Looks like the WA government has thrown out the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act/Farm Grab Act but believe it when they actually do it:
“The controversial Aboriginal cultural heritage laws that prompted an army of outraged farmers to rally in an outback hall last month are set to be scrapped, according to new reports.
Western Australian Premier Roger Cook and the state’s Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Tony Buti are expected to make an announcement on the divisive Aboriginal cultural heritage laws early next week, the ABC reports.”
The Voice is also getting crucified with even woke Victoria now opposing:
“The Yes campaign has brushed off another dire poll showing collapsing support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, insisting the referendum is still up for grabs with millions of Australians still undecided.
A new poll published on Sunday put the No side ahead 56-44 nationally and in front in every State and Territory.“
Got to take the wins when they happen. It’s over, run the rigged referendum already, I’m sure the non-partisan AEC will gladly oblige.
It’s easy to be a cynical, black pilled doomer about the whole thing but the WA laws getting binned is a positive happening in my view for a few reasons.
For sure, they will try this shit again and they are trying to essentially legislate the Voice and treaty at the state level of each parliament, Victoria as usual out in front there. On a positive note, the WA laws gave everyone a snapshot of what a federally constituted Voice would look like and has scuttled the campaign on it’s own.
The whole thing is largely a distraction from everything else being blown up in the economic zone by Albo and co – immigration, inflation and Shane Drumgold being a lying cunt.
It also highlighted organised resistance is possible and didn’t require protests or voting, enough people just told them to fuck off with a blatant farm grab, in WA at least. If only Australians could’ve had the same non-cucked energy towards lockdowns, vaccine mandates, immigration and everything else we might arrest the slide somewhat further.
Furthermore, our favourite anti-white wog with a chip on his shoulder decided to blame poor people for not doing what he wants:
“Kos Samaras, director at influential polling firm RedBridge, says support for the Indigenous Voice to Parliament is plummeting among lower-income, non-university educated voters in part due to the “politics of grievance”.
“These individuals are probably not paying any attention to the Voice and when they do they feel like political leaders are talking about an issue that doesn’t concern them. They personally may think it’s OK but increasingly they’re getting annoyed that nobody’s talking about their problems.”
TL;DR A real roundabout way of saying “fuck you poor people.”
When cost of living is through the roof, you can’t afford said roof and you’re being invaded with foreigners, I think there is a legitimate grievance from the working class toward the party that is supposed to represent them.
Or it just could be that they know the whole thing is a scam and no-one actually gives a fuck about Aboriginals, except for some Jewish lawyers in Melbourne led by Mark Leibler and handbags like Dennis and DLS pretending to.
Speaking of which, time to start a DLS taking L’s Twitter account, because between the Brittany Higgins scandal imploding and The Voice it’s looking like an all-time year for MB.
the biggest issue is a sense of premature triumphalism. the long term prospects for people who oppose this shit is currently not good. yes is massively favoured by people under 35 and migrants, and guess who there wil be a lot more of as a % of the population in 5, 10 or god help us 15 years time. i think there’ll be some form of the voice that does get implemented later on and it will come on the back of the date of australia day being changed, something that definitely feels inevitable.
not trying to blackpill here but just remember the demographics aren’t on our side rn. stopping immigration entirely is the number one priority.
But also the longer term you state standards of living are going to go backwards like they are already
So there is a significant issue there too that the young people of today in a decade also wise up to what’s been happening, that their lifestyle is going backwards, and re think their priorities
Just like the consensus has changed so quickly in the past 6 months when times start to get tough
think we’ll all be holding our breath waiting for the ig alleged living standards fall ass backwards thing to matter
the living standards decline thing is already in effect NOW with these young people so why isnt it affecting their voting choices? theyre more inclined to support immigration and the voice etc than ever
plus the immigrant share of the electorate grows every year
dont be blackpilled though, just attack everyone endlessly and never give up
Yep. All out attack is the only way to win. Doomerism achieves nothing and is just a dopamine addiction for many IMO.
Because most of them still live at home and are protected by mom and dad from the rising costs
This. There is an inherent delusion that young people are partially shielded from these issues via the increased normalisation of living at home until their mid 20s and beyond.
Ironically if things weren’t as fucked they’d all move out by 21
The indoctrination at school and Uni is absolute.
Even private schools push the agendas of white guilt, all men are potential rapists, our Climate is boiling, white man bad all Aborigines good, masculinity is toxic, etc.
I see it in my nephews, all school age males who have been beaten down by it. None can question the narrative, to do so and they are labelled toxic and sent to detention.
There is no ability for them to question any more, no nuance because the smart arse on social media can blast you as a racist, facist, tin foil, etc. Young bloke just wants to have fun and get a root, not fight on social media or get canned for having testicles. Blue hair obese freak doesn’t get laughed at anymore, it controls the narrative. Soon that becomes the norm and you can’t think otherwise. Cult members don’t come out easily.
The vast majority of young EZFKA males all masked up during Covid, the only ones with balls enough to question or refuse were pushed to the Right and cancelled. The Doomsday Covid Death Cult ruled. Not worth it.
Yes vote gets a lot of support in the Younger demographics simply due to this brainwashing.
I don’t have a lot of contact with zoomers, but I think there’s at least a hint of rebellion against THE MESSAGE that most gen Ys are utterly consumed by. Kids still rebel, don’t they? Please let it be so.
but the point is that most of the people you’re talking about *are* concerned with the cost of living etc, they just categorically refuse to connect it to immigration at all
the people living at home aren’t insulated from cost of living effects, their entire lifestyle is caused by them
they just refuse to name the actual cause of it
Yes but they’ve been conditioned to blame Boomers. Their conditioning is to welcome those that bring their demise, they want Uber drivers and Uber Eats riders so can’t blame them. No immigrants means no food.
Anecdatally, I heard an unemployed zoomer complaining about racism whilst playing video games all day and ordering uber eats McDonalds.
One of the advantages Jews have is levity. They have a good sense of humour. It’s hard to operate with that weighed down feeling. Hitler should’ve told more jokes.
Why can’t genocide be humorous? They certainly think it is.
It’s their power word – only they are allowed to make jokes about it. It’s like only blacks are allowed to use the word ‘nigger’.
lol don’t think anything will top 2020 as an all time year for MB
everyone got it wrong
Most hoomers still winning. Stock market is shit. Gold/Silver still shit. This millenium can go to hell.
