Australian man returns to normal mode of not giving a fuck about womens’ sports after Matildas eliminated from World Cup

An Australian man has expressed his relief at the Matildas being eliminated from the World Cup, as he can finally go back not giving a fuck about women’s sports.

Dave, from Brisbane, knew that the support for the Matildas was contrived bullshit from the beginning and was looking forward to peace and quiet from NPC’s in the workplace droning on about the ‘Tillies’ and shitty Betoota Advocate articles advocating the same.”

“This whole World Cup thing is more astroturfed than the current YIMBY campaign in the property market,” Dave said. “No one actually gives a fuck about women’s sports. The blokes watching it are just having an uncle merv anyway.”

“If they wanted to make it interesting then they should have thrown in the under 15 boys side they lost to years ago. Or at least cross down to the changerooms after the game for the scissoring, no-one gives a fuck about lesbians when they’re kicking a ball.”

Dave said he also looks forward to no-one attending the W-League or AFLW as usual.

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Old Timbo over here shitting past 5 years of Betoota dross with one post.




Looks like a pedo.


ignoring the upside down head – look at the rotten teeth and scraggly beard – what is it with these leftist “males” and poor hygiene, surely it’s political to wash and take care of yourself?



He’s literally Soyjak


What a tosser

Gruppenführer Mark

What’s more, it’s morally questionable for existing residents to exercise a veto of extending the privileges of our country to others.

What people say in polls != their best interests, too.

Errrrr, two questions about the author of this drivel.

  1. Anyone knows where it lives? So I can move right in, since it’s morally questionable for existing residents and blah blah blah
  2. Can it tell us when was the last time people got asked the question about anything immigration-related in polls?

Love it when a little bitch like this talks about “morals”.


Muh the Diversity is gut Ja!

In Berlin hundreds of Arabs (?!) attack Police for arresting one of their own for sexual assault.

Gruppenführer Mark

Says “seite existiert nicht” for me. Did they pull it down already?


Should be there.

This guy is doing his best to highlight the immigrants wrecking Germany right now:



Capture - Copy.JPG

to be fair africa basically consumes fuck-all resources

the gdp of some african countries are equivalent to medieval europe or the roman empire

its all the more reason we need to stop importing people from these countries


Africans are like locusts – apart from game parks and impenetrable jungle SSA has been stripped of all wild life. Nothing but endless planes of small subsistence farms filled with Africans multiplying ad nauseum.

Instead the media in the west is filled with psy-op articles like this, celebrating the fall in Western Birthrates as a “good thing” for the planet, while immediately backfilling the fall off with immigration from low consumption societies to the high consumption West.

Even worse they’re transplanting these low productivity mouth breathers into our high productive societies. It is elite organised genocide.

When I see someone I dislike and find out that they don’t have or plan to have kids, I laugh to myself. Great, nothing about you is going to exist in the future.

People doubt elites think like that – honestly, for the majority of human history it has been tribal elites plotting to make sure that it is their descendants who go forward into the future. It would be exceptional to think that elites still don’t think that way.

IMHO Westerners are being ‘kettled’ by their elites, and scheduled for demographic anhilation, destine to be replaced by SSA little smarter than a mule, which is the exact function they will serve once we are gone.

The best long term way to fight elites is to breed, any way you can and help those around you who you identify with do exactly the same.


botswana seems like one of the few african countries that has managed to maintain a semblance of decency

its so unreal compared to any country around it i wonder if theres some genetic component specific tob otswanans

ive looked at it on the street view and it really is true, the countries roads are asphalted and clean and therer are some parts where i feel like im in the main street of some regional australian town and its just like what? this is africa?

botswana gives you perhaps — if theres nothing unique about the tribes of botswana (which there could be) an indication of what sub saharan africans could be capable of if they had decent government that made sure to keep some of their more fucked up tendencies in check, but unfortunately its probably not replicable at least for a lengthy period of time

i fear rwanda will also start reverting into anarchy and decay after its very talented autocratic leader eventually karks it, thats the sad thing that occasionally these countries get a decent goverment or a great man at the head of it, but they die and are replaced by an idiot


AI will replace all “non-essential” humans within a century.


So why is Albo importing millions from the third world to EZFKA?


Is that a genuine photo? Hard to tell with a monster like Adern.


She’s gurning pretty hard has she comes down of her pills or blow.


The NZ gov made the right decision.


He needs real estate to go up now, not in 20 years time.


Yes voters handing out flyers near the supermarket. They were being nice of course but it’s not hard to see the seething anti-white male racism just under the surface. Old boomer betas + fat chicks + some half caste.


(former?) embee poster pfh007 fighting hard against the green immigration zealots. Need to get this guy over here.


He did a post here once, but was treated very disrespectfully imho and has never been back.


A shame. I hope it wasn’t me.


He’s got his head up his own arse

stay at mb he fits in there


Nah you’re just a cunt at the best of times bloke


Anyone want to point out Rizvi’s vested interests?


Where da BRICS?

>Brazil’s President Lula shakes hands with Taiwan’s VP Lai in Paraguay. China won’t be pleased!

Gruppenführer Mark

Why? Lula didn’t declare Taiwan to be an independent state. What’s wrong with a handshake?


China gets the shits if you even say the word Taiwan.


