Welcome to the Weekend Links for 14-15 August, 2021! We are very happy you are here. Several exciting things have happened this week, including the inaugural post of Turd Flinging Thursdays! It was such a success, that it was followed by Failure To Flush Friday!
Clearly this is a case of innovation the EZFKA way!
However, if you are in the mood to peruse this week’s shenanigans, please have a look at How long until the Australian federal election is suspended indefinitely? – EZFKA – from our own Timbo. Well worth the read and reflective of the opinions of many people, at least I think so. Great little contribution mate.
~~Fighting The Good Fight~~
So I like Jordies. Sometimes. Clearly he is partisan, and probably angling for a NSW Senate seat with the help of Rudd. Hey more power to him, let him get down and dirty in politics and lets see how he goes.
However, Jordies is unlikely to protest when Avi Yemeni gets his head bashed in by VicPol. It is what it is. Still, for this week, we are all about good Australians fighting the good fight.
But its not just Jordies. Its also Martin North and Robbie Barwick, who take a bit of a victory lap, and explain what else is going on with the Oz Post drama.
Neel Kolhatkar is also getting his voice out there. A more reserved, and less partisan version of Jordies below.
And Frenchy gets involved with Covid and its excitement – https://www.instagram.com/tv/CSYmYM1Cvd8/
How do you think this was reported?
- This is pretty – How to talk to an anti-vaxxer about getting the covid vaccine (news.com.au) – funny!
~~Covid Shenanigans~~

- This happened – “One Step Closer To Dictatorship”: Joe Rogan Slams Vaccine Passports, Warns Vax May Cause ‘Virulent Mutations’ | ZeroHedge – which was funny!

- You know Fakey – Report: Fauci Oversaw Dangerous, Torturous Experiments On Dogs (infowars.com) – is a piece of shit. Who tortures dogs for fun… wait. Damn satanists – fml.

- China’s Bat Lady – Wuhan’s ‘Bat Lady’ Warns Of Coming Covid-19 Mutants | ZeroHedge – in the can’t make this shit up department.

- Apparently the pandemic is over – Alberta government declares COVID-19 pandemic over – World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org) – according to the World Socialist Web Site? I’m so confused.

- You know this is – 15,000-year-old viruses discovered in Tibetan glacier ice (osu.edu) – a bit suss. As is this – CDC Quietly Deletes 6,000 COVID Vaccine Deaths From Its CDC Website Total in One Day — Caught by Internet Sleuths (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com) – seriously. Don’t we deserve a reasonable amount of quality propaganda? Uncool.
~~Mandate Of Heaven~~
~~Culture Wars~~
If you did not see the tranny in the Star Wars shop – no, seriously that is what happened – Jeremy from the Quartering has a nice overview.
- Non-binary y’all – The Remains Of A Warrior Found In Finland May Have Had Klinefelter Syndrome : NPR – and I’m the crazy one for expecting reasonable quality propaganda!

- The Eastern Euro’s are – Hungary slaps restrictions on LGBTQ+ books – POLITICO – based.

- Well – Conservatives’ quiet boycott of woke Olympics succeeds – Da Tech Guy Blog – yes, but it does not mean bugger all.

- Transgender YouTuber who ‘raped her mom, 79,’ interrupts court hearing to brag she’s internet famous | Daily Mail Online – i don’t know what to say? 4chan weights in below…

~~Written In The Stars~~
Aries 8:01 Taurus 19:28 Gemini 28:43 Cancer 42:19 Leo 55:01 Virgo 1:07:44 Libra 1:20:07 Scorpio 1:34:03 Sagittarius 1:45:29 Capricorn 1:57:02 Aquarius 2:07:42 Pisces 2:20:41
~~Markets And Tech~~

- Well – The End Of Global Tourism? | ZeroHedge – yeah sounds about right.
- We only know about this – Amazon awarded secret $10B NSA cloud computing contract: report | TheHill – because Microsoft is suing.
- And interestingly – Bokhari: Are The Tech Giants Afraid of Something? (breitbart.com) – something is going down here.

- This is very well worth – The Problem with Perceptual Hashes (rentafounder.com) – reading. About the announcement from Apple!

- And this is – World Kung Fu Governing Body Uses Copyright Law to Hunt Down YouTube Critics * TorrentFreak – quite interesting in terms of how copyright law is being used.

- And we have – Need A Divorce? There’s An App For That, And They Just Raised $2 Million | ZeroHedge – innovation!

- What does – Autonomous Race Cars To Compete At Indianapolis Motor Speedway | ZeroHedge – this mean? Are we going to get self driving cars…
~~Socialism For The … Hang ON~~


- Its getting – In first massive cyberattack, China targets Israel – Tech News – Haaretz.com – hot and heavy.

- So I’m convinced that – IT’S OFFICIAL: Any Group Who Claimed 2020 Election Was Most Secure in US History Was In On It (thegatewaypundit.com) – the US Election hacking was in part orchestrated by Chinese State actors.
- China – Tencent Shares Tumble As WeChat Removed From Chinese App Stores | ZeroHedge – is getting interesting.
- The conflict – Slovak police unleash tear gas as anti-Covid demonstrators push into parliament in Bratislava — RT World News – includes messing with the Covid narrative. And more – Half Million Chinese Sign Letter Demanding WHO Probe US Fort Detrick Lab | ZeroHedge – here.
- Not entirely sure who – Canadian Leadership on the Torching of Dozens of Churches: ‘Burn It All Down!’ – PJ Media – is orchestrating the above.
~~Have A Good Weekend~~

