Weekend Links, May 29-30, 2021

Welcome to the Weekend Links for May 29 – 30, 2021! We are very happy to have you here, we hope this week was good for you, and you are up for some good old fashioned argy bargy. Or just a good Old Fashioned.

This weekend we were going to rail against… well it got confusing. First, I found a really good feminism bashing option to headline. But then I found a good video from Sydney Watson about how women are being erased by trans folk.

So the plan changed to bashing trans people. But then Fake Fauci changed his story on the origins of the ‘China Virus’ and so it would be entertaining to bash the media. But we already did that last week.

Finally, the pudgy Danish down in Melbourne came to the rescue giving me an opportunity to bash leftists. And then Scomo took it away by being at the business end of a Senate report which called him stupid over the Christine Holgate saga.

FML. What to do? Well… I guess this is what you would call a target rich environment.


How To Survive HyperInflation

This bloke is talking about his family’s first hand experience with hyperinflation in Romania after the communists there destroyed the economy.

Its human, its real, and frankly he is a soft spoken bloke and the world would be a better place with more folks like him. Go like, share and subscribe, its a tiny channel – do your bit!


Bashing Randoms For Fun And Profit

We start this week by bashing leftist organizers. Cause why not. Obviously, we are referring to progressive cult acolytes and not all of left wing theory because that is bit silly. Still, its amusing, so sometimes we mock the entire lot of ’em.

Having met our quota of bashing leftists, we go for gold, and bash both leftists and the media, all in the same video!

From Chrome Dome himself, who I am warming to btw, and you may see more of in the future, we have… also, Sky News has weak thumbnail game.

And now lets bash Muslims. Or the Chinese. Who knows anymore?

Apologies for missing out on bashing anyone you particularly dislike, but it was hard to choose people to heckle this week. Too many choices, so if I missed someone my bad.


Chicks Bringing The Fire

So I’m not a huge fan of Sydney Watson personally. Her specific brand of snark is… an acquired taste maybe? But she is fighting the good fight, and as much as it pains me personally, if you are a TERF – Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist – unfortunately, it would appear these pages have to support her on this issue.

I should point out that the younger generation of women are showing uncommon courage – the young lady below is well… her arguments are ok, but saying it on the internet takes courage, of which I’m a fan.


Politics And Governance

Recently an Apple employee was fired for a book he wrote in 2009. Its currently in the courts, but the thing which really stood out to me was how cagey he was with everything he said – sure, its under litigation, but still. This channel is really good for longer form conversations…



Written In The Stars

You know you want to: Aries 9:08 Taurus 21:20 Gemini 32:43 Cancer 42:39 Leo 52:55 Virgo 1:02:30 Libra 1:12:23 Scorpio 1:22:03 Sagittarius 1:34:52 Capricorn 1:45:37 Aquarius 1:57:02 Pisces 2:08:37

Also, she’s cute. I might have a small crush.

On the topic of crushes… Stevie Nicks….

And… Floor Jansen… listen to the end if you’ve never heard Nightwish before. Did not think anything to top Tarja Tarnunen, but Floor Jansen damn.


Culture Wars

What has gone wrong with science? Quite a bit. Its a slow start, but a very balanced conversation in the end.



Healthcare Scandal?

Chrome dome makes another appearance. And mocks progressives for their nonsense.

Of course the prog cult was lying. They were always lying, and knew better. But lets mock them some more for good measure.

Someone was asking me for evidence last week of the Wuhan virus leak. Lots of evidence was always there, but the progs are in bed with the chicoms…



World War 3

Well worth a watch. Shows you the scale of the information war being fought out there…




Christine Holgate is done, but the campaign has probably saved Australia Post from privatization. Small wins.




Have a good weekend everyone!

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eezefcka bingo caaaaarnts!

A fly in your ointment

Being first is so EmBee. Last is the new first!
or… he who laughs last is he whom don’t get the joke.

Thanassis Veggos

A ezfka.com weekend links bingo card for you hazza: https://imgur.com/a/VDrRie6


Well done!

*wry smile when harry realises how many he is guilty of*



I’m not convinced that this was tailor-made for EZFKA.

Seems like a ripoff from a different bingo game with some EZFKA customisation taped on.

I would also like to see a version 2. A more authentic one.


Yeah a poor imitation.
The trouble with progressives is they just can’t meme or laugh at themselves.


I wonder if this is the same Thanassis Veggos who use to haunt MB years ago?


Nah it’s a common name – probably no relation.

Agent 47

I agree. they’ve edited three panels from some thing else.

Pretty cringe but whatever.


So kind of like your average MB article then.



Chad Thundercock


You stole one of my signature troll comments 😂

I recall that dunce lswpch used love annualising. What a tard!


On a more exciting note, here is another excellent Swedish producer.


Only thing they need is a little more vibrancy.

Agent 47

Bribery to take the vaccine now. You can tell they’re desperate.

Very un-EZFKA though. At least one investment property for a jab to get the ball rolling.



Yes, I do feel that the EZFKA leadership botched the fuck out of this one.

Because the master class fought amongst themselves and couldn’t agree (see here: https://www.ezfka.com/2021/05/28/australian-man-bravely-ventures-out-from-under-the-bed-to-see-if-virus-with-99-8-survival-rate-has-subsided/#comment-4374) they got into an awkward situation.

Ideally, what they would’ve done is to let it rip a bit more, for a bit longer. That way the EZFKA units would be begging for the “vaccine”, like they have been are in the UK and USA. But they botched it and let the EZFKA units catch on that an isolation strategy is actually feasible.

