Where in the world is Car-man Sandiego?

It’s been a few days since stagmal went offline and I miss him.

it has got me wondering, where he might have gotten to and where he is going. My guess is that he has headed north, cruising towards the Queensland border. The weather is warmer, as are the girls. Which is good, if you’re camping out. And, plus also, like, it’s a different state.

In my mind, there’s a good chance that stagmal might have a much better time than he had had hanging out with the dubbo locals.

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holy shit how about that 6’3 dubbo tradie rugby player legacy chad

no wonder stagmal is an outcast there

he needs to start a gofundme
stop pretending you don’t have a phone with data mate give us some updates



I was attacked by a shitty little Staffie bull terrier while walking the suburb last year, and for some reason I didn’t have my heavy walking stick with me to belt it. It was off lead and came at me all teeth and snarling and slobber so I charged it right back and punted it about 10 yards into the nearby creek where it lay curled up mewling like a kitten.

The owner, to my disbelief, tried to blame me for his dog attacking me, so I told him to fuck off or he’d get the same treatment as his dog.

Any dog that threatens a human in any way should be killed instantly.


We don’t agree on much but I respect your views on dogs


I surprised you didn’t just do an ultra-low frequency below and instantly turn its bones to jelly.


That was plan B if the kick didnt work.



He tried to fend it off with flames from his cigarette lighter 

doesnt get any more bogan than this
one of the perks of being a smoker


My wife once ashed an attempted bag snatcher who opened the passenger door and tried to take her bag.


Stay classy

hiding behind that erudite anti semitism is a classic legacy unit


do cars even come with them anymore?


Is all this over that altercation he had a while back or is he just leaving dubbo because he he hates it?


Some of his comments recently suggest he might not be in the best frame of mind. I hope he’s ok.


what zero pussy does to a MF

Addressing the incel problem needs to be albo’s number 1 priority imo


would you have sex with incels for money?

Ways to fix it
-strict rules about monogamy/religious fundamentalism
-NDIS style funding of prostitute services
-banning of thirst traps like strip clubs/only fans etc
-new visa class for eastern european and asian prostitutes


Fuck dole bludgers but please Albo help save our sex bludgers

Best way to fix it would be to ban the internet

Maybe some vouchers to hire a social coach/PUA teacher


definitely banning dating apps and social media would go a long way

the biggest problem is female hypergamy


Even in the Middle East where shit like this prevails, they have a massive surplus of lonely men ready to die to get their virgins

Nothing short of an incel North Korea will make sure that every shitty man gets his own sex slave


Shit like what ?

muslims can have multiple wives

it’s the ultimate chad Vs virgin state



Fewer than 1% of Muslim men live with more than one spouse in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran and Egypt – all countries where the practice is legal at least for Muslims.

Why do you care about incels anyway?

ONS on apps are probably the best chance they have to get laid outside of a prostitution situation, they only have to pretend to be normal for a few hours

They aren’t getting married in a society where women aren’t effective slaves


How many incels in Pakistan you spastic


Enough to make it one of the most jihad-ridden countries in the world, or maybe you think it’s the chads blowing themselves up next to the type of mosque they dislike

Probably more incels there than here tbh since just meeting a woman probably means doing the equivalent of a billion dollar M&A deal between two extended families


You made that up


coming is correct

on top of that, ubiquitious and easily accessible/usable photography technology is paramount in the incel problem

prior to digital photography photography was a pain and only something specialised pros could easily do, you had to pay for film, had limited shots per reel, had to get the shots developed and they only came out (unless you paid a lot of money) as small images, selfie culture was all but impossible in 1995

since the advent of digital photography, and even more critically, digital cameras mounted into smartphones, we have seen all the problems of the current age emerge; out of control female hypergamy, female egomaxxing (as a result of getting attention from thirsty simps on social mdia), extreme over-emphasis on appearance, which has led to looksmax/gym culture taking over etc

i dont think we can get the genie back into the tube on digital photography entirely but we could simply ban smartphones imo or at least social media platforms allowing people to easily upload photos of themselves, it would go along way to deflating the current female ego bubble


Female hypergamy emerged as soon as the sexual revolution did

Women were getting laid left right and centre by the 60s

By the time the pill was available, it was blast off, there was even more casual sex then than there is now

This is so economic, it’s pretty funny. Incels are the shit loser Australian businesses trying to tie down the local consumer because they either can’t or don’t want to compete with outsiders who do it better

It’s fine to post on websites like this but when you let them take over your mindset and you make it obvious to your potential partners that you have, then it’s really over


male sexlessness exploded the moment smartphones became popular


first iphone 2008


over the moment those things hit the scene

it’s just clear as day


If there’s any connection then it’s a skill issue

Getting laid from a bar is multiple times harder than getting laid from an app

More likely it has to do with shit like video game addiction

So many men are pissing away hundreds of hours on Mario and Legend of Zelda


Please give us your stats


(I’m assuming you’re white or white presenting)


Come on

Do you think I’m a chad or something?

Maybe it’s just not that fucking hard


Answer the questions

and give us your body count


Obviously I won’t be answering those questions

If you want to actually learn about how to develop some semblance of game then there are plenty of fairly good redpill books which will teach you some valuable information about how to win women over

Mastery is definitely not needed to either get laid or find a girlfriend, as we’ve noted female promiscuity is widespread and has been for many years so if you can manage to look fairly attractive for a few hours then there are plenty of women who’ll take you home for their enjoyment

Even if you’re obviously a nerd

Incelism is a form of defeatism. I can understand feeling defeated by the Australian political system where there’s probably no way to change it, but there are plenty of average cunts out there walking around with their girlfriends, some of them are even Asian getting white girls, so if they can do it then it’s pretty sad to think that for biological reasons you are fated to be a lifetime virgin.


lmao redpill

you’re a loser mate

“the redpill” is just to make money out of incels

the blackpill is that most everything in your life is predetermined by genetics, and the majority of everything else by circumstance in early life which is beyond your control


I’m going to enjoy the total fucking 180 you do on all of these opinions as soon as we’re discussing housing or the Aussie economy where you’re a loser and should blame yourself if you don’t own a Sydney house or whatever the fuck


Some people are born stupid and lazy ?
and will never contribute more to society than they take ?

yes I agree completely

where is the contradiction


You logically can’t be a loser or deserve a shitty fate if everything is biologically pre-determined and you’re essentially powerless to change anything past your early childhood.


That’s like saying people born disabled just deserve to die

Although I wouldn’t put it past you to say that

Personally I think you’re just spreading toxicity the best way you can

It’s essentially futile for young people to aspire to own a Sydney house so you push the narrative that you’re a loser if you don’t

Young men who put in effort can escape inceldom but to be more toxic you claim that it’s completely futile because you don’t have the right genes lmao

Haven’t you played Metal Gear Solid?

MGS - Copy.png

after reading this i am 100% certain you have never at any stage in your life got prime pussy


Please maintain your virginity until you get some Prime Pussy, you’ll be doing the women of the world a favour


its hard for you to accept that you too are a waste of space loser who will never have large amounts of money or sexual success


Since it’s R U OK Day, I’ll remind you that it’s still not worth killing yourself over not having those things

You’re still here trolling so you’re coping on some level


not worth killing yourself, no


most men are pretty ugly in the eyes of women


ok not most but maybe 30%

which is a huge number


having 30% or so of th epopulation effectively socially/sexually disenfranchised then shaming them for pointing out this predicament is only ever going to be a recipe for disaster

thats exactly what is happening


Maybe they are reporting zero female sexual partners because they are gay/bi

An unattractive bisexual man would find it easier on Grindr than Tinder since gay male promiscuity is unparalleled


Most of my peers have hooked up, almost all with uggo/average wives. One guy punched above his weight but he was stubborn as a mule and worked/exercised a lot.

Ironically a lot of the hotter women did not. Failed hypergamy I suspect. Johnny on the spot beta bucks not so keen to come to the rescue anymore. Either that or family is just plain overrated now that a standard middle class house is 2-3m. It clearly was never that great in the first place, when I was a kid most of the boomer dad’s weren’t exactly jumping for joy all the time.


when I was a kid most of the boomer dad’s weren’t exactly jumping for joy all the time.

So much of life is simply pushing a rock back up the hill. It is the moments in between that everyone lives for, and it is a travesty of modern life that those gaps have become almost non-existant.

We should be having a public holiday and festival at least once a month.