The U.S. and Taiwan enjoy a robust unofficial relationship. The 1979 U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Communique switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing. In the Joint Communique, the U.S. recognized the Government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, acknowledging the Chinese position that there is but one China and Taiwan is part of China. The Joint Communique also stated that the people of the U.S. will maintain cultural, commercial, and other unofficial relations with the people of Taiwan. The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) is responsible for implementing U.S. policy toward Taiwan.


Go Woke…




Isn’t this just a function for Australia and most of the west of house prices which declined in 2022 and stock prices? The latter of which has now recovered

The report is correct but the rankings will shift again no doubt every year based on fluctuations of asset prices

Gruppenführer Mark

Hollywood doesn’t seem to do comedy any more. There have been so few truly funny movies in the last 15 years where whatever political flavour of the month didn’t spoil the flick, or where the humour went a bit above the level of fart jokes.

Tropic Thunder, Ted, Ted 2, The Hangover (sequels sucked), Superbad, The Other Guys… come to think of it, these are all 15 or so years old. Am I missing any?

Anyhoo, this one looks very promising. I laughed just watching the trailer. I hope they didn’t distill all of the funny bits into 2:27. Strays.

(43) Strays | Official Trailer [HD] – YouTube


Gotta use dogs though to avoid being woked. Hollywoods gonna be ratshit possibly forever. I can’t even be bothered seeing Oppenheimer.


Apparently Barbie did well but that’s not really art its just a bunch of moles fingering themselves over how much power they have over men now. A victory lap for the grotty vag mafia.


Good old Hervey Weinstein had the jab they couldn’t refuse ey?

Similarly I haven’t seen anything, nothing worth suffering the Karen from HR level of being told what to think.

Already on Foxtel but Bullet Train (2022) was ok.

Makes me laugh all the historical dramas with ‘Scholars’ implanted like we’re supposed to deal with that. Casting Black aristocrats in shows like Bridgerton makes it easier for the white UK elites to ignore they have been so rapidly replaced I guess.


There’s not a single current show worth watching with my daughter on telly, resorted to “Malcom in the Middle” – fuck that is still funny after all these years.

TV and Movies died when they swapped comedy for ‘The Message’.


I’d rather gather some friends and read a script together.

Gruppenführer Mark


Uni days reminder with a large group of mates.

Got lots of beer, printed out the script, gathered around the TV, played a movie on mute and voiced over the lines. Good fun!

Movie was Pulp Fiction


Tennis is alright, the majority are super athletic, based Slavs, and way less of the Anglo dykes and their agendas that dominate most female sports.


Haven’t watched women’s tennis for years. Remember the Williams sisters? Extremely masculine and dominated for decades – boring AF.


More reasons why Albo needs to go, and every simping journalist and Labor shill with him.

His Housing Bullshit Package thing is not just masking the ridiculous level of Immigration he has imposed, but the 1.2 million ‘homes’ in 5 years is complete fantasy.!

Urbis (prof Prop svcs firm) data shows median timeframe for Resi projects >200 units is 4.9 years to get a development application and complete. Add to that the purchase, pre-planning, design, feaso, etc. and any big project is just under 10 years to deliver.

NSW target they have been imposed is 77,000 a year every year for next 5?years. Last year NSW completed 47,000.

Waiting for one faggot in the media to even pick this up…


Politicians spout meaningless shit that has no relationship with reality all the time. They get points at the time, nothing actually occurs and the promises are always immediately forgotten so there’s no downside.

Nobody will remember anything about this in 2 years time.


Meanwhile Vic Planning Minister (Dreyfus’ wife?) just refused planning approval 2,200 apartments at Preston Markets, as well as being sued for refusing a project for 2,000 houses at Armstrong Creek last year.

Dan Andrews will stick his grubby little hand out for Albo’s freebies though.


I never went away from normal mode, apart from being irritated by the stream of PR, which was unavoidable, even for a media avoider like me.

More importantly, do lesbians actually do scissoring? I’ve always wondered how actual lesbians did it, versus fake lesbians in porn movies.


I turned on the car radio driving home from work. It was news hour. Maltidas everywhere. Turned it right off. Never again.


Back in about 2001 was at family in brisneyland for a ny eve thingy and these two birds were scissoring with one using my shin and knee as back rest. They were like a huntsmen crabwalking accross the mezanine. This went on for a couple of minutes on my leg , at least long enough for me to brave up the courage to try to interject into the action. Shot down like a ukkie, the disgust on their faces. Like I’d done something wrong. FMD . Brutal.


Things getting ugly in China




its wishful thinking theres gonna be some collapse there like DLS reckons


muh minsky moment
muh debt deflation

meek will not inherit the earth


ll countries have economic downturns

doesnt meant heyll collapse

even if the CCP collapses and china becomes democratic (lol good luck w that) its too big to not be a geopolitical rival to the usa

the ussrs collapse didnt turn russia into an ally did it


What about when they stop hoovering up our propadee? Although realistically they’re infested here already, kids in private schools, etc. like Lice.




Something very big needed from Xi


a war would employ a lot of youth


That’s a lot more likely, take the proles minds off their shitfull existence. Taiwan anyone?

Seems like a good time for that dementia patient Biden to stir things up in Asia? Then he can send in Hunter to scoop up more bribes.



Hmm dunno feels like I’ve heard this story before from the MB lads

Can’t the government just buy it up and nationalised it


I’m not promoting it. Just an obvious potential. Fuck MB


Yep indeed

The government over there seems to be pretty good at can kicking though so I’d assume that will play out again


Apropos nothing at all, Isuzu are advertising their latest SUV with a scene of a happy couple leaving hospital and putting their newborn baby into a capsule in their new car, to the tune of Fleetwood Mac’s “Go Your Own Way”.

