Clown world continues to exceed all our expectations…

So it turns out FTX was primarily a progressive money laundering operations.
- BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Tens of Billions of US Dollars Were Transferred to Ukraine and then Using FTX Crypto Currency the Funds Were Laundered Back to Democrats in US ( [HOLY SHIT!!!]
- Ukraine invested in top Dem donor’s crypto company FTX as Biden admin funded war effort: report | The Post Millennial |
- Even Reddit is getting in on it – Ukraine used FTX to raise funds… the scheme might have operated as follows: 1. US donates massive amounts for military aid to Ukraine 2. Ukraine accepts deposits at FTX, which is now gone 3. FTX donates $40m to Democrats in mid-terms and pledges a further 1bn… full circle… : Wallstreetsilver (
- More here – GencoCapital.eth on Twitter: “🚨Did Epstein’s Island truly shut down, or did it just move? There’s a lot of weird shit that is slowly coming out in the fallout of #FTX going bankrupt… 🧵” / Twitter

4chan doing what it does best…

Wait for it…

Link: Look Who Turned Up in Phnom Penh | The BFD
Meanwhile… apparently someone took out the co-founder of Maker DAO.

Would you like some shorts with that! Link: The Butcher of Wall Street | Marcel Kalinovic on Twitter: “Bye #FTX. Domino bankruptcies incoming. #Lehman Bros #BearSterns” / Twitter

looking forward to seeing what lavrov gets up to at g20. best foreign minister in the world, a master diplomat.
albo looks so out of place amongst other world leaders. a truly weedy unctious looking man, he has even more of that debate team incel phenotype than kevin rudd did. short face syndrome is death.
i thought long midface was death?
maybe the science changed
chad keating vs incel albo
long midface is death (think ross from friends) but therres this phenotype called short face syndrome that has to accompany other facial traits like no angularity that is almost as bad
obviously compact midface is better but its contextual with the rest of the face
His physiognomy is definitely low IQ
his voice is even worse Jesus Christ
makes Pauline Hanson sound like Attenborough
Unctuous looking? Jeez, that’s harsh!
fake news, he’s fine apparently
actually who knows
I read this ZH take on the Ukraine and Russia’s recent withdrawal… repeat with 4 possible reasons… I actually liked your analysis better.
WTF – apparently I can’t post any links now?!
He’s Australia’s Biden, I’d say. Brought in to usher WEF policies into Australia. Small group at the top with the masses at each other’s throats.
the fucking cheek of this cunt airbus albo
The article also says Scomo took similar numbers on his overseas trips. One of the perks of being part of the elite is the do what I say not what I do.
“But muh scomo!”
They all take a massive entourage. Just pointing out the obvious. Probably the only difference is that Airbus Albo is always jetting off to somewhere.
The big difference is the fact that Airbus Albo’s clear position is Republican therefore anti-monarchy, so the hypocrisy is pretty bloody obvious.
Scomo was just a fucktard.
Incidentally the floods throughout Australia must be completely different to bushfires, so Airbus Albo doesn’t get any scrutiny (compared to I don’t hold a hose mate Scomo).
Nah, the difference is Albo is looking forward to any chance to get onto that Airbus A320 and out of here. He wants all us non elites to reduce our emissions by over 50% in eight years (we have to cut hard as we’ll have 20% more people) whilst he is on a jet more often than KRudd.
As for the floods, they are yesterday’s new as they are not affecting any major population centre.
I don’t know whether to laugh, interesting read about 5G & covid
Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G
Truth goes through 3 stages. First, it is mocked, then violently opposed. Then finally it becomes self evident.
lol… Bang Bros Offers Miami Heat $10 Million For Stadium Naming Rights After FTX Collapse | ZeroHedge
Their tag line is ‘Less people will get fucked!’ lol…
Hah, that is incredible!
The small hat on the wizard was a nice touch. 😊
Wonder Toto wasn’t trying to bite his leg.
Dogs can sense The Servants of Satan.
“If they’re black, it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. And if they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence, and you should never speak about it.”
That was June.
Very prescient. Three thumbs up, young man.
Mate, you need to credit the line.
Dave Chappelle, SNL this past weekend. He had some other gems.
I just checked his SNL spiel. Fabulous stuff!
Aussie Sportsball Woman Dies Unexpectedly.
Twenty eight years is the new fifty, which used to be 85
Didn’t EZFKA do an article on her teammate that got cut after refusing the jab?
Probably died from some lesbian sex game, jealous girlfriend etc
let’s wait for the details
Hmm. If she topped herself, there would’ve been mentions of “no suspicious circumstances” and mental health hotline. So presumably she just died of suddenly.