Fark! Some cracking gems in this weekends links. Love it T.
Thanks man!
+1, great stuff as always!
i got karen’d today. the mandate is so unclea in dubbo and i dont even know if im allowed to go outside or not so i just totally ignore everything and walk around where-ever i want to anyway.
some engineer at a road maintenance site approached me as i was walking past without a mask and warned that we were supposed to be in lockdown and that i wasnt wearing a mask and i should go home. i responded “ok karen” twice and he started getting really pissy at me, but i followed up by saying that outdoor transmission doesnt happen and he should present evidence it does. ‘why should i wear a mask outdoors?’
after this he started doing the WALK OF SHAME, but as he was walking off he said he’d call the police on me and i told him to “do it, bc if they fine me im not gonna fucking pay it anyway”. he got so steamed after that lmao.
I’m the same mate. i havent worn a mask or checked in since the start of this thing and no one has said anything.
I regularly mock the people who check in with their phones and the responses are hilarious. Total NPC behaviour, these people are nothing more than EZFKA consumers who would engage in forced sodomy if the government told them to do it.
what do they say?
“If we just do this a little longer it will be over” is the most common response i get or just blank stares.
Had some other people call me unaustralian and whatnot. The trauma based mind control has done its job.
“unaustralian” is the ultimate calling card of the stupidest cowards imaginable
More people get covid every day than get fined, if you believe the daily stats from the NSW government overlords.
Up to you to take what you want from that…
The repayment rates are really bad. Victoria now wants to enforce payment, but that is probably a sign that the state is almost bankrupt. Probably unlikely that Beijing will offer any monetary value for the state.
Oh, the irony. If outdoor transmission occurs, then it would be unsafe to do road maintenance wouldn’t it?
If you want to lockdown make it only essential services that work. We exempt far too much like game shows, construction, celebrities etc. and then wonder why it takes so long to eliminate the virus and why people get grumpy about confusing rules.
Game shows are essential to keep the plebs comfortable so they don’t go troppo.
Whilst true, putting on decent movies and shows would be a better option
But reality shows and games shows are so cheap,
feel the value…not the quality
Do they really still have “game shows” in this day and age?
4, I honestly expected more.
burgos catch phrase was the be all and end all of australian television as far as im concerned
That is true. Very easy to make people look like good guys and bad guys too. Everyone loves someone to hate.
there needs to be retribution
That’s precisely my reasoning on the right hand side of the curve. The demons in the big pharma companies care about nothing but profits and would kill you for money.
Anecdata…I know a young woman with a PhD in neuroscience. She was working on drug research in Europe but has left the field because she was being pressured to produce favourable (ie fraudulent) experimental results. She’s retraining in computer science. Meanwhile, the drugs she was working on will eventually be sold to the public based on fake results about their efficacy and safety.
The reasoning on the left is pretty good as well…
My kids like science, but have been steering them towards mathematics instead. Much of the science being pushed around today is pseudoscience promoted by social media influencers with financial interests. Often the best solution is simple, but no one will probably make money out of it.
They are coming for Math too with this 2 + 2 may not equal 4 bullshit progressive shit heads a pushing.
Once we have undermined the sciences with neoliberalism and progressivism, the West will be lost. Xi Jinping needs a new advisor as all he had to do is watch the West turn into a clown show and China will be dominant by default.
I am on teh left side. I like to pretend I am on teh right!
That I doubt,
But alcohol, low standards and poor decisions sounds like a serious weekend…
Did you do the chart yourself Agent47 or see it elsewhere?
This was the most interesting excerpt from the link Coming. It would be interesting if the could break the study down of each of those educational groups by their OCEAN personality traits to assess things like agreeableness.
I don’t find it all that surprising, a masters is doubling down on repeating the stuff they tell you back to them, virtually a second undergrad degree.
A PhD requires you to demonstrate independent thought and produce a piece of original research.
Tertiary education was supposed to involve critical thinking, but that was years ago. Given they are degree factories now, critical thinking is less of a core skill.
Certain degrees offer you no freedom of thought anyway. In my Bachelor Business all you ever did was quote everyone else’s opinion to form an argument. Critical thinking is at times encouraged but ultimately to pass any assignment you have to stay in your lane.
I guess I didn’t do enough critical thinking about all faculties. You are right.
Yes. Most university degrees are all about teaching you to be a good middle class corporate lemming, or government funded admin peon.
Sounds very Robert Kiyosaki like, but then I actually don’t mind reading his books as he does have an interesting perspective. He wrote a book “A students work for C students and B students work for the government”.
Interesting pick up. If course I’m also probably swayed by my B Bus. degree but Law, Engineering etc whilst technical are still going to be about teaching you to work for someone else’s business. Medicine, nursing and the sciences mostly working for the government. There isn’t a single uni course I can think of teaching you to be an independent thinker, to be a business owner etc
Many lawyers and doctors are self employed.
So are many concreters, and meal delivery drivers.
I was replying to The90kwbeast who said that “Law” is “about teaching you to work for someone else’s business”. “Medicine”…”mostly working for the government”. I argue that both are uni degrees that do set you up to be self-employed, if you wish to be. Also, I’d argue that philosophy degrees actually do set you up to be an independent thinker. They just don’t set you up to make any money. Don’t get me wrong, for most people who went to uni, including me, it was a complete waste of time. I’d have been a much happier tradie.
Even the arts faculties seem to be churning out a whole heap of inner city greens voters that all have groupthink.
*May or may not be actually valid….
Would agree with you on this.
Democracy is “supposed” to represent the people.
I call it marketing, and it is intended to control the population.
Yeah – the independent thought is something that requires a higher level of disagreeableness though then necessarily high IQ alone.
A basic necessity of having a starting position that sits outside the box is that you are prepared to disagree with the status quo, the accompanying IQ then determines how successful turning that independent, rebellious though into a PhD ultimately is.
I haven’t had too much experience of people who have done Masters outside of Finance, but the ones I’ve encountered in Finance were always the nebbish, conscientious types who did all their homework on time and as you say master ‘repeating the stuff they tell you back to them’.
I thought the graph and chart as per Agent47 was very interesting, but as someone who is struggling with getting the vaccine while I take some solance to think that other smart people might see it the same way I do, I also worry that it may be my or their natural disagreeableness, or uncomfortableness with the majority that is driving my motivation and perhaps that of other smarter people, rather than necessarily correctly assessing it.
Ultimately I suppose it isn’t a question that can be answered by looking to others and taking comfort for what they’re doing, as that is no better than the rest of my family who turn on the TV and gain comfort from seeing they are doing what everyone else is doing, rather its something you’ve got to come to a decision about wholly on your own.
Being disagreeable comes with some drawbacks… you might found a new colony, but more often than not you just end up lost in the mountains.
Your position is probably much more interesting, but to take it back to the original study and even science in general, something that is easy to measure is far more likely to have research done into it than something more potentially relevant.
Education level is trivial…
One concern with PhDs is that it’s usually in a highly specific area of research and there’s a growing proportion that are either forced to do so due to academic inflation or not having any serious job prospects in their base degree which also might represent a failure of judgement.
Of course, having a PhD never stopped Liz Allen commenting on issues unrelated to her doctorate!
On the Masters comparison, it’d be interesting to know the breakdown if was by coursework or if it was based on research/publication. There’s quite a difference between the two, with the former having more in common with university level regurgitation.
Fair point, but there simply isn’t a PhD by coursework.
It’s from this study.
