The end of democracy

Democracy only works because the losers are prepared to accept the rule of the winners on the basis that they are the same people, representing the same goals, albeit with a different view on how they can best be reached. There are more and more people in Australia (eg most contributors here) and other democracies who do not feel that those getting elected are pursuing the goal of the improvement of the nation for the benefit of all. Democracy is being gamed.

In Australia, the entire country is being subordinated to the needs of Sydney and Melbourne. Those two giant succubii do not produce enough value to pay for all they import so they have to extract wealth from elsewhere, mostly via the superannuation industry and the tax system. Democratic norms dictate that the biggest voting blocks rule and those two cities carry the most population so their interests are more heavily represented in Parliament. It’s an advantage that they reinforce with immigration, most of which goes to Sydney and Melbourne. Melbourne is especially dependent on migration since it lost its industry and its progressive elites are hostile to mining and agriculture.

Voters come from an ever increasing diversity of backgrounds with varying levels of long term committment to Australia. Many, maybe most, hold other passports. It cannot be assumed that voters share the same interests, except perhaps to extract as much as they can as fast as they can. Community involvement is down. The number of friends people have is down. Families are ever smaller. Our corruption rating gets worse each year according to Transparency International. The fabric of the nation is wearing thin.

The political class pretend that climate change is the most important thing we have to deal with, resulting in purposely hobbled economies with increasing costs for both transport and industrial and agricultural inputs. These are getting passed on every day to consumers. Marginal business models will fail. The more this goes on, fewer individuals will enjoy rising prosperity. How long will they acquiesce under the rule of those with whom they do not identify? Already I am seeing more foreign looking beggars on the streets.

Our leaders are working hard every day to delegitimise those who built modern Australia and instead push the legitimacy of Aboriginal traditional ownership. Recent migrants are not tarnished by colonisation. Recent migrants and their descendents now the dominant population group. They are delegitimising and disabling any pushback against them before it can occur, with different migrant groups competing for domination, or at least a state of permanent destabilisation in which they can carve a defensible niche.

Shared kinship is a shared interest in any animal society. Without it there is less reason for those without offspring to contribute. There is less reason for those with offspring to cooperate. The reasons that remain are increasingly negative – more about preventing individuals’ losses than building a future together. Democracy and the nation state go hand in hand. There is no reason to accept domination by the majority when you are not the same people. In the short term we can expect an increase in the bitterness of our disagreements. In the longer term, if the trends continue, democracy itself could come under threat, perhaps as a result of increasingly lawlessness, violence, corruption and poverty. I for one would not mourn the passing of its current state.

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I think the reason that the appearance of democracy is fading in Australia is because we never actually had democracy. All Australia had was an electoral system where people vote for the political party that the media convinced them to vote for. There are two options with essentially identical economic policies but varying in colour scheme and virtue signalling.
You will never be allowed to vote on what the level of migration should be or on whether to adopt a free trade agreement. All you get is to pick who will lie to you and screw you over for the next three years. We should not call the farce that is elections in Australia ‘Democracy’ as it has no similarity to the system used in ancient Athens where all citizens could have a say in the policies and laws. Instead what Australia and most of the world has is a performative placebo of regular voting rituals for keeping the masses placated.
However, as the quality of life is crushed by corrupt politicians following the orders of their corporate donors even the well oiled propaganda of the MSM can no longer hide the lies from the masses.


/\\ what he said.
As long as living standards are rising people tend to not pay much attention.
As living standards fall though…
And fall they are. 20% increase in Non-Discretionary spending but somehow inflation is in the low to mid single digits. lolololololololololol

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678
Agent 47

I think we need to vote harder

A fly in your ointment



There’s nothing wrong with our democracy. Best in the world.

There’s plenty wrong with voters.

Suppose was the electorate. LNP, Labor, Greens and Teals wouldn’t get a vote I would guess, and we’d all vote below the line to make sure they didn’t fall over the finish line in first place by accident.


“community involvement”. I remember my family being involved with Lions, Rotary and those other old timey groups in raising funds to build the local hospital.
Wouldnt happen today ‘cos it’s all for one, and everyone for themselves.


also because working people with kids don’t have time for that since they have to work longer, harder and commute more

but yeah, retired boomers don’t get involved because they’re scum


Yes, you must work longer and harder and commute more, because life is so much more difficult these days than ever before in recorded history.
Thank you for Coming, remember to get your booster.


People still do it, it is not advertised as much. It is probably more in regional areas too.


