Todays date might be important if you are into numerology!
I’m not, but feel free to contribute if you are!
So what has been going on? First, I can’t really embed YouTube links anymore, not sure why. But we persevere:
(1) Liz Truss finds out hard way she will be scapegoat for Ukraine disaster – Push for Liz Truss to resign. Economic crisis in France deepens – YouTube – the boys at the Duran do good work.
(2) Robert Barnes talks to them about why Russia is about to go hard on Ukraine – Timing is everything w/Robert Barnes (Live) – YouTube – this is very much about November 8, and i think Kiev might fall by then if Putin really wants to stick it to the Democrats.
(3) Kanye is not black anymore –

(4) Surovikin – General Armageddon – says Russian general in charge of Ukraine operation speaks out — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union – “The enemy is the criminal regime that pushes Ukrainian citizens towards death. We are one people with Ukrainians and only wish for Ukraine to be a state independent from the West and NATO and friendly towards Russia,” – probably true.
(5) Some of us might be getting into a different business!

(6) Michael Burry – of Big Short fame – has some thoughts on the Emma Renay!

(7) The Architect notices something weird. In fairness, leftists sacrificing their own children for status has a long and sordid history.

(8) Many folks here have nothing to worry about!

Gold – will save this for the collection, so much trigger potential.
Good work, as always, T.
Numerology is very important! You all should definitely set some time aside on 11 November (11/11) at 11:11 AM! Angel numbers will certainly manifest themselves in a spiritually powerful moment! And if you start drinking 11% beverage at precisely that point and finish the 11th beverage precisely at 11:11 PM, you are almost certainly guaranteed many spirit (ually) powerful moments throughout the day!
1 – I have also read the conservatives have their new saviour waiting in the wings: BoJo! No shit!
3 – He has evolved into a crazy cracker, hey!
4 – Full statement with English subtitles
5 – I would take a discount for a personal delivery, depending on the photos
8 – I thought the unvaxxed were more likely to die off because of climate change? While vaxxed will keel off because of the jabs?
Huh, I was told when drinking booze best policy is ten before ten (pm)
Well – they will pay for your funeral… so there is that.
I bet it is a bit difficult to get a doctor’s cert that the death is covid-related. Just a common case of SADS is what it likely is.
I doubt it will be difficult.
It will be impossible, punishable by lifetime disdoctorisation.
How is one to prove a death by Jabbadabba and not the underlying illness or the Fauci-flu itself?
Think of Fauci-flu death count over the last 3 years, just in reverse.
I’d like to know about any funerals not “involving death”. Who are the Masters graduates writing this garbage?!
actuarial numerology ftw!
In other words “We’ll say 13% excess death count doesn’t tell us what is causing it, there are a few hypothosis around. But we’ll take this opportunity to tell you the most palatable msm acceptable version, while ignoring the explanation that focuses on a substantial change at the median between the 3 measurement periods – the mass vaccinations that occurred in that period but not the prior periods.”
anyone got any predictions on the lehrmann trial
hungguiltynot guiltyi’m leaning towards 2
Hung Eddie
How long should this normally take ?
im hoping for an answer today or tomorrow so we can move on with our lives
if they haven’t already come up with an answer maybe hung is most likely
surely won’t be unanimously guilty – at least one of the 4 men on the jury must have some common sense
Will be either ng or hung in my opinion
“surely won’t be unanimously guilty – at least one of the 4 men on the jury must have some common sense”
it’s canberra so possibly not
in this case a verdict right away could be both very bad or very good for brucey
longer delierbation i lean to him either getting off or hung jury
Hung jury with Britt not wanting to be a part of a retrial in order to keep the remaining shred of credibility for her book deal. She will of course blame mental health, the prosecutor making her suicidal, etc.
Hopefully Brucie goes after the slob in civil court but Britt probably doesn’t and will never have a dollar to her name after this debacle. Brucie looks fucked as well unless he is completely exonerated. Any place with a HR department won’t hire him.
Lol he looks absolutely finished
is he employed currently ?
fucking disgraceful that one crazy bitch can ruin your life like this (if he didn’t do it which he probably did)
He might become an incel and discover EZFKA
Bruce would never be involuntary celibate
he’ll just rape someone if it comes to that
I dont understand why more Incels haven’t figured this out.