That article seems to contradict Stewie’s belief that IQ is genetic rather than cultural/educational.
I question the permanency of the situation. One of my nephew’s was a baby genius that was walking, talking, and extremely outgoing and playful at 9 months. Another was quite introverted and didn’t start walking or talking until around 14 months. It evened itself out well before they started kindy.
I believe cultural and educational components all contribute to partially explaining some of the residual differences in life outcomes between population groups.
For example the difference in life outcomes between an African living in Africa and one living in America is wholly cultural and educational. That said I believe that the differences between white Americans and Black Americans livings in America is mainly a function of the individuals IQ, although some smaller part of the difference can still be explained by cultural and educational factors.
Education and culture imho simply sharpens the underlying potential that already exists in respect of ‘g’ or general intelligence. In respect of ‘g’ most of the evidence suggests that this is genetic, but I remain open to the possibility that some of what people may attribute to ‘g’ as being is dependent on environment.
Years ago, I read that intelligence is mostly inherited from the woman. Also, when I studied AI back in the early naughts there was a great demo showing how neural nets have to start with randomised weights otherwise they do not work (you can’t start with zeroed weights). By sheer chance, a neural net can be much closer and hence faster at reaching a desired function during training and more accurate when they get there. If this is also true of brains, it is reasonable to suppose that at least some aspects of intelligence are purely the result of the initialisation state of the network.
Yeah I remember reading that when I was younger as well. However, this seems to have been a furphy that rests on the fact that you get the tinniest amount more of your genetic material from your mother than you father, something like 50.5% from your mother and 49.5% from you father, due to the size differences in the XX vs XY Chromosome pairings. So the reality is you are highly dependent on both parents.
Human intelligence and indeed most traits or characteristics are actually the function or expression of multiple alleles or genes, found on mulitplie chromosomes. How the traits are expressed are a function of both whether they are dominant or recessive, and the presence or absence of other polygenic combinations.
There may well be genes found on the X Chromosome that are related to IQ, however the majority of the genes on these two chromosomes are sex related.
That all said, while you are dependent on both parents for your IQ, you are 100% dependent on your mother for the genetic material that is responsible for your energy levels. The cellular powerhouses of every cell in your body come from cellular bodies called Mitochondria, which are small RNA genetic material that comes 100% from your moth and the original egg she produced that you grew from.
Traditionally child rearing is done by the mother, early learning in that case is likely to reflect the abilities of the mother far more than the father.
No one will ever likely know as the experiments are completely undoable in an ethical way.
In modern times I’d definitely agree that women play a much larger role in shaping the environmental influences of early childhood for boys, compared to their fathers. Meaning they would be an environmental influence in terms impacting whatever portion of IQ is environmentally influenced in an individual.
We are world class in something I guess.
The place to go to force google to reveal information about video uploaders.
It begins.
Mark McMclown was first of course:
NSW second (permits required to leave Greater Sydney area):
They should just start printing the Australian constitution on toilet paper at this point.
It get’s better, you MUST carry ID with you, direct from police comissioners mouth.
$5000 fine for breaching orders.
Dr chant(?) nowhere to be seen, has she resigned because she doesn’t want to be the scapegoat for gladys’s health advice…
Sorry – the quote attributed to Schwab seems like it was faked:
Fact Check-Depopulation quote has been misattributed to Klaus Schwab
beat ya to it!
That said it would probably be a nicer place to exist in than one populated with 10 billion people, with 9 billion of those being sub-Saharans (I exaggerate 1 in 2 people will be African), as Steve Sailer found out when he dove into the UN’s 2017 Population projections.
Even if the quote is fake one name stand out: Kalergi.
Interesting chap.
f o r w e a r e y o u n g a n d f r e e
I can’t wait for Andrews to back up his threat to go door to door. Fucking wanker.
also sounds like FJ is getting his ass kicked in court, whoops
Saw that. Barilaro does wear women’s underwear though, so it’s basically a race to the bottom.
I wouldn’t cheer this decision, the logical conclusion is a politician can admit corruption under parliamentary privilege and if you report it you are open to a defamation case you can’t defend with the argument that you are reporting what he said.
Is Jordo going to appeal it?
I don’t think he can. But IANAL.
It also isn’t a verdict against him, it just prevents him using his defence but requires him to defend it.
this is the reported judges words
Quiet here…
Everyone still hiding from the shit flinging?
Thanks for the Links T.
Wishing everybody a good weekend!
Howzabout some Grace Jones on Sat morning?
‘I’ve Seen That Face Before’
That track has a curious vibe. Can’t quite place it.
seems like it might belong on the soundtrack of a cold-war era Eastern European movie.
maybe it’s the organ/accordion type instrument going in the background?
mouth accordion in case of the Jamaican, I think. Maybe not.
I missed to add that Jamakian made a nice mix of reggae with all the remakes she’s done. As with reggae, all the rhythm is made with strong and long attack, virtually no sustain and almost instant decay. Most people will find that sound pleasing.
Never knew it was based on Libertango.
Djenka seems to have nailed it!
Only because I happen to know Grace Jones’ music quite well. So a fluke. She was big in Eastern Europe in her days.
You say “fluke”.
…. Yet, sometimes, I feel like there are no coincidences…
I’d never knew any of the arses and ladies here and all their smart and stupid ideas if it wasn’t for Davo Lewdo Smurf deleting posts which triggered his cognitive dissonance. From this it concludes that it cannot be by a chance that I am here – so I am here purportedly by a design of a greater power than me which makes it out of my hands but somehow I am here of my own will… and I lost the plot here.
LOL, I discovered Piazzolla through Grace. She was pop, therefore cheap music, but she had her own style, unmistakable for her so not ‘cheap’ after all.
It has a very unique sound/vibe.
A bit ominous because it’s about being followed or maybe mild paranoia?
Also not repetitive which keeps it interesting.
Probably one of those love it or hate it tunes
Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean that they’re not following you….
For anyone who is interested, that track is basically a version of Piazzolla’s Libertango – she just put words over it.
Check out the original version – fantastic.
New video for the Marty Fockers fans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCLISRDC6hU
solid, i watched it. marty has balls of steel , im amazed the vicpol havent gone in to bash him yet but i guess his always filming camera is protecting him.
Can’t believe the ending. Leaving, gf using toilet… arrested!
Damn, why did you spoil the ending for me?!
teh advanced ezfka.com software has a “spoiler” button to hide those bits.
Who is this Marty dude, what was he doing before teh Corona?
no one knows, but he just showed up some etime last year and has been a persistent thorn in the side of the vicpol ever since. hes like a indian brave on the great plains showing up on his white horse to cause havoc then disappearing into the horizon before the cavalry can be dispatched to get him.
I did not know that, will keep it in mind for next time 🙂
‘Fall of Democracy: Australia’s growing anti-protest regulations’
I struggle to see the point he’s trying to make by playing chicken with police officers.
It’s all good that he’s got a point, a massive one, but rubbing that point to the people that are least likely to be interested and were trained to ignore it is not even Sisyphean work.
During the WW2, the resistance (not the romantic French one like in ‘Allo Allo! – but the real one, like seen in the eastern Europe) did something that hurt the system, like blowing up the railroads, bridges etc – subversion and diversion work.
What did this guy achieve by pushing all the buttons so hard to get arrested?
Who knows what his angle is…
maybe he is trying to run a test case – eg challenge the fine or sue the police for unlawful arrest or harassment, in order to have some element of the regime declared unlawful or otherwise circumscribed by a court.
or maybe he’s trying to raise awareness. Maybe he is (or wants to be) the modern version of the dude in from of the tank on Tiananmen Square. Or the self-immilating Buddhist monks…
we’ll see.
What actually troubles me is that they are seeking to create attention through action, on the issue and on themselves equally.