Nobody would call that Dubbo hero tradie good looking
he’s a fat ugly ginger

but he’s robust and tall

so he can get moot



basically the vast majority of women rate men as between 0 and 1 (out of 5) in attractiveness

lmao thats 0-2/10 in the traditional scale

pareto principle writ large



even a lot of men who are in relationships arent found attractive by their SOs

thats what people dont get about the blackpill, it doesnt ncessarily preclude relationships but it can still impact them even when they do occur in the exceptions that break the rule

ugly men are going to be more likely to be abused, cheated on, cucked, used as atm, d umped etc


Being ugly is not really the most significant hindrance


physical robustness
inhibition/neuroticism etc



physical robustness

inhibition/neuroticism etc



These are just traits that indicate desirable genetics

It seems like incels are battling evolutionary realities here.




the meeks pill


did you see my post about that roastie who was fucking and obsessed with the skaf rapist?


pretty sure he dumped the billionaire heiress

he clearly upgraded to a hotter woman after


its a spectrum from meeks all the way down


The factor you seem to be missing is 1 man can easily service multiple women, and the pool of women looking are looking at the top 10% of men and these men are just doing the rounds of those women.
And because these women can have these high quality men(even if only temporarily) they think they are above being with the average man.


They don’t see it as getting serviced though. They see it as getting the man they deserve until the man moves on. then they end up a man hating middle aged spinster because all men(that they deem worthy of them) are arseholes.


30% of the most attractive women in the population becoming middle aged spinsters

No, they get to pair off long term with the top 30% of men.
The next 30-50% of women get temporary access which *some* interpret as meaning they are actually top 30%, and many women also are interested in older men further decreasing the available pool for younger men not in the top 30%


This class mismatch would have a lot to do with the female parallel to male incel-dom, being unable to find a suitable committed partner

Women mostly won’t date or marry a lower class man

Hopefully this changes in time because it’s a timebomb with mostly successful female representation initiatives


Meeks was married to a billionaire heiress lmao


We are talking about casual sex here, not marriage

interesting that as a woman you immediately conflate the two


incels acknowledge that anyone can get married if they really want to

they just need to wage cuck and then beta provide for some post-wall woman who is on the way down after having fucked unemployed chads in her prime years

it isn’t an achievement that should be applauded or desired


Social class seems so obvious. 

Some years back an online doctor’s dating group started up –it’s mainly full of single women (mostly separated with kids) to the point where they were considering adding non-medical men to try and balance things up. I don’t think any of these women are interested in dating down, and there are probably similar high achiever groups out there which skews the dating pool.


Link please


Royal Australian College of Love on Facebook – looks like it’s private now so you’d have to join to read it.

comment image


Coming just joined FB.


I see the membership number has increased, so will be expecting regular field reports.


Nah. he has a wife already 😉


Haha, maybe he’s looking for some fun on the side?


The reason its full of single women is because male Dr’s have no trouble getting fun, unless they have enormous personality defects, but the females are much pickier.


By the time the pill was available, it was blast off, there was even more casual sex then than there is now

Coming’s chart is correct – young people are having less sex now than they have ever had, even prior to the baby boomers. The idea of chaste Victorians is a figment of imagination… Mousetopia ended the same way – every single time they ran it, and they ran it dozens of times.


 we could simply ban smartphones imo or at least social media platforms allowing people to easily upload photos of themselves, 

If you think that could be done “simply” you haven’t really thought about it at all.
ezfka would be a platform that allowed people to easily upload photos of themselves, as would ebay.


right but obscuro crap sites like this arent used by normies

the internet only stare ted becoming extremely problematic when platforms developed that were easily usable by the masses like ig, fb etc


right but obscuro crap sites like this arent used by normies

the internet only stare ted becoming extremely problematic when platforms developed that were easily usable by the masses like ig, fb etc

problem only became problem when access became widespread? OK
So what is your solution? ban all sites with more than x users?


i can be even more specific

the internet became problematic when platforms developed that were easily usable by WOMEN

prior to social media, the internet was almost exclusively a male space


Maybe ban the fucking smartphones and uploaded images anyway

Ban all cameras? Ban all access to the internet?
Sounds pretty north korean / CCP to me.
But im open to a reasonable suggestion of how.


Ban all cameras? Ban all access to the internet?


why not tbh



why not tbh

Because no democratic government would ever get away with it. Bipartisan support for it would be guaranteed to break the liblab duopoly.


were only talking in theoretical terms here like we do for everything

theres 0 chance of any of the things 90% of ppl here want actually being implemented irl


havent they basically done it in china

there is limits how much time kids can spend on their phones and shit


for once coming has a point.
China has blanket bans on western social media and heavy censorship and manipulation of all chinese social media.
Technology is making these things more achievable for the government than they ever were in the past.


But would something like that really make a difference in terms of dating expectations and preferences?

After all, China gave us “If You Are the One” with such quotes like:

I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle.



 that really make a difference in terms of dating expectations and preferences?

Don’t know., but a watered down version has got men to be allowed to compete in womens sports and normalised cross dressing freaks grooming children, so probably.


negative consequence amount and time horizon


not really weird.
people over all are inclined to believe what they are told because they are not inherently curious.
The jabc auses nothing immediately obvious but take someones phone away and they will get upset real fast without needing to be told to be upset.


Anyway, the good guys apparently have this thing called the “EMP” which disables computers and electronics – maybe that’s something that they could invent and implement in real life?

Sure, sounds great.
Go back to the turn of the 20th centrury from a technological standpoint. What could possibly go wrong.


I think being average/ugly is actually better in the long run. People like that can’t afford to be fussy, so they hook up with what they can get, then move on to proper adulthood. Somewhere in the 3-7/10 range.

Therefore being uglier and dumber is actually a better guarantee of breeding success.

Also being highly intelligent is often a hindrance, people with high iqs tend to get caught up in the hard stuff and miss the simple stuff. Like MB readers and house prices.


You’re semi correct

being of MIDDLING intelligence or looks is bad

the MB phenomenon
midwit syndrome
the normal distribution IQ meme

ugly people and dumb people won’t develop the narcissism and ego that middling IQ/looks people will

you can see this in stagmal

not really smart enough to be truly gifted but not dumb enough to accept his lot in life or work hard

similarly all the mb crew

same thing happens in the looks world

your mum or an old lady or even a young flirty woman told you you were cute one day and you clung on to it


just be ugly game is legit


MB people might not be literal geniuses but they are the sort that are smart enough to be engineers and doctors and stuff. High iq. Also when you do those jobs, ethics, credibility and getting things right is paramount. So it can be a shock when the midwits are wallowing in severe criminal and dodgy behaviour, and winning, at your expense.

So overall being a midwit is where you want to be, especially in this country, it’s a midwit paradise.


The medical profession seems to have given up on ethics and getting things right these days…
and their credibility is long gone.

Reus's Large MEMBER

I disagree, doctoring now is all to do with money, and big pharma pays big money, healthy or dead people are not a source of income so keeping them sick is big business both from food supply to pills to pop to fix the effects of bad food


I disagree, doctoring now is all to do with money

Depends on where but ezfka is certainly headed rapidly in that direction.
A truly public healthcare system makes it virtually impossible to be all about the money, whereas for profit by definition…


Restricting internet access would fix a majority of it.
Misery loves company


the internet becomes even more pernicious when its mounted on a phone you can take with you everywhere


Like alcohol if you can’t handle it don’t do it!

is this why you have no phone?


He should stop importing Indian men but still allow incels to import Indian women as wives.


Maybe beating up the Abbos was the start of a Michael Douglas style meltdown.


i’m too worried to divulge whats going on rn on here bc some smart ass hole reading this could contact the dubbo police to get me but i’ve been charged by the police as i expected

don’t have a smartphone (never have) so it’s hard to stay in contact atm


i will provide an explanation of what is about to occur after it has occurred


Start the go fund me and get a lawyer


i cant say anything anymore until im absolutely safe from the consequences

A fly in your ointment

um, er, isn’t it advertising by posting here anything
(on the topic I obviously missed whilst in shadows)?


Dued it is a misdemeanor at best.

If you have already been officially informed running away won’t solve the problem.

Get a lawyer. Plead guilty, write a sob letter about mental health issues from difficulty of finding suitable work, previous trouble with local indigenous where you were the victim, being beaten up at school, anything. Get off with a suspended sentence.

That if this is your first offence and you didn’t undersell your story and original actions… if you did was when challenged, just panic and just smacked him over the head with a stick you picked up off the ground, and then ran away, than imho the culpability is low and arguments for aggravated assault weak.

I think it is good to get out of Dubbo, but I’m afraid to say accepting consequences is inevitable, you don’t want things to Metastasize out of sight.



we live in a nearly consequence free society.
Now is your time to take advantage of that

you’ll get a section 10 in 5 minutes

even the community legal aid could get you one of those
I could probably represent you via telelink and get that for you

(unless you really brain damaged him)

Its absolutely retarded to go on the run lmao


the charge is assualt occasioning bodily harm

i’m more than aware there’s little no chances of carceral (i said as much in the thread or second thread prior) consequences, but there is some prob low chance of a community corrections order or some gay shit i dont want to have to apologise to the little dog anyway (if i even ever have to) he deserved it

ive wanted to leave anyway and i’ve always fantasised about doing this

ill probably plead guilty in writing a week or so before the first court date


Include a letter that mentions accepting accountability, remorseful, disappointed in self, frightened that experiences in Dubbo have been so traumatic as to produce this over reaction in you, that you have chosen to move away, yadda-yadda-yadda, etc, etc


yeah already read thats what you do

the police charge sheet said nothing about how i w as harassed/spat on by them etc too


Would you expect it to? They have a narrative to push. In terms of both specific case success and general top down policy.


can you confirm you have hired a lawyer?