Yeah my old man was in Lions. Still shamed by him in regards to the amount of community work he did. We did live in a regional country town though – I increasingly hate the city.


i volunteered once at st vincent de paul, got abused over and over again by this power tripping boomer who criticised everybody for everything they did, walked out at lunch break and never came back.

i’m sorry but working for free is a fucking mugs game.


Lions were businessmen and professionals doing fundraising – generally older successful blokes, so they were usually organised, successful and had a piss up or two throughout the year. Service clubs are a bigger thing in country towns… or were.

banana man



There could have been some FM in there, but my ole man certainly wasn’t one, and most of the guys that I remember were more knock about types – not your buttoned down Protestant type.

A great uncle on my old man’s side was a FM, it was viewed more as a curiosity in our family than anything else. Dudes getting dresssd up in fancy aprons and giving each other secret hand shakes was seen by my parents as strange.


I increasingly agree with you about the city.


The Chinese living in EZFKA are largely responsible for the diminishing of any community spirit in the middle class. Traditionally you’d have better off supporting charities, and the traditional private schools (especially Jesuit) required community service. Hell I went to a posh private school and remember specific community service requirements, volunteering in aged care facilities etc.

The Chinese are like rats, piling on top of each other and EZFKA citizens alike. They infiltrated the middle class long ago and have sucked the life out of all that. It started with them taking all the school scholarships and refusing to give back (ie. music scholarship kids would literally have to perform at old boys functions etc but the Chinese parents always made the unavailable). Their parents would stand there like dumb fucks refusing their kids play team sport as well. Private schools now have badminton to cater to the Chinese kids.

Soon private schools in Melbs were infested with them, so the schools had to offer sports scholarships to bolster their traditional team sports like footy, especially if the school still wants to get their hands on that old boy money.

Nothing good has come of the Chinese, they’ve used and discarded what they need from EZFKA.


What you have described is the whole essence of EZFKA. They have perfected it.


dailymail is a dog with a bone now

The very long list of Dr Norman Swan’s doomsday Covid predictions that he got WRONG as he is forced to admit a major mistake – so why IS a man who hasn’t practised medicine in 30 years promoted as the expert on everything by the ABC?

I wonder why?

Will these Fake news nazi fascists bring up Dr Swan’s racial background next?

Agent 47

You mean Dr Norman (((Swirsky?)))


All this anti-covid, anti-vaccine news coming out recently is just to divide people further. Have people forgotten 12 months ago when you couldn’t question any of this shit? Now all of a sudden the media is reporting it…

If the past tells me anything it means the government is up to shady shit while distracting the average EZFKA unit. Immigration back, bringing in Indian grandparents, selling the country out to China, fucking us every way possible while reading the dailymail.


100%. If we get people to argue over Norman Swan, then no one will question the largest wealth transfer in history to wealthy households under the disguise of protecting the economy from Covid.


Minds of Dan Fans will absolutely blow when they realise Brett Sutton did not earn/study for the title ‘professor’ but rather had it bestowed on him. He has no PHD either, was a GP at Sandringham Hospital once..


Keep up with the times Drago. It is all about jobs for the management class. Management class is that you don’t have to be a subject matter expert, just need a chief of staff team to prepare the message for you to deliver. And something about inspiring your team(s).

Coming has something about CEOs and management burning through huge amounts of shareholder funds. I actually believe the advent of the management class and the destruction of shareholder value are somewhat related.


Diversity is gunna make it far worse. The meritocracy will always lead to more efficient outcomes. “Diversity” improving productivity is like believing in fairy dust. By all means employ a chick or an African, if they are meritorious enough for the position. Anything else is a cost to efficiency and a deduction from total output – another reason that as we slide down the energy curve the decline will be steeper than the rise.


My ex employer hired a HR manager who is obsessed with the indigenous. Among other things she instituted an indigenous hiring program…ie “affirmative action” aka race based hiring. So there was a stream of jobs reserved for the indigenous.

As you can imagine, it was a disaster. A bunch of indigenous people were employed, and they don’t show up for work, get in drunken street fights, get arrested, have uncontrollable debt etc etc. Anybody else would be sacked, but to do so with these cunts would be racist. 🙄

I’m glad I don’t work there any more.


Liberal white women should be forced to live in indigenous neighbourhoods for 18 months – they’d come away from the experience wearing knee high jack boots and giving Hitler salutes.


So I’ve got an uncle and aunt that lived in Arnhem land for 10 years. The only whites in the remote community. My aunt has told me stories how the men would get blind drunk and their idea of propositioning would be to come up to her and start grunting… One of a few fucked up stories she’s told me from her days out there lol


From my own experiences of working in the NT, I too find it very plausible. They were a very wretched people. I honestly felt great pity for them, especially the ones who were visibly and honestly trying to improve their lot.

