Dutton announces plan to ban Australians from housing market to protect foreign buyers

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has revealed a new pre-election housing policy, by announcing a permanent ban on Australians from purchasing property to protect foreign buyers.

The policy has received universal support in both houses of parliament and features exemptions for all MP’s, property developers, migration agents and celebrities.

“This will ensure the housing market remains strong and the dream of home ownership for young people from China and India laundering their parents’ cash is within reach,” Dutton said in front of a Sikh temple in Harris Park with Indian PM Modi.

“I’d like to thank Harry Triguboff, Maury Schwartz and Nigel Satterly for their tireless work on putting this legislation together and ensuring GDP line continues to go up.”

All listings on realestate.com.au and Domain are now only available in Hindi, Mandarin and Tagalog as part of the new policy.

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A fly in your ointment

A group which by far more wants foreign buyers to prop up their ponzi fueled wealth is the existing owners and mortgagees.
Imagine every Aussie suddenly losing 80% of their ponzi wealth and owing sheetload of money for worthless dog kennels.
They form symbiosis with major RE players.


Global citizen bogans. Butter chicken pizza!



Did anyone really believe we’d ever get these subs in the first place? MAGA means keeping the subs and Boganstan’s money.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Pedo gets a serve of what he deserves daily. Government rushes to his protection and reduces his sentence.
It seems that “few good men” are true convicts.


Jonh Carter explains feom Mars why bringing women into a profession will destroy it.


He is correct.


Some good links in there, but I’d hesitate to extrapolate much. Every country in the work, femmo or not, is breeding less. I therefore think feminism is a primarily a symptom not a cause. The bigger problem is that there are too many people in the world. Urban living is bad for most people.


Just saw an ANZ ad featuring an AfrIcan black and his white missus. FFS.

A Fly In Your Ointment

reflecting of impending reality.
All youse grankids will be brown and black…

They’d feature a poojeet but unlike big black impalement with pleasure, no women dreams of little brown ones


“All youse grankids will be brown and black…”

You really are such a stupid little man – that is not how will work.

If you want to know what Australia will look like then look to other MultiEthnic shit hole societies; Brazil and India are good examples. At the top will be white people, or the people with the lightest skin and at the bottom will be the browns and then the blacks.

My grandkids won’t be brown or black, because that will be low status – only loser whites will miscegenation with them…. probably your own sprogs if you have had any. The only thing Australia will lose is a society that is largely free of clan and class – we will become a stratified, low trust nation, like every MultiEthnic Multicult society is.

My grandkids aren’t gunna be brown – chances are their gunna be white, what I morn for the loss of is the fair and equitable society we have today… but I only care because the value placed on such empathy is currently a particularly identifiable ethnic and cultural trait of the society that you are cheering the death of.

That legacy trait, that empathy and care for people outside of my immediate family, clan or caste will fade in time – and when I see hostile foreigners, people like you, I suppose that is a good thing.

Last edited 3 months ago by Stewie
Gruppenführer Mark

Tend to agree. Mixed race couples, say, in the states, are mostly limited to fat white trailer trash women with ghetto blacks or fine white women with black pro athletes. In Australia, from what I observed, it is usually white dudes with Asian women, not black or brown. And whiteness does play a role in societies.


People without any culture – those who’ve been told that there is no difference between the races and accept it unequivocally…. like our de-cultured Eastern European interloper. His grandkids, assuming he has any, are much more likely to be brown, because he’s a blank slate theorist.

I tell my kids it is fine who you fall in love, love is love – but just beware there are issues, genetic fitness is lower, you will have less in common genetically with your kids than a stranger on the street, they stand a good chance of thinking differently to you, potentially radically.

The expression of regressive genetic traits means just because your nice exotic boyfriend or girlfriend isn’t a typical representation of that population group, doesn’t mean those traits won’t be expressed in your own offspring – do you really want that?

Things you should think long and hard about, instead of passively observing happy, fake mixraced couples advertising Mazda’s or Car Insurance, which is where idiots like Fly gets most of his cultural awareness from.


Islanders often end up with sub par white women. Seen two obviously femmo and cunty women with a nog and a poo. Saw a young teen hotty with a teen nog the other day. Me and some other bloke were pretty shattered.

I wonder if white women have ever chosen very well, as a gen xer certainly not in my lifetime. Its a country that generally rewards thuggishness masked as some sort of salt of the earth working class hero thing.


Women are like the land, there to be colonised.

As far as female population groups and racially outward facing relationships and conjugations, white women in general are actually fairly conservative with only East Asian women less likely to form inter-racial relationships.


Yeah the culture is setup in the early teens and the women gravitate towards it like heiffers. Its easier and more fun. Good for a lot of whites that being a RAM driver pays well enough.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Tend to agree. Mixed race couples, say, in the states, are mostly limited to fat white trailer trash women with ghetto blacks or fine white women with black pro athletes.

If your wife is slope, is that a mixed race couple?

Where there are large communities of relatively different appearing races and it is possible for majority of one race to find and copulate with a peer of the same race, it is natural for them to look that way and to outcast the deviation. Not the case where another race is just a minority (i.e. paradoxically krauts) or where majority is an offspring of a mixed race. With strategic import of blacks, elected immigration officials of Aus can change skin appearance of aussies in 3-4 generations. One step at the time. After poojeets and slopes, African Africans will be then next group to be vacuumed for excessive immigration. Impending reality.

All women dream of “a bigger one” but will settle for something which barely fits. A simple fact of life. To think that one’s wife is different is naive. Naivety sometimes brings life with less worries.


Heaps of 6 foot 2 plus guys these days. If you got that you are pretty much a shoo in. Whitey focuses on this while the insects amass.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Spartan, nice.


I’m on the goldy atm. It feels like early 2000s Sydney. The coast has turned to shit price wise so they’re doubling down on how tough and Aussie they are and kind of looking to fight each other.

