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Society’s persecution of incels rolls on


porn passports!

just to have a sneaky wank!

you got a loicense for that cobber

hopefully the future indigenous voice to parliament shuts it down


first they came for the cookers, and I said nothing


500+ comments, awesome Peachy!

One of the best decisions of my life was to give up pornography. It’s just another tool used to enslave and control the plebs, follow the money trail and you’ll find the usual suspects running the show.


literally every form of addiction

really basically everything you do that you enjoy does that

porn addiction is for people who like to fuck but arent able for whatever reason to do so or do it with the people they actually want to

its a greater symptom of aging and the various antecedents of inceldom


imagine thinking brad pitt could be a porno addict


The antiporn crusade is a psyop imo

why not get a dopamine reward for something that is so easy and free

instead of needing to have sex with actual woman and all the bullshit, cost and effort that entails

sex robots are going to be even easier and more rewarding

having everything available for free and in plentiful supply will finally destroy the capitalist edifice


not even sure how you can use the word addiction in relationship with porno

its a soft addiction like video games

does it destroy your life

not physically like heroin does

i mean a lot of things you can do can destroy your life indirectly (via causing you to neglect your job, familiy, kids etc)

but it doesnt really destroy your finances like gambling or your health like drugs

a real deeper underlying cause of it is not being attractive enough to actualise your porongraphic desires in a real world context, so retreating into the fantasy of televised vicarious porn instead

no amount of therapy can fix that in the many who found their way to porno addiction for that reason


one of the definitions of addiction according to the psychiatrists criteria is that it has deleterious effects on the rest of your life

if it stops you from having to deal with women’s bullshit, white knighting etc then its the opposite of that

on the other hand if its part of LDAR (rather than MGTOW) then it probably does qualify as a crutch enabling your toxic lifestyle


always wondered how much MGTOW was legit and how much of it was cope


I follow this guy on Twitter, he supposedly a Licensed Professional Councilor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional and Certified Sex Offender Treatment Professional.

I started following him as a result of my suspicions that the explosion in Tran behaviour and identity is basically being driven by a meme circulating and being pushed within society.

If I were to use my Egregore analogy, the dissemination of deviant porn “a sin”, especially sissy porn, has lead to an explosion in Transgender identification and is distorting normal human behaviour.

Anyhow he is very direct in his belief that porn changes brain patterns and significantly and negatively influence behaviour. He doesn’t think ppl can be deviants, but porn can make normal but susceptible people into deviants.


He writes a great deal about his experience with counseling sex offenders and the common points they come back too.

A fly in your ointment

500+ comments, awesome Peachy!

One of the best decisions of my life was to give up pornography.

1. Rubbish, you just gave up something else to make space for Ezfka.com
2. Ezfka.com IS pornography for incels.


The internet, not some magic freeing the people thing, more like CB or Shortwave radio. Like minded people talking in little groups.

Gruppenführer Mark

In EZFKA this will be as easy to implement as blocking access to and use of torrent sites!

A fly in your ointment

I expect that even China, with its massive internet surveillance and control infrastructure, can’t prevent access to internet porn.

it took Soviets about 60-70 years to xomprehend that blocking anything yields all the opposite outcomes in the long term.
I used to think that Soviet model was an appendix path in the small intestine called human culture and that the west was centuries ahead. It seems that communism was just a segment of the large bovel. Ruskies jumped from feudalism, leaping over modern capitalism, dipped in shit called communism, straight into the post communism world, whatever that may be. Tjat seems to be the path of any so ietial cycle. West, well, it looks like it is actually slowly sinking into covert communism of the worst kind where a small group, let’s call it 1%ers is more equal amongst all equals. They’re making the same mistake as Soviets: suppression and blocking of information. Ruskies already had “own nuttin and be happy” and it was not a bad model in comparison.

for tl;dr mob and those with cognitive challenges:
no blocking of information ever worked past the day/week/year/decade Truth and porn are like a turd in a pool. It always finds its way to the top. Besides, choking supply always caused price hike whilst choking demand…

A fly in your ointment

broader knowledge “decrypts” anything. I can understand why a handful will be dumbfounded and a few would be lazy to think…

A fly in your ointment

^ ^
…and obviously at least one character recognised itself as either dumb or lazy.
Let’s see how many more minuses cometh

A fly in your ointment

not sure it works that way with broad knowledge, by supplying a reading list. it’s rather a sum of previously self chosen reading lists.
I can write from time to time, for those that have taken a doughnut for a jab


slowly sinking into covert communism

I’d say it’s more that communism and capitalism both trend toward the same point, Authoritarianism controlled by a small % looking to control everyone and/or enrich themselves.


Seems the trend throughout human history is an autocratic or certainly plutocratic style of system. Guess we’re reverting to the norm again, slowly..

Ironic Boomer

Plenty of porn is consumed by married men.
Then again plenty of married men are in sexless marriages, so it could be argued that plenty of married men are ‘incels’.
And ditto Peachy saying it being used as a trojan horse pill for online ID.


whats your objection to that


maybe she should work harder for sexual attention


she can be dirty though

but really swinging is the only way to go
if only it was more socially acceptable among the lower middle class


Is it acceptable in the Dr set?


