Missing persons report filed for Peter Fitzsimons after Muslim AFLW player refuses to wear pride jumper

Sydney Morning Herald rage-porn columnist Peter Fitzsimons has been reported missing, after an AFLW controversy involving a muslim player.

Fitzsimons’ normally odious Twitter account fell unusually silent, after the revelation that GWS player Haneen Zreika would not wear a pride jersey in this weekend’s AFLW match due to her religious beliefs.

‘We can confirm that Peter Fitzsimons has been reported missing to NSW Police and that an extensive search and rescue effort is underway,” Superintendent Jack Higgins said.

‘We’ve started with a comprehensive search of the interior of his arsehole but so far we are unable to locate him. We suspect he may surface in the SMH in the next few days with some groveling, duplicitous, 90 IQ shit that completely avoids the question.’

Israel Folau is also believed to have sent a signed copy of Lisa Wilkinson’s book to Fitzsimons’ residence which he ‘found in a dumpster out the back of Dymocks.’

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Agent 47

Pirate Pete needs to be keelhauled.

AFLW imploding is great


He has certainly carved out his niche as a whinging middle aged cat lady. His constant whining about covid being the apocalypse is particularly hysterical.

Even his main issue about Australia becoming a republic I see as utterly useless as all he wants to do is change the corrupt system we have now to essentially the same corrupt system without the monarchy as the figure head. That will do absolutely nothing to improve working peoples lives and give people a greater say in the policies and laws that are made. Which is probably why he constantly fails to generate much interest in it.


Nobody cares about Covid except for Wilkinson and Fitzsimmons and their Twitter followers. The world has moved on. I walked on the shopping street last night and every open restaurant was packed. Everyone is living a normal life now.

A fly in your ointment

If my severely immunocompromised pureblood father in the 9th decade of his life has less severe symptoms than what I as a generally healthy person had, do I get all the rights to say this Omicron thigo is not even comparable to a mild flu?
It makes me more resolute to not comply with pseudoscience froth at the mouth of the political caste.


Couldn’t be a better FW to take the republic up to the public.

When you live in Mosman, you and your wife earn millions, your kids have been given favoured media gigs, life is awesome, and you can busy your day fighting for an issue 90% of Australians couldn’t give a fk about.

The number of people I hear weekly that despise Wilkinson and that nob has quadrupled.

I reckon we’ve reached peak woke, and will now revert.

Fk fk, fk, I hate those two more than I hate DLS.

Australia’s elites motto is to …..”drive the locals into the ground, globalise the lot, and elites make like bandits”

Queens motto is “to serve”…..and she does….that’ll do me.

Republic referendum should have another question….”should we remove power from the parliament, and give more power to the monarchy?”

Last edited 2 years ago by Totes

DLS, Fitzsimmons and Wilkinson are everything that is wrong with modern Labor. I believe that once Labor wins this next election, by May next year they will be less popular than Biden with their woke policies. We will need our Let’s Go Brandon equivalent chant.


They won’t only be less popular than Biden. They’ll be less popular than Bin Laden 🤣


If Labor win, they’ll be the biggest disappointment Australia has ever experienced to the naive fools expecting something different this time.

Same 12 horrendous failures from the Rudd front bench are still there.

This country needs a wake up call. Maybe I’ll vote Labor to help it happen sooner than later.

Aussie Soy Boy

No chance Labor win


man its totes what up bro

nice to see you here


Hey stagmal. Haven’t seen you around for a while. Likewise, great to see you here.


Lol you’ve gone from 100% unelectable to “if’, you’ve already admitted defeat in that move alone, fuckin retard keep moving those goal posts to stay relevant.

Shit talking fuckwit


The woke don’t actually look for solutions. That’s the bit I find most frustrating about them.

Not a thing they do or talk about is about fixing anything.

Giving Labor government is another example. Won’t fix anything.


Get fucked ya royalist cunt, when we get the lamp posts happening you can guarantee I’ll be hunting for you and your scumbag monarchy supporting pieces of shit. You and Abbott swinging in the breeze side by side would be a glorious sight.


lol. You and your weak minded cohort are losing everything you’ve got. You aren’t putting anyone on any lamp posts.

You people can’t work out who your enemies are. You’re doomed.

It’s tragic to watch.

Last edited 2 years ago by Totes

someone filed a missing persons rep. for trudeau?


Probably just in his regular blackface camouflage.