If people are looking to invest for say 10-20 years might be a good time to find the next Castle Hill in QLD the locals are gonna be forced away to somewhere.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Springfield Lakes.

Is just not too much Ipswichy and just as far away from Brisy, not too difficult to get to GC, no floods.
Hinder area too


Has a train line also.


Walking through Sydney I increasingly feel like a giant.

I’m just over 6′ but I swear the height of the average gimmigrant we’ve imported is barely 5’…. the lower classes in the future in Australia will be short, brown, ugly and fat.

Height, like white skin will most likely become even more of a status symbol.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yep, same here. Spent a couple of days in Coogee, you should have seen all the white talent after the races.

In a different part of Sydney now, lots of Asians (Chinese?) and I’m tall!

Oh, and an adorable scene of a young and fairly attractive caucasian couple taking the pram out for a stroll. With their cat in it. WTAF?

Last edited 2 months ago by Gruppenführer Mark

It’s funny you mention that. I’m 5″ 11′ so around about average and I always notice when I get out of Sydney that I am said average ish height for a bloke, instead of being taller than 80% of other men in Sydney CBD.


I feel pretty average even though I’m the same height. Heaps of whites mog me and well shitskins are only a generation or two away from matching it. I think the height is unsightly and awkward. Good if you’re a RAM driver or a security guard but it’s too individualistic and opportunistic in a time where togetherness is much more important.


Heaps of whites mog me and well shitskins are only a generation or two away from matching it.

Ignoring SSH’s who are subject to different evolutionary paths than the rest of the world, I would say in general not.

There are exceptions, like Persians and some Indians – but look at the ones who grow and they almost all are of Aryan stock in some form or another. Not all height markers are on the Y Chromosome – but you get some.

The parent group to the Aryan Y haplogroup being for European, Persians and Brahman Indians originated in Siberia/East Asia and also spawned Mongols (in terms of most of the central ‘stans’), some East Asians e.g. Indigenous Japanese and North American Indians, all of which are much more closely related in terms of their Y chromosomes to Westerners than to practically everyone else.

In general Dalits, Semites, Arab swamp dwellers (marsh arabs) and all the Indigenous races of South and Central America just don’t have the polygenic frequency for height – they will forever remain a short squat people.

People mistakenly think better nutrition will always lead to higher average heights – this is true to an extent, but it is bound by genetic capability.

Nutrition in the West was until recently fairly poor, especially in the cities. But Europeans were only recently and for a relatively short time into relatively poorly nutritious (but easy) activities like farming – like only for 3-4k yrs. Prior to that we ran cattle across the steeps, and drowned in protein.

Stereotypically 6′ tall strapping Australians from the turn of the 20th century heading to fight in WW1 were only actually returning to the same average height that their ancestors use to be, when they were running cattle across the steepe. Likewise with women folk from those groups.

Dalits, Indonesians, some abo groups, South Americans aren’t going to turn into 6’1″ behemoths – because they’ve NEVER been 6’1″ behemoths – they’ve always been short, squant, dumpy people. Sure better nutrition might give them an inch or two more than their grandparents, but that is about it.

To become truly taller would take several thousand years to raise the distribution and frequency of polygenic attributes associated with height across their population group… or simply cross breeding with taller races.


Yeah well height is good for getting your end in but it doesn’t to take control of the money printer or media.


Well I’m 6’4. My sons are 6’7″ and 6’6″, so they’re gonna be OK.

And my first grandchild is due in December. He’ll be white.


Your boys will walk around Australia like the Nephilim…. they’ll have the imported brownoids and Fly’s mullato miscegenated grandkids bowing down to them like Gods where ever they choose to wander.


When is it gonna end? At the rate were going blokes will be 10 foot by 2100.


Nah – as per my previous post last night, all that has happened in the West is that the proportion of potential height that is determined by nutrition and health has now been maximised.

People’s height in the West is now purely a genetic matter and they will be unlikely to get much taller unless it is specifically selected for, genetically, over the next couple thousand years.

LCWCHP’s boys are tall because he is tall and his wife was either tall too, or she was average but had fairly tall brothers (male variability hypothesis has stronger expressions of various traits in males).

Ditto for much of the developing – world. In general nutrition has been eliminated or greatly reduced as a height variable. They are already taller than their grandparents, but are unlikely to get much taller than they are, as they are already pushing against their genetic upper bounds.

5’8″-6’3″ foot is the usual range for most R1a related population groups when nutrition is not an issue, while 4’8″-5’8″ is the upper bounds for most of the rest.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

My now ex-wife is about 5’9. Her father and both her brothers were my height, so your explanation fits the facts.


For the sticklers out there I erred slightly in not being specific enough while mentioning one haplo group only – Brahmans, Iranians are Slavs and some in the far East are mainly R1a, while R1b is most Western Europeans. The parent haplo group of them all originated in Siberia around 25k yrs ago, and is also the parent group of North American Indians, who are the Q family. But the broad point remains all 3 Y haplo groups are much more closely related than Dalits and Marsh Arabs.

Conversation was about

All youse grankids will be brown and black

That what I was talking about. Having a Vietnamese wife doesn’t produce that.

All women dream of “a bigger one” but will settle for something which barely fits.

And this? You’ve been binge watching pornhub again?

A fly in your ointment

All youse grankids will be brown and black
…was bc brown and black population will ramp up in the nest stage of excessive immigration, cortesy of elected officials.

Vietnamese … or whatever slope eyed… it is still a mixed race couple. (Not that I have anything against inter-race copulating and breeding).

And this? You’ve been binge watching pornhub again?

You should probably leave slingshitting to others here.
It is a pity that a general knowledge of women nature is often assumed to have been learned from pornography. There is ample information on topic on internet outside pornography pages.


