This is the daily thread to put all your comments/meme/brain farts in – go forth and meme!
Hilarious stuff that is happening.
- Apparently Ukraine is planning a radioactive false flag in Mykolaiv – Russia Warns Of ‘Dirty Bomb’ False Flag Plot In Flurry Of Rare Calls To Western Leaders | ZeroHedge – the thinking is that since the Derp State is losing the war, and likely to be wiped out in the US Mid terms on November 8, they will set off a dirty bomb.

- In a total coincidence, total coincidence – Watch: Elite US Airborne Division “Practicing For War” Near Ukraine Border | ZeroHedge – the 101st Airborne is near Ukraine too. Stay safe everyone, and maybe go long USD or Ruble.
- Meanwhile, the UK is not getting BoJo again – “Simply Not The Right Time” – Sunak Set To Be Next UK PM As BoJo Suddenly Backs Out | ZeroHedge – lol. Rishi Sunak is also a globalist WEF billionaire type, so best of luck if you happen to live there.
- Xi is definitely – China Congress Ends As “Dictator For LIfe” Xi Stacks Inner Circle With Loyalists; Equity Market Implications | ZeroHedge – and Hu Jintao (ex-premier) got escorted out of the meeting in a humiliating fashion – Former China President Abruptly Escorted From Party Congress | ZeroHedge – exciting times all around.
- Meanwhile, Trump plots his return…


- This is funny for reasons…

no brucey verdict again today?
what’s taking the jury so long
wow, this could take them for fucking ever lol
is this good or bad for brucey: ““We have not yet reached an agreement of beyond reasonable doubt,” a note read.”
honestly the way it is phrased makes it sound like they’re trying to force a guilty verdict
We finally have a name for his solicitor!
Rachel Fisher
So apparently she works at “Kamy Saeedi” law firm
Yes, indeed
here she is with another client
the two of them could feed half the ACT
milk for all
they must be putting oestrogen in the tap water in canberra
check out these two plus bruce
would also explain why the city is so phuckin gay
I’d say what it means is there is a significant chance of a hung jury.
“Beyond reasonable doubt” is vague at best and if the jury is debating it they probably won’t resolve it.
Fuck me. Then he’s not guilty lol.
The jury in the Bruce Lehrmann trial say they’re unable to agree on a verdict.
interesting dynamic described here
“The jury must continue deliberations until it reaches a unanimous verdict.”
😂 buckleys of seeing unanimity.
but what does this mean
this is a very long deliberation time
dunno but the jury members are gunna fracture after another week of this kabuki bullshit
in the there was this note, very ominous language imo:
“is this good or bad for brucey: ““We have not yet reached an agreement of beyond reasonable doubt,” a note read.”
note the “yet”
the fuck that means, that a finding beyond reasonable doubt (i.e guilty) is an inevitability?
they haven’t agreed what “beyond reasonable doubt” means in this case
but i agree it could be interpreted differently
ie they are starting with the assumption that he is guilty and then trying to push it to BRD
maybe that is why the magistrate said
i suspect he’s phucked tbh
It means the jury foreperson most likely thinks guilty, and possibly/probably a majority of the jury, but not unanimously.
Hung is my bet.
nup, they are going for unanmity
lol, of course they are. That’s what a jury is supposed to do.
But at some point you just accept that everyone is never going to agree and let it go. Or you remain on the jury for the rest of your life. Or you kill the minority that disagree…
Edit: of course even the hung jury has to be agreed unanimously…
much lol…
This is an important post
I only 3ver go on ZH now to win d up the bible bathers as how they are tools for the chew construct of Christianity this confirms it
Chews took over the USA after they killed JFK and have used the religious fools there and here to cheer on their MIC wars
On ZH there is no comeback ecasue they looked me and see I’ve been a member for yay long
And coming… a real doctor doesn’t wank over tits on a lawyer , I hate lawyers because they chase ambulances and tits bore me because I’ve seen more than I can care to remember , I’m questioning your credentials
You’re a feet man ?
How can I stay mad at you? WRT homer Simpson looking at dodgy sandwich…
Yep, same as we pretend migrants aren’t lowering wages and living standards, or that they are “skilled”.
House prices are saved in Melbourne!
1.1 billion lol whats that 200 houses
950k house price limit, government tipping in 25%. I reckon about 5,000 houses.
Even worse his mates are stealing people’s Super to help his other mental policies, buying back the SEC…
The Left’s ability to fail upward is clear with one of the worst Treasurers (until Frydenberg) Wayne Swan Chairman of C Bus who are backing the scheme.
Having useless cunt ex labor ministers looking after your super is a real good reason to go SMSF.
After 30 years of compulsory super, there hasn’t been a large reduction in people requiring the pension. Super on this measure has been a total failure. But it has certainly kept the funds management industry and ex Labor ministers employed as well as a legal tax haven for the well off. So for the elites, it has been a massive success which is why it will not be scrapped.
Also the employment opportunities for endless pen pushers has been great
What a surprise that a scheme that allows for tax advantaged savings doesn’t help poor people but the rich.