To create the demand for the shot now, they’ll either have to beg (won’t work + unbecoming of masters of the universe), bribe (should work – but hurts their pride) or threaten (e.g. no jab: no xxxx – potentially politically costly).


That woman has a fat flabby lower jaw.

if it were me, I’d try to grow a beard to hide it.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

In time it will become an impressive turkey gobbler.


Boomers only respond to financial incentives


No jab, no franking credits?


The nucular option!


No jab no pay is for welfare recipients

Boomers are expecting a First Vaccination Grant ie get paid to get the jab


FML, I didn’t even get lollipop when I had mine and now they want to give away shit to people for having a vaccine.

Have seen more people receiving badges or stickers post vaccine – I can’t say that I really like that we’re going the US flair style giveaways either.


We locked down to save boomers and gave away our freedoms. Now boomers are not interested in the AZ jab and think they should get better. Why should we give them financial incentives?


All of my wife’s friends in the 40-49 age bracket have rang up to be vaccinated. No incentives needed.


I detect a distinct lack of bashing of conservatives in this here “going after everyone”. Sort it out.


The power is in your hands, bud. As always.

Bash away.


Just pointing out you cunts are hypocrites, bashing completed.


That’s a shit bash, frankly.


Good idea for my woke weekend links!


That’s actually what I was expecting today. When’s the ETA on your wokeness?


Well nobody set me a deadline…so next weekend?


Will it be Eurovision themed?


Is Eurovision woke?


Some would say so as it gives a platform for LGBTI/trans rights as well as a whole lot of geopolitical issues, although the winning song was actually decent this year.


Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda

So they have admitted that they come here to work and Senator McKim supports it:


“It is not their fault they were overseas when the borders closed and the government should provide automatic extensions for 485 visas where the holder is stranded overseas,” he said.

Seems to kind of like it was their fault.

maybe I just have a …heart… of stone…!


It is their fault. My biggest issue is with The Greens siding with them. The 485 visas are far too generous to start with.

Chinese Astroturfer

Could Ms Higgins be trying to save herself?

It’s a strange place to rape someone Parliament House.

Must be CCTV cameras in every room, every corridor, every movement tracked and logged.

I reckon one things led to another, she didn’t want to walk out at the same time as him (walk of shame!) but drifted back to sleep stark naked.

You wouldn’t drug someone then just leave them on the couch stark naked to be found in the morning. Especially Parliament House of all places. You’d make an effort to get some clothes on her surely? The jig is up otherwise.

If a former Prime Minister can fall asleep in his underwear in the foyer of a seedy motel it can happen to anyone. Innocent thing to do. No big deal. Bit embarrassing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

I reckon that sista could really use some dermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing.


yeah like wtf, ive pointed it out before she aged so hard in just 2 years, go back to those photos from 2019 or whatever it was and she was banging in them now look at her. what the fuck happened. that’s a wall hit so hard and fast she could be a crash test dummy for ferrari


Maybe the PTSD that accompanied being raped and then becoming a media football?


she wanted to be the football

Chinese Astroturfer

And her partner!


Part of the responsibility of having a nut sack between your legs is looking out for people who can’t look after themselves. Women can be childish, petty, contrary and vindictive – I’m not someone who says always believe them, but numerous witnesses including a security guard describe her as paralytic – there can be no consent there.

Call me old fashioned, but the thought of treating a paralytic woman as a fuck doll disgusts me – if you are that horny go have a wank or make a trip to the local rub and tug.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Agree 100%. Since Brittany Higgins made the news, the alleged rapist has had multiple similar rape complaints levelled against him including use of date rape drugs, ran off to a mental hospital (or possibly Texas?) and still hasn’t been charged.

I don’t have time for people putting themselves in dangerous situations, but it’s more likely this guy is a serial predator.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda
Chinese Astroturfer

Fair enough I haven’t followed it too closely. Some of it doesn’t pass the pub test is all.

She left Parliament 10am was the partner together with her then? Maybe the relationship was on the rocks.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

They arrived at 1.50AM – Supposedly he took her to the office when drunk/drugged, did the deed and leaving on his own at 2.35AM according to the CCTV footage.

Security guard noticed she hadn’t left at 7AM – no evidence that they were in an intimate relationship either.



imo he raped her as evidenced by the cover up / cleanup


Very cute animal video. The youtube algo must have noticed I was watching them following T’s links the last few weeks.


Agent 47

Great debate over Israel. Fuentes wrecked Barnes. The Overton window on this issue has finally shifted.



i love memri tv lol


try “/separator”


Weirdly I’m followed by a couple TERFS – don’t agree with a large amount of their views, especially in regards to their baseline misandry, but 100% aligned with them on the current tranny zeitgeist and gender spectrum BS.

Pity most never take the next step and consider where these ideas originate from. Gender as a spectrum is most definitely a cultural value…

In the first chapter of Genesis, the Torah chooses to refer to Adam in the plural:

“God created the man in His image; in the image of God He created him, male and female He created them. And God blessed them. (Genesis 1:27-28)”


BTW – Legion also referred to itself as ‘they’.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Found another interesting article on the cultural origins of the Gender spectrum:

In Tractate Yevamot (begins on79b) the Babylonian Talmud discusses the following gender categories;

• Androgynos: a person who has aspects of both male and female genitalia

• Tumtum: a person whose genitals are obscured, making their gender uncertain

• Aylonit: a female who fails to produce signs of female maturity by the age of twenty.