Dude I know of is second gen gook. He went full nog rap culture, got a hotted up lancer and on the roids, got himself a fairly cute white girl. A bit thick but makes up for it with cuteness.

Probably not terribly common but its possible.

Also saw a literal tall nog with a little cute hapa or full gook the other day.

Zoomers are the first true kalergi gen. They are way better than supercilious faggot scum soy millenials so people generally like them.


Paging Stagmal:

I gather you spend a lot of time looking at IQ / race; are you able to point me to a book that states your case/beliefs accurately?


Follow Steven Sailer or Charles Murray (who wrote ‘The Bell Curve’) on Twitter. There are also some black posters who are aware of social and behavioural issues between races, even if they don’t attribute them fully to genetics, like @UsingLyft, and there are Jewish researchers like David Reich (although he discusses many of these issues circlurosly).

It is fairly hard nowadays to do simple search engine searchs on these topics and get straight answers that aren’t confounded or repointed in misleading directions.

Right up to around 2012 it use to be possible, but after that information started disappearing from search queries. I realised this because I was having the same arguments day after day with blank slatists and used that same search queries each and every time to take me to these articles. One by one the lights of knowledge and information started disappearing before my eyes in real time, as you had to use more and more precise language to return an honest search to now where it is practically impossible to have an unbias search returned.

If you want information nowadays, you can’t trust search engines – you have to go straight to the horses mouth. The people with the knowledge, everything else is passed through a filter.



Agent 47

Richard Lynn’s IQ and the Wealth of Nations also an excellent read.


bias in mental testing (1983)

Last edited 2 months ago by stagmal

Thanks for that and thanks everyone.

Will add it onto the queue.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Family’s tearful tribute after Qantaslink pilot’s ‘sudden, unexpected’ death
Imagine a scenario where a young person achieves a dream and only 2 years in career is his boss told him he had to comply or take a hike.
No need to imagine, apparently 95% of aussies have done it. Some even luved it.


it was a suicide, you stupid slavic cont. now fock off and get focked.



Gruppenführer Mark


And does it really cost $50K to get buried in Australia? Based on the go fund me target from the article?


I think you can get by for between $5-10k, a couple grand if you are cheap and just want Tetley’s Tea and Ginger biscuits at the wake.


I suspect his family is deliberately using a variation of the “died suddenly” meme in order to fleece the dopes who have been trained to read anything like that as “died because of vaccine”

Looks like it worked.

A Fly In Your Ointment

I suspect his family is deliberately using a variation of the “died suddenly” meme in order to fleece the dopes…

Pathetic; it seems you missed your bivalent booster/flu shot this year as your tool is blunt.

We the purebloods are not happy when someone dies of jabbadabba-itis but *fluck’em* if they wanted it, like you said for yourself. At best we feel sorry for weak and meak who did not want it but succumbed to their bosses demand. We are at the opposite end of spectrum from those who can be fleeced.

I feel sorry for the young pilot as it is likely that he did not want to be jabbed but they are easiest to be coerced, particualrly when he just achieved his dream. When that spudfucker boss ordered all pilots be jabbed, well, that forced him to enter the game of “who’ll be the next to kick the bucket”.

Tick-tock…. who will be the next to kick the bucket bc of suddendeathitis???


At least the media is reporting it and subtly saying don’t get the fucken jab anymore cunce.

A fly in your ointment

Reporting is read as per prior knowledge. Only unjabbed know why suddendeathitis occurs. Jabbed are told (and they believe it) it’s the prior covid infection or simply a new pandemic of a mysterious illness.


Well they managed to fool you into gleefully posting another young persons death and attributing it to covid vax, despite the links at the bottom of the page indicating it was a suicide.

A fly in your ointment

“When losing argument just double down”

You sound like you’re jabbed and boosted.
How does it feel knowing that your ticket can be the next one to be drawn?

“The link” at the bottom is boiler plate on every article where there is report of a death, stupid.
I never said he died of covid jab, just that he had to ne jabbed to keep the work. Judging from the report on him dying on the way to work…. poor soul, he got killed because the pressure from your kind, the guinea pig types. Youse killed him.


anyone else see those absolutely shithouse plans to build massive apts all over melbourne

honestly if i didnt thinkt he people in that shithole deserved it for their beliefs i would feel sorry for them

every city in aus is going to be an unrecognisable high rise hell hole in like 20 years time

A Fly In Your Ointment

Direct outcome of voting for excessive immigration parties …and every savvy domestic (or int’l) investor will be happy.
Everyone protests highrises but when presented with a possibility to enhance own wealth (on tft screen) such protest is swiftly brushed aside.


some absolute shitstain just comes thru here and downvotes everyone on the fly

fly by coward

face me cunt

Gruppenführer Mark

downvotes everyone on the fly

fly by coward

“Fly” used twice?

Whatever do you mean?


nah its not him hes being targetted by the rogue downvoter too

A fly in your ointment

Some cock sucka, and I pretty much know who it is.
But fluck, each minus gives me a hard on…. so… NOICE!!!

Why do you bother observing minuses and pluses? It’s a woke tool for ‘tools’. Supposed to make one feel outcast.
Oh, bah humbug

A Fly In Your Ointment

“Fly” used twice?

fly-by (flyby)

none is a reference to my avatar


Gotta love going from two storey terraces to 20 storey apartments. Totally in keeping with the suburb.

Castle hill is becoming like that new 20 storey tower apartments next door to some 1980s house on a 800 sqm block.


have you seen the one they built in box hill? its like it got transported from downtown hong kong into a 2 storey dominated street

A fly in your ointment

Every major train and metro station vicinity will become like Castle Hill.


I’ve yet to meet a person who wants to live in anything like that.

A Fly In Your Ointment

what if there is a mandate “for your own well-being” and your bosses said “It’s the highrise or the highway” for you, eh?