Roger Dodger

Not quite the full picture on Sutton. Search here and you’ll find like many of these CHO-types, he’s a “specialist” in “Public Health Medicine”:

A fly in your ointment

Repeat after me:

“Emma Renay can’t kill anyone”

now repeat this 50 times every day in the morning and in the afternoon and at midday on weekends and things will be fine…

A fly in your ointment

I liked the first half of this romantic fairy tale about a democracy that in reality existed only in media, since its inception.
Rotation of “leaders” does not make leaders. It makes bus drivers: route is known and he just steers the bus from potholes and stops at stations and opens doors.
Leaders are made from the pool of charismatic personae capable of achieving ideas and goals that attract majority. It is upside down thinking that (s)elected “leaders” should follow the masses desires because masses are unable to think as a group, they can only be attracted.
Alas, modern democracy is conceived to give a very strong feeling of one’s control of the societal destiny but in fact its main achievent is to prevent leaders from rising. It is quite successful in that.


It is upside down thinking that (s)elected “leaders” should follow the masses desires because masses are unable to think as a group, they can only be attracted.

It is upside down thinking that (s)elected “leaders” can lead. They can only follow and the point of power gives them exculpatory trajectory for anything thay do. Their main goal in (s)elective democracies is to retain party power. This is why in Westworld not one single party has a clear ideology. Everything is wonky.


Great post Robert.


Seconded. Great post!

Stewie is my odds on next exchange to fall… just based on this fucked up product alone.


Didn’t Gemini just fail

im not really understanding why crypto “prices” haven’t completely collapsed

Tokens are literally the only collateral that these exchanges have so why aren’t they being liquidated ?

im guessing because all the others (eg binance, tether, drug cartels) are trying to hold the price up as that is also their only collateral

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

I don’t see much wrong with that model Stewie. It’s very traditional – get scale/volume through loss-leader product, then make your coin slowly by taking a spread on every trade.

they hide their spreads/fees well, too


Except that the coin is providing fake liquidity that isn’t really there – this is the fundamental reason why all the exchanges are collapsing. Eventually the piper has to be paid.


Very long bow there.

A fly in your ointment

So many bows from so many angles – it looks like a world championship in archery.
All roads lead to Rome Emma Renay.


All roads lead to Rome Emma Renay.

that can be a working hypothesis (and there is elegance in that particular metaphor as well, I might add) but I wouldn’t adopt it as an absolute truth

A fly in your ointment

indeed, much like post by Coming pointing towards zealous blame on Jabbadabba where blame may not be due.

My extreme position is that every undue death should be compulsory-tested against VacciNazi clot shot injury or death, to the point that if there’s a dePrince’d Andrew’s sex bus down the cliff, all aboard incl bus driver were heavily on coke, bus driver should be tested for both miocarditis and stroke induced by Emma which may have lead to indirect killing of everyone, thus all should be victims of it.

i can dream on…

Reus's Large MEMBER



Got to pay the mortgage or pay some imported Indian slave to bring you your dinner like Lord Muck?
Another restaurant in our local area just closed its doors last week. There will be more.



hope they all fold


Another restaurant in our local area just closed its doors last week. There will be more.

Good. That’s kind of what we’re going for.


Maybe now is the time to set up your own ATO telephone scam so you can absorb these highly skilled workers


This brings the tally of dead kids to 3, just under this post.

a bit heavy, isn’t it?


I think that was the point


Looks like a paedo and is clearly a total grub, but what is the point?


The point is that it’s not just the jimmies that are bad

A fly in your ointment

They aren’t us

that is the second point I wanted to make…


$255m up in smoke

almost like crypto is a retarded scam

amazing how many , not just ordinary suckers, but actual large companies bought into this nonsense
just shows you how dumb most of these CEOs and management types are

A fly in your ointment

it’s the FOMO that drives them.
CAPITALism has become Gig-Debt-alism. Everything is a debt fueled gig


almost like crypto is a retarded scam

amazing how many , not just ordinary suckers, but actual large companies bought into this nonsense

just shows you how dumb most of these CEOs and management types are

crypto and blockchain has a use case.

but as bjw and I keep telling you, using blockchain to replace something that is

  • centralised
  • done perfectly well by a proprietary database/ledger

is not that use case. It is dumb.

ASX is dumb. But they’ll probably get a pop in the share price now that they’ve stemmed the bleeding.


the sole use case of crypto is bypassing laws and regulations

hence it has no use for any legitimate company/corporation/government


the sole use case of crypto is bypassing laws and regulations

it creates the ability to accomplish certain things without reliance on laws, regulations or regulators.