The wife abandonment

presumably the porn was first accessed for a reason, no?
Was it an initial husband abandonment that triggered it.


I’m all for this. While most people would find a workaround, the porn passport would inevitably get hacked and leaked leading to plenty of embarrassing scandals for politicians, celebrities and other elites.


looks like the anu knifebrah had targetted ppl before, last time w a b-ball bat

found not guilty by menttal health, somehow let out 2 yrs later

i dont understand the functional difference between someone who goes out and shoots someone bc they’re ‘crazy’ and someone who does it bc theyre just evil

both are inherent states of mind, the idea that someone who kills someone bc theyre a schizo cunt is therefore not in ‘control’ of their behaviour while someone who does it bc theyre a psycho cunt and therefore is ‘in control’ seems really bizarre to me


Yeah. That blokes just a mad dog, and should be shot.


i dont understand the functional difference

The practical difference for the public is essentially non existent, the legal difference is about understanding that what you did was wrong.(or pretending that you didn’t)

Gruppenführer Mark

Well then, this must be the most egregious example of not taking responsibility. I give you death feederism, previously known as gluttony.

Rosie said she met the stalker on Reddit who went on to groom and manipulate her.

“He had an archetype and I’m his archetype to a T,” Rosie told Devorah.

“The thing about this guy is I think he was into death feederism and death feederism is what it sounds like.

“It’s feeding someone to the point they get so big and so fat that they die.”

There is also coercion of a cult-like mentality, previously known as lust.

She had a boyfriend but claimed the stalker convinced her she was polyamorous.

Inevitably, she began lying to her boyfriend so she could meet her stalker in a hotel where he coerced her into being fed while they made love.

“I didn’t want to go, I didn’t want to cheat on my boyfriend, I really didn’t,” she said.

There is also something I would call delusion, but this may be a personal opinion.

“Hair colour, dark eyes, a certain type of shape, aesthetically good looking. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m not ugly.

WTAF is going on with people these days? When did a special delicate snowflake mutated into a Michelin man blob?

I am deliberately not posting images. Click the link below to feast your eyes on the prize!



50% of the world’s population is of below average intelligence. Once you understand that, all the stupidity you see around you makes sense, because people really are stupid.

Or as George Carlin put it “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


and remember that the global IQ average is about 90 against a normed scale that in western countries like UK is set to 100


as it currently stands an IQ measurement of 90 relative to 1 of 100 is fairly dumb

not brain dead stupid but often too stupid in a lot of individual cases to grasp things like conditional hypotheticals

if you really want to confuse somebody with an iq below 90 ask them how they would have felt yesterday in the afternoon if they hadnt eaten breakfast and lunch that day

unironically a very large share of the global population cannot answer that question


I think stagmal may actually be right on this seemingly bizarre state of affairs. I’ve seen this claimed with some evidence elsewhere…no link unfortunately. Dumb people of the below 90 IQ variety, given that question, will look at you and say “But I *did* eat breakfast and lunch yesterday”.


its a common question very stupid people are tested with, they struggle with it bc its a conditional hypothetical that requires creating a mental model of themselves from a previous time

it requires a level of mental processing to create abstractions even on a simplistic basis like that

that eludes a surprisingly large number of ppl

it gets even crazier when you do stuff like frame narratives

IQ low people cant understand hypotheticals.jpg

Recursion is supposedly the killer.


I know it’s easy to forget how stupid people is,

University educated people working in professional environments have usually neve been in contact with people of slightly above average intelligence, let alone average or below average intelligence, at least in adult life and often for their entire lives.
They have never seen how stupid people is.

Gruppenführer Mark

But this is beyond stupidity. Stupid people have a hard time figuring out stuff, but they used to distinguish right from wrong, and understand consequences. Hell, my dog understands consequences.

This one holds the world responsible for its decisions. There is a short circuit somewhere.


 but they used to distinguish right from wrong, and understand consequences.

They used to give people the cane at school, or the wooden spoon at home.

A fly in your ointment

Perhaps it’s the culture which tries not to shame what ought to be shameful. Without shame every society sinks into Sodom and Gomorrah, obesity being just a step towards, one of many.

My fish will bully a sick one to death to preserve societal health. There’s a reason why sick have to be removed. Men have hospitals.


women and aboriginals do not have agency and cannot be held responsible for their decisions



Turdeau is being really ridiculous and childish

Albo would give the assassin a Doctorate of Assassinations, a visa, fast-tracked visas for all his family and friends, and publically congratulate Modi on a job well done.

Because a grown-up never gets in the way of anything adjacent to house price appreciation

Anyway, Canada’s loss is our gain. Send those Hindu nationalists our way.


best thing trudeau has ever done albo would never have done it



lmao he’s a legit moron

our joe Biden

sleepy Albanesy


Can you imagine being a fob from Greece buying that thing with your wages from some unskilled factory job

Thank god that will never happen again


$580k in 2006

thats less than 7% per year

Nothing super crazy

hopefully it was cgt free or they took a bath


Yeah westy land ain’t so cheap no more because we keep on bringing in westies.