I have 2 sons in their early 20s. They’re both big guys and they work out a lot. They’re also vaxxed, and I’m concerned about their well-being. ☹️
Latest news is, she may have done a Mishima and killed zerself, but without the honor of Seppuku
Cunts could’ve worn some better trainers.
Well, it appears that renaming Coon cheese to Cheers to appease the woke mob has been a roaring success.
I bought Coon all my life, but I’ve never bought any Cheers, primarily because I didn’t know that it was rebadged Coon.
lol. Get woke, go broke. You’d think that corporations would work this out by now.
Once the question is asked they are doomed either way. If they didn’t change the name they would have been labelled racist and boycotted by a bunch of other people.
Nah – the progressive scum are cowards, so if you hit back they go running for the hills.
Except it wasn’t racist to start with as it was named after the founder. Given that the family sold the company meant there was less control over the name.
I gleefully retold the story on family chat, only to have the sister in law who works in the industry provide some backfill. Apparently Saputo lost 200m liters of milk supply, because there isn’t enough milk. Exports are ensuring that there is a baseline cost now to milk protein…. one of the benefits of globalisation is that it cuts both ways.
Coon was an average cheese at best, but selling out to please a single activist was always going to end in tears. Cheer also a shitty name – could have gone with Cool or Moon cheese.
or Cooch or Poon
…those fucken pussies.
Poon! Love your work Peachy! 👍😊
Nothing to see here. This is not a problem at all. There is no reason to be alarmed.
“mRNA killing umbilical cord embryonic stem cells needed to repair damage and develop babies’ immune systems”
I take a position where the it thing that should be mandatory with Emma Renay is to be taken only on free will. Then let the evolution take its course. It saves a lot of money on needless research (sufficient research has been made already for thise that use their brain). Like the way mankind learned and passed the info that all the mushrooms are edible but some are edible only once in a lifetime, thus ending the dna chain of those that did not want to learn, we’ll find that Jabbadabba-do’s will be lokely followbthe same path.
I wonder if Emma Renay substance is passed on the offspring…
apparently they were also funding research aimed at denigrating ivermectin – this shit keeps getting wierder…
the ceo of alameda was into poly stuff and they were all screwing each other.
funniest thing you’ll read all day!
Apparently births in Australia are collapsing – could be fake new not sure…
Sauce – What’s going on with births down under in Australia? (
A couple of the comments there suggest bad data, particularly from Victoria which apparently only reported around 20 births in December.
If so, its odd that nobody at the ABS has noticed this and corrected it almost a year later.
I might snaffle that data set myself and fire up Excel to check it out.
My guess would be a data error. It wouldn’t just collapse like that.
or could it be that it followed the massive zombification late last year hence little or no conceptions in months immediately after due to this lady Emma.. causing miscarriages?
fucking lol
Maybe, but the falls would have started earlier. Probably a good cross check would be maternity ward utilisation. If these numbers are true, then these wards would be practically empty.
it’s silly proposition, I know, but almost everything wrt to VacciNazism is silly.
a slow taper back towards historical numbers could be a confirmation of some sort. I doubt the effects would be permanent to this level on the long run.
It is interesting – I like to check these stats myself. I’ve read numerous reports of falling births offshore, Hungry and Taiwan were two that I remember reading about. While the stories and the charts in the blogs always referenced the Govt statistics I never had the motivation to go looking for the raw statistical data – I don’t speak Hungarian or Taiwanese.
Anyhow, the ABS is different – I use to use it quite a bit when I was going through my ‘Boomers Are Evil’ phase and use to pull up stats on income, demographics, etc. Here is the link
It appears to be true, as I was easily able to replicate the chart off the ABS data.
I would be interested to see someone else tackle the numbers. Going off the sample of the previous 12 months I had it at a 2.5 standard deviation event. Going off every December since 2000, or a 22 measure sample I had it as a 5 standard deviation event, which according to the internet should occur once every 3.5m days or every 14,000 years.
The numbers that the ABS are reporting may be what they were told, but are they correct? If there was some collection or reporting failure then this could all be GIGO.
On the bother hand, that may be a true representation of our birth rate , in which case we’re fucked.
I would have thought if they were wrong, due to an isolated erroneous artifact or measurement failure in the data, then it would have confined itself to a single month. However that trend started in November seems to indicate something more – will be interesting to follow this as the data set is updated in the months ahead.
As it was written in the book of EZFKA, “No problems, more migration will fix teh thing.”
abc cuck briefly finds his spine, then curls up in a ball again
The Death Cult and assorted Dan Andrews Cookers are absolutely turning themselves inside out with their ABC.