That is different


no, we already have the ability to do everything crypto does without RELYING on laws (though laws are there as a backup)

its called money


ASX is dumb. But they’ll probably get a pop in the share price now that they’ve stemmed the bleeding.

completely wrong on that one


seems to have recovered somewhat

hard to understand where the money went – its all coding.
There’s not really going to be much physical infrastructure requirements to spend on

How much does a coder make? 150k/yr?

255,000,000 / 150,000 / 3 years = they had like 5-600 people working on it?

jesus christ the level of grift must be off the charts


Yeah, the shonkiness is crazy. Any defense of crypto and blockchain at this point is by people who are scammers or are underwater and trying to claw back their losses.
Next time someone defends bitcoin to you, ask them their buy-in price.


here’s a bit more colour

it’s actually been in development for SEVEN FUCKING YEARS lmao

still an absurd amount of money

but how did it take them 7 years to realise block chain is absolutely fucking useless

in fact they didn’t even realise they had to pay a consulting company to tell them


but how did it take them 7 years to realise block chain is absolutely fucking useless 

in fact they didn’t even realise they had to pay a consulting company to tell them

it’s how organisations work. This was obviously the old CEO’s and Board’s pet project and it provided a neat narrative to roll out to shareholders about modernising and going with cutting edge technology and Shares 2.0 and shit.

who is going to put their head above the parapet and say “it’s not working… and it’s bullshit”?

> not the developers riding the gravy train to the tune of $200k every year (some might be blockchain true believers, as well)
> not the consulting firms who are called in to project manage and troubleshoot from time to time (gravy train)
> not the chief tech officer (on account of its his KPI to make it work)
> not the investor relation folks (they just want a good news story)

ain’t nobody left. Have to wait until enough red ink is spilled in the books and the old CEO moves on.


well yes it was largely a rhetorical question


$250M is amateur stuff. How much did NAB write-off for SAP for their HR software? QLD Health for the payroll system?


I don’t know how much did they waste ?

NAB has to be a $100bn company though

also it looks like SAP stuff is actually operational now

this asx block chain garbage is literally going in the bin
they have to start again with a non block chain system

its a staggering failure

qld health must also have a huge operating budget
plus you expect govt to be grossly incompetent

How much did Zuckerberg waste on the meta verse ?
but Facebook was a trillion dollar company at one stage

this could be the most expensive failures in relative terms in Australian corporate history (of a major company)

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

It was in the vicinity of $1B.

The most expensive Australian failure from memory was AMP buying Henderson group.


Again though

this project now has zero value

and asx is a tiny company relative cost much greater

bit I guess the most egregious part is that even I as a non-IT Non finance person could see that this was in no way ever going to be a workable or appropriate solution

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming
banana man

funniest shit ever was murdoch buyin g myspace


One of the FTX crypto guys suggested to Elon Musk that Twitter should run on the blockchain. He nixed it quick.
“In response to this proposal, Musk explained that Twitter on blockchain is impossible due to the inability of the peer-to-peer network to support bandwidth and latency requirements. The solution could work if these peer-to-peer networks were absolutely gigantic, but then the network could not be decentralized”


fuck these crypto people are imbeciles


I sort of agree – there is are a couple functional social media sites on BSV – twetch, which is like twitter on the blockchain and my2cents, which is like a facebook.

Both use the blockchain to store data. While I recognise the business model that says data can be stored on the blockchain, I am dubious of stating all data should be stored on the blockchain. Movies that can be mass downloaded – yes. Personal social media – meh.

Of the two models My2cents seems to be doing better. You don’t actually need BSV to post on it, you can actually blog on it and earn BSV from the get go. It is generating around 1/3 to half of all BSV’s daily transactions the last time I bothered to look into it. Twetch is a bit of Rube Geller machine imho – I mean you can store your tweets online forever, but really who gives a shit.

Where crypto could be useful with social media is allowing it to be integrated into existing platforms as a competing payment plumbing system. I’ll be honest here that other competing UTXO versions of Bitcoin, like BCH, can perform this function just as efficiently. It would also be possible to monetize social media within existing platforms like Twitter and Facebook, without needing to move all the data onto the blockchain – just integrate it and allow it to be used as a competing payment platform…. for a microtransaction cut of course.


I commented ages ago that the technology they were using was useless – they were investing in account based crypto, it can’t scale. The UTXO model with SPV is the only one can scale sufficiently that it is worthwhile considering. The US banks are working on a private UTXO model.

The RBA and ASX employed KPMG consultants that basically consisted of some retarded chick who was a BTC champion and then thought ETH was the ants pants. I posed a question to her on one of my old accounts and she blocked me almost instantly. She was dumb, like Sweeper and W@ffle having a love child sort of dumb.


