Metropolitan Detention Centre announces cameras in Ghislaine Maxwell’s cell will be down for scheduled maintenance indefinitely

New York’s MDC announced that the cell holding Ghislaine Maxwell will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on CCTV cameras ahead of sentencing this week, a similar ‘routine procedure’ to that conducted in Jeffrey Epstein’s cell.

Maxwell, 60, is due to be sentenced this week for her part in a child sex trafficking ring led by Jeffrey Epstein and was placed on suicide watch yesterday, ahead of some scheduled camera servicing in her cell.

“This is just a routine procedure for all of our high-profile inmates that pose a threat to the lives of some super wealthy people who don’t want you to know what they’re up to,” a spokesman for the Brooklyn facility said.

‘These people have toured the facility last week and are happy with the protocols and arrangements in place.’

It is understood both Bill Gates and Hillary Clinton will be visiting Ghislaine in her cell this week to ‘provide support.’

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If you look closely, you can see a tear in the eye.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Another “Clintoncide” on the cards then, she is only alive because she has not released the list of clients yet, as soon as that comes out then she is good as dead.


the names of Ghislaine’s close contacts and even some of her defense witnesses, along with considerable information about her role in Epstein’s network that is very much in the public interest, is due to be filed under seal and forever hidden from the public, either due to “deals” made between the prosecution and the defense in this case or due to rulings from the judge overseeing the case.”

gotta hack this shit eh?

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt
Gruppenführer Mark

Nice find. From another post by the same author

I thought that the monkeypox is found in a very specific demographic and it ain’t kids…


So hundreds of powerful men were using Epstein’s services to roger little girls (and boys), resulting in them being compromised by Mossad. And when this all comes to light, the only person who cops any heat (apart from Epstein) is this one woman.

What about all the degenerates she was procuring victims for? None of those vermin will ever see the inside of a jail. There is a lot of law in this world and very little justice.


Nope nor will you – the ceremonial scape goat was selected, Prince Andrew, and all the other collective wrong doing by everyone involved was instead projected onto that pathetic creature.

Real old testaments stuff:

scapegoat, Hebrew saʿir la-ʿAzaʾzel, (“goat for Azazel”), in the Yom Kippur ritual described in the Torah (Leviticus 16:8–10), goat ritually burdened with the sins of the Jewish people.

The matter has now been dealt with.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Its not, ‘resulting in them being compromised’, the causality is the other way. If you want to move up in the world, you need to roger little boys and girls so other powerful folks have it on film.

The point is, you have to be willing to be blackmailed in ever more degenerate ways to be allowed into the halls of power.

Most of the folks are not actually pedos, its you have to be willing to be filmed doing pedo stuff to move up the food chain.

Its a social technology.


Its not, ‘resulting in them being compromised’, the causality is the other way. If you want to move up in the world, you need to roger little boys and girls so other powerful folks have it on film.

hmm, so it’s part of buying into the big game, not just a twisted pastime?

but why kiddy-diddling and not something else? Does it offer just the right mix of:

  • almost universal taboo, so makes good blackmail material
  • nobody really gets hurt immediately (compared to, say, murder)

If we are going down this rabbit hole,

nobody really gets hurt immediately (compared to, say, murder)

Id say you need a much smaller supply of victims than if it was murder, and noone asks why did he diddle the kids however why did they murder some random may lead to akward investigation.

For an insight into the potential problems of proving or disproving a murder on film see


Id say you need a much smaller supply of victims than if it was murder, and noone asks why did he diddle the kids however why did they murder some random may lead to akward investigation

yes, the activity could plausibly be portrayed to be an end in itself and so doesn’t need an explanation that could reveal the ulterior motive. Good point.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I believe that ritual sacrifice is the final act to get to the very top club.



do you think there is at least 15% chance that this is actually true?

Reus's Large MEMBER

Given the number of conspiracy theories that have come true in the last two years I am going to run with, greater than 75% probability that it is true.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Also if you look at Klaus S, he just looks like the type that would not only sacrifice but have a little snack of it too, perhaps just rare or lightly browned.


You’re scaring me

Reus's Large MEMBER

I think that once you get red pilled the scary part is not what you uncover but how little you can do to effect the path we are on, but it is good to be able to see the world for what it is and be able to prepare for upcoming events.



