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You’re good at this – distributed the gimmes quite well between the rows and columns – should make for a close game!

have you done bingo-board design before, Timbo?


Dying with laughter right now


Would only replace one Skippy box with “Subscribe” and move it into the middle.


People aren’t taking the Subscribe comment that well.


Given that they make a living from MB, I can understand their desire to get people to pay for the content. And it costs less then a deconstructed decaf soy latte per week.


You pay peanuts you get monkeys?

they need to hike the rate again to do some price-quality signalling.


Problem is the quality part of the equation…


Fake it tell you make it and hike the price, I say!

the irony of hiking prices while preaching “deflation” would be particularly tasty.


I guess they don’t make anything from all the advertisements.
do subscribers get ads too?

A fly in your ointment

You’ve heard the old proverd not to sheet where you eat?

Chad Thundercock

Fancy seeing u here – u were one of MB’s chief nuthuggers along with that gimp brenten. What happened? Finally realised u were being strung along due to your desire to buy an Oz house? Bit of a slow learner huh? 😂



Agent 47



FYI gunna changed name due to work tracking him and threatening. I think he might be public service.


for real? did he say this in a post? why would they threaten him for his posts on macro, i don’t recall him posting anything that bad


Yep. I had an email from him that said exactly that.


I thought Gunna was in Geelong and involved with the podcast so someone might have recognised his voice or worked out his background. Can remember a few years back this happened to someone on a football forum – outed/harassed after going on a podcast, which led to them faking their own online death. Lots of nutters out there for sure.


Progressive thought police are everywhere – they have no problem eating their own, especially old school lefties that serve as a community reminder on just how far they have drifted from their roots.

A fly in your ointment

I very much doubt.
Truth is never elaborate to the level used by the shifting name persona. Kinda like listening to a masterpiece on a piano that has only one key just a notch out of tune.


Perhaps that is the meaning behind ‘Ritualised Forms’? Going through the ritual?

A fly in your ointment

The expression ‘Ritualised Forms’ comes from the book ‘The Making of the English Working Class’ by E.P. Thompson (1963) in reference to the role of Methodism in quelling the revolutionary urge of early English unionists and social reformers. In contemporary Australia it applies equally as well to the media, both sides of mainstream Australian politics, corporate Australia, and large sections of society to work against discussion or consideration, much less the address of, major socio-economic reform.


The image of self grandeur is too ingrained to be a random name. It reminds me of a story of a gang of small time tieves in a small village whom make the perfect greatest robbery of all time but get caught because they had to brag about the robbery to the villagers whom would not believe.

(Waving at lurking Gunna here…👋)

Travis Howarth

Reckon it’s a combo of him posting massive screeds on worktime (and the fact he’s not exactly hard to identify from self provided info) plus the supposed way his posts about his family stuck in Russia somehow (according to DLS) ‘touched the powerful’. Not so sure on the latter, but very sure on the former.

Chinese Astroturfer

Very true. What about DLS praying for an iron ore crash and licking Biden’s anus?


“Captious”! I’ve learned an excellent new word. Thank you.

A fly in your ointment

May I claim the first use of the word in dealing with Mrs. DrSmithy?
I actually spent hours researching words to describe her last year.
Another one is Specious




haha nice


Cringe. Fuck yall are some sad jilted cunts

Cmon, Admit it, you like such company and feel good to be amongst the peers





Could also have added that don’t buy now guy posting on every housing blog post.


Isn’t that the bcnich doom forecast? Isn’t the calamity going to come in the second half of this year? The MB doom forecast going to happen in 16 months now before readjusted for another 18 months


Nah this was David Collyer. Literally posts “Don’t buy now,” as property values increased nationally by about 50% and Syd/Mel doubled. He was a prolific commentator up to a couple of years back such as here (where he was called out various times):


But yes the world should be in some sort of post apocalyptic state according to bcnich by about now.


Thanks for the link, the comments are hilarious. I sure hope people don’t follow David Collyer’s or bcnich’s advice.


Or DLS’s advice.


The thing is, many did (including that of the general theme of MB) including myself until eventually I saw the game that was being played and how politically driven housing really is. I bought in 2019 on the last dip so got lucky.

I’m not a housing bull but at least I can now see the market for what it is. It just isn’t a free market at all, but a semi command/control market with heavy political influence. It’s taken a decade but MB and at least 2/3rds of the more prolific posters finally capitulated on housing mid-late last year & have learned their lesson very late in the piece.