Absolutely guarantee that Albo’s handlers were having heated conversations with the latest WA Premier. The land grab and grifting can’t be unleashed until the Voice gets voted in you fools.
Like a bad Tweet you can hear their desperation, “fucking take it down now!”
It has been generating such bad press that I actually wouldn’t be surprised they were given the call and told to repeal it. In fact that was the first thought that entered my head when I heard what they’d done.
Totally, it was shining a light on what the voice was going to be, the voice will still happen as they will just rig the votes to make it so, they can then re-instate the grift in WA
Drago, in your post on the previous thread you had posted a list of
I tried searching to get a bit more edumacated, but can’t find it. Do you happen to have a link?
Your ABC moved quickly to debunk it, with input from useful idiots RMIT fact check.
Automatically you know something is fishy when they try hard to deny and cancel it.
So these demands were tabled and discussed.
Just like the Uluru ‘statement from the heart’ is only a 1 page A4 document, right?
From Your ABC:
In any event, numerous so-called “demands” listed by Senator Hanson do not accurately reflect the FOI document’s contents.
For example, the suggestion of land tax exemptions — apparently raised in Brisbane only — was not intended to apply to all First Nations people.
Rather, it was suggested as “relief from land tax for [their] businesses so they can employ and train more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples”.
Meanwhile, the creation of a “black parliament” was indeed suggested by a speaker in Dubbo, though it was considered as a way to achieve political representation “other than through the proposed constitutional Voice”.
CheckMate could find no reference to “tearing down statues”, despite delegates at the Ross River dialogue noting their distress in seeing a statue of John McDouell Stuart erected in Alice Springs, which they said was “disrespectful to the … descendants of the families slaughtered during the massacres throughout central Australia”.
Much appreciated. Hard to believe that PH just made all of these up without any basis. So definitely something there to base the demands on.
fucking lmao
i hope bruce ends up with his own show on skynews
Here’s how the meeting went when those self appointed elites were discussing the Voice failing:
Having had the entire Government media arm and most of the mainstream media behind them, social media Leftard trolls and bots, all of the public service and most Councils, Universities and teachers in every school, tens of millions of taxpayers dollars, every major sporting code, etc. and these morons still lose…but they blame the deplorables. Ok bro
I see albo is now proposing a public holiday if the australia wins the women’s world cup
is this bloke mentally slow?
does he not have handlers that can control him?
i’ve never seen a more retarded fucking politician in my lifetime
he’s on an electoral suicide mission
dutton is probably 50/50 next election at the rate albo is fucking things.
just pure retardation that honestly looks like the result of living in a bubble and getting all your feedback from fellow bubble dwellers.
these people are so cut off from reality that they’re lacking key inputs to their decisions making. it’s functionally no different from having a mental impairment.
imagine losing to a guy who looks like a literal demon
if it happens albo deserves to go down as the worst pm ever
Dutton is a proud man from an Ancient Rome mob.
holy shit nice find
Does it really matter for these people if they lose at the next election though? They would have provided good enough service to the mates to get on the boards after, the rest can be blamed on racism.
Other than the lame and poor activists behind this shit, I’m not convinced the political class really gives a damn whether or not the Voice succeeds. It might give them some more opportunities for globalist bullshit if it gets up but there’s a good grift to be had if it doesn’t as well.
Australian politics feels as moribund as Microsoft during the mid-2000s or something, fat, lazy and perfunctory.
Dutton’s stock started rising in my books the moment he sacked that octopus from the Coalition.
To be honest my early impression of Dutton was probably influenced by the way DLS and other commentators poked fun at him.
Interesting timeline here, yet again another murky mess involving Dan Andrews.
His pet MP is facing allegations of alleged serious assault.
Newspaper reports say the alleged serious assault occurred last week, prob Weds or Thurs. The Age knows but instead puts code in its article about behaviour at this time “he was seen disheveled Thursday morning”.
Dan Andrews’ office say they were informed Thurs afternoon, but Dan says he himself wasn’t told until late Friday.
Does anyone (even a stupid simp journalist) think his office minions would sit on that and not inform the Dictator for 24 hours?
Then, instead of referring the alleged victim immediately to police, Dan’s office meets with the alleged victims Saturday afternoon.
No timeline given but the Police are then notified late Saturday.
Dan prob sends his strict instructions to that meeting but wants to keep himself clean so doesn’t call etc. Instead he gets a statement ready to announce the resignation of his pet MP.
Why arrange a meeting with the alleged victim? Why not call them and tell them to go straight to the Police?
Why, if finding out Thursday, wait until Saturday night before referring it to the police? It’s apparently a serious assault.
Vic Pol know their place as bitches to Dan, they will do as they’re told. They didn’t release a statement until Sunday.
Ha ha
the medical profession has become an absolute embarrassment and this bitch is in the vanguard
how much carbon was released to get these women (and they’re undoubtedly all women) to Canberra for their pointless virtue signalling
WTAF, has that chick been eating poo? Look at her fucking teeth!
Classic Doctors Wives Teals.
Next they’re sending Plumbers across Australia Business Class to protest about tea bags.
myer is a bore anyway
There’s honestly nothing sadder than twitter housing bears
this guy has been plugging away for 5 years
who needs to go to a shop to buy things, let alone myer
clothes shopping is most of retail and is never going to move online to any appreciable degree, have you ever tried to buy shoes online its a nightmare and you cant easily return them
women make like 90% of all retail purchases or so and most of it is on clothes and stuff they like to try before they buy
online shopping is overrated as a force imo
I haven’t been into a clothes shop for at least 10 years
even women buy their clothes mostly online
ecommerce is probably the majority of clothing sales now
only boomers left
growing every year up to 2020 and this doesn’t even account for the effects of the scamdemic
thats from the scamdemic, lets see what the numbers look like now
Local Westfield is packed on the weekend and nearly all young people. Boomers more likely to go during the week to avoid the crowds.
But I will partially agree with both of you. There is a growing trend towards trying things on for size at the shops and then buying it much cheaper online.
i don’t see the point i have never found online shopping in australia that much cheaper, amazon australia was a complete bust and i remember the huge disappointment from redditors (who were hyping it up for months prior to its establishment here) about it
I’ve bought all my shoes online for years. Size 11 fits perfectly every time.