Enough stories about dead kids! Here’s a story about a dead professional soccer referee! Just the sort of out-of-shape 42 year old slob who would be likely to cark it at the slightest provocation.


Thanks for lightening the mood lswchp!


lol good to see aussie cossack making a pest of himself

joyce didn’t really handle it well

seemed dumb and flustered

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

Alan Joyce has fleeced billions from EZFKA taxpayers, then made a public company his LGBTQ agenda pusher, and they still support him.

Clown world.



but after finessing the government, taxpayers, passengers and staff of qantas, i thought he’d at least be able to handle a fat retard like aussie cossack

i guess along with the asx crypto debacle it shows that these corporate people are actually pretty stupid

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

this beats his usual content for sure, the police stop videos are a bore imo

i enjoy when he shills for the kremlin

just out of curiosity, what the fuck is he

he is very clearly not a racially european ethnic russian, he’s some sort of mongolo-turkic or uralic specimen


interesting timing

The Victorian Electoral Commission on Wednesday referred to Mr Guy and his former chief of staff Mitch Catlin to the Independent Broad-based Anti-Corruption Commission for further investigation.

Electoral commissioner Warwick Gately said his organisation had exhausted its attempts to fully investigate what may constitute a breach of Victoria’s funding and disclosure laws under the Electoral Act.

absolutely hilarious that once again the twitter EZFKA satire account has a premonition that the ALP owns the VEC


If Matthew Guy and Daniel Andrews are the best that their parties can come up with, there is definitely something wrong in Victoria. Both are corrupt grubs and shouldn’t be anywhere near the halls of power. On November 26, the choice is really between eating your own teeth or tearing out your own fingernails.


Had an interesting discussion this afternoon when voting – I casually asked the Labor luvvie handing out ‘How to vote’ cards, “can I have your red shirt mate?”. He was a bit confused, so I said “well I paid for it ya prick, I’m a taxpayer and your boss is a cunt”. Meaningless drivel from there but good chat.


comment image

Reus's Large MEMBER

Damn she ugly


She looks like Bill Crosby in drag.


Labor are bigger whores to big business than the Liberal party.


It’s a borderless world for these people, surprised they even need a visa

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image


Yep, there was a reason the peace agreement in March was torpedoed. Too much money to be gained for the elite by continuing hostilities.


Some of the shit that gets sent around at work is unbelievable. Instead of the exclusionary niece and nephew, have you tried the more inclusive nibling?

And Mr/Ms/Mrs are a thing of the past, from now on I’m Mx canuckdownunder.

Happy Trans Awareness Week everybody! 😘


“Nibling” – FFS?

That is a world that only an empowered neurotic chick could come up with. She should as far away from management and organisational structures as possible. Most preferably pregnant and neurotocising over her kids wellbeing, instead of spreading her paranoia throughout the community.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Off topic.
Legacy Anglo Aussie Converts One Bed Unit Into Five
Just kidding! This go-getter is ‘Si Ren’, and if the name doesn’t ping your fraud radar, you’re probably brain dead.

A fly in your ointment

It is called “filling the void” (a it of a pun there, eh?), or “entrepreneurial spirit”.


Article says the work to divide the unit started in April 2019, with legal action only starting in September 2022. Over 3 years to take action (and 3 years of $$$) is hardly going to be a disincentive to landlords doing similar stuff.


Absolutely incredible

zelensky even wtf

The speakers shared background is purely coincidental


Ignored by media the world over too..



Zelensky was named in the Panama papers with his London properties bought as soon as he came to power and he could steal the funds for them.

Wonder if any corporate media will pick this up…?








Well done top quality memes

Reus's Large MEMBER

Must have a guilty complex with all that vehement denying going on in the MSM ….


Yeah – me thinks they doth protest too much.


from the link:

A WEF spokesperson told AFP: “I can confirm that the World Economic Forum is not overseeing and counting any votes (in the Victorian state election).”

they got a WEF spokesman to respond!

like always, the WEF is lying. This is just proof that they are counting the votes and overseeing the confirmation of their pre-ordained result.


Hilarious how many news organisations are fact checking this tweet.


Vaccine related corruption isn’t restricted to Western countries.

Dr Love

Hello Peach,
I have written a post in response to Stagmals’ concerns re fat, ugly and old people, and how we should deal with this issue.
I’ve detailed the problem with these disgusting people, and have proposed a Fine Solution.
I also have a post on ” Mental illness In Bird Populations” that is quite lengthy but will be well worth reading.


