Daily Thread – 4 November 2022

Lots of funny stuff has been happening, so I figured another daily thread was required. Still super busy, but with luck that changes in new year and can start doing weekend threads nicely again.

Bit shoutout to Timbo/Mister Sinister for triggering the Victorian Election Commission with the below – nicely done gents!

Much butthurt…

In the meanwhile, Liz Truss will go down as being the dumbest person in British politics, which is saying something. The boys at the Duran have some fun with it – Truss text. Sunak, one week as UK Prime Minister – YouTube – the Austin Powers comparison seems apt.

Story evolving as per below…

Kinda like the Victoria Nuland ‘F the EU’ video! Hopefully!
Who is fighting for freedom?

~~Emma Renay Updates~~

Why don’t you tell us how you really feel?
This could work…
Who would have thunked?
This will clearly end well…
Ohnoes… well, its a good thing the princess has her strong independent woman ID card!


I’ll try to add memes re the Nov 8 mid terms in a bit. Also, does anyone have the ‘suddenly died’ meme doing the rounds? Thx…

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Reus's Large MEMBER

Some memes

Reus's Large MEMBER

another goodie

Reus's Large MEMBER

This is a fav


I saw a recent clip of Biden putting a sticker on his granddaughter’s shirt, and copping a quick feel of her left boob on the way past. 😬

That guy is a degenerate sexual predator, and that’s one of the nicest things you can say about him. He is a truly repugnant individual.




That guy is a degenerate sexual predator, and that’s one of the nicest things you can say about him. He is a truly repugnant individual.

More likely he has dementia and no longer fully understands…
And he has the button metaphorically.

Have you ever dealt with someone with dementia, social inhibitions and norms are one of the things that disappear.

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

The guy has been a degenerate sexual predator pre dementia. Something to do with showers 🚿


Exactly. His son literally and fellow degenerate literally called his dad “Pedo Peter”


I reckon the little green martians made him do it…


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Another bipolar day on the ASX, weeeeeeee! How good is Staya, the lucky country?



Of all journalists killed in 2021, 11% were women. In 2020, this was 6%. (Source: @UNESCO


On the International Day to #EndImpunity for Crimes against Journalists, let us say out loud:






It turns out that the % of women went up, not because there were more women killed, but fewer men

To get the percentage back down to 6%, we’d have to start killing some extra male journalists



It turns out that the % of women being killed went up, not because there were more women killed, but fewer men
To get the percentage back down to 6%, we’d have to start killing some extra male journalists


Or in the interests of fairness and equity we should kill 50% of the female journos.


That would probably improve the factual objectivity of most news articles by a fair margin.


Even if the jab is proven a killer the only entities going to be paying any damages are the governments that signed contracts agreeing to pay any damages arising before pfizer would sell them a single dose.

A fly in your ointment

I seriously doubt that this will happen.
No one will be paid or at least not directly.It opens up the Pandora’s box

5 yrs from now when not even beltway propagandist belive in Emma Renay any more and advise against it, Australopithecus Vulgaris will still cherish that moment when they did the right thing and took a Jabbadabba to protect the nation, thy neighbours one their daughters, themselves, the hospital system and to preserve employment.


I feel like Elon is trolling the shit out of these people on twitter right now


Didn’t “free speech” cost $1.05 in Team America? Inflation has really gone up a lot then.


hahahaha ….SUBSCRIBE!!!


That’ll never get old. 😂


Pretty sure Catherine Andrews is there for the Tranny vote, have you seen her?


Coming would tap it



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Seriously, that’s a bloke in the red isn’t it?


Surprised Victoria Police didn’t bash him, the prick has to hide behind them and the media lackeys, he literally cannot walk the street or he’d be lynched.

God knows what horrors his wife has put up with, she’s got a head like a Busted arse but her payout will be huge.


IBAC is toothless. He knows that and his advisers are being investigated too. If corruption is found, no guesses who will take the fall.

So much similarities between current Victoria and Queensland in the 70s/80s. Getting things done masks the wrongdoings and helps the masses look the other way.


This the 4th IBAC corruption investigation Dan Andrews has been Investigated in, he’s got to have beaten any corrupt Premier from Queensland or WA.

