The Woke Army Won’t Save Us

Wokism is the progressive liberal’s scream against nature, it is their anguished cry against parito distributions throughout the universe – if they could they would resize stars so that there would be no such thing as a Blue Giant and no such thing as a Red Dwarf, equity would be reflected everywhere in their Universe. … Read more

Weekend Links March 13-14, 2021

Welcome to Weekend Links for March 13-14. We are very happy to have you here, and I hope you enjoy the selection of links. One change is no more markets links. Folks are smart about that, and I’m hoping our commentators will add their own links on markets content. The community seems to be keen … Read more

Wake up fake left…. Biden is going to save workers

The only thing that amazes me more often than some chardonay sipping lefty promoting their anti-racist virtue, while sitting at a cafe being waited on hand and foot by imported, wage crushing slaves, is the faith that supposed ‘centrists’ have in that the parties of the left will come to their senses, awake from their … Read more

Weekend Links 6 March 2021

Welcome to the first edition of Weekend Links! I’ve aimed for three articles which were interesting during the week in a few different topics. Would appreciate feedback and/or what people want to see. I’m thinking plan to get Weekend Links after 4:00 pm Friday evenings. About when folk stop doing work anyways. Also – are … Read more

Fiat has value because the government has guns

I’ve seen the statement that fiat is valuable because the government says you have to use it and has a monopoly on violence to enable them to require you to do so as well as requiring you to pay taxes with it repeated so many times it clearly must have been presented as one of the commandments of economics by one of the prophets.

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BTC is the Establishment

I was having a scroll through crypto twitter yesterday when I came across this meme and had a good laugh at it – then it occurred to me that most people would have no idea what it was about or the significant truth that lies behind it. While Cyberpunks like to celebrate its supposed anarchist … Read more