Most societies have had organised crime based around secret societies. Most secret societies have initiation rights.

So ask yourself, what would a secret society look in a 4,000 year old high IQ society that stretches back to the days of Babylon, when children were routinely sacrificed to Moloch?

If you look into the Occult you will find that most black magic involves sacrifice, which child sacrifice at the top.

As I’ve said before, “Magic” is basically using psychology and tricks of mind and thinking in order to get people to do what you want. “Black Magic” is using the same psychological pressures to get people to do what you want, even when it goes against their own interests.

If you want to bound someone to your organisation forever, then having them commit an unspeakable act infront of all your other members, an act so unspeakable that it would cause most normal good nature people to consider lynching you on the spot, then there is literally no other act that will get you there other than abusing or killing children.

Tales of blood sacrifices involving children have been around for centuries. They always involve dark cabals (check on the origin of that word) and elites who often don’t have a significant power base of their own, but have to rely on proxies who they can control in order to effect their will on the world.

People would say that this is possible, no one would do this. If I was evil and I wanted to create an unbreakable bond, that is exactly the strategy I would use. It is logical and it makes sense.


Who could have foreseen this?

Well, me in early 2020 and anybody else who knows the first thing about viruses and the human immune system

Absolutely staggering that lockdowns went ahead

I don’t really believe it could have been a malicious conspiracy

It must surely have been rank stupidity and cowardice – as I have said for a long time the medical graduates who go into the public health field are the most acopic and incompetent of all (anybody with real ability, intelligence and courage goes into surgery or something where you actually do stuff and treat people)

And everybody just pretends it never happened, or it was the only choice

Including that fucking idiot DLS


Who could have foreseen this?

Well, me in early 2020 and anybody else who knows the first thing about viruses and the human immune system

but we saved grandma (except the thousands of grandmas who we didn’t save at the time…. And the rest of them, who have died since, anyway), so it was all worth it!

and did you see how fckn sick housing and utes went because of the fiscal response to the plague?

lock! Us! Down!



is this guy on to you?

June 28, 2022 at 1:28 pm
to John R
Always thought peach y was a high profile accountant, who had good accounting skills but lacked some more nuanced tax skills (just my perception based on some of peach comments). but a big hitter in the industry they work in. given some of the comments from peach I won’t disclose exactly who I think as it would be inappropriate. but think this person may live around near where I am, so perhaps one day run into that person and ask directly. now that peach y nows runs seperate website, as I understand it, would perhaps point to r Eusa and peach being different ppl, or perhaps not


some interesting thoughts advanced there by tetama. Wonder if tetama will run into me one of these days… I hope he fingers the right peach, otherwise it might get awkward!

you know who I wish someone would find? Old mate d672c804897d – he seemed to have his head screwed on tight.


how close was he?

“high profile accountant” seems like a bit of a backhanded insult
Even one who lacks “nuanced” tax skills


you’ll have to wait for the update from tetama when he runs into me ☺️

but, at any rate, I guess a high profile accountant would be better than fat Wolverine.


this guy is obsessed with you

Another mention in macro afternoon!

A bit of a worry

June 28, 2022 at 3:40 pm
funny enough i remember peach y saying that a few years ago, which led me to believe that person was a high profile accountant. so tezza i thought you may be terry mccrann or david collyer and now wonder if you peach y (who i think is high profile accountant but perhaps not) or reus a or chris j oye. who are you. was elliott the one who had dealings with the whole aitken / bell potter affair re new cfo

and you might even be a right winger! Ewww

The Travelling PhantomMEMBER
June 28, 2022 at 4:01 pm
I think Mr Tezza is left leaning, peachy centralist if not right winger
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The Travelling PhantomMEMBER
June 28, 2022 at 8:01 pm
@ Ermo, peachy went off and started her own blog with commentators used to be around this blog
I’m sure you’ve heard of it’s name..
Which reminds me why dls used to call peachy astrosurfer..she indeed took audience from here to her own show


she indeed took audience from here to her own show

pretty sure mb kicked us out…


and that’s not what an astroturfer is, anyway….

but and plus also, I don’t have a show…

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

and that’s not what an astroturfer is, anyway….

but and plus also, I don’t have a show…

the dregs left at mb really aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed…


Is that because his username gives absolutely nothing away?