95 percent of voters deserve it. I’d love to stick a tower up when my mum dies. Everyone acts like theyre in Neighbours with their thongs and their RAMs then finger themselves when their ‘ouse prices goes up.

High rise isn’t necessarily a nightmare the goldy does it good imo.

A fly in your ointment

Goldy mage communities around the beaches loaded with bitches. You go up the lift to sleep ⁰but spend the day out on the ground level.
MelSyd makes solitary dormitories.
There is no life at the ground level of the high rises here.


There is a bit of community. I see old wogs playing cards at the coffee shop and millennials congregating at the park with their kids.

Some girls do dancing clubs. I wouldn’t even know I’m a shut in but theres gotta be some stuff occurring.

One of Spanians latest videos shows Sydney CBD and the Asians playing vidya and other pretty childish stuff. Admittedly better than chk chk boom skankiness and coward punch drunken thug culture.


Interesting watching the US rates action on longer term credit.

What’s being priced?


Yeah – beginning to think Gupenfuher and 90KW’s locking in their fixed interest may not be a bad move.



What I’m not sure of: Is the market seeing strong data and pricing the Fed not needing to cut as much? or are they seeing a Fed determined to cut causing inflation to return or remain higher?

Maybe it’s neither of those things.

Any other theories?


To date I think it has been more of the former, with the market seeing strong data and pricing the Fed not to need to cut so much.

IMHO it is hard around US election times to get much of a feel – information has been so politicized all around.

I keep coming back to the 1970s as a template for how this inflation genii will run its course now that it has been let out of the bottle.

Personally I don’t think Trump is going to put it back in the bottle, rather he’s going to encourage the other side of the Inflation equation, wages, and let inflation and price rises deflate debt burdens.

I think people looking for rates to return to pre-COVID levels of 2-2.5% to be sorely disappointed.


Totally. We’re only depending on how far back you go at the long term average as it is.

A cash rate of 3-4% longer term is perfectly normal and healthy IMO.

Last edited 2 months ago by The90kwbeast


Unwind of recession insurance is another theory going around.

I think that the latest desperate move down by Fed was just to kick the can down the road a little bit more. In the last three weeks, US debt grew by $473 billion. Half a trillion almost in 3 weeks!

US elections are 2 weeks away. Even Sportsbet has Trump winning. Per Zerohedge, Wall Street is pricing in Trump’s win as well – was going to link the piece, but ZH had made it for member’s only, yet it was free for all just yesterday.

In that case, there is no need to hold the economy together for longer, just blame the future outcome on Trump and hope to get back into the White House on the bones of whatever will be left of the American economy and society in 2028.

If Kamala somehow manages to pull this off, just play the normal politics, blame the Republicans (who will likely have both House and Senate).

In any case, I do expect the situation in the USA to deteriorate even further, regardless the election outcome, either as reported or as perceived. I think they might move beyond Jan 6 “insurrection”, BLM protests, Antifa and such. The country has lost the ability to have civilised hard conversations, either domestically or internationally. I half expect the next US President to be installed by the Supreme Court, too.

In case Trump makes it in, I’d go long oil. He will undoubtedly back Israel in its existential fight. Hell, Biden is putting in THAAD missile systems in Israel to defend from future Iranian attacks. This is the most important quote from the piece

Around 100 US troops were expected to be deployed to operate the system

So, active US boots on the ground. This will only increase. Trump, in my opinion, will make it happen faster. Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz, oil to the moon.

In case Kamala gets in, the printer will be turned up to eleventy. She already promised $20K to 1M black men, forgivable. Watch this to be extended to other men of colour, women, LGBT+++ to provide equity.

No return to lower rates. If we are lucky, defaults all around.


Interesting insights guys. Thanks!


Nah I didn’t fix.

My personal thoughts are 0.25 cut in perhaps March then another later perhaps August then that’s all we’re getting. We took forever to increase rates and you can see we’re perhaps 9 months behind the US for inflation to reduce.

Which means variable is still, just, the right call.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Government repeatedly ignored foreigner’s Medicare fraud, on top of the abuse of his wife
Those violent foreigners!!!

shyte, this one is a seppo…. move on, nothing to see.


Aren’t seppos foreigners?

A Fly In Your Ointment

Dunno, you tell me.
Judging by the way convicts try to imitate them – I guess not quite foreigners.


We’re on a place called EZFKA which implies the loss of a cultural identity of our own so it’s to be expected to see convicts aping the closest thing they see to a cultural identity, same as all the various immigrants try to imitate the convicts.

I want the seppos and their military bases gone – a straightforward conclusion for anyone who understands the notion of sovereignty.

Australia is a dumb country, like most countries, and long ceased to be thinking about the real world with geography, resources, history, science etc. We’re self absorbed media consumers working for our slave masters. Immigration will not solve these problems and just fuels grifters and division, possibly to the point of unrecoverable failure.

I get why you object to the racism but try and understand that it correlates reasonably well with expelling seppos to be able to form our own country; not my ideal but the immigrants aren’t any better than the convicts. Often as shallow and dumb as the convicts and often just as racist. See Faruqi.


Silver up 25-30 percent in a year. Suck it crypto niggers.

A fly in your ointment

LOL nice


When I first saw this I thought it was irrelevant. The gold bugs always push silver when gold prices are rising, but silver hasn’t been monetary for a long time. Then I came across this: Russia is starting to buy silver for reserves. https://www.zerohedge.com/precious-metals/silver-bomb-russia. Small amounts to begin with as far as I can tell, but interesting. Do you know anything about industrial demand for silver and whether that might be supporting this price rise or is it mostly speculative?


I use to be a bit of a Silver bug.

Historically China use to have the largest silver reserves, indeed it was its main currency as they had experimented with paper money before – long before the Fed came along.

Historically the Gold silver ratio use to stand at about 1:16, although it is now up to 1:80 or something like that.

