The love hammer is in the house. Also, if two men are caught at 2:am with the love hammer in their underwear, they are definitely getting it on!
In Emma Renay news… the house of cards is falling – MEP in English.

Dems are trying to cheat… again…

Meanwhile – National Guard to Activate Cybersecurity Teams to Help with Midterm Elections in 14 States ( – it could get exciting.
Russian oligarchs are being blamed again. Is it so much to ask for good propaganda?

Little hats vs race hustlers is getting good!

Wait, there is more!

Jim Jones says hi…
Awesome 😂
lol this one is good!
No offence but I skip straight to the comments on these meme/conspiracy posts
Very boomer-facebook style
How about instead, we just get the boys to post their twitter headlines on here to provoke direct comments and general chat
Keeps the site as satire oriented
A lot of good content on twitter never gets posted here
We realise that you took the Conspiracy Juice, and we all know that you will die soon, of a “conspiracy – meme”.
We’re all internet friends here – i will help you cross over.
I’m waiting for the public scare about Monkeypox to make a resurgence, especially with the Gay Mardi Gras…whatever happened to that one?
there’s a small chance that some of the expected Medibank data dumps will, perhaps, have details of monkeypox treatments received by Medibox members, so there could be some fun in that.
as to what happened to it, I have 2 theories:
Sorry, I was being facetious but thanks for your intelligent response. I hadn’t connected the Medibank dots. I was more pointing out the fact the Death Cult has moved on, the scare campaign from the mainstream media might have just realised it wasn’t rating well so dropped the story.
Or you could do the community a service and post the Twitter headlines here yourself.
Or clips?
Everything that was ever wrong with security parapolice is condensed in this one video.
I’m pretty sure you are allowed to create posts and I’m sure peachy will give you permission if you don’t have it
‘we just get the boys’ is gamma for others should do the work but i want credit.
Me refusing to repost someone else’s work is somehow indicative of me wanting to take credit ?
explain further
you want better content – do the work. otherwise whine more gamma boi…
if I want better content I won’t be speaking to you – which is why I usually don’t
But what’s happened to all your qanon stuff by the way ?
is the real Hilary Clinton still in Guantanamo ?
fucking loser
Now now coming, rules are rules. It’s “looser”, not “loser”.
that’s exactly right, rules is rules, and sixpence is sixpence.
thankyou for being committed to policing quality standard of the comments section, Azrael!
Still in play buddy – Q has been posting again, haven’t you heard?
No amnesties for the covid vaccine enforcers. Never forget. Never forgive.
No need for comment, just look at the numbers for jabbadabba -don’ts
It’s perfect time to be pureblood
Looks like more solid evidence for the proposition that older people are more likely to go to hospital and stuff than younger people.
perhaps this is true form the perspective of the other data as published. From the image above it is clear that the numbers are favouring the purebloods. Considering that it is estimated (by thy and only: me, myself) that at least 20% of Aussies did not succumb to greatest pressure ever toiled on mankind, the 0 in every column other than “died WITH NoviCaugh19”, it’s good to be pureblood.
wrt to other questions as below, imo the 44 unknowns are likely unknowns by convenience. Even in the case of false use of Medicare card, the jabbadabba status would/should be coming from the AIR records of the rightful holder, hence irrelevant of whom uses the card as the status would be copied.
It can also be that it is actually known cases of illegal use of Medicare card being recorded or as simple as people with AIR record privacy order (e.g. request that their AIR record is kept private).
With data being smudged with euphemism and double speak, I trust very little of official stats and I trust a big whopping Zero on anybdata relating to NoviCaugh19. I suggest taking all the respective data for fun use, less value than the horoscope reading for the next day.
How is anyone expected to believe these stats
44 unknown in hospital ?
LOL, I know right.
It’s like the government is trying to hide something.
page 4 for the lazy.
16 of the 30 deaths were aged care residents
what a fucking joke honestly
So you’ve gone from claiming the statistics were fake to then quoting them?
What a fucking joke honestly does really seem to sum it up…
Reported deaths were classified as COVID-19 deaths if they met the surveillance definition in the Communicable Diseases Network of Australia’s COVID-19 National Guidelines for Public Heath Units.
Under this definition, deaths are considered COVID-19 deaths for surveillance purposes if the person died with COVID-19, not necessarily because COVID-19 was the cause of death.
how many people die in nursing homes per week anyway ?
therefore what % would be COVID positive just due to random chance
the biggest scam ever pulled on humanity
like I said. It’s evidence that older people tend to die.
Nah, the biggest arse covering by the people duped by the biggest scam ever pulled.
^Vaccination status is determined by matching to Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) data. Name and date of birth need to be an exact match to that recorded in AIR. People with unknown vaccination status were unable to be found in AIR, though may have vaccination details recorded in AIR under a shortened name or different spelling.
if only they had like some unique identifier they could use. Like a Medicare number. I guess they don’t routinely collect these in hospitals, so it would be too much extra administrative effort and bureaucracy to start doing that just for the Covid data.
I believe you need to present your medicare card to be treated at emergency but it’s been a LONG time since I’ve been there( I have been wrong once or twice), BUT