What none of the millenial imbeciles involved with this debacle have apparently ever done is listen to the song, which is an anguished and incredibly bitter recounting of a relationship breakup, starting with the line “Loving you wasn’t the right thing to do”, and getting angrier and more agonised from there.

This profoundly epitomises the EZFKA for me. Glossy style over substance, blended with profound stupidity and ignorance.


But the chorus! Lol

I could almost guarantee that most songs adopted for TV or radio ads have their meaning totally botched for the select hook with the relevant words to be played


Just seen an ad on ABC for a reboot of the classic ABC comedy Mother and Son. Except this time Arthur is Indian, or some other melatonin blessed ethnicity. They just can’t help themselves, the worthless cunts.

To quote my Dad (who is less politically correct than me) when he saw the ad “The ABC has gone fucking crazy about abos.”


what was mother & son


wonder if theyre ever gonna try and reboot kingswood country lol


An old ABC comedy about a nerdy guy looking after his demented Mother.

It was made in a time when making fun of crazy people was considered acceptable. Why they think anybody will watch it today is beyond me, particularly with the blatant virtue signalling of the son being black.

How many white women in Australian are in relationships with black men? 0? 1? Such bullshit.


The original incel

but back then life was so good / easy even he could get pussy

now you need to be a 6’5 chad millionaire


you can predict how fucked society is getting by the number of gyms per capita there are

the arborist

And coffee shops. And arab barbers.


Lol. Fucking Arab barbershop are spreading like a plague in Canberra. I swear they must be fronts for selling drugs.


watched the first 10 minutes and he still hasn’t answered the fucking question

what a worthless grifting poonce

what is the answer


Same, give me those minutes back. Tosser can’t answer the question or give a decent suggestion.

There are Arab Turkish whatever barbers everywhere in Sicktoria too. Money laundering, no tax paying, front for drug dealers, take your pick.

Diversity is good tho.

the arborist

Tough crowd. I didn’t know time was so precious to blog dwellers. Anyway, they got to the point about 7 mins in. The answer is, as you would expect – human trafficking, illegal immigration, slavery, money laundering, drug dealing, etc. All the good stuff EZFKA needs more of. Numbers go up. GDP wins.


Video is fine. Coming is just being Coming.


I always thought barbers are the perfect money laundering business

No inventory to reconcile to and you can just make up your revenue and no one would know


I was in Penrith North England in June, and commented to the missus on how many wog barbershop there were on the high street. I think we counted 6 in about a 500m stretch. It was astonishing.


Money laundering


Noticed how all the latest telstra and optus adds are a little bit spicy?


Their legacy unit customers signed up 25 years ago and will never leave

They’re chasing fresh blood


They think they are the epitome of the arts yet most of what they do is remake old white stuff.

Left alone they’d be hard up being as good as Neighbours.


neighbours had hot babes too

holly valance (who remembers her whoo boy), margot robbie, nicky whelan etc

primo coomer content show


Neighbours gets the hot white chicks, ABC gets the ugly ones.

I don’t make the rules.

Imagine if Your ABC had to follow its own policy and get rid of their white people? It’d be off air in 15 minutes.


Have you seen holly valance recently

she married a billionaire then went bloat mode

bloke got absolutely played


you sure? i saw her like last year or the year before

still looks hot imo but maybe she bloated since


The chicks on ABC are Stunning and Brave at least


click the link

shes a balloon


She stop flying in and out of Heathrow to minimise those injections.


Holley married a billionaire property developer so I don’t like her much.

I liked the Scott and Charlene days of Neighbours. Mrs Mangel was an acting legend. Back in the old days you had to worry about nosey old bitches.


Ha! Mrs Mangel played a similar character in The Sullivans before Neighbours and lived in Camberwell. Kids used to scream abuse at her in the street for fun, poor old dear was just going down the shops but she played that nosey old cow character.

I imagine Tina Arena can’t walk into a government office or walk around Fitzroy and Brunswick either, the Leftard Dan Fans would go mental.


Yeah I remember Kylie Mole used to get mobbed too. I don’t know if people do that anymore, probably not as much

the arborist

It’s all tiktok stars these days. Nobody under 40 watches TV.


Why 33 years exactly? Some cultures believe in magic numbers:

DOJ Wants 33-Year Prison Sentence For Proud Boy Leader Over J6

Federal prosecutors want to toss Proud Boys’ leader Enrique Tarrio in prison for 33-years, and slap his associates with prison terms ranging from 20 years to 30 years, for their alleged role in the Jan. 6 breach, which would make it the longest punishment doled out over the incident if imposed.

Jesus was 33 years old when he was crucified.


They have now become public figures. In jail or out, if they are smart enough, they are now points around which networks can organise.


Western countries act fast to stop the inflow of foreign steel that could possibly harm their industries

But never act at all to stop the inflow of foreign money that inflates the housing market past their citizens’ buying capacity


Suck shit Lezo

men stay winning


Looks like one of those AI generated videos

Complete with freakish proportions


There’s 7 ways of wrong there…




I’m with Martina on this.


I’m a bit slow with this one, but with Justin Trudeau announcement of his divorce then going public with this, that he is a …?


Is he going to say “come here into my van I’ve got a little puppy you can pat?”