A pension is a wealth redistribution system, super is a tax advantaged saving system.
The primary objective of privatising the pension system is a tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of the poor. By that measure it is a success.
It has also been tweaked a few times to pump up house prices. One of those changes is the one that explains why so many people still dependent on the pension. That is, allowing retirees to pay off their mortgages with super lump sum payments, and still qualify for the pension. That has also been a success.
I recall Jessica Irvine writing an article explaining how she intentionally borrowed more than she could pay off before retirement. Some people I know use their house as an ATM with the knowledge that they can use their super to pay off the mortgage and then receive the pension.
The primary objective of privatising the pension system is a tax cut for the wealthy at the expense of the poor. By that measure it is a success.
It has also been tweaked a few times to pump up house prices. One of those changes is the one that explains why so many people still dependent on the pension. That is, allowing retirees to pay off their mortgages with super lump sum payments, and still qualify for the pension. That has also been a success.
Jessica Irvine wrote an article explaining how she intentionally borrowed more than she could pay off before retirement. Some people I know use their house as an ATM with the knowledge that they can use their super to pay off the mortgage and then receive the pension. It is by design.
When Labor was elected in May, the first piece of legislation was repealing the law that super funds act in the best financial interest of members.
That’s Australian QE right there.
Bankrupt the country to save RE , here we go
I’m really starting to think that the russians are looking like losing in the Ukraine.
First they start resorting to terror tactics seen by the likes of the IRA against the brits or the palestinians against the brits of sending unguided weapons into civilian targets and now they run to mummy and daddy screaming about a “secret ukrainian plot” that they somehow know about.
Building a modern V1 equivalent seems like an admission that like the germans in WW2 they are unable to launch any kind of effective attacks on their enemies.
there’s been basically no movement for weeks bc the mobilised are still arriving
it will take another month or possibly two before we start seeing any significant manouvers on the russian side again
they are achieving modest advances in the lyman and bakhmut directions, kherson is effectively frozen on both sides
ukraine continues to launch 1-2 sized battallion attacks around kherson (which is bizarre to me given that they have alleged they have 60-100k men in the area, why are they only attacking with small groups over and over again that just get destroyed if thats the case)
both kherson AND nikolaev have been evacuated of civilians
i think the dirty bomb thing is unlikely as well but clearly if they have some information about a potential false-flag attack that could trigger a nuclear war they’re completely justified to talk about it before it happens, should it ever happen
zelensky has become increasingly unhinged in his rhetoric and talks about this far more than the other way around
hence the endless discussion about russia using tactical nukes blah blah blah which will never happen
the drone acquisition was solid but they should have done it ages ago, really no idea why you think thats relevant to whether any side is winning or losing
they are making a genuinely concerted effort to take out ukraines power grid now (or so it wouldappear), which as i have mentioned before will be very hard to do for a bunch of reasons, but its possible
if that is achieved it will be devastating, but again, like america in iraq it should have been the first thing they did in this war
Why I think the unguided drone thing is relevant is because militarily they are useless, they serve no purpose other than terrorising civilians.
They don’t knock out radars or ammo dumps or troops or the electricity grid. they damage houses and kill non combatant civilians.
It would make far more sense to build guided weapons and attack things like these. The fact they aren’t means they can’t.
The drones are guided, they’re pre-programmed and frequently blow up ammunition dumps.
What are you reading friendo? MSM or Ukrainian Telegram? Just wondering where you’re getting this stuff.
From here.
I have no interest in reading the propaganda being put out on any side and have very little interest in the war there at all.
Fucking lol when are you going to admit you got this one wrong
MB took 10 years
By terror tactics do you mean the missiles striking the power grid? I don’t keep up with the MSM propaganda.
yeah idfk what the logic here is anymore. theyve been striking ukranian stuff since the war started with missiles, now theyre using drones as well. what has even changed lol. besides the fact that theyre now attacking the power grid which they avoided before for wrong political reasons
Probably just MSM readers assuming Russia must have lost since they haven’t won a battle big enough to be reported on ABC since like July.
they have been repelling the ukranians around kherson for weeks and weeks now, its just ukraine’s attacks are so piecemeal and embarrassing no one wants to talk about them. what normally happens is ukr will send in like 1-2 batallions (maybe like 1000 men each time), they get absolutely wrecked by artillery then they retreat.
i don’t get it. the manpower ratio is not going to get better for ukraine from this point on, so if they really had so many men around kherson, why arent they attacking now with them?
in lyman the russians increased their positional depth which is 100% the correct thing to do and it seems to have worked. the ukrainians cant swarm around their positions anymore and have stalled and are starting to reverse
Ukraine seems to have a hell of a lot of manpower so they do a lot of these useless attacks. What makes me wonder is why the Ukrainians are so motivated to fight when it makes no practical difference to their lives whether Russia or their own ultra-corrupt puppet government is in control.
