Victorian public servant with guaranteed income bravely tweets support for fifth lockdown while working from home

A Victorian public sector worker in Brunswick has bravely shown solidarity with locked down Victorians on Twitter last night.

After the fifth lockdown in the state of Victoria announced yesterday, Department of Health VPS6 executive manager Jane Davidson took to Twitter to show her support for Daniel Andrews from the comfort of her living room.

“I really feel for small businesses, hospitality and tourism workers, I really do. I’ve never worked in the private sector or had to face risk of any kind in my life and no-one should ever have to. But lockdowns keep us safe and Dan is doing a great job, even if it is obliterating the middle-class.

“Vaccines are our only way out of this. Remember to #GetVaccinated and #StaySafeandStayHome. You’ve got this Melbourne. #MaskUpandMelbourneOn”

Despite being overwhelmingly derided on social media as a sheltered fuckwit, Jane said she was incredibly supportive of workers during this difficult time. “Solidarity to our frontline workers, but you should lose your job if you don’t get bloody vaccinated.”

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Sad but true. A friend was skiing at Falls Creek last week and had to bail out due to the lockdown. All the small business up there…ski hire, bars, restaurants etc will be getting hammered again. No probs for the public servants though.

Agent 47

Yup. All complaining about their holidays being ruined but then supporting the destruction of the economy. Same reason are getting the jab, for travel and not for health.

Selfish fkn prats but that be EZFKA.


“Vaccines are our only way out of this. Remember to #GetVaccinated and #StaySafeandStayHome. You’ve got this Melbourne. #MaskUpandMelbourneOn”

I’ve been thinking about this a lot since the discussions about effectiveness of vaccines.
In the wild in the UK it seems to have about 1/2 hospitalisations, from posts I assume the propaganda is saying its 1/3 the hospitalisations,
and the best data from the manufacturer was a claimed 1/14?(can’t be bothered looking)
The question is how effective is australias quarantine and lockdown by comparison?
1/1000? 1/10,000?
I don’t know but to be overly generous it is ABSOLUTELY MORE THAN 1/100

So the absolute beyond generous and completely indisputable best we get from on the ground data by vaxxing and opening up is a 30 fold increase in hospitalisation and death, but probably a 300-3000x increase.

A 2/3 reduction in the UK is an easy sell, how about a 300+ times increase in Australia?

Of course the lockdowns only work while you keep doing them…

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

I think the issue is that vaxxing may well cause any variants to be worse than if they had just left well enough alone.


This is my biggest concern.
As I’ve repeatedly pointed out, social isolation and lock downs have so far ensured that only the most aggressive and communicable variants of COVID get a chance to infect. These policies are essentially selectively breeding for the most infectious varieties AND the ones that are likely to make you so sick that you seek out medical help and in doing so often infect others. Likewise when dealing with exponential population growth, like virus replication, when there isn’t 100% eradication then those variants with resistive characteristics soon become the dominant strains.


This is essentially what current “vaccination” policy is achieving

it’s not truly a vaccine – you still contract it , and spread it
it just reduces severity of symptoms

this is akin to not completing a course of antibiotics – you are selecting for a resistant organism


Risk of rapid evolutionary escape from biomedical interventions targeting SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
SARS-CoV-2 is commonly considered to acquire mutations more slowly than other RNA viruses [1,2]. However, the SARS-CoV-2 mutation burden and evolutionary rate (1×10-3 substitutions per base per year [2]) have only been estimated under conditions of neutral genetic drift (distinct from antigenic drift) [3], in the absence of strong positive selection pressure provided by population-level immunity or other interventions that select for resistance mutations. In immunologically naïve COVID-19 patients, viral load and transmission [4] peak near the time of symptom onset, while the host antibody response peaks approximately 10 days later [5]. Thus, transmission in immunologically naïve individuals occurs well in advance of the appearance of a robust humoral response. These kinetics suggest the immune response in naïve individuals exerts limited selection pressure on the virus, consistent with direct genetic evidence from deep sequencing showing little to no positive selection [6]. Hence, the evolutionary rate prior to the widespread deployment of vaccines or development of natural immunity (based primarily on neutral genetic drift) may underestimate the evolutionary potential of the virus to evade nAbs deployed as active immunity (vaccines) or passive immunity (nAb prophylactics). When nAbs are broadly present in the population, population-level selection for antibody-evading, infection-competent viral mutants may result in a rapid resurgence of SARS-CoV-2 infections.


Nailed it

all the flogs at MB (and the ones here) probably represent this meme

Agent 47

They’re tweeting from under the bed with two masks on, waiting for their 45th jab to make them feel safe.