Unlike Gold, Silver bullion stockpiles have mainly been exhausted around the world in terms of them being used as currency reserves. The main reason is that Silver is often mined as a by product of other base metal mining, Lead and Zinc deposits are often accompanied by Silver.

The last time Silver exploded was due to the Hunt brother’s trying to corner the silver market back in the 1970s…. they drove silver high enough that people were literally taking their old family silver and tarnish spoons in to be exchanged.

I doubt we’ll see another similar break out from a technical perspective any time soon, however that might change if Russia and especially China return to Silver. China in particular has previously had a strong cultural affination with silver, so if it makes any moves in that direction watch out!

A Fly In Your Ointment

Do you know anything about industrial demand for silver and whether that might be supporting this price rise or is it mostly speculative?

last time industrial use jumped was with batt use… long time ago and no other demand surging (it would be on the news)

Perhaps it was this:


Also gold keeps charging. The 10 year chart in AUD is delicious. Should have bought more in retrospect.


Bank of Russia keeps buying gold. The trade is to sell oil for yuan and then get gold in Shanghai. China opened up that window just before COVID. Iran doing it too. Probably others.



India has been buying silver like stink.

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes! Unless trading, gold/silver will do just fine, keep adding as you can afford it.

Here is a question for you. Platinum. What is the story?

As long as I can remember, it was valued a bit above gold. Then it fell below, and now trading at ~40% of gold value. Would platinum ever go back to parity?


No idea, if I was rich I’d get some of that and palladium and rhodium.

The place I go to the choices are looking a bit spartan, boring old kangaroos for $57. Second hand maples I would avoid because they used to milk spot until maybe 5 years ago. Don’t like that lunar asian shit. American libeties for $63. Last time I got a kilo coin it was $1200 now they are $1800.

Gruppenführer Mark

Liberties were my fav. Still have a few.

For gold, 20 FR Vreneli was the coin of choice, came across quite a bit at 3% over spot, which was a bargain for the size. That’s what was traded in to Perth Mint for house down payment. They had to cut every single coin to verify its authenticity.

I cried inside, these were beautiful coins.


Nice. I’d love some sovereigns. But with a standard 1oz gold now $4200 you need to be doing well.

Maybe we are at a point where a boring old 1 oz silver kangaroo is a bargain like a lot of oz propadee in the last millenium.


I do dream of the day of buying a safe with $200k of gold and just burying it somewhere

More practically the gold.asx ETF seems to be a more sensible option past owning say $40-50k privately

Gruppenführer Mark

And right on cue, ZH posts two articles on silver and palladium!


An example of how our civilisation is being bent over and fucked up the freckle without benefit of lube…


£840000 ($1.7M AUD) recently spent by the pommy gummint on research into how post war Europe was “built” by degenerate homosexual pornography.

These fucking freaks are mocking us, and being funded with our money to do so.


This only gets better when heads sit a atop pikes.


I like your thinking.


It’s English, but I’d settle for heads in baskets.


MB is down in case they’re lurking here and haven’t noticed yet


LMAO, on the ABC news homepage there are currently four headlines with the word Nazi in them.

The rampant rise of Naziism in Australia must be the number one issue in Australia right now.


The media is now female coded – SMH, Age, ABC, all stories practically written by women or fags, for women or fags.

Nazism is male coded, especially white male heterosexually coded (despite all the efforts by faggots in the media to try to fantasize them into being closet homosexuals).

Consequently nothing is going to make hysterical women in the media write about, and blow up to their even more hysterical devoted readers – than some male coded ideology that could possibly threaten their own power and freedom to destroy themselves and civilization.

The really ironic thing is that these “Nazis” have done more to bring attention to issues that really matter to real Australians, like rural job replacement with immigrants, or the 100 days of grifting by shitskin reffos in Melbourne, than all our estrogen soaked media has bothered to cover since that ranger got up in Parliament and gave her misogyny speech.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stewie

Same with the law courts. In Canuckistan they have gone so far as to make downplaying the HC a criminal offence, so you could actually get jail time for denying 6 million.


A truth can stand by itself regardless of any scrutiny.

A lie must always be protected.


Let’s not forget ABCs coverage of Lidia Thorpe.

Agent 47

Another High Court Challenge for foreign criminals incoming



Based former central banker is not impressed.



Yeah – the 50bp cut right before the election shows that their “independence” is only in one direction.


QLD elections results is more confirmation that legacy citizens are merely a bunch of boogan hoomers that suck off kikes.

A fly in your ointment

“but…. but…. but…. this voting will change everything!”

You put it nice and laconic.


I think it’s a decent measure of what the peoples are like. The only people having a good shot seem to be France, Germany and Italy and maybe the US. Anglos are officially gimps.

A fly in your ointment

The world is far far more than just a bunch of US suzereins and US itself.
Lots of cuntries have a good shot. I.e. Georgia is one of them (had elections last weekend). On an excellent track to rectify past and clasp the bright future


I am quite aware that having sovereignty and not being faggot scum or a fake patriot boorish fucktard is still a thing in all the other countries.


youse see any good movies lately


”The Substance”

Ultimately a bit of a monster movie or Dorian Grey style story, but lots of gratuitous booty and boobies in the film along with the gore.


I enjoyed the first 2 episodes of this show called Tires

Pretty non woke locker room humour. They called the two wogs in it wops and that something was gay I think.


I watched a new movie about Rodney Alcala, a serial killer that murdered women. I found it typical how she chose him on the dating game show instead of the guy who was becoming a doctor.


Pretty man hatey but not blatantly filled with DEI hires in the cast so it was ok and reasonably interesting.