Tienanmen guy is not comparable, imho, because he perhaps participated organised protest but his actions were likely spontaneous. The guy did not surround himself with cameras and there was a huge chance we could never know of him if there was not a camera man that saw his 5 min of fame.
Just to make it clear, I do not disprove his actions, I just think there are more effective ways to sting the tyranny. E.g. the article at News com au asking to preach the experimental jab to those that think with their brain is an excellent opportunity to convert a complacent to a thinker. If every person with some brain converted 10 complacent people into 10 thinkers and experimental jab got less traction, the progression would make tyranny scratch their head within weeks.
I planted a serious doubt in a complacent family so there are at least 2 persons I saved form boosters. 8 more to go. Back to Marty and his GF, his actions will most likely cement thinkers into their assessment but it is unlikely to convert any complacent pleb into a thinker. Hope i was not too cryptic, some things just should be said outright.
It’s a nice thought but the response to “thinkers” ignoring their demands has been to double down on the propaganda, enact harsher penalties and perform more enforcement.
well, I see what you’re saying, but having “thinkers” doesn’t make the jab have less traction.
for all you know there are 20million thinkers in the ezfka, all quietly thinking away. The majority. While they are quietly thinking away, nothing changes. Coercive measures are dialled up until enough of them comply and soon the jabbed are the majority and the unbanned are the minority that is easy to demonise.
things could look different if the 20m thinkers did what Marty does. Or even 2m…
The more people are plugged into msm and the narratives they promote, the more hysteria and the harder it is to have a rational discussion with them.
but so what?
which bit of this situation relies to any extent on rational discussions???
460 NSW today. Gonna pass Vics peak soon. Here come the heavy handed policies to chase their tail trying to get on top of it…
$5000 fines for breaching stay at home orders
You must carry id to leave your house, according to police commisioner, not sure if that’s law or just an empty threat.
This is also an interesting perspective…
Central coast got locked down before we had any cases, armidale? got locked down for another week with no local cases today.
It may have merit, labor seats can’t vote her out for lockdowns…
There were also claims of vax being taken only from labor seats, cc had ours taken despite having cases.
dubbo aint labor
ok, fair enough, who would think mb is poorly researched….
Dubbo isn’t Sydney? and it says in the article “ There’s hardly an LNP electorate locked down.” Not that there isn’t any locked down at all
Their plan to completely divide the sheeple has worked perfectly. The upper middle class Karens are out in force harassing people for being un-Australian for not following the draconian health measures. They are also blaming the protesters despite the gold standard gestapo not being able to link one single case to the protests.
Meanwhile we all know what community is really responsible for the surge in case numbers but nobody will mention it for fears of racism. Must maintain the woke facade at all costs.
Perhaps some of these Karens could publish some “what would Mohammed do?” pamphlets to distribute in SW Syndey to get the message out. Complete with illustrations to overcome the language barrier.
meh, trying to drag the salafists into this is poor form imo, i dont blame anyone for ~getting sick~ and wanting to live their lives, neither of these things are or should be a fuckin crime, attacking people whoever they are for that is not what any sane civilised soicety should be about.
I don’t think it came across well my intention wasn’t to blame them at least they aren’t putting up with this crap.
I just want to point out the hypocrisy of the Karens who love the rules and want to them to go harder. They rage against anyone breaking the rules, blame the Eastern Suburbs and the protests, and completely ignore where are the cases are occuring.
My underlying theory is it is the international students on visas that receive no government funding still working, and they have to work, because they receive no government funding I’d they don’t work. This also aligns to so many cases being in young people now.
Many of the jobs these people work in are also deemed essential such as cleaning, food delivery, working in service stations…
Therefore I predict the 5km radius won’t do shit because the real problem is students on dodgy visas that must work to survive.
i think what you’re saying is about correct & I’m also pondering how to square it with what Canuck is saying….
What I’m struggling with is comparing the
a) moral worth
b) practical worth
of these alternatives:
1) doing a “good” or “right” thing for a reason that is “bad” or “wrong” (e.g. action: Jimmies in the west ignoring despotic govt decree…. Reason: Because they don’t give a shit about the society they are in and the local authorities)
2) doing bad/wrong thing for a reason that is “good” (e.g. action: Karens raging etc…. Reason: because they respect authority and social order)
Pretty sure this happened in Melbourne. Can remember driving home after work and seeing what looked like gangs outside popular takeaway shops.
But I think cleaning was stopped – only exit/bond cleans for RE purposes allowed as is the EZFKA way.
anyone following afghanistan? the taliban have been kicking ass and taking names, even the soviet union was more successful at pacifying afghanistan than the americans have been, and they were only there for 10 years, compared to the americans and their allies who have been there for longer than a lot of 20 year olds have been alive. the door barely has slammed behind them and the taliban are already approaching kabul; what a mortifying humiliation for the forces of globohomo.
That crew all want to be stone age cavemen. The guys nominally supporting the gummint would really rather be with the Taliban, having a fat old time beheading infidels and raping 12 year old girls. And boys. That’s why there’s no heart in the resistance…everybody wants to be the Taliban because they’re having all the fun, for Muslim definitions of “fun”.
yes, I can easily believe that this kind of dynamic is at play.
The EZFKA is full of analogous examples.
The Greens who are nominally green but just want to grab power & will gladly trade away all Green ideas and policies to achieve it.
The renters who nominally detest the landlords… but are just waiting to buy into the landlord class and have their own tenants to look down on.
the nocoiners wanting Bitcoin to crash … so they can buy some cheap.
… lots more examples.
I wonder if there is a fancy scientific word from philosophy or sociology or something else to describe this pattern of behaviour. Anybody know?
Culture matters.
hypocrisy and greed?
playing the cards you are dealt?
being human?
personally I prefer the middle option, which lines up with culture matters, I guess.
Was initially thinking “schadenfreude”, although this isn’t quite right with some of those examples. As most deal with an internal inconsistency that one has to either resolve or ignore to face the realities of life, “cognitive dissonance” may be more broadly applicable.
What do you mean humiliation?
20 Years of income for these guys:
-Lockheed Martin
-Northrop Grumman
-General Dynamics
Great success more like it.
Think of the pharmaceutical cartels and the opium fields!
Aaaaaaand it’s gone!
Probably posted here before, but very fitting for the times we live in:
— C. S Lewis
I think the time for talk is now over. Civil disobedience is now the order of the day.
This goes one of two ways – descent in Digital Bolshevik Russia 2.0 or with most of Canberra and the AFR Top 20 rich list on lampposts.
Hope for the latter, prepare for the former.
It won’t be the latter, that has become abundantly clear.
While I generally agree, I don’t believe in the globalist meme of inevitability nor consume qtard copium. There will be violence of some description as historically shown, it just becomes a case of who initiates it first.
what happens after that is anyone’s guess. mass hunger from supply chain disruption likely.
any protests will happen in places like the US and France… Australian protests will be limited to what we saw a few weeks back.
don’t forget – something like 70-80% of the population support lockdowns in Australia.
I don’t believe polls or vaccine uptake numbers. So much chicanery going on.
All I’m saying is, while Australians are notoriously stupid EZFKA self interested debt slaves, there is now more anger than this time last year and I’m starting to seriously doubt the ruling class ability to keep it together.
The internet is the great wild card here but I’m unsure it will stay up muvh longer in its current form.
As for the Police and military, there aren’t enough of them. They also have families that they will need to protect when shit gets really wild. Sure some will be loyal to the pay cheque, the smarter ones will make the correct decision.
All just my 2 cents. I intend to fight as much as I can because the future isn’t worth living in otherwise.
There is anger brewing all over the world.
Not only because of handling of Covid but also rising inflation which hits poorer countries hardest.
