Time for a Partial Lockdown for NSW?

The current NSW hard lockdown is not going well. Four weeks in and the numbers are going up and not down. The Four Yorkshiremen of COVID strategy are out in force on social media insisting that NSW hasn’t even tried a REAL hard lockdown “..That’s not a lockdown. A real lockdown looks like……..” and insisting … Read more

Weekend Links, 24-25 July, 2021

Spoiler Alert

Welcome to the EZFKA links for the weekend of 24-25 July, 2020! EZFKA continues to go from strength to strength as the weeks go by. While welcome, the reasons are also important! I’d like to shout out Timbo, for his exceptional efforts with regards to the satire posts going up. The quality of the satire … Read more

MB, not even worth link spamming anymore?

I tend to avoid the place these days but back in the day without fail on any real estate affordability article you’d get a whole lot of Housing affordability linkspam from Hugh whatsisface.I haven’t seen him or anyone else at all bother on anything I’ve looked at there recently. Have they truly become so completely … Read more

New poll shows Australians overwhelmingly support making mainstream media journalists permanently non-essential

A poll has found that Australians overwhelmingly support mainstream media journalists being made permanently non-essential. The poll, conducted by the Institute for Based Australians, found that 85% of Australians with IQ’s over 105 overwhelmingly support making mainstream media journalists permanently non-essential during and after the COVID19 pandemic. “Whether it’s Jon Faine deepthroating Daniel Andrews in … Read more

New study finds direct correlation between Australian lockdowns and expiration dates of state of emergency powers

A new study has found a direct correlation between Australian lockdowns and the expiration dates of state of emergency powers. The study, from the Institute of Non-Globalist Shitcunts, has found that lockdowns always occur when state of emergency powers are due to expire or when significant holidays are about to commence. “We’ve found that state … Read more

Victorian public servant with guaranteed income bravely tweets support for fifth lockdown while working from home

A Victorian public sector worker in Brunswick has bravely shown solidarity with locked down Victorians on Twitter last night. After the fifth lockdown in the state of Victoria announced yesterday, Department of Health VPS6 executive manager Jane Davidson took to Twitter to show her support for Daniel Andrews from the comfort of her living room. … Read more

Mark McGowan waves to Aussie troops at Talisman Sabre from onboard Chinese surveillance ship

WA Premier Mark McGowan has sent his regards to Australian troops participating in Talisman Sabre war games in Queensland, from a Chinese surveillance ship parked offshore. Ex-Navy legal officer McGowan waved to Australian military personnel from the deck of the People’s Liberation Army Navy ship Yu So Fukd this week, and was honoured for his … Read more

Weekend Links, 17-18 July, 2021


Welcome to the Weekend Links for 17-18 July 2021! We are really happy you are all here, and are hoping for a good weekend of argy-bargy. So this week South Africa got exciting, but so did Cuba and there are rumors of excitement in Georgia and Tajikistan too. All this is happening as the stories … Read more