
I got invited to a wedding in Georgia. Long story as to why and how, but am going, and I realised I know next to nothing about the country. So I went about looking for information, and it is fascinating. The culture, the food, the sights.

I did the google street view thing (staggsy) and here is the image of the tour bus.

Apparently, they love their wine. There are varieties that are not grown anywhere else in the world. It is not unusual to have a clay pot dug into your basement that will have ~500 litres of wine, a year supply.

It is a place of significant culture. Georgians have places of worship built in 6th century. Apparently, it is one of the first Christian areas in the world. And being between Persia and Turks, they had a significant influence of the Islamic world onto their Christian tradition. Pic below, that I stole, is of Jvari, built in 586-605, a world heritage site.

It is a very proud country. They hold their progeny in high esteem. You might know one of them – Stalin.

In short, I look forward to my trip. I really want to get to know the place and the people.

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A Fly In Your Ointment

a friend of a friend rode a bike to Tehran, via Turkey, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Made some videos and I saw lots of raw material. People everywhere are rough but genuinely helping and interested. Everyone wanted to assist and partake a small role in a stanger’s adventure. Not sure they would experience the same back in the Europe.

Georgian green tea was popular in soviet-landia. The real deal, the one that is steam-boiled and then drank out of small shooter-like glasses. Makes you tremble and hands shake if not used to a large caffeine dose.

Tnx for reminding me of the wine, I heard a lot of it donkey years ago but could not land my hands on a bottle. Time to restart the chase.

A Fly In Your Ointment

During my adult life in South Africa, I had subscription to the Wine of the Month club where MasterCard would prepare a box of 12 wines, all corked, from a variety of producers. In more than a decade (12×12 = 144 different wines per year) I have not tasted a bottle that was not pleasant or at worst a decent company to a well aged steak.
For Contrast, a supposedly high end import from Portugal I tried once was undrinkable. I was told it was over-aging.
Not all wines are made to age. I guess Georgian wines are best as current or previous year label.

Aussie Soy Boy

I only ended up only having one bottle of wine in Georgia. It was an amber wine about $7 for a bottle but good. Took it back to the cozy guesthouse I was staying at stuck it in the freezer to chill it, polished it off with 3 beers and half a bottle of brandy (it wasn’t Ararat but a Georgian brand). Restaurants and bars all seem to have cheap homemade brandy or chacha as well which I never got around to drinking, but did order a carafe of homemade white wine at one of them and it was only a few dollars. It wasn’t very good, but I polished it off of course.

A fly in your ointment

The only thing to possibly improve the experience would be having twin Georgian girls (or is it spelled ‘Georgous’)
to “polish it off”


Based. I enjoyed Bald and Bankrupts vids from the eastern bloc. Looks like an interesting place to travel to except the cops might try to make you bribe them if you are driving.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’ve been to Tbilisi and Kazbegi. The drive to Kazbegi is absolutely stunning (Kazbegi itself is beautiful and great hiking too) and you must do it if travelling in the warmer months (in the winter the highway can be cut off for days or weeks I believe).

The Georgians themselves are a bit miserable, uptight and almost entitled (they think they’re European lol and there’s a lot of ‘fuck Russia’ graffiti everywhere). Some of the most sour and seemingly uneducated people I’ve come across in my travels, but it didn’t really bother me it’s just an observation. You just give it back to them. They are a low IQ people.

Armenians are very warm and hospitable people. The drive to Yerevan was stunning as well going through mountain passes, seeing old Soviet villages in the distance, going past Lake Sevan.

The food is really good in Georgia it’s all hearty stuff. I would order a few dishes a couple of beers and it would be about $30, and could only finish half of it. Probably enough for three people, but definitely enough for two.


Pretty much all the gov travel warnings are the same
And don’t forget Russia. Russia, Russia! Enjoy


Safe travels.

And meanwhile, Trump lays it on the line to Starmer.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Uggs are american anyway (check wikipedia), Vegemite is a vegan based Marmite or Bovril, Pavlova is a knockoff of french meringue dessert…. even houses are cheap knockoffs of english master wood-home building.