Over the past few years especially during Covid the ABC has been pushing the fear down their throats and rehashing every last piece of Danlies, with luvvies like Raf Epstein absolutely jerking off at the sound of Dan.
The ABC were number one in the “Lock us down harder Daddy Dan!!” jerkoff squad.
These Bedwetters are now whining that the ABC is somehow against them?
LOL, 48mil unjabbed studied for every single item on main effects from Emma Renay jabbadabba.
Being a bedwetter cuck to his Death Cult is bad enough, but that’s just fucking revolting to comment on these people like that.
I always knew Norman Swan was a fucking retard poster boy, but he’s really dug into some nasty shit with this free range bullshitting.
I remember he wrote an article at the start of the war in Ukraine about the vaccination rates of both sides and how this could be a superspreader event.
The world has moved on and finding that the world no longer cares about your fake wisdom on Covid must be too hard to bear.
yeah, it’s going mainstream. the newspaper captioned the article “Covid fearmonger’s cruellest claim yet:…”
wtf, I wish I knew how to do that!
The dailymail has always been incredibly based
especially on covid
a lot of the constant attempts to get people to caer about covid again is driven by these health authority types desperate to get their 15 minutes of fame back. like the freedom protester crew they are desperate to be relevant again. horseshoe theory in action where both sides are very nostalgic for covid and lockdown.
Or from the media:
The media loved lockdowns and Covid as it was easy to write articles and people were glued to their daily number reports.
“…..covid in the background…”
yeah and nothing else in the background at all…💉💉💉
Djokovic’s visa ban was overturned. The original decision was an absolute farce.
Although I’m reading the SMH commenters being “appalled by this atrocious decision.”
Yeah…. because he’s still a security risk to Australia (as if he ever was).
The chart about declining births is nonsense. The whole point of immigration is to bring in fast breeders to stir up anger while the elite loot in peace. Sadly Aussie women would have had lots of babies if they had been encouraged to. Even the meager baby bonus got them growing the seed all levels not just the low lives. And that’s the tragedy Aussie women (not like Europeans) were up to the challenge but the politicians decided to just import goat fuckers. How unpatriotic and Australia hating is that?? True evil
How can Australia need immigrants? We can simply rely on the Indigenous birth rate.
The latest Census showed an increase in Indigenous Australians of 25%, we won’t need affirmative action to employ them, they’re breeding like rats:
Oh wait…?
Did you see the lady who did welcome to country at the T20 world cup final? She was whiter than I am, and my heritage is all northern European.
Do you need any physical proof or can you just identify as indigenous?
The indigenous cultural rep at my ex employer was a blue eyed, blonde haired pale skinned woman with a French name who found out she was indigenous when she was in year 12, and she sure made a lot of money out of it after that!
Short story…it’s all bullshit.
no ancestry is required
not just EZFKA, it is all identity politics… one just has to “feel” that way, or this way, or any way… reality is for the disruptive Red Pill-ers
Off Topic.
Whats the best way to get testosterone in ezfka?
I want big swollen balls and prostate, but dont want to have to deal with pajeet and abdul who are my new doctors.
I always assumed that the buff boys at the gym trade in that sort of stuff.
or if you have a young niece or whatever, get her to say that she wants to “transition” and the doc should easily prescribe the needful
WTF – have I been banned?
It doesn’t look like it.
They were all sitting in the Spam folder until Peachy set me free.
do any of you guys know what happened to steve keen
he was like the first economic guru doomer grifter i had ever heard about, now seems to have vanished off the earth
what was his story and why do we not hear from him anymore
According to this he left Australia and is currently retired:
You don’t hear from him as there are new grifters like Martin North.
Apparently he lives in Thailand these days. He did come back to Australia briefly before the federal election to campaign for that cuck Victor Kline and his New Liberal party. He also made some appearances on Martin North’s channel earlier in the year as well, was rambling on about his debt jubilee solution as usual.
He’s still on Twitter
he was very recently on the Lex Friedman podcast
it was super cringey almost unwatchable
bloke loves the smell of his own farts still
absolutely no humility despite having got everything wrong for decades
just like DLS
Oh well at least he retired and gave up on it all
I tried reading his book it’s very tough reading also
I have been overseas and got COVID symptoms appeared on my second last day. I did everything to catch COVID if I didn’t catch it then you would know that COVID is very hard to catch but I did. Lack of sleep, heavy drinking every night, strenuous days in high heat. Did everything to smash my immune system and even then it wasn’t a big deal I’ve had worse overseas.