Not BECAUSE it gives nothing away. But that does make it harder to find him.

he was a smart bloke. Apparently an emergency doctor or similar.


I can’t recall anyrthing he said, just a vague recollection of something meaningful being said during the pandemic

searched and found this…

Last edited 2 years ago by robert2013
Salamat Datung

International Bink is always looking for heavy hitting accountants to help avoid tax. If that person is you plz message me


Dear International Bink representative, will you kindly post the role description for Trainee Accountant in International Bink Tax Evasion department and confirm

  • telephone headset is provided?
  • that monthly salary is remitted by Western Union?

Due consideration will be given to this and other job offers.


How come MB gets reusa and we get salamat?
I feel ripped off.


Don’t judge too soon. You’ve got to give the guy some time to unfurl and develop his schtick


And it was so close – binking, bonking!


It has to be a bit masked/euphemistic.

Just like a massage parlour is a “massage parlour” and not just “manual cock stimulation parlour”

And Just like Reusachtige is “Reusachtige” and not just “massive cock bloke”.

And so Salmat Datung is “Salmat Datung” …which is obviously an anagram for Lamatugastan, and binking is rhyming slang for bonking…. I think this reveals the real nature of what might be on offer.

Salamat Datung

Good morning Hairry,
Headset is provided on lease payment to you if near International Binking HQ here in beautiful Tel Aviv.
Remunition is by way of Monero currency held in trust by IntBink.
I hope these answer ur questions.


Hello friend! Did you finnce the purchase of the gap-toothed Jasmina for goat or donkey?

Salamat Datung

Good morning, that transaction did not occur as a livestock trade was not suitable.
If you have any further questions plz contact me, Sal at


Hello Sir to be clear I did not want job. But dear sal can you provide international binking loan in USD in Bogota Columbia. My colleagues will pay back in Lake Macquarie new soth whales. approx 3 mnths. USD3.5million.

Salamat Datung

Hello good morning Hairy,
Yes, we can do.
plz contact me at


My colleague auusie Md. sam will email on his blackberry.


Doctors have revealed children born during the Covid-19 pandemic are requiring intensive care ‘from encountering viruses they haven’t come across before’, such as influenza, RSV and Covid.

Don’t babies always suffer exposure to viruses they haven’t seen before, by virtue of being babies? Or am I missing something here?


Maybe they typically encounter a lot of the viruses and bugs while they are breastfed. And they are fine, on account of breastmilk is white magic.

whereas the covid babies have been kept in a largely sterile environment while nursing, and are now running into bugs for the first time only later, after they have finished nursing.

that’s going to be my theory


I have my doubts. flu isn’t a multiple times a year thing, and many kids are only breastfed for a month or 2.
Someone with a tinfoil hat might suggest giving their mothers experimental injections while they were pregnant may not have been the smartest thing in the world to do.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I am going to go with the babies are suffering VAIDS from their mothers being jabbed while preggers, all part of the population reduction program


am going to go with the babies are suffering VAIDS from their mothers being jabbed while preggers, all part of the population reduction program

well, for what it’s worth, I think I saw numbers showing that <50% of people-who-get-preganant submitted to one of the science-juice shots while pregnant.

so not everyone had gone completely nuts


I’d imagine a lot less than 50% of the babies born are currently in intensive care…
You’d need the stats for the mothers vax status, but no one is going to get them because no one wants the answer and this article is deflecting blame away.

Last edited 2 years ago by bjw678

Yes. But if it gets to 50%, I’m going to admit that RLM was right.

even if it gets to 40%

Reus's Large MEMBER

A lot will still have a robust enough immune system in order to not have to attend hospital, however the increase in aforementioned attendances shows that a fair portion do have VAIDS


A month or two?

that is a crime. I reckon 11 or maybe 12 is about right.

after they are 12 years of age, they’ve typically had enough.


after they are 12 years of age, they’ve typically had enough.

until about 14 if they are male…




But to reply to this seriously,

Infant Feeding Survey

The 2010 Australian National Infant Feeding Survey (ANIFS) was the first large-scale, Australian national survey of infant feeding practices and related attitudes and behaviours. Results from this survey showed most babies (96%) were initially breastfed, with 39% exclusively breastfed (meaning breastmilk had been the infant’s exclusive source of fluid) for less than 4 months and dropping to 15% for less than 6 months. However, 69% of babies were receiving any breastmilk at 4 months of age and 60% at 6 months.