• Saris: the general term for a male who does not produce signs of maturity by the age of twenty (there is some debate about whether he needs to fail to produce all signs, or only some of them to be considered a saris). 


Remembering that Judaism is a proscriptive religion, meaning EVERYTHING that we encounter in the world has to be in some way answerable or explainable by what is in the Torah, the existence of occasional biological oddities, like androgynous hermaphrodites for example, posses something of a problem.

Consequently, unlike the Christian emphasis of the gender sex binary i.e. man and woman, and society generally being built up around those two concepts and their roles in the “family” (which from a historical perspective in terms of a subsistence society was very successful in helping a society establish the social norms required for surviving and perpetuating itself) they instead have a gender sex spectrum.

Now while this concept is in terms of biological sex templates, as opposed to the social gender constructs eg a man identifying as a woman, it is from this concept of a biological sex spectrum that a social gender spectrum can be empowered to emerge.

It is also why researchers, philosophers and social advocators in this field are overwhelmingly influenced or drawn from a cultural pool that shares these values, Sarah Silverman for example:


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

On Bullshit jobs…


Friendly Jordies takes aim at woke Blue tick “journalists”


Saw this posted on a medical investment forum – more well to doers are realising they are being ripped off.


“The majority of the population is going backwards in real terms in most developed countries. We have created economic slaves in our own country. We artificially pump up property prices, lock people into decades of debt repayment and convert middle class workers into economic slaves. And further adding to this stupidity, we get around the cheap wages by bringing in lower-wage workers from poorer countries to further enforce economic slavery through lower wages on our own population. If you are waiting for economic level real wages growth to pick up, well…don’t hold your breath.”

And on a less serious note, some Aussie guy in regional NSW reviews McDonald’s BTS meal


I still can’t believe they can get away selling a regular nuggets meal as a special promotion by adding a few sauces.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gouda

I tried reading that Graeber book but couldn’t manage. He clearly hit a nerve, and I think we all sort of know it. But that book could have been a bit better done. He just seemed to yammer on about bullshit this and bullshit that. But his actual ‘field research’ consisted (from what I recall) of asking people to report in to his blog about their experiences – ie anecdotes. It was infuriating.

He was trying to capitalize on an article (forget where it was published) that got a wide readership. An article is one thing, but to put out a book you have to work a bit harder.

anyway I was disappointed, and like I said gave up after about a quarter.

From a bullshit job holder.


About 10 years ago I read the book “How the West was Lost”. It was a really good read. Basically it was saying that once the West loses it technological advantage it will no longer be number 1. It was scathing on algorithmic trading. I see the 90s as our peak as neoliberalism started its effects not long after this, a few wars in the 2000s and now wokeness is accelerating the decline. It won’t be long before the west is overtaken.


Hey how’d you get four links in without being moderated?


I think the post was in moderator hell for a bit, but Peachy’s pretty good at approving posts.

A fly in your ointment

The lunacy is morphing into schizophrenia.
It is defeating that common ezfkars will protest vehemently but will oblige with 200% complacency



and yet ut doesn’t surprise me

Last edited 3 years ago by ThePensum

Wow, people are going mental about having Victorians in their state and the media just reports it. At the same time the media is doing stories about how the international borders must be opened.


Ive been an MB reader for a few years and have watched the gradual decline of content, as well as the echo chamber it has become. It’s nice to see some alternative view points from this site.

My question for the more economically literate than myself is what is everyone’s best guess as to what happens to the Australian and global economy going forward? Can the central banks keep printing and the asset bubbles keep inflating indefinitely? Or does it all come undone?


Hey Jack! Nobody knows, of course, but we can play the probabilities.

My expectation is that they will keep printing and taking other actions to promote the status quo.

Remember, it’s not the printing itself that is the problem – it’s what is done with the printed money (ie protecting the status quo).

As an example – they could have printed $200b and spent it on homegrown wind & solar & nuclear to provide free power for everyone. Or irrigated a huge chunk of the desert with excess water from the north east and built a city there.

But they printed $200b, stuck a “TTF” label on it and gave it to the banks.

Everything is easy to similarly subvert and the strong probability is that this is what will happen. All the “solutions” that the MB blokes are praying for should be expected to be so subverted. Like UBI and building public housing, say.

Both can be absolute disasters. If the plebs are currently enslaved by 30-year bank loans and the ability for their expenses to be ramped up or down by thr financial overlord, imagine how much more enslaved they could be if a few years down the track they are living in one of 1,000,000 public housing units that the government has built and they rely on, say, $10,000pa of UBI.

Imagine being in a position where your income and housing are both at the whim of the government…

“EZFKA unit Jack has publicly expressed reluctance about having to do 60-hour weeks at the berry picking facility and has criticised the working conditions. Mavis, dock his UBI $5,000 and issue a notice for him to vacate his public housing unit in 60 days.”

Last edited 3 years ago by Peachy

See https://marshallbrain.com/manna1 for a great story explaining the alternate futures made possible by improving tech, either used for the benefit of the many or the few.


A good read – the first chapter was extremely plausible, so much so that I didn’t at first realise I was reading a Sci-Fi novel, however it became apparent very quickly.

Sadly I think the reality laid out in the first 3 or 4 chapters is a far more likely scenario than the concluding 3 or 4 chapters where it veered away from dystopia to the usual panglossian socialist clap trap as described in the ‘Australia Project’.