Down to the hair, that picture is so perfect for this post lol!


you just have to love the belief in the inevitability of the lockdowns as well, we’ve alll been gaslit into believing that the spread of covid means we just have NO CHOICE but to lockdown, there’s no other option, nothing else. we gotta do it. hence the endless blaming of dan andrews or gladys or whatever – it’s THEIR fault covid is spread and we’re back in lockdown, but nobody is asking whether we even need to lockdown at all.

australia is experiencing the longest and most severe terminal case of sunk cost fallacy i’ve ever seen.


the longest and most severe terminal case of sunk cost fallacy i’ve ever seen.

Things like that are named and talked about for a reason. People commonly fall prey to them.
It also has some validity in this case, if we were going to let it rip, we should have done it a year ago, not double down now with even greater restrictions and further do damage to the economy.

It doesn’t even need to be sunk cost though. The decision is and always will be “do we continue locking down, or do we let it rip”
The consequences of let it rip will be essentially unchanged forever, so the answer will always be lockdown, if it was the first time. Nothing has changed.
The trick is to be completely short sighted, ignore the long term reality and never ask the pertinent question, ” Do we want to lock down on and off forever?”
Because if the answer to that is no, then locking down now is costly and pointless because you keep ending up at lockdown again.


I’m hoping the reason is that they think it’s a Chinese bio weapon and are being extra careful.

Under this scenario, because China is a massive trading partner, they can’t say anything, and are working behind the scenes.

Which all makes sense, except for the little detail that if so, WW3 has started off with a WMD bang.

Clearly this means that believing that the Gov is totally incompetent, is the preferred alternative.


Which all makes sense, except for the little detail that if so, WW3 has started off with a WMD bang.

and the minor detail that despite trying to hide the wmd they pushed for an investigation into it publicly, destroying the relationship with said trading partner while they were also talking up how much we needed it and had to maintain it.

Moves of brilliant 4d chess players, or completely incompetent braindead morons unable to develop a coherent plan let alone follow through.

You decide.


Not sure but you can bet your bottom dollar we are all probably going to find out.


nope they’re not that clever. witness how they play whack-a-mole when trying to solve social or economic issues.

Dictator David

“Solidarity to our frontline workers, but you should lose your job if you don’t get bloody vaccinated.”

This isn’t even satire this quote is true. I’ve already seen people calling for unvaccinated to lose their employment (and get no newstart). Employers will and are already putting pressure on people “Get vaccinate or there’s the door…”


Irony of the satire is that Brunswick has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Victoria.

Chinese Astroturfer

You’d seriously think about necking yourself if you’re small business owner in Victoria. It’s a tragedy what they’re putting people through it will take years for these businesses to recover even if they stay open going forward.

You’d have to be mad to open a small business in this country.


Of course it’s mad to have a small business.

Just buy a fucken house!

Dictator David

According to MB’s resident chicken little, bcnich, house prices are going to halve in the coming months! lol

Last edited 3 years ago by DictatorDavid

Bcnich is wrong more times than DLS (if that it is possible)


Errrr…, how many months, exactly?

Dictator David

Big moves in gold ahead & put aside my more extreme view, home loan rates are heading up to 4% over next 3 or 4 months so my feeling is house prices will roll over & gold start a big run up”


Well, “4% home loan rates” is something that is verifiable/falsifiable. So that’s good.

Should be able to have a good chuckle, come November.

Gold prices rising at the same time as interest rates is not likely. Only way what he says makes sense (ie is internally consistent) is if global interest rates don’t rise but EZFKA rates do rise.

This sort of shit has been predicted for a long time. There was even a time that I believed it.

I presently see it as vanishingly unlikely.

Dictator David

+1 to everything you’ve said there Peach. The thing is people take what these guys say as gospel and will be sorely disappointed. I know from listening to the MB cult for near on a decade. They were very convincing with their conviction that a housing crash was inevitable…

Funnily enough I saw today mortgage holidays are starting again and I was like “and that’s why MBtards will be wrong once again!” The games rigged regardless of what MB think morally should happen.

Last edited 3 years ago by DictatorDavid

I wonder how long it will take MBtards to learn. KRudd in the GFC made it certain that house prices and hence his property portfolio will not fall in price. Scomo is making history repeat. They have worked out that Angus Fraser helps his mates in the gas industry, but still haven’t worked out that politicians will help their developer and land holding mates.


Having gone through the loan process recently can confirm that banks are using a standard variable loan rate that is already above 4%, with various wealth package/bonus type arrangements dropping it to around 2-3% depending on lender.