As long as he doesn’t go ER


No leading in all states now.


If house prices were affordable and we weren’t bombarded with decades of anti white racism we couldve probably done something concrete about boongs.

Ironically the left is entirely to blame, again.


The voice isn’t about something concrete about boongs.
No referendum required to do that.


Yeah, most likely the first step in a power and land grab. I’ve got more than enough grifters wanting power over me already.


the hardest thing about car life is showering


Join a gym chain, a lot of the van lifers do that apparently


im so happy that this website has turned into an incel forum


psl lives in death


what happened to the Hapa guy


same w ‘maggot’ the guy who came on here to exclusively troll stewie


wasnt that just the fat forklift driver from townsville

wish he would come back every now and then he was hilarious


5’9” and 140kgs ROLF

Who are you – Captain Pugwash?


The Hapa-pill is a whole major chunk of the incel canon

Eliot Rodger probably the most famous incel in history


the roman emperor claudius was the OG incel

most tragic historical figure

born with a gimp, bad hearing, persistent stutter, head twitches/stammering

first wife divorced him

proclaimed emperor by the praetorian guard despite not wanting to be after his nephew was assassinated

second wife cucked him by competing with a prostiute while he was away on who could fuck the most men in a given amount of time

despite this turned out to be one of the best and most competent emperors

went on to conquer britain

generally thoughtful man

even his marble likeness couldnt hide his incel heritage

proto psl but shows the absolute power of incels if by some random twist of fate they are allowed to be given a chance

A fly in your ointment

LOL, you and the history.
You’d be good for History Channel though.

A Roman Emperor to be an involuntary celibate.
He probably never dipped his Member in a same woman twice in his life and could just pick any woman he wanted without of fear from #EtYouToo or #Me2 or from anything and yet to claim he was an incel


Do you know the name of the gay Emperor that forcibly had a male neutered to become his bitch?

I wonder how Progressive feel about that. Is he technically gay or not? Is the servant a trans, male, or female?




Damn, that’s completely fucked up.


A fly in your ointment

search for •pederast•.
Greek then Roman version of sex during the sunset years of their empires


Having a family is smelly. Stuffing 4 people in a house in the suburbs and expecting everyone to get on. Ew.


lmao did anyone else know that senator alex antic has a podcast on spotify

climate denialism, vaccines, covid, tranny stuff

the full cooker repertoire

a sitting australian parliamentarian lmao


climate denialism, vaccines, covid, tranny stuff…

The Jordan B Peterson quartet right there.


Reus's Large MEMBER

Dude, you are so 2020, you are now the cooker if you support the vaccines and the pedo groomers, or just a Democrat.

A fly in your ointment

it’s his copium for jabbadabba.

Wait until one of his calculations come-in to tell you that taking a jab and infesting oneself with synthetic spike proteins but with no protection whatsoever was a batter proposition and a lesser risk than maybe getting a virus from which (and we knew at the time) almost no one somewhat-healthy dies and natural spike proteins disappear after convalescence


I remember playing that game on the Apple in the 80s. Good times.


I really like Jacinta Price – the more I hear her speak that more I am convinced that her price is still rising! [boom-tish!]

Price says colonialism has been good for Indigenous Australians

When asked whether Indigenous people suffered the consequences of British settlement, Price said: “I’ll be honest: no.”

“A positive impact? Absolutely. I mean, now we’ve got running water, we’ve got readily available food. I mean everything my grandfather had when he was growing up, because he first saw whitefellas in his early adolescence, we now have.

The shock and disbelief in the media that someone should not only question the mainstream narrative of intentional genocide, to ‘Nah, it was a good thing’ and by a person of indigenous ancestry has left talking head after talking head gobsmacked!

As I’ve said before I think Colonialism has been a God send to Indigenous Australians – It has immeasurably improved the rights and freedoms of indigenous women, ending 4,000 years of abuse, end tribal polygamy and ritualized homosexual pedophilic ‘secret men’s business’ allowing countless indigenous men to live fuller lives, as well as put an end to practices of infanticide.

All of these items are all before the general uplift in technology and life expectancy that followed the introduction to ‘civilization’ through their colonization experience.

It is sad that much of the ‘richness’ of indigenous culture, like folklore, stories, and languages has been lost. This a tragedy, but it has to viewed in line with the enormous benefits that colonization as brought to indigenous Australians.

Anyhow, Jacinta’s full address can be viewed here:


Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie

I reckon the biggest loss is their plant knowledge.


Yeah for sure, there is a huge array of plant knowledge gone. Frankly I’m surprised that with modern selective breeding techniques more native plants haven’t been modified to more commercial and palatable staples.

I also quite liked reading Indigenous dreamtime stories and their stories of creation, etc. I’d no problem seeing more of those ‘Rainbow Serpent’ stories filling kids libraries.

Sad that much of that knowledge and stories have been lost, but still imho far outweighed by the positives when the rest of indigenous culture was included in the appraisal.


 native plants haven’t been modified to more commercial and palatable staples.

Why would anyone bother? It’s in the same category as taming Zebra as a riding animal. By the time anyone has the knowledge and opportunity to you already have much better and further advanced items.
I think it’s highly probable that in 40,000 years they never developed agriculture because there was no suitable plants to do it with in australia.
Civilisation is the result of essentially 3 plants. Corn in the americas, rice in asia and wheat.


On what do you base that assessment? Quondongs and finger limes are hot items. Macadamia nuts were called queensland nuts before they were cultivated in the USA. I think you never got agriculture here because Australia didn’t have animals suitable for transportation. Although giant wombats might have been trainable as beast of burden.

the arborist

There are many reasons aboriginal australians never developed agriculture. Access to beasts of burden is probably the least of them.


Not sure about trainable – apparently pet wombats become uncontrollable with their innate urge to dig holes. Of the two animals on Australia’s coat of Arms it is the Emu that has the bigger brain.

That said, yeah that are two good recent examples to be popularised – obviously Macadamia nuts first, but finger limes second. That is one of the reasons why I think the death of that Masterchef, Jock, was so tragic (beyond the personal level). It was food activisim and beliefs like localism that helped introduce heaps of Australian’s to new edible plants.

BJW is correct on why both introducing a new staple, like a staple staple it would be illogical. And even within those three categories of staples we rely on just the tinniest percentage of the broad wheat, corn and rice diversity for 90% of our consumption.

But as the popularisation of finger limes shows, it is possible to establish niche markets, which is how I should have described it. Still niche market or not it would be good to see some more products commercialized.

Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie

Still niche market or not it would be good to see some more products commercialized.

How successful would they be. The majority seem to only eat a very narrow range of foods, and prefer what they know, which I guess is probably a survival trait from ancient times to avoid toxic foods.

the arborist

The work of building civilisation based on staple grains has been done. The value of native plants lies in medicinal uses and niche crops – as per robert’s post.


35-60k a month. This.


Good luck to her I guess, better than it going to some pimp.


This is the simp shit that needs to be brutally stamped out

$60,000/month used to mean physically servicing 3000 men


It’s a fact…that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It’s what’s known as ‘the law of the market’…Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

It doesn’t get any more based than this incel philosopher


This must be what it feels like to be a Boomer

Reading this whining about inequality and not caring at all


I’m glad you recognise the parallels

it’s really the hypocrisy that grinds my gears
I can respect people if they’re at least consistent


You were born in the wrong century. You should’ve been an anabaptist. They were allowed to kill people.


>An estimated 125 men, women and children were murdered by Cornelisz and his men during their reign of terror.



Who cares. It’s the same as having a dirty magazine in the shed. I respect her way more than some gold digger aristocrat.


Jeez, with those flabby hips and thighs too?

The world really is coming to an end.


There’s always been a market for that. I remember Rosie magazine. Bunch of flabby bikie molls and stuff.


Boomers are gonna live until 93.


Free money is good for the soul.

A fly in your ointment

Pharma extended natural life past the self-serviceability*.
Bad diet = chronic medicine
Long life on bad diet = (chronic medicines) x (more medicines)
No conspiracy here, just the natural “you do what’s best for your profits” slowly causing a positive feedback.

I estimate at least 82% of boomers are near or past the self serviceability.
Gen X’s if they’re lucky maybe live about the same
Later gens which grew up on formula, soy milk, vegeschnitzels and smashed avo should be lucky to live past 70, if they don’t commit suicide before that age from excessive anti-depression drugs take.

* self-serviceability is the period when oneself can fully maintain oneself or with partial assistance of another single non-nursing person


I’d say millenials and gen x will often have a good self-serviceability.