I’ve muted them all. Bunch of tools.
they haven’t explicitly disbarred him but it sounds like as good as
absolutely brutal what a fall from grace
Now Bruce’s lawyer is piling on
go off , king
drumgold in absolute disgrace
I guess this is the great downfall of ideologues and in-groups
They eventually believe their own bullshit, and are surprised when everybody else is absolutely horrified by what they’ve been doing or what they’ve got planned
drumgold is exhibit A
Overseasy and the voice is exhibit B
they are both genuinely surprised I reckon by the loathing that the common man has for them and their ideas
De Niro
Housing Bears
By that stage 90 might be the average death age. Heaps of 80 somethings in the US government.
these sov cit cookers are amazing haha
Latest SMH update: “Greens accuse Morrison of misleading parliament over robodebt”
Has anyone outside the most rusted on green/ALP faggots ever given a shit about the robodebt scandal or scott morrison in general
The Australian public surely could not care less
They probably don’t even know what robodebt or the multiple ministries thing is about
Absolutely another example of an ideological/ingroup bubble
robodebt was pretty egregious but yeah w/e it didnt affect that many people
struggle to care about it compared to immigration and the like which affects practically everyone
its a good example of how politics hyper focuses on micro issues to avoid discussing inconvenient macro issues
but it was sriously fucked lol no doubt about it
complete scum program
i reckon it was a decent idea
dole bludgers definitely require more scrutiny
Should have branded it “Artificial intelligence” instead
yeah lets support and fund an entire industry of bureaucratic bludgers in the form of the job active network to police some people on $500 a fortnight
as opposed to something like a job guarantee or just setting up a few state run enterprises and forcing ppl to work in them
nah thatd cost too much but heres another billion or so for ukraine and covid plastic space separators
this is your brain on normie conservatism
you need a deterrant
anyway my point is that almost nobody cares about dole bludgers or what happens to them
well if that’s true why not just have dole bludger concentration camps
think of all the money that could be funneled to the mate$ to build them
i think that’s exactly what we need but we need to have them in the pilbara and put these people to work crushing rocks
at this point you just have to ask yourself.
why doesnt australia just have a job guarantee. why not just force employers to hire people. why does everything have to be done in the most roundabout imaginable way in aus oh wait i know bc the mate$ and various intermediary spongers dont get paid that way.
As a private sector employer I’d rather exploit ethnic students who at least have some kind of hustle and wouldn’t cost much more
The labour of people who can’t even manage to get a job in this environment just isn’t worth the trouble for most
so would you be fine raising the dole to a more livable level, like they did during covid
if you think its not even worth hiring these people bc its allegedly so easy to get a job (despite youth unemployment being 10% and unemployment being totally undercounted anyway due to the statistics being cooked) that seems to be the only humane thing to do
I’d support it if the cost was offset by cutting submarines and shit
Probably wouldn’t be fine with it if the cost falls on the usual middle class tax gimps while all the mates are unaffected
Unemployment in Australia pretty much seems like a phenomenon limited to the extremely lazy. I’ve never known a long term unemployed person who was not either extremely lazy or unusually talented at rorting the system.
i think thats mostly true but the aus labor market is pretty constipated, its prob the hardest labor market to get a job if you don’t have work experience to begin with
if you’re faced with the possibility of only shitty entry level work forever and welfare a lot of people will reasonably pick welfare
I mean this is a country where people make huge money doing shit like mortgage broking
The amount of basic office jobs that make people over $100K in Australia is huge, probably a side effect of the bulletproof economy that leads to these people never getting laid off during economic trouble like they would in other countries
Low intelligence doesn’t cause unemployment in Australia because they’re okay with those shitty jobs, I think if you surveyed dole bludgers you’d probably find that they’re at least average in intelligence and would just rather get enough to subsist than work. I don’t fully blame them for that, it’ll get bigger with time when it becomes clear social mobility died for good in Aus.
The amount of basic office jobs that make people over $100K in Australia is hug
how many?
offioce jobs are like 15-20% of the workforce from what i understand
I struggle with the notion of the “shitty entry level work forever”. Shirley, even in McDonald’s you can make shift manager, store manager, etc. after a few months of flipping bugrers and tossing fries.
It would take a special level of stupid to not obtain additional skills to move up from entry level position in a short order.
Shirley, even in McDonald’s you can make shift manager, store
mate how old are you
it doesnt work this way anymore,might have been applicable decades ago but chances are if this is your life strategy youre going to fester at the bottom more often than not
the way up is by getting a degree and applying higher up most of the time now
get a trade you fag
fuck no
real question: why not
are you physically frail
and uncoordinated af
incel genes my man
too weak to do male oriented jobs, too male to do female oriented jobs
Fuck go to TAFE and get a machine operators license. All I see is fat fucks sitting in shovels and BobCats, with their total energy requirements for the job limited to flicking levers.
Hell some of the cabs are even airconditioned – which I imagine would be an improvement from your sweltering Dubbo flat in summer.
There is a certain zen in operating machinery and driving. Good for introverts.
do you mean like those wrecking ball crew guys that shit looks mad
Sure it does. Someone with zero skills gains skills and can progress, unless a complete idiot. Degree not required. Willingness to work, a bit of ingenuity, and initiative will bring results.
Knocking down CBA cash machines for loose change also brings results, but no skills are gained from such enterprise.
some can, some won’t though and you really often unfortunately do need a degree now bc a lot of the time you wont be considered
obviously the way youre proposing is way way better but the system is increasingly structured otherwise, not doubting its possible sometimes though
Effort and willingness to give it a go beats a degree every time. Degree is good to get the first job, maybe the second. After that degree means fuck all.
Wish ermo was here, I bet he would take a PhD (post hole digger) over any other degree.
you would also have the greens and lefties saying it was inhumane to make people work
it goes both ways
only the AUWU crowd says stuff like that and theyre considered insane even by mainstream greens standards
they all went ballistic when howard introduced work for the dole
wftd is a dodgy low level slavery program that does nothing productive and just waste peoples time and lives, a job guaranatee isnt the same at all
newsflash: most jobs are doing nothing productive and wasting people’s lives
why should bludgers be exempt
so why not give them something productive to do instead that will benefit their lives like
i dunno
a real job
that pays a normal wage
have dole bludgers dig ditches or build roads or some shit.
as opposed to a fake wftd one that costs taxpayers so they can be tasked with busy work that does nothing instead
This discussion was held on some other thread.