Very ingenious.
the fact that thtey’re not capable of rape is why theyre incel in the first place
its really sad how incels get the blame for being rapists when the guys who are actually rapin’ women are the ones women choose to hang around with in the first place
you’ve got to write that article already, so we understand how all the uncle stuff works!
Question. If an Incel were to rape a woman, is he supposed to kiss her?
I imagine it would be very difficult wearing a balaclava.
Or one can join the Russian army according to Mirror
Nothing is more revolting than the British media.
I saw that Saffer pedo was found not guilty of fingering those little girls
probably got the best lawyers
but that’s wild – multiple separate victims all testifying
the pool guy?
Sorry, defence lawyer for making her suicidal.
Seems to be still going – would think the longer the deliberation goes, the more likely it is to be hung.
That’s what she said
Heh, we must all bow down to the master baiter Coming
Isn’t Elon musks son/daughter a transformer ?
he’s not left wing surely
or maybe the Mum is
nothing is what it seems
We are one people with Ukrainians and only wish for Ukraine to be a state independent from the West and NATO and friendly towards Russia,” – probably true.
A significant portion of the Ukraine don’t seem to agree with this sentiment.
Ukraine should be split into then. The eastern part populated by Russians since the fall of the khazarian khagante in the 10th century should to go to Russia as the people there wantl it. Easternn Ukraine was always part of Russia and for or Crimea, maybe it should back to Turkey before the Russians took it at the second Russia Turkish war.
But who’d want to be a Turk?
I think you are missing a very important point. Since the fall of USSR, and I have commented on this some time back, the world has gained 15 new countries. All but one (Russia itself) asserted themselves as uni-cultural, playing the nationalistic card. Whether it’s Ukraine, Baltic states, ore one of the many stans, the MO was always the same – throw Russians out and return the country to its native peoples.
Russia did not do this, as it was always a MultiCult society throughout the history, and reverting to vapid nationalism ment for her to isolate vast numbers of its populace.
Since, only one former Soviet Republic remained steadfast on Russia’s side, and only after it’s current dictator has taken reigns. You guessed it, Belarus. Lukashenko, the last dictator in Europe, as was known 10 years ago, asserted Belarus’ sovereignty, but not a national identity that was at odds with Russia.
Back to Ukraine. For the last 30 years anti-russian propaganda was running rife. In the last 10 years or so, it reached a fever pitch. Anything Russian was banned, language, culture, music, you name it. It’s hard for an average Ivan to deflect or refuse the constant stream of Russia bad. Hence, in the early days of the SMO (slow-moving operation), when Russia believed that they would be greted as liberators, this did not happen.
Now Russia is trying to change the rules of engagement, targeting critical infrastructure but still is unwilling to carpet-bomb the holdout cities. I guess logic is that people will freeze and starve, but remain alive. How well that plays out, we are yet to see.
yep, the 30% ish that voted against the president that was removed by the coup d’êtat
Lol Lidia Thorpe quits
undone because she loves bad boys (aboriginal father?)
who would have thought it would end like this
guess she does seem like the type who enjoys cock hard and rough
and perfect excuse for bandt to get rid of her without angering the purple hair brigade
LOL fucking bikie moll.
I bet she goes to work functions with no knickers like Britt too
“guess she does seem like the type who enjoys cock hard and rough”
That’s the entire greens.
Bob Brown the biggest pig bottom going around.
she sucks but i struggle to give a shit about what she did
like whatever lol
did it actually amount to anything bad happening
prob not
why does everyone hast o lose their heads over such meaningless shit these days when somebody does something “bad”
meanwhile the people who are actually doing the bad shit that is impacting our lives every fkn day like pumping house prices to the moon are getting out like bandits and will see no repurcussions
but when some boong chick doesnt disclose she likes getting her mickey hole plugged by a bikie suddenly we all give a shit
that bloke doesn’t even have any convictions … so why all the hate about him? He was just president of a private club…
would you find him attractive
Seems like an alright bloke.
better than that Russian general that Mark linked to.
(mentally discounting 25 years or so)
Aaahh…no no no no no no.
Think “Serious compromise of government official by hostile actor”.
Think “Senator targeted by OMCG for intelligence collection”.
How about “Poor judgement at a level requiring removal from office”
She should be removed from Parliament immediately.
Isn’t that a decision for the people who voted her in.
