different to Penina Lopesi where the Judge said:

her “inattention” meant she failed to “keep a proper look out for the road ahead” and failed to “properly steer the bus” around the crucial sweeping turn.

She then panicked and ran over the kid as the bus mounted the curb, because she mistook the accelerator for the break.

One could describe inattention as an adjective of disregard.

I’m not defending the guy, I think he should have been jailed for a long time – but are there so many differences in fact, in terms of the blame for the accident that it is worth 30 more years than Lopesi?

Both bus drivers imho were low IQ individuals who were ill-suited for their professions and were careless and inattentive with fatal consequences, yet one a natural born Australian sentenced to 32 yrs (npp 24) and the other, a female immigrant, to 2 yrs (nnp1).

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

…and just to highlight the bias in regard to search algorithms for the link that I used in the above comment

Despite reading the article earlier and knowing her immigrant background I couldn’t find it for ages using Google and this search query:

immigrant sentenced to one year jail sentence victoria bus killed school boy”

“sentenced to one year jail sentence victoria bus killed school boy”

The fact that she was an immigrant to Australia should be an important issue in respect of the news story and the ability of the reading members of public to LINK it to the world around them. It should be a searchable attributes.

People (like Flycrap) will say that it is irrelevant whether or not the individual is an immigrant, because of their blank slate religious beliefs. But such issues are important because, the reasons she was brought or imported into the country, the employment opportunity she took from one other Australian, her level of competence, training and experience as a driver are all influenced by this fact, and all contributed to the death of a natural born Australian.

Her imported presence quantifying diminished us, while the idiot Brenton from Newcastle, is an expression of the existing natural expression of harmful traits that already forms part of the baseline risks or diminishments that can occasionally be expected to be expressed or manifested out of our existing society. That he killed 10 instead of 1 was an unfortunate happenenst of chance.

What matters is the propensity for those involved to cause an accident, and this fact is being obfuscated by search algorithms.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

The only way this stops is when their voices are silenced again. Let the bashings resume.

I don’t think bashings should recommence, but I do think people should be forcibly committed to asylums – starting with all Trans activists.

They are harmful to general society, they seek to invade women’s spaces and they have higher propensities to commit sex crimes. But they also seek to promote their ideologies, which imho are harmful to society especially to confused kids in regards to sex and gender, when one is real and the other is a social construct by the mentally ill.

Not all Trannies or such will commit such crimes, they should be free to dress up in women’s clothing and strut around their houses, but if they should ever do such a crime then they should be committed to asylums and never seen in public again.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

I disagree. The law and the government cannot be allowed to continue to be the sole arbiters of what the rules are. They have proven themselves to be vulnerable to subversion. When “Democracy” forces people to lie, it has failed.

Gruppenführer Mark

I read Stewie’s musings differently. Once they are out of their houses and are advocating, nay, pushing their ways onto general populace, then this must be stopped. What they do in the 4 walls is their business.

Agree with you though. Governments cannot take sides, ideally, to support any view regardless if said views are for the benefit of minority over majority or for the benefit of majority over minority, as long as it is done in private.

Ultimate libertarian dream, eh? Your freedom stops as soon as it impedes mine.


They have proven themselves to be vulnerable to subversion. 

On that I agree!

It is fine to disagree too. GM’s interpretation is correct, I think eternal asylum is probably punishment enough, as they are imho mentally ill and although their illness may disgust me, I will pity them as I happily lock them away from society forever.

I would save the violence for those who truly deserve it – those who have enabled these freaks and rendered our political system little more than a democracy in name only between our fake left and fake right, which are little more than the two branches of the Globalist Neoliberal Uniparty.


Their being globalist or neoliberal (whatever that means) is incidental. At their core they are nihilist.


Nice post Robert.

I think what you’re getting at was expressed very well by the great Theodore Dalrymple:

In my studies of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is …in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A variety of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

The tranny bullshit, like lots of other obviously bogus bullshit, is designed to make us lie to each other to demonstrate the control that the state has over us, to cut off our balls and turn us into sheep.

I’m done with going along with it.


Yes. Spot on.