Basically the worst part was a 12 hour fever with a rapid heartbeat and dizziness that I nullified by resting and drinking as much water I could. Since then it has been a case of feeling a little off but basically fine. I’m just waiting now to test negative so I don’t spread it to any bedwetters.
I was probably a Typhoid Mary everywhere I went though before realising I had it I thought it was just a regular fever and I haven’t been overseas since COVID so maybe just my body not exposed to these things I was thinking.
My experience with it just makes me shake my head even more at the COVID response. It’s a fat fucks and old cunts disease. Something like mono is far, far worse.
It was interesting coming back the amount of low quality foreigners coming in. Indian grandmothers that looked like fucking gypsies on their death bed, most Indian males with a turbans on their heads, shit level no money Arabs, ugly wog looking things don’t know if they were Armenian or Algerian or what the fuck fucking ugly though, the odd backpacker trying to get their slice picking fruit, then a bunch of Asians that were probably doing their dough on a shit education.
It was a pitiful sight, this being my first trip since COVID, despite all my regular travels I have never seen such a pathetic bunch of foreigners. It was truly an Indian invasion. None of them look like Chadpreet Kohli these fuckers would all be ostracised in their own countries for being the weirdos and retards they are.
yeah according to a RAT i had it too, last year. the worst thing about it was wearing a mask with it, the mask absolutely fucked with my breathing and made me feel like i was suffocating. other than that, it was nothing. weird symptoms like twitchy eye and an upset stomach but that’s it. it lasted like 2 days tops, amazed we shut down the whole world over that.
I didn’t wear a mask because possibly they make it worse for yourself because you’re breathing back in the concentrated COVID droplets gathering in the mask similar to how they used to kill people with the respirators by pumping the droplets back into their lungs lol.
For me the initial fever was uncomfortable and I worried if it got worse I might not be able to fly (and have to pay a lot of money for a rescheduled flight) but that’s where it ends.
I definitely had a proper response to COVID and can’t say just a simple cough for me, and can’t say COVID is nothing, but it’s not a big deal either.
With the way my heartbeat elevated for 12 hours though, if you’re some fat fuck I can why it might cause problems for fatties but you get a rapid heartbeat from other viruses though so whatever.
Not having had Covid at all, I’m so sick of people saying “oh you might have, you just didn’t know..”.
How the actual fuck can you wet the bed on one hand about the virus killing everyone then say it’s so mild you didn’t notice you had it?
Conversation ends quickly when I say No, I haven’t had it and I keep myself fit, don’t trash my body and vitamins up. If I have had it then it’s clearly not worth locking down over.
as for the migrant quality think about it, why would an quality migrant want to come here. my mate in hong kong sez australia is like the last on the list for chinese migrants, they go to the u.s.a first, then uk, then canada, the absolute bottom of the barrel who cant get in anywhere else go to aus. i imagine this is true for migrants all over the world. imagine moving across the world to live in a $250 p/w bunkshare outside of birrong to work as an uber eats deliverer.
On weekend went into a KFC store as drive-thru EFTPOS wasn’t working. And I was placating the sprogs fwiw. The number of food drivers in store was 3-4. Some loud big boned dark sepo storms up to counter, ‘ave y’all got tha orda for WENG’ .
Can just imagine the multicult delight of the WENG’s receiving their food, delivered by a heavy set gorilla.
Just what Australia needs, more revenge fantasy ugly black sepos. ‘yall rascialists’ -….no, actually no one gives a rats ass about you, you loud , overweight abnoxious cunt , you have bad BO and have a man’s frame. This has nothing to do about race.
What is a sepo
amazed ive never seen a black american in aus before
I know that’s why i noticed also.
It was the arm and neck waving like they were someone import. The normal food delivery 🚚 imports usually are like cockroaches or snakes weaving apologetically between at lower level.
is that a country thing
ive never heard that word
its from septic tank
septic tank
tank = yank
tank rhymes with yank
reddit ppl say it
its stupid
It is old slang.
From a previous set of migrants
It’s rhyming slang Coming. I’m starting to think you may be a bored bangladeshi trolling us.
Hehe, a bored Bangladeshi is a curious guess!
my dossier points to something else
Comings’ referring URLs would be fun to look at.
Mine are mostly milf porn and fire alms.
septic tank…..fullashit
Surely NZ and Ireland would be behind Australia?
worst thing to do with respiratory illness is to wear NoviCaugh19 style mask. With your O2 levels dropping below 90% in most cases, one needs fresh air as much as one can get.