‘The Diversity Myth’ 30 years later:


Thanks for this.


Can everyone just stop throwing the bags of flour please…this is getting ridiculous”


that guy is the biggest fucking nong


Talcum X?


looks like LK-99 turned out to be b ullshit

just like that fusion reactor that was announced last year

is there any tech news that ever turns out to be real


Well done to these clearly Indigenous students, no doubt fought hard without the need for lower entry requirements or extra funding, and no doubt can’t wait to get out as a Doctor to their community…




Aboriginals must have more blondes per capita than the Swedes


Until someone can define what an Aboriginal person is we may as well all be aboriginal

Judging by the growth rates of identifying as aboriginal people the past decade people are already onto this con

the arborist

If you identify as an Aboriginal person, you’re not racist anymore. There are loads of other benefits. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t do it.

Gruppenführer Mark

‘Aborigine’ comes from the Latin words ab meaning from and origine meaning beginning or origin. It expresses that Aboriginal people have been there from the beginning of time.

So by this rationale my ancestors are aboriginal people, just not in Australia. I am a multicultural aboriginal person. Does this count?


there are actual blonde aborigianls

they exist in some desert populations, aboriginals indepedently evolved the blondism as a trait

ive never seen it, but its pretty gnarly


Ha! Teal Karens are running a campaign against sugary foods, can’t make this shit up. Angry upper class Mums changing the Tuckshop menu at school so Tarquin and Emily eat properly…

Shrew on the right is looking at that zinger box like the bullied fat kid she was at school.


kfc australia is a fucking gem

i swear on the tombstone of the colonel himself (pbuh) that ill defend the dubbo outlet to my dying breath from this coven of wicked witches


middle could get it



Teal Karens are the ones who turn the lights on and the stereo off, scolding us all.

Going to throw my empties at the front of their Brighton mansion in protest at the Fun Police.


good on them

its fucking stupid and you know its only going to be bogans drinking it
then getting in fights or spewing or leaving their cans everywhere

why not just buy a bottle of fucking lemonade and pour vodka in it

save yourself about 80% of the purchase price

dumb legacy units


> or leaving their cans everywhere

wtf sounds good to me


The sunlight of freedom of speech. They look like year 8 girls pretending to be adults. This is why I wouldn’t write the Libs off.


Seems to be aimed at advertising only.

Labor want a 500k feasibility study first, so will probably not get up.


This is what is considered “Brave” today by the media Zoomers trans Paedos etc. now they’ve slain the real ones like BR-S…

Aussie Soy Boy

Ugly bitch

Gruppenführer Mark


I love reading the ABC for the comedy it provides. For some serious laughs check out this article on Jewface:

It turns out Hollywood is anti-Semitic, and only Jews should portray Jews. Of course if a character is a WASP then anyone can play the role in the name of diversity.


That is awesome, I can’t work out if it’s just a massive joke or not. Wish the writer’s name was more obvious.


lol. remind me of the old joke:

Why do jews have big noses?… because the air is free.


As usual the ABC turning itself inside out to explain why a liberal darling like Bradley Cooper isn’t antisemetic or racist “because” while calling anyone with anything other than a certifiable progressive liberal mindset a Nazi for the merest transgression.

Freddy – I lol when I read that one. Bring back Jew jokes!


Family Guy best Jewish jokes


I call BS. Universities have free medical and counselling services for students – suspect some of these people complaining are just here to work and have never stepped foot on campus.



Fucking go home! China is better so just fuck off.


You’re stuck in a lift with just those two, the Lift Maintenance people say they can only get you out in an hour.

How would you kill yourself?


Has anyone followed this section 3 of the 14th amendment theory, raised by two federalist society lawyers, that trump and a number of other officials are now disqualified from holding office?

At first it seemed laughable, but after taking it more seriously it actually seems to have merit.


Is that when the Leftard starts thinking they’re a Sovereign Citizen?

Pretty obvious it’s part of a massive effort to make sure Trump can’t run. IMHO not organised from the top but just an idea like a cancerous growth, the same way the Left have their “misinformation” push to total Authoritarianism. The Stasi, Al Quaeda, Taliban, etc. all use the same tactics, small independent cells but with the same ruthless methodology.

Since Covid it has been very clear it’s not about the idea or philosophical view etc.

It’s just all about which Team you support. The Left has prospered because it had more supporters, and more who gave a fuck. The right has too many who don’t really give a fuck.

Once you say you’re on a Team, say the Left, it’s then total allegiance.

Hunter Biden can literally snort Coke on the balcony of the Whitehouse and you have to deny it and say “but Trump!”.

Dan Andrews is another case in point, he can rip off billions to give to his mates (30 of his ex Labor MP’s on Boards now), cause 800 deaths in Aged Care, disable a kid riding his bike, sneak off to China for some dodgy unknown reason, and lie about every single thing, and the Team supporters let you go. Not just that, the Team kills any opponent. They have to, it’s their code.


Is that when the Leftard starts thinking they’re a Sovereign Citizen?

If you think the Federalist Society is leftwing and using a section of the constitution that has been around since 1868 is similar to the moronic logic used by sovereign citizens, then sure.


I see that more as an establishment vs anti-establishment thing

There’s nothing really left about Biden, he could easily be a Bush-era Republican. His supporters are establishment drones, not leftists.




Cost to the EZFKA taxpayers is $400,000 per migrant relative they ship in.