Aussie Soy Boy

I reckon she left bag of meth on the floor and the dogs got stuck into it. Someone on here said 1/4 women that own large dogs have had sex with them, and I assume it’s Harlem with his big black nob (BBN) who would be doing all the fucking, and Bronx with his little hispanic willy would have been watching on getting a little jealous watching meth fuelled Harlem have at it balls deep with his BBN and all that increased stamina from the meth.

Bronxy is also on the meth so the paranoia and psychosis kicked in, couldn’t take it anymore seeing Ms Piil in such ecstasy so thought I’m going to teach you a lesson Harlem and took a nip. Then Ms Pill got between them trying to save her doggy chad Harlem from attack then Bronx has gone at her, Harlem’s fought and then it’s on for young and old.

How is my theory?

comment image


Brain bleach inducing.


Wot. Why am I caring.


FMD, that chick looks like an alien from Star Trek. Lips, eyes and boots all look entirely artificial.


Her name is actually Piil not Pill

double i

mayve it’s Indian ? She looks mixed ethnicity

she was very attractive it’s a real shame
SMV was very high

should have used it to marry a rich bloke and had kids and lived in a nice suburb in Perth

rather than being torn apart by dogs in some bogan shack with loser neighbours

Obviously there were major daddy issues


id hit it


She has fat fingers.

Gruppenführer Mark

Not sure about your theory, but judging by the quantity of victim’s photos where she demonstrates that she is stunning and brave.

However, I agree that the dogs deserve a chair!

Gruppenführer Mark

Yeah it is. But the amount of plastic on display…

Not a laughing matter, BTW, but it is being reported that the woman is in critical condition and doctors are trying NOT to amputate her arm. Fucked up!

A fly in your ointment

“…doctors are trying NOT to amputate her arm. Fucked up”

I Started A Joke but this is actually a Tragedy. Staying Alive is top priority. If she survives she’d be More Than A Woman, never to be Alone. Immortality achieved.

On a serious side, every one knows what benefits and risks own actions can take (except one person here) including harbouring dogs breaded exclusively for violence, plus her greatest assets are hopefully still intact so… without an arm she’d still be in a much better proposition than those fat/sugar/processed food gorging fatlumps – so still in the top 20-30% of prime human embryo carrying vessels (as from perspective of physical and nothing else). Personality… well, can’t be the judge of that from images

A fly in your ointment

Suddenly it does feel like it should be written, dr. Peachy Lecter?


Stunning and brave is code for not straight male or white.


For Stewie and stagmal


hitler sounding very rational here as the eastern front causes him trouble


yeah iv posted it before, his knowlege/attn to detail was uncanny, he could talk for hours about anything without pause including cooking oils

the rapin rabbi

his knowlege/attn to detail was uncanny, he could talk for hours about anything

The book Hitlers Table Talk is revealing.
He was over every topic – a highly intelligent man.
download book from libgen RU


It is always interesting to hear the H man speak or what he has written. In general the msm are very careful to make sure that any speeches or commentary by him never get put forward in front of the public, and if they do it is almost always without being translated least it start make sense and resonating with them, and the media’s carefully cultivated image of him as a deranged psychopath start to crumble.


I’ve heard that recording before. He has a very deep and compelling voice. And clearly he knew as early as 1942 that he’d completely underestimated the manpower and industrial resources that Russia could put together.

I believe Wehrmacht intelligence suggested the Russians had about 50 divisions at the start of Barbarossa. When they’d destroyed those 50 divisions, they were stunned to discover that the Russians had more than 50 more divisions in reserve.

Of course, he didn’t have much choice, as Stalin would’ve struck German before long anyway.


Of course, he didn’t have much choice, as Stalin would’ve struck German before long anyway.

can you expand on this?

why would stalin want to strike germany?


Given stalins invasion of finland in 1939 it would not be an unreasonable assumption.

A fly in your ointment

that is infact an UNreasonable arseumption from perspective of available information.

Stalin went Ribentrop because Hitler’s intellectual brother deferred and delayed signing any defensice agreement with Stalin wrt to threats from H himself.
Sheetload of data explaining that Stalin needed a few years to arm-up and he’s done an excellent job by producing MIL stuff away from the eyes of the immediate west to USSR. It paid back well. In fact, if H was not as idiot, he could’ve left the Drang nach Osten for after he cemented his western flank of his Reich. Alas… hatred of Choo-Choos and Slavic people took the last traces of his of otherwise very little soind judgement.


Why a little known Journalist named Freda Utley remains one of the greatest threats to the post WWII narrative…


But we’re the good guys…

Last edited 11 months ago by Stewie

someone needs to invite this woman to post here


ive always liked the Chinese they’re incredibly based


Fuggin North Korea tier now.


Put the southern cross where the star is, we have our new flag if and when republicanisms occurs.

Meghan Markle is a Jewish psy op.


Asian women are the masters of this

without the makeup and filters they all look the same

A fly in your ointment

So which one has 2 points more?

To me they both look blonde/brunette.


And I personally find the one on the right more attractive. The left one hides all imperfections and also all positive attributes.
The left one makes me feel nothing at all. Just like miss Piil. There are no factors catching my subconcious interest.


PS – do you notice that the eye on the right is set significantly higher than the eye on the left?