Absolutely, the few aren’t going to give up privilege for the many, but it is certainly technically possible depending on priorities.
Bullshit jobs tell you which path we are choosing to take.


Our new cultural elite are at the top – from their perspective money only has one function, to serve as a medium of exchange in temporal transactions occurring in the here and now. Money isn’t there to be saved, it is to be spent or invested.

Sound money is not only pointless to them (they hold most of their wealth in real assets) the policies required to ensure its soundness actually works against their interests, e.g. higher interest rates reduce the value of assets, making them relatively poorer in respect of the masses.

Thus I think you can conclude that money will continue to be printed, and the narrative of it creating or simulating economic activity will continue to be perpetuated, right up to the point where plebs have to collect their salary with a wheelbarrow and be sure to spend it by lunch time the same day.

The only differences it that thanks to digital currency wheelbarrows won’t be needed, and indeed I expect that eventually personalised inflation will eventually be introduced, whereby the digital value of currency earned will start to decline at an increasing rate right from the moment it is paid across to your bank account.

I also expect that the media and economists will be celebrating this tailored personalised inflation as an advancement in our economic understanding and necessary tool to ‘get the economy moving’ again.

PS: I have no real issue with most of MB’s consistency or content, I maintain that their main value is throwing the msm economic narrative into 3D relief. However it was the echo chamber in the comments, that often received tacit approval via the mods, that I found to be increasingly difficult to stomach.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

However it was the echo chamber in the comments, that often received tacit approval via the mods, that I found to be increasingly difficult to stomach.

The echo chamber was actively created by selective and relatively heavy use of the banhammer in various forms. I have been banned many times and never for any sort of obnoxious behaviour, unless pointing out logical inconsistency counts…

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

all I know is the thesaurus of word salad ATLA’s meaning free money and explicit support for shitcunt banks is gunna have more pages than encyclopedia Britannica


Sooner or later we’ll have to put the money into developing some kind of industrial capacity if only to support our military. When that happens, there will either be massive inflation or the price of houses will drop precipitously. One way or another the relative value of housing is far too high. It must be brought down to enable investment in productive enterprises.

“Australia’s military is too weak to be a worthy opponent of China, and if it dares to interfere in a military conflict for example in the Taiwan Straits, its forces will be among the first to be hit, Song said. “Australia must not think it can hide from China if it provokes.”

Australia is within range of China’s conventional warhead-equipped DF-26 intermediate-range ballistic missile, observers pointed out.”


Probably neither reliable nor current, but none the less a fun read for those of us who like doom porn:

“Sauytbay also recalls seeing classified papers from Beijing outlining a plan to overtake Europe by 2055. The first step, alongside the years 2014-2015, was to “assimilate those who are willing in Xinjiang, and eliminate those who are not.”

Step two called for the annexing of “neighboring countries” between 2025 and 2035. China has already started to test its borders. In 2020, the Chinese government built 11 buildings inside the Nepalese district of Humla, and denied Nepal’s claim to the district. In the same year, the CCP passed a “security” law over Hong Kong and used it to charge and imprison pro-democracy legislators and activists.

The third step, to be achieved between 2035 and 2055, was the “occupation of Europe.”



That article on “Woke Capital” was an interesting read, many good observations both in the article and noted by the article:

When elites use the government to promote elite culture, this usually looks like giving grants to the most promising up-and-coming artists recommended by the art schools themselves, and having the local art critics praise their taste and acumen. When the populace uses the government to promote popular culture against elite culture, this usually looks like some hamfisted attempt to designate some kind of “official” style based on what popular stereotypes think is “real art from back in the day when art was good”, which every art school and art critic attacks as clueless Philistinism.


aka Hostile Elites. Basically those in power support those whose views are aligned with their own – this is how bloated manatees like Dr Demography gets airtime while others, like Leith, get frozen out. It also explains the unrelenting hostility that Trump faced from practically every institution within the United States, pretty much right from the get go.

When anti-elites rise to power, the only way they can maintain power is to totally deconstruct the Cathedral that incumbent elites have constructed around them, purge & control the media, re-populate the institutions, etc…. this is what occurred in Germany during the 30s as ethnic Germans took back control of their country, and institutions that had been repointed by elites to support policies of MultiCult, MultiGender and debt serfdom.

Interesting to see the mentioning of “Woke Capital” gain further prominence, this was a term that I started picking up on at least 12 months ago:

“The article on ‘Coca Cola’ suspending all it’s advertising on Social Media was interesting, it is another example of ‘Woke Capital’, which is the rising phenomenon and role that our Corporations and public companies have in promoting aggressive progressive policies and ideologies, and fanning the flames of microscopic embers of inequality into the manufactured rac!sm inferno’s currently burning down much of the US.”


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

In my opinion this stuff is going up to 11 because the Overton Window on Israel and globalism has shifted.

Tucker going after the ADL and then Fuentes destroying Barnes on Israel and then Barnes spitting the dummy, leads me to believe we are in end phase and they’ve decided scorched earth. Throw in all the COVID resistance for good measure. We also have the election audits brewing in the background in Arizona and PA and now Michigan.

ET revelations might outdo everyone on that.


It is interesting that Germany experienced massive migration from certain Eastern European populations into it during the mid to late 19th century.

At first these groups were grateful for finding refuge within Germany, however as the 2nd and 3rd generations of these highly ethnocentric migrants started to branch out into German society, and then started to dominate both business, universities and media, gradually a culture war started to develop. It was between ethnic Germans and the increasingly assertive migrants who wished to reshape German culture and society into their own image and according to their own values.