Reus's Large MEMBER



he looks like a pile of rocks with human skin stretched over it


He’s a giant twat.


lmao that’s him

rock man


I’m glad at least someone has enough proverbial balls to stand up for what they believe in, even if it’s unfashionable.

At this rate, she will probably also be the only one to stand up when people with actual balls and penises look to join the womens league.


Ugh – just checked out the bald pirate’s twitter TL – they guy is Australia’s biggest simp.

Chinese Astroturfer

Most publicity this competition has had since that 190cm transvestite wanted to take part.


What’s going on with Beazley? Upside flags outside governor’s house last week and now this.

Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678

lmao look at that fat kunt

he prob thinks everyones gonna die of omicron bc if that fat piece of shit caught it hed kark it on the spot


palmer isn’t scared, what’s your excuse beazley


palmers got a billion doctors on retainer who will give him everything to make it better

if trump survived covid palmer would too

Last edited 2 years ago by stagmal
Reus's Large MEMBER

Palmers got Ivermectin …


He is enormous. I would pity the paramedics that would have to hoist him out.


The apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. His daughter has also ballooned. I think they might be eating those children.

Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678

You’d really think one of them would work out keto and intermittent fasting.


but why? They can be fat and still have nice lives.

Shae The Burmese

For the last two months there has been a daily stand of citizens outside the front of his residence, expressing their loss of confidence in the McGowan government, and the request for a fresh election – for which Beazley as GG has the power. Apparently he has come out and spoken to the people twice. Perhaps this is connected, perhaps not.


Yes I have been watching the umbrella group since the start. They put the picture up of the upside flag last week. When pushed the governor’s staff said it had been done in error but the timing was superb.

Aussie Soy Boy

I just read that 75-80% of AFLW are gay.

It’s time they became more inclusive of people of all sexual orientations.


Fuck you’re dumb lol

Chinese Astroturfer

It’s true 80% are gays. Mainly intimidating, aggressive bull dykes. Not an environment for that a young, feminine, heterosexual female would feel comfortable in. We have to create a safe space in AFLW for less aggressive, less intimidating, heterosexual females.

The bull dykes would be eyeing off the feminine heterosexual types like blokes at a strip club.


I believe this applies to most top level female sport – was reminded of a friend who was good enough to get to the Olympics and noted that certain sports had a very high proportion of lesbians.

Agent 47

One of the Matildas players Lisa Da Vanna pointed out that sexual harassment and bullying in women’s soccer was huge, the story largely got memory holed because it’s inconvenient of course.


“Inhumanity is the keynote of stupidity in power.”

― Alexander Berkman, Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist

Woman begs South Australian Premier Steven Marshall to allow her to visit elderly grandmother in hospital


Same thing happened to a friend of mine. Her 99 year old Dad had a stroke last year (after being vaccinated) and he spent his last weeks dying alone and crippled in hospital. She was given permission to see him just before he died.

This sort of shit is monstrous and inhumane, but typical of the covid Nazis.


On so many occasions and in so many ways, the response to Covid has been so much worse than the covid itself.

the one big good thing that Covid has achieved is putting peoples characters to the test.

as the Mighty Bosstones crooned:

I’m not a coward, I’ve just never been tested

i’d like to think that if I was, I would pass

what a shameful display it has been

Agent 47

This. Revealed a lot about people who i thought i knew and respected.


And the final, inevitable outcome:

SA Health apologises after woman denied final hospital visit before grandmother’s death

“All I can think about is that she spent the last month of her life alone.

“I will feel the utmost grief, pain and guilt for the rest of my life.”


This sort of gut-wrenching experience has no doubt played out across the country on hundreds of occasions.

One can only wonder what were the values for which past generations fought and died.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

I like this bit:

so many people were saying—people who believe that the vote was stolen, and I’m one of those people—“Well look, the Supreme Court’s going to do this, or the state legislators are going to do that, or Congress is going to do this.” And I kept saying, “No, no, no. None of those things are going to happen, because those people who are in charge of the system, in charge of being the guardians of the system, will not do their duty even when the facts are plain.”

I think a lot of us have a kind of a naïve—and I’m not calling Mr. LaRouche naïve—but a lot of us have a naïve faith, in facts. If you throw the facts on the table—whether it’s about COVID or whether it’s about CRT [Critical Race Theory] and Black Lives Matter and Antifa, or whether it’s about foreign policy—that people will wake up and say, “Oh my God, you’re right, let’s do the right thing.” The trouble is that you have people holding all the levers of power who will not do the right thing. That means what you have is stasis. You have stasis until the collapse comes. Now what happens after that?