If they want a bikie moll in parliament that is their perogative…
It just highlights one of the many failings of representative democracy.
It’s a poor reflection on her morals and ethics. You don’t become a senior member of the bikies unless you have done some reprehensible things in your life.
Do you become a senior politician without reprehensible things?
Edgy Peachy Whataboutism – I suggest you read up on bikie initiations and the lifestyle. They’re the lowest of the low, politicians don’t come close
politicians ruin a lot more lives than bikies do…
whats the big deal about it all
they just seemed like a bunch of fat old has-beens to me
Ultimately it means nothing, but it’s good because at the very least it will shut up the most sanctimonious prats from the Greens. Don’t forget that there are plenty of Greens who have multiple IPs and are the strongest cheerleaders for unlimited immigration.
Do the greens try and hide this fact? It is their main policy point.
They stopped being an envoronmental part decades ago if they ever were. VirtuesignallersAreUs is what they have always been.
Bread and circuses mate
I only give a shit because she’s slandered my ancestors and worked to divide our nation like a cultural marxist cunt – which is what most Greens are when you split them open.
She was on a parliamentary committee investigating outlaw motorcycle gangs, and therefore in receipt of classified information about those gangs. At the same time she was rogering a senior member of one of those gangs while keeping all that a secret. She did this against the advice of her staff who described the potential harm as “catastrophic”.
I worked closely with the agencies in my, previous life, and I know in great detail how hostile actors work. This is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some things. She’s now under investigation by the AFP to see what she’s revealed, . Her position in the senate is untenable.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was deliberately targeted by the dude for compromise.
It should be treated as a criminal matter.
The staff who didn’t report it need investigating as much as she does.
They did report it! That’s the thing. They reported it according to party protocols, and they were ignored, at least according to the ABC.
If the police didn’t know he was rogering her she probably had better intelligence on the gangs than they did…
And if the people think that behaviour is inappropriate they can vote the greens out of parliament next election, or choose to keep them. For good or bad this is how representative democracy works, public servants don’t get to arbitrarily choose who gets to be in parliament.
I thought Sam Dastiyari’s position was untenable after being busted receiving payments from the Chinese. I was wrong. He had to dig himself a much deeper hole over the next few months before Labor decided to get rid of him.
She is a skanky piece of shit – and she dare have a go at the Australians who founded our nation.
Look at her in this photo – what the fuck is that growing out of her cheeks? Did that bike boss leave her with a face full of genital warts after a bukkake session?
I am pretty sure that is just some face paint so people know she is aboriginal, because otherwise she is so pale it is otherwise pretty hard to tell.
Looks like she was slowly painted white in that pic
And her husband found out the same time as us
of course she’s married to a white man all of them are
and he’s a greenie cuck too
this story couldn’t get any better
I thought she was divorced?
I like this quote from back in 2021:
Seems like the bikie slut couldn’t even manage that!
Sorry, forgot it’s a dailymail EXCLUSIVE
I’ll say it again.
It’s very likely that Thorpe was targeted by an organised crime group for intelligence collection and further compromise. She rejected the advice of her staff about the matter, who described it as being catastrophically harmful, because it was. Any suggestion that it’s just a bit of poorly judged bonking is ridiculous.
This shit is as serious as shit gets, and all the 3 and 4 letter outfits will be all over this to try to determine what sources and methods have been compromised. I used to have a security clearance, and if I’d done something like this it would’ve meant jail time.
She’s a politician nd indigenous so will probably avoid that, but its the end of her political career.
Ok, I will listen to the voice of experience & consider myself schooled!
😳 😳
The intelligence services consider organised crime gangs to be threats to national security just as much as foreign intelligence services. This is equivalent to her having an undisclosed relationship with a foreign intelligence officer.
Like I said, a prison offence for mortals, but probably not her.
Every piece of information related to OMCG that she had access to as part of her official duties would be potentially compromised.
I will also add having worked for NSW Police many years ago that this may be true in a military context but is not relevant in a police context. Nothing beyond standard privacy concerns in for any of the policing data.
No. As a member of a senate committee studying organised crime she would’ve been exposed to commonwealth classified information. Government agencies other than Defence (eg the AFP) all have classified information.
What I wrote applies to civilians just as much as defence personnel, although politicians are in a special category of their own.
But like I said elsewhere, she will almost certainly skate because she’s indigenous and a politician.