Keep dole, but only for truly needed: disabled, mentally ill (psychiatric).Everyone else is required to work a minimum number of hours per week.If a person does not find a job in a certain period of time, say, 3 months, the state will find one for him/her, with a complimentary stay in a state-sponsored retreat, and 3 meals a day in return for a day’s work for, say, 3 months. Any cost for housing/food is then deducted from earned wages.After the end of the initial stint, the person again has 3 months to find employment. If unsuccessful, the state-sponsored retreat time is increased to 6 months. Rinse and repeat.
In current climate of individual over the collective, any leas for people to work for the good of the community will fall on deaf ears.
id be fine with some sort of job guarantee where dolies after a while have to take jobs that are offered to them (hopefully those jobs are specified to their particular skills/preferences) too
thats what the soviets would have done, it ended up pretty well for most people to go work in a radio factory in minsk or some shit than sit around festering all day and going to jobactive appointments
if they refuse, kick them off
Then you’d have to pay them and an Aussie bludger made radio would end up costing twice as much as a Chinese one and be lesser quality.
I mean if globalisation killed off businesses full of skilled and experienced workers then bludger factories don’t have a chance
Of course it was significantly a government decision to let the developed world manufacturing sectors be eviscerated. Germany is doing it right now. I guess in the end a manufacturing sector staffed by high cost labour doesn’t benefit the mates and can’t win out against any woke cause that may arise.
all purely hypothetical like everything that gets posted on this site
wouldnt be able to do any of this without massively recalibrating the way our economy is structured but that’s true for everything we talk about isnt it, including cutting mass immigration
The thing is that we could actually do both, just by cutting mass immigration
itd require us to stop sacrificing everything to the god of gdp and muh economic efficency and actually consider other variables like well being, social harmony, individual happiness and self-sufficiency as opposed to ‘line go up’
could it ever happen given how much it would anger the great economics gods who reign upon us from mount olympus
only problem being that legacy australians are lazy and stupid
we would be more likely to end up like a failed african banana republic than a based axis of evil state like iran or russia
legacy australians are like av iq 99-100 lol
likely to be white propaganda tbh
these people speak multiple languages and build nuclear weapons
Just going back to 60s Australia would land us axis of evil status
60s Australia manufactured plenty of stuff
In this case they wouldn’t be producing radios, I’d imagine. They would be doing menial jobs for minimum wage less food + shelter costs.
Hell, introduce chain gangs while we are at it 😀
The point is to softly convince the unconvinced that employment at will is way better than forced employment with loss of freedom and reduced pay.
Yeah I’d rather give every dole bludger vouchers to spend on Hustlers University or some shit
I’ve thought for a long time that if I had the time that dole bludgers have and getting a real job wasn’t an option, I’d find ways to make as much as an entry level wagie at the very least
The mentally ill should be put in padded cells.
Asian countries let the fuckers starve so you end up with these scrawny beggars with barely the energy to beg for change.
Here we fatten them up like foie gras geese. They’re practically bouncing off walls when you combine a fast food diet, tobacco and ice.
I’m all for UBI. Why would you not want free money when the rich get such a fuck load of it.
If some people dont wanna work who cares, oh noes there’ll be one less retailer to buy shit you don’t need from.
ubi seems dumb but why give money to rich fags
The problem with UBI is that it would end up not being universal as the usual suspects would bleat that the rich and wealthy shouldn’t get it. These are the same people demanding that the dole rate be increased and complaining about Stage 3 Tax Cuts going to the 200k income group is unfair, and I guarantee they would be up in arms if those same high earners were going to receive the same UBI that they would get.
Gouda, correctomundo!
Probably need to package and sell it under the moniker of “Fair Tax”, that had been discussed in the USA for years.
So, everyone gets a check (refund) based on consumption. No taxation on income. But this is a hard pill to swallow, as ever since the income tax system was introduced, governments relied more and more on individual income taxes. In Australia, and elsewhere, individual income tax is the majority of government tax receipts.
With CBDC it is possible to make sales tax progressive based on income scales, and provide instant tax relief by post code… eg turning off sales tax in areas hit by disaster in order to facilitate rebuilds.
Sounds like an incentive to all rush in and buy everything in the disaster area
It will give those who control it a real time heat map of the entire economic spend in the economy – it will also enable them to ensure they strip the maximum amount of fleece from the sheep they intend to shear.
CBDC isn’t the answer though. Flat consumption tax, be it a loaf of bread or a yacht. More you spend, more you are taxed.
Need a system that cannot be gamed, really. No income tax would be a good start, as it takes levers away from politicians to trade tax breaks for favours.
Providing discounts on consumption tax to the rich just can’t be hidden as well, as tax breaks on income.
“Income Tax” is farcical – it is like the illusion of Tickets for Public Transport.
The revenue raised from Tickets for Public Transport only just offset the costs associated with enforcement and its associated infrastructure and personnel.
It isn’t to the same extent with personal taxation, but 50% of Australians probably pay tax that contributes nothing more to the Australian economy other than paying for the portion of the Bureaucracy that exists to enforce their paying of taxes.
When it was first levied “Income Tax” was something that only the ultra-wealthy ever paid. But that was under a different cultural paradigm with different elites in charge.
By redefining what is “rich” from someone like Gina Rinehart to your BMW driving Dr Comings is ridiculous. When compared to Gina there is far less relative income disparity between Coming and Stagmal, then there is between Coming and Gina – to Gina we are all dirt poor paupers.
Through bracket creep of taxation, it allows Gina to pretend she only owes as much to Australia as Coming. The biggest losers of Income Tax is the middle class – which is exactly what the elites want.
Because to stops the ‘poors’ from accumulating assets or even worse, accumulating time – time to become involved in the political process and competing against our elites and their puppets in our so called Democracy. The middle class are deliberately made to chase their tails, so they end up too exhausted to participate.
“Income Tax” has simply become another mechanism for social control – it allows wedge politics to exist between the poor and the not so poor. It shifts and realigns spending in the economy in the same way that CBDC will do, only with far less finesse and lazer like precision than what is coming.