Remember the Arab Spring?
Coming soon to a country near you…
I was thinking about Cyber Polygon but if they take down the intewebz how are they going to convince people to agree to a cashless society?
I think our rulers are pushing too hard now and as you say they won’t be able to keep it together.
So we have
It’s quite humorous that here we larf at the mb housing-bears. But then we have broader-society-bears! Seems like a strange kind of dissonance.
that’s on one hand.
on the other hand, it kind of makes sense, dunnit? Could well be that housing is the last thing standing while the government remains in charge; and they will remain in charge while they distribute largesse and bribes to pacify enough EZFKA units.
…But nobody can guarantee that the government will remain in charge, in circumstances where EZFKA units have non-bribable grievances…
I’ve never laughed at any bears in any investment class, and am always rather keen to hear what they have to say.
But I ALWAYS laugh at people that have convinced themselves we have reached a ‘new paradigm’, in housing or any other investment.
I dunno, maybe polls are always biased. But I base this sentiment on the general compliance-nature of Australians. Australia is pretty well considered to be a nanny state by many other places in the world. The polls seem pretty consistent with the ‘anecdotes’ that I hear from time to time.
While you are debt slave, I don’t see how you can revolt on a large scale.
You would think there is a line that at some point people will start to say enough is enough. But as long as free money is being printed that lets you think you are doing well, I’d say things are a fair way off.
I guess what I’m saying is that things will have to be pushed a lot more and a lot harder , and people will have to start thinking they are a lot poorer, for any anger to boil up reminiscent of the arab spring in places like Australia.
There is well and truly enough military. Especially to control a relatively unarmed population. The question is how many of them would do it.
While people are well fed and have a world of entertainment to amuse themselves they will be compliant.
The people that start the revolution are the ones with nothing to lose.
NSW state wide lockdown from 5pm is what our local MP has posted on FB
Which MP is this?
Apparently Deputy Premier wrote it on Twitter. I don’t use Twitter, so can’t verify.
You can read Twitter feeds without having account, I do it all the time.
On DuckDuckGo type ‘name/organisation of interest’ + twitter
not complying dgaf
RESIST, go outside, exercise, hang with friends, peel qr code stickers off things when you see them
we can beat them if fight back
brainwave: rather than peeling – stick new QR codes over the existing ones to hijack the web traffic.
not sure where it would be fun to link to… who’s got good ideas?
This idea is mint.
Something illegal, all the sheeple OK with the police state can then get arrested for viewing.
I do exactly that with the qr code stuff
This is entirely a psy op.
Ay me! It’s all true! Everyone’s doin’ time!
Police commissioner is cracking the shits because everyone’s been ignoring it.
The real question is how long until armed military are on the streets enforcing it.
They already said on the news military will be helping to catch people not obeying the rules lol
The military have been helping for weeks.
When they start walking around with weapons is when it gets serious.
End of the month for mine.
Defence Act was also amended last year to allow foreign troops to be active on Australian soil. I know its partially to facilitate training and exercises but it’s pretty obvious where that can go.
just got an email from MY.gov.au that construction workers can do their work ONLY if they have an experimental jab and proof that they are awaiting the second one combined with a test every 3 weeks.
Not sure if true but WA man ended up in asylum for questioning the Covid narrative.
Dobbed in by his own wife.
Convinced there is more to that story but it’s WA so that wouldn’t surprise me either.
Fuck that state. If the iron ore price ever dips below $100 again (LOL DLS) they’ll come crawling back.
Love it how they’re saying they’re paying for the country right now but the country paid for them more than 100 years.
See if any more news gets out about this.
But yeah, nothing surprises me anymore.
I worked a lot in WA, Perth is nice, very spacious.
Imagine having 18 months (lol) to figure out that a massive covid outbreak would fuck NSW and send you all into endless lockdown courtesy of the failures of the gold standards and not moving to another state before it happens. You knew it was gnna hapoen and you didn’t do shit. Cunts aren’t smart or savvy lol.
Suck fat bags of dicks you dumb NSW cunts. Yeah, QLD ain’t perfect but “go hard, go early” has gifted me a fuckin sweet as day out fishing and enjoying the good weather why you dumb whinging cunts suffer in your slums. Suck it.
That’s the spirit!
did you catch anything?
Awwwww look at W@F. Ranting like that he’s becoming one of us 😀
Touching really – all that freedom and he still thinks of dropping past to say “Hi”
Get back to me in 18 months when queensland finally catches up with the rest of the world and is locked down while the rest of the world has moved on.
How much has queensland increased hospital capacity with all this warning?
Old mate is smarter than that.
in 18 months as Qld is turning to snot, he’ll just fuck off out of there over to Sydney or wherever looks like it is already on the other side.
good on him, as well.
He just screams chess master…
Don’t have to be a chess master to fuck off out of a place that is turning to shit. just adaptable. And a kind of ruthless (or perhaps unsentimental).
Next level is not to just move states but to blow the whole EZFKA joint.
Compare to the wisdom of the permanently pounding the treadmill just to realise the “dream” of living close to where your parents lived during the first few decades of your life….. hmmm?
there’s nowhere left to run to.
It’s stand and fight time now or we lose it all.
IF NSW goes pear shaped, as is looking really likely, the border will have to be closed tighter than a fishes arsehole to keep it out of the great state qld.
He won’t be able to go anywhere even if he wants to.
As of next week permits and ID needed to travel in NSW, police and military doing checks. Qld will follow suit.
Some amusement though,
Papers please: The game where communism kills your family.
Or a second go where he doesn’t die
Fuck chess, I’m still getting fucked by the level 3 ai on Microsoft chess.
Our vaccine roll out will work as long as we keep you border jumping southerners out. Of course there’ll be carnage but with reasonable levels of vaccination we won’t be as fucked as you cunts. Hearing Gladys bang on about vaccinating your way out of this is retarded, she missed that boat, y’all are fucked now. We still have a window to lessen the carnage.
For reals, comapre our delta response to Gladys – she could’ve nipped that outbreak in the bud with a go hard go early and then got everyone (willing) vaccinated and then away you go, but nah, gold standards lololololololol
You sound exactly like gladys about dan…
down to the southerners bit.
Are you….Rodney?
El Método (2005) [ESP]
Spanish have a taste for wicked or unreal movie. Last week we saw Abre Los Ojos as one of those. This one, “The Method” is another. It depicts a very plausible possibility that all the job interviews of the future will use The Grönholm Method (hence the movie name) for employee selection.
A movie with frequent twists and turns that are almost impossible to guess and even if guessed are quote approximate.
For those that enjoy mystic psycho thriller movies.
Exam (2009) [GBR]
Similar to the previous spanish movie, this movie is not a remake and at best it could be said it is inspired by the same idea but it is different enough to warrant additional enjoyment. A modern version of the last man standing wrapped with psycho-thriller and mistery.
A third entry today will be a tv show. Mini series or something with limited number of episodes (either due to cancellation or simply it was enough).
I Know This Much Is True (2020) [US(SR)]
I’m not a drama guy being a toxic male and all that sheat, this drama had me binge watch it. Recommended by a friend from the another world, it came as as a quite enjoyable surprise for myself. Perhaps it is the sorry arse face of Mark Ruffalo as a casting gone ideal way, I don’t know.
It is a story of twin brothers, one suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and what toll that has on people whom whom care (a brother).
I watched it through overseas IPtv subscription gone around the globe, apparently it is available on foxtel
Saw Exam a few years ago – brilliant stuff.
Thanks for sharing. I rely on personal recommendations now. I can’t trust woke reviews or media distributors.
Timbo’s bot piece may have been prophetic
Fuck me the hyperventilation about Covid cases in nsw is getting beyond ridiculous
I just reckon no one in the real world gives a shit anymore
29 ventilated, 69 in icu
less than an average flu season
today was an absolutely cracking day and I spent it in the sun at the local park with my kids
heaps of other kids there too and they all played together
this bullshit must surely be on its last legs