I’m also fairly certain that your medical records are tied to your identity with high certainty for medical history purposes, especially if you are admitted to hospital.
Strange, huh?
then, either
For this to be true the system would need to be specifically designed to allow the fraudulent activity to be recorded as such. In a normally designed system they would just be recorded as whoever they are posing as, not unknown.
Just for shits and giggles put in a FOI request for the numbers of people fraudulently using medicare cards and you’ll get a very quick answer as to whether that data is actually recorded or not.
I actually conflated 2 different thoughts:
seems too much like hard work.
probably easier approach would be to get the EZFKA twitter account to tweet a claim that new statistics show that approximately 25% of presentations to the overcrowded NSW hospital system are foreign people not entitled to Medicare (or with fraudulent medicare info), and soon enough the Health Department will fact check the claim.
That’s certainly a plausible reason for unknown status in the data, but if that makes up 25% of covid admissions that would seem to indicate we are being overrun at a far greater rate than even mikemb was claiming.
I like it. Do we have a (wuhan) bat signal to send up?
But what if it’s true?
could easily be the case, especially if we adjust for relatively lower health levels of the non-citizens.
we will know by the silence.
I don’t think so. We just wait.
PS – the Medibank breach is great. Did you see that they have 1.9 million “international customers”.
thats almost 10% or the population right there.
Yes, we adjust down because some of these are historical customers who have since left the zone.
but we adjust back up because it’s only Medibank (to the exclusion of other companies).
8 million local customers? Thats gotta be a huge chunk of the whole market.
Apparently 14 million total according to
I didn’t realise our health system had been so successfully americanised, unless a lot of those are bogus health policies to avoid the tax punishments.
see my other comment.
stats coming from are NOT to be taken for face value or for any value at all. The encumbrance from the ideological newspeak distorts any meaningful conclusion from the data. Shit-in, Shit-out
Where are our resident biblical scholars? I’m intrigued by this whole H2N documentary, is there any substance to it at all?
What’s the h2n documentary?
I got it, I got it. Hebrews2Negroes!
I’m not proposing to watch it, but it is quite true that slavery is quite common in biblical times.
as to the reported claims that majority of slave owners were Jewish, I can’t imagine those numbers holding up with any reasonable definition of “owner” and jewish. probably playing word games there.
Jews and Jewish merchants we’re a significant percentage of all traders and dominated trade of what were considered ‘sinful’ products; prostitution, opium trade, etc, so frankly it is a ridiculous notion to suggest they didn’t dominate the slave trade let alone participate in it… but then Jews being Jews will deny it and rewrite history to suite themselves.
While the statistics quoted seem a little exaggerated, it depends on when they took the ‘snap shot’. In the 1840s to 1860s there were as few as 5-15k Jews in the whole of America. So if there were only a couple hundred to a thousand Jews in the whole of the South, then it is quite possible that with the law of small numbers, that there as many as 78% were slave holders.
Owning a slave was a rich mans pursuit – they were expensive. It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if the majority of people who owned 10 or more slaves were Jewish businessmen. The slave markets had their day of rest on the Sabbath ie Saturday, which is the Jewish day of rest – market Journals confirm their closure.
There is little doubt imho that Jews dominated the slave trade, as they did with other sin sales, and were significant holders of slaves. Maybe there were more white slave owners in total, but the percentage of Jews who owned slaves, compared to the rest of the US population, was without a doubt significantly higher.
punish bank for keeping rates “too high”, give them prudential powers to hold house prices down.
Davo must be having an aneurism in the middle of a wet dream.
great in theory, perhaps. Only one way it will turn out in the EZFKA, though.
Will go the same way as the banking royal commission one would expect
governemtn mandated looser lending standards and more volume?
seems likely.
It is typical for the government puppet masters who caused all the problems to blame the puppet.
That is the fundamental reason the puppet exists in the first place.
Yes, exemplary use of the EZFKA responsibility obfuscation layer (EZFKAROL) and the EZFKA accountability dispersion field (EZFKAADF)
EZFKA responsibility obfuscation & fuzziness layer?
Ah, that’s very good. Well done!
‘Former RBA economist Zac Gross, whose research into the bank’s pre-COVID interest rates settings found up to 270,000 jobs failed to be created due to overly tight monetary policy…’
Overely tight monetary policy pre covid, lmao oh my sides.
… I warned you:
punish bank for keeping rates “too high”, give them prudential powers to hold house prices down.
there is only one direction in which this review is going.
Why did the Confederacy choose to fight for a predominantly Jewish slaver class? Were they not based enough to realise these stats?
they didn’t – it had way more to do with Washington trying to screw them in other ways. the slavery thing was part of the reason, but most of the history as presented is dodgy.
Yup – it was mainly an economic, then political and then white ethnic civil war.
Dixie land and the tide waters along the East coast had lots of poor rural English migrants, especially Scottish and Irish. The North was puritans, Dutch, Germans and well do ruling English southerners and elites.
The settlement of America is a fascinating story, of multipronged immigration routes from several different spheres of European influence, with France and Spain/Mexico