Perhaps a cork hat, as one truly unique practical fashion accessory of Strine Ockers, the real Aussies of the second wave.


While the darkies of the world were fingering themselves over food and taking it easy the Brits were creating the modern world and making the most profound leaps in civilisation of all time.

Do darkies always eat rich food or do you often have steak and chips etc?

A fly in your ointment

Stake and chips is for reject poms. Steak and roast potato.

With every ‘civilisation’ cometh the shyte food eventually.
It’s like a bell curve, from poverty on the left to the dusk of civilisation on the right.


The food is pretty good its one of the essential components for the jewing. Not everyone has a taste for alcohol etc.

Another essential component is overpaying meathead and wog tradies who act as an unwitting Praetotorian guard. Who could otherwise be crushed under a sea of darkies but then the jew would be alone on top.


I heard a story a few years back of some foreign (maybe Aussie) skin instructors who were hired to work in Georgia. They were hounded off the slopes by the locals. Good on em.

the arborist

I’ve finally come around to commentbot’s way of thinking. This video changed my mind.

A Fly In Your Ointment

it is baffling the amount and depth of self denigration level needed to arrive at the point in time where one cometh across a video like this on YT.

I doubt I could find the video without a link to it.


Wrong thread

Last edited 11 days ago by Stewie

It is interesting the enormous outrage that Carlson Tucker has triggered, and Elon amplified, by his retweeting of Carlson Tucker’s interview of Daryl Cooper.

Their meandering discussion that has touched on many topics – including WW2 and much of the Dogma that is associated with it, that the Nazis weren’t the incredible irrational monsters that through Dogma we are forced to accept, that Churchill was the more malignant leader of WW2 in terms of accelerating and prolonging the war – the outrage!!

The discussion on how Churchill was a big Zionist, who when he went bankrupt had his debts bought by and was bailed out by Zionist Jews was something that most people are unaware of (and which is something I too only recently came aware of earlier this year).

The conclusion of the interview, relating WW2 to what is going on in the Ukraine today was also the final really interesting out take. Curiously it echos what has previously been discussed here in EZFKA, but so offended the dogmatic beliefs of certain poster here

or here


While Candace “Christ is King” Owens sometimes allows her feelings or religious beliefs to override rational reason e.g. some of her opinions on Creation vs Evolution, she certainly speaks a lot of truth in regards to her opinion on Zionists and the existence of Jewish supremacists.

Here she absolutely demolishes Rabbi Shmuli who is a Zionist Rabbi and a follower or the radical Rabbi Smerscheson (ca’t be fucked looking for the correct spelling):

Candace rightfully recognises that there are supremacists in every race and culture, black, white, Indian and…. Jewish.

The question is just how big (or small) the percentage% of supremacists exist in each of those groups…. 0.5%, 5%, 50% or 100%

In terms of Jews in Israel, despite the protests against Netanyahu I’d say close to at least 90% are either outright Zionist extremists or hold some strong views that could be described as supremacist if the same judging criteria that is applied to say white supremacists were also applied to Jewish supremacists.

Outside of Israel I would think the portion of Jews who are supremacists probably starts to decrease – with one exception…. anyone who identifies as a Zionist.

IMHO anyone who identifies or supports Zionism should be viewed as a potential Jewish supremacist and questions definitely should be asked about those who hold positions of authority both within our media (i.e. social narrative) or within Government actual control over our society.

These are not imho unreasonable views to hold – indeed I consider them to be prudent and responsible. While I personally have seen received considerable flak for holding them, it is reassuring to see that these views and opinions are starting to break free and circulate further into the wider community…. even if that is a simple as the vaguest of head nods of agreement by the likes of Piers and other mainstream commentators.

the arborist

Agreed. And thanks for sharing these very unfashionable points of view.

Meanwhile, here’s a silly but accurate two minute video on the history of civilisation.