Boomers grew up when it was all about lamb chops and bacon.


Boomers got hooked on seed oils – margarines, etc. They also had the food pyramid inverted on them, elevating sugar laden starches to the point of massive over consumption.

Bacon and lamb chops are good, because they’re fatty and fat makes you feel full. It is the mountains of mash that most people eat with it, combined with the fat, which is bad for you. Because the starches are converted to sugar and the accompaning fats stored, rather than immediately burned because of the insulin shot you get from the starches.

Boomers were also the first generation where the amount of energy expended in just living i.e. exercise through walk, washing and manual labour, was significantly diminished. I don’t think the value of exercise was recognised nearly as much as it is today, culturally it wasn’t needed.


Also the 3 meals a day meme. Plus morning and afternoon tea. I don’t think my mum has skipped any of those in her life. Even though she takes like 5 pills a day she calls me mad for not eating until lunch. Haha. She was pretty athletic and active, barely drank, but still got diabetes.

A fly in your ointment

diabetes is not necessarily from a bad diet in general sense of the word. I had a period when I ate so little I lost 20kg in ~6 months whilst having almost none starch, sugars and fats. My cholesterol was through the roof. Ate mostly veggies, white meat and eggs. Balanced diet is what matters for health and that balance is sometimes a combination of food eaten together (e.g there is a reason why poms historically put vinegar on fish and chips or wogs eat pastry with natural unsweetened yoghurt)

the way doctors prescribe antidepressants today and at what age of patients, combined with personal empirical data on people I heard off, the amount of antidepressants (particularly in the Westworld’s domain) cannot be good for longevity.


It’s the Randle cycle – don’t mix carbs and fat.

Boomers were the first generation to eat seed oils in larger amounts – it’s everywhere now.
Sugar is fine as long a fibre intake matches

And to your last point – Exactly don’t get fat you lazy pricks

A fly in your ointment

it takes one wicked mind for something like this.


Don’t mix cock and cycle


Those Reusa relations parties!

Aussie Soy Boy

This Barbie movie is awful. How do people sit through this stuff. I’ve just got it on as background noise, downloaded it for free of course.

A fly in your ointment

its a movie for wombed adults with children.

Ryan Gosling is a perfect example of an alpha male out of reach for many whom procreated from fear of barren spinster effect, so video-enhanced daydreaming of unachievable is a bottomless honeypot for film industry.

I watched a cam-rip movie once and it was a horrible experience.
You can see the movie for as little as 15 bucks with lots of single or unhappy-married moms around you or you can watch a bad copy with a pint of beer and an inflatable girlfriend – which one is better?
(PS: no wife will miss an opportunity to see Gosling on the big screen over watching a poor rip video with her houseman on a tiny tv screen)


Pirated movies are pretty decent quality these days – 1080p and even 2160k HQ rips from blu rays or streaming sites are more common and at a higher quality compared to the days of shifty handcams.

Can remember years ago the ISPs started emailing people to notify them of illegal downloads and the government stepped in to block a bunch of websites. But like everything in EZFKA it was done on cheap, half-assed and easily overcome with simple fixes like changing DNS servers.

A fly in your ointment

Barbie is not yet on BD so only camcorder videos can be available now. They ruin every movie experience.
VPN does away with perils for those whom can’t be bothered to rent a BD for 3 bucks or have a streaming multiservice.

Aussie Soy Boy

I torrented what seemed to be an Amazon rip

A fly in your ointment

oh, well, good then.
that should be decent if not a very good quality


Just checking out the version on YST.MX – looks like it’s from a streaming site so the quality is good.


*YTS – editing function isn’t working

A fly in your ointment

:thumb up:

Aussie Soy Boy

They quality was great it was 15GB. I’m sure you can find the same one. It was so bizarre. 15 years ago there were still movies like Tropic Thunder and Superbad that were genuinely hilarious and will be 50 years from now. This was horrific. This was brainwashing.


Seems to me gen z wouldn’t even know, or care much about art being good. I don’t blame them it hasn’t made much of a difference since the hippy shit in the 60s. I doubt we’ll ever see much good art anymore because the world is all about falseness and larping now.

Barbie is a good example. People wanted to see a hot white couple but with a good dose of state sanctioned woke so they don’t upset the Jews. Clever business decision, she got a cut of the profits so it sounds like Margot will be rich enough to join the oligarchy now.


The target audience of the movie is women, little girls and gay men. Margot Robbie provides some eye candy for any husbands and fathers dragged along to watch it, but I doubt there’d otherwise be much else in it.

Aussie Soy Boy

She’s a poofter’s idea of what a hot woman looks like. Nothing sexual about her.



Just Bad

20 minutes ago

Perhaps the sudden urgency for the voice is not really because the government isn’t reponsive to aboriginal people now, but because it won’t be in the future as the Huge Australia policy changes the electorate.

The 454K is basically averaging a First Fleet (Invasion Day) every day (almost 2 a day in July), and is as many people as arrived in the first 65 years of colonisation.

This is the best argument for the Voice I’ve heard and I would like to see it on TV backed up by the John Farnham song

A fly in your ointment

A correlation-causation Llewdo/Bleato never got is similar to those labels on the back of trucks:
Without trucks excessive Immigration Australia stops
Not that this is some profound desired outcome, simply the economy was persistently pushed into direction of easiest growth for the upper crust at the expense of the lower decks (whilst giving them the perception of wealth) that AUS would literally enter severe depression within 18 months short period if immigration was halted.
I bet you every astute investor will rather vote immigration over depression even though they all know immigration is just a slower pathway to a much deeper depression. This because they all think they are the lucky one who will preserve their wealth before others collapse



Extensive searches reveal Crakanthorp’s extended family have amassed a property empire including at least 50 properties collectively worth more than $67 million.

This masthead used recent sales to estimate the value of four of the properties, while the value of the remaining 46 were calculated using land values published annually by the NSW valuer-general.

It means $67.2 million is likely a vast underestimation of the extent of the family’s assets, as it does not account for the value of most of the buildings on the sites, which would collectively be worth millions.

holy fucking shit and this is just some unheard of wog family from newcastle

was probably a tradie or something too

there is a staggering amount of wealth out there

A fly in your ointment

CrackanThorp ain’t wog.
As anglo as it can be


tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me

A fly in your ointment

do I look daft to you to be reading articles on DM?

Admittedly I rake titles on fakenews dot comau but frequenting DM let alone reading it is the bottom of the barel.


It’s smh not dm

so you didn’t read the link or the article

A fly in your ointment

yeah smh is different from DM… it’s for intellectuals?

You’re terrible at baiting. Spill your beans or forever hold your peace. Nope, hodl your peace, not interested


I don’t know how is more detestable in this story

A microcosm of bogan australian society

-sports car owners



Now that the chief cooker is back I wanted to get everyone’s opinion on this

how are we going to blame this on the jabbadabbadoo?

when swedens excess mortality is net negative since the jabbadabbadoo was first released (Feb 2021)

A fly in your ointment

um… err… yeah

A fly in your ointment


A fly in your ointment

Whoculdanew this was coming?

A fly in your ointment

we lnow now who is never going to be a threat to society. His shadow is Coming from afar

A fly in your ointment

that enough for today, my favourite meme of the last month:


Who needs reason or logic when you can just post memes


So share your logic regarding what your graph proves, other than both australia and sweden have significant excess deaths since covid, and they aern’t caused by covid, and easing restrictions didn;t fix them.


Excess deaths were inevitable

vaccines were largely a non issue

lockdowns were wasteful and pointless


So how do you get any of that from the graph?
Just 1 coherent argument for one of those points.



it’s not surprising that our resident cookers can’t or won’t read


Cumulative what?
The only source I can find for that graph is twitter. Highly reliable lol.


Are you trolling?

Legitimately hilarious

but you’ve discredited the entire cooker movement in the last 15 minutes


another quick question.
If cumulative means what you think it means how the hell does the graph start at a non zero value? IE swedens first entry?


It is just a badly drawn graph. First dot is end of January rather than start of the year.

A fly in your ointment


one can select any arbitrary point and it picks the closest data between countries to make the base line. See above, we barely caught up with Sweden’s excess mortality when compared to Jan 2015 (first data point for AUS)

Now slide that baseline to anywhere and the graph lines relative positions change.
What does not change is that excess mortality for AUS is in negative during lockdown.

Any data can be massaged into anything. Source of this data is disclosed to be relying mostly on some dude collecting it from national statistics bureaus which has been unreliable due to the differences in reporting and general don-give-a-fuck-itude.
For clarification see here: https://elifesciences.org/articles/69336#s4

A fly in your ointment

what vaccines?
I took a tetanus and Hep B vaccines in Sep 2021 and these are still active and no one died from taking them.