But you die faster if you wear the mask and that is the plan …
cities were a lot nicer without mass private automobile ownership. schwab is right on this one imo though probably not for the reasons he gives.
Even back then they seem to already have stupid hipsters riding bicycles while wearing suits.
might all look idyllic but
horse shit is still better than trucks and cars whizzing past you on the sidewalk at 50 km/hr and dickheads reving their engine motors
spent like 5 mins in he main st yesterday circling the block looking for a park
nothing fun about that
i also like the fact that everyones thin and you mostly only see young ppl. i cant stand going out now and just gazing at the average person, everyone is so ugly and old. it is depressing.
Yeah, I don’t know what to do about all the ugly people and fat people and old people … :/
I dont know either, but something must be done. We need to consult experts.
this is why im in favour of the WEF/schwaub plan to stop poor people owning cars, and forcing the rich ones to only own electric
so we don’t have to put up with low IQ males revving engines and zooming around
side benefit of hopefully slimming out the women too
i fucking hate driving anyway, would rather get an indian to drive me in an uber, or just walk
Bet elon musk and jeff bezos don’t drive themselves anywhere
its the most tedious shit imagineable
I kinda agree with this but I am worried that Schwabstika wants us to want that thus I immediately think I don’t want it
They’ll pry the keys for my ICE from my cold dead hands.
“…clearly, ponzi has a phenotype.” 😂 😂
Monkey slaves – HelloFresh Accused Of Using Monkey Labor To Obtain Coconut Milk | ZeroHedge
Seriously, this is not racist. It might be speciaist however.
“As always, the answer lies in regulatory capture.”
Cohodes on the FTX saga.
And the ABC is so thirsty for for mortgage reset porn they’re doing open casting
fucking lol
new zealanders getting a good dose of diversity
why can’t the family sue him for $18 billion like happened to alex jones and sandy hook
“He’s a doctor…”
Just like Brett Sutton is a “professor”…hint – he ain’t, he’s barely a GP, and even then has been an academic like every other Labor luvvie fucktard.
Professional titles are the new gender, you just identify as a Professor and everyone has to call you by that.
LOL, henceforth one has to “profess” (anything really) to become a “professor”
One of the sweetest moments at MB was getting that progressive ponce ‘DrSmithy’ to confess that his “Dr” title wasn’t real. He was neither a Dr of medicine or a holder of a Doctorate, instead it had been honorifically bestowed on him by his friends…. as in “Yes Professor” [rolls eyes]. I think the autistic fucktard cried after that.
Thinking about it, it really is a total wanker user name isn’t it. It’s hard to tell if it’s used ironically, it probably isn’t.
Is that so? LOL , what a twat, well done for exposing him, I can’t stand folks who aren’t medical using the handle doc ,
Having said that covid did confirm to me that a lot of doctors are assholes, I was straight up calling it a plandemic but that went down very badly and I soon had to bite my mouth , I feel some guilt in telling my pregnant pts it was OK to get the jab but the pressure was intense from everywhere I’ll have to live with that now I tell them not to bother and get funny looks , I don’t care now
So it turns out Norman Swirsky (not sure why he changed his name to Swan) has not worked as a Doctor for 40 years…he was a GP but in 1982 went to work at the ABC and was a producer. He has surround himself with luvvies and suckups for all this time, just pretending to know what he’s talking about. He hasn’t worked in the field at all, not a day in the lab, or even studying infectious diseases etc.
He’s a sham.
Well FFS. Swirsky…small hat perhaps?
His ABC profile says the family changed names when he was a kid to avoid being identified as small hatters.
They are perfidious in how they’ve infiltrated all our various institutions in one way or another, then set about ensuring that any narrative that emerges from those institutions reflect their values – that is how the small hat consciousness has become the wider consciousness of these institutions and OUR societies.
Universities, media, Govt, they are all the same – they’ve gradually transformed our concepts of nation and identity to suit their own, simply to preserve their own values even though they may shape shift their names.
Lol…that’s the funniest shit I’ve heard all week. That guy is such an incredible wanker. I bet he’s always lived at home with his Mum.
And it looks like he’s the smart one among his group of friends, FFS. I bet he has a neck beard and wears a fedora too. Probably plays a lot of Lesgue of Legends.
Well done on extracting that confession.
He actually seemed chuffed when he told that story, as though his mates admired him for is gigantic brain, as opposed to giving him the name sarcastically. I think he spent too long in the US.
If someone reads this in Spam, can they please pass on the message to Peachy that all my comments are going to spam.
Yay – someone read it!
Your comments were always showing.
It’s Peaches mossad spyware messing with you.