But is irrelevant to law enforcement.
Have you worked in law enforcement?
You’ll also notice I said a military context, not defence personnel.
I have a passing familiarity with military clearances.
But politicians write the rules and don’t have to meet the standards of everyone else.
Just for funsies, what do you think happens if someone is elected pm who shouldn’t be issued a security clearance?
They would be elected, and they would have access to classified information as required. Politicians are in their own special category.
Bingo, which makes your whole rant pointless.
It’s a problem for the political parties and the electorate to resolve.
You have no idea what you’re talking about.
If you say so, but as you clearly worked out for yourself in the above comments, for representative democracy to work as described politicians need to be given special consideration and not treated the same as everyone else in various ways. They take this and self interest to then give themselves extra consideration they don’t require but that doesn’t negate the point.
Whether the system as described is inherently broken is another point well and truly open for debate.
But ultimately the only way a politician gets removed from parliament is by resigning or for not meeting very few strict requirements, not just because they did some bad shit. You only get to kick em out every election.
And just to further clarify how little you also seem to know about what you are talking about, you wouldn’t go to jail for fucking a bikie, or a foreign agent.
You would lose your clearance most likely though.
To go to jail you would have to be taken to court and proven that you had shared classified material with them or someone else.
Goodbye, Liz!
Good one!
Hasn’t been a good year in the UK for people named Liz.
The Brits do have a sense of humour though: Liz vs Lettuce.
except this Liz:
or this:
Nah… just a scapegoat, daft enough to dive in into the cesspool when some skin has to be on pikes. She’s done sfa… all that was in making before her. Bo-Jo suddenly looks smart-pants.
Rishi next?
The “FEAR” is back:
Get ready for the FEAR to return in regards to a new “Nightmare COVID Variant” that beats our immunity:
The article describes a new ‘highly infectious’ variant of COVID (zero information about how harmful it is in typical fear mode wording:
Before getting around to the main point of the article, propagandize the acceptance of BI-ANNUAL vaccinations!!
Just in time for the US mid-term elections!
Medvedev had some fun stuff to say about the EU leadership:
Jim Chalmers says groceries to go up by 8% because of floods. ASX grinds up, how’s that work?
more profits for coles and woolies?
Seems like a big signal to me rates are going higher
im about to nope the fuck out of this whole world, who can afford to live now
It must be tough being on the dole
Is that like “quiet quitting” or the “great resignation”?
because, truth be told, those are just fictitious narrative we got out there to cover for high unemployment while we keep importing more bods
No quiet quitting from anyone I know. Everyone around me seems to be having extra work piled on because staff are leaving and not being replaced. No extra pay though…
of course. That’s why we had to make up the narrative, to cover for what’s going on.
I just emailed the bosses at 5to5 with my resignation letter I hope they enjoy their weekends cunts..
I believe quiet quitting is a thing since WFH. People doing the absolute minimum knowing it is too hard to get sacked, and easy to find another job.
I have lost count how many times I have asked questions to someone who is supposedly online in Teams and it can take many hours to get a response.
theres no jobs if u have no exp or arent a migrant hired by your dodgy co-ethnik mates or are working slave labor wages
dont believe all the bullshit about employers DESPERATE for workers – they aint
they will throw your resume in the trash if you don’t have fifty years of relevant exp for the job role
think about how busted commercial rents are in aus, and how artifically high wages are due to the artificially high cost of living and labor laws
now stack on some of the most absurd labor protection laws in existence, and you have the most unemployed person unfriendly country in existence. employers will filter all candidates here through the most strict vetting processes possible bc the risks of hiring a dud are just too great
im not sure theres any country in the world where its harder to find a job than australia – maybe new zealand?
That there is the reason employee vetting is so hard. If I, as an employer (or a manager) knew that if someone didn’t work out (on reasonable grounds, of course), I could afford to risk hiring go-getters with little experience.
i agree mark, employment in australia is like an exclusive country club with great amenities – great if you’re in the club but as a non-member good luck actually getting invited in.
Employing people on short term contracts is a thing…
and you can extend or transfer to full time if they work out.
At my first job, there were a dozen or more people on 6 month contracts who had been there for 5 or even 10 years.
It depends on the job and the required skill levels and qualifications.
Anything that can be done by migrants, then they aren’t. Something requiring actual local qualifications like the trades and you can just about name your price and walk into a job tomorrow if you want to.