Jabbadabba was pointless, a game of mates and an obedience test.
Lockdowns made sense in the begining but then they quickly became a lever of oppression of lesser ezfka units, particularly in Hellbourne, Andrewstan
Excess deaths were not inevitable in Aus, forceful inoculation with experimental shite made them inevitable (as you can see from your graph)

A fly in your ointment

Reason and logic from you? LOL

See… on your graph there are few dates that are important:
Nov 2021 is exactly 1 month since you took the jab to save your 6 digit job.
Now that by itself is not significant as many have done it and very likely regret it except you justify it as supposedly a superior logic that taking a stupid and unpredictable risk >now< (jabbadabba) is somehow obviously smarter than >maybe< taking the negligible (in comparison) risk down the line.
But then the date is more important as it is the apex in jabbadabba intake in AUS and we see that from that point onwards, when covid actually became a nothingburger, that 2x more people die than the average historical.
Draw your own conclusion from that

On swedish smorgasbord we see that in 2020 when they opened up (or rather did not close down) the excess mortality skyrocketed and remains high for the next 2.5 years (also see what happened to excess mortality in the age of lockdowns in AUS)

So knock yourself out and draw your own conclusions based on false logic whilst wearing blinkers so that you can have the tunnel vision towards a conclusion you selected before even looking into any other data. Justify all you like if that is the copium for spikeproteinitis having a party in your veins, but dont expect anyone with any semblance of brain activity to agree with you


My Mum had vaccine induced pulmonary embolisms (aka blood clots in the lungs) but they didn’t kill her. The vaccine induced hyper aggressive cancer didn’t kill her either. She was recovering after the chemo. Then she had a fucking stroke that crippled her, and she decide to go out on her own terms. She refused all treatment, and we buried her last week.

She was killed by the vaccines, and now I’m very very angry.

I hope that I will be able to participate in the reckoning, with one of my knives.

A fly in your ointment

My condolences.
Reckoning can only be done with stakes for impaling or lampposts decorations, perhaps beginning with tongue and fingers chopping for injury denialists. Federation SQ in MEL to be the centrifugal eye.


when swedens excess mortality is net negative since the jabbadabbadoo was first released

And you have yet again proved that doctors are no use for anything other than regurgitating what they;ve been told as you clearly have no understanding of maths or statistics at all.

Their excess deaths have been 60+ per 100k since the jab was released, with very little variation.


you see where it says “cumulative” at the top

lmao you fucking moron

You were not missed



Did people become undead when the line sloped down?
How do you have a negative cumulative total?
Please explain what you think that graph means, in simple terms.
Yet again you prove your mathematical illiteracy.


“excess” mortality

do you understand what it means ?

fucking lmao you are legitimately double digit IQ


So share with us your massive wisdom oh brainy one.
Why has the cumulative excess deaths not fallen back to zero but is still so high?
Wasn’t covid predominantly killing people in nursing homes and other people in poor health who would have died by now anyway? The cumulative should have headed rapidly back to 0 excess unless it was healthy people with decades to live who were dying.

Ultimately that graph is useless for making any statements for many reasons including it is just plain wrong, and excess deaths by itself is virtually meaningless, what matters is the cause of the deaths, excess deaths vaxxed vs unvaxxed and other more specific details.
Of course those specifics seem to have disappeared from the publicly provided health data in the last year or so, wonder what the medical community is trying to hide?

Of course you will continue to completely ignore these facts of course and cherry pick whatever you can to try to justifty fucking over your patients.

A fly in your ointment

I lodged once in Mel through one of those booking dotcom or similar and it was a room inside the house with its own entrance, bathroom. Breakfast as much as you can eat. Best experience ever, the home owners were genuinely pleasant just about enough not to be annoying.

Air be an be model should be banned in empty homes and apartments, it’s just a racket for UnAustralian business to skim our milk.


Smells like you stayed with some gooks who gave you all you can eat cornflakes.

A fly in your ointment

nope, I shit you not, it was cooked breakfast, anything they can find in colesworthldi or local veggie shop. It was in Heidelberg.

Air BnB is a bad model for society unless restricted to free-standing homes and with existing permanent resident


Like it wasn’t legitimised?



In other words, this demographic is voting for the broad left, but growing its consumption of private health and education, traditionally the preserve of the political right.

Where my private healthcare using right-wingers at?

AFR hasn’t heard of the Medicare levy surcharge.


Right wing means poor and stupid

Aussie Soy Boy

I just don’t like boongs.


Private Health Insurance is usually a no brainer as it gives one an income tax break.

The most vocal groups against it are the long term unemployed or AUWU types who never intend to work.

Then there are idealistic types who want the private health insurance rebate gone, and the money put into the public services. A nice idea in theory, but once they face the realities and limitations of the public healthcare system they usually quiet down about this.


A nice idea in theory, but once they face the realities and limitations of the public healthcare system they usually quiet down about this.

The US has the most privatised health care system in the world. How do their outcomes compare with countries with public systems?
The only reason our public system is so bad is because the push is for american style system.

  • Health care spending, both per person and as a share of GDP, continues to be far higher in the United States than in other high-income countries. Yet the U.S. is the only country that doesn’t have universal health coverage.
  • The U.S. has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the highest death rates for avoidable or treatable conditions, the highest maternal and infant mortality, and among the highest suicide rates.
  • The U.S. has the highest rate of people with multiple chronic conditions and an obesity rate nearly twice the OECD average.
  • Americans see physicians less often than people in most other countries and have among the lowest rate of practicing physicians and hospital beds per 1,000 population.



Everybody bangs on about the USA and its diabolically expensive privatised system. And this is true.
Everybody ignores the creaking, rolling disaster that is the NHS.
As always, the middle path, a bit of private and a reasonable public system, is probably the least worst.


america already kind of does that

americas healthcare system isnt a complete private system either its not the reverse image of the NHS at all

povos and old people get universal healthcare there its pretty much a public system for them

emergency ward care is free too


healthcare is just overrated period

if youre going to die youre going to die simple as

no one is going to stop your cancer from metastizing if its going to

no drs gonna cure your pancreatic tumour


This is one of the most retarded takes you’ve posted

if there’s one thing western medicine does quite well it’s treating cancer

huge advances even in just the last ten years


early detection and early stages its pretty good at but beyond that youre pretty much fucked or have a good chance of being

life expectancies havent changed as much as ppl think when you account for childhood mortality outcomes etc

w/o some radical understanding of how to treat the causes of aging we’re pretty much close to the limit


You have no idea what you’re talking about


America also has public medicine

and the uk has private medicine

they’re all hybrid systems except Canada


The US is an interesting example because you either get access to the latest and greatest medical treatment (if you can afford it) – or you end up heavily indebted or dead. While public outcomes might be superior to the US, if you’re on a waiting list to get on a waiting list and not seen for years, one doesn’t even get factored into the statistics.

Then there are examples where the services won’t ever get provided. One such case is adult ADHD, a diagnosis that has recently exploded in popularity. There are no free or public services, and unlikely ever to be even if the mental health budget was doubled. They know that everyone who wants to party on amphetamines is going to come knocking and demanding stimulants.

Public services are also full of bureaucracy, so increased funding doesn’t necessarily mean increased services. A current example is the completely public NHS, which is so top heavy in management and in the process of replacing its medical workforce with Physician Associates who have studied a 2 year course. EZFKA is quite a long way off from that happening, but who knows what will happen in the future especially under a Labor government.

Like negative gearing and all the pro-property policies, politicians know people on the left and right have PHI, they know that scrapping it would be unpopular as anyone who does so will get accused of raising taxes.


Public services are also full of bureaucracy, so increased funding doesn’t necessarily mean increased services.

So are private services, and private services also need to extract profits. Given the amount of helath insurance advertising I see how much of the premiums paid are just wasted in ad costs?

The best argument I have is show me the incentives and I’ll tell you the outcomes.
Dr’s and hospitals maximize profits by making you as sick as possible for as long as possible as early s possible, and private insurance maximises profits by killing you as quickly as possible if you ever get seriously sick or old. It’s hard to do that openly but subtle policy in that direction is inevitable.


the more complicated and confusing a healthcare system becomes the less effective it becomes. once you introduce a level of complexity like healthcare insurance purchasing into a system you reduce its accessibility to low IQ ppl, healthcare should be as simple to access as imaginable with no confusion regarding rules or hidden costs.


I think we need to be clearer on what are actual goals are

What is the societal benefit of helping low IQ people live longer

A fly in your ointment

Matthew 7:19

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

you never struck me as a religious type.
Interesting, in the most copied book in the world one can find inspiration for evil as much as inspiration for good.

mains powered dildo

I think we need to be clearer on what are actual goals are

‘Are’ goals? Normal humans have nothing in common with you. Your a wierd pussysniffing troll.
I hope your micro penis falls off in the shower and go’s down the plughole, you uncaught peedo.


Someone’s gotta do the dirty work bro

And importing 400k sanjeets isn’t the answer


Just need to keep them ticking along to 65 or so


They don’t hang the aresholes from lampposts?