Not until you pointed it out, but it was probably one of many contributing factors to my general feeling she wasn’t all that attractive.
When men look at women they get an innate opinion of attractiveness, there is no need to analyse. Presumably the same is true of women looking at men.


Im guessing that there is at least a 2 point difference in score perceived in these two photos of the same person.

So which of those do you think actually gets the 2 point boost?
Makeup does very little to effect most of the underlying biological drivers of attractiveness, the stuff that many people don’t even consciously acknowledge to themselves.
This is probably a significant contributing factor to the inability of women to rank themselves in attractiveness to men accurately.
I will concede that attractiveness of men to women may be influenced by it, as I don’t have the ability to know.


You understand that the point of the app is to meet up in real life, and that the outcome in real life is ultimately what people are complaining about. The apps merely produce easily measured data.
The situation was virtually the same amongst my friend group out of high school. A few guys had a string of girlfriends and the rest had virtually none. No apps in sight. It’s not a new phenomenon.


I understand the complaint to be that all women only care about looks to the point that they’ll all fuck handsome child abusers.

And I’d call that a strawman.

Women only fuck attractive men regardless of their own attractiveness is the argument.

Until you pointed it out I had no idea child abusers were part of the discussion at all. What the child abuser profile proves is that they don’t even read the profile, not that they are attracted to child abusers.


And you are arguing they are completely wrong. I;d say the truth is closer to their position than yours.


lots of balding (or bald), weak jawed, non-hunter-eye men are happily married to lots of perfectly attractive women. quod erat demonstradum

And lots aren’t. Your generalisation trumps theirs.


Given the huge following they have there is enough truth in the message.
Nothing is ever absolute. So if your argument is absolute thing is not absolute then i’ll say, no shit so what.


then they build this massive pseudoscientific edifice supported by spurious “evidence” over it.

Perhaps an inevitable response or reaction to the anti male pseudoscientific edifice that has been pushed in the mainstream.


Until you pointed it out I had no idea child abusers were part of the discussion at all. What the child abuser profile proves is that they don’t even read the profile, not that they are attracted to child abusers.

no one thinks they are attracted to child abusers, just that they are willing to let horrific shit like that slide if the person is hot enough

its relevant given how many times everyone is told how important your personality is

if you looked at some of the replies to the atomic blackpill profile you can clearly see they did indeed read it, they reference it in their messages


Yep. Can’t have sex with a personality can you.


Make-up makes a huge impact on attractiveness

If it didn’t no one would use it


becomes considered socially attractive, 

I’d say that what society considers attractive has much greater influence on female-female non sexual interactions than mens opinions of what they find attractive.
Being thin has been considered attractive for a long time but really doesn’t seem to be born out in mens demonstrated preferences.


Makeup is predominantly worn for other women, in an attempt to gain social status.

If it didn’t no one would use it

is a really poor argument. There are entire industries selling things that don’t work at all that people use.


makeup is practically worn by all women

looks could be understood on a relative scale as well so if everyone is wearing makeup, the effect it has on the variance in percieved attractiveness is close to 0


That statement I also think is true

But it’s primarily made to attract men

Which it does


I think it signals to men that you are available and interested. The same as dressing “slutty”.

That is different to increasing attractiveness.


On another note just thought I’d voice my support to doogie houser CEO. Specifically his comments relating to the overentitled tradies needing to face higher unemployment rates. Prick gets a lot of stick for his avo on toast comments. But i reckon he is 100% bang on this time, half the spastics on site shouldn’t even be allowed to collect the rubble and put it in the skip. Don’t build now. Lolz.


Tradie unemployment is not going to happen while the mass immigration model necessitates massive housing and infrastructure construction

Properties built during booms are often shit, Australia has been in a boom since the early 2000s


I agree . But I didn’t expect it to be as shonky as it is within non residential commercial development sectors. Its embarrassing the quality of the new stuff I’m seeing come through, makes me wonder why I fucking bother.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Most of them with a 20 year lifespan, meaning that there are going to be a lot of homes that are going to need “fixing” or replacing comin up in the next few years too.


I can handle the Red pill / Blue Pill discussions
But ffs what’s with all the Black pill and Dog Pill bs on Ezfka
Seriously it’s disturbing

Aussie Soy Boy

Just having some fun I don’t believe the dogpill stuff.

The dog culture is out of control in this country though, and it’s hard to feel sorry for people chewed up by their pets because no doubt the same dogs are allowed to run around the local park off their leashes.


Maybe just havn’ some fun but most people read this stuff and the only thought in their head is: how do I get the F out of here?
That’s just the way it is


i think you are speaking on behalf of hypothetical people here, all the people for the most part who have ever commented on this site still continue to do so


MB had interesting and informative highly diverse discourse, until they worked out they couldn’t make any money without selling product based on their economist credentials and had to banish anything and anyone giving even the slightest hint they may not be economist gods on earth.
Bland and boring is the result of that banhammer party.


any money with selling product based on their economist credentials.