A Fly In Your Ointment

Bandit (2022)
Josh Duhamel and Mel Gibson in supporting role. Elisha Cuthbert too.
Based on the life story of a Cannuck with biggest balls and more important with a aberrant high intellect for a northern American


Not a movie, but I started watching The Penguin and have been impressed so far. It’s a solid mob drama with good characters and they haven’t managed to infuse it with the usual nonsense, yet…


Yeah – that is proving to be a pleasant surprise, far exceeding my expectations.

You should check out “Slow Horses” it is a UK Spy drama with Gary Oldman, produced for Apple TV. It almost lost me in the first episode, as I thought it was going to go down with the usual BBC nonesense, but right at the very end of the first episode a twist came out that surprised me and made it quite watchable.

The amount of usual guff that remained was tolerable in the face of a good yarn and great acting…. they are up to season 4 so they must be doing something right.


Slow Horses looks really good. I’m definitely watching that.

Thanks Stewie

A Fly In Your Ointment

This place is dilapidating at an accelerated place.

None of ‘youse‘ type noticed that a slope who killed 2 slope hookers was on a visitor/student visa and is likely to be serving 2 life sentences paid by youse slope haters, and the rest of us
But hey, on a positive side, you voted for this!

A slope kills two women within 24 hours


Your dick is dilapidating at an accelerated place.

No Country For Old Wogs. What happens when everyone becomes a wog? Shrodginglers wog. Is there a wog? Or is it Tina Arena?

A Fly In Your Ointment

you’re roight, just 6 minuses. Below average.
need more minuses for continued erectile overfunction.
Imagine the place where we the wogs have to remind “haters” to hate?

why should everyone be wog?
to value happiness, men need sadness. If there were no other people, wogs would have no clue how good they were and would descend into same ole shyte westerners irreversibly did.

It’s Bruno Mars


“Outrage after magistrates trained to save immigrant paedophiles from deportation“


My wife was outraged when I read the details to her:

A “professional development day” for magistrates court judicial officers held last week was described by attendees as “disturbing”, and used a hypothetical example of a Vietnamese student who had repeatedly sexually assaulted an eight-year-old, the Herald Sun reported.

The magistrates were advised to give the paedophile a sentence of 11 months and 15 days to avoid triggering federal deportation laws which require the cancellation of visas of non-citizen criminals who have been sentenced to a year or more in prison.

Then she asked who could argue for this stuff?

I replies somewhat tongue in cheek saying ‘Wealthy Jewish Lawyers who have a cultural aversion to deportation laws after being kicked out of 109 countries”

Then I read further down the article as to who was behind the 2019 Vic sentencing advice that this training was based around:

Council Chair Professor Arie Freiberg, who was born in Israel before being allowed to move to Australia as a child, said at the time: “This review identifies, for the first time, the different ways that deportation might justify a lower sentence in Victoria, as well as some questions that, if answered, would make the work of the courts more consistent and predictable

Every. Single. Time.

the arborist

Noticing patterns of behaviour is anti-semitic. And racist and sexist. As well as all types of phobic (islamo, trans, homo, etc). Off to the gulag with you.

A fly in your ointment

Why forget xenophobic?

the arborist

The “etc” is there for a reason.

A Fly In Your Ointment

yeah but xeno- is probably the biggest and the most common/frequent

the arborist

Every. Single. Time. part 2

Indian community call for Diwali to become a public holiday in Australia

A report written for the Lowy Institute indicated that the inclusion of more public holidays celebrating various festivals is an appropriate way to recognise Australia’s diverse communities. 

Is anyone here besides Poochy and The Fly still in any doubt whatsoever about their malevolence?

Last edited 2 months ago by the arborist
A fly in your ointment

I bet if there was a referendum on yet another holiday, the 82% of aussie population with Convict or anglo origin would vote for it. Who can resist another holiday.

When are you going to realise it is your kind that flucks you for 7%pa growth?


How are you all trading the US election? I expect a small dip post election followed by a santa rally. My hunch is that excessive speculation in Trump’s favour will be unwound after the event. Buy the rumour, sell the fact. Could be a good buying op for Gold and BTC. However, falling AUD might mean it’s better not to wait and see.

I liked MB’s commentary on this over the last few days.



Yeah my feeling is that people mainly want Trump to win, as in their mind it represents a reversal of the Biden era, which in turn was an end of the Trump era 1, when they had it so good (comparative to now). Consequentially they are buying hope, without knowing what it will look like or how it will be delivered. Once Trump wins – if not before and Trump era 2 begins, I think the pre-election hope will fade and be replaced by uncertainty.


I’ve pretty much gone to cash. I might forego sone gains if the market goes up, but I won’t lose if it crashes. And that’s the thing (at least for me), because I have no idea how this will pan out in the short term.

I can’t be buggered sweating over it, so I’m sitting it out.

I say this as an old retired fart now living on his capital, so I’m very conservative, “return of capital is far more important than return on capital etc”. If I blow my dough I have nothing to live on for the next 30-ish years.

Whoever wins in the US elections, I think there will be a slump, followed by a rise, followed by who fucking knows? Too much uncertainty for me.


Don’t forget that a few months ago a Democrat apparatchik was in those hallowed halls on his knees like those blokes taking his mates cock up his arse.

That’s how much treatment the young liberals have for our institutions.

They despise us, and want us impoverished, then killed. And then our dead bodies raped.

Last edited 2 months ago by The90kwbeast

Racial Vilification laws are laws designed to police our language and deny us the ability to describe our emotive, lived reality.

Indigenous Australians get to say these words every day without repercussion – the policing of such language against Legacy Australian is bias racism.

I note that the “Justice” is a woke immigrant from South Africa…. he needs to go back to live amongst his fellow countrymen too, Niggers that they may all be.


Pauline probably could have batted smarter with her original tweet, but it will certainly embolden stuck on parasites like Faruqi

Another blow to the value of Australian citizenship for the majority everyone already here.

Oh well better keep buying investment properties as the top of the population sales funnel continues to be filled.