The Ukrainian government won’t negotiate at all so it’s not like it’s even trying to save its people or prevent the country from becoming another Afghanistan.
they are more manpower stretched than most people think. the small attacks are just baffling to me and suggest something isn’t adding up about their claims (or russian telegram’s claims) about how many men they actually have in the area. maybe they really are preparing for one big push on kherson city but why they didnt start that push yesterday is beyond me. the clock does not favour them right now.
there’s lots of refuseniks in ukraine too apparently, it all depends on where and the strength of the jurisdiction you live in. some people get prosecuted / chased down by the SBU for not turning up to a mobilisation summons, in other areas no one gives a shit and no one turns up.
Lol well that’s good to know.
I just imagine what would happen in the EZFKA, you’d have a lot of fuckwits who’d give their lives to fight in the name of Boomer house prices or whatever but I think many people value their own lives enough and will realise that even if Chyna was in charge things would be mostly the same.
So you’d run out of those “patriots” before too long.
The same thing may happen in Ukraine.
if aus was invaded i would not fight for it, depending on who was invading i might defect but i wouldn’t really trust anyone else to do anything differently
I’d fight for my neighbours before I’d fight for EZFKA.
my neighbours are all indian
its only going to be China
would you defect to China
no i think they would just manage australia just like the aus govt does
but i wouldnt actually help the aus govt or die for it in some futile attempt to um… idk.. save boomers IP portfolios
You understand that means lockdowns and social credit scores
and even less pussy than now
nah they wouldnt run aus in the same way they run china itd just be some suzerain theyd extract resources from (so instead of the wealth going to gina rinehart etc itd be going to some chinese state run enterprise instead), while local authorities herre would be in charge
china ruling aus might even force me to get a job which would probably improve my life
Then why bother at all? Its already near enough to this anyway.
It’s war. Nobodies claims will be legit. It’s all propaganda.
It’s simple. Ukrainians have got it into their heads that they are special people, like jihadists, and can win with Western support. They don’t realise they will be discarded like a used condom when the time comes.
Used condoms are discarded? Who has the money to do that?
Why use a $300k missile when you can use a $5k drone? And each day that passes, destroys European economies, NATO supplies and Western resolve and reputation a little more. Also, preserving Russian morale (i.e. fewer Russian bodies) enables Russia to continue the war longer should it escalate to a direct hot war with NATO.
I think the political reasons are fair, it’s just that the West has gotten used to carpet bombing civilians without any qualms (‘shock and awe’). Probably because we’ve largely not had war fought on our own soil in quite a long time. Australia has never been occupied for example, barely even real bombing, and the US hasn’t been occupied since 1812 and some vague bombing at Pearl Harbour. So at a cultural level, we’re not used to what modern industrial war means for ordinary people. We’re just used to beating up on people that can’t fight back and don’t care how we destroy people. There are significant cultural ties to Ukraine, it’d be like Australians using chemical warfare or torture of Kiwis. Would we feel right about that?
Time is on Russia’s side, and they are confident of their position and building up a good international reputation outside of the West because of their relatively restrained approach, which I think India and China approve of since it is easier to justify to their populations.
“It’d be like Australians using chemical warfare or torture of Kiwis..”
Fuck yeh! I’d love to see Nuew Zulland get wiped.
Really doubt that. It’s still muddy in Ukraine and the Russkies are waiting for hard ground to bring in all that heavy weaponry.
In any case, the war is really against NATO not Ukraine. Ukraine is basically a defacto member of NATO at this point, so the big prize is on forcing the entire NATO countries back into their corner. So the Russians are looking to the bigger picture. A long war will bankrupt the West, or at least deindustrialise Europe altogether (expensive energy doesn’t go well with manufacturing – see Australia) which only helps the Russkies at the bargaining table. What normal person in the West wants to burn their wallet over Ukraine, let alone go and take a bullet for them?
In any case, there are big things afoot with Russians quietly accusing UK of helping Ukrainians of constructing a dirty bomb which at the very least makes UK party to the war, i.e. escalation of Russia vs UK directly. Recently, there were discussions had between Russkies and UK/France/Turkey/Chinese and America about this and UK defence ministry is now heavily rejecting claims they were involved but I doubt the Russkies would be in discussions with these countries if they had flimsy evidence. UK Defence ministry twitter is discussing need to deescalate and achieve peace. Similar to France.
So there is a lot going on in the background to avoid both a world war and nuclear war.
If Russies had gone in to Ukraine and made mince meat of them early on, they wouldn’t have had an opportunity to bleed NATO supplies dry, build international alliances with Turkey (a NATO member) and everyone east of Turkey (30% of world economy, 40% of territory, 50% world population) or shift world opinion on the entire West by being mature and humane (hard to believe based on propaganda papers but it’s true).
‘Do you want to sanity check those claims?
UK making a dirty bomb? I dont think so.
The russians could have achieved this without destroying huge amounts of their own men and military equipment. All they had to do is stop selling gas to the west. Duh.
They are bleeding their own at a greater proportional rate then the entire wests.
lolololol. the invader never gets to claim the mature and humane tag.