It took about 70-100 years or so (about two or three generations), before the newcomers were filled with sufficient hubris and arrogance to basically cease being grateful and to instead start ridiculing and attacking their host society as bourgeois (equivalent to aka “whiteness”) bumkins, undeserving of their lifestyles, ridiculing their cultural values and generally seeking to denigrate and replace them.

The US experienced two significant waves of Eastern European migration. The first coincided with the same migration into Germany in the late, 19th century, however it was much smaller both relative to Germany’s and relative to other immigrant groups who were also moving to the US. The second significant wave of Eastern European migration began in the 1930s and was far more significant. That was about 3 generations ago.


I’ve found I can’t rely on movie reviews to point the way to a good movie anymore. Now I hardly watch anything. I’d rather spend a few hours woke bashing on EZFKA!


Hi T, Stevie Nicks was definitely a hottie in her day but whenever I hear her mentioned or see or hear any Fleetwood Mac, I cannot help thinking of the story about the poor roadie whose sole responsibility was to blow cocaine up her butt in order to protect her nose and voice from the ravaging effects that their voracious drug consumption would have otherwise had:


Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie
Agent 47

No disrespect to LWSCHP intended but I have to agree with China on this one.

We’re pathetic.



We actually have a fairly strong national military capability…for our size. If Australia tried to duke it out with China we’d get squashed like bugs. But it wouldn’t just be us going it alone. That’s why our national strategy has always been to hang on the coat tails of greater powers.

Our young men go off to fight and die in worthless shitholes like Vietnam and Iraq and Afghanistan so that we can shelter under the US umbrella.

Agent 47

Nailed it.

We should have acquired a small arsenal of nukes years ago as an insurance policy at the least.


Australia’s army is tiny compared with the PLA, but there will be no ground to ground conflict. The first thing that will be hit is infrastructure and not with missiles.

Agent 47

I agree. Potential also for CCP agents here to cause damage is also a possibility.

Don’t worry I’m sure our outsourced cyberdefence units with gurpreet and harpreet will be right on it.


Lol. The guy running ANU cybersecurity when they had the big hack a few years ago was a pajeet. One of my mates had worked with him and said he was typical of the breed….very smooth, talked a big talk and knew nothing.


bet liz liked him


Friendly Jordy eviscerate progressive MultiCult reporters playing the race card in defense of Bruz Barilaro eg Osman Farkyou, Bento Joshi as well eternal immigration apologiser Greg Jericho….


…you are all in an elite bubble. You are not working class


i’d like his videos more if you couldnt trace them all back to the central thesis labor=good lnp=duhh bad

nearly everything he produces is a puff job for the alp in some way

Agent 47

Torn on this one.

Barilaro is a tosser and so are the two imported demoralisers, however Jordies is a team red mouthpiece with no political consistency or stones to discuss the real EZFKA issues or juicy cartel. I’d suspect this is mainly self interest or team red self preservation.

“Let them fight.”


Yes yes, let them fight!


I will take Zoolander Jordie seriously when he acknowledges the unions are just another vested interested demanding more privatisation of the pension system at the expense of the working class.

Zoolander will never bag out the unions for the same reason he is not afraid of a lawsuit…


yeah he’s a union/alp mouthpiece, i think he gets paid by both. he has another channel where he talks about his career ambitions, he’s very into self-help and building a prescence/money for himself, it could be that he sees the ALP/unions as his ticket to achieving personal goals. his big thing seems to be that he’s obsessed with climate change and man it’s boring.

i have nfi what he considers the unions to be these days, seems like theyre a racket by teachers/cops/nurses/other well paid pubic sector ppl to scab more cash and play the game of mates.

interestingly enough i think he reads Macro, in some of his vids he’s inserted screenshots of their articles

he’s just another ezfka boi

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

he also legit thinks that paul j. keating is the greates tpolitical figure in human history, im not even joking.

Last edited 3 years ago by stagmal

Most inner city Labor supporters think Paul Keating is the greatest. The fact he was the architect of neoliberalism in Australia, privatised our pension system, CBA, Qantas and had a particular hatred to manufacturing and the working class is lost on these people.


cuntox keating let the banks run riot…encouraged it ffs


No money in sticking up for the working class. How much money can you milk out of a mother of three manufacturing garments. On the other hand ‘investing’ 10% of people’s wages and clipping the ticket is far more lucrative. Then use your political connections to package essential infrastructure to sell to you for more fees.


So, what’s he actually going for? What’s the point of his efforts, in a nut shell?


Isn’t that Getup’s role getting more Labor people elected?
Yes, I know it is satire


Meh – I don’t care if he supports Labor. Ermo supports Labor and is critical of its leaders, I think with time Jordy will gradually grow the required cynicism to fully appreciate its role in EZFKA.

I don’t mind if old school Laborites of the socialist variety (as opposed to the progressive variety) point out and ridicule conservative corruption. My political orientation is probably more to the left than the right in that I support Land Taxes, progressive taxation and a public health system…. the thing that makes me supposedly far right is that I think MultiCult is an immoral social policy, used to dissolve our social cohesion and ability to collectively solve the economic problem ourselves, without having to default it to the private sector or ‘market forces’, as well as a reasonable basis to believe certain narcissistic, ethnocentric groups are waging cultural warfare against my own society for their own personal gain.