To assent to obvious lies is …in some small way to become evil oneself

My dream is that a group of competent and disciplined men get together and every time a tranny lists a case at court something terrible and unpredictable happens to them and any lawyer acting on their behalf.


Gruppenführer Mark

There is a much shorter quote that is attributed to Machiavelli but used by Trotsky and his followers. The end justifies the means.

I’d posit that in the modern history there were no communist societies. Some communes, maybe, but not societies. This was never attained on a grand scale. So the label doesn’t fit, therefore, the argument by Dalrymple is moot.

From memory, the true communist communes were formed by the Puritans in the what then was called the New World. Didn’t quite work out for them, until the Indian tribes (feather, not dot) saved them from starvation. Origins of Thanksgiving.

Didn’t quite work out for the Indians either in the long term.


I think it’s pretty clear that he’s talking about the societies that were/are governed by parties that call themselves “communist”. Communism itself is an unattainable fantasy.

Gruppenführer Mark

Sorry, mate, I read what is written, not what may be implied. “Communist societies” are just that, and they do not exist. Definitions matter. National socialism was neither. So is Federal Reserve, if we are at it.

According to Wikipedia,

Today, the existing communist states in the world are in China, Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and North Korea (DPRK).

I’d venture to guess that at least two of those societies governed by a communist party are doing quite well – China and Vietnam. Don’t know much about Laos, would love to go to Cuba. DPRK – I don’t know. I read all the horrors emanating from the SoKo, but I tend to take these with a grain of salt. NoKo is an enigma to me.

But back to the point LSWCHP made regarding the purpose of communist propaganda is to humiliate and force people to believe the obvious lies, the collective west is well on its way.

As to your initial post, agree. I again recommend you (and others) listen to Yuri Bezmenov on the subject of subversion, if you haven’t done so already. It’s fascinating stuff. 1 hour 22 minutes.


I’ve linked to Yuri many times here. Gold. One day I hope it will be part of the curriculum in high school history classes.


I’d venture to guess that at least two of those societies governed by a communist party are doing quite well – China and Vietnam

Yes but I always found it curious and intellectually lazy that economic efficiency was conflated with capitalism. Prior to free market capitalism, we had mercantilism and that did reasonably well too given the technology available at the time.

I think it’s a neoliberal position to define capitalism as being the most efficient since it removes opposition to all ‘captialist’ reforms and thus we must immediately sell government assets to ‘markets’ and shovel tax payer and citizen’s money into ‘markets’, especially when we ignore other economic variables: resources, land, population, intelligence, industrialisation, geography. All those factors seem more important than free markets to me since I can’t imagine any circumstances in which Tuvalu will become as rich as China regardless of how market based their economy is. I believe even Adam Smith advocated free markets only for non-critical industries.

I thought the idea of capitalist was not necessarily that it was the best, but because one had certain political inclinations. Just like free speech might produce lots of stupidity but a few gems as well.

Sorry for the long rant but this conflation of efficiency and capitalism has always irked me. Especially when we don’t even have capitalism since the government is constantly interfering all over the place.

But back to the point LSWCHP made regarding the purpose of communist propaganda is to humiliate and force people to believe the obvious lies, the collective west is well on its way.

I think we’re already there if judged in those terms. We don’t have the starvation of the former communist countries but everything else is in play

  • restriction on travel (why have you traveled there citizen? why are you more than 5km from your home?)
  • more surveillance than Soviet Union
  • no thugs that beat you up but police that beat you up and mysteriously evade conviction; they will kneel for rainbow people though
  • restriction on commerce and money transfers with governments inserting themselves between companies and customers with ‘regulation’ by unelected bodies (‘councils’ if you will), diversity requirements, super annuation
  • “misinformation” vs Political Truth and “far right” denunciations by The Party
  • meaningless elections between Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich, just as one can vote in the communist party
  • state media propaganda (thankfully excluded from misinformation laws)
  • propagandising kids with every gay thing they can think of, enviro bullshit and social harmony nonsense to keep people in their safe space
  • state subsidies for ‘important’ industries like steel banking and real estate
  • the female penis
  • it’s all for the revolution comrade your benefit citizen

The only difference I can think of is that communist societies were better educated and all religions were banned whereas in the West it’s only Christianity that’s banned. But then again, it was never going to be a complete repeat of history.