If you’re a registered user (which you may not be?), you should probably be able to post it, like anyone else.

For what it’s worth, if it’s very long, I think it would be best to break it up into pieces.


Disgusting fat, ugly and old people should at the very least stay the fuck out out of my way at Woolies. FFS, how hard is it to not block the entire aisle as you slowly totter along towards your impending death?


So I’m sitting out the front of my house with a glass of red, happily watching the sun set through the leaves of the trees when I hear what sounds like female Arab babbling, oddly nearby. I get up to investigate, and around the corner (we’re on a corner block) 4 young women in hijabs are wandering around my front yard, happily chatting among themselves in a foreign language and picking bunches of flowers. My fucking flowers. It appeared that my ownership of the property, and the effort I’d put into the garden meant nothing at all to them, because they wanted some nice bunches of flowers.

My rage was terrible to behold. People in different postcodes will be calling the cops because they heard a crazy man swearing and shouting.

I’ve been through a lot of bad shit. My ex wives have tried my soul, but it’s been many years since I felt so fucking angry. They were stealing my flowers.


Better hope they aint local peaceful people, otherwise their 10 cousins Mohammed will be paying a visit for your disrespect.


I considered that for about 3 nanoseconds, then decided I’d welcome the opportunity. I’d have to choose between belting them with my baseball bat, or the hammer. Maybe both.

Aussie Soy Boy

Fucking garbage people we import. They wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing in their own country.


If you’ve ever been to their countries you’d know that any gardening they may do, it is carried out behind 8 foot concrete walls. Enjoying nature is a private affair, they treat public resources with utter contempt.

They drop rubbish everywhere, shit in the street, simply don’t give a fuck about any community resources, because if there are any common resources they get taken. Hence their natural inclination to take lswchp’s flowers.

A fly in your ointment

the law says, reportedly, if it ain’t fenced it’s invitation per-se.

luckily the ocean prevents this:
otherwise we’d have it too.


I call down a fatwa on those flower pickers!

A fly in your ointment

more at Telegram tag

A fly in your ointment

I follow several suburbs in terms of rentals and for sale. It seems that numbers are climbing and I saw for the first time “call the agent” for overpriced rental properties. An apartment near by, went for auction, quite large one with a quad garage places, did not meet sellers expectations. I thought it ticked every vox possible in rental apartments, by size, acessibility, sun, space, appearance…. my take was it could’ve sold for $900k+ easily earlier this year, attracting only 2 bidders. A Swallow and spring proverb may apply….


This says “modelling” from PRD Nationwide shows that average house prices in sydney will be $2.4m by 2030, and average apartments prices $1.05m

driven by rising migration, soaring city economy and developers not building new homes fast enough to meet demand

I’d scoff, but they’ve been more right than wrong in the past


sounds about right to me, i wouldn’t bet against this at all. house prices will start rising again some time next year maybe.


look i think we are all so mentally and emotionally broken by the last 10 years that nobody would dare to argue against this, not even the MB boys


love the “but affordability may ease” qualifier though – hahahahaha yeah right


I don’t agree. Melbourne can keep building outwards to the North, East and West. Sydney can’t do this unless it is willing to pave over National Parks.

The soaring economy is a mirage and is really only spending on services. Melbourne doesn’t produce anything and has a much lower number of major companies headquartered in the city.


its probably more the cost of building

melbourne importing a lot more pajeets than sydney


This was a good summation of the issues at FTX. Not one aspect of what was revealed surprised me – virtually no real liquidity compared to bloated, inflated assets held in other liquidity constrained ponzis.

In addition, in the first hours of November 11, 2022 EST, the directors of non-Debtors FTX Express Pty Ltd and FTX Australia Pty Ltd., both Australian entities, appointed Messrs. Scott Langdon, John Mouawad and Rahul Goyal of Korda Mentha Restructuring as voluntary administrators.

Goes to show that even well regulated ‘Australian’ exchanges can be at risk of failure when their parent, which lies outside of Australia’s regulatory framework, are corrupt and engage in maleficent behaviour.


Meanwhile Ukrainians are killing surrendering Russians lying face down on the ground:


melitopol will be the big test of where this war is heading into the new year, assuming ukraine attempts to attack it. if russia does not even bother to defend melitopol (which i doubt, given kherson was such a unique situation) it is an indication to me the kremlins are throwing in the towel. however successfully defending any large assault on melitopol would exhaust the ukrainians significantly. capturing melitopol = game over imo, so the stakes for it, unlike kherson (which was mostly psychological) are huge.