It would seem this would have already been effecting a whole buttload of summer babies prepandemic if this was the case.


It would seem this would have already been effecting a whole buttload of summer babies prepandemic if this was the case.

maybe the covid bullshit has fucked up the regular seasonality of the various viruses that babies get.

so instead of tending to get the infections sequentially babies now more commonly get them simultaneously, and that’s bad news?

the article does bang on about “co-infections” which seems the resonate with the above speculation….


Possibly, maybe the guy who supposedly foresaw this, and is apparently a dr should give us his 2 cents…


He’s not that kind of dr 😉

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

Who could have foreseen this?

Well, me in early 2020 and anybody else who knows the first thing about viruses and the human immune system

Absolutely staggering that lockdowns went ahead

That is his statement…
The article he linked seems to make no coherent argument for this being the actual cause though.


Yup, don’t know a single medical student who ever aspired to specialise in public health.


Hummm…dheerrrr what a shock!

Gouda, are you suitably shocked? Or are you not a professor yet?

Reus's Large MEMBER

Shock horror, even with out the pandemic, have you seen how many people out there believe that men can get preggers and women can have a penis, there is substantial mental health issues prevalent in the populace.


Disney keen to re-engineer the discourse around kids and sexuality…. even to kids as young as 2 years old.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

Jane Fisher is an academic psychologist, so probably doesn’t have much contact with seeing patients compared to you standard clinical psychologist who is now booked out for 12+ months. While subsidised sessions increased to 20/year, what has essentially happened is existing patients have taken up slots that would otherwise be used for new patient appointments – hence creating a further shortage.

That being said, the majority of mental health diagnoses and prescriptions come from GPs, and there is an increasing number seeking diagnoses to get themselves or family members on the NDIS or other supports. In some instances, people are prepared to pay thousands of dollars for assessments as it pays off in terms of funding.

Separate from Covid, there’s also anecdotal evidence that people are self-diagnosing with “popular” conditions like ASD/ADHD based on social media interactions. There’s a plausible argument that some of this is probably accurate and some will follow through and receive formal diagnoses, but this may also skew potential survey responses. 

There’s likely a similar pattern regarding transgender conditions, with social media being attributed to a surge in female to male transitions in teens (typically associated with puberty) whereas historically male to female was more common. My understanding is that the current model makes it very easy for those wanting to change – for adults, GPs can prescribe the hormones, and there are a few friendly ones out there whose name will get around shared on Reddit groups. It gets much messier with children wanting to change, but that’s another topic entirely.

Interestingly, there are no requirements for specialist endocrine or psychiatric reviews in the initial instance. However, for certain gender change related surgeries, in some state patients are required to have two psychiatric opinions. However, vague laws on banning conversion therapy with associated draconian penalties has already caused concern with psychiatrists and putting them off getting involved with these patients, as there is a fear that the simple notion of enquiring about one’s motives for the sex change could be misconstrued as conversion.

Going back to Covid related mental health, now Covid/lockdown obviously doesn’t help – but anecdotally not everyone found it bad eg. a lot of people with anxiety who hate leaving the house had a reason not to. Some people forced to work from home suddenly had more free time due to not having to commute so saw it as a net benefit. Others received Jobkeeper payments more than what they were otherwise earning, which proves the adage that a little extra money never hurt anyone.

On the flip side many also saw a lot of relationship breakdowns from spending too much close proximity with each other. Behavioural problems with having to parent/teach kids, families of 4 trying to home school and work from home in a tiny dog box. For many the lack of socialisation was also problematic, but arguably transient with much of it dissipating now that lockdowns are a distant memory. And of course the distress from people losing jobs/employment from refusing vaccinations – but based on vaccination numbers I think this has been over stated, and many aren’t likely to seek or trust mainstream medicine or attend said services.


And of course the distress from people losing jobs/employment from refusing vaccinations – but based on vaccination numbers I think this has been over stated,

Given the number of shortages in various occupations that applied mandates and what I’ve heard anecdotally I personally think that it’s just as likely the vaccine numbers are overstated to try and encourage uptake by people who hadn’t yet and they are now stuck with where they pushed it to since they can’t easily roll the number back downwards.