Aussie Soy Boy

The aborigine in Big Britt is really coming through. Impulsively buy something then sell it in a fire sale a year later because you can’t pay your bills.

the arborist

I’m very impressed by India’s state-of-the-art military power.


As everybody knows, riding a motorbike atop a ten foot ladder is a key warrior skill. Imagine the amount of training time that they didn’t waste on weapons and tactics while perfecting these martial arts!

Only in India would you find people who think this is anything but laughably absurd.


The one rotating 360 degrees on her belly looking through a pair of binoculars was the height of absurd

Yeah – that was the same one that had me guffawing with laughter!

Envious of your trip – would be great to explore that part of the world. It has a great history and many spectacular sites. Are you just limiting yourself to Georgia or are you going to include any other side jaunts?


Well if it becomes unstable and they start to consider you being a liberal western agent you should be able to point them to this site and convince them in short order of your baseness.

Aussie Soy Boy

You will be fine in Armenia. No boongs or Sudanese gangs in Armenia. It was not long ago I was there. Yerevan is safer than anywhere in Australia, and the people very warm. In the minivan to Armenia I was sitting next to a couple of young Korean girls who had spent three months travelling through North Africa, the Middle East, then Georgia and Armenia, so you will be fine if little Korean women can tough it out. I can only imagine the harassment they got in Egypt. Don’t listen to the Georgians they don’t travel to Armenia.


“State of the art” motorcycle formations, according to one of the ridiculous commentators. WTF could that possibly mean?

the arborist

Imagine being an Indian nationalist / supremacist. Imagine being proud of shit like this and thinking your race is superior.

Imagine the state of the place without the English role in their history.

A fly in your ointment

As everybody knows, riding a motorbike atop a ten foot ladder is a key warrior skill.

Bet anyone that without yanks’ support, current local violence licence holders (military) would have their arrest whipped by the coolie cookies on bikes

A fly in your ointment

Arrest -》 arses


The air pollution…fuck me dead. Just breathing outside would be like smoking 2 packs a day!


I think this is what fatty boomsticks dr demography is gunning for

>The University of Canberra’s annual report reveals predecessor Paddy Nixon’s package was $1.8 million in 2023 compared with just over $1 million in 2022

Never heard of this Paddy Nixon he looks like a generic nerd faggot.


Hopefully the next RWNJ who goes postal targets University Chancellors instead of a bunch of imported rageheads – it is the professional class of grifters like the Chancellors who are getting obscenely wealthy clipping tickets and adding no value to the lives of ordinary Australians.


I agree these people are beyond nauseating and disgusting. A whole new word is needed.

the arborist

Not just adding no value – but actively subtracting from the quality of EZFKA lives by lobbying government for more useless invaders.


Bill Shorten was one of Labor’s few remaining union men. While never a worker himself, he was genuinely interested in representing workers’ interests. With demise of the CFMEU at the hands of the post modern nihilist party, Bill can see there’s no interest in workers’ interests there. Might as well make some good coin before retirement. Wages are about to nosedive for everyone else.


Yeah I always kind of respected him, one of those old fashioned stinky melbourne cunts that got me my $6.90 dinner money in the early 90s when I worked at target doing the thursday night shift. I always thought that was a bit generous but I was just a dumb kid.


otoh he created the ndis whicg is the biggest tumour ever


I thought the LNP brought that one into being.


Shorten is a social climbing publicity hungry little turd.

Got away with raping a woman when he was on a young Labor weekend. Kathy Sheriff.

After studying Law he must have got a massive chip on his shoulder because he didn’t practice. He went straight into politics. Never had a real job.

He identified a local branch of the AWU which was run by traditional union types (who actually worked) to take it over. They were old school actual union blokes ripe for the scamming, silly buggers went around serving their working members.

Show Bags bought a Collingwood jumper and went to a Collingwood game with a clipboard and signed up “new members”. He then used their names to vote himself in as leader and took over the branch.