As I’ve said most people are just as bad as they are. I don’t think it’s a small evil. I’d give it a 7-8/10. I think the mentality is to be able to use the state to fuck over people they don’t like and have moral superiority whilst doing it. They’re bitter and wretched things.

Gruppenführer Mark

robert2013, appreciate the new thread. I have a couple in draft but not quite ready to push the button. It is great that we can ponder new subjects.

A fly in your ointment

EU flucked itself silly

Arnaud Bertrand analysis on EU (Euro Utopia)

Read through foreword. To save ya’ll time, there are three problems in Europe:

1. Europe must close its innovation gap with the US and China, especially in advanced technologies.

Comment: sounds plausible but requires venture capital and engineers.

2. Europe needs a joint plan for decarbonisation and competitiveness. Quote:

Even though energy prices have fallen considerably from their peaks, EU companies still face electricity prices that are 2-3 times those in the US. Natural gas prices paid are 4-5 times higher. This price gap is primarily driven by Europe’s lack of natural resources, but also by fundamental issues with our common energy market. Market rules prevent industries and households from capturing the full benefits of clean energy in their bills. High taxes and rents captured by financial traders raise energy costs for our economy

Comment: turn the last remaining string of Nord Stream on, numpties! Without cheap energy EU economy is toast. German manufacturing is moving out elsewhere.

3. EU needs to increase security and reduce dependencies.

Comment: yeah, uncontrolled immigration was a stroke of genius. He laments about physical security threats in Europe, without naming the culprit. Dependencies he is talking about are around suppliers of critical raw materials, especially China. I can’t quite recall what two countries were ostracised by the EU (as told by the US).

Summary: platitudes, motherhood statements and wishful thinking. Wonder how much cash he got in grants to write this drivel.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Easy tiger… it seems you ascribed Draghi’s report to Bertrand who is actually making a critic of that report here. In essence, EU has made itself US’ bitch, own personal US’ bitch.

“So all in all Draghi’s report offers more of the same – policies that sound good on paper but lack the teeth to challenge the status quo. Until the EU is ready to make fundamental changes about its own governance, to develop a mindset of sovereignty and to rethink the strategic environment it operates under, reports like Draghi’s will remain little more than exercises in wishful thinking, leaving Europe perpetually playing catch-up in a game where the rules are set by others.”

No, I actually downloaded Draghi’s report and read through foreword.

A Fly In Your Ointment

so in your post you actually refer to Draghi under “Summary: platitudes, motherhood statements and wishful thinking. Wonder how much cash he got in grants to write this drivel.”?

Mario Draghi got lots of cash to write that drivel.

Bertrand may not be the most voracious critic of EU or Draghi but he spots the important bits.

Yep, the whole post was about Draghi, not Bertrand.


Came across this:

Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation? 
Is it just hysteria being built up as part of the republican election campaign?

This video features Piven herself:

She seems like the sort of useful idiot (Lenin’s term) that Russian psy ops were targeting back in the day – leading to the new left of the 60s as the McCarthy era wound down.

So I find the theory persuasive, but what’s really missing is the detailed person to person chronicle of how these ideas have spread and taken hold in the minds and institutions across the west, particular the Anglosphere. I suspect that after the fall of communist parties in Eastern Europe in 1989, this post-modern neo-marxist nihilist bullshit began to atrophy. I suspect its renewed vigour, especially, after 2010 or so is thanks to increasing Chinese psy ops and funding in the West.


I suspect I am running out of links before the bot thinks I am spam.

If I’m right, the end of the China boom should create some opportunities for nation rebuilding.


I use to think the Cloward-Piven Strategy was unlikely to be a serious policy pursuit. But in recent years I have gradually pivoted to it being one of my baseline models in terms of understanding what is going on in the world.