not here. this is the first time ‘scary’ covid and restrictions have meaningfully come to dubbo, so nobody is out except me. ran in to some moron down the street yesterday as i was walking around who started talking to me about the restrictions and you could see he was visibly frightened by the prospect of getting covid, saying shit like “i wont be going outside after today for a while” ???????????????????????????????
couldnt control my eye roll
the ignorance of these bogans is astounding
Are you really surprised? The message for the last 8 weeks has been get a vax or you’ll die, with examples provided on a daily basis of the people actually dead.
If there is one good thing that is coming out of this 24/7 psy-ops campaign carried by the media, it is that it is starting to wake people up to the role the media in generating this mass hysteria. The less telly news people watch the lower their concern level over this pandemic.
They will make you submit. Fines will be increased until compliance is achieved.
Unless of course you live in one of the select suburbs of course, then you can probably do whatever you want.
But if that gets out too widely it will make the cronulla riots look like a picnic.
Just not really sure how we plausibly exit from this anymore
still 100 deaths a day in UK in the middle of summer, in a heavily vaccinated population with already most of the vulnerable killed off prior
if we get to 80% vacc and let it rip , Australian is going to have 50+ deaths a day for months on end
how is the populace going to mentally cope with that after the hyperventilation for just 3 or 4 at the moment
I don’t see how the media can spin it either
Eh, they’ll just say we did all we could. People don’t care about this anymore.
aussies still be actin like its april 2020
You live in a country town so how would you know how people are acting
I reckon the “how will the populace cope” and “how will the media spin” doesn’t matter.
if they want to, they’ll just do it. And it will be done. And people will go on.
And vote out the current pollies for doing it.
That is the problem with if they want to. They bet their careers on being able to prevent it.
maybe, or maybe not.
the polls may have changed by then. Or have been made to change.
or the action will be nobody’s fault – a “creeping assumption”
at worst, the Lib-lab seesaw will swing the other way for a while, without much changing anything of consequence. There would be lots of Libs insiders who would be happy to see Scott and Gladys go down; lots of Labs insiders who would want to see Dan go down. …both, so that they can advance their own interests by taking the spots of the leaders or of one of the lieutenants…
there are a thousand ways it can be made to happen.
True, but it is a lot easier to set the direction while you are in charge, and you would be insane to conduct a coup now, much better to let the current crop shoot themselves in the foot.
Demanding people carry papers to travel is not the start of letting it go with” a creeping assumption” though.
all true
absolutely not. but It’s not yet time. But if there’s a time in the future, today’s “papers” thing won’t really get in the way.
What do you think the populace is least likely to mentally cope with:
Once Bali opens up, there will be a big push for us to open up.
The hi-viz crew, who have always been completely-immune, are liable to riot if Kuta is kut off
Marko wants to jab all of them. So I’m sure the FIFO fuckwits will be rolling their sleeves up.
I had a look at RT:
Just in the last week they reported on anti-government protests in:
This is the tip of the iceberg and is under-reported or ignored by MSM.
Things are definitely heating up I would say.
if theres another protest again we should all put our money where our mouth is and rock up, ezfka contingent setting fire to the streets of sydney or melbourne
Except they won’t show up. I reckon you and Mig would be the only two people that would join an anti gov protest. The rest of these cunts are too soft and all talk.
Perfect marketing opportunity. We need to get the brand out there.
I don’t know what it is, but there’s something great about Covid/lockdown inspired music.
I liked that, thanks.
Is it your mate?
Nope, just a random YT recommendation.
Morrison announces 1m Pfizer doses obtained from Poland
Also, Pfizer confirms fake versions of vaccine in Poland and Mexico.https://www.bbc.com/news/world-56844149
but Pfizer will kill/maim you just as likely as the AZ, right, just in a different way and more surreptitiously?
So, Maybe that’s the way out – fake vaccines. Just saline. Won’t do much ‘Gainst the Corona (like thr real jabs) but also won’t hurt you (being inert).
what do youse blokes say?
this is a brilliant idea, give everyone a placebo or sugar pills, tell them its the vax. the way out of this is purely psychological.
Pfizers contract got leaked online. This is just a snippet of it, but basically it’s cartel behaviour. Israel allegedly has a 10 year NDA with the government on side effects.
This would explain the overwhelming negative coverage of AZ and non existent coverage of Pfizer. It’s a marketing scam, no less.
im boreeddd
get back to me in 6 weeks
McGowan admitting lockdowns forever despite jab targets.
We all knew this but the normies must really be starting to think, the ones that aren’t fuck them.
Excellent. Lockdowns forever = low immigration for longer. Mass immigration and international tourism was always a recipe for pandemics. IMO we should not be admitting anyone from countries where antibiotics are sold without prescription.
because why?
because over use leads to drug resistant infections,
would be the argument. Our requirement for prescriptions implies our health system agrees.
Yeh… that drug-resistant TB is not something we’d want to have a lot of.
Just saw a long article on the ABC that explains how to talk to people who don’t want to be vaccinated, and the techniques to be used to get them to take it.
Outrageous social manipulation on the government funded news channel. Fucking unbelievable. I mean, I know they do that all the time anyway, but normally the lies are still hidden under some sort of guise of news reporting. This was just “how to influence people to follow the government policy”.
Temp measure, soon it will be only certified Guinea Pigs that will be able to leave home. Construction workers cannot work as of Monday unless injected at least 2x.
…”never give an order that will not be obeyed” comes to mind… that tends to be very dangerous territory.
But on this occasion I think that they have calculated correctly and there will not be a tradiepocalypse.
it’s only as good as the enforcement, just like the lockdown.
In this vein, I have also noticed that messaging has gotten more blatant and brazen in recent times.
I haven’t formed a strong view as to whether
I haven’t formed a strong view as to whether
A little bit of A, a little bit of B.
There hasn’t been much pushback yet AND they are getting seriously desperate in NSW.
why wouldn’t you link it
Shut up you stupid wrinkled old fuck.
anyone got any special feelings about what really matters – sydney house price houses?
Seems like interest rates are up a bit after the RBA decided that TFF was a little bit OTT
Does anyone see them going up further?
Incomes at the low middle end must be right down
Thanks Coming, I know I can count on you to cut through to the things that matter.
UBank is still under 2% for 3yr fixed. Where have you seen the rises?
Also, there’s been talk of RBNZ raising next week. So the RBA again has the luxury of somebody potentially running the experiment for them while they sit back and watch.
I have doubts that RBNZ will raise, myself.
YoY 20% and still in daily 0.05%-0.1% increase nirvana. 0.02% daily is roughly 7%pa which is still a lot so prices trending 10x faster than ‘frothy’.
My shaky view is that expectations for a swift end to virility are making a lot of punters unwarantedly optimistic. In a land of smart investors…
Isn’t it the opposite ?
if the virus continues to be a problem there will be lower rates, QE, TFF , kitchen sink
the problem will come if it isn’t a problem anymore
If the deficit is running somewhere around $700-800b. How far do you think they’ll go before they aren’t prepared to dig any further?
im thinking about it from a different direction – if in another 18months thing are largely unchanged (periodic lockdowns) or the jabs are proven to not do all that much – there will come a time when fatigue sets in and the disease will be allowed to spread anyway.
that $800b will then have bough precisely nothing. All because Scotty panicked and did the only thing he knows how to do – inflated debt balances.
I don’t think they’ll be able to sit on their hands much longer. If Sydney lockdown goes for a while then people will feel the pinch. More mortgage holidays on the cards for sure.
They’ll need mortgage holidays for sure.
And also the state govt will also step in and help ensure rents are paid to commercial landlords (can’t have them wearing losses)
Flagellate me silly Fanny Hill style if I know.
My anecdata says that every single savvy investor is beyond convinced that kitchen sink is ready to be thrown in – to support RE at the other end and right through the covid. Sort of “brace yourself” for F1 style acceleration right after this little hiccup.
What you say is also plausible. Doesn’t that make it a win-win for savvy investor? No mater what, equity increase.
