More uni, less productivity

See for yourself:

I don’t have a statisica membership or the desire to collate the raw data…but if anyone here does, it’d be great to do a proper productivity growth vs population % gone to uni and get the r value.

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makes sense to me

the jimmy flood has produced a bunch of low wage low value add workers delivering uber eats and standing outside supermarkets as security guards etc, the kinds of roles that get measured by productivity wonks as modest contributors to gdp

the more the economy packs in of these types the more productivity per worker metrics will decline

the arborist

Even without the jimmies, universities were pumping out useless idiots. University is basically an extortionate fee you have to pay (in time and money) before you can get a job.


its the biggest forced waste of time ever


For a lot of degrees, yes. Any degree that has “studies” in the title for example (womens studies, gender studies etc) is expensive bullshit.

But if you want to build bridges, write complex software, perform surgery on brains, defend someone in front of a judge etc then university is the only way to get there for most people.


i suspect you could just train people to do some of those jobs without a formal education beforehand

law never used to require a degree for example

nor did nursing for that matter, suddenly it does for some reason

abraham lincoln was a practicing lawyer without a degree

actual training is much more effective for facilitating the learning process than university education


university education to a great degree is just a proxy for IQ imo which is the true predictive component for working success

the arborist

USED TO BE a proxy for IQ. At least for the cattle class degrees (master of business et al).

I’d suggest a cattle class degree is more of a test of how good a person is at being a drone and never questioning anything. The perfect EZFKAian.



What value is a degree from an EZFKA Uni, when the Pajeets are all flooding in with their ‘qualifications’ for the same discipline from the Shitskin University of Mumbai?

Karen in HR won’t give the local kid a chance when they do want to get a job with that degree. Tick for diversity instead.

Why would any Zoomer in EZFKA pay hundreds of thousands for a degree when said Pajeet gets the same job with their shitty Uni degree?

How do you roll back the cancerous growth of Universities and their associated parasitic infrastructure including thousands of local employees?

The voracious greed for Overseas students has been fuelled by the likes of Dan Andrews and the Universities who saw the cash, but not the fact it would shit on a generation of Zoomers who will not have the opportunity, culture or even lifestyle their parents had. A subservient media like The Age couldn’t bring themselves to point this out, they just more white guilt stories and how awful it is for some Chinese student having to experience the shitty mess (no mention of the hundred thousand local kids who do).

the arborist

1) not much
2) naivety
3) a massive economic crash

I’m pretty sure Dan & co saw that it would crush legacy zoomers. He just doesn’t give a shit. Maybe even prefers it that way. As long as numbers go up, nothing else matters.

Maybe all this diversity crush-loading will be a good thing when the global population crashes. Probably not though.


Legacy Ezfkas are some of the biggest boot lickers going. Their so called conversations are 80-90% bitching about and putting other Ezfka units down. Complete scum.


All engineers know that most Indian (for example) “degrees” aren’t worth the toilet paper they’re printed on. Not all, but most.

I recruited engineers for over two decades and never hired an Indian. Of the two ethnics I did hire, the Egyptian was a dud (lesson learned) and the Chinese bloke was barely adequate.

Reus's Large MEMBER

When you can basically by a education in India at the corner shop it leads to useless “qualified” people.

Reus's Large MEMBER

So true, Uni is now just a test of how you can conform to the rules and parrot back what you have been taught, they do more to indoctrinate to the woke agenda than actually give people skills.


So true, Uni is now just a test of how you can conform to the rules and parrot back what you have been taught

actually, to take the other side of the argument, it seems to me that this was pretty much always so.

most people (say 80%, because distribution shapes) are simply not talented enough to ever achieve any significant degree of original thought or creativity. This includes most people who went to University.

But, for the 20% people who do have that talent, University is one way (though not the only way) to realise that potential. Even if University is mostly parroting stuff back. So say you have 20 sufficiently talented people – if you send none of them to university, you might naturally get 1 great thinker out of them. If you send all of them to University, you might get 3 great thinkers.

if you accept this premise, then it’s just a numbers game, displaying declining marginal utility. In the old days when only 5% of people went to University (selected mistly by wealth and class), you’d be missing out on developing a significant amount of potential great thinkers. By the time 25% of people go (selected by a mix of wealth/class AND academic ability) you’ve harvested most of society’s potential.

by forcing the next 75% through University, by making a degree a prerequisite for childcare work and such, the gain in great thinkers would be very very marginal.


iq 115 was considered the minimum to benefit from uni education


iq 115 was considered the minimum to benefit from uni education

interesting! According to the Internet about 15% of the population sit at 115 or above.

that’s pretty close to my own estimate of 20% as the portion of the population with potential and talent

i think I have a knack for estimates. I will award myself one peachy point

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy
Reus's Large MEMBER

However it does seem that in reality those that are successful are not all Uni educated, many have learnt along they way.


However it does seem that in reality those that are successful are not all Uni educated, many have learnt along they way.

oh, but of course.

you don’t have to go to uni to be successful

you don’t have to be high iq to be successful

Reus's Large MEMBER

Joe Biden being a good example of not high IQ but useful tool


Oh FFS, that’s complete bullshit. I wasn’t talking about nursing I was talking about brain surgeons.