“…but what’s really missing is the detailed person to person chronicle of how these ideas have spread and taken hold in the minds and institutions across the west”

That was the question I asked myself once I started trying to trace back the ideas or origins of the values and beliefs that have transformed our societies so much in recent years – the mechanism of course is culture. After that it was a matter of just tracing it back to the culture from which it sprung (gender ideology and the gender spectrum is a good example)

Diversity has long been used as a weapon by tyrants in order to act as a tool of social oppression. The fact that through ‘word magic’ it has been transformed into something of beneficial connotations is also highly indicative of that social spandrel’s origins too.

One of the videos linked in the ZeroHedge link did a nice job of explaining who “They” in terms of the entities that mainly form those pushing these policies originate from are. However he did of course not mention the cultural well springs from where these ideas ultimately are sourced.

His lens was mainly first order, where they are expressed – not where the ideas are formulated from. So while he did a good job of identifying what “they” are, he didn’t do much of a job of identifying “who” they are.

Once you understand that “they” hate us and who “they” mainly are, in terms of controlling the entities mentioned on that chaps black board, then it pretty much explains everything. Basically the Cloven-Piven strategy fits well within the my model of my world view of where the overarching cultural blame lies.

Last edited 4 months ago by Stewie

Culture doesn’t just happen. It is passed from person to person, power broker by power broker, sycophant by sycophant, weakling by weakling. Those are the links that I want uncovered. The maintenance of the doublethink cannot be achieved without resources. If it’s not the Chinese it’s someone else. Just like radical Wahabi imams in Malaysia, Indonesia and the west were funded from Saudi. Without the money flowing the weaklings drift off and find another teat to suckle. I don’t believe the delusion is self sustaining.

A Fly In Your Ointment

If I’m right, the end of the China boom should create some opportunities for nation rebuilding.

This would be true if China boom was driven purely by chinese initiative.
Until manufacture is repatriated (= tariffs to protect domestic manufacture) and they are prepared to pay 2x as much for 1/2x as good build iPhone 16, China boom cannot stop.
Nation rebuilding will be possible only when Apple opens up an assembly (if not manufacture) plant in Melbourne’s West, etc…


It doesn’t matter what the level of volume is, but the direction. Chinese growth rates are not going back above 5%.

Gruppenführer Mark

It seems that way based on projections. But I am not so sure it’s a bad thing. Growth for the sake of growth, so a headline number is published, might not be such a good thing.

As the size of the economy expands, getting that 5% year in/year out becomes a daunting task. If a growing economy still rows in nominal terms, but the rate of growth slows, I think is a better outcome than posting increasing numbers leading to something unsustainable.

Kinda like the US debt chart, which is starting to look parabolic. Debt service over $1T per annum (more than Pentagon budget). Adding $1T in debt every 3 months now.

As to China boom, I absolutely think it has a way to grow. EU with its ~500M consumers is dead, the US will continue to buy Chinese-made products, despite the reduction in imports, but likely via Mexico, whose exports to the US are growing. Plus China is well positioned to cater to a brand new unsaturated market in Africa, 1.4B people. Recall that China became what it is today by catering to its internal market which pulled ~500M people out of poverty and transformed the country from a largely agricultural society into a manufacturing leader of the world. Trading 500M EU consumers in a saturated market with failing economies (negative or near-zero rates of growth) for 1.4B new consumers on a continent rich in resources will ensure China’s continuous growth for the next 50 years, I think. Yes, below 5%. The US and EU would sell their left nut to be in that position.

Gruppenführer Mark

Double post. Previous had 4 (!) links so the spam bot ate it, for now. Second try.