Roger Dodger

I don’t even know who these “radio media personalities” (?) are FFS… but geez did that $-amount catch my eye. The EZFKA world is so fucked up.

The ABC “media personalities” (which I do hear occasionally) are intolerable for the most part, so what must these $200m jokers be like to captivate the EZFKA mob mindset?

What am I missing out on?


Most people are just pop tart idiots I guess. They’ve been the biggest thing in Sydney radio for 10-20 years.


Completely unlistenable brain rot

I force the Uber or taxi driver to turn it off if I’m in their car and they have these cretins on

clearly demonstrates the intelligence of the average legacy unit

Roger Dodger

I so relate to your bluntness Coming. Comments like yours give me hope in that I’m not alone – but then I despair in the reality of being part of a tiny minority of critical thinkers. “Cretins” indeed.


Also their complete absence of morality and taste, along with some sort of perpetual high school tier desire to be apart of the cool crowd.


I knew they earned well, but not that much.

I can remember Ugly Phil and Jackie O on radio when I was a kid in the early 90s – they did a Top 30 radio show which seemed to do quite well. Reading her wiki it looks like Jackie was only 19 at the time and only got on radio due to her marriage to Phil who was 12 years her senior.

Don’t remember when Kyle Sandilands came on the scene, but by then I’d probably abandoned radio in favour of copying and ripping CDs for my music fix. 


rishi sunak bans the American bully dog breed


Comments are absolutely gold

So a type of breed commits a disproportionate amount of violence

& the solution is just to remove them from society? 

Why not try integrating them into neighborhoods with less violent breeds

Bring more of them in from overseas and house them in gov funded kennels so they learn

funny how a few pitbulls will run amok and the UK will immediately rush to ban them bc “patterns” but they’ll mass import young men with a tendency to form grooming gangs and throw you in prison for noticing

imagine how dumb you must be to not to see the parallels

A fly in your ointment

imagine how dumb you must be to not to see your own gov openly fornicating you and on top of that to funnel your displeasure to a deflection created by them for you to misdirect your anger.

A fly in your ointment

^ ^ ^
By the vote counts, we obviously have at least one logged in smart person and one logged in dumbfuck here at this moment.


I’m sure it has been covered a dozen times, but I want to hear opinions on the real world implementation of “the voice”
What will change?
Where will advantage be delivered?
Who will be better off after the voice? and so on

I’m sure we can all agree that the real world implementation won’t result in a greater say for Indigenous peoples in Indigenous affairs….because if history is any guide, that’s what won’t happen.
So what will happen?
What actual advantage can Politicians deliver?
The Voice can’t change the social dynamic which results in a high percentage of Indigneous births suffering from Fetal Alcohol syndrome,
The Voice can’t keep young Indigenous “offenders” from stealing and crashing cars
The Voice won’t increase their Atar or somehow make them brilliant young stem graduates
See where I’m going? What will it do?

It seems pretty clear to me that the voice will lead to an increased spend on the “Aboriginal problem” but like all previous efforts the primary benefit will go to the “games of mates” .
Someone will promise to deliver better Indigenous medicine
Someone will promise to deliver better education

One thing that’s certain is that the local community won’t benefit from this increased Indegenous spend because these services will be delivered through a FIFO model.

Airlines will benefit, motels will benefit, big four consulting companies will benefit, Locum providing companies will benefit….

Anyway that’s enough of my thoughts, what do others believe will really change if the Yes vote wins?

btw I’m for the voice, but I accept that in the real world “the more things change, the more they stay the same”


fuck all if yoou believe in the hereditarian hypothesis

its tthe most likely explanation for observed global group disparities

these problems are mostly genetic end of


 opinions on the real world implementation of “the voice”

What will change?

Where will advantage be delivered?

Who will be better off after the voice? and so on

No one can answer that because no one has said what will be implemented.

In the terms you are speaking of it will probably be as effective as the various bodies that have previously been established and then disbanded as the became obviously corrupted and useless.

The only logical reason requiring it be done via referendum is to create a body of equal power to the parliament, government, judiciary and states.


I kind of agree, the purpose of the referendum is to cement in place the advantage enjoyed by those who have already corrupted the process. Removing the need for politicians to continually create new allocations for systems that just don’t work. Same corruption but now no one is directly answerable…and to think they call this process democracy!



Top tier entitlement where you get bed bugs in your free government house and expect them to clean it up for you.


horrible replies in that thread


Those replies are from some seriously brainwashed midwits


Your average redditor.

Need eugenics.


My hard drive has AIDs now.


What dark demented corners of the internet are you perusing that you have an image like that available?


Just google reddit meetup.

Roger Dodger

I would be curious one day for an EZFKA meetup I confess!


lol, we seem to be an antisocial bunch

Roger Dodger

I meant it. I’m keen.

Roger Dodger

Was pondering for the Perth cohort in particular – initially.


So when did the previous meetup happen

Roger Dodger

There was an MB one in Sydney IIRC. I’m unaware of an EZFKA.com meetup.


did any of youse go to one of those MB things back when they were doing their nation tour? i went to the one in canberra, LSWCHP was there




yeah i know


I thought you were taking the piss but they are literally the first images searching that, clearly never visiting reddit was a good choice.


JFC. So Reddit is where the men have the biggest tits?


They are those quiet dog shit mongoloids. Lower than the nerds, but hung around with the nerds on the outskirts. I had no idea they were so pissed, and have now done so much damage.

I was in the nerd group and most of us just took it on the chin and moved on. These guys are fucked up.


Smokers can never be nerds

instantly cool



Morris Chang. One of the greatest nerds of all time. Easily in the top 10. Smokes.



Philip Morris Chang


The dog looks alright

Ironic Boomer

Some of those responses aren’t that much worse than some of the responses on this site.

Roger Dodger

Tried to wake up some of the blind with a MB observation from days of old… give my comment some love if you agree.


Roger Dodger


“Bollocks – esp. when their parents rock up.

“Overall, the cumulated lifetime fiscal costs (in net present value terms) of a parent visa holder in 2015-16 is estimated to be between $335 000 and $410 000 per adult, which ultimately must be met by the Australian community.”

Source: https://www.pc.gov.au/inquiries/completed/migrant-intake/report


Link says the comment is missing – yet if I search your username South-Kaiedoscope I can only get the guy who quoted you.


Its like reddit is in full on social media censorship social engineering mode or something.
Or so I’ve heard. never been there.

Roger Dodger

First time Reddit poster myself. Very confused and bothered by the interface I admit.


who the fuck is ron barsaari and who gives a fuck


Legacy Australians up to their typical homo/bogan shit


Running around on a field and kicking a ball is the epitome of manliness in Ezfka. It’s all about how many people you could bash.


He could bash 86.53% of people.


normies are a bizarre species



are we all going to agree the Javier millei guy is a CIA plant ?

like Vivek

They really have a sophisticated playbook nowadays


BRICS will get them back next election by running an even bigger retard

How can we create the Argentine voter mindset of constantly trying to destroy the status quo in the EZFKA?



Got a way to go yet but we seem to be trying hard


usually they just put a bike chain on…


a classic ezfka story


another legacy unit victim of doggos

something vaguely sexual about this one though

On Ms Piil’s Facebook page her affection for her rottweilers is very evident. 

One photo shows the two dogs standing next to some artificial turf they have dug up and Ms Piil captions it: ‘My babies’ with a black love heart.

In another photo she can be seen kissing one of the dogs on the snout as it lies on a couch.

She also wishes her ‘baby’ Bronx a happy first birthday.

‘I couldn’t ask for a more incredible, cheeky, loyal, intelligent and protective little mate,’ she writes.

‘You’re my whole world.’ 

reminds me of that other woman who got bashed by her drug dealer boyfriend

WA Premier Roger Cook said on Sunday that dog attacks were ‘always traumatic for anyone involved’ as he thanked the emergency services who attended.

‘We’ll continue to make sure we monitor the situation,’ he said.

‘What we need to do is continue to educate dog owners and people in the community about dangers — potential dangers — of these sorts of breeds but we’ll just monitor the situation.

Roger has done some “noticing”

does the community need to be educated about the dangers of other breeds


She probably never fucked him

would be pathetic if he risked his life and was still incel after

white knight game


That was the pre hypergamy era

Arthurian Britain was ethnically homogeneous and Christian

king chad doesn’t have to do anything


If he killed her dogs and saved her he would be charged with animal abuse and then taken to civil court for damages by her as well.
This is why people don’t help anyone anymore.

A fly in your ointment

LOL, your character seems to be the least qualified of all the characters here to judge risks in life.
I mean, you bragged about doing stupid idiotic thing as the smartest choice in life


Just throw some food over the fence to give this hot imbecile a chance to flea (sic)


People with those sort of dogs seem to generally like that their dogs can hurt others. Glad it wasnt me that was in the white knight position.