I agree, a Depression would probably be very helpful in changing our culture


agree, a Depression would probably be very helpful in changing our culture

18 months 😉


Always 😆


You have stasis until the collapse comes

IMO the expectation of a Soviet-style collapse is misguided. The New Deal and associated social contracts (employment, social security, etc) were a direct response to the rise of the Soviet Union. Give the peasants something to avoid a revolution and outright socialism. The threat of a socialist uprising in the west collapsed along with the Soviet Union. It is no coincidence that since then we have seen an erosion of all the social contracts, privatise and deregulate everything (banks, pension system, healthcare, etc), turn the economy in a game of monopoly, and control the peasants with debt and asset prices.

The expectation of economic collapse is actually an expectation that they can no longer do MOAR.


Interesting. I am going to meditate on that, Freddy…


Precisely, Freddy.

The so-called Interest Rate Cycle is what I call the Great Money Pump.

2008 was the last time we saw the Great Money Pump in suction mode….we watched as it hoovered up everything from share portfolios through to entire corporations, and to the homes and other assets of millions of individuals.

Then the Great Money Pump went into discharge mode, and flooded the world with cheap, easy money..…encouraging the plebs to once again borrow to the gills and over-extend in every direction imaginable.

This particular stroke of the Great Money Pump (there have been many of them) was accompanied by a catchy three-word slogan, which helped lubricate the borrowing binge..…LOWER FOR LONGER.
Very soon the Great Money Pump will be switched back to suction mode…..and a whole new bunch of prime assets and livelihoods will be sucked up into the financial stratosphere, never to be seen again.

Rinse and repeat.

There will be no collapse…….there is no money to be made in a collapse.


Plenty of money to be made in a collapse particularly for BlackRock. Collapses happen when it benefits the elite.


Blackrock was exactly who I had in mind when I said:

“……and to the homes and other assets of millions of individuals”.

I think we might just have slightly different ideas as to what constitutes a collapse.

I’m thinking 1932-type collapse.

I don’t think that, in aggregrate, 2008 was in quite the same league………nor would it be of benefit to the elites to allow the same depths to be plumbed again.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat
A fly in your ointment

Well asserted


Thanks for the share, an extremely fascinating read.

Quite a few things stood out, but I’ll just leave this one as it also applies to EZFKA and our own stagnating government.

“But then, increasingly in recent decades, we’ve had a consolidated administrative state, a managerial state. I don’t think you would even call it democracy anymore. This is the way democracies tend to end. Once you have: everybody has the vote, everybody can say, “Well, I want, I want, I want.” You tend to vote yourself benefits out of the other guy’s pocket. And that goes for the plutocracy, too. They say, “Well, we can manipulate the levers of this thing too, and we have our propaganda machine in the media” and so forth. So none of this should be particularly surprising where you get to a moribund state where a constitution on paper is simply honored in the breach.”


yes, that bit too.

some of the stuff that the dude says makes him seem loopy, but then he delivers comments like the above and it’s clear that he’s not a nutter. He has awareness and insight.

in this vein, I have been thinking more broadly about what is the best way to distinguish between:

  • raving loons
  • people delivering truth…which one is not ready to accept yet

i haven’t come up with a quick and easy way. What do you blokes do?

Reus's Large MEMBER

Look for a second opinion or third, or check if they have financial incentive to say what they are saying


Yes, those are both important, but hard work/time consuming – especially getting and evaluating other opinions.

i guess I’m wishing for a simple reliable heuristic… this might not exist, of course… but if it did, evaluating truth claims would be so much easier!


Trying to find the truth is a bit like fossicking for gold.

You shovel and sluice all day, and if you’re lucky, you might just find a tiny nugget for your efforts.

But, jeez….you sure had to shovel through a lot of shit to find it.

Good luck with the heuristic 🙂


I didn’t like the way that video ended!


History tends to repeat or at least rhythm. If I can find instances in history that backs up claims, I will always give it more weight.

Rahul Poohammer

what is the best way to distinguish between: raving loons

people delivering truth…

Just go with the loons. I used to laugh at Alex Jones and his Prison Planet theme.
Not fucking laughing anymore.

Rahul Poohammer

good work on the caption 😅😅🤣

Agent 47
Chinese Astroturfer

If you see what some women put men through I’m not surprised someone snaps every so often. For some women it’s a game to them.

Agent 47

For sure, cuts both ways.