And despite that, you find it hard to believe the Brits would be up to a dirty bomb? Remember, Russia is not some dirt bag country like Iraq which is easy to carpet bomb without repercussions.
> The russians could have achieved this without destroying huge amounts of their own men and military equipment. All they had to do is stop selling gas to the west. Duh.
If they had done that, they would been seen internationally as the aggressor – of course the propaganda in the West sees it that way, but consider the other 87% of countries – central Asia, East Asia, South America etc. Indonesia is on Russia’s side these days and is talking about dedollarising Indonesia’s economy from that. The geopolitics is important; it’s not important in the West because we’re so accustomed to having our way. But they are rapidly shifting world opinion to them. Even Mexico has been throwing barbs at the Americans even while voting in accordance with American wishes.
Kissinger told Nixon to bring China onside in 1970 as a means of splitting the Chinese off from the Soviets to bring the Cold War to an end. And it took 20 years to do that, but over the last 10 years the Russians and Chinese have been brought together again. And a lot of that is to do with this war.
Central Asia, India, China, Iran and even the Saudis are all nicey nice with Russia these days and that would not have been impossible without Russia taking their time and offering diplomatic options all the way.
> They are bleeding their own at a greater proportional rate then the entire wests.
Unlike the West, they didn’t deindustrialise, at least not their military. US is running around the world now looking for ammunition and whatnot to send to Ukraine because they’re way out.
> lolololol. the invader never gets to claim the mature and humane tag.
Compare the way Russians have been fighting this war compared to how the US used indiscriminate bombing (‘shock and awe’) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia and on-and-on compare to limited strikes against the electricity supply. Instead of bombing thousands of civilians, they kill small numbers of individual civilians. No one wants death, but given this _is_ war, it’s a phenomenal achievement.
False flags co e from one country , look up the USS Liberty to know who
False flags come from everybody, but I don’t think the Russian defence minister had diplomatic discussions with US/UK/France/Turkey/China just to spread gossip.
No one else fits the bill. The Vikings are all pussified estrogen soyboys, the Germans have been gelded under Merkel, the French are already too close to Russia, the British might, but the implications if they got caught are too great. Likewise with the US.
As the 2nd most common passport holders among Ukrainian elites, Israel is the obvious choice. No doubt they were 100% supported and approved by the US, but there is no one else other than the Americans, and the stakes were simply too high for them if ever they got caught.
Then there is this:
Even if their supply is a drop in the ocean compared to what they’ve taken out, what Juicy could pass up the opportunity of destroying a competitor and then profiting off the resulting supply price hike.
Lol. There are no implications if the US gets caught. Sweden and Germany already refused to say who did it. The US can do whatever it wants in its European colonies.
If the US got caught red handed then the Russians would have retaliated – overtly or covertly.
Biden is too much of a cuck to risk a genuine confrontation with Russia. He’s happy to fight Russia by proxy for his entire term, but not directly.
If Putin caught Americans blowing it, then Russian machismo posturing would have demanded some form of retaliation.
Being a US suzerain doesn’t mean you must risk annihilating yourself in front of your master’s enemy, it simply means you pay economic tribute to your master and side with them diplomatically.
Israel is the only nation whose interests are aligned with the US, and has pollinated Ukraine’s elite leadership to the same extent as the US.
Then there is the long shadow of the Pale Settlement, and the fact that the majority of Jews who founded Israel were actually Eastern European Jewish refugees who have historical ties to that particular part of Russia.
It was Israel that blew up that pipleline – with a doubt it was done with US approval and support. But it was Israelis’ who planted the thermite.
How would Russia retaliate against the US? It would be much easier to retaliate against Israel just by arming Lebanon, Hezbollah or Syria with S300. Your monomania about Jews is starting to compromise your judgement Stewie, making you believe in improbable things because it’s literally always the Jews.
Russia see’s the importance of the Ukraine and the risk that it falls to the West as being a literal existential threat.
They would retaliate – it is hubris to think that a world power like Russia would not retaliate in kind against the US if they caught them attacking their infrastructure.
FFS even Iran attacked the US after the US ‘accidentally; shot down one of its airliners, by bombing one of its airlines in retaliation. The US could only save face by blaming it on Libya.
The retaliation would be most likely in terms of an attack on some critical US infrastructure – even though the risk of escalation would be almost certain.
The US would also lose all legitimacy in its actions if it directly attacked Russian infrastructure – the US remains a nominal democracy, and Biden and the DNC would be decimated in the election if it came out he risked Nuclear War by attacking Russian infrastructure.
Suggest one other nation other than Israel that would have the balls and better motivation that Israel to do it. They don’t make them like Mitterrand anymore. France is too conflicted and Germany too emasculated.
It honestly isn’t Jew hatred that lead me to conclude it was Israel, but Occam’s Razor:
I’ll admit that it is possible that the US did it, but for the reasons I’ve stated I think it is much more likely Israel did it with US sanctioning of the actions.
I’d put it about 60% chance on Israel, 35% on the US, maybe 3% on the UK and 2% on the rest of Europe.