I didn’t say it was a good plan…

A fly in your ointment

…when they finally work out that they can’t make any money with selling product based on their economist credentials.

that will never happen, net even if Bleat V.O decides to split the Davo Llewdo-Shit and he goes penniless. It will be someone else’s fault. Putin and Xi maybe, for fornicating on his King ($)
His handle should ne Delusional Economist Delusional are inherently unable to see their delusion.


The “Delusional” titles was already taken, and even he left that shitshow.



*title. Edit feature is borked.

A fly in your ointment

Dumb and Dumber?

A fly in your ointment

…they couldn’t make any money without selling product based on their economist credentials and had to banish anything and anyone giving even the slightest hint they may not be economist gods on earth.

well said.


agreed MB is so boring, they’ve completely lost the plot
and the comment section sux. I give them less than a year


I gave them less than a year many years ago.

Gruppenführer Mark

Here is a provocative thought…

Say, Bleato showed up here and offered regular personalities of this masthead a free MB membership for a year, to liven up the discussion.

How many of youse would take it up, knowing the curbs on free expression there?

And before anyone accuses me of it, no, I’m not associated with MB.

Gruppenführer Mark

😀 Not selling shit, just shit stirring.

Gruppenführer Mark

Djenka, eh?


When the bread is stale it doesn’t matter what price you sell it for, most of the time you can’t even give it away, beacsue in the end it’s still just stale bread. There’s not much demand for stale bread.


We provided the discussion or free. They didn’t want it.
I could still comment there(possibly, I might still be banned) if I wanted to but just don’t go there. A free membership isn’t likely to make me go there. If they want to offer me a salary to point out there idiocy on the other hand.


This is a disturbing place.

the arborist

Disturbing the comfortable. Comforting the disturbed.



Asked if she had any concerns about foreign interference from India on home soil, Wong replied: “I think Australia is a robust democracy and I think the Indian diaspora has a range of views and we have made clear … that the peaceful expression of different views is a key part of Australia’s democracy.”

What is actually the point of asking these people anything

They never answer any questions


that the peaceful expression of different views is a key part of Australia’s democracy.”

unless its about immigration/the voice/vaccines/lockdowns etc


its like theres core policy that is completely off limits to discussion or alteration and malleable policy they dont care about as much that we get to vote on


Yep. The things that matter the most to improving the lives of the average citizen, are almost totally off the table for discussion.

Instead we get to discuss and vote on increasingly trivially important things. Yay!


eah and people seem to love it look how fired up they are over the voice


My prediction is if the voice get up it worsens the lives of the average citizen, even if only a small amount. Does that make it worth worrying about?


approved views is implied but not spoken…


Fairfax has to have the most vapid and bloviating articles in the country.

The housing minister. Grew up pov now has multiple properties just like Albo.


I should be slapped for even visiting Fairfax

A fly in your ointment

Grew up pov now has multiple properties just like Albo.

but isn’t that a real Cinderella sorry?
Was in deep poverty, went into “politics”, followed by rags-to-riches…


Yeah that’s the point.

While under Albo house prices gone up by what? 20%? So it’s pretty offensive to anyone who isn’t retarded.


a real Cinderella sorry?

Yep, a fairytale to placate the masses.

A fly in your ointment

and indeed it is a fairy tale in This Pond.
Ask your Uber driver.
It is also indicator of the looming decline of economy and society.


Yeah she’s certainly above average looking. That’s always gonna be a huge advantage, especially when you’re a woman and all you have to do is look good and the guys come to you and you can just hang there and pick and choose like you’re a kid in a toy shop. Don’t have to waste your time working on game and walking on egg shells and all that garbage that guys do.



man smoking in australia must be an obscenely expensive habit. who can afford to do this and why would they

how hard is it to get away with growing your own tobacco


I thought they mandated those gross graphic medical images.
Although extreme taxation is only second to outright prohibition to build a flourishing black market.


arbitrage at work.


there are, they are chinese packs i find them all the time. double happiness is the one you find the most

people are clearly getting them from somewhere


Double Happiness 12 dollars a pack at a place on the goldy. They even advertise the price outside the shop. Based.

Aussie Soy Boy

Haha you get a discount for killing yourself. Way to go champ


Why shouldn’t I? Bet I’ll still out live soy boy poofs like you though.


jeanne calment was a life long smoker


And yet every pack of cannabis seeds I try to get sent from abroad don’t make it through cuntoms

They must have some serious xray scanners. Yet this.


lol, the seed senders are just telling you they sent them…


Nah, whilst abroad recently i may have seen proof that they were sent by a few different methods or may be I didn’t. But up until about five so years ago all orders from online seedbanks arrived. Common problem I hear now.


Possibly drug dogs. Tobacco has obvious problem as a target for drug dogs.

Aussie Soy Boy

The same morons that smoke own big dogs and gas guzzler 4WDs.


People that own 4WDs are people that like the idea of being brave but never are. Yeah pay $100k for a land cruiser and go glamping. So tough.

Smoking is genuine risk taking behaviour.


Smoking is genuine risk taking behaviour.



Smoking is thinking you’re cool like its the 80s still, but it’s actually shit and everyone hates it



Bloke from AMP saying immigration needs to be reduced to 200k.


Yeah. That’s confirmed by the “we’re just catching up” spin.