I was a professional engineer. I built large dangerous machines that could kill people. Their correct design and implementation required a deep understanding of mathemics, electronics, software development and a dozen other things, all of which I learned at university.

If you seriously think that people can learn about differential equations or computer processor design or linear algebra on the job or at trade school then you should just stay in Dubbo.


Sorry – left ‘Engineers’ off my list… they sort of fell in under esoteric Mathsy subjects. Quite often though it was smarter journeyman tradesmen who’d be identified and then sent off by the company to get their qualifications.

Until the Baby Boomers, going to University was still only accessible to people who won academic scholarships (a great means of reducing inequality imho) and those wealthy enough to support or lucky enough to be supported through the training eg by their employer.


I believe you can still become a lawyer as a Journeyman through the law clerks role.


It has to do with all that litigation and insurance requirements. You cannot be insured unless you can demonstrate “competency”. If you want to consult with someone without official qualifications but life or practical experience instead, you have every right to do so. Just do not sue if things do not work out.


That is a good point. Most professions are the same, be qualified to be insured.


Credentialism as a social phenonium exploded after the US Supreme Court banned employers making their potential employees from performing an IQ tests as a formal screening process in Griggs v. Duke Power when the found that intelligence was not necessarily a reasonable measure of job performance – this was basically on the basis that the population group differences in IQ could result in discriminatory outcomes for some ethnic groups.

As a consequence employers basically outsourced the relatively cheap IQ tests they were using, to the Byzantine and enormously expensive and complex University system, the cost of which was essentially pushed onto citizens and the Govt via inflated education costs.

Prior to this only certain ‘professions’ required formal training – not all, as it is still possible to become a Lawyer through the Law Clerk route (or at least it was possible 20 yrs ago). Things like Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, etc. Other than that there were esoteric subjects like pure Math, that kept super nerds off the street and in easily accessible locations if the Govt should ever need them, and the ‘Arts’ basically for the same core group of unemployable wankers who dominate the administration centers of most Universities nowadays.

Long story short, thanks to diversity, a simple inexpensive filter capable of easily sorting employees by their ability to do the job, was replaced with a complex, expensive and enormously time burdensome ritual where nearly the entire cost of which is pushed onto ordinary citizens.

As well as low trust societies and the closure of conveniences stores, the bloated University system is just another thing we can thank Africans and ‘diversity’ for.

Together with its partner in crime, Affirmative Action, these two changes have allowed incompetent people to become Credentialists Journeymen (or women, as they are the other largest beneficiary of these policies) to rise far beyond their station in life, and spread their inefficiency and disproductivity, throughout society and the economy, and in my honest opinion is one of the driving forces of dysfunction in our societies today.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

some aus jobs still kind of use IQ tests, really crap ones that have like 10 questions that are really poorly constructed

everyone who has applied for a grad position has done them, theyre absolutely horrible and all part of the obnoxious matrix of things you have to clear to even be considered for an interview

a properly individually admistered IQ test or well constructed vocational exam imo >>>>>>>>>>>>>> most degrees


i reckon you could eliminate maybe like 65-70%~ of all university students today and replace w/ IQ or vocational g-loaded tests and it would end up producing better outcomes


that reminds me just LOL chat gpt must be wreaking absolute havoc on these grad school app tests bc theyre all done from home and online, suck shit hahahahaha

one of the best things gpt has done has completely destroyed the hurdles HR departments put up for access to the job market, cover letters, ‘key performance indicator’ write ups etc etc have all been utterly wiped off the map


I reckon it should all be based off chess ability


would to an extent just proxy IQ if you did that

that reminds me i need to get that Part I finished i have in the draft folder here


Do any companies still do those Myer Briggs type tests? Haven’t needed to myself for decades but I do remember sweating when I had to once.

Supposedly they would eke out a view on your personality by asking the same question fifty different ways, to find out your supposed tendencies etc.

Being the type to have no time for idiots, Jews, etc. I was always a hairs breadth away from being branded a psycho by Karen from HR….


yes they’re still used in job application processes, grad programs use personality construct inventories (not myers briggs but they’re all about the same)
personality construct inventories do have some predictive value but the problem in HR selection processes is people can game them by just lying about their personality


the way they catch up liars is by asking the same questions over and over again with different wording

such as

Are you a people person?

Do you like people?

Do you have lots of friends and enjoy being around them?


eventually the liars will be caught up by asking one differently from the other and the discrepancy will be noted and the application rejected

if you know this, they’re very easy to lie on and its obvious HR depts want people high in conscientiousness and middling/higher extroversion (or whatever constructs are equivalent) etc


*answering sorry, not asking

i can’t edit my posts anymore so i have to always double post


In my last job we had tons of them, they all spew out the same BS. They usually came out in strategy sessions.