I’m open to a good counter argument. Just point me to a more willing, motivated and capable country, that could do it without triggering an escalation to WWIII
My reply ended up at the bottom of the page but I see your post has also changed.
“The US would also lose all legitimacy in its actions if it directly attacked Russian infrastructure – the US remains a nominal democracy, and Biden and the DNC would be decimated in the election if it came out he risked Nuclear War by attacking Russian infrastructure.”
This is astoundingly naive. The US constantly does crazy shit on par with blowing up Nordstream and the only time US voters have a problem with it is when lots of US servicemen die in the process. Otherwise the US can do whatever it wants, whether it be destroying Libya or fomenting endless war in Ukraine (which may lead to nuclear war). They will just deny responsibility, no matter the evidence, and call Russia the aggressor when or if it retaliates, which is what the US was doing even before the war began. Half the US population will believe the US wasn’t responsible as long as their media says so, and a big part of the remaining 50% won’t care in any case.
Anyway, the US could blow up Nordstream with far less danger to its national security than Israel could and that alone is really reason enough.
Yeah I corrected a spelling mistake and the whole post went to spam.
I agree that it’s possible the US did it. Maybe the Poles are informed. Maybe Poland’s been brought into a ‘Five Eyes’ level of security. Maybe their defence minister isn’t a comically uniformed Eastern European politician beating his chest and wishfully thanking the US.
I agree that the US does whatever the fuck it wants, but it does so using the cover of legal and international legitimacy – it got UN sanctioning before the Iraq war ffs.
If Russia caught US divers red handed it’s pretty hard to deny, no matter how corrupt your media. Sure the chances are low – but why take the chance at all when you have a willing partner?
What threat to Israel security? They’re a nuclear power that has a history of acting in their own interests including attacking US warships. Russia could no more take Israel without risking its destruction than it could take Connecticut.
If Israel were caught blowing it, it doesn’t automatically lead to WWIIII Russia isn’t obliged to retaliate against a ‘mad dog’ but it will against a strategic rival.
Because it makes no sense that they would be a willing partner lol. Of course if the US managed to find a state mercenary that would take idiotic risks for no reason, they would outsource all their dirty work to that partner. But no country is that stupid.
I told you how it would harm Israel’s national security. I’m no military genius, it’s not complicated stuff, Israel is surrounded by enemies and Russia has a lot of powerful military shit that is a lot easier to use on Israel than the USA.
Well for the reasons listed 1 – 8 above they wold be more motivated than any other nation I can think of to participate.
Only the US is similarly motivated, but Israel has the added advantage of being less likely to start WWIII if by some chance it went wrong. Plausible deniability is important.
I mean, another thought experiment, if you were in Israel’s position knowing that your homeland could be royally fucked, forever, if you’re caught, would blowing up Nordstream be worth it?
Considering those reasons you listed?
It only really makes sense if the Israelis are irrational haters, obsessed with weird ethnic grievances. They would have to be even more irrational than the Americans who have far better national security, are far bigger LNG exporters, and are completely dominant over Germany to the point where Germany won’t point the finger even if they know 100% you did it.
If your case only makes sense when one side is crazy, then it’s a weak case.
Why would their homeland be royally fucked?
They attacked a US destroyer and killed 34 US servicemen because they thought it would serve their interests.
Israel is heavily involved in the Ukraine – influencing the outcome of who ends up in control of the Ukraine IS in their interest.
I don’t see why you automatically rule out Israeli involvement citing the threat of their neighbours to ‘do something bad’ when they’ve lived under that threat for 70 years.
You need to educate yourself
You have probably never met a chew, unless you meet an arrogant Israeli on holiday
In my work I have many and been good friends with several I have been to their functions and worn the cap
So I simply questioned how they were so wealthy and influential
You read
You learn and you see they have proudly taken over the USA and murdered millions since the Russian revolution they are proud of this and boast about it in articles in the Jerusalem post!
So they and an elite of old money runs the world to their ends
So stop being a stupid goy and wake up
Isreals neighbours refuse to even put isreal on maps. How much more fucked can they get?
Maybe there is hope for the Vikings?
… encouraging, but sadly, probably not much hope… it’s too late. Still, nice to know that they’re not all limp-dicked soyboys.
The Ukes could build a dirty bomb all by their lonesome. It isn’t hard if you have nuclear material and the russkies left a whole buttload of bombs there in the 90’s.
This statement is farce and makes me not even bother reading the rest of what you have to say.
Shutting off gas would be aggression but invading and blowing up a country isn’t?
You are braindead.
> lolololol. the invader never gets to claim the mature and humane tag.
Also – given how NATO expansion is essentially the final trigger for this war, many countries understand Russia’s reasoning and see NATO/US as the aggressor. To think otherwise, is to assume the US’s constant interference in Taiwan isn’t seen as aggressive to China. It obviously is, and if Taiwan gets taken military by China, many countries will understand why.
Unfortunately I am going to have to go all MB and call you an astroturfer, but you are doing a really bad job…
It is requested by Taiwan. China is the one acting aggressively.