If the Banks don’t get system credit growth over their rolling average funding period the ponzi collapses.




this is the real power of this approach, once they reduce it all criticism of immigration will isappear again like it was 2019 all over, relegated only to wildernesses like this place, RWtwitter and MB

if it is ever again broached theyll just point to how theyve massively reduced the post-covid spike rate and that’ll be the end of that. business as usual nothing to see here

all we can do is lose


I don’t think so. Every Anglosphere country is pumping immigration, fucking Australia of all countries isn’t going to be the one to diverge because… why? Democracy? Even if LibLab dies, it would be simplicity itself to put up a Meloni here to say that they really want to cut immigration but it’s simply impossible.

It’s balsy for AMP to put this out but I don’t believe it automatically means that there’s some sort of policy change coming

For one thing, that would require admitting that immigration causes housing to be unavailable which would dog pro-immigration pollies forever after that.


the article is predicated on the assumption that they will actually drop the rate

if they do, thats how itll be treated

the pump pump pump might still continue anyway


You need to let go of hope stagmal

Nothing is going to change this policy


i think it would be preferable if they keep the pump going as hard as possible

at least theres some remote possibility of accelerationism at an obscenely high rate

if they dropped it to 200k you get the same result in the end but nothing politically will ever be done ever, 0% probability of any change



There might be an uprising at 1M or so

Perhaps by the migrants themselves when they realise they were fooled

It’s plausible that we’ll get there, especially if it appears that the housing supply might catch up such as via the states taking over planning, then there’ll be an excuse to pump even harder


life is still too good for most ezfka units for anything like to happen

it took a disasterous unprecedented war of attrition for lenin and his cronies to take over russia and it only succeeded because the germans gave them the keys to do it

any sort of aggressive immigration restrictionism in a cornerstone anglosphere country like australia is at very high risk of being nearly instantaneously soros’d


Communist Poland fell from a lot less than what it took to take down Tsarist Russia

I think the US would fall a lot sooner than Australia though

We would probably be one of the last Western countries to have a revolution if it was one of those ones that spreads around like in 1848, still an asstonne of family wealth in this country to give the masses a reason to protect the status quo


Need immigrants to spread the word:


Didndonuffings picking on Pajeets almost singlehandedly did more to slow Indian immigration than anything Hanson ever did.


So he went back to the Caribean and made enough to go back to Canada to buy 2 properties cash. I’d like to know how.


we need a battle of dijon down under


Nothing will change until people start dying, either the elites or their catspaws politicians.


Opportunities are available in all walks of life in Australia
So if you’re young and if you’re healthy, why not get a boat and come to Australia?

The chance of a lifetime 
You get what you work for 

Nobody has to be any better than what they want to be

No class distinction 
No drug addiction

Nobody’s got a chip on their shoulder 
We’ll surf like they do in the U.S.A. 
We’ll fly down to Sydney for our holiday 
On sunny Christmas Day 

No one hesitates at life or beats around the bush in Australia 
So if you’re young and if you’re healthy, why not get a boat and come to Australia?

Everyone walks around with a perpetual smile across their face 

Everyone gets around and nobody can ever get you down 
We’ll surf like they do in the U.S.A. 
We’ll fly down to Sydney for our holiday 
On sunny Christmas Day 

Roger Dodger

Nice work Canuckdownunder


I recently discovered this album Arthur by the Kinks.


It’s 50+ years old and a satire on the decline of British society, but I swear you could convert it word for word into EZFKA the Musical! especially with songs like Brainwashed and Shangi-La.



very interesting to watch how Dan Andrew’s handles journalists

he’s a bully basically

says nothing of substance but demeans his inquisitor

it’s very impressive

A fly in your ointment

Andrewstan citizens deserve a dicktator they have.
He is a reflection and a consequence. It is obvious that they love The Fuhrer fornicating them from every angle into every orifice of their life and then brining in his mates for a gang bang party.


Andrews gets a free hit because the political journalists in Victoria are idiots.

Best example is the “brackets” Baxendale edited transcript.




Why do these central bank homosexuals constantly flag future hikes but not actually just hike in the present?



Because actually raising rates increases the amount and velocity of money

the psychological effects may be deflationary but the actual effects are inflationary

this way you get the good without the bad

A fly in your ointment

I admire people who can so profoundly and persistently retain blinkers and maintain tunnel vision. Life is much simpler and happier when one is unable or unwilling to see the full picture.
Yeah, raising IR is inflationary, when IR are raised but insufficiently and below the actual inflation Because IR below inflation rate are always stimulatory, even if inflation is 1% or 0%


The irony

A fly in your ointment

…said the man who opposes masks vehemently but supports enforcing high risk experimental genetic treatment for every person


Real rates are a concept beyond comings comprehension.

Perhaps related to the inability to process abstract concepts as discussed previously.


This from the bloke who doesn’t understand what cumulative or excess means

real rates were negative for more than 10 years and inflation was sub 3%


real rates were negative for more than 10 years and inflation was sub 3%

That statement proves absolutely nothing , n 1991 interest rates were in the teens and inflation was 3%

And that graph absolutely cannot represent cumulative in the way you claimed as it DID NOT START AT ZERO.
Don’t blame me for your presentation of bad data

Why does sweden still have an excess of deaths? All the people who died of covid were people in nursing homes and similar. They would have all died by now anyway. Why has the cumulative excess not gone back to zero?