CBDC will an abomination, but no less of an abomination than “Income Tax”.
This post is a solid nugget of gold. Well worth digging through all the dirt to find it.
“Income Tax” could easily be abolished for 90% of people by increasing taxation on the remaining 10%. However it requires control of capital accounts, with open financial borders it “Income Tax” becomes a race to the bottom for elites, consequently pushing more of the tax burden onto the ‘poors’. Another reason why elites push Globalism and fear Nationalism.
Great post sir
Not only is the rate of tax huge on income, but there are so few deductions the average PAYG earner is eligible for.
The tax system is a sham and convoluted, it seems by design to ensure only the biggest pay the least.
Yup – as I said above, it is more about social control now than financing the budget.
but why would anyone want to give bill gates or whoever an extra $50,000 a year. could someone explain why there’s a universal aspect to the scheme at all? is it to reduce the bureaucratic oversight and simplify the progarm
I would say there’s a million percent more interest in Robodebt than muh IOR
This was said in the last discussion too, but notice how you never get Jewish being on the dole?
they’ve got thier own form of the dole in interest free loans from friends.
out of 16 million of Jews in the world today (did a quick google on this), I am sure they can trace their pain and suffering to the original 6 million, so the dole is called something else I’d imagine
The original 600,000 maybe.
The myth of 6 million has been debunked again and again.
PS Bill Shorten is still trying to use his Robodebt debacle but no one fucking cares. Like Scomo, he’s an entirely forgettable person, but with an unresolved rape charge hanging over his head, still singing to his choir of Murdoch hating old ladies. Even dumping his wife to grab the GG’s daughter didn’t help. Never will be PM, and is no doubt looking at his ambassador role then a consulting gig from here.
lolol leith gets a taste of his own medicine
imagine whinging about how chalmers deleted his comments and banned him from the facebook page
when he and his mate did the exact same thing to PAYING members during the scamdemic
lethal leith never deleted msgs or banned people imo it was all DLS and becker
Ok I take it back
still hypocritical that he did nothing about it
but Leith seems a good bloke
hey leith if you’re reading this rn i stil love your stuff you’ve done more to advance the immigration debate than anyone in aus
I probably agree
most of the people that ended up here had to be banned from MB for the greater good tbh
Greater good, lol
Dennis is doing his best to derail it. Pretty obvious of MB bias if they’re going to punt half the commentariat for wrong think but let Dennis and R2M shit up the comments section ad nauseum.
Right on. he’s advanced it all the way to 250k per year. Let’s see if he can now advance the fucker to 400,000?!
Hey now
MB is only responsible for all good government policies
A few more years of an immigration rate of 400k+ and the long term average will be 250k
Id argue Becker is more insufferable and censorious than DLS. Remember the daily anti-trump shite he used to post on Macro Afternoon?
Fat faggots had Trump living in his head rent free.
Davo getting a run in the dailymail
nice headshot too
I counted at least three chins in the headshot
Ah the AUD sub 50 call is back!
Waiting for iron ore below $20 a ton to re appear.
Becker is the worst
He is doing so well at trading, he lives in Nambour.
Go woke go broke
I don’t remember anything good or bad from Becker – no-one ever commented on his posts, completely forgettable.
I went 10% Loews Corp looking for it to take out $110.
its already at all time highs
Should easily take it out as moey rotates back into cheap assets. Has the pipeline business as well.
Kos is getting BTFO on Twitter but what else is new.
One of the best Stonetoss pieces.
All it needs is Mehreen and Osman Fehruqi head photoshopped on.
Dun be raycis
Y not
Albo is as good as gone!
Australia to officially resume use of term ‘Occupied Palestinian Territories’, reversing Coalition stance
wuh woh
cia coup in 5
*Mossad coup
Mark Leibler on the phone right now.
WTF I love Labour now
Just theatrics imho – probably to run cover for some other favourable treatment.
Media will be to distracted neuroticisimg over whether Labor was becoming antisemitic, to notice some other policy largess being bestowed on the chosen ones.
Still it will annoy Liebler… unless he was the one who signed off on it.
Leibler calling Pilbersek in 3, 2..
Some of the rhetoric is getting sharpened. Months of protests and some of the most fanatical forming government might be a bridge too far..
The ONLY good thing about diversity is that it brings in a lot more ethnic groups who are race realists in regards to the JQ.
This must be to win over the Indonesians and other Islamic people in the area.
Good move.
Labor has just welcomed back some Isis brides (‘Good old Aussie ladies’) from Syria. Is this part of the smokescreen?
They are skilled migrants
They picked up a lot of skills in Syria
the guy in the thumbnail pic looks like maxwell smart from get smart
Sometimes the comedy just writes itself.
Look at their eyes
you just know they banged
Just like Covid Bedwetters, Climate Alarmists, this is just another Cult.
They speak in their own Cultish way, as if it’s a religion. Check out his words and imagine it’s a priest taking from the pulpit.
They push up a figure to blindly follow, Greta Thunberg, Brett Sutton, Al Gore. They repeat the words they are given, prayers to align with their fellow Cult members.
Gonna be ideological pain when the majority of Australians tell them to fuck off…
I love the fact he’s paid $80 for a t shirt made in Bangladesh by a 5 year old girl.
They would have seen this easy mark coming from a mile away.
How do you do, First Nations people?
CBA profits up 5%
those interest rate rises have really kicked in , huh
rAiSe tHe rAteS
Keep up coming. This was explained (predicted) months and months ago.
dont Understand your point
savings and deposits are up in aggregate
there is literally more money
this is the definition of inflation
also the majority of the population has more money
the mean and median and mode are all up
how is this supposed to bring about disinflation ?
well I’ll answer for you: it can’t
and that’s why it hasn’t
the young got fucked, everyone else got more money, and inflation was exacerbated
They haven’t raised them enough. Inflation is 6% and the cash rate 4%.
The target band is 2-3% they’ve completely given up on it (as I predicted I said they’ll just aim for 6-8% instead). Eventually everyone just gets used to 6%.