I continue to admire how, cornered by enemies from the West through Ukraine, sanctioned, pipeline sabotaged, etc., in response to this, the Russian authorities continue to respond excellent and register benefit after benefit, updating and upgrading their structures and implementing innovation after innovation. (This is joke, I don’t believe in the war.)
October 21
In many more detail – in the link (in Russian).
Thanks T. Legendary effort.
jury was hung 10-1 and so the whole thing either has to start again, or charges get dropped
pretty fucking crazy when he was obviously fingering these little girls
if this guy gets off and bruce goes down, it will be a major miscarriage of justice
maybe the family just found one juror to bribe who knows
yeah when theres like 10 different accusations from 10 different kids it gets pretty hard to believe the guy was innocent. this is on a different scale to brucey where its just one sketchy girl vs him
was this guy just a rich kid or something, like that nightclub owner kid who baged the chick in the ass hole out he nightclub alley and got off after like 2 appeals somehow
Luke Lazarus
he was completely fucking innocent
this was during the absolute peak of me too , before Covid destroyed the last brain cells of the NPCs
he basically led this girl out to a laneway at the back of a nightclub and told this girl to pull her pants down and bend over , and she did it
and he stuck his dick in her arse
And that was somehow rape because she was intimidated or some bullshit
that was literally her testimony, on which the entire case hung
it was the most outrageous trumped up bullshit ever
of course he was innocent
cool story but I ran into him at a house inspection with his parents shortly after the trial
probably they were looking at buying him an apartment
I wanted to introduce myself and tell him I thought it was all bullshit and glad he got off but I thought it would be too creepy
he is really short and quite ugly but he is still arse fucking virgins out the back of nightclubs
he was walking around with a real smirk even though he must have known that everybody knew who he was at the time it was all over the media
chad mentality
fucking lol at this vague bullshit
most men will go their whole lives without receiving enthusiastic consent
This level of enthusiastic consent is so complicated to determine that it could only be done correctly with some biosensors. Like these, for example
If no agreement is reached, every self-respecting person should be ready for enthusiastic consent with himself..
not sure what happened man i only heard about it
no way this guy isnt a jew
Hello, kangaroos.:D
I am from a small and unknown country in Europe. I was writing in various forums, and after I thought that I had exhausted myself in the last one, I decided to change a little, to diversify. I was looking for a new site and came across one with the latest topic about bugs that will make us eat. (I hope this is interesting, because it will be long.) …In a nutshell: Russia, as it is represented en masse, perhaps in over 95% of the sites, is not what it is; and by no means what it is for Russian patriots (not liberals and the like, but real, normal, conservative Russians from Russia). Can be posted many, many things that are either distorted, or denied, or neglected massively by the media in the so-called Western world, but…
…I wrote a rather long post, which is a translation of quotes from the most reputable Russian media, but it turned out that my site wanted some stupid registration. After searching for a new site, I came here. This forum format is very familiar and close to me and now I will check if it requires registration (I hope, as I see that there are also comments on side topics, that my post will not be considered as off-topic).:) Here’s to bugs in Russia:
September 19
This is another thing in which Russia is like the rest of the world – especially the Western world – a part of the world (with which, nominally, in the political words of the Russian leadership, Russia is in a fierce battle). If someone wants to go to the site and translate for themselves (here is the rest of the article).:)
“Suggest one other nation other than Israel that would have the balls and better motivation that Israel to do it.”
The US… who threatened to do it before the war started. Who were thanked by the former Polish Defence Minister for doing it. Who had their ships and helicopters in the area the day before it was done.
There’s a reason why Israel hasn’t had much involvement in this war. It’s not because they don’t hate Russia or don’t support Ukraine. It’s because out of every “Western” country, they’re the easiest for Russia to hurt. All Russia has to do to change Israel’s security landscape permanently is give the S-300 SAM to Syria, Lebanon or Hezbollah. After that, Israel’s jets will be under constant threat of being shot down. That’s just the first piece of gear Russia could supply. Israel stands to lose massively from putting Russia in a position where it needs to retaliate against someone.
I have plenty of respect for Russia but they can’t really hurt the USA in any serious way. Even if they did, it could lead to a nuclear war easily. It’s not the same for Israel. That is an easy target for Russia since it is surrounded by enemies who believe in martyrdom.
Israelis are also not that level of crazy where they’d blow up Nordstream in order to one day sell a relatively small amount of LNG to Europe, or to get revenge over whatever various Jewish grievances have accrued over the years.
Honestly, if you want to blame Jews, the Biden administration has a lot of them. Blinken, Nuland, they probably did tick off their approval to blow up Nordstream, maybe they even suggested it. But the frogmen who did it were probably certified white American guys.
Israel has been surrounded by enemies and face existential threats from them for its entire existence.
Russia isn’t going to give SAM-300 to Hezbollah or even Syria – what is the strategic point? These things aren’t Stinger missiles. They’re only effective weapons with highly trained crew and frankly they’re sitting targets for many other forms of attack on the land and ground, unless supported by comprehensive integrated military logistics.