We need a FTX crypto update from Stewie.
Speaking of Ponzi schemes
this is a really interesting description of the fraud that was going on in Iceland immediately before the country collapsed
tried to blame everything on Lehman and the gfc , but it was their own bankers operating a ponzi that collapsed the country
no wonder they put them in jail
makes ours look like mother Theresa
I subscribe to that channel and will watch it later.
The intentional delay of AML rules so that criminal funds can continue pouring into property, and the primary service provided by Mortgage Brokers being the falsification of mortgage applications, are very blatant govt aided fraud. You can then get into the many grey areas:
It’s way way worse than that and way worse than anything that went on in the USA
they were buying their own shares on the stock market
then creating loans to give to shell companies, so those companies could then buy the shares off them
good illustration of how banking actually works
i have not watched the video yet, but I have previously advocated for this course of action. It is known as the Peachy Prudential Play
The best part is that the loan the bank creates is considered THE BANK’S asset
buy your own shares with customer deposits (which are a bank liability)
create loan to shell company (the loan then becomes a bank asset)
sell the shares to said shell company for a profit , to further increase bank assets
You can’t really buy the shares with customer deposits.
on account of theyre a liability. You’ve got to use the corresponding “cash” asset for that.
The Peachy variety of the play involves newly issued shares, which makes the money creation more permanent and also creates “capital”
This is exactly what they did
proprietary trading
That is totally sweet.
The legal way to do it is what happened in USA. Companies artificially raising the value of shares by borrowing money for share buyback. This is essentially executives transferring wealth out of the company to themselves by way of share option bonuses.
The difference is banks don’t need to raise money
they create money out of nothing
A few years ago I went through all the APS 330 submissions to see which ADIs were safest to deposit with. I noticed a similar merry-go-round of “Deposits at other ADIs” being declared as Tier 1 capital.
With respect, I think that might be a bit back to front.
The “tier 1” aspect of the capital is the liability aspect of the balance sheet.
or, more accurately, the fact that there is no liability or obligation attached to some assets (ie it is share capital or retained earnings).
the deposit at other ADI is the asset side of the balance sheet and goes more to liquidity
Maybe I got the wording wrong. Would it be possibly for banks to deposit money at other banks and for that same money to be double-counted as liquidity?
on the whole, I think so.
Banks can pass the same $100 note around a million times (bank A to bank B, bank B to bank C, bank C to bank A again) and create $100m of liquid assets at each of the banks.
(they also create $100m of liabilities in the process, but that’s not necessarily an issue; however, it does mean that they can’t go on doing this forever – as liabilities grow, they will need to find some capital.
likewise it’s EPS dilutive at the margin, as deposits obviously are basically the lowest yielding thing you can have)
lol – That has pretty much been how the West has been run for the past 40 years, only with a few more steps for plausible deniability purposes thrown in.
my approach includes the government in order to:
of course, from a purely operational perspective, there doesn’t need to be a government actor involved. it could be anyone performing that role.
This is pretty much what I’ve been saying since Christmas.
I’m not sure of the specific issues but I’ve written about the general issues plenty – there is no real value in any tokens nor is their any real liquidity, as the cascading liquidity crisis is illustrating.
The ONLY game in town was for insiders to convert their tokens was to hard currency and extract them from the system, before the remaining liquidity completely evaporates.
I’ll try and take a look tonight and see what the issue is. From my superficial reading this afternoon it looks as though it involves one of FTX’s funding tokens FTT.
I also read they were relying on FTT as liquidity. It seems every dodgy fucker sponsors and F1 team.
They look like really small fry sponsors – can’t even see their logos on the cars
Those side on shots are misleading. Here is the world champion Red Bull car:
Oh, right. Righty-o!
clearly I do not follow Formula 1 😳
Please donate money for the
needygreedyThe Block fans start GoFundMe for Tom and Sarah-Jane | Daily Mail Online
welcome to property flipping risk…
Mega lolz for anyone who thinks flipping is actually a ‘thing’ in the EZFKA.
Every State Premier has taxed property owners with Stamp Duty to the extent that it simply isn’t feasible to buy, renovate then sell within 3-4 years, less so if you don’t even live in it. Premiers like Dan Andrews see property owners as easy fat cash cows who will never really complain.
The Block is complete shit for a multitude of reasons, not the least Scott Cam would have to be the most objectionable turd in EZFKA. He was a barely mid range chippy who leeched his way to ‘success’.
It’s funny how muppets see reality TV as ‘real life’ when it is basically a product placement ad (with all costs hidden) then fed back out to the subservient media who point the hose of shit without question.
lol, triggered much.
Actually in the big cities most of the time you can but the gains aren’t due to the renovations.
All the money is in capital gains on the land…
It is apparently a scam fundraiser which has now been taken down.
The covid bulshit fully explained, and torn a second arsehole. Then a third and fourth. Then licked in the balls, stabbed in the eye and shot in the face. As it should always be.
I don’t mind my balls being licked.