It’s mostly bcnich and a few others left now saying a property correction is imminent and 30% falls are around the corner. I rate that about a 5-10% probability personally… but according to them its 100% gonna happen!

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

We are in the same boat in terms of housing, although I need to upgrade. We will buy something when we find something that fits our needs and know it will be expensive.
As soon as you realise that housing will be protected, you realise the game is against you in terms of a crash. There are still so many more policy options to inflate housing that housing bears will keep wondering why their prophecies of doom keep being off the mark.
The fact that MB thinks that Labor will do something about housing is the most laughable aspect. Yes they were going to do something about negative gearing, but were happy to increase immigration to cushion any price falls. Both sides are as bad as each other in terms of housing affordability.


lolz, a 30% fall on 300%+ increases, they are winnerz even if it does happen.


Yeh, I’m not sure why people get so excited about paying prices from a few years ago.

when a few years ago they weren’t excited about paying those prices.

I think this is an element of bear psychology that needs to be analysed. Because it can probably be gamed very profitably.

Chinese Astroturfer

No-one should take DLS seriously again after reading that link.

Even go back to late June last year when COVID was taking off in Victoria, QLD/NT/WA/SA were largely untouched and looked like paradise in a world afflicted with COVID.


And Domain ended up being correct.


I might get kicked off this site, but been commenting on MB that the TFF will become permanent. Peachy and Stewie, I feel bad, but it is fun to put the EZFKA view on that echo chamber. Funnily enough people seem to agree about permanent TFF


Whenever housing looks like falling over it’ll be extended, it’s certainly not difficult to forecast. What might happen is it will be wound back but never actually dissolved, so as to be ready to pump out more cash again at a moments notice.


Precisely, which why housing crash forecasts are likely never to be correct


Yes. Hard for a crash to happen if the existing playbook is routinely followed. There could be a another good decade to go before it ever does correct 15-20%, and even if that happens, housing will be up probably another 20-30%+ by 2030 anyway taking it back to today’s prices, so who cares…

A 30%+ correction would only ever happen if the government/RBA mismanaged their response to the market because you’d be bankrupting thousands of people which isn’t in the RBA’s mandate…. a 50%+ correction would send probably several hundred thousand families bankrupt – also not going to happen. Even if that did somehow happen there would be a mass government mortgage bail out on on the RBA’s credit card anyway and all that private debt would become Fed govt debt.

Last edited 3 years ago by The90kwbeast

Pretty much and even so there is plenty of policy ammunition:
Permanent TFF
Negative interest rates
Zoning restrictions
Access to super
Higher grants
More immigration
Building subsidies
Stamp duty adjustments
Adjustments to lending standards through innovations in open banking

The list could go on.


Also what people need to realise that this a worldwide phenomenon. House prices are accelerating in Covid ravaged Jakarta, Singapore, Seoul, US. It is everywhere.

Chinese Astroturfer

A $500k house with 20% down at current variable rates is a little over $350 per week.

Even if variable rates were 6% it’s $550 per week.

Very easy for two people on average incomes to afford.

Same house to rent is probably $450 per week anyway.

Since that housing boom around 2001-03 average income in Australia has massively increased.

I’m not sure what world everyone on MB lives in? They have their eyes on $1m plus houses hoping they drop by 40% so they can buy, but should have 10 years ago bought something cheap to get their foot in the door.

Most of them seem to be IT dorks so on 6-12 month contracts and probably can’t get loans for what the houses they THINK they are entitled to.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chinese Astroturfer

You are 100% right about their jobs and their expectations. They also seem to not understand that housing does not follow a free market.


The reference to the readership being mainly IT dorks has been widely discussed at this site. There were some pretty good posts I recall reading.

Chad Thundercock

To be fair EZFKA has its equivalent of IT dorks…just look at stewie! Hes a limp wrist, sissy boy accountant who tries to mask his excessive femininity by posing as a redneck nationalist 😂




I was beginning to fret that you’d stopped reading us!



lol anyone else watch this guys channel

hes such a dick but his videos are amusing


Great, but you missed a few,

Need a square for reusa’a subtle innuendo that manages to stay pg despite some pretty big implications,
and another for it’s all labor’s fault.

pfh 007

Check out this blog!!


chortle, head thunk

A fly in your ointment

Yeah, that guy….



I have to say, it looks like a very professional site. Very tidy layout, good font selection, nice monthly archive index, some blog stats, top posts and pages – there’s even a ‘Follow me on twitter’ link!!!

Last edited 3 years ago by Stewie