Additional costs to EZFKA in terms of sickness and deaths waiting behind these lines of elderly migrants for a GP, loss of opportunities for EZFKA and their kids, loss of any culture etc. not quantified.


And the sheer stupidity of LNP etc to support Albo’s tidal wave of immigrants is here


7% of Indians back One Nation lol

Wonder why


likely sikhs who dont like muslims

PHON’s whole anti migration stance revolves around muslims from what i can gather, all other groups are fine but them


At least its a start.


No it’s not

Because as others have said all you’re doing is hammering the mole which then re appears elsewhere in the whack a mole game

Block Muslims bring in South Asians

Same concept could apply to any other targeted group, they’ll just make up the numbers elsewhere


My sikh colleague mentioned voting for ON. This might explain.


Where did you get that chart? Really like it, but need to validate before I share.


X but can’t recall who?


I’m not sure what this chart is saying

Is it supposed to be NPV split into quartiles

In which case who is other family and why is there so many benefits, is that children?


Imagine if a journo had more than 1/3 of a brain cell and wanted to scrutinise the facts of Dan Andrew’s Comm Games debacle, instead of swallow what he served up to them?

Apart from asking how much it is really costing the Victorian taxpayers over and above the $350m payout his Arnold Bloch Leibler lawyers negotiated?

Fees for those lawyers, Bus Class flights to UK, etc?

Redundancies for his mates like Jermoan Weimar?

Regional Councils and businesses who wasted millions to ramp up and cope with his folly?

In this, he said the Worst case cost for Athletes Village was $250m, now he says >$1b.

General Operations (salaries to mates and lunches with CFMEU?) blowout from worst case of 30%+ or $1b…


First rule of journalism. You can’t be a journalist, can only do what the bosses say.


Yes, Covid showed ‘news directors’ were willing henchmen who toed the party line of pro wacc is good, to question is bad.

Latest joke is Albo not knowing the price of petrol. He wouldn’t fucking know how low his IQ is, so the whole ‘we gotcha’ and his supporters defending him is inane.

The whole point is the actual price of petrol here, weak commodities, tumbling dollar etc.

Albo should be kicked over his sheer economic mismanagement, but EZFKA journos failed Year 10 Economics, that’s why they did Arts degrees…


He was only off by 10 cents

is anyone expecting the prime minister of Australia to actually get out at a BP and pump his own petrol

and his answer was right : the Australian PM does not control oil prices

the bigger story is that his son has an internship at KPMG

absoluteky amazing that it’s only the AFR talking about it
after the qantas chairman’s lounge thing
and the consultants scandal

imagine if it was scomos kids the ABC would be melting down


idk the price of petrol eithher

useless info petrol is a fairly inelastic good

if you need it you need it


Such a pathetic game from the media and their mates who run these moronic politicians.

All treat the EZFKA coupon holders like idiots. And get away with it. Media should be treated like the vermin they are, instead EZFKA jump in front of a camera like Chimpanzees. Wow! I’m on TV!

Albo never declared his son’s membership of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge on the Register of Parliamentary Interests because he knew it was a bribe. No other PM in EZFKA history has done so, not even Malcom Turdbull.

To fail to register his son’s membership is virtually fraud but he will get away with it because they all do. It’s their game. The media is in on it. Not one journo has asked a question about it. Only the AFR dares to mention it.

Now we find out that in 2021 Albo used his connections to set up his son in a job at PWC. Got him a couple of weeks internship.

Turns out PWC says there is no 2 week internship, no program, not open to the public etc. So why would PWC do it?

the arborist

Drago keeps pumping out cold, hard facts.

An angry man on an obscure blog is a better journalist than all the mainstream bilge pumpers combined.


The things is, I doubt this sort of stuff will resonate with anyone who doesn’t already dislike Albanese.

Would be fairly confident that most people get their first taste of work experience through family and community connections so they aren’t going to see this as anything unusual or go out of their way to criticize it.

the arborist

True, but there’s clearly a pattern of behaviour building. The Queertas chairman’s lounge thing stinks. Airbus Albo has already built a reputation as a frequent flyer and the nepotism isn’t making it look any better.

the arborist

Not to mention Leprechaun Airlines promoting Albo’s voice thing.

the arborist

You know the answer. We all do.


So all he got was a 2 week unpaid internship?

On that basis Albanese is a terrible father. At least Abbott knew how to get things done for his kids.


honestly surprised they only managed to get him that lol, couldnt even give him a job?


even better: they got him a job at commonwealth bank


Albo worked at the Com Bank and as his one and only real job, later said it should never have been sold. Imagine what a ducking stale piece of white dog turd it was for him to like it.

Aussie Soy Boy

I don’t mind those African bo-ngs


Lol if you think this is the hill to die on, while these people flood and destroy western cultures.

Aussie Soy Boy

I hope these pom lesos lose. So belligerent and aggressive, this is not the behaviour we want our young women to aspire to.


This is Teal country, upper middle class Melbourne, African gangs robbing bottle shops and supermarkets.

Dan Andrews will deny its a problem and call a racist anyone who says it is.


You can see on a close up half way through the vid at least a couple of them aren’t African


Oh cool. Nice one.


based wog chick

this is why I struggle to believe that immigrants are pro voice


who the fuck is tina arena

the arborist

I don’t know whether to pity or admire your lack of knowledge of popular culture.