I think what is happening does demonstrate the RBA can go a bit harder on rates to 4.5 or 5% doesn’t it
To my surprise also admittedly
if its to your surprise maybe think about the assumptions and misapprehensions that caused you to be surprised
Yep and they are rates can go higher that’s it
Not the cooker stuff you produce
yeah ok
and we just needed more vaccines and harder lockdowns to get those things to work too
Looks like you’ve made up your own definition of inflation
quite bizarre how dissonant your thinking is
on the one hand, it was all because of too much money printing and QE
on the other hand, it has nothing to do with the money supply
Friedman was very much the anti-keynesian and anti-MMT
I would have thought you would enjoy
i really wish youse would make one big summary thread about this IOR shit so you can finally settle it out or at least have a town hall debate to definitively end it
I salute your patience Peachy.
I’m impressed with her interactive posts… they’re like those interactive kids’ books, where you lift the flap and find the mouse with the cheese.
You mean… raising interest rates… causes interest rates to go up????
That would be some progress, I think.
,,,best I recall one of comings positions is that central banks raising interest rates doesn’t even do that,,,
paying more risk free free interest on the existing money certainly does raise interest rates
and increase the amount of money
while discouraging investment in new capacity
Look out China has disinflation now
Better raise the rates eh Coming!
my le interest rates
le reduced inflation
DLS is absolutely stroking himself now, and the faithful are singing kumbaya
Check out Ronin he’s about to blow
AUD 30cents! Iron ore $10!
China ponzi implosion finally here!
very similar feel to his previous manic episodes (eg 2020 covid, 2018 MPLOL etc)
soft landing almost guaranteed at this point
9 August 2024, AUD 85 cents, iron ore $130.
65 cents?
china stimulus coming any week now
and DLS will say who could have predicted this
18 months
etc etc
last time it went below 60 cents it was all but for like 2 fucking seconds lol
aud never stays that low for long
‘This could mean that Australia is forced to restore crisis bank-funding facilities, create new ones and resume QE in the not-very-distant future.’
And cUt ThE rAtES! And then type articles about the fall out from doing that. And don’t forget corrupt APRA.
lol abc is apparently leaving twitter (refuse to call it x retarded) bc people like timbo and joel davis keep fucking with them
tbh i dont think this is anything to celebrate the only way we even get our message out there is by shadowing these big news outlets
otherwise we’re tweeting into the void
Yes and no. I see it as a win. If you can bully a government funded entity off of Twitter for constantly talking shit that’s a huge W but can understand
There are still plenty of other outlets, politicians and public figures to bully and piggyback off of on there and other social media platforms. I’ve had people show me Timbos shit posting that ended up on Facebook so it’s all relative.
They’re leaving for Threads
Is it allowed to criticise immigration on Threads, anyone tried yet?
It seems like the perfect sanitised PMC environment for corporate accounts
what is threads
If it’s owned by Meta then likely not.
Hopefully Threads will be every bit as successful as Google+
What is hilarious is one the four remaining twitter accounts is called ABC Chinese.
Aaand…here’s the news cycle for the next few days.
Mainstream media work through Labor’s talking points about how nasty corporate EZFKA makes too much money, fuelling the little simp trolls.
Push away the Chairman’s Lounge freebie for Albo’s kid, the Voice needing to be pushed out because it’s a fail, forget about the immigration tidal wave wrecking the Housing markets in every state, etc.
Nothing wrong with taking advantage of greedy borrowers
This is funny though, jealousy rather than any genuine communist beliefs. Chardonnay socialists like these are the first ones to demand a pay rise, charge more etc.
Liz tying herself in knots trying to dismiss the strong No vote recorded in recent polls. Replies are a hoot.
She certainly deserves to be a renter. What a pog.
just 84,000 faggots holding this nonsense afloat
listening to abos whinge is so tedious that even the abc audience couldn’t take it
just lol who paid for this
more colour on the latest tantrum
what irredeemable poofters they are
there are some people streaming retarded video games online that get more viewers
And probably don’t cost tens if not hundreds of thousand in airfares and travel reimbursement costs, funded by the taxpayer to attend Garma
But then you wouldn’t get culture like this https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/crystal-dildos-conspiracy-theories-hack/13227662
Media normalises neurotic chick behaviour that would have previously had them hospitalised. She should be neuroticizing about her kids lunch, but as she doesn’t appear to have any she is instead of sticking crystal dildos up her arse.
Yeah feminism has had some negative effects which are not acknowledged.
The author brought her inner crazy to Melbourne (where else?) after getting a degree in presstitution.
She’s got those wild eyes with a touch of master race look about her https://www.abc.net.au/radio/people/dariya-salmin/10515646
Extreme agreeableness, high degree of openness to experience, low neuroticism… once indoctrinated she’s the perfect progressive foot soldier so long as it remains the majority view.
If she were in Nazi Germany she’d have been writing breathless articles about Hitler.
Turnbull calls Sky News etc angertainment. I propose we call their stuff faggotainment.
The left are now cancelling themselves. Brilliant!
Voice to Parliament
Has Roger Cook got a bit of choge in him?
i actually laughed out loud at this holy shit
A great Indigenous man this one, otherwise known as Talcum X.
Reid – Scot name. Most Scots will simp if it means getting their end in to some moot. Scots are inferior.
Welsh backstopping Brit fags. They were so based even the nigs couldn’t resist honouring them.
The only blemish on Keating is he’s a boong lover other than that he’s our greatest leader. Are the closet poofter rumours true?
What? The bloke is stuck in the 90s with China
he created ezfka
superannuation, privatising the banks, ended tariffs etc
globalisation financialisation the whole lot
also started the globo homo cultural movement in this country
absolute satan spawn
yes he’s a known homosexual lives in poofs point with his boyfriend
i never knew about the poofter shit does he really live with another bloke
yes he does i used to know someone who lived in the apartment building immediately next door
lots of boys coming and going? did they notice anything suss
didnt get that close
i never saw him once
I had resolved to bail him up and give him a piece of my mind if I ever ran into him
but it never happened
Heard some rumours when he split from his wife.
Can remember visiting a family friend in Sydney who had just renovated their place – one of the tradies had also done some work at Keating’s place and mentioned he lived with another bloke.
Not sure how much you can take from that. Either way, Keating hasn’t been relevant since 96.
And let’s not forget this.
DLS use to delete my comments on MB – apparently a Chinese cello player.