Gruppenführer Mark

These are not that prevalent any more. But! I did find that if you have a rudimentary knowledge of Myers-Briggs, it does help with determining some traits observed in awork setting, as people tend to assume a different style professionally, rather than being the same type in personal life. And M-B does offer strategies to deal with or appeal to various types. Not fool proof, of course.

Helps with early development of people-reading skills, but only early development.


I think the theory behind MB may not be on point, but the archetypes that they allocate into are very real. From what I gather corporations and professional personality dissectors mainly use the OCEAN or big 5 personality type tests over MB nowadays.


Most of the Australian economy is just debt growth and government spending so there’s probably not a lot you can automate to make them more productive

I saw some stats showing that productivity in construction hasn’t improved since the 70s so Australia’s huge construction sector is contributing nothing to productivity growth either


what happened to the jabbadabba guy anyway


The Chardonnay Socialists are piling on, that hidden racism was always going to come out. Get all nasty when black man doesn’t say what they want.


I bet they twisted themselves into knots doing this one too..


Canada: Federal government should look at cap on student visas, Housing Minister Sean Fraser says

File this one under things that will never happen in EZFKA


canada is a bizarre case

some of the worst per capita economic growth around despite having a way more complex and diversified economy than australia does

it’s practically the boreal australia, a bizarro alternate universe aus in the northern hemisphere that has done everything possible to fuck itself over through unnecessary population growth


Yeah. Turdodour and his ilk have utterly fucked that country.




Grattan Institute: 72% of Australia’s migrants are not on Skilled workers visas.


Good thread:

So we need to import unskilled migrants and their elderly parents to look after all the elderly in EZFKA. Good argument that one.


I’ve unfortunately had recent experience of hospital and aged care facilities in rural NSW.

A substantial number, maybe 30%+, of the nurses in the hospital were Irish. And the great majority of the shop floor staff in the old folks home were Asians of various kinds. I’d say Chinese and Filipino, though no Indians that I can recall.

So that may be a positive aspect of immigration. But if many of those people are also bringing their parents over later on, as the Indians are constantly demanding, then what’s the point of it all?

The Indians are jumping about trying to claim its a bloody human right to be able to immigrate to Australia and then bring over their aged and infirm parents who have contributed nothing to the health and other infrastructure they will use.

Fuck ’em.


why is there so many irish people in australia anyway

every lolli pop lady etc seems to be mick around here


We’re so desperate for population, we’re even taking whites


Good find. Still manages to attract the lobbyist, like this pro-migration lawyer from Russia.


iron ore up 4% overnight

the DLS-ometer strikes again

of course they are going to bailout and stimulate



CCP impending collapse any day now


AUD to 40


just lol

i dont think they really believe this clickbait rhetoric tho


did you splurge to have in-flight wifi on your escape journey?


I haven’t booked yet but good idea Peachy I will want to post on here the whole time I’m on the plane


You will only be allowed to board that flight if the cops don’t gaf about what you did

Aussie Soy Boy

Just insist it was self defence as it sounds like it legitimately was. They surrounded you and you did what you could to get away from them. Then shut up and say no more.


im not afraid of any punishment assuming it ever happens i just dont want to have to face court at all over this shit

the punishment would be utterly trivial eitherway (non conviction) but the 50 different court hearings you have to go is a form of punishment in itself

Aussie Soy Boy

They aren’t going to press charges.

got harassed by that same group of boong kids that spat on me in kfc car park again
was just walking through the park and 2 of the same kids walked up to me and one of them said WANT A WORD WITH YOU menacingly
i just ignored him and walked around them, kept walking
then 2 others followed and they all formed a semi circle around me shouting abuse
i just kept ignoring them but they kept following / surrounding me, one of them started throwing air punches over and over again right in my face and i lost it

You were in fear of your life.

The police will go speak to the boongs and ask why did a group of you corner him and start throwing punches at him?


nup, i saw one of them next day and hit him with a stick after he came up to me to have another go (but he wasnt being this violent that time)

thats what the police questioned me for and they took him to do a victim statement

Aussie Soy Boy

He came up to you and thought he was going to try to attack you again.


i was going to edit the post, he didnt actual do anything violent just came up to me and started saying dumb shit at me (stay away from my brothers — when his ‘brothers’ came up to me in the park not the other way around, i was trying to avoid them) and i lost it at him and hit him with the stick i was carrying

he wasnt in the group from the day before, he was there when i got spat on in kfc car park a month or so ago, theyre all related or siblings i believe

id say theres a 50-50 chance ill be charged with something minor but at the end of the day there’s no way im going to let it happen if its going to

Aussie Soy Boy

Say that you were traumatised from the day before and got scared when he came up to you because he was part of a group that were spitting on you a few months ago.


thats what i told the cops after they found me when i tried to walk away (little boong shit called them up and i slipped into a back alley but dubbos too small to disappear in)


but i dont think itll matter bc someone higher up or some apparatchik is gonna put the finger on them to press charges


and yeah mate theyre all over town, dubbos too small to not see them and their house is right in the middle of the town and theyre constantly out on the prowl looking for trouble

Aussie Soy Boy

The only problem moving forward is