I am seeing many 40yo apartments in my inner west Sydney area sell for more than 30% above the cost of new build and they are selling like hotcakes due to lack of supply. IMO the supply is being suppressed by way of extend and pretend, and recent price rises have given banks more equity buffers to play with.
Australia’s mortgage rates are still higher than the rest of the world so they could very well push prices up even further.
Extend and pretend – why would the owners or the bank hold on to an apartment they can’t afford, if there is a hot market to sell into at a large profit
doesn’t really make sense to me
the bank at the very least would be sensible enough to force sale if prices are up 30% anyway
Equity mate. As long as there is equity then neither party would be worried. The owner can use the equity as an ATM, and the banks can maximise their profits.
Remember that the banks had a gun put to their heads to reduce the number of IO loans. They could not GAF if owner cannot repay the principle or even get further into debt.
Banks have also learnt a new trick during Covid. If they collectively don’t kick owners out of their homes it massively reduces supply and pushes up prices.
nah it doesn’t really make sense imo
fair enough if they were in negative equity , then the banks would extend and pretend
but it’s a bizarre conspiracy to suggest that banks would not close out a loan (at a profit) when the mortgagee can no longer pay interest
why would banks cost themselves income and shareholders dividend?
makes sense if they had to take a capital loss, but that’s not an issue if prices are up 30% plus
they’d just close out the worst ones who probably won’t recover income post pandemic (tourism, hospitality operators and stuff)
they could write extra loans to the people profiting from govt stimulus etc instead
taper price rises by a little bit because of the extra stock on market to maybe just 10% instead of 30%
and there would be less heat on rba and govt to curtail house price rises (MPLOL etc)
makes a lot more sense to do it that way
If I am understanding what you are suggesting then I think you have it arse-about. Whilst the equity is greater than any money owing (including interest) the loan will remain profitable. Not being able to keep up with interest repayments would work like a reverse mortgage. The banks can continue to extend and pretend until the equity is drained.
No you have it arse backwards
Capital gains accrue to the mortgage/propertt owner
bank derives profit from interest payments
if you aren’t making interest payments , the bank isn’t making profits
I agree with the logic generally (ie selling up poor credit risks & replacing them with new stronger borrowers plus a larger loan == WIN!) but not sure if it’s practicable In the way that you describe.
specifically, you’d need to be able to take a position on who will benefit from the pandemic (on a 10-yr time horizon, say). I don’t think banks can do that –
Well they are only losing money with loans that aren’t paying interest
better to have a smaller loan book than non performing loans
not quite. It’s what Freddy is saying:
say I have a $1m mortgage on a $3m house & I stop making payments.
the interest can run unpaid for a few years and so in 2022 I will have a $1.1m mortgage when the bank finally sells me up…. No worries!
So you’re suggesting that the bank is going to accept lower profits and dividends for current shareholders
and worse performance bonuses for executives
in the hope of recouping that foregone profit (and no extra) after a period of time when equity buffers are wiped out
When the same executives will probably have moved on to a different job anyway by that time
all the while playing chicken with Covid, global inflation, immigration etc
it seems dubious to me
It’s not lower profits or dividends, though.
Far less than 100% of profits are paid as dividends (maybe 50%-60% for the banks these days, I dunno). And the profits do come. And bigger, what with penalty interest, etc.
(and I think the capital accounting rules for non-accrual loans probably remain suspended, too)
putting the boot down quickly also comes with reputations costs (“that evil evil bank”), whereas extending and pretending comes with reputation credits (“that nice accommodating bank”).
The appetite for this stuff isn’t infinite of course. If these things build up for too long to too high a level to actually create a threat to the bank itself, those kents will find themselves sold up quickly. But while it’s jsut at the margins (couple of percent of loan book) it makes sense to play the game.
sales Volumes are down tho, because no one is selling
that hurts bank profits because of less loan initiations
as does not receiving interest payments
as does withdrawal of the TFF due to prices rising too fast
this matters less than you might imagine.
remember the lower volumes would be experienced by their competitors too, so they can just blame “broader circumstances” for the lower volumes; but they won’t be “underperforming” their peers.
I reckon this would be a kick in the teeth. But all the banks launched multi-billion dollar share buybacks in recent months (CBA – $6b, I think) which makes it really egregiously obvious how much of a gift that TFF was.
pushing TFF profits into SBB would be an interesting thing for the RBA kents to ponder.
Maybe the banks don’t think the market really is all that hot. You force a whole lot of stock onto the market and you my find the prices securing ALL their loan book fall.
This is what they will fear the most.
the banks know exactly how much demand there is.
and they know how to play the long game. They will not flood the market unless they are looking at an existential threat.
and if they are, APRA is there to offer something else (eg CBA buying Bankwest)
if the banks had it all under control, why would they have allowed prices to get so hot?
Its created a political issue and cost them any further access to the TFF
Its also cost them loan initiation volumes because stock on market is so low
And I’m not an expert but I would have thought they still have to report nonperforming loans as per regulatory requirements
And no bank would want to have the most
If they were in control, they would have allowed a more mild price rise tempered by offloading some nonperforming loans that were unlikely to ever start performing again in the postpandemic new reality
In an ideal world – sure.
im not claiming that they are some sort of Zen gurus x 6d chess grandmasters who are omnipresent and omnipotent and able to optimise every outcome.
but they play the game well enough to have fat profits every year.
And, during this round, have managed to play the population and the government well enough to get massive profits and record high prices after a year of pandemic.
remember….in an alternate universe the $500b deficit that the gov ran was much more than enough to nationalise all the banks (at market value) and to waive all mortgages. That would’ve been hugely more stimulus…. But that’s not what happened.
500bn isn’t the value of their loan book
just residential mortgages are over 2tn if I remember correctly
but I understand the sentiment
What I meant by the 500bn number is this:
CBAs current market cap is 180b. NAB, ANZ and WBC are about $90b each. That’s $450b in total.
That’s at today’s prices. in feb last year, it was half of that.
could have taken out all the equity and had a lot of change left from $300b.
but that didn’t happen. And the Tff did.
buying bank shares doesn’t help solvency though?
The shareholders are the only ones bailed out by that
The loan liabilities would still exist, and they’re much larger than 500billion
Unless you’re suggesting the government take an equity stake of the banks (along with the existing shareholders) and the bank uses the money that they raise from selling shares to the government as capital?
Really doesn’t help mortgage holders one little bit though
I’m not even sure it would be an economic stimulus
Yeh yeh, I know the liabilities are still there and are much larger than equity.
But once the gov is in control of all the banks they could just tell the bondholders that their debt is being restructured.
if they didn’t want to jsut to fuck them right off [& waive the debt] they could replace the bank paper with sovereign paper (yielding 0.02% or whatever) [& cut the funding cost to everyone by like 90%]
but, as I say, that didn’t happen.
thats banana republic stuff tho peachy
capital flight and all that
In reality, the capital flight story is complete bullshit.
just doesn’t apply for a continent that has the massive shitload of commodities that we find that we have.
I mean, seriously – what do we need “external funding” to fund? Can you give 5 good examples?
Well we ran current account deficits for most of the last 50 years , so obviously there was something to fund
infrastructure ya know
Maybe it was infrastructure. or maybe it was consumption? I’m not sure that there is a good way to really tell, dollars being fungible.
or maybe it doesn’t matter?! If we are taking alternate universe in which there is much reduced mortgage debt load, we’d be looking at a much reduced interest expense stream and so much more of our work product gets gets kept, rather than being gobbled up by “finance”.
It is higher profits not lower profits.
Think of it like refinancing. Going back to Peachy example. Start off owing $1m, can’t keep up so it becomes $1.1m. Let’s say you then refinance at $1.1m from the same bank. The original loan has been theoretically paid off and the banks gets their $100k in interest repayments as well, and now you have an even larger $1.1m mortgage from the same bank which means even larger profits. Rather than periodically refinancing it happens automatically as it would in a reverse mortgage.