So you want me to actually do something useful… mate I have already done my 8th acknowledgement to country this week and that’s all you’ll get out of me


Policies like these need to be challenged in court – that Uni student needs a sponsor, like Gina, to fund it all the way through to the HCoA if necessary. These purity statements are toxic for supposed plural democratic societies.


Business opportunity maybe for Uni might be cutting out the useless bullshit and teaching real courses ?

The current model clearly doesn’t work, despite Gov funding they’re mostly bust and not turning out any great minds.

Dr Love

ZH had a few interesting articles today. This one is on global oil production, and as a believer in peak oil I found a number of statements to be quite interesting:

“Now, the world is facing a very different problem. High energy prices are again feeding over to food prices and to inflation in general. But the underlying trend in energy consumption is very different. The growth rate in world energy consumption per capita was 2.3% per year in the 2001 to 2005 period, but energy consumption per capita for the period 2017 to 2021 seems to be slightly shrinking at minus 0.4% per year. The world seems to already be on the edge of recession.”

Many conspiracy theorists argue that COVID was designed to break down cultural resistance to taking up WFH now that we had the infrastructure and capability to do it. I am open to this as a possibility.

But the conspiracy theorists would argue that it is about preparing us for a lower energy future, full stop. I would say it is more about forcing a behavioural change in the population, not to advantage the population per se, but to allow the elites to maintain the status quo for a little longer i.e. they continue to remain in charge and loot us for a little longer.

The author comes to a similar conclusion further into the article:

“Leaders will never tell us that the world has an energy shortage. Instead, leaders will tell us how awful fossil fuels are, so that we will be happy that the economy is losing their usage. They will never tell us how worthless intermittent wind and solar are for solving today’s energy problems. Instead, they will lead us to believe that a transition to vehicles powered by electricity and batteries is just around the corner. They will tell us that the world’s worst problem is climate change, and that by working together, we can move away from fossil fuels.”

This dovetails with my arguement that there really ISN’T a climate emergency. What is an emergency is that without forcing change on our societies, these elites won’t be able to maintain the status quo that has allowed them to rape and pillage our societies.

We we know with absolute certainty if there was indeed a ‘climate emergency’ by the fact that Western nations would cease immigration immediately. Importing consumer units and instantly raising them to existing Western legacy population’s living standards is the WORST thing for the environment. Absolute worst possible environmental policy.

These policies are about forcing lower consumption patterns on Western nations, so the environmental and energy savings can be backfilled with mass migration, that will enable our elites to enrich themselves further off the back of our collective sacrifices.

The world economy is a self-organizing system, so we cannot know precisely what form changes in the next few years will take. The economy can be expected to shrink back in an uneven pattern, with some parts of the world and some classes of citizens, such as workers versus the elderly, doing better than others.

This model in which to view the world economy is one that also holds a lot of appeal to me. But when you run mental simulations on it and combine it with other things, like the third law of thermodynamics, the simple fact is in a lower energy state what will emerge is a lower level of complexity.

I still reckon the right hand side of the graph is gunna be steeper than the left hand side.

Capture - Copy.JPG

There absolutely isn’t an energy shortage

we have enough uranium to power the world for millions of years – it’s effectively inexhaustible if we are willing (ie if the cost is high enough) to reprocess and extract at low concentrations

Just like fracking becomes economically viable again if these high oil prices persist – we probably aren’t even close to running out of oil/gas/coal either

Renewables is just a run of the mill corporate grift like vaccines

Last edited 2 years ago by Coming

If we cared about climate change then we wouldn’t do huge emissions making a whole fleet of EVs, we’d just convert and maintain existing cars. There is roughly zero correlation between the policies of the private jetting elite and any environmental cause, and they’re not shy about that fact either.


If we cared about climate change then we wouldn’t do huge emissions making a whole fleet of EVs, we’d just convert and maintain existing cars.

I don’t think that the arithmetic works like that. The average age of the private car fleet is something like 12 years in EZFKA.

That means (on average) all existing cars will get replaced with new cars within 12 years anyway. So a new fleet of cars will be built anyway.

we just get to decide whether this new fleet is regular cars or EV or something different. M

i can imagine that with a very different approach to maintenance it could be possible to get average fleet age to 20 years or so, as an extreme. But beyond that, we’re still buying a new fleet, so even the most extreme measures delay the new fleet by a few years.

(Uncle says that to get existing cars to run to 20 years, we’re not starting from a good place. A lot of the cars on the road are now Euro trash that can’t be economically repaired. A few decades ago apparently most cars were locally built (so could be cheaply maintained) or Japanese (built to last 20 years anyway))

There is roughly zero correlation between the policies of the private jetting elite and any environmental cause, and they’re not shy about that fact either.

this is very true.

as someone posted here (Stewie?) that seems to be much about getting western nations to accept (demand?) a lower living standard as a virtue… rather than actually save the world


its really quite aggravating that these people don’t have the same open-minded approach to “muh vaccine apocalypse” as they did to the covid pandemic

Then we examined how this excess death compared to the same timeframe for Covid prior to the vaccine.