Shitskins are more ezfka citizens than whites now. Oh well the legacy citizen gimps love it…as long as they can have a RAM.

Saw a fencer with a RAM today. Shoulda been a fencer. Must be rocket science.


Not sure what you’re saying of course Asian/indian people are EZFKA citizens by definition


I mean they are above us in the pecking order.


I see yes I agree. The ANZACs honestly shouldn’t have bothered.

Can you imagine explaining to someone in the early 1940s that they are protecting Australia from invasion only to have the front door willingly held open by the federal government a mere 50 years later to all and sundry.

Is there honestly a difference?


I’ve always wondered what the case was with the Japs. Did they really want to try to conquer us or be mates?

A Fly In Your Ointment

they just wanted to see how big was their dik and was it bigger than the local one.
A stupidity which was probably studied in every military school across the globe ever since.


Yeah that’s convincing. Axis may have won if not for seppos. Attacking Peal Harbour was probably a huge mistake granted.


The USA would have been dragged in eventually anyway IMO

Gruppenführer Mark

USA blocked shipping lanes that were delivering vital war materials to Japanese. An effective economic blockade. Japan hit back, which gave USA the reason to enter the war against axis.

A Fly In Your Ointment

@ Gruppenführer Mark
usual concept of US’ false flagging, with an exception that this time round they left PH unprotected to suck in uber-slopes to attack and shift public opinion towards US entering the war with military might.

@ The90kwbeast

The USA would have been dragged in eventually anyway IMO

US could not have been dragged in; they had pecuniary interests even before the day 1. They just entered to protect their ROI


That’s what I mean. It was funny the axis powers were allied yet has little actual co operation leaving them open to divide and conquer.


That’s a very good question. I was at the Hiroshima peace museum recently and couldn’t complete it in time, but there is certainly a strong lack of self reflection and close to zero acknowledgement of their side in the war. Which at first is what anyone would expect for a museum but this was really next level.

I suspect ‘they’ as in the upper echelons of their government and in particular the Emperor at the time considered us a target by proxy of being closely allied to the US and UK.

The average Japanese citizen likely couldn’t care less what happened.

Of course it was insanity that the Emperor thought they could possibly win against a war with the USA + allies, with absolutely zero allies themselves within the theatre.

A Fly In Your Ointment

I see yes I agree. The ANZACs honestly shouldn’t have bothered.

Can you imagine explaining to someone in the early 1940s that they are protecting Australia from invasion only to have the front door willingly held open by the federal government a mere 50 years later to all and sundry.

Is there honestly a difference?

You’ve evolved since the first encounter and it seems that you perfectly understand who’s been swamping this place with more of the same.
I could only add that everyone seem to like it because they are now worth millions – on paper (but can’t afford fresh paint coat on their home)


We’ve been through this. If you knowingly game the visa system and by proxy a country to your benefit at every turn, how innocent are you really?

“Today’s ruling tells us that telling someone to ‘go back to where they came from’ is a strong form of racism”

I mean this literally isn’t racist…

A Fly In Your Ointment

We’ve been through this. If you knowingly game the visa system and by proxy a country to your benefit at every turn, how innocent are you really?

there is no gaming of the system if the doors are wide open and all elected parties promote keeping them open.
No one is innocent but then if doors are shut – the un-innocence of the slopes and poojeets becomes irrelevant as they are on the outer side of the border.
750,000 poojeets and slopes per year cannot all game the system. In fact those that game it are likely just a trivial quantity in comparison to those who are perfectly legally allowed to enter.

I agreed with this statement of yours which is actually what I say above:

The ANZACs honestly shouldn’t have bothered.

Can you imagine explaining to someone in the early 1940s that they are protecting Australia from invasion only to have the front door willingly held open by the federal government a mere 50 years later to all and sundry.

Is there honestly a difference?


Bunnings stuff is cheap. I painted me mums house with ching chong paint. Looks good.

Do wogs go to Bunnings?

A fly in your ointment

Soon homes will be imported from Slopelandia. Flat packed and painted, Ikea style. BYO Philips head screw driver, 5mm Allen key and a 13mil spanner


They could be ok. The competition isnt exactly fierce. Honestly I’d prefer plain old concrete commie blocks brutalism style with thick as fuck concrete.

But yeah nah I doubt it will happen tradies are sacred in ezfka so we can pretend we’re still aussies and shit, and they can bash you so that means they’re better.

A fly in your ointment

With the way home construction goes by ever redu u g the size, ready made homes ‘en masse’ may be a reality we get to see soon

Already is in certain other parts of the world. Prefab homes market leaders in Germany. These look pretty good.

A fly in your ointment

cheapest at EUR100k and the next from EUR200k up to 350k….
But bigger problem is that these are too big for Australian market. We don’t have space like Swiss do, so anything above 75m2 is superfluous.
Also quality is too good.


They look great. Won’t ‘appen though because RAM drivers and usury. Tony Soprano eat your heart out.


Aboriginals can organise and fight for their rights. We are unpersons.


To be fair the voice, thankfully, was flushed down the toilet where it belonged.


Emigrating looks more appealing every day.


“An isolated incident”….yet oddly similar to that Rwandan in Southport.


Just saw a story on ABC news about a shooting. Footage then cuts to a bunch of blacks fighting in the street. It looked like a scene from some shitty American ghetto.


Shootings, stabbings, street brawls, sledgehammer robberies, home invasions…all one and the same to our African brothers.

I keep a baseball bat, a short heavy hardwood truncheon and a hammer by my bed in case I wake up in the night and feel like playing baseball, or hitting something with a hammer, or doing whatever it is you do at night with a short heavy truncheon when you find people invading your house.

I think if I lived in Melbourne I’d put a few nails and bolts through the end of the bat and some Stanley knife blades embedded in the truncheon, just to be sure.