It seems that way based on projections. But I am not so sure it’s a bad thing. Growth for the sake of growth, so a headline number is published, might not be such a good thing.
As the size of the economy expands, getting that 5% year in/year out becomes a daunting task. If a growing economy still rows in nominal terms, but the rate of growth slows, I think is a better outcome than posting increasing numbers leading to something unsustainable.
Kinda like the US debt chart, which is starting to look parabolic. Debt service over $1T per annum (more than Pentagon budget). Adding $1T in debt every 3 months now.
As to China boom, I absolutely think it has a way to grow. EU with its ~500M consumers is dead, the US will continue to buy Chinese-made products, despite the reduction in imports, but likely via Mexico, whose exports to the US are growing. Plus China is well positioned to cater to a brand new unsaturated market in Africa, 1.4B people. Recall that China became what it is today by catering to its internal market which pulled ~500M people out of poverty and transformed the country from a largely agricultural society into a manufacturing leader of the world. Trading 500M EU consumers in a saturated market with failing economies (negative or near-zero rates of growth) for 1.4B new consumers on a continent rich in resources will ensure China’s continuous growth for the next 50 years, I think. Yes, below 5%. The US and EU would sell their left nut to be in that position.


None of which is relevant for us. We sell dirt. China isn’t going to need enough dirt to keep our living standards up.

Gruppenführer Mark

Agree. Although I was responding to your comment re: China growth.

Gruppenführer Mark

And here is the link that I removed. China GDP growth rate, projected out to 2029.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Chinese growth rates are not going back above 5%.

they don’t need to.
As long as china can manufacture at cost/quality which makes any business stupid to repatriate manufacture, China will be the first choice for everyone

what opportunities do you think can end of china boom create to re-build the nation?


The China boom is over for Australia. They won’t be continuing to buy iron ore in such large amounts. Our terms of trade will continue to deteriorate. The cracks in our non society and value destroying urban economies will be exposed. This will generate discontent which could be an opportunity for nation re-building. Then again, what’s the point of trying to build a nation out of people who willingly gave away their families’ futures? They’d only give it away again when the tide turned.

A fly in your ointment

Ok, said like that it makes sense…

Local manufacturing is required for nation rebuilding. Disappearing of FIRE does not guarantee restoration of manufacture. No one wants to actually make something out of nothing.
I said many times, short of total economic destruction and rise from ashes, nation rebuilding cannot happen. Full belly syndrome.


It’s a movement that requires other people losing their rights in order to indulge the kink/mental illness of people who made the conscious choice to live in a way that makes them minorities.

There’s no amount of gaslighting from the longhouse of progressive politics that is going to convince a normie male that it’s ok for a bloke with a dick to be incarcerated in a women’s prison, use women’s change rooms or compete against women in sports.

If they want to be a women at home or in private with friends, fine. If they want to do it in public, it’s their choice and they should be offered zero in the way of concessions.


If you are interested in Neanderthals:

“The Thorin population spent 50,000 years without exchanging genes with other Neanderthal populations,” says co-first author and discoverer of Thorin, Ludovic Slimak, CNRS researcher of Université Toulouse Paul Sabatier. “We thus have 50 millennia during which two Neanderthal populations, living about ten days’ walk from each other, coexisted while completely ignoring each other. This would be unimaginable for a Sapiens and reveals that Neanderthals must have biologically conceived our world very differently from us Sapiens.

I thought that was fascinating that two groups could live so closely nearby to themselves for so long 50,000 years! Without encountering themselves. The last sentence was interesting – was it really biological or was it cultural?

The Neanderthals must have initially spread out, because at one point they were found (never in great numbers) right across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. I reckon that only culture could be used to contain the natural inclination for expansion.

Later on in the article they hint at the real problem:

Knowing that Neanderthal communities were small and insular could be key to understanding their extinction because isolation is generally considered to be a disadvantage for population fitness.

Why where they small and insular? Culturally they were dominated by increasingly narrow selections of Y chromosomes. Just a few men and their sons dominated the tribes as they sought to maintain exclusive access to their harems.

This increasingly narrow Y chromosome diversity that I’ve read about in articles was probably culturally driven, and so too where the isolationist policies mentioned in the link. It gives some idea of how an extremist cultural Patriarchy and haram keeping is ultimately genetically dysgenic.



A Fly In Your Ointment

Gareth, a self-described “regular battler” from Auckland, shared confronting footage of police knocking on the front door of his family home in search of guns earlier this month.

Police said they were following up on posts on X – under the alias account name “Knob Oddy” – they had tracked back to him.

They said the posts displayed “an anti-government, anti-police, racist attitude” that often promoted “violence towards minorities”.