But back to Jordie, I think it is healthy, and frankly I think he’s done more worth while journalism that virtually any other msm “Journalist” certainly in comparison to ethnic snow flakes like Osman Farkyou, Joshi and practically anyone at the ABC or SBS (with maybe the exception of Ian Vederra).

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

I’ve been following him for a while and I’m of the same opinion as Stewie. He definitely has massive blind spots when it comes to labor. However his particular brand of a schtick is what’s required in this day and age to cut through the main stream media bullshit. Especially when it relates to the younger generation.

He also does a good job of funneling viewers to Micheal West and independent Australia who are fighting the good fight and need all the support they can get.

His heart seems to be in the right place and anyone that can help bring to light the evil shit that is going on in Australia deserves the benefit of the doubt.


“He definitely has massive blind spots when it comes to labor. However his particular brand of a schtick is what’s required in this day and age to cut through the main stream media bullshit.”



You sound like me Stewie. I’m a traditional leftie…I support workers rights, social security, public health, public education etc. But because I sensibly oppose multiculturalism, Islam, mass immigration and other such shite I’m a Far Right Extremist FFS


Yeah mate, but according to the likes of the Professor, Sweeper & Swampy not to mention Crisp Bacon, we’re the equivalent of Hitler.

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie

Yeah me too.

I have a suspicion that is why the cunt roo likes to troll me, but who knows with that demented twerp.


Any field reports from our Victorian friends ?

all of the cucks over there lapping up the fear porn and virtue signalling opportunities ?

I don’t understand what possible logic there is to forcing VACCINATED people I to lockdown ?

why are the vaccinated not allowed to do as they please ?

it implies that this insanity will continue in perpetuity because if being vaccinated isn’t enough then what will be ?

I would ask all the officious cunts over at MB this question but I’m banned

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

“I don’t understand what possible logic there is to forcing VACCINATED people I to lockdown ?”

To force the unvaccinated into submission and take the jab. That was made pretty clear from the tone of the govt. presser. “Get the jab or keep getting locked down.”


But surely if the filthy anti vaxxers saw the vaccinated swanning around in freedom while they’re under house arrest

it makes absolutely no sense at all

a poor strategic decision as well as illogical medically


To hard to police atm. Gotta wait for the vaccine passports first.
This was just to kickstart the dismal take up thus far and it’s been successful, people rushing out to get the vaccine on 5 daily cases.


No change for me, still have to work being in essential industries after all. Will enjoy the lack of traffic so actually looking forward to next week, and anything that delays an immigration tsunami is favourable as well. 

Victoria has been out of lockdown for most of this year, having reached a point where masks were only required at medical facilities and public transport, although apparently the latter was not adhered to. Popped onto a Discord chat yesterday which we’d used quite a bit during the first lockdown – as these things have already been set up there’s less uncertainty or angst this time around. Overall it seems the attitude towards another 7 days isn’t as hostile as previously – even the protests weren’t as well attended. There’s less rage directed at Dan Andrews, as the guy is still recovering from his accident and having a press conference every day. It also helps that the latest outbreak originated from in South Australia Hotel Quarantine, shifting the focus on the lack of Federal quarantine processes. However, frustrations will certainly increase if it goes beyond next Friday.

On the shopping front, it appears that people have been panic buying toilet paper, although I still see plenty of the premium stock on shelves and it’s not like before when food staples, meat and booze couldn’t be found.


The great achievement of the human race is of being adaptable.

But this does mean as individuals and society at large we have to be careful what exactly we are adapting to.

clearly and predictably we have adapted to lockdowns.


On people who are vaccinated being forced to lockdown, I also agree with this – however hardly anyone has had both doses and I don’t think it is clear how effective the vaccines are at preventing transmission. I’m less worried about my own health, more so passing it onto loved ones.

Then there’s the logistical stuff with confirming that someone actually has had their shot. With 30% of the Australian population not wanting vaccinations, I’m sure plenty of lies being told. Maybe they need an app, but their incompetence in this space has been demonstrated already with the bungled CovidSafe App.

The reality is it will probably be something half-assed like the work permits that occurred previously with people given 48 hours to organise. As a sole trader, I obviously do not have a boss that could authorise said permit. However, I was allowed to sign this off myself – such is the idiocy of DIY permits. Of course, there were never any additional police patrols set up to actually check this – and why would there be, as they wouldn’t want to be disrupting peak hour traffic.

Agent 47

Not taking it no matter how much peer pressure or bullying.

Watching all the weak minded rush out to take it because they’re being threatened is a blackpill. Those wrapping themselves up in virtue and “for the greater good” are the absolute worst.


Vaccinated people can still catch and pass the virus onto others.


So what’s the benefit, then? That the vaccinated people themselves are less likely to die from the virus?


When they say Pfizer 95% efficacy my understanding is 95% show no symptoms, and the other 5% will have mild symptoms. Very few people will end up in hospital.

In regards to infectiousness. You are less infectious with a vaccine so herd immunity is still possibly if enough people take it. They just won’t open everything up until those at risk have had the opportunity to vaccinate… and I would not include AstraZeneca in that equation.

I reckon soon after the election the govt will say everyone has access to Pfizer or Moderna, and that you have three months to get vaccinated before we open everything up.


Yes professor that’s right

so what

why can’t the vaccinated be out with each other while everyone else is locked up inside ?

what is the logic in operation here ?


Unless you are proposing segregation then it is not possible to prevent the vaccinated passing the virus onto the unvaccinated.