Coming says he Keating is gay, and everyone knows that things Coming says are all true. He reads the Daily Mail religiously don’t you know?
He is a fag.
Have read many seperate stories. Do your own research, it’s easy to find.
Dunno about Coming.
Keating’s daughter is a social climber who was close to Epstein. Stayed at his house, friends with Prince Randy Andy. Should be looking over her shoulder I suggest.
Coming’s summary on Keating is correct. A nasty bitch, people love to repeat his bullying in Parliament as some form of higher wit. It wasn’t, it was like a drunk old Queen in the Cross or the later hours of a Qantas staff party.
He is the worst NeoLib who was sucking Chinese cock a decade before the current Labor crop.
I’d like to read it but all the sources I’ve seen seem weak tea and whispers about rumours. Probably true but not quite certain.
That’s okay; I don’t really give a rat’s arse if he’s gay or not. It’s not like being gay or straight is a predictor of being useful as a politician. They’re all fucking Australia in the arse in their own way.
I saw the thing about Epstein but then again, they’re all into something like that; with money and power comes corruption.
Its embarassing how much of a provincial ignorant povo you are
In the end, with all your worldly wisdom and riches, we’re at the same place. Funny that.
How’s your Bruce Lerhmann Scrapbook collection going? Have you filled it with cutouts from the Daily Mail yet?
Haven’t seen the fly in ointment guy for a long time
doesn’t seem like the type to get sick of posting
covid death you reckon?
he was here like a week ago
he usually comes and goes
a few people have been missing, bjw & emusplatt
Although he was annoying as fuck at times, it would be said if he left and took his heterodox views with him, just because I said the chip on his shoulder would led to such curvature of the spine that he’d spend the rest of his days staring at his withered and malformed genitalia.
He was a cooker, but he was our cooker
That is as close as he’ll ever get as an apology from me.
absolutely wild
How good
Typical response from the BCA.
what’s BCA
boating camping and fishing weighing in on australias migration intake
Business Council of Australia.
so supreme cocksucker squad
Boaters, campers and fishers would be more representative!
Feels so Australian to have the media uncritically repeating an out and proud lobby group on immigration
That’s what I’ll miss if I ever leave this economic zone
is this normal for melbs during winter
i dont care either way if people arent packing into the shops to eat at the trough of endless consumption but ive never been to bourke st mall around this time of year
Melbourne has always been shit
Yes. Even the pathetic virtue signallers are tired of pumping it up, Melbourne is a shithole. Homeless and mentally ill roam like the Dystopian nightmare.
This is Dan Andrew’s end goal. He did this.
Africans and Eshays rob people all day long on public transport, even at Chadstone Shopping Centre. The security guards there are overawed, no one wants to mention the fact evenings there are actually dangerous.
I could go on.
Please do.
Usually it would be full of Asian students
Must be exam time
There’s never been much reason to come into the CBD if you’re out in the suburbs. That’s only gotten worse as traffic gets worse, and the food places pop up elsewhere. You don’t even need to go in for the red light districts as there are heaps of “massage” places and illegal and legal brothels.
Nowadays, Melbourne CBD is basically a campus for Chinese students; the poorer ones work in the restaurants making food for the richer ones who take pictures of the food.
I can’t really say whether it’s normal or not since it’s changed quite a bit from uni days and I only ever go up there if I’m with my Chinese friend.
DLS see’s himself as an outsider, but that is only marginally true in that he argues for lower immigration – the rest of his economic barrow lies firmly within the mainstream economic paradigm.
However when it comes to social issues, he’s a system hugging progressive toss bag. The only time I’ve seen him come close to stepping outside the views of the ‘current things’ was when he wrote a commentary about society picking on boys – mainly because his son was coping it at school through the matriarchy.
Good article Timbo!
just another day in Rajasthan
15 yrs old girl gets gang-raped, gives birth after rape, gets gang-raped again at hospital by doctors & staff.
20,000 is such an even and pleasing number compared to the racist and problematic 17,875
wow another 3k a year, whats it even matter anymore
Brace yourself.
ruh roh
where do these reffoos even live lol. if theres such a rental crisis how do these non-english speaking ppl find places to live
your mums house
your mums house is where im stayin
Home grown Aussie grifters can’t compete with foreign grifters
They’ll get first pick of any new social housing
Sudanese crime wave is at epidemic levels in Victoria, why not increase it?
Classic DSP bludger
There are honestly MILLIONS of these people in Australia
“mental illness” one of the biggest grifts there is
she would have gotten in on prior to about 2012 or so, it was way easier to get DSP back then
almost impossible now
The number of DSP or Carer Payment recipients increased overall by 54% over the last 2 decades, from 683,600 in June 2001 to 1.05 million in June 2021. Over this period, the number of female recipients more than doubled (from 268,300 to 563,600) while the rate of increase was slower for males (18% increase from 415,300 to 489,500)
The proportion of the population aged 16 and over receiving DSP or Carer Payment has remained around 5–6% over the last 2 decades, reflecting that increases in DSP or Carer Payment recipients have been broadly in line with population growth over this period (37% increase). Proportions increased slightly between June 2001 and June 2012 (from 4.5% to 5.7%) before declining slightly each year to June 2017 and then remaining relatively stable at 5.1–5.2% through to June 2021.
The slight reduction in the proportion of DSP or Carer Payment recipients since 2012 is largely driven by a decline in the number of DSP recipients – falling from 4.6% to 3.7% of the population aged 16 and over between June 2012 and June 2021. This downward trend coincides with an increase in the proportion of Newstart Allowance recipients assessed as having a partial capacity to work – from 26% to 42% between 2014 and 2019.
we already had this convo
its declined in real terms
it literally hasn’t
dsp recipient numbers havebeen falling quite steadily since 2012
Overall, the number of DSP recipients aged 16–64 grew by 7.2% over the 2 decades to 2020. From about 623,000 in 2001 the number reached a peak of around 802,000 in 2012 (29% increase), then steadily declined to 660,000 in 2020 (18% decrease between 2012 and 2020).
across all age groups
clearly there is a secular decline in the number of approvals
ask me how i know, bc ive tried to get it
i’ve literally copy pasted from that link
the overall numbers are stable
does it matter if you get a dsp or a carers pension
its the same fucking grift
yeah carers is absolutely a grift, dont know the numbers on that but i wouldnt be surprised if thats where the bludgers target now
incidentally i know a toothless old bludger whos on carers
claims his wife is immunocompromised and has to stay at home all day
heard from someone else shes actually a gambling addict who takes all his money and spends it on pokies and multis
what illness were you feigning?
should have asked me for tips
tried to just claim i had depression but didnt have enough points of proof and couldnt get a dr to give me any
you’re going to have to commit harder than that
why dont you go for long covid
its believable since you weren;t vaxed
it was quite a while ago but i reckon id of gotten away with it had it been early 2000s
high trust society
You should have said the magic words:
“Did my back”
Mental illness is generally getting knocked back these days.