A fly in your ointment

real rates were negative for more than 10 years and inflation was sub 3%

it is not a one way street moite, each can affect other, Mr. Blinkers

A fly in your ointment

say wut nigga?

A fly in your ointment

This from the bloke who doesn’t understand what cumulative or excess means

maybe, maybe not
from your graph all of us except you learned that jabbadabba caused a massive surge in cumulative excessive deaths (aus, coincides with forceful inoculation) and that let-it-rip (swedish smorgasbord) will cause long term elevated excessive deaths, 3+ years and counting.

Ironic Boomer

Jawboning, they believe, is one of their policy tools. Serious.


I tend to agree. Its obvious rates should be 1% higher at least if they were serious about inflation, but it seems every central bank governor specifically the fed is shitting themselves about actually following through further on it.


but it seems every central bank governor specifically the fed is shitting themselves about actually following through further on it.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say because the whole banking sector collapses if asset prices start freefalling, and we have stagnant wages, high inflation in essentials. pumping interest rates too far will trigger freefall and it won’t be easily reversed.

Gruppenführer Mark

I still think that there are tools left in RBA toolbox even if the inflation remains persistently high and rates need to go further up.

I do not believe that migration will be dialed down by the government, as it directly benefits those who control the government. The key to maintain a high is to consume ever increasing quantities of the drug of choice. Future migration increases may get dressed up as something else (like we now have “skilled” migrants and “temporary” students), but in reality it will never be reduced. Unless, of course, people wake up, which is as likely as the government reducing migration.

The RBA is yet to go down the Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae path. This can be created at a stroke of a pen, under-performing loans can get gobbled up and offered a low interest rate, with banks bailed out and loans payable to Feds.

Hell, we are yet to go down the path of 30-year fixed mortgages.


immigration will follow interest rates down.

maybe back to recent levels, not anywhere near 0.


I just counted 130 rentals available in Chatswood. Is the “rental crisis” really a thing? Or just fear mongering to

  1. Get Labor out
  2. Get FHBs and investors to buy

Like and subscribe. At least until I get accused of rape and get unpersoned ala Russell Brand.


what income is required to be able to afford those rentals?
It is a shortage of affordable rentals.


$700-$1k for a unit. Pretty standard for Sydney I think.


per week?!




Yeah we need citizen reporters on the ground who knows what’s really happening. I can’t be bothered driving around on a Saturday going to rental inspections.


so that only viable for 3-to-a-room migrant worker clientele

Only for those forced to work for normal wages.



A fly in your ointment

Mike “the 1 billion illegal workers in Aus” MB???
Effin LOL 🤣🤣🤣

A fly in your ointment

Like them minuses coming. It means your ointment got a fly in it.
Mike is a dope, in all the meanings of the word.
The most amusing part of his posts is that he pulled the numbers out of an arse and those with shaky theories just clutched to his numbers like it was a saving straw.

IIRC, in one of his rants someone calculated (as per his numbers) that about every 4th person on the street was illegal somehow.


“The most amusing part of his posts is that he pulled the numbers out of an arse and those with shaky theories just clutched to his numbers like it was a saving straw”

le irony

A fly in your ointment

really? How?


Now that is genuinely fine work. Chapeau! 😊👍


3 to a room is a luxury. Surely they can go 8 to a room with bunk beds and strict day or night sleep schedules.

Gruppenführer Mark


Here you go! How many do you reckon an astute investor can cram in there? 7 bedrooms * 8 ea * $200/wk is $11K/week cash! 4 years and the “investment” is paid for! Plus lots of unused space with 3 living areas & 3 dining areas. Can probably dial this up to $15K/wk at a minimum!


$700-$1k for a unit. Pretty standard for Sydney I think.

And there lies the problem…


Between 2 not so bad.


Using our salary calculator, we can determine that the average Australian gross salary of $94,000 per year translates to a monthly take-home pay of $5,925. On the other hand, the median before-tax salary of $65,000 per year translates to a monthly net income of approximately $4,344.

An entire salary to rent a unit.
Not so bad is not the phrase I would choose.


Yeah it’s shit but the prices have been for decades. I’m mainly saying that maybe the focus on the rent crisis is overstated to get Labor out.


I see people living in rest areas when travelling on the highway. People living in tents in the park when I worked in the CBD.
The rental crisis is understated to enable the continued immigration and house price inflation.


120 in Zetland. Although expensive and looks like designed to appeal to fucken Chinks.


Lots of grey and silver and “city views” a long way away.


mr orphel could be to MB what ER was to PUAHate



holy fucking shit


Business may be unable to bring foreign tradies into Australia under the Albanese government’s new fast-track visa rules, amid pressure from unions to save high paid blue-collar jobs for local workers.

But not all high-income workers will necessarily qualify the highest-skill tier of the new system, The Australian Financial Review can reveal.