They are still lending over 7x income, so with no 50% drop yet it’s hard to see it happening. In any case, the RBA will jump in with more stimulus if they get a hint of any falls out there in EZFKA and government doesn’t seem adverse to banks giving borrowers lending holidays as the pandemic situation continues to fluctuate.


Yep, the RBA TFF was always going to be permanent at some stage.


I laughed when the RBA was all tough like about removing the TFF at 30 June, right as Sydney went into lockdown.

Permanent extend and pretend TFF is all part of the show of the 3rd act of the current monetary system.


Golden rule of EZFKA: those with nothing have nothing to lose, so no policies or anything to help them. Those with assets have something to lose and must be protected at all costs.
A small business starts with not much, so you can sort of see where they sit.


The #istandwithdan mob are really just a cult. People are on social media or the age defending everything he does and if you disagree you are a Liberal troll.
Yesterday, I shared an article where they want a two tiered red zone. An ordinary person would say tiered by vaccination status, but no Dan wants it by permitted workers ie construction workers. The worst part was the cult supporting this saying construction brings us jobs or construction has Covid plans.
It is really a bizarre world living in Victoria with dodgy deals happening (Westgate Tunnel, Apple Store, redevelopment of Marvel to name a few) and yet people are distracted by level crossings being removed and blindingly support him.
Note, I don’t support the Liberal party either as they are a bunch of unemployable private school idiots.


Hey, where is that fucking weirdo


the conversation has been unusually edifying and civilised today

hope someone had the balls to ban him
or he’s killed himself

Dictator David

C’mon man that’s a bit ott. I’m all for trolling each other on the internet but hoping someone killing themself should be reserved for rock spiders and the like.


i Hope someone has banned him, or else the implication is that he has killed himself

grammar matters


grammar matters

I helped my uncle jack of a horse, and all that…

Mind you, after the onslaught of BS W@F was talking, I don’t think it matters all that much in comparison.


he wasnt so bad, what a cranky kritter though. what’s going on with him


Yeah super angry feel bad for the guy not sure he is in a good place.


Not enough fibre in his diet.


Ban him and he’ll just create a new account and continue throwing shit.
Get him to realise rolling around in a pile of shit while pointing out this is shit doesn’t make you smart and superior, it just means you are rolling around in a pile of shit, and he might stop screaming
” I’m W@F , I’m spending my time rolling around in a self-described pile of shit, and it’s shit!”

Or he might come back and continue. Sometimes you can’t cure stupid.


I’m actually more suprised
“limp dick old kunt incel” hasn’t made an appearance.
I think he is truly so stupid he will be immune to any and all arguments.


And for the latest increase in lockdown restrictions in NSW, public transport services are being reduced.
Presumably this means more people on each train and bus, so I’m not sure what the logic is.


This is right on the money. The gall of bureaucrats who have no risk in the game to recommend shutting down everything, only so that can get away with buck and blame shifting amazes me. And how populations the world over have gone with it.

I remember one ‘economic adviser’ in the US (forget the name bit they are all the same) being asked how the lockdowns will affect business.

His answer was something like: “oh you forget the world these ppl live in. They are not careerists and salarimen but are always living with risk. They know how to deal with this and will come back strong.”

yeah… no thanks to you dude.

Dictator David

This video sums up pretty much what people on here already know but would probably generate discussion on a post of it’s own.

But imagine just how many people like her are out there in Victoria atm, going thru the same battle. Where are they getting any income? I honestly don’t know how people in small business, hospitality and tourism are surviving week to week at this point. Let alone paying a mortgage? Yet property prices keep on reaching new highs.

I feel so sad for people like this video who get no financial support. Yet there was plenty of tradies rorting JK for $$$. Meanwhile so many small businesses have already gone to the wall this feels like the final nail for the ones that have just survived by a thread.


This video sums up pretty much what people on here already know but would probably generate discussion on a post of it’s own

i look forward to your post, DD!

I’ll reserve my comments until then.

Dictator David

I’m actually still having that 127 error and having trouble logging in properly


IT loosened the security a few days ago… you should have more login attempts and no 127 stuff.

have you tried other devices?


Property prices have been going up as couples in safe salaried jobs like the public service person mentioned have no problems getting mortgages. If you are not rich, not well paid, single or not in a safe job, your chance of getting a mortgage or a desired property is greatly reduced.
As for running a small business everything is stacked against you. Politicians on both sides prefer big business for similar and differing reasons. The whole pandemic has been financially great for big businesses and crippling for small business. I read somewhere that for the US, the big winners were Amazon and China.