Depression on its own won’t be enough – one has to have treatment resistant depression at the very least, which means multiple trials of unsuccessful treatment, long term therapy, combination drug regimes or admissions for TMS or ECT. If you have evidence of that, you may be in with a chance.
A lot of people with ADHD ask, but the condition is treatable, and not being able to afford a diagnosis or treatment like some AUWU types complain about simply isn’t enough to qualify.
The same things goes with Autism – another trendy diagnosis, yet plenty with the condition are able to work and study without issue.
If trying to game the system, better off trying for chronic fatigue or some kind of vague non specific back pain. Would still have to get it all properly investigated, but nothing usually shows up and the pain guys are pretty happy to throw the kitchen sink at the problem if you can afford it.
I think carers are a fine role for many people.
Often family members give up full or part time employment to care for relatives who would otherwise have to be cared for by professional carers.
Being a professional carer is also a good role for many people – not everyone can be a Dr, Lawyer or even tradie. Having a low IQ isn’t a crime, and lots of caring empathetic people are perfectly suited for these roles. There is dignity in work and everyone deserves that opportunity.
Besides what else are you going to do with the people who need to be cared for? Lock them up simply because they’re a retard or have some other medical or intellectual disability?
Sure there are grifters – that is always going to be a problem where ever there is charity or benefits available. I will agree that it is becoming a much bigger problem, previously in a Higher Trust society this was less of an issue – just another thing we’ve sacrificed for diversity. If anyone should be blamed for rorting the system it should be those pushing MultiCult.
Carer’s pension is less grifty in general compared to the DSP, where sometimes you get people who have just decided that they want some cash trying to apply.
Caring for one person is not a full time job unless they’re a complete vegetable
even then it’s usually one nurse to 4-8 vegetables in a nursing home
most of these people you just put them in front of the tv , meals on wheels etc
it’s a full blown rort
I tend to agree however for people with needs you can either have your taxes fund cards, or your taxes funs the health and aged care system so gotta pick your battles
The numbers are staggering.
5% of the population and given the amount of new Australians (most wouldn’t understand the system well enough or be eligible for DSP I imagine), we’re probably talking 10% of the white legacy unit fuck population being lifelong bludgers. In poor suburbs the number is probably up to 20%.
The newest Australians get the slightly less new Australians from their home countries to help them.
this is all the information you need to know that it’s a fucking grift
Hah, the replacement on full display.
Presidential candidates assassinated in Ecuador. Look for guy behind him in white cap.
looks like that auwu guy who got a job from ben fordhams show quit or something lol
this is basically right yeah
people like myself just wont work or struggle to bring ourselves to unless we’re really forced to
the temptations and distractions of LDAR are too powerful to over come
the only thing thats wrong was ben talking at the end about how hard it is to get kicked off the system, it’s pretty easy actually jez likely avoids it due to his age, he’s probably in a different stream than most jobseeker recipients
The main problem imo is recruiters/hr. Having to go through 50 interviews just for any job pretty much. Being judged by karens is offensive as fuck. When I got my first job the manager gave me a once up and down, told me to be on time. That’s it. You didn’t have to finger yourself over getting or having a job. No compulsory fake happiness. Work was work.
But once again they are a whole huge layer of immovable rent seekers that can only be rid of by “extreme” violent or borderline violent action.
agreed it makes you just say fuck it its not worth it at all. if theres more than 1 or so interview for ajob i dont even bother applying
just lol expecting people applying for a job at bunnings to go through like 3 interviews. who would fucking bother
No real surprises here.
Jez and his AUWU crew believe that being on the dole is a job, so it isn’t surprising that he’d turn down actual paid work.
Jez has claimed he can only work 8 hours a week – if that were truly the case, he’d more than meet the criteria to qualify for the DSP and wouldn’t asking for a higher jobseeker rate. What is likely the case is that Centrelink have assessed that he has a higher work capacity then he publicly claims.
Aside from the hourly limitations, one needs medical evidence that the condition is stabilized, treated and unlikely to improve. GP evidence is not typically enough, and specialists don’t want to have anything to do with these types.
Every now and then get referrals like this – these are the easiest to decline.
Reading between the line we can deduce that the patient has probably refused any kind of treatment offered and their primary goal is to achieve a cash handout.
What do you do in this situation
Humour the gp to keep in his good books
or tell Jezz to gagf
These days we just decline inappropriate referrals, and the reception staff will advise the patients that as a non-bulk billing practice we are unable to meet their needs. If the patient is a rude prick, they just get blacklisted for future reference.
Some may add that an appointment is no guarantee of a successful DSP application, support letter, script or whatever they’re after, which is an obvious signal to the prospective patient.
GPs are mostly cool with this, they know no-one is going to take on these deadbeats.
My favourite one was the guy who was going to Thailand to attend a drug “resort” and wanted something urgently because his pension was going to get cut off as he would be out of the country for 6 months.
A colleague of mine got referred that Indian student who failed an assignment about dogs, took a university to the Supreme court and was going to get kicked out of the country. Apparently they wanted a formal report and treatment recommendations for a medical treatment visa or some other BS.
is it possible to keep your DSP / payment if you leave australia? how long do you get it for outside of the country before it gets cut?
28 days.
$1.9m in defamation losses by your ABC
European Natural Gas prices spiked 40% today. Time to build Nordstream 3 maybe…hehe
The comedy writes itself. Every single time.
Meme feast!
The Wirrasoy tribe!
Let’s get married and have lots of children
How could you tell?
…and finally a joke!
when i saw that picture i was reminded of that clint eastwood movie escape from alcatraz where all the black prisoners are sitting around on the steps in the prison courtyard