Seems to me that Coming’s approach is well aligned with a world of (internal) vax passports and social credit scores.

if that is indeed Coming’s approach and Coming is not just being ironic.


is that not what is already in action ?

don’t go more than 5km from your house
only allowed to leave for 4 reasons

why is this a bridge too far all of a sudden ?


it’s not possible to stop the unvaccinated from passing it to the unvaccinated either so I’m not seeing the distinction

when everybody is vaccinated , will we still lockdown ?

or can the vaccinated go and mingle freely?
if so, then why not allow them to right now, while the unvaccinated are locked indoors

gyms and nightclubs and cafes all for the vaccinated/privileged few

seems very reasonable to me
and very good incentive to get the vaccine

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

You are overcomplicating things. Until everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated then all states will continue with virus suppression strategies.

And I repeat that the blood-clotting AZ vaccine won’t count. Forcing voters to choose between that vaccine or remaining unvaccinated will be an election loser.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddy

*IM* over complicating things ?

if the vaccine works it works – vaccinated people should be free to mingle

it’s the simplest possible exception , far simpler than 5km/4 reasons to leave home/“essential” workers etc

if the vaccine doesn’t “work” in this way – then what the fuck are we even doing anymore ?
going on with this bullshit forever ?

Children will never be vaccinated , not in this country anyway
And that’s 20% of the country

the vaccine is probably only 90% effective – that’s optimistic given variants etc
we will never reach herd immunity

for comparison , one dose of polio vaccine is 90% effective in preventing polio
three doses is 99% effective (probably 100% but scientists don’t like to say 100%)

guess how many polio doses are on a child’s vaccine schedule ? three

what % of children receive polio vaccine ?
Answer: 95%

thats how you get herd immunity


So, Commo, I’m confused. what’s your actual point?

that the vaccines are shit? That the EZFKA leadership is being inconsistent on vaccines (thou shalt get them / thou shalt be treated like they don’t work)? That vaccinated EZFKA units should actually be exempted from Dan’s Dungeon Days?

or are you just having fun being argumentative?


My point is that , as has been the case from day 1, the rules are completely irrational and illogical

no plan
no idea


My point is that , as has been the case from day 1, the rules are completely irrational and illogical

no plan

no idea

I thought you’d be used to it by now then?

Most things the government does these days follows that pattern.


well, I can agree with that.

the government is just addressing immediate things with band-aids without a big-picture plan or strategy.

keep some people alive, keep the asset prices up, keep enough donors on-side…


Vaccinated people can still transmit the virus. People who are unvaccinated can die. Vaccinated and unvaccinated people will still mix at home, nursing homes, etc. It is not a complicated concept to understand.

Even if we don’t get herd immunity those 5-10% of vaccinated people who show symptoms are highly unlikely to end up in hospital.

I have also read that an Australian research team has created medicine based on the mRNA technology that will stop the virus replication in more serious patients. At some point we may not need the vaccine at all.


Completely nonsensical

why would you object to vaccinated people mingling with each other ?

unvaccinated shouldn’t be at cafes or gyms or night clubs

Last edited 3 years ago by Coming

If you still don’t understand the very basic concept that vaccinated people can catch and pass on the virus, and should therefore remain part of a social distancing strategy then there is really no point going any further with this discussion.


I understand the concept

now explain why vaccinated people cannot be in close contact with other vaccinated people ?

the virus will never be eliminated , as you appear to have conceded

so are you suggesting that we will be in lockdown every time a case is detected, even when everyone is “vaccinated” ?


This argument was essentially true a year ago before people vaccines existed, you either lock down to try to prevent the disease or you let it rip.
Let it rip becomes a very difficult sell after making people lockdown and suffer all sorts of inconveniences to prevent it.
They have painted themselves into a corner of having to lockdown until it has gone away or won’t spread with a let it rip policy. This point is very likely unobtanium so expect continued lockdowns for a long time yet.

The answers lie back in time…
to quote another mb commenter.

The problem was too many people unable to realise this inevitable end point of a lockdown management plan ala DLS who after being mr pro lockdown is now bitching about them continuing.


“Let it rip becomes a very difficult sell after making people lockdown and suffer all sorts of inconveniences to prevent it. They have painted themselves into a corner of having to lockdown until it has gone away”

Yup – sunk costs are high now, and the media have been attuned to breathlessly report on every break out and generating the panic and fear that goes with it.

You’ll be able to tell when they are finally ready to open the borders when the media flips on their reporting…. personally I think it is getting close, all those media personalities are starting to fall in line and ‘do their bit’ by appearing in advertisements (even if the progressive pearl clutchers have their knickers in a knot over the lack of diversity by not having enough Osman Farkyouks or Joshi’s in there).


I would like to know who coordinated this massive conspiracy

it’s really incredible

from the videos of people dropping dead on the street in China, to the horny Oxford University professor declaring millions of deaths were inevitable , to the dodgy PCR and mortality reporting, to the emergency powers and QR codes, untested mRNA “vaccines”

the hysteria was overwhelming

mostly useful idiots with a handful of masterminds to get it rolling ?

the most bizarre mass delusion in recorded history in my opinion (after religion)


Well this is probably correct, but nobody seems to be asking the question in the media or in any mainstream forum

if the vaccinated can’t interact with other vaccinated then we are stuck forever

I think they will have to slowly deescalate by reducing PCR cycles to reduce positive results , and being stricter with their definition of a “Covid death” to reduce reported mortality etc

then they can gradually declare that the virus has become less virulent or everyone has acquired some resistance

of course the QR codes and emergency powers will stay

it’s really incredible just how much they have gotten away with, and incredible how docile and stupid the majority of the population is (including all of MB and a large portion of even this crackpot website )


what you say about massaging the numbers to slowly de-escalate the situation (as and when politically convenient) sounds like a pretty plausible potential course to me.

you’re also -directionally- right about the permanent escalation in powers, etc, although my personal view is that it will take a few more pandemic panics to properly entrench this stuff. As it is, I sense most people walk right past the QR codes…. need to be beaten into submission some more.