Wouldn’t that have the opposite effect though? People who want the vaccine are already going to get it, but if someone who isn’t vaccinated believes 90%+ of the population are already vaccinated, they may be more likely to believe that herd immunity has occurred so aren’t at risk themselves – hence no requirement to get vaccinated.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Sheeple effect, if everyone else is doing it then I will too, but none the less I am sure that the numbers are overstated


Wouldn’t that have the opposite effect though? People who want the vaccine are already going to get it

the whole of the EZFKA province of Victoria has been running at 1,000 jabs administered per day over the last few months (they publish daily figures on twitter).

this, to me, says that basically nobody WANTS it. There are, obviously, the few unfortunates who find themselves compelled to get it again and again (medicos, etc) and that would explain at least half of the 1,000 per day (say there are about 150,000 medicos and care staff in the province).

the rest will probably lay be the really old people and the few crazy hypochondriac Karens, etc

edit: I have gone and checked the plausibility of the 150,000 medicos estimate.

It’s pretty good – in all of EZFKA there be about 100k doctors and 500k nurses, so 600k all up. 150k in Victoria seems about proportionate to population.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

Still unvaccinated here, and the more I see about long term effects the happier I am. I will never ever let that shit anywhere near me.

My partner is sadly triple vaxxed as a requirement of her employment. She says if they require a 4th jab she’ll tell them to jam it.


So a Jewish couple were running a typical Jewish honeypot scam, a type of corruption scam that Jews have been infamously associated with for millennia all the way back to Lilith in Babylon, on behalf of a Jewish State so that they had leverage over a nation of Gentiles whose leaders for some incomprehensible reason have been bending over backwards to accommodate and serve the interests of that Jewish state for decades, even when they directly go against the interests the majority of people living in that larger Gentile state.

Press: Epstein’s privilege’s as a rich white man and that of his ‘clients’ lies at the heart of this corruption issue.


How do you pronounce the woman’s name anyway?

is it “Jizz Lane”?

Reus's Large MEMBER

LOL, very good … but I think Gea Lane


Giuffre — asked if she was aware of “any distinguishing physical features” about the fallen British socialite — replied, “I can tell you that she had very large natural breasts.

“I can tell you that her pubic hair was dark brown, nearly black. I don’t remember any specific birthmarks or moles that I could point out that would be relevant.”

Giuffre — who has accused Epstein and Maxwell of abusing her — added that the couldn’t remember whether the alleged female sex assaulter has any scars, adding that she didn’t see any tattoos.

Wow, that’s very specific…not.
It kinda sounds EXACTLY like what I would say if asked, having never seen her other than fully clothed.




Does anyone know who the The Travelling Phantom is when he’s here?

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s funny that the highest profile “victim” in all of this is the least sympathetic person.

That Virginia who fucked Prince Andrew is just a 17 year old hooker who did it of her own volition and enjoyed it immensely if you look at the photos of her from that era.

She’s basically a professional blackmailer and scammer now. All power to her she’s shaking down some real scumbags no doubt, but at the end of the day she’s just a hooker.

Not to mention she was procuring girls for Epstein. Not just a hooker but trafficking young girls for the Epstein.

Horrible person.


She was young and stupid. I see her low on the culpability scales, but at the same time see her as being low on the victim scales as well.

Coming forward and exposing it is imho an honorable enough motivation for her as an individual. People are allowed to have moral turning points and seek redemption.

That she was used to bring down Prince Andrew alone, when she undoubtedly had relations with other rich and powerful men on behalf of Epstein, in order to make him the sole scape goat of the whole affair, is a condemnation of the system rather than her as an individual.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

I’ll wait for the videos to be released, I’m sure there will be some big fish.

Aussie Soy Boy

This Virginia is being sued by another woman for pimping her (along with other women and children) to Epstein.


That doesn’t invalidate what I said – if correct, all that should occur is that she should answer for her crimes in a court of law.

Vidkund Q

Whatever happened to Paul Keating’s daughter being closely connected to Epstein and Maxwell ? I’m sure the ABC would have asked him about it and covered it in their news, just can’t seem to find it…