TL:DR a woggy good singer born here 56 years ago.


def should admire it

the arborist



whjy does she have such a stupid name

thats not really her name is it

the arborist

Because she’s a woggy singer.


Filippina Lydia “Tina” Arena


she was big in the 90s

the arborist

She’s had a long career really. Not that I admire her or anything, but she’s been at least mildly popular for most of her 56 years.

the arborist

She was born here a long time ago. Can she be called an immigrant these days? And a sample of one isn’t really a thing.

Good to see a Muslim brah call the Tillys filthy though. Muslim brah has committed the ultimate heresy! BLASPHEMER!


Child star singer on wholesome Saturday night kids show that amazingly seemed to escape Paedo scandals. 50 years before those singing shows was this.

Ground out a decent career, but had the temerity to speak out against Dan Andrews for his Lockdowns. The Dan Bots came for her but she still ranted against the fuckwits.

She is on record for saying crazy shit like the Lockdowns are too harsh, they’re just politicians using their power, I’m not sure whether the vaccines even work, etc.

Is amongst the most hated people by the Dan Bots Trans Paedo types. Will now be rolled out for clicks because the Pro Vacc Cookers get so riled up.


i reckon the property writers at smh are having a great time

absolutely trolling all of us

A teacher couple buys a 6.8m house

just lol


jesus 6m

its a nice house but psychologically to me, 6m is like mansion tier or should be


for me its that they throw out there that they are “teachers”

and don’t bother to ask anymore questions or raise any further inference about how teachers on max 150k/yr are affording a $7m house

its not an oversight it must be deliberate

they are taking great delight in the trolling


This is how I imagine the property market in fairyland or Narnia must be



So fuxked up this.

Ok, I’ll bite.

Deposit of say 20% if we’re generous, so that’s $1.36m in cash straight up.

Stamp Duty in NSW I think would be $147k. Add a few other $ of Gov fleecing, legals etc let’s call it $160k.

Mortgage of $5.44m on 30 years at say 6.1% is about $32k per month.

Yeh boi ! Load up !


They’re not trolling. They really are that far up their own arses. Thrilled that they’ve become so elite and all they had to do was be a basic bitch north shore clerk.


If Putin is about to fall, why do 82 per cent of Russians support him?

In West, you have leaders the majority don’t support, who never go away

But in Putin’s Russia, he has 82% support yet will inevitably fall soon


Shocked that Albo isn’t all over this already



Dan Andrews can do that in Melbourne with his Covid camp he built.

Remember those? Palachook was talking about doing one too. Bull Shorten and Albo and some other Labor shrews and shills were all screaming at Scomo to build these Covid Quarantine Facilities urgently.


They were quarantining people with COVID in hotels in the middle of Australia’s largest cities for literally no reason that I can discern, which led to Victoria basically going bankrupt

Only the Northern Territory failed to do this, I assume because there aren’t high rise hotels in Darwin

Those facilities were actually a good idea but only built once it was too late to matter, most likely for the usual reason of Australian bureaucratic retardation

Even in the turn of the century people knew that quarantine facilities for infectious diseases needed to be kept far from population cores but I would say even Aristotelian medicine is too complicated for Aussies


If they hadn’t used the “aboriginal owned” security company , that made large donations to Victorian labor party, then maybe it would have worked very well to do it in hotels

and without the Indian guards


The Curry Muncher Guards who were apparently charging a blowjob from guests in return for drug deliveries etc you mean?

Again Dan Andrews’ specially selected Company that were hired via What’s App, but he still couldn’t recall the details.


“Hey Hun, add me on Snapchat” was the note from a Pajeet guard slipped under a guests door at the Quarantine hotel.

Enquiry noted Indian security guards sexually harassed nurses, and staff had to barricade food prep rooms to stop them from stealing.


Albo’s latest ‘housing package’ (throwing taxpayer cash to mates) includes a performance bonus of $3 billion for States who achieve their per capita share of his proposed 200,000 house annual target…


Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.


im getting out of dubbo this is the last straw

got harassed by that same group of boong kids that spat on me in kfc car park again

was just walking through the park and 2 of the same kids walked up to me and one of them said WANT A WORD WITH YOU menacingly

i just ignored him and walked around them, kept walking

then 2 others followed and they all formed a semi circle around me shouting abuse

i just kept ignoring them but they kept following / surrounding me, one of them started throwing air punches over and over again right in my face and i lost it

so i started running after the one trying to air punch him to grab him then when he ran off i went after another one

then they both started coming back, i grabbed a metal scooter (think it belonged to them) off the pavement and whacked one of them in the shoulder with it like a club

then i ran like hell lol

fmd though now its absolute war since i hurt one of them, its not safe anymore to be here so i prob need to leave


I still don’t understand how you ended up living there in the first place


you were raised in the darkness

i was born into it


Where will you go

obviously somewhere free of aboriginals

you will have to get a job


looking into refitting the back of my car to live in that for a while


The lengths this mf will go to to not get a job




Being in the right does not matter when arguing with a big maori bloke, someone carrying a knife or a gun, a group of lebs, people whose lives will probably improve moving into prison.

Do you need a registered address to receive centrelink payments?

Do what all the young aussie bludgers are doing and move to the Gold Coast. Collect the welfare and go surfing every day.


I think technically they live in Tweed Heads. Not sure if there is a reason for being on NSW side of the border other than cheaper rent.


i doubt you can even order it here

all self defense weapons in aus are banned


It looks like you still get similar things.