The government flagged moves to exclude skilled tradespeople from the high-income tier, even if their proposed salary is above the required threshold, sources involved in the consultation said.

oh my god i am fucking fuming right now

fuck the unions and the ALP


yes lets throw open the borders into a housing crisis

but not to people who can build houses

The level of dysfunction in this country is fucking out of control

A fly in your ointment

Let’s vote them out and vote another cnuts in, because historically this worked…. nah, I’m just joking, it’s easier to blame the later days immos and deflect from the real decision making cnuts.
There’s a squirrel over there… sorry, must go



tradieocracy confirmed


Makes me sick. Thing is any fuckwit could do 90 percent of what tradies do so if you opened the gates that would be it for them.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Very true, I work in IT but rebuilt my house myself, the only trades that I got were those that I had to i.e. plumbers, who I had to assist anyway and sparkies, who TBH were worth every cent.


Australia is in the terminal stages of capture and corruption

It’s OK though

Harder to run the ponzi with fuck all tradies to build with



It’s not enough to bring in a million per year

A fly in your ointment

That’s just so that price of the main Aussie Oi Oi export (houses for unbleachable dirty money) retains the level.
Wait until prices go the way of everything that went up but had no wings


I mentioned it a few times on MB that ACTU represents Tradies and that cunt McManus is misrepresenting every other industry each time she opens her mouth. These actions should make it clear even to the peasants she pretends to represent.

A fly in your ointment

The study conducted by the Florida State University College of Medicine, published in Scientific Reports, examined the effects of aspartame on male mice.

It’s the same mice they tested covid jab so it must be valid?

Calling Stagmal, paging Stagmal, please report to the reception for a comment


its mice but ill believe it because i drink gallons upon gallons of sugar substitute soft drink and i am a fucking retard


Would it be innapropriate to point out that diet coke is a chick drink…

Reus's Large MEMBER

I always laugh when the chicks order a burger with the works and super size the fries but think that a diet coke is going to stop their lard arse getting bigger

A fly in your ointment

Not only the chicks.

Some here said that aspartame gives them a chance to have unlimited flavoured soda guilt free.


Yup, it’s all in the marketing. They knew men avoid Diet Coke, so they came up with Coke Zero.


they do taste differently though

diet coke is an older formulation and still has that old chemical taste that a lot of the OG diet sodas did

coke zero is a more modern formula and food science has advanced quite a bit since the 80s so it tastes a lot more like normal coke

Aussie Soy Boy

I always just assumed it was terrible for people to have that chemical in their body. I basically drink water, coffee and alcohol.




yep, everything causes cancer.


alcohol mainly but artificial sweeteners may


Same although I have a weakness for a glass or sometimes two glasses of OJ, which has way too much sugar in it.

I honestly can’t understand the appeal of soft drinks apart from the sugar. The taste is just foul otherwise and never provides any refreshness to me – particularily on a hot day or after exercise nothing beats cold jug of water.

Despite my warnings my brother drinks large amounts of diet drinks, pepsi, coke, etc. Despite exercising about as much as I do his cholesterol is through the roof (he doesn’t listen to me on seed oils either) and he gets lost going to the dunny.


Sugar is fine as long as you have the adequate fibre intake to match

Seed oils are terrible but mainly mono and poly unsaturated fats.

Saturated fats tend to raise cholesterol in those susceptible


josh frydenberg is now the asia pacific chairman of Goldman Sachs

they’re not even trying to hide it anymore


ZOG pacific oblast


Not as blatant as PM Abbott’s plea for big mining to reward Ian Macfarlane for everything he has done for them.


So we have a new Prime Minister then, Josh has finally made it.


With all the incel talk this week I thought this was a good sledge:



There have been a few hard fucked by that! lol



In recent months, Canada began pushing its closest allies, the members of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing network – the United States, Canada, Britain, Australia and New Zealand – to raise Nijjar’s killing with India at the highest levels of government and issue a joint statement condemning the act as contravening international norms, said a Western official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of diplomatic sensitivities.

But several countries, including the United States, demurred, fearing a diplomatic backlash from the Modi government at a moment when India was due to hold a lavish coming-out party on the international stage, the G-20 Summit in New Delhi, the Western official said. Instead, the alleged assassination was privately raised by several senior officials from the Five Eyes countries in the weeks before the summit, which took place on Sept. 9 and 10.

Does Turdeau really not understand the game?

He seriously thinks Albo and Biden give two shits about a Sikh troublemaker getting wasted when it comes to the globalist dream of being tight with India?

Incredibly embarassing for him. EZFKA understands politics better than the Canadian cabinet. He better turn back on this bullshit unless he wants to lose his hard-won mass Indian immigration.

He might get a few more Sikh votes out of this, but at the cost of turning Canada into the sick man of the Anglo globalist community.


The FBI under Merrick-Garland’s leadership spied on traditionalist U.S. Catholics from coast to coast, new evidence reveals

‘May I answer your question?’ Garland said before appearing to tear up again.

‘The idea that someone with my family background would discriminate against any religion is so outrageous! So absurd!’ he said behind a cracking voice.

The Jew cried out in pain as he strikes you.

Because Jews have no animus towards other groups and once in positions of power won’t use that power to persecute or change acceptable cultural norms to suit themselves…




australia’s fukt housing getting noticed internationally

nothing gonna b done