In a document served to the dad by NZ Police’s Firearms Safety Authority, they declared him “no longer a fit and proper person to be in possession of a firearm or airgun”.

“The inflammatory and antagonistic posts you have created have the potential of inciting or inspiring violence against those that are your targets,” they added.

One post in July allegedly spelt out the word “n*****” with cats, while another allegedly showed pride flags rearranged to resemble a swastika.

Under the guise of anonymity, police allege he also wrote that Maoris should “need to apply for licences to have children” and “gays shouldn’t be seen in society”.

“Women will tell you there’s no reason to hit a woman. This one needs to be buried alive,” police allege he wrote in April.


youse guys are flucked as soon as they eyeball this web page… I can alrea imagine LSBTQ guy with all his licences suspended and firearms taken away.
All done to youseselves by youseselves….

Ironic Boomer


Parties in the government of Sweden talking about remigration, even if only increased financial incentives.

Meanwhile in ezfka we get government censorship bills.

Gruppenführer Mark

Good find. Sweden has been in hot water over immigration for a while. Unlike Australia, (or the USA, or Canada, all immigrant countries, melting pot and all that), Sweden was a homogenic society until the fairly recent influx of migrants that are not blonde blue-eyed Viking types. They have a genuine problem.

Sweden’s reputation has fallen from welfare-state model to warning example

Foreign-born citizens now account for 20 percent of the nation’s population

Officials are perplexed by crime, economic threats, deteriorating education

Present-day Sweden carries the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of gangland killings in Europe. It boasts the lowest average age of serious offenders, with children in their low teens being arrested for murder. Increasing segments of suburbs are officially classified as “especially vulnerable areas,” where it is “hard, bordering on impossible” for the police to operate. In layman’s terms, these are no-go zones, where local clans rule and where first responders will not enter without flak jackets and police escort.

So this action to talk about repatriation can be one of two things: talk by a politician to show the wider populace that their voices are heard, only to remain talk, or a genuine change of policy. I vote former. After all, Sweden did just join NATO, so they seem to be moving towards club membership, not away from it. From your article:

While remigration has not been a focus of government policy so far, that is changing, Forssell said. “We will return to that issue,” he said, quoting Denmark’s plan, which pays immigrants to return to their country of origin, as one solution to consider. “[I]t’s clear that it’s an important issue for Sweden and for this government.”

And here we are: “We will return to that issue“.

Fun fact. Sweden donated two of its reconnaissance ASC 890 AEW&C aircraft to Ukraine not too long ago. And last week, during a strike in Poltava on a military training facility specialising in drones, electronic warfare and the like, a lot of foreign “instructors” and military were killed and wounded. Total loss was, from various sources, in 500 to 700 range. A swarm of NATO medivac flights from USA, Germany, Romania and Poland were registered, evacuating dead and wounded. The entire top level of SAAB military was rumoured to be killed (~15). And, lo and behold, a day after FM resigns.

When Swedish PM Ulf Kristersson presented his re-formed government on Tuesday, in the wake of the surprise resignation of Foreign Minister Tobias Billström last week, a renewed focus on dealing with migration seemed apparent.

I think this repatriation is just talk to soothe the populace and divert attention away from Swedes dying in Poltava, something they already had been familiar with, compliments of Peter the Great in 1709.


Poltava. I’d heard about Mr Iskander visiting the Swedes there and was wondering why the name sounded familiar.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Hope remigration begins here.

If appropriately remunerated, for well educated and experienced people it can compensate for the loss of fun in life and allow a re-start elsewhere.
With every day this cuntry caters more and more for Uber-delivery people and savvy RE investor types – not a good place to be for skilled.

so… skilled are incentivised to move to greener pastures, xenophobes get the preservation of convict culture…. Fluck it, it’s a win-win situation!


You’d be hard up to find anywhere that isn’t controlled by robber baron pigs and their useful idiot lefty unholy allies.

Gruppenführer Mark

North Korea! No robber barons and their useful idiots!

But there is a nuance.


Yeah the balance was right between 1950-1995 or so. The years we’re supposed to think were total shit or something.