Have experienced non delivery of tactical pens ordered from Ali Express so I agree with Stags. No comms from the Fed arsewipes who took it at customs, undoubtedly it’s now in their glove box. Even more infuriating is to know those same arsewipes can’t be bothered scanning 97% of containers at the Port of Melb. Even more even more is when family have been robbed twice in Melbourne streets during the day by Eshays and Africans but the victims would be the ones Vic Pol will shake down for any weapon.

A saffa mate had one of those batons (standard issue for their cops), was awesome.

Fact is all the Victorian gun laws and restrictions on hunting has only seen increases in unlawful gun ownership etc. It had never been more dangerous, there have never been more illegal firearms etc in the hands of Bikies and Lebo drug gangs, as is now in Victoria.

Only solution to Vic Pol failing to make the streets safe for decent people would be for those people wanting to be safe and protect themselves is to make your own.


Tactical pens are great, I have an Uzi and a Smith and Wesson. I went into the local Legear shop and bought them over the counter.

Here’s a link if there’s no store near you.

Best not to take them in checked baggage when flying.


Jim, would be good to know if anyone in QLD has had these delivered?

The seller usually steps back from advising if they are legal or not. Might as well hand yourself in to the goon squad if you ask the authorities what the legal status is too.


Not looking good. You’d probably need a security license at minimum to order one.

**Please Note** RESTRICTED ITEM PURCHASE This product requires documentation or an exemption to purchase.
If you purchase this product and fail to provide us with appropriate documentation for your state or territory your order will be cancelled and you will be charged a $20.00 non-refundable administration fee.”

I might try luck ordering the smith and wesson at some point. At worst some thief working customs gets a nice baton.


carrying anything in self defense in aus is a crime

im getting out of dodge, making all preparations now


Yes. Don’t even try it.

And a big “hello” to any cops stopping by to read this too btw


carrying anything in self defense in aus is a crime

Thanks for the heads up. Definitely not worth the risk then.


I usually take a walking stick with me in my car, and sometimes even when I’m walking. A toolbox with a hammer and a big shifting spanner and a screwdriver might also come in useful in an emergency.

All perfectly plausible things to have, particularly the walking stick, not weapon like, but still very handy.

Gruppenführer Mark

Nordic walking sticks are great for your fitness!


Yes – I have an old car and the 12 inch screw driver rolling aorund on the floor since the last time I needed it when I had to undo the battery for a jump start.


The Tonia Harding walking stick.


Boom Kneeshot!


Home made Pepper spray is pretty easy and cheap, with YT how to vids. People tell me anyway. Plus it’s the manual trigger spray gun that is hard to get right they tell me, nothing beats the aerosol.

Aussie Soy Boy

that stuff is dynamite and is singlehandedly responsible for dropping u.s life expectancy a few years

Aussie Soy Boy

If all the abos in Dubbo get hooked on fentanyl you will be able to take them on 10 at a time.


its how derek chauvin evened the odds



Littleproud says there needs to be ‘mature conversation’ on tax reform



Grattan Institute CEO says taxation conversation needed


Caroline Schelle

Grattan Institute think tank boss Danielle Wood says taxation needs to examined by the government as it prepares to release the intergenerational report.

The next mass-fucking of the working class is on the way. There’s nothing in the EZFKA as menacing as a “mature conversation” on any topic, which always means that vested interests are demanding a bigger slice of the pie.



They’re going to push for a gst increase rather than stopping boomers, with a few hundred thousand in the bank and a >5 million dollar home on the north shore, from getting the pension.

It’s not bad enough that the working class already feel the full brunt of compounding inflation.

Another push to screw the working class is currently taking place within neolib economists: they want to either raise the inflation target or remove the zero lower bound. Both are attempts to run more negative rates in real terms. And in the case of removing the zero lower bound, nominal negative rates too.

The zero lower bound removal proponents also want to do away with cash for obvious reasons.


As I said the other day:

“Income Tax” is farcical – it is like the illusion of Tickets for Public Transport.

The revenue raised from Tickets for Public Transport only just offset the costs associated with enforcement and its associated infrastructure and personnel.

It isn’t to the same extent with personal taxation, but 50% of Australians probably pay tax that contributes nothing more to the Australian economy other than paying for the portion of the Bureaucracy that exists to enforce their paying of taxes.

When it was first levied “Income Tax” was something that only the ultra-wealthy ever paid. But that was under a different cultural paradigm with different elites in charge.

By redefining what is “rich” from someone like Gina Rinehart to your BMW driving Dr Comings is ridiculous. When compared to Gina there is far less relative income disparity between Coming and Stagmal, then there is between Coming and Gina – to Gina we are all dirt poor paupers.

Through bracket creep of taxation, it allows Gina to pretend she only owes as much to Australia as Coming. The biggest losers of Income Tax is the middle class – which is exactly what the elites want.

Because to stops the ‘poors’ from accumulating assets or even worse, accumulating time – time to become involved in the political process and competing against our elites and their puppets in our so called Democracy. The middle class are deliberately made to chase their tails, so they end up too exhausted to participate.

“Income Tax” has simply become another mechanism for social control – it allows wedge politics to exist between the poor and the not so poor. It shifts and realigns spending in the economy in the same way that CBDC will do, only with far less finesse and lazer like precision than what is coming.