These deaths did not exist prior to the Vax. And if this was ‘Long Covid’, they should have.

Well, no, they shouldn’t have
There was only a year between the covid pandemic starting and the vaccine roll out
How the fuck are you supposed to die of “long covid” if you only caught covid a short time ago?
just really fucking retarded

also why are there excess deaths in one year olds when only 6 month olds can get vaccinated, and only very recently (July 2022)

And as well, we observed that this association between highly vaxxed counties, and young persons dying suddenly – also did not exist prior to the Vaccine Inflection date of MMWR Week 14 2021 – only AFTER that inflection.

Then proceeds to show a scatter plot which is completely randomly distributed

Not sure if these guys are grifters or just fucking stupid

Cedric Coxwallow

Not sure if these guys are grifters or just fucking stupid

Twitter is full of people hawking books and therapies on their ‘struggle’ with Long Covid.
It’s a niche money-maker

Cedric Coxwallow

And via Patreon, Stubstack, Youtube.
To be expected tho. Most people on Twitter are trying to sell you something.


So if the Choos don’t run Hollywood etc. why was there a whole Me Aswell movement around Harvey Weinstein ? I mean he’s just one guy right, not like he had any power….


The WEF led UK Government has pushed hard in its efforts to fuck their population over.

7m Euro a day for 200 hotels, to house this filth, all young male future rapists without any skills. The impacts on local English having to live with those scum in their towns and other English now unable to travel and use those hotels.

I am stunned at how the Poms have so easily bent over for this.


good ol grift…”Everyone in the Union movement and Labor Party knows about the theft of members’ money from the HWU but no one does anything because the HWU is also involved in branch stacking and they are part of Bill Shorten’s crime gang”

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt

Grift is a kind word, when the main participants have clearly been engaging in criminal activity for years.

Dan Andrew’s 6th IBAC hearing won’t raise even a minute’s investigation I’m his media pack. Decent level of fraud going on, that Andrews is fully aware of. Worse still Bill Shorten has been neck deep in that shit for years but no one in the media cares.


Well fuck me dead.

We just had lunch with my sister and her family. My eldest niece was there, looking pale and thin and very subdued, which is not like her at all like her normal boisterous self.

She has degrees in psychology and exercise physiology, and works as an athletic coach and trainer. She’s one of the fittest people I know, but she’s been very unwell for a couple of months.

Cutting to the chase, after testing her for a brain tumour, Pakinsons and a bunch of other things, a couple of days ago she was diagnosed with…you’ll never guess…myocarditis aka inflammation of the heart. She said that just standing up can cause heart pounding dizziness, which is great for someone in her line of work.

As everybody knows, professional athletes in their mid 20s suffering from incapacitating heart inflammation is perfectly normal. Or at least, itbis now. 🙄


yet ANOTHER acquaintance/relative/friend of yours dying from the vaccine

What are you up to now?
I reckon you share at least one new anecdote a week, must be like 40-50 people you personally know dead or dying

what are the odds


Actually it’s about 8.

I hope you and your children end up like my niece, and then you all eat shit and die.


no come on champ it has to be way more than 8

i remember your workplace was decimated, several super fit men in their 40s and 50s dropped dead on the spot

or are you only counting the ones still lingering yet to finally cark it


“”Champ ? You champed me? That sure has cut me down to size and put me in my place.

Five people at my ex workplace died of suddenly between May 21 and Feb 22. I’d worked with one of them regularly since 1995. Twenty six years, and then he didn’t come to work one day.

One of my partner’s colleagues also died suddenly in Feb….heart attack and stroke. She was a a fit young woman. My Mum and her brother both have blood clots in their lungs. My Mum almost died. And my niece now has myocarditis.

So many people in the medical profession, which you claim to be though I have my doubts, turn out to be such cunts. And stupid with it, mixed with a great degree of self regard. It’s a puzzle.


that’s already 9 champ so maybe your maths isn’t so good

anyway I hope you and your children eat shit and die


Please do better. You’re a doctor after all.


All of you who were raped by Diablos’ Dildo and accepted the Spoodge of Satan are doomed.
It’s only a matter of time.


One can only hope.

A fly in your ointment

“Finally I learned what separates man from animal: money troubles.”

Jules Renard

inter3sting thinker the Renard xhap