Oh wow. That’s quite a different story, and the cynic in me believes, but I went to union rallies and heard him speak. I liked what he had to say. He seemed genuine.


All aboard the next gravy train, $4.7 billion to combat domestic violence. I’m sure Porky Higgins will find a cushy role in there somewhere, the rest to be spent on man-hating initiatives and promoting the lifestyle of women with penises.


Albo invites Leibler to a private dinner at The Lodge, no email correspondence or briefing on the dinner:


Russia may be announcing the BRICS currency, backed by 40% gold and 60% national currencies

Russia and China have a strong incentive to create an alternative to the US dollar system since Russia has been exiled from it and China has that Sword of Damocles hanging over them too

A fly in your ointment

If it wasn’t brics it would be sumtin else.
Natural succession which cometh from a common human trait: hubris – which destroys any fiat of the highest order.

Once out and about, there will be war, thereafter peace and prosperity for a while

A fly in your ointment

Just apply for period pain relief and when questioned you respond “are you implying that I am not a woman” then watch them sweat….

I’d effin liv to go back to employment so that I can fluck them silly with gender bender shyte.

Ironic Boomer

Don’t agree with everything this woman says, but mostly do here. Votes for women chastity for men, apparently.

Watched in Qld as the so called ‘affirmative consent’ feminist idea was installed with basically no legitimate debate or counter. Scotland was pointed at as some legitimate reason, ignoring that Scotland is a shit show for this and tangents related things.


Qanda is on tonight and its about housing. If you feel like having a spew. Of course 3 of the 4 panellists are the most worthless fucks imaginable. Dumb evil Labor bitch, dirty wog Lib, and that Kohler faggot.


I look forward the the 3rd party synopsis – I rarely watch the news least it trigger me… I doubt I could make it from the couch to the TV in order to turn it off before going nuclear watching Q&A.


I probably won’t watch it. Just another bit of propaganda to keep the plebs at bay and nullified.

Ironic Boomer

Same old. Immigration a sacred cow. Some immigrant made out like he was being personally attacked while some middle aged lefty woman sitting behind him thought the sun shined out of his arse. Kohler said the government doesn’t control immigration and that it was ‘demand driven’. Some inner city faggot with glasses was upset about the recent cuts to student visas. Peter Tulip was on there quibling about negative gearing, declaring it only puts up house prices 2%. Some guy in the crowd had a Sydney Yimby t-shirt, I only watched about a half hour I’m not sure if he got to ask a question.

Vanguard and Blackrock have been given the green light to become mass landlords. Labor woman says this is more effective than landlords being random individuals. I guess thats a reasonable point in the current jewy context. Assuming they can make housing more like McDonalds and every other corporate well oiled machine. But I won’t hold my breath.


So just the usual ABC performance ceremony – designed to say we’re not ignoring the issue, while stacking the discussion in favour of the existing narrative.

Until someone goes berko in the audience and gets ejected we all know that these sort of discussions are nothing more than narrative control – the rejection of the question asker in Ironic Boomers link is an example that confirms this was nothing more than narrative management.

You can control the narrative most of the time, but not all of the time, eventually people will start rejecting it as people in the states are starting to see now that Cheney has sided with the democrats:

Tucker Carlson was quick to point out that this shouldn’t really surprise anyone, because we are witnessing a political re-alignment where the old lines of demarcation between Democrats and Republicans are being swept away and replaced by a delineating question of “are you a globalist, or a nationalist?”

Or as I say – without Nationalism, Globalism exists unopposed.

This is what needs to happen though, the Uniparty and its media lackies need to be exposed for what they are and a true opposition needs to take form.

Ironic Boomer


‘The reason given was that Mr Knight, 30, works as a political adviser for an independent upper house MP in the NSW Parliament.
But his ban comes after a Greens campaigner was last week allowed to ask a question on the show suggesting that international students were being unfairly blamed for the housing crisis.’

Of course during the Viet Cong shaming session and after, the question goes unanswered.



Last edited 6 days ago by Stewie
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