CBDC will an abomination, but no less of an abomination than “Income Tax”.


leaving dubbo this week

booking and ready to go


where you going


im gonna make some posts on it so stay tuned


edge of my seat

Aussie Soy Boy



still making a choice but asia or europe are on the cards imo

have to get out now its possible ill be charged soon


how old are you


and have you lost your v card yet


You are not going to get charged for bruising a teenager in self- defence. Different story if you beat the living daylights out of them after they had already submitted.


nah events culminated today and i got questioned by the cops

Aussie Soy Boy

Typical. It’s different rules for boongs.



Aussie Soy Boy

Sydney to HCM tomorrow or Thursday afternoon $200 with Jetstar plus baggage. You need to apply for an e-visa but I think it comes back quickly. $20-$30 per night will get you a more than adequate hotel, could get by easily with $20 per day for food and beer.

Aussie Soy Boy

You’ll need an flight exiting the country but just book a cheap one to Bangkok from Saigon.


think ive found a flight en route to where i might be going it goes to Bangkok first then stockholm then to destination, two stops it takes way longer but idc its only $1000 one way

Aussie Soy Boy

Go relax in south-east Asia for a week or two will cost you nothing.


Don’t be a timid incel like soyboy and try to prey on young Asian girls


still making a choice but asia or europe are on the cards imo

have to get out now its possible ill be charged soon

whohoa, now, there’s something interesting!


From US account Aristophanes on X:

Exactly, it’s this kind of circular argument.

-Tells two consecutive generations that having kids will destroy the planet and glamorizes “childfree” life-

“We need more immigrants because no one is having kids”

“We need immigrants because they’ll do the jobs Americans won’t do”

What they really mean is..

-Foreigners lack generational wealth and thus become fresh debt slaves because they will need things like homes and cars and educations on credit, as well as consumer debt like credit cards

-Foreigners are disconnected from the culture they are new arrivals to, and thus it is easier to teach them to hate the culture the elites want to dismantle and replace (Sherman memes good indicator here)

-Foreigners come from homogenous places and thus act tribally much more easily, which makes them easier to negotiate with as a bloc (see Minnesota Somalians)

-Foreigners are willing to have a lower standard of living than Americans are, meaning even chattel wages doing menial work is an upgrade from where they came from. (And corps have ultimate leverage against illegals in particular, just look at Koch Industries poultry workers getting ICE called on them when they get uppity.. by their own employers..)

-Foreigners come from low trust societies, and thus have no principles to hold them back from very transactional gibs related relationships with power. It’s not like it’s their tax money.

-The cheap labor aspect *requires* a new generation of underclass immigrants constantly flow into the country, because the children of 1st and 2nd gen Americans don’t want to pick fruit and mow lawns, they want to go to college.

While there are exceptions to these generalizations, the exceptions do not disprove the general rule that these things are all true.

What this is ultimately about is creating a cudgel of rootless foreigners to attack nativist and populist sentiments with. Who can be bribed to empower a malicious cultural minority who wants to dismantle what we have and other elites look the other way because they benefit from the cheap labor the most.

If you advocate for pushing locals to just have more kids instead, like Shinzo Abe or Viktor Orban, they’ll engage in immediate fake cognitive dissonance. “But babies kill the planet and you’re a racist and they are asylum seekers and they do the jobs Americans won’t do”

The type of stupid and/or dishonest people who say in the same breath that we need to be able to pay illegal aliens less than minimum wage to pick fruit or it’ll get too expensive for American consumers, but think Starbucks Baristas making less than 70k a year makes them victims of predatory capitalism and minimum wage needs to rise.


Haha. I’m impressed by the autism in the wikipedia talk page. They absolutely hate the man but are loathe to update his death until they can find a ‘reliable’ source. Just because it’s true, doesn’t mean you can publish it!

I am somewhat impressed that anyone takes Wikipedia seriously at all for anything than pop culture.


it’s science articles are terrible imo

jargon filled and completely impossible to read


Was Hitler actually a nice guy in person?

Few men knew Hitler as well as architect and long-term associate Albert Speer….

Say Hitler was early for a meeting, back in the first years when he had just come to power. He’d stroll around a building where a stage was set up. And he’d talk to people. Like really talk to them, person-to-person. A soldier, a fellow veteran of WWI. A carpenter. He’d have animated talks with them, and Speer was amazed by this because many of the top brass of German high society were vain, arrogant, high and mighty figures. Not Hitler. In a restaurant, he’d compliment the chef on a vegetarian dish. Delighted to find out the man who prepared his food was a fellow Austrian. Things like that….He was warm, personable. And he could also be absolutely terrible, too. Especially to people who belonged to nobility, the Prussian elites, generals from “old families”, with old money and “von” in their names.

lol especially with “Von” in their names.

Now check out the 20 July Plot participants.


very nice guy for the most part apparently but very distant

didnt really have any friends from what i knew, he could put on a very charismatic facade but his conversational style trended towards highly knowledgable and verbose monologuing

only known recording of him talking casually here:


You mean there has been this whole narrative all this time about him that no can even question?


He was portrayed like that in Downfall.

banana man

Just had an encounter today, where this afgani immagrant was stealing steel, like 610wb cutoffs and we told him to fuck off and he tried staunching us.

banana man

I told him I was going to punch his lights out if he didn’t get the fuck off the premises and he just sared straight through me. Full Jihad vibe. WTF. I stand at 2m and am happy to box.

banana man

For context, someone let him raid the bin one time and he sold his story

Aussie Soy Boy

Lol at the comments