Thankfullly, things haven’t reached that level in Canberra, yet.


i thought it was a chinese name

A fly in your ointment



Well, stay clear of Chinese blokes named Deng too. They’re also likely to be cunts, though may not be as stabby as the dark Dengs.

It’s really is a very useful rule with multiple applications. All of them will benefit you.


The Missus had a few of her mates over for drinks and nibbles this arvo.

One of them says “You’ll never believe what Trump said…he said that Kamala Harris should be shot by 9 guns!!!!”.

There was much “Oh my God he’s a monster” squawking, and it was too stupid for me to bear so in my very deepest “listen to me now, woman” voice I explained what he’d actually said about Liz Cheney and her predilection for enthusiastically sending people other than herself off to war to be killed.

An awkward silence was followed by a rapid change of subject.

I really shouldn’t hang around these people. They’re too stupid to be alive. And yet they vote.


This is one of the reasons I’m a shut in. You just spent your afternoon with npc fucktards while I played vidya and had a nap.

A fly in your ointment

Skimming through titles on fakenews outlets and it seems they’re desperate to present the race as a neck in neck, thus it can only be that Trumpet is leading painfully (for them).

What’s Ur predicktion?
Methinks Trumpet will win by at least a 5% margin, probably by 10% if not more.

Trumpet will screw US in a way which is much better for the rest of the world vs. what cometh with the horseface.


No matter who wins I bet nuffin ‘appens. More of the same. If I was a seppo I don’t think I’d bother to vote.

A fly in your ointment

Trump will make America look great on the way down.
Kamella will just make America on the way down.


So the UK Tories, having been driven to electoral oblivion by their diminutive Pajeet leader have decided that they’ll have more success with a Nigerian woman.

I really have no idea what they’re thinking, but whatever it is, they deserve all they get as a result.

Gruppenführer Mark

Kemi Badenoch was born in Wimbledon, London. British through and through. What are you on about?


Her name is Olukemi Olufunto Adegoke.

Her parents were Nigerian, and they returned to Nigeria after she was born, and she was raised in Nigeria before eventually finding her way back to the UK.

She’s Nigerian. That’s what I’m on about.

Gruppenführer Mark

Mate, must I add /s tag every. single. time.?

Of course she is Nigerian.


Yeah, it would help. I’m an engineer, and like all engineers I’m a little on the spectrum. I sometimes find it hard to pick up nuance like irony/sarcasm in written comms.

Gruppenführer Mark

Fellow engineer here. An extravert though. I make some of my colleagues uncomfortable at times.


I’m not the only one who thinks so.


“From a childhood in Nigeria to Leader of the Conservatuve Party”.

Gruppenführer Mark

Now, that’s innovation! I’m thinking about starting an export business. Free range cow dung from Australia!

the arborist

India’s cutting edge technology on display. I’ve always known Indians were bullshit artists.

the arborist

I’m sure you’re all familiar with India’s ongoing ‘poo in the loo’ campaign (to try to get Indians to shit in toilets instead of the street) but if you aren’t…


Gruppenführer Mark

Yep, familiar with it but it’s still funny AF to watch the ads

the arborist

A shit country filled with, and obsessed by shit. And they’re exporting their shit all over the west.


I’ve always found the Sex Pistols interesting. Their attitude has always been this hopeless prison black pill but try to enjoy it like.


How do you judge what a full life is?


I‘m starting to rotate into Aussie bonds but what do I know? Presumably we‘d already be cutting faster if we hadn’t delayed cutting so long, and I figure whatever happens in the US on Tuesday will be an excuse to can kick (Cameltoe) or just let everything implode (El Trumpo), either way cut teh rates and we follow while the West looks through/numerwangs away inflation.

Interested to hear what the brains trust around here is doing at the moment.


Gold n crypto for me. I’ve never traded bonds. I suppose your idea is that as the interest rate goes down, bonds with coupons at higher rates go up in price. But isn’t it too obvious? Surely it’s already been baked into the price?

Gruppenführer Mark

Well, Buffet is selling and sitting in cash. $320B+ of cash from memory. He is certainly expecting things to go tits up and then buy. Recently sold Apple and Bank of America.

Gruppenführer Mark

Skimmed through the piece. This CIO is making some questionable statements that are dogmatic but backed up with zero evidence. Re: Iran strikes by Israel, US ability to intercept hypersonics, Starlink being an overwhelming success in Ukraine. He is a hedge fund manager talking his book.


Just because he’s talking his book doesn’t make him wrong. I thought it made some intuitive sense. I know someone in cutting edge military engineering. Terminator tech is a growing threat/opportunity. I have no idea how much direct military funding is driving the data centre build out in general, but I’d be shocked if the US gov and military didn’t have their very own data centres.

Gruppenführer Mark

On the AI in military, I’d agree with you. Terminator Tech is indeed a threat. MIC would be heavily investing in this for sure. Swarms of drones, etc. Haven’t seen any new shiny robot dog videos recently, but this is because Boston Dynamics was sold to Hyundai and signed a pledge that their products would not be used for military purposes. I trust this pledge wholeheartedly. /s of course.

As we have seen before, every new tech requires a lot of money to build and deterrence weapons sometimes tend to be way cheaper. Aircraft carrier group vs. P-800 Oniks, a Mach 3 anti-ship missile with a ~500km range at a cost of just over $1M a pop. For Terminator Tech, electronic countermeasures systems would be my investment favourite, if I only could find some company to invest in, but those are not even known, I’d bet. Because all one has to do is jam the Terminators, don’t even have to shoot them.

On AI data centres, you are spot on. There is this little doozy that has been in operation for 10 years now. Bet you it’s not the only one. And there was a number of articles that show a trend of “private” companies wanting to power their own data centres with nuclear. Here is one example.

Ironic Boomer

Your Australian journalist and author followed by amusing response sir