>not sure why they fucked about with the taser first

lol cucked cops

A fly in your ointment

Bryn Spencer pussied out. He was at home and could have easily gotten a knife. And he had a bat.

not pussied out, just became smart enough not to put his life in any danger for someone whom despite having what appears to be a premium frame around the pleasuredome obviously has vacuum between ears.

Cops like to shoot and live for moments like this – where they openly can shoot at free will. The shits would’ve killed both breeded dogs if they did not miss.


Yeah, I can guess what that is and I’m not opening that link.




Words seldom fail me, but….but…eeesh…


another one!


something really has to be done to curb bogans

it’s too much



Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie

“Red Rocket! Red Rocket!”

Statistically one in 4 female owners of large dogs that haven’t had their nuts cut out, is having sex with them.


I’m hoping you made that up. 😳


73% of all statistics are made up…


It was based on what I recollect from a sordid rabbit hole I fell down on beasiality…. not one filled with dubious jpegs, rather disgusting statistics.

At the time I wasn’t black pilled enough and remember being dubious of the supposedly high occurrence. The original posting was that on average 1 in 200 pap smears or vaginal specimens contained dog sperm.

Apparently dog sperm are easy to distinguish because they look like they have a beer gut, as they have an extra store of fat to help them swim up the bitches uterine tract, which is considerably longer in dogs. To someone looking at sperm and checking for abnormalities all day it is apparently quite obvious.

Sadly I recollect that the 1:200 fact was fairly consistent with other supporting data I came across. Not wishing to revisit that depressing experience, I invite anyone wishing to factually counter me to do so, and I will happily surrender…. I’m not revisiting that topic or destroying my search history in search of those facts again.

During the course of exploring that claim, I came across some very believable number crunching by some autist who took the original 1:200 statistic and back-solved it against know articles on dog ownership in the US….because if you are going to engage in beastiality and not get caught you need to own the animal (read this wiki page on Zoo)

The one in 4 for female large non-neutered dog owners is a credible ball park, if you assume the 1:200 ratio is correct, which sadly it appears to be. It was one of my worst black pills.

When you consider that there are probably women who’ve had sex with their pets, in the past but who may have deliberately avoided such having sex with them for days or weeks before the test, it may even be that the 1:4 ratio is being overly generous to claims of human decency.

Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie

Ok, sounds fair enough.

I’m giving up on humanity, even more than I was before

Aussie Soy Boy

That’s a legacy unit if I’ve ever seen one before. The lack of sleeve tattoos is unusual maybe it’s on arm holding the camera. Haha naming the dogs Bronx and Harlem what a garbage human.


weird how one of them is a borough and the other is only a neighbourhood

wonder if he didnt realise that

would have made more sense to call the harlem one staten island instead


comments like this is why you’re incel


ur still upset i insulted medical science arent u


“Yeah babe those are sick names, my dog is called Kujo/tank/Zeus “

maybe you’re a fag


i think you are taking my facetious comment a little too seriously

an even sicker name would be no name at all bc that dogs would have been put down or donated away


all your thoughts are those of an incel

if you want to fuck hot young sluts you must pretend to like dogs
it’s a prerequisite

best to just tell yourself you like them to a la George Constanza


indeed. he seems well versed in the mind of an incel


if you actually talk the way you talk on this site irl youd be fucked




That image is so heavily filtered it’s not funny, a tattoo could easily be removed as part of that

A fly in your ointment

they dont have these at the normal cash registers, only at the selfcheckouts, don’t they?
Lets call it the “careful what you wish, you may get it”


I like self checkouts its way quicker than when all they had was the 12 items or less checkout.

A fly in your ointment

Indeed quicker.
But would you go to a gentlemen’s club, get an escort and then self-checkout so to speak?

Artificial restrictions are deliberately made to make cashiers slower and play with your mind. I embraced the tech in very early days until they started sacking the cashiers.

My ultimate revenge would be to print barcodes of inexpensive items and then paste them onto expensive items. Now, I would not checkout this myself as that would be a clear theft but technically would not be a theft if other people inadvertently got these items at much lesser price.


You probably miss talking to the switchboard operator before you could make a phone call

Gentleman’s club, what pure fucking insanity

A fly in your ointment

Please, no strawmen.
Phone call cost went into nothing since automation.
Coleswortldi price tags went in any direction but not down since the dawn of “DIY checkout” and besides it is not an advancement in tech, only cost cutting to maximise profits (cost of manning the cashiers is already built into the price)
Try calling eBay customer service, or fedex or…. good luck trying to speak to someone not-automated when that odd chance may arise you need to speak to someone


self checkouts arent automated though

theyre just you doing the work

‘manual’ checkouts appear much worse by comparison bc theyve been intentionally de-staffed so you have to wait in huge lines bc only one of them is ever operational now in any given supermarket


It’s like they want to transfer as much of their costs onto other parties as they can




Ive used a til I was quick there was nothing holding me back.

The supermarkets are employing more people than ever. Tending to the shelves, you hardly ever see a missing price tag these days. At my Woolies they’ve got people running around doing internet orders.

I’d love to nick a few million off the government or big corp but I cant afford lobbyists and media influence to do it legally.

A fly in your ointment

The supermarkets are employing more people than ever

Not my experience.
Efficiency in doing those tasks perhaps made an impression of more people.
They’re trying to push groceries shopping into direction of computer shops. You’ll have a US based company delivering your groceries from several centralised warehouses and a conga line of gunga dins on their scooters will have it delivered to you for a small fee. Ofcourse, once supermarkets close and they open 1000’s of pickup spots at the fraction of the cost of supermarket floor, the saving will be passed – my arse.
ANyway, I shop small businesses so it does not affect me bar a few items I have to get from the big ones.


automated checkouts are labour passing from supermarket workers to customers

A fly in your ointment

Indeed what I want to say


Labour I’m happy to do as I am quicker and physically superior to most people and save at least 5-10 minutes.

I think Aldi should get them too. They’d probably double their business.


aldis had them for ages


Be careful what you wish for.
Aldi has one near me and it was a clusterfuck.
Needed to get assistance twice, and there was no dedicated person only the existing checkout person. At that point got onto the end of that persons line and reckon it was still quicker than continuing with the self service.
Presumably they will fix it at some point.


no assisted person is just an open invitation to violate the seventh commandment


Seen a person just walk in and then walk out with a handful of bottles of spirits straight past the actual checkout at aldi before. You think the workers care enough to stop it anyway?



saw guys walk out of dubbo dan murphys over and over again with a whole trolley of shit, they just walk in, fill it up then walk out

no fux given


Id shop at small businesses if they didn’t charge 10 bucks for some icecream and 5 bucks for a litre of milk.

Supermarkets will be the same forever. People like getting out of the house and using their cars. Shopping is legit also an entertainment industry as well.


i enjoy your optimism oz


Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence and mundanity of legacy units

A fly in your ointment

that’s the first look at the small shops I had too. And the second look too.
Good quality products are impossible to find in supermarkets. On cheap, consumerism and usually rubbish products they simply cannot compete the rebates large chains get from volumes.

Plus buying from large chains (of anything really) you actually support businesses whom are all-in for excessively large Australia.


wow yep i knew it was coming, but do they really expect staff to check every item on a receipt and compare them to what you put in your bag/trolley, no way is this going to happen at the auto checkouts so people are still going to be able to steal a lot of stuff


Sounds like an alarm will go off so anyone who does it will look like a complete tool and be put on the spot. But yeah I’d hate to be a Coles worker now fuck doing security along with all the other duties.


really expect staff to check every item on a receipt

sure they will, and for accuracy they’ll get them to scan them to confirm the item and total up the cost.
Oh wait…


Everyone’s favourite demographer “Big Australia” Liz Allen vs Avid Commentator



ahh i didn’t see you’d already posted this epic battle of da mindz

Gruppenführer Mark

I think you have to have a twitter account nowadays to see replies. Before it as necessary just to post. Then they locked everyone out of twitter without an account, but reversed it to its current form.


been doing some reading and this Novo drug i am fairly sure is absolutely a go

an appetite suppressant that actually works, every fat cunt who wants to lose it finally has the answer that doesnt involve actual hard work

might want to get in on this company bc imo its only going to go up from here



Weren’t you literally just yesterday saying modern medicine has achieved nothing



its almost like i say whatever is most disagreeable at a given time or something


if only i was a pitbull or an XL bully dog


How agreeable or disagreeable someone is is not the primary determining factor.
See endless videos online bitching about how all men are awful. They aren’t picking partners based on their personalities.


some people here and on macro have the absolute worst personalities in the entire world they must be swimming in pussy


you seem to be missing the point. personality isn’t the main factor either way. Hot people are swimming in pussy/cock. And hot is predominantly physical.
Financial may help if you are a man.
Where does personality sit in how attractive you find a woman? Can you rank by photos alone?


it was a joke fag


who knew a joke about staten island would have been so scandalous here

of all the things that get posted at this shit hole that seems to have been what broke the page


Indeed. Can’t have sex with a personality.