Anyone wanting skilled workers is also having problems.
Outside sydney hospitality seems to be struggling to attract workers as well, no idea what they are willing to pay though.
In a country town they probably aren’t, that’s why people have been moving to the city for half a century.
you could just identify as a white ab0 and get all those supposed benefits , you know and a reduced life expectancy 😛 . You live in Northern NSW why dont you do a few gorilla crops. Or go full cunt do some raids.
Stick in there.
the signal that rates are going higher was the US inflation figures. We can’t ignore that.
Yep definitely agree. We’re held captive to fed. I wonder how the RBA is feeling about there 25bps rise now? lol
feeling a bit…. down
(Fuck sake I wish I was good with this embedding shit)
There seems to be a growing media narrative that RBA won’t and don’t need to support the AUD. I have previously stated that I believe they will not let AUD go much below 63 for an extended period of time. We are about to find out.
I notice money markets predicting 4.2% again albeit over a slightly longer horizon.
one possible route out is to:
it’s a narrow path to tread, but I do think it’s possible.
net effect is to sell off EZFKA houses out from under the next generation to fund another decade of easy lifestyle and low interest rates for current generation. It’s how we roll. It gets votes.
Sickening stuff
I recall that many businesses were hurting from low AUD during GFC. Imported inflation, debt denominated in USD, etc. RBA destroyed our exporting competitiveness with a higher AUD, I doubt they will destroy another chunk of the economy by shifting us back to a low AUD.
We are more likely to get other policies to support house prices. Reduced mortgage buffers, IO loans making a comeback, govt shared equity scheme expanded as a way of restructuring distressed mortgages.
Dont forget stage 3 income tax cuts could/should be brought forward! I view those tax cuts as entirely being needed to support house prices via increasing disposable income, thus improving serviceability metrics
Stage 3 tax cuts would further raise inflation and punish lower paid workers who don’t get any cuts. I suspect it will be an election loser before Labor get a chance to implement it.
It’s the problem living in a country with an elected government no politician is going to advocate increasing taxes and increasing interest rates to get inflation under control.
I am noticing less supply chain issues now, fruit and veg seems cheaper, fuel up but that’s a function of the dollar too, plus I remember fuel around 2005 getting to $1.40 or $1.50. Wages must be up 50% minimum since then.
It is even worse than that. This is the second time recently (KRudd07 the other) where significant tax cuts have been taken to the election during an inflationary period. These ones being promised by Albo are bordering on negligence given the current levels of inflation and govt debt. But as I said it will become an election loser before he gets a chance to implement. UK govt just got a reminder of what happens when you take the piss with tax cuts at the wrong time.
The other part of that is interest rates. Phil Lowe has for several years been pleading with the govt for fiscal stimulus so that we don’t end up with ZIRP. For several years the govt has ignored him. This effectively makes the government responsible for interest rate policy with RBA being blamed for the outcomes. The whole thing is ridiculous.
so, you want more government surplus
so that interest rates to go down
so that people can borrow more to bid up house prices?
You really think that is the best policy?
coming is largely right. Dirt cheap interest rates are a very significant market failure which then infects countless other markets and economic decisions (including unbridled consumption)
freddy is right too – for years RBA has lowered interest rates in a way that might be described as broadly consistent with its responsibilities, viewed in isolation…although completely reckless when viewed together with fiscal policy & other aspects of the economy (asset prices, including housing). That’s the obverse.
now, perhaps we will see the reverse side – rba will be raising rates in a way consistent with its responsibilities, when viewed in isolation… but full of extra ouchie when viewed together with fiscal policy, etc.
swings and roundabouts thingie?
The opposite. Maybe I haven’t been clear enough. The RBA have been warning for years about the consequences of ZIRP, and that government should be relying more on fiscal stimulus rather than monetary stimulus.
In the years pre-covid, Lowe begged for fiscal spending (deficit not surplus) so that rates don’t go down further. Before that, Glenn Stevens warned that pension funds would collapse if governments continually relied on monetary stimulus forcing RBA to drive rates to zero.
This is all government policy with the RBA getting blamed for the consequences.
There is a more general comment to make. I think most people understand the neoliberal model of getting government departments to operate as a profit centre resulting in
unintended consequences like the Police raising revenue instead of fighting crime. This applies across the board. Government departments that seem to be independent are actually beholden to the government. Some examples:1) RBA already mentioned. They follow a specific mandate, and are a passenger to fiscal policy.