True there are plenty of Jews in the Biden administration, like Blinken, but nothing like the motivation of one Jew helping out another. 😉
Why would they not supply Israel’s neighbours with arms if they wanted to retailiate against Israel for doing something like destroying Nordstream.
As we’ve seen in Ukraine, that’s how war gets done these days. You find a useful proxy, fill them up with weapons and point them at the country you want to die.
Okay, Israel can try a land attack against Hezbollah, we saw how that went back in 2007 when Hezbollah was much weaker. Even if they win, loads of Israelis would die, Russia gets its revenge without losing any men or taking a serious risk of nuclear war.
Because retaliating against a mad dog and supplying arms to its neighbours in retaliation, is probably a lower priority to Russia than the existential threat they view themselves as being engaged in with the Ukraine.
Israel isn’t capable of stopping Russia’s success in the Ukraine in anywhere the same degree as the US is. Thus the stakes against Israel blowing up the pipeline are lower – which makes it more likely they did.
Game theory produces outcomes that aren’t always apparent. Throw in the motivations and the risks I’ve already discussed above and I really can’t see a more likely candidate.
i dont htink it was israel either. i think it was u.s but who cares really, does it even matter anymore? no one is going to face consequences for doing it
They may as well have done it as there is no way it would have gone ahead without their okay, but you’re right it is a moot point now.
Whoever it is, the good thing is that at least some things the warring powers are calm and there are not that many wars.
Wrote Russia’s most popular military news portal on September 20.
And day after partial mobilization was announced on September 21.
And on October 3.
And on October 21
So Peace will eventually win.
The Sound of Silenced Science. A classic.
If you play it at 45rpm it’s equivalent to the Speed of Science.
This SADS thing is pretty bad
In all probability something to do with “climate change.” There was an article about “the risk of a heart attack when working in the garden.”, there was the same risk when taking a shower. Anything but the needle.
These are my 3 suggestions for memes; which are not memes but.. not so bad (I guess I was too dumb and couldn’t figure out how to open the pictures.):
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Imagine listening to your local morning radio, and the announcer dies of suddenly….
It’s all a mystery!
The number of “suddenly” death seems to significantly exceed gun and knife deaths these days.
Are governments acting to control peoples access to “suddenly”?
Like if a novel virus with known cardiac negative effects was released into the population ?
maybe China is very aggressive with lockdowns because they know something
What are these known cardiac negative effects?
have they been demonstrated and documented in populations unaffected by the special juice?
Most viruses cause inflammation and can lead to myocarditis. 30 years ago I knew of a superfit rock climber in his mid-20s who died after contracting a virus and rock climbing without realising he had myocarditis. It happens, and more frequently with covid.
Myocarditis: COVID-19 is a much bigger risk to the heart than vaccination (
ps: Another anecdote. About 15 years ago my cousin needed a pacemaker inserted after a bout of myocarditis. He was in his mid 30s.
After the last few years, I believe nothing that comes out of the CDC. They’re liars and bullshit artists, completely owned by big pharma.
Fair point. Although you do seem to believe conspiracy sites without question.
The stats themselves can be argued but probably not that important to Peachy’s question. Myocarditis is nothing new. Anything that causes an inflammatory response (and yes including vaccine) can cause myocarditis. Fit people are vulnerable to death as per my anecdote where said person did not realise and continued to stress their heart. As i have said before, do not stress your heart within a couple weeks of contracting any virus.
Ah yes of course. I believe conspiracy websites without question. You a funny man.
ok. It was a cheap shot. I apologise.
Well good on you. Apology happily accepted.
Whats the risk of myocarditis post vax and post infection given it does nothing to prevent infection? As they finally admitted after insisting that it prevented it for months.
That would be the relevant stat if you can even believe anything they have to say.
That is a good question. The answer seems to be vaccine makes no difference for myocarditis.
COVID-19 worse for heart inflammation than vaccine: study | CTV News
That does validate Coming’s comment.
please don’t feed the retarded troll
i think both can cause it, but the question is whether its more likely in people below a certain age. for someone of my age and health profile i most definitely do not trust the vaccines to be safer than getting covid.
I have stated that if I was under 30 that I would not have the vaccine.
Read comment below. The virus much greater risk regardless of vaccination status. Do not stress your heart after contracting any virus. Unfortunately, professional athletes don’t have that luxury.
so if you subtract fatties, ppl without health conditions etc as well, at what age does the vaccine break even with covid in terms of its risk profile? these are the kinds of questions we should have the answer to but unfortunately due to vaxx ideology no one can actually ask.
Nobody knows that answer for certain. It could be 30, 40, 50, or even higher if the paranoia about long term effects eventuates.
You don’t need to worry about it at your age.
its probably about 40 the last time I bothered to look at the numbers
which is essentially when the minimal protective effects of the vaccine make enough difference to the minimal risks of the virus, to offset the minimal risks of the vaccine
but i really dgaf anymore since I was not going to worry about the excess 0.01% risk in either direction when the other option was losing my job
It’s almost inconceivable that I know someone who had heart inflammation from their first injection if only 1 in 50,000 chance. I think most of us would know at least one person who had some kind of adverse reaction to the COVID jabs.
i don’t know any
Do you know of any people that have experienced strange unexplained symptoms?