The game keeps going until the equity runs out. The bank always get their full interest repayments (profits) unless they allow it to go into a negative equity situation.
Yes , unless
so what is your prediction for prices ?
Higher still ?
kind of implies to me higher wages and inflation abated because it all gets funnelled into mortgage payments and land costs
end game ?
Freddy will have his own view, but my feeling is this:
Edit to add prediction: the level of prices will reflect where “they” decide to push interest rates and debt availability settings. I reckon they will continue cheap debt & growing debt.
On the physical supply side, HouseBuilder dwellings should begin to come online over the next little while which will create a drag. Ok the other hand, 600,000 expats have apparently returned to EZFKA in the last 12 months, which has squeezed the fuck out of existing/available supply.
In the longer term, if lockdowns & closed borders continue while builders are allowed to keep working, the supply shortage will begin to be chewed through & prices can fall/affordability can increase.
of course ! 🙂
the inputs are interest rates, demand (immigration), supply (construction)
so, what are your predictions?
Ninja edit – refer above predictions.
There are no political alternative so I expect it to go on for a while. They can still do MOAR:
1) Lower teh rates
2) Allow us to tap into superannuation
3) Millions of wealthy people especially fleeing Hong Kong could be brought into the country
4) the upcoming tax cuts also mean higher disposable income and hence higher house prices
End game is probably the inflation article I wanted to write. I think Gen-X and Gen-Y are going to cop a pineapple in retirement. We are all now saving at 0%. One day when wage inflation does happen and interest rates do rise, asset prices will collapse relative to wages (could still rise nominally). All these Jessica Irvine type idiots that think retiring with a mortgage is an option will become penniless and homeless once their reverse mortgages eat up their remaining equity in quick time. It will be on such a grand scale that something big will happen to resolve it. Maybe not the WEF Great Reset. But they will tax the living daylights of anyone with wealth to fund people like Jessica.
please do – would be a good article and discussion point
So whats the solution for us gen x/y?
I guess we should have a lot of children (which kind of makes sense in a counter-cyclical/contrarian kind of way)
I don’t have the answer. Once the baby boomers die off the poorer younger generations will have the balance of power and lead us closer to something resembling communism. Some of the things they are talking about like unrealised capital gains taxes is essentially expropriation over time. Land taxes will exceed rental income. There will eventually be no way to outperform inflation.
They don’t want you to have children. Libs don’t want to pay taxes for your children’s education, they would much prefer a ready made imported worker. The Greens also prefer to give away your what would have been your children’s prosperity to an import.
Oh yeah – don’t forget to write the inflation article, Freddy!
(I think you got annoyed at some of the shitflinging shenanigans here earlier, but the blokes seem to have largely got the bile out of their systems now…)
All good. I flung some as well. I still have a problem with some of the shit-flinging and satire articles devaluing the efforts of others. What happened to Stewie over the last few days hasn’t exactly inspired me to write anything that could be subjective.
to be fair, stewie brought it on himself
and seemed to enjoy it
Brought what on myself?
If I was buying it wouldn’t be anything built in the last decade or 2.
Many more are going to require enormous repairs or outright be condemned.
I am not talking about highrise dog boxes. Three levels on a small block that can still be insured for building defects.
If these apartments were brand new they would be selling for over $900k despite only costing $600k to build based on current land values. That is how badly the market in this area is distorted by cheap credit and lack of supply.
Is anyone building them?
If not it’s all hypothetical.
Not hypothetical. There have been new builds in the area selling for $900k+. Also, what I said about insurance is correct. They will insure against costly structural defects up to 3 stories.
Although most recent new builds on these smaller blocks seem to be Terraces for some reason. Perhaps a council restriction.
True size of countries (from ZH)
Looks like gladys is losing her nerve
After intense questioning about what, if any, changes could be made when six million jabs are delivered given cases are still soaring, the premier finally lost patience.
‘No! No! Can I be very specific about this. We need to keep case numbers as low as possible,’ she said, losing her cool in the briefing’s final minutes.
‘We cannot live freely, right, just because you can do it one additional thing doesn’t mean living freely.’
Ms Berejiklian faced a series of questions trying to clarify how many cases would have to fall by August 28 for restrictions to ease, and if NSW could end lockdown at 70 per cent vaccination if cases were still high.
‘With the cases we have seen, 400s, 300s, will you still consider easing some restrictions around the six million vaccination target?’ was the question that sent her over the edge.
After just one more question, Ms Berejiklian abruptly ended the press conference and walked out.
‘I have answered that question a few times,’ she said, in response to the similar question, before pivoting to a plea to Sydneysiders.
So it sounds like the jab is not our path to freedom at all
But she needs to stay on message because she wants everyone to get the jab
She wants everyone to get the jab because… well I’m not sure
Like a lot of ppl I can’t see cases in NSW/Sydney going back to zero given the daily numbers now. You can also see from elsewhere in the world, namely UK, you still get cases even with a vaccinated population. How will the cognitive dissonance play out then in NSW (and ultimately, by extension, Australia) is anyone’s guess.
Well at least McGowan was pretty clear, and unsurprising: even with vaccines WA will pursue zero covid. As some have said elsewhere, given how the media has played the COVID narrative from the beginning in Au, and how the governments have indoctrinated the population that any case above zero is a disaster, I don’t see how the public at large will accept a ‘live with it’ strategy. Even with vaccination a la the UK.
This calls into question the Federal Governments ‘4 phase plan’. But who believed in that anyway…
WA can get away with it, as they don’t rely on tourism or education or other services that need travel
In fact, they need to do everything they can to make sure that the mines keep operating smoothly
QLD, TAS, SA and VIC however will be completely fucked if they think they are going to stay as hermit kingdoms since they need all those things to fund services for residents
Will be interesting to see how scomo handles it
WA will be subsidising the eastern states even more than it already does if scomo opens the pursestrings
And then what happens to poor old NSW?
Will it boom or bust if lets it rip?
In a way, it would be good for the state to get rid of all the high-dependency elderly and chronically ill cut health and other welfare costs
And then it becomes the only “international” state in the whole country
Sort of like west berlin
Maybe an interface for the rest of the world with the rest of Australia – multinational companies all move their offices out of melbourne I presume and into sydney
NSW unis will get all the “students”
All the tourists will come here (if they come at all, which they probably won’t since few people will come just to see one state)
All the migrants would probably choose NSW so they can freely visit their relos (and bring their grandmothers in to access the health system)
But seems like gladys isn’t so sure
The other states will follow NSW when Qantas uses their A380 to fly all the New South Welshmen to Bali for their Christmas vacation. McGowan’s popularity will dissipate when the FIFO see other states partying in BinTang singlets in what they call Perth’s most northern suburb.
New Zealand also is going for zero Covid too and so is China. I am not sure it is even possible as Covid is now endemic. Agree that NSW will never get zero Covid again, but I actually think they are ahead of other states with the live with it mentality.
As an aside Victoria may not get to zero Covid either. If this weekend is anything to go by civil disobedience is on the rise. There was an engagement party where they were mocking the rules, a street party in Northcote and a pub crawl in Richmond. Only way to get to zero is stage 6 restrictions where construction workers are employed to weld your doors shut.
going for 0 when the fkn thing is endemic globally….don quixote rang saying mcgowan can get off his turf…just fuck right off
Because she can’t think of anything else, and is making it a tomorrow problem. Maybe by the time we get there she will think of something
They are just doing what the rest of the world did 6 months ago, they don’t have their own ideas