2) ATO were at one stage about to investigate thousands of illegal foreign purchases of property. Scomo put an end to it by cutting their budget as punishment.
3) Treasury department have copped a lot of grief over incorporating immigration numbers into their economic planning. They have released documents warning that these government policies would reduce quality of life for existing residents, and that government should consider other measures instead of relying on immigration.
4) ASIC currently copping grief from dopey John Adams. They too are being controlled by a budget, and they too are not allowed to do their job:
The entire system is rigged. There is no independence.
No shit sherlock. You are always beholden to whoever is paying you, if you want to get paid.
I think it is the plan and likely will work along with all sorts of shitfckry in policy and regulation all aimed at supporting house prices.
Its all about managing an economy right?, and houses are the economy.
On a brighter note at least for me, seems i have a reasonable landlord who only raised the rent by a $20 a week and could have raised it $80 a week if they wanted to test the waters. I guess they preferred to have a professional middle aged family with kids than 6 jimmies.
The difference in term structure of lending, re fixed vs variable, in Aust and the US means the US needs to apply the breaks a lot harder to slow their economy, since so many people have already locked in their mortgages (apart from variable subprime).
Australia has far less capacity – the release valve is the Australian dollar. The AUD could fall far further than people expect if CPI remains high and US continues raising rates.
They’re trying to slow their economy and it is going to strangle the rest of the world.
A few years they were up because of droughts…. Any excuse will do in the EZFKA.
at least we’ve managed to avoid rises in farm labour rates! Phew!
US inflation was 7.5% in January before any Ukraine war or sanctions on Russia. September it was 8.2%. Of course Putin is to blame.
and Trump…
Kim DuToit reckons the actual rate (vs the bullshit gummint figure) is around 20%+.
And down the ASX goes again…
the mb comment section is a bunch of decreipt old phags tearing into each other
what a wasteland
And MB is still posting the same shit. House crash = good, higher rates = bad… Lower teh rates!
Oh, yeah, the site I used to visit daily. Maybe I should visit it again while I wait for stagmal to post the long awaited Ukraine diatribe….
Get in line, buddy.
stagmal is writing the incel opus first.
I feel that stagmal is emotionally unavailable to tackle the incel topic right now, especially after the Saint Britt saga.
Hehhe, “emotionally unavailable” 😸
I must be mistaken but I swear Coming said he would do an incel article too?
I swear I only saw Coming swear that he couldn’t figure out how to post on this site, soooooooo I’d bet on Coming commenting on stagmal’s narrative
although something about stones and glass houses is ringing a distant bell
You reap what you sow…
fmd guys i think its verdict time
mate in canberra just told me, he saw it outside his window of brucey walking into court surrounded by lawyers
so verdict has likely been reached
They’ll let him walk.
on account that evidence seems to show that he’s only guilty of being in the room with her for a while.
nah no verdict, they were likely calling him in to tell him the jury is adjourning till next week
Next time tell your mate in canberra to take some pictures of his talented barrister!
She’s his instructing solicitor. Unless you’re into crusty old men, no judgement here….
Oh, technicality. You know the one I mean. The one with huuuuuge…. volumes of lawyer knowledge
The one who is fully abreast of all current laws
who walks abreast with Bruce
Quit being such boobs
think he’s tried to rape her too?
She’s not fat enough, not enough warts on her face for Brucey
i’d be ashamed of this image if this happened in my country.
And I am.
not the rest of the jabbadabba-do’s.
That’s Spain, no? Policia local on the back of the cop’s jacket.
Probably a humanitarian actor waiting on arrival of the migrants.
Here in sydney the just sent the westies back inside and let the eastern suburbians run free on the beaches…
One rule for thee and one for me
as I read the titles of the news on the data breach at ObTuse and MediLoanshark, the first tinfoil hat arsessment that all this was related to the the digital ID and the fecal matter that stems from it but then it somehow did not resonate well with all the aspects for the joint criminal enterprise needed to work.