But better next time.


It comes down to the fact that modern western people really have no tolerance for death any more.
The hysteria was real, lots of people have died.
Given modern medicine is so good these days people are unwilling to accept a few deaths if at all possible.
We expend huge amounts of money on road safety campaigns that can at best save a few hundred lives a year. As the total gets less and the task harder we spend more and more for less and less additional benefit.

But yes ultimately we are stuck forever until we accept that people are going to die from it.


My expectation is govt will put their foot down soon after the election and say everything opening up in XX months, there is enough Pfizer and Moderna vaccine available for everyone, and there is no excuse not to take them.


Except most of that decision is not a federal one…

And scummo couldn’t put his foot down if his life depended on it.

Last edited 3 years ago by bjw678

“I’d like to see that happen sooner than the middle of next year and that depends on how many doses we get and how quickly we can vaccinate our population,” she said.

NSW COVID: Gladys Berejiklian says state 9 million vaccines away from considering open borders (smh.com.au)


so 9 million more vaccines in nsw.
How many are we currently in nsw? No idea.
Australia as a whole, 499,000 fully vaccinated and 3.7 mill a single dose, so don’t hold your breath on that one.


That figure a result of a vaccine that nobody wants. NSW is starting to expand Pfizer vaccination beyond its dedicated centres because there is high demand for the Pfizer vaccine.


I thought there was only very limited supply until next year though…
All those pesky organised countries ordered theirs first.


30 million Pfizer doses expected second half of this year. Most in Q4. There are others awaiting TGA approval.

It lines up for a post-election opening.


I think it comes down to mere practicalities.
How do you identify the vaccinated?
Tatoo on the forearm?


Don’t the Victorian police already stop people to check their papers and make sure they are within the 5km radius of home ?

they certainly did last lockdown

dont you already get a certificate for being a good little vaccine boy ?

I don’t see how it would be extraordinary or difficult


no idea, but probably not re: the certificate.
It probably isn’t all that difficult, but is an election loser while all those under 40 still aren’t allowed to get the vaccine.
Until absolutely everybody is allowed to get the vaccine any policy of segregating those who have from those who have not is a no go from any realistic standpoint.


My Facebook has been infested with said certificates


Because everything on facebook is true…


Well that Amala chick was pretty eloquent for 20yo.

Compared to me if I ever had to do an interview at 20 it would have been unmitigated shite.

And allegedly I was pretty smart too. Luckily I have lost that particular delusion.

Well worth a watch. Shows you the scale of the information war being fought out there…

On that video about tik tok…
There was a saying about pot and a kettle and sumtin black.
Or… cheap anti china propaganda. Semi facts are the most dangerous tool.



lol does anyone else watch this guys channel

hes a mondo dickhead but his vids are funny

A bit late with this weekend movies, I guess better than late never…

50yrs ago, the first of Pakula’s signature movies saw the premiere:
Klute (1971)
Donald Sutherland and Jane Fonda in their prime elements. A story of what would become so obvious 50yrs later: well made cover-ups are ingrained in US culture.

The second one is more of a tongue in cheek comedy, staring usually bland but persistenttly rolling humour by Will Ferrell and typecast tough guy Marky-Mark Wahlberg:
The other guys (2010)
The couple has some chemistry which reached TFD (BTFD without B) in other movies like daddy’s home but in the other guys reaches up for highs successfully.


Last edited 3 years ago by A fly in your ointment
Agent 47

Other guys massively underrated.

Aim for the bushes.

A fly in your ointment

A video club was going bust and I bought all the old movies I could find after fire sale at petty cash. 100’s. Some old movies are available on YT and some are even free on Crackle or other platforms.




So SA was first to block Victorian, but seem to want international students of whom many come from Covid ravaged countries.

Borders will be silently opened for students, but closed instantly on a whim domestically.

Agent 47

EFZKA units. Sunk costs. Debt something something.


Ridiculous, but par for the course in EZFKA.


Our pollies don’t do evidence based policy, they do donor based policy.


Harvey Norman trolling suicidal former employees is an unexpected marketing strategy.



I’ve had a comment deleted on MB!

Got an email saying someone replied saying “100% agree” but when I clicked on the link in the email the comment and it’s reply were gone.


what did you say


He said “I’ve had a comment deleted on MB!”.


I can’t remember – that’s why I clicked the link!



Last edited 3 years ago by robert2013
A fly in your ointment

@ robert

Welcome to the real world Neo.

My comments are mostly deleted (particularly Gunna), lately only responses to my comment so these stand on their own.
This particularly since I my appearance here without redact-a-bot


Don’t feel so special, it’s not a particularly small club.
You are approaching grand master when you annoy them enough that all your comments get binned before they even get seen.
Ghosted big time by the banhammer.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, that definition of a grand master is golden.


Good content and comments.
Hope you all have a good week.
Interested to see what happens to Bitcoin short/long term.
See ya!