Are you talking about me


yeah i noticed that

i would have no idea really (this entire business is an insane casino as you know), at the end of the day its all a roulette table


There’s another company that’s produced an even better version so possibly this is the top

you’re the bull version of DLS


i havent bought anything


But you’ve suggested it to your subscribers


yeah i have to justify my $200 p/a fee




theres more fatties in the world than just america

obesity is on the up up up up theres nothing to do anymore but eat

whole economies and economic models based on importing coolies to feed the infinite gorge to death

it could be a reasonable bet


Mounjaro is the new better version from Eli lily

what a retarded name though

sounds like a Pokémon

A fly in your ointment

Obesity is mostly not from natural propensity to eat as much as it is available whenever is available.
its from eating shite like fatty/sugary combos, heavily processed food and, wait for it, your favourite feel good “artificial sweeteners so that one can have guilt free go at soda whilst gorging on kJ’s and cal’s from macca’s”

What can go wrong with one more drug which is supposed to be a “solution” for successful implementation of decades of studies to see what makes people consume more food?

But you know, even if sheep are slaughtered in the end, there’s money in meat and sausages too.


fat ppl wanna eat heaps of unheathly shit bc it tastes good

theres plenty of options to eat other things but they choose the unhealthy stuff

bc it tastes good and carrots, veggies etc are all fucking gross

A fly in your ointment

I don’t negate the choice shite, I introduce environmental brainwashing (from which no one is immune) pushing you to distance yuourself and your mind from food so you can eat your path to a chronic disease.
Once you get hooked on 50:50 fat-sugar you may aswell go for heroin or crack or whatever as the return way is much simpler from these






fatties in higher income states all over the world

and its not just fatties

ig girls and cam whores wanting to slim down

bullemics and neurotic girls with borderline personality disorder, a growing market in the gen z set, they will do whatever it takes to remove that final pocket of adipose tissue on their abdomen

theres a pretty good market for this type of product class given that ive seen evidence enough it works without much in the way of side effects


It’s a good price

It’s probably the most a lot of the potential customer base could pay and they will pay

If the treatment was $50K or something that would be unfortunate, too many people would be excluded

But vast numbers of fatties will be able to stump $15K.


to them the food budget will just be shifted onto the drug budget so therell be no net loss


That’s probably not too bad in the post-Tesla era

With some upward momo, it could go to 1.5T before falling back

This actually seems a lot better than Tesla

Good work Stagmal


They’re a looks matched couple tbh

both fat and slovenly

and, validating incel theory, I’d say Tarric would get rejected

(still lives in his mums basement and is a gamer)


Yeah right. Tarric has a long term gf afaik, hes a bit chubby but nothing outrageous.

Dr Pog looks like she should be playing womens NRL.


Lmao wat

no way
let’s see a photo of her


Looks like Tarric will win. She’s probably trolling him for the attention. Because noone cares what Dr Pog says.


Dr Demography




A cross between a pig and a dog.


If only she was a Demographer.




gotta improve womens safety on dating apps

queue the atomic blackpill or any of the other classic incel dating experiments (isis chad, domstic violence abuser chad, neo nazi chad)

i need to make a submission to the govt on this


im still shook that Tarric has a gf tbqh


how fat is he his face isnt that bad


He’d be considered medically obese

unemployed Twitter economist who hangs out with Martin north

if he gets pussy I don’t know what to say


Get real if he just stopped with the kfc for a month hed be right on his ideal bmi, just a bit of flab.


He’s at least 15kg over ideal weight

you’re probably fat too though, since you’re also a smoker


Yeah well i dont whinge about bitches not wanting me coz im overweight, thats pretty much the first, second and third rule of dating, if you want a hotty, dont be fat.

You know fat people hook up too you know.

I saw a fatty islander couple having a fag just yesterday, they looked fairly content.


So sick of hearing about womyns. Utterly jack shit for men these days. We aren’t even human.


 users had been subject to online sexual violence”
wtf is online sexual violence??


whatever they say it is.

Ironic Boomer

Coming across Dr Doughnut’s dating profile and have their eyes graped.


Just looked up Atomic Blackpill – guess that has some relevance given the latest Russell Brand allegations.


Take the hit for us and find out.


It’s something most people learn in high school, when the prom queen ends up with the bully or the guy that can bash everyone.


15-16 I wouldn’t call a child. All the hotties were banging by then at my school. Afaik.


please before posting that provide a disclaimer warning for the more sensitive amongst us to be able to put on their tinted goggles beforehand viewing it with the naked eye is known to cause blindness

its basically the internet ark of the covenant


what you don’t see is the 10,000 women who didn’t engage with that dude.

Of course to a first approximation those women you don’t see are not engaging with anyone. The vast majority of engagement is done by the people engaging frequently(duh)


All of this has been done already

PSL theories were rigorously debated


That is the strawest of strawmen.

Feel free to do the experiment yourself. Create a heap of fake profiles of men on dating sites. Check back later how many messages each profile gets.
I’m sure the men commenting here are basing it on a sample of at least a few of their own dating profiles. What are you basing it on?


I hadn’t even read ray23.

I think what it demonstrates is there are significant numbers of women looking at nothing beyond the pictures on a dating profile. But it demonstrates it poorly if done with a single profile.
Im sure a search will find research done with more rigour, but I have better things to do with my time'(possibly).


It is essentially ALL they look at is what is being argued at you.
Are you disagreeing with that?


I bet you don’t know what colour her eyes are, but you do know whether she is flat chested or not.

Given that the image had clearly enlarged her chest I still have no idea how flat chested or otherwise she was.

I also don’t remember saying men aren’t just as superficial. Men in general are far less picky though.


serious question

what’s stopping you from getting a pair of fake tits just like that

if i was a girl that would be the first thing I get

life on easy mode


There’s nothing wrong or blameworthy about that. There’s a picture and you look at it. And you see what’s there. Maybe it happens chest, which you notice is enlarged. Or maybe it happens to be a man’s face, which you notice is good looking.

We seem to have drifted significantly from the point though. What or more specifically who isn’t noticed at all is the point.


i think the point youre missing is that most guys absolutely recieve close to no messages at all, if any. the fact that that profile received even some messages let alone the volume that it did is scandalous enough.

OKcupid even had a study showing basically very few men get any number of messages from their service, and that was way back in the day. they deleted the info off their site later on after match group bought them out but its still out there.


given the atomic blackpill was brought up in the context of the article provided, the ‘incel canon’ clearly has something important to add to our understanding of the world, even if its not the full picture alone. similar to marxist analysis.


I’m all for men working out how it all works. A lot of 3rd wave feminism has been outright treason and terrorism, and the system needs to favour men a bit, or a lot more.


Peachy isn’t ready for the black pill stags

she’s the Dennis of ezfka


the black pill is a pathway to things many consider to be unnatural


approaching/ responding to/ interacting with.


In extremis, 40 virgins.


But I am disturbed by the parallels

Be more disturbed by how society has changed over the last 50 years and how it is being driven, with massive acceleration in the last decade or so.
Everything other than traditional family unit is being normalised and the family unit destroyed.

Ironic Boomer

What are you claiming Stagmal is claiming it means?
Your argument seems to be NAWALT.
A women optimising her hypergamy or not, is not reliable evidence for hypergamy existsting in women.
Hybristophilia is thing, a thing which pre dates and exists outside of online profiles and thus far has been found exclusively in women.


Too many high school movies. One thing about boomers is they don’t seem to do high school reunions.



place your bets gentlemen

could be incel related

in that case I am going with Indian


Or maybe stagmals secret plan revealing itself


Or maybe homeless. I hope he stabbed the lefties.


White male so of course the media has no problem identifying and publishing his details.



Ophel (Hebrew: עֹפֶל ‘ōp̄el), also Graecised to ophlas

He looks like the classic chud though



Holy FUCK another one in Sydney


These are the most garbage legacy units so far

EIGHT pit bulls living in a cage in their front yard next to piles of rubbish

Dr Lindsey said there was no such thing as an ‘aggressive breed’ only aggressive individual animals responding to what they perceived were the causes of their suffering. 

intergenerational trauma maybe ?


officers could be speaking to the dog owner while he smoked cigarettes on the front steps.


just another free spirited legacy unit


i was thinking that stagmal really should buy a dog

It would normify him

could get him some pussy

and for protection from the native population


Dog ownership is good for extraverts, as it allows them to socialise with other dog owners, and good for introverts as it forces them to go outside and walk and commune with nature instead of their computer or book.

Capture - Copy (9).JPG

And screw their dogs.

…I didn’t think you were that way incline.


Unreal that pitbulls are even legal.


Looks a bit like this bloke

comment image


>Want borders and no vermin fests
>Don’t wanna reduce the world’s population of niggers and asians because jebus