Never attribute to conspiracy that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
the whole 1000 points I’d check where every shitty business gets your details beyond the functionality needs – makes the highly private data readily available behind the wonky protection wall and this gets to be particularly exaggerated with digital registration galore trends. My local coffee shop wants my dob and the address to register for buy 5 get one free coffee. What security can they employ… it’s a fkn coffee shop yet they demand the data. “stamps and punches on a loyalty card became obsolete as people can fake them” they say. Yep, black market is swarmed with loyalty cards stamped 4 times so that the next time you get a free coffee…
Like the ofendedness on internet, this relies on people’s willingness to participate and such participation in online sensitive data sharing is high in ezfka, supported by the big brother gov that pushes for this so they can see all your moves…
I begun putting wrong dob and close but fake address where this data is requested purely by a business’ vanity point, about a year ago… also… Got a call from someone on an unknown to me but displayed mobile number stating he’s from telco and need me to confirm my sensitive data to identify myself before we can continue… I said how can he confirm he’s from telco and the idiotic pause followed by the response “but I am from telco…” to which I replied and I am from Jupiter… lone broke. He was indeed from telco. But the next caller may not be…
Black market for coffee loyalty cards… how much would one card be worth? Only a couple of bucks I reckon.
Hopefully these data breaches will mean a push back on the digital agenda.
for your perusal
very sensible analysis – likely mostly covid-related complications (cardiac etc)
Why would vaccines be MORE deadly than the actual virus? Since viruses are basically analogous to mrna vaccines anyway
If this mindset makes you sleep better, go with it. It’s not like you took the vaccine and are concerned for your health.
Why would the virus be more deadly than other respiratory viruses, since they are basically the same thing?
Another top “Aussie” making good in the ezfka.
“The chains have been accused of putting smaller competitors out of business through predatory pricing and paying low wages to their employees.”
Plans to open stores in israel, but will fail because he’s used to dealing with dumb cattle.
i guess everyone has seen the video of hu jintao being escorted out of the national congress by goons
kind of crazy to see this absolutely brutal
is he going to get killed now?
imagine albo or adam bandt dealing with this level of high stakes politics – they would soil themselves
at least the USA has competent people in the deep state to herd along the rest of us sheep
Australia is absolutely fucked
Xi has consolidated so much power that the elders have no sway anymore (they used to, no longer).
My take is that the poor guy (Hu) is old and apparently a bit sick so couldn’t handle it. Very unlikely there is going to be some sort of “execution”.
But the question is why they wanted that public humiliation. What I read was that the apparatchiks told Hu to sit out because of his health, but Hu wanted to turn up. But who the hell knows.
anyway, the news is out now, even Xi’s second, who completely screwed up the Shanghai lockdowns, will be second-in-command (Premier), and a couple of the military/defense people will subvert the “mandatory” retirement age along with Xi.
Scary times is all I can say.
Sorry I take this back. Apparently the press (even international outlets) were invited into the event right before this happened.
I actually saw this and thought “No way. Has to be fake” and then looked it up.
I mean WTAF???
How fucking pissed off would you be to have to pay a BBC TV tax and have the current iteration of globalist mind virus of lgbT as an “Aspirational Lifestyle” beamed into your living room?
Honestly, WTF are these people doing – they’re laughing at narcissistic, mentally ill fuckwits. This just like going on tour to the asylum and laughing at the crazies – only they’re now put on a pedestals!
Extreme tolerance ISN’T Godly, it is honestly the work of the devil, in that it works against the interests of society as a whole, being majority interests – not every interest.
the shitfuckery hiding in plain sight
“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”
So WTF were we doing in Afghanistan for 20 years?
The evil of the Taliban was so great that we tolerated widescale child rape for 20 years?
The ends justify the means??
What ends? We bailed.
“I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”
“Her penis”.
the vid of it.
the sad part is that the audience is extatic and cheering, as if… never mind.
Sodom and Gomorrah show awaits a rerun.
I really don’t understand why you have a problem with this
This is the good kind of tranny – the freakshow who makes a mockery of himself/herself for the sake of salacious entertainment
This is the kind that has always existed, and provides amusement as well maybe some sexual excitement for adults
See also thailand
The bad kind of tranny that we don’t want is letting them become school teachers, or generals in the army, or having parents encourage their kids to become one
Basically, acting like they are normal
Interest you say that. I work with a couple gays and they often taking the piss out of their sexuality. They cannot stand the sanctimonious Pride movement.
middling well off australian are ya? best you watch out mate
Whelan and Maitre look at the experience of Irish households and find that just over one-third of their vulnerable cluster is drawn from the poor, while two-thirds are drawn from the non-poor. They conclude that “poverty and economic vulnerability are obviously related but are still distinct.”