Hopefully they don’t hit any politicians😉



Do they keep a running tally of their lies🤔


Nope….just Standard Operating Procedure:

When it becomes serious.jpg

Interesting problem that is discussed at the end of this clip. Would you feel safe in an Australian hospital being treated for severe covid? Would you think that treatment given would cause more harm than good?


Rahul Poohammer

Some big brained people on the net are calling the covid treatment drug Remdesivir, “Run, death is near”.Not sure if Intubation is helpful either.


Yes I heard that the nurses in the US called Remdesivir that name. Is remdesivir front line treatment in Australian hospitals?


I wonder if Ben has a death wish?

Agent 47

More rage porn.


If anything happens to this guy he will have brought it all on himself.

Shae The Burmese

How does that headline account for McGowan’s statement that two jabs offers a mere 4% protection?


I don’t think logic applies to Ben. This article could have been written by a 5 year old.

Rebecca Muller

And since when do we say “math” in this country? I think Ben’s been spending too much time with the quokkas.


Around the time we stopped calling people mate and started calling them buddy ~2015. Maybe there was a key tipping point in the % of people born overseas around then. Or maybe it was the free trade agreement Howard signed in 2006 allowing unedited American advertising to be shown on Australian TV. Or maybe it was internet bandwidth increasing to the point where some people consumed so much American video, writing, audio and online chat in video games that they aquired American accents without ever having lived there (quite a few people <25 like this sadly). Who knows. Australia is fading before your very eyes.

Rebecca Muller

Yes. I know that accent you are referring to, it does seem to be an age thing. Strange phenomenon indeed.


Summed it up nicely, Robert.

Particularly the last sentence.


I think Ben is be the kind of person that even the quokkas would attack.


Yeah, would be awesome to see her lose again.


Clinton in the living embodiment of political corruption. America could not possibly find a more apt figurehead.


well now marky boy, all these nice mining camps brewing covid ….better than a petri dish in some wuhan lab.


Rebecca Muller

Curious that a “growing cluster of cases has been traced to an event at the Library nightclub” considering that all nightclubs require double-quax for entry.


How long do you reckon before he locks down? End of the week?


Should have been weeks ago



So we’re meant to think for ourselves, how quaint.



Apparently deaths are up quite a bit. Does anyone know if doctors are also seeing this?


Interesting you should post that.
Below you will find (I hope) a spreadsheet I have been running on the death data by age/vax status provided each day by the NSW Health Dept. for the month of January 2022.
All numbers shown in black are as posted by NSW Health – the red numbers are explained below,

Explanatory notes:

Figures shown in red indicate either data was not provided, or data was provided, but in a non-age specific way.
For example, Jan 6, the data was provided as “….five men and one woman aged in their 20s, 60s, 80s, and 90s.”, without specifying the breakdown of each age bracket.

Similarly, some vaccination numbers are in red because no vaccination status data was provided on those days.
In all cases, the estimated numbers shown in red are based on the distribution of the other more specific data available for the rest of the month.

I make no attempt to analyse or interpret the data….simply post it as provided by NSW Health

The data shown alongside “28 delay” is the 35 age-care deaths which occurred throughout the early part of January, but were not reported until the 28th.

NSW Deaths Janauary 2022.PNG
Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

That’s some good score keeping, plaguerat!

it’s also somewhat encouraging/surprising that after a modest copse of red numbers, most of the numbers are black. So at least they are not obfuscating through vagueness.

they are either telling the truth or outright lying.


Thanks Peachy.
I tip my hat to the NSW crowd….they seem prepared to tell it as it is….more than I can say for Victoria, who seem to think that the plebs wouldn’t understand all this “scientific” stuff……but then what to expect from a crowd who tried to prevent us learning about an unfavorable court ruling.
Now that the formatting is all set up, I might keep it running for a while…..and maybe even venture into the realm of trends……there seem to be some pretty obvious ones developing already.

A fly in your ointment

Well, my theory is that what is called Omicron absofornicatinglutely bypasses any pseudo vaccination and numbers are just a representation of occulation percentage by proportion. It means if there was 50% jabbed, that many would be represented as part of total deaths.
Another critical bit that can skewer any data interpretation is that deaths can be “with” or “of” and another vector to add another dimension is that they can randomly publish either to affect output in any direction in part or absolutely. E.g. in bad case scenario they could incorrectly report all the pureblood deaths as “of” virus and all the waxed deaths as “with” virus.