Messages like hers don’t reach the govt or the technocrats who just look at the aggregate-level statistics. Infuriating.


My initial assessment is this also.

Most politicians in particular the LNP don’t give a shit about small business, because ultimately they simply have no bargaining power as individual entities. What are they going to do after politics, choose between assembling pad thais from the Thai restaurant down the road, or go to a consulting gig at a ASX100 company, Accenture, KPMG and the like?

About the best small business can do collectively for politicians is offering them lobbying roles at industry bodies.

Same goes with any individual, they care about you even less than small businesses. Which is the opposite of what is supposed to occur in a democracy.




Which is the opposite of what is supposed to occur in a democracy.

That’s the marketing line.
Have a look into the formation of westminster democracy and it casts some doubt on that though.

Even today the house of lords in england contains HEREDITARY members allowing the aristocracy to STILL HAVE VETO over anything parliament would like to do.

When it was designed it was designed so that anything the lords didn’t agree with couldn’t be done.Does that really sound like representing the peoples will.


Yes what ought to be and what actually is are sadly two different things in many areas, democracy actually working for the average person bring one of them. Not that any other system has done any better. Still it’s the least worst political system we have I guess, but boy is that principal agent theory being tested in Australias case.

House of Lords is pretty interesting also, it does make the lower house in the UK sound like a pantomime if the HOL can just squash whatever doesn’t benefit them.

Our lower house by comparison, in my humble view only, is a joke, whilst our senate seems to function reasonably close to how a democracy should.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

Property prices have been going up as couples in safe salaried jobs like the public service person mentioned have no problems getting mortgages.”

Surely those in hospitality and tourism far outweigh public service. Most in public service would already have had a mortgage so this probably only brought forward some demand.


Surely those in hospitality and tourism far outweigh public service. Most in public service would already have had a mortgage so this probably only brought forward some demand.

I don’t see it that way.

The idea of “only brought forward some demand” carries with it the implicit/hidden assumption that the demand for buying housing is basically “1 family = 1 house”, and so after the limited number of families who were planning to buy a house have bought – that’s it, trading is finished.

We know that not to be the case. After a family has bought 1 house, they try to go and buy a second, and a third.

to tie this back to the particular dynamic you raise (insecure hospitality EZFKA units outnumbering secure public servant units) – there could easily be a dynamic of insecure hospitality units selling their homes to secure EZFKA units who will hold them as investments.

If this is done while prices are increasing, everybody wins.

  • The hospo looser doesn’t cop a haircut;
  • the bank doesn’t cop a haircut
  • the bank gets to attach a BIGGER loan than before to the same house
  • the bank now has a secure public service salary servicing the loan, rather than dodgy barista earnings

do you see?

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

Property investment loans have only just started rising recently so I don’t think it’s a case of PS buying an investment property. It’s certainly not what I’m seeing from an anecdotal view. The only people I’m seeing with a lot of money to throw around are tradies.

All the public servants I know already have mortgages and are using equity to buy caravans, boats and 4wds.


All the public servants I know already have mortgages and are using equity to buy caravans, boats and 4wds.

ok, so perhaps it’s a slightly longer transmission mechanism:

  • public servant buys boat
  • public servant buys caravan
  • The boat seller goes and gets an IP
  • the caravan seller goes and gets and IP

what do you say?


I see it as local demand being brought forward to offset a fall in demand from immigrants and foreign investors.

We will no doubt balance it again by bringing in even more immigrants to offset the future fall in local demand.


I see it as local demand being brought forward to offset a fall in demand from immigrants and foreign investors.

I don’t really look at it as demand being brought forward (in time), I see it as a rotation from teh Jimmy investas to the okka investas.

largely consistent with teh Peachy Rotation Theory: there are multiple groups of would-be buyers.

Some groups are kept out of teh tasty EZFKA housing asset for a while then, when they are good and hungry and getting desperate and ready to pay any price, they’re allowed to buy again (just as the previous group of buyers is getting their fill and waning a bit).

We will no doubt balance it again by bringing in even more immigrants to offset the future fall in local demand.

no fucking doubt!

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

 good and hungry and getting desperate and ready to pay any price

I like that part of the Peachy Rotation Theory.

I suggest a slight name change to Peach Reaming Theory.


I suggest a slight name change to Peach Reaming Theory.

how would you feel about “Peachy Rotational-Reaming Theory”? (PRRT)

(the proper functioning of the PRRT mechanism is, of course, predicated on a prevailing housing shortage)


I mean Peach Reaming as in…


I am not too sure what to make of that….



Not a reference to you 🙂

A reference to the EZFKA reaming of young Australians via house prices.