Ha ha ha ha
TL/DR: idiot protesters glue themselves to the VW floor, then complain being left in cold and dark with no food or a toilet
im so fucking bored
get wireless broadband to replace your nbn and then you will have to spend several days trying to make it work with fake feelening of achievement.
in the end you will give up in disgust but your days will not be boring. 700ms latency at times, the best is 35ms and speed is dependent on reptilian brainwaves spanning from 0.6kbps (dial up modems) to 25kbps… on no particular cause. And if it rains…. LOL, it cannot achieve 2kbps
Someone should go to Davo Llewdo-Smirk and flog him with an wireless broadband modem (figuratively speaking). I am going back to nbn next year when I return from my expensive o/s travel.
disclaimer: perhaps my fresh experience of the above is because I am suburban and do not have visual to the tower. This means 50-75% of putas are in similar situation
kbps Mbps… lapsus lingua
Former Labor foreign minister Bob Carr said the former prime minister’s expertise on China would make him “a great catch” in the job.
wouldn’t that make him a great choice to be ambassador to … China ?
but I guess Kevin07 doesn’t want to live in a hellhole where he might get disappeared at any time
hes a fat ass who needs to lose some weight, chunky looking scrub man
total soy
Sounds perfect for the job then?
Having KRudd as far away as possible has its benefits. Hopefully he can have his tantrums and nobody will care and report on it.
Dunno. Friendly Jordies might get a gig as an official voice of the Oz US ambassador
Imagine the insufferable twat mixing it with the swamp in Washington…?
He and that growing nut fruitcake Keating have sent us headlong up the arse of the Chinese for ages, with an extra fist from Chairman Dan. They’re the best lobbyists the CCP has paid for since Sam Das, little angry Kevvie will be pushing the Yanks to start speaking Mandarin in every school alongside the kiddie drag shows
They are cheap too. Keating sits on a board of Chinese owned and Chairman Dan is eyeing off a board position at John Holland (also Chinese owned).
Keating sits on the board of a Chinese owned development bank.
That about JH I did not know. Thanks for that
Talking about little angry Kevvie:
It’s like the ALP have no fucking clue how the Westminster system works, so they copy what happens on that old Tv show Utopia as if it’s a guide…
Here’s the next ALP announcement
I subscribe to an an online guitar teaching website, and haven’t heard from the instructor for a month or so.
Today I received an email where he describes rushing to hospital last month because his left arm turned purple and started to swell painfully.
Turns out he had suffered a blood clot, and it could have caused death or seriously injury had it not been treated quickly.
Doctors are of course mystified as to what could have caused it.
btw, i’m semi-retired pro guitar player who doesnt have a monetized online presence ‘cos don’t need the money.
If I could help you, would do it for nix.
But heaps of good lessons on youtube, like Brent Mason.
Country guitar is probably it right now.
Greg Koch – go to 6.00 minutes in.
Thanks Cedric, much appreciated, but I belong to the local blues society, so have lots of kindred spirits to hang out with.
The internet guy has lots of tasty blues licks and solos online with tab and playing explanations, which is why I handed over the cash.
I can help with theory and song structure as well. I’m also not bad with technique depending on your level.
I’d probably incel instead
“Mixed-weight relationship”.
Do we just make shit up now? Used to be called “fucking a fat girl”.
Bimbo/jock and/or nerd – “mixed-intelligence relationship”
What about mixed-income bracket with age disparity relationship, for a sugar momma/daddy?
She’s a monster, definitely no cowgirl, regular or reverse, or sixty-nine.
There was a guy at wifeys old workplace who was also like a dumb lab that would do anything his missus said. It was pathetic to watch.
I thought that sort of ‘bloke’ was called a Feeder?
Some of the definitions left me retching
most people cant stand the thought of not being with someone, so they will be with literally anyone. go outside and look at the kinds of couples you see walking around, mutants with other mutants. its unreal how there can truly be “love” in these kinds of relationships but apparently there is. people are slobs.
i’d argue that incels can’t stand the thought of their own “level”
so they refuse to accept what the sexual marketplace assigns them as their market value
having sex with fat chicks is fun, if you can overcome your own narcissism