I sort of understand that making statements that heart problems are directly correlated to jabs could be seen as a stretch. One side of the debate says, no proof, so not a cause. The other side of the debate says, nothing else changed except for jabs, so it must be it, but no proof.
In my social circle I am aware of 4 cases of unexplained heart issues, all men: a mid-20s half marathon runner with myocarditis (after 1st booster), a late 30s triathlete suddenly having heart issues, a late 40s fit diver/sailor hafing fainting spells and heart issues, and a mud to late 50s power lifter/ martial arts expert with breathing problems. All within last 6 months.
So I tend to think that there is something there there.
no i dont know anyone
if i did, why it would not be just as likely or more likely be explained by an unappreciated covid infection?
The vaccine and the infection are essentially the same thing, the infection is just more potent
So why would they not both cause the same problems?
Freddy has posted you a link that suggests that the problem is 15x more likely following infection than vaccination, and that makes sense based on what we know about the relative potency
yes the vaccine does have the potential for heart damage
but it is way less potential than the virus does
(not that the vaccine prevents all that virus damage anyway)
in both cases the numbers are tiny (particularly for the vaccine), so as an individual I barely give a fuck
Of course on a public health/aggregate level there will be problems dealing with all the patients
The mandate was a huge overreach however, and disgusting authoritarianism, yes
Not as bad as the lockdowns though
Of course not. 6 months ago he was adamant that these deaths did not exist.
It is a whole buttload of copium for the guilt of recommending these things to potentially thousands of people.
Edit: He’s getting a very big lesson on why drug approval processes take 5-10 years and shouldn’t be rushed. This is how long it takes you see the effects and understand them.
Bjw, delivering the truth bombs, as usual.
My limited layman’s understanding of Myocarditis was that it was occurring in high level Triathletes (long distance) well before Covid. I know personally of one athlete (competed at world level) who had a pacemaker fitted, the rationale being that they had spent way too long in the red zone.
Another was Greg Welsh, Aussie Ironman triathlete and world best in the ‘90’s, same scenario.
Neither died “suddenly “ however.
yes sudden cardiac death was a recognised phenomenon in young athletes well before covid came around
It wasn’t thought to be viral or myocarditis related as far as I know, but had a strong genetic component and also related to exercise-induced hypertrophy
The number recently has been a lot more than before however, so these ones are most likely viral/myocarditis related and probably a smaller subset related or contributed to by the jab
Coming, love you man and I’m sure you’ll be OK, but enough with the copium.
A new Israeli retrospective, test-negative cohort study of 196k unvaccinated Covid cases found no increase in ICD-10 code myocarditis from infection (aHR 1.08;95% CI 0.45-2.56) VS 590k negative controls, despite previous claims that infection caused more myocarditis than vaccine.
15 foods that elevate the risk of blood clots!
If you follow the link, down the bottom are heaps of related articles about all sorts of things that cause blood clots. It’s almost as though there’s been a massive increase in blood clots, and baffled scientists (or MSM journalists) are trying to come up reasons why.
So Coles have started producing a “glamour magazine, which is basically heaps of ads about pointless but expensive products aimed at women.
The latest edition has a cover and inside spread featuring a plain looking black woman made up and dressed like a circus clown. She’s apparently a “rising star” named Akosia, and her style and attitude and beauty are things we should all emulate.
They really do think we’re stupid.
Yeah I saw that photo at the checkout – I suspect the photographer failed to realise that with all the white makeup she basically looked like a Black & White minstrel.
They do, but that also makes them stupid (and rapidly out of touch).
A contact told me about the recent Coles all staff national road show of their strategy. She said the Senior Management had encapsulated the strategy into an acronym “Oost” and proceeded to do a Karate punch yelling “Oost!”. Then got the thousand plus audience to stand up and also do that.
Urban Dictionary says Oost is “to dry hump someone of the same sex once with great vigor while they are bending over while shouting “OOST!”, perhaps while they are picking up somthing. idealy an oost should knock someone over. oosts can be performed from a standstill or with a run up.
mr a is bending down to tie his shoelaceand mr b runs up behind him, performing a running oost that knocks him flat on his face.”
I just called my Mum to see how she’s going after her recent diagnosis of blood clots in her lungs. She said she was feeling a bit better, which was great, because when I spoke to my Dad he quietly said he thought she was dying a couple of weeks ago.
Mum mentioned that her younger brother (he’s about 82) had also been complaining of shortness of breath which he”d put down to being an old bastad. She’d urged him to get it checked out. Lo and behold, he also has blood clots in his lungs.
You must have really pissed off a gypsy to have everyone dying around you. I don’t know anyone with blood clots.
“….then it became a ‘threat’. No group had threatened to use it, none were testing it or working towards it. Just pure nonsense from the security state….”