The data in table coild be 82% “with virus” deaths and that annuls any meaning of the table…

What I am trying to say is that data is so polluted and devoid of any standards nor is the metric published neither is constant so SISO principle applies

A fly in your ointment

Just to be sure I am not misunderstood, I meant the pollution of NSW health data, not the Plaguerat’s table


No problemo, Afiyo….never thought it for a moment.

I agree that the data, as publicly available, is of dubious quality and value, given the number of confounding variables surrounding it.

“Serious underlying health conditions” is another one that we don’t really get a good handle on.

And, of course, there is that untouchable whose name nobody dares speak……..”vaccine related”

I believe that the fuzziness, or in some cases complete absence, of reliable supported data, coupled with the general obfuscation of TPTB around all aspects of this pandemic, are the prime reasons that we have the current destructive divisions within our society.

One thing I have found fascinating is that when some initially questioned the safety and efficacy of the vaccines they were assured that a combination of super-computing power, massive financial resources, and global research cooperation resulted in the speedy development of safe and effective vaccines.

Yet, here we are in our third year of the pandemic, with the same computers, financial resources, and global cooperation, and it seems as if we know bugger-all about the virus and where it is taking us.

Go figure?

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

And no sooner had he spake:

NSW records 30 COVID-19 deaths, non-urgent elective surgery to resume

Of the 30 people who died, one was a man in his 30s who had received two vaccine doses and had no significant underlying health conditions.

Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said this demonstrated the importance of getting a booster shot immediately.


Let me see…..30yo….no underlying health conditions……two doses of the vaccine……No!…. it couldn’t possibly be.

A rational mind could suggest that his death may equally indicate “the importance of not getting the booster shot immediately”.

At least until such time as the actual cause of death had been definitively established.

But, unfortunately, all such caution seems to have been thrown to the wind.

Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat

this demonstrated the importance of getting a booster shot immediately.


“this demonstrated the vaccines are fkn shit”


this demonstrated the importance of getting a booster shot immediately.



If it were not reality, it would be some very droll dark comedy.

But it seems that it is not comedy!

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

Thank you!

Reus's Large MEMBER

The data I wish that they would actually show is how many co-morbidities each death has, have they died with or from whuflu. In the UK of the 152k deaths recorded as whuflu deaths for 2020/2021 there were only 17k that actually died from covid and 15.5k where above 65.

So this really has been a pandemic of the BB’s and the destruction that has been wrought out on everyone has been to save the BB’s


Yes, this is so.

but on another level, it’s really for the sake of the X would-be-inheritors of the BBs…



If they do manage to start a war, we should only send our triple jabbed to ease the burden on our hospitals


I guess it’s just pure coincidence (lot of them around lately, isn’t there) that all of this hairy-chested sabre-rattling is taking place at the same time that Joe Bidens’ ratings are very close to penetrating the floor, the US has mid-term elections coming up in November this year, and huge anti-mandate protests are taking place throughout Europe, the U.S., Canada, and even way down here in Oz.

Also occurring at a time when the U.S. is desperate to keep the pressure on Germany to further stall the commissioning of Nord Stream 2.

I am reminded of a bloke who was a great advocate for the war distraction……only trouble was, he meant it.

Unfortunately, I think there are some in the U.S. who mean it as well.


Very true


amazing we’re at the point now where you just cant outright say people are going to die lol


Mollycoddling society. We are fucked if there is ever a war or some other serious natural disaster.


like a pandemic?



I was thinking something that might actually stop year on year population growth and actually reduce a countries population. At best the pandemic threw out some supply chains but that was it. There was little to no excess death and it is looking increasingly likely that the excess death that was caused was due to medical malpractice. War means supply chains cut off, no fuel, rationing food medicine etc. A serious natural disaster such as an earthquake would have a similar effect. In those scenario’s I reckon the authorities and the general population would be fucked. Could you imagine someone like albaneasy or our other politicians picking up a rifle?


Could you imagine someone like albaneasy or our other politicians picking up a rifle?

As a matter of fact, I drove past Parliament House the other day and saw a bunch of our patriotic pollies out the back practicing for that very possibility.

I think Scomo’s the one with the pitchfork….Albo’s the one with the peaked cap….sitting down:

Dads army.jpg
Last edited 2 years ago by plaguerat


The rescue plane is this way lads.

I reckon they would make the escape from Kabul look orderly.

Last edited 2 years ago by pnut5678
Rahul Poohammer

great pic. ” oy mate! ‘ave you got a loicence for that pitchfork”?
(is that a lee enfield at the top?}