Fact is the EZFKA morons will let him back in like the molested children that still call him Daddy.


Bank of England jacks rates as economy braces for freefall

The RBA may have really tits’d things up this time or maybe they will Steven Bradbury it and come out ahead through sheer incompetence.

Aussie Soy Boy

The cash rate is so low here it’s just fuelling more and more inflation. It needs to be 5-6% minimum.


pretty sure the inflation is being driven by things other than purchasing power…

Aussie Soy Boy

Record low unemployment, surplus of savings from the pandemic handouts, lockdowns, restrictions on travel, etc.

The need to raise hard and quick.


“But ma million dollar mortgage! Won’t somebody think of the propadee prices!”


they’ve done a Bradbury many times before. it was always china that saved them the past 25 yrs or so.


What’s the “cooker” insult?


it means cooked, tom tanuki a youtube guy apparently came up with it. its a label he gave to conspiracy theorists, anti vaxxers etc


I consider the vaxxed as the ‘cookers’, especially now they’ve guzzled The Cum Of Beezelbub, Lucifers Load, ‘Ole Scratchs’ Nutsack Gel.




‘Cooked’ is just more signalling to their own, they’re so stupid they can’t read anything without being directed how to think. That trolling tweet about the AEC was a classic, the morons couldn’t even understand satire so have to bleat ‘cooked’ to each other.


Tom Tanuki is the ginger virgin king of the “hot take” no one wanted. He yells into the Leftard vacuum who ejaculate when they hear his nasal whine.

An unpaid loser and King of the Bedwetters, I shit you not his recent post no one wants to read was “An elegy to masks and why mine will stay on”.

Jerks off weekly alongside PRGuy to old clips of Dan Andrews.


yeah he sucks a lot of the time but some of the stuff he says is not terrible. isaac butterfield is a shit house comedian for instance even if i dont fkn care if he makes fun of fat women or whatever, he just aint funny.


The best thing is the Grifter Yemeni lives rent free in his head 24/7, as much as he tries to deny it. I don’t need Simp Leftard to tell me Isaac Butterfield isn’t funny, it’s obvious.


Fight for freedom!


rah! btw that wef badge is excellent for zeroing scopes


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comment image





Schwabstika, fkn genius!



story gets more and more dubious with every telling

Think the whole thing is about to get memory holed



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never forget the damage done in the response to covid – the emergency powers, enforced jail time (“in our homes”) the closed borders, the lost freedom to exit your own country. I will never forgive and never forget. and we need to remember.,, because it’s just a matter of time they find a new excuse to do the same thing, in our best interests of course.


If you accepted it without challenge the first time you have made it the new normal already.

*You in the general rather than specific sense.


I liked that Mark Collett Quote:

“One of the most egregious lies that is repeated endlessly by the American and British establishments and the media is that the fight against Russia is a fight for ‘freedom’…. Britain and America do not fight for freedom against Russia, they fight to turn Russia and Eastern Europe into the same anit-white, degenerate police state that White Britons and White Americans suffer under.”

The vaccine one I had to look and find more about it… alas:

“The article about the Supreme Court is misinformation,” Kennedy said, adding that “the same article keeps reappearing.”



Nah, it is a fight for Western bankers which is why the UK, EU and US have been so keen to support the war.


All been there – I always appreciate finding out, I hate getting it wrong, but I hate continuing to being wrong worse.


Everyone is probably aware of the Joos cancelling Kayane West because he dared to call them out for the power and influence in our society, as a highly endogamous population group determined to see that we live by their accepted social norms like ‘tolerance’ (aka degeneracy).

However another relatively famous (at least in America) black man got cancelled last week – Kyrie Irving. Who is a a pretty good basketballer who basically got suspended from his team, until he issued a groveling apology – which still wasn’t good enough until he paid a half a MILLION dollar fine. His crime?

Apparently he liked a movie and posted a link to it. Not that any Newspaper story actually mentioned the movie by name or dared to link it – they would only say that it was a ‘highly antisemitic‘ film. Naturally it aroused my curiosity.

The media here are only serving to enforce the social norms of our elites, which is in this case to stigmatise, with accusations of antisemitism while being careful not to mention any aspect of what those accusations of antisemitism were grounded in.

Anyhow, after much digging I found it was a boring documentary: “Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America


And the antisemitic crimes? Questioning aspects of the Holocaust. Remember that facts, now that they have been determined by Jewish researchers has been set in stone and never to be questions – especially by the Goyim (so what if their detailed Red Cross Records only tally 400,000 Jewish prisoners in those cholera plagued camps).

The other crime? It discusses the broad Jewish involvement in the slave trade. Like trading in all other ‘sinful’ goods, from narcotics, to prostitution, Jews organised and ran the slave trades and the slave markets – on indisputable fact, apparent in the public ledgers of all slave markets that have been carefully preserved as proof of white Americas’ culpability…. that all slave markets were closed on Saturday’s – the Sabbath or Jewish Holy day.

I guess this answers the question of whether blacks can be racist. Apparently they can – but only when they direct some legitimate questions towards the Jooos.


Weak man succumbs to pressure. He should not apologise. He should not pay the fine. Fight it in court. Quit basketball. Whatever. Anything is being better than being censored mainly so that others censor themselves. Those maoist cultural revolution tactics must be called out for what they are. I expect to be sacked from my job in the not too distant future for standing up to brainwashing. The CRT training sessions have commenced. I await criticism and struggle sessions, which I will walk out of.

Roger Dodger

Public or private employer?



Roger Dodger

“Coming to a place near you” soon for lots of folk then I’d suspect. Are you forced into “welcome to country” meeting-openers?

Last edited 1 year ago by Roger Dodger

Honestly – WTC statements are purity statements.
I’m tempted to rejoin the Union simply to access their legal assistance should I ever get in trouble for objecting to a WTC. Trouble is most Unions nowadays are run by the very same women, gays, SJW people who eagerly jostle to the front when these things are spoken.


So you work for Coles then?

I have heard the daily Virtue Signalling via emails is overwhelming, and will be fully amped up when their sponsorship of the Gay Mardi Gras gets going.

Hopefully as Coles is sponsoring the Gay Mardi Gras they will use ‘Trough Man’ as a superhero in their TV ads. He’s acclaimed as a hero by the ABC at least:


A fly in your ointment

Weak man succumbs to pressure. 

“Aussie man succumbs to pressure” is what we learned from the NoviCough19… just saying


Bet this happens all the time – upright men of colour being sexually harrassed by rapacious white women…

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god I love Dan Andrew’s conspiracy theories

most loathsome cunt in the entire country



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A fly in your ointment

most loathsome çunt in the entire country

most loathsome çunt in the entire country excluding Victoria.

Your autocorrect must’ve deleted the last bit


I was in the dark so I did not respond to your appeal to ridiculous in the tread on jab.. will respond though… stay tuned.


the battle for kherson has begun (again!!!) apparently. enormous shelling is occuring on both the nikolaev-kherson lines. this could all be nothing, but i think its possible the ukrainians are trying for one big push yet again before the u..s midterms in a few days. they are likely spooked the republicans are going to cut their funding if they win, which i think is unfounded bc i don’t believe they are going to do that whatsoever and ukraine will continue getting whatever it wants from america regardless of who controls the senate/house. we’ll see in the morning.


The republicans only have a handful of members that are anti war and want to stop sending money to Ukraine. The rest are more than happy to keep sending unlimited money and weapons. The whole thing about the republicans cutting the funding is from the MSM to try and convince people that this would be bad and to vote Democrat.


What is everyone’s forecast for the US midterms? Will it be a red wave and/or nothing will really change?


Redgrave I reckon.


Fucking auto correct redwave.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Unless the DemoRats steal it again


It will be interesting to see if they do – they were so full of hubris following their unseating of Trump, that I suspect they’ve dropped the ball in terms of organised pre-voting… or it could be that that avenue is now so heavily scrutinized that irregularities could be called out far sooner – certainly if the press is no longer 100% behind Biden then the DNC couldn’t rule out one of them breaking ranks on them this time.



In complete contradiction to my earlier ‘feels’ and opining:

“Pennsylvania sent out hundreds of thousands of ballots to people who are not documented or even American. I’ve gotten emails from people in Canada, they are getting mail-in ballots. They mailed them to Canada…
Where this ends up, who knows? It’s just so corrupt, it is over the top. It doesn’t matter who wins. Nobody is going to accept this thing, and that is the problem.”



nothing will really change no matter who wins, IMHO

Gruppenführer Mark


Whatever resources you are reading, are dud. The game has changed, imho, there will be no big news until after US elections and G20.



Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Aussie Soy Boy

For hire murderer and racist dead.



Called himself Ninja.

Self proclaimed sniper…posted self portraits of himself playing army there. No evidence of him having served or been trained anywhere legit.

For some reason the MSM looks past the likelihood he was just a lost loser who was probably a white Supremist anywhere else.

I’m surprised Albo hasn’t announced a State funeral.


Aussie Soy Boy

I hope the Russians did some experimentation first

A fly in your ointment

That would make them the same and no one would’ve seen the difference.
Nooe, just a wound through the eye socket and name/shame does a miracle. Each ex mercenary on display is a warning for the rest. Same for mercenaries on all sides.

fakeNews,com,au ran a whitewash article but I am not uncertain vast majority of readers thought it was just another focker whom did not calculate a probaility that $x.oo/wk x N weeks can lead to pushing daisies.
I pity the fool, not the last one…


Seems the AusEconomicunit tweet has been fact checked by Reuters


Those guys are on fire!


It is hilarious that Reuters went to all the trouble to fact check only to point out how obvious that it is a satire account.

I hope @auseconomicunit keep up this form.


The best bit was when they actually spelt out what the acronym means – hopefully it will turn on a couple lights.


Too funny


You know the Chairman at Thomson Reuters is on the Board of Pfizer, so you can trust their objectivity always.

Just the same as we trust Big Tech to do as well.

It is so amusing the knots they’re tying themselves in, well done EZFKA Twitterers.


Fucking lol

don’t think mb has ever been fact checked by Reuters !

Leaving them in the dust – this is now the premier economics blog in the country


Satirical article labelled as satire is factchecked and found to be satire.


The best part is that Reuters have basically admitted that this could conceivably a real headline

as is the case with all good satire

Aussie Soy Boy

The phrase ‘greater transparency’ kills me. It’s what tipped it over the edge into being taken seriously.



Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I thought it was a hoax or fake news, so I thought I would check…. I was wrong:

The University of Cambridge in the U.K. has encouraged students to implement “inclusive language” and “to use gender- and non-binary-inclusive language when we address or refer to students and colleagues, both in writing and in speech in English and in German…. Instructors also noted “in extended German texts grammatical structures can inhibit inclusivity… relative and other pronouns, for example, are obligatorily marked for grammatical gender, so going gender-free is difficult to achieve.”


The real reason 19th century philosophers and academics objected to the idea of women being allowed to study, let alone teach at Universities wasn’t because they were hated women, it was because they knew what women would turn these institutions into. They would change from institutes of learning to institutes of moral authority, where truth is subjugated to feelings.

Just look at who the two opposing protagonists are in this story, Baer and Pauli. I won’t tell you their gender, I’ll just put two quotes below and you try to guess the gender of the person uttering it:

“‘If a non-native speaker came and tried to use gender-neutral German while on holiday here I think they would stand a good chance of making a fool of themselves. Fortunately we have no German word for ‘woke,’ so we borrow it from the English,” he added.”


“What’s happening is that it’s not inventing a new word, but it’s basically just mentioning both forms. It’s just using what we already have in the language in a more reflective and flexible way to include everybody.”

Reading this ridiculous story reminded me of this slightly more serious story/article on just this topic, called; “Sex and the Academy”, which provides a large amount of factual and statistical data on the expanding influence of women in academia, and they way it is changing how these institutions view themselves and the roles they play in society:

“Put more simply, men are relatively more interested in advancing what is empirically correct, and women are relatively more interested in advancing what is morally desirable.”


All of this bodes very poorly for us as an enlightened people and free society. IMHO there is only one real solution in terms of perpetuating society, knowledge and civilization – get ye in a niqab!

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So it seems the Krauts future proofed their language with the male/female grammar stuff. Well done you crazy boxheads!



“In addition to public campaigns protesting (for example) the establishment of Christian monuments on the grounds of the public buildings, The Satanic Temple also runs an addiction recovery support group, a campaign opposing corporal punishment in schools, refugee support outreach and so on.”


“Satanic Temple”? These people should be thrown out of helicopters.


Come on, that’s a huge stretch. Rapper (?) with propensity for drug use found dead ain’t no biggie.


algorithmic transparency and algorithmic choice.
Sounds just like twitter, not.



incoherent rebuttal from someone on the Dan payroll

“but Rupert Murdoch!”



What a pathetic waffle, would be rated a fail if handed in as one of his Uni assignments.

I hope that bloke doesn’t have aspirations to be a journalist.


Have you seen where the bar for journalism is set lately?

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678



A migration agent who has boasted of “cosy” meals with Coalition ministers and who donated more than $25,000 to the campaign fund of former Liberal assistant home affairs minister Jason Wood is suspected of repeatedly gaming the visa system to help more than a dozen drug offenders remain in Australia.

Wood was the chair of parliament’s migration committee when the donations took place and he hosted migration agent Jack Ta on at least two occasions to dine with now opposition leader Peter Dutton when he was home affairs minister.

A major investigation by The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and 60 Minutes can reveal that Ta has been identified by law enforcement agencies for allegedly running a firm that has been used by Vietnamese drug offenders to exploit the visa system to avoid deportation and extend their stay in Australia.

An undercover sting has also captured Ta on camera offering to help a man posing as a heroin trafficker get visas for two people he said were Vietnamese drug runners. Asked if he could help the drug dealers extend their stay in Australia for two to three years, Ta told the undercover operative it would be “easy” and that “it’s doable”.

“Despite the fact that they’re unlawful at the moment, there are five or six different types of visas that they can apply for,” Ta told the undercover operative organised by The Age, the Herald and 60 Minutes.



Interview with Dr David Bell, an Australian doctor who worked for the WHO

A very measured and sober assessment of the pandemic mal-response


So many Lols in this one, nice pick up.

Dover Heights is traditional land for Adam Goodes I’m sure, there would be so many links for this site to him.

Surely there can be a financial arrangement that can be made, surprised the old lady didn’t actual state her price.

Wonder if Swans Indigenous player and ‘Elder’ Michael O’Laughlin will get involved? He seems to like parks…



Whenever the AFL trots out Michael O’Loghlin or Peter Burgoyne for their Indigenous contribution think of this:

In 2000, it was alleged that O’Loughlin had been present during the rape of a woman in a park in Adelaide by two other AFL players, Adam Heuskes and Peter Burgoyne. O’Loughlin was said to have been “present before or during the incident, but not directly involved in it.[15] O’Loughlin was neither charged nor questioned by police but Burgoyne and Heuskes were both charged with rape. The case, however, did not go to court as the Director of Public Prosecutions, Paul Rofe, said there was “no reasonable prospect of conviction on any criminal charge” due to a lack of witnesses.[16] Despite this, the three players made a $200,000 cash payment to the alleged victim.[15] The incident came to public light when it was examined on the ABCinvestigative program Four Corners in 2004.

Aussie Soy Boy

Old mate could be in our military

Asian Nail Salon Pty Ltd

Ah yes, Noses Heights and Nose Bay. Who’s highest on the grievance totem pole here?




Those stairs?! How can he be massively injured from those 2 steps onto grass…? Oh well, the media believes it so that’s all that matters.


I would suggest there is a near 100% chance this “charity” has some fairly specific rules for recipients.


Or maybe just one criteria.


EZFKA’s Tweet trolling the AEC has given me an idea, how about pushing Bruce Pascoe for a leader of The Voice?

This guy is a clear fake, one of the many grifters of the Indigenous gravy train. So clear a fake that he has a conga line of Leftards promoting him, from Albo on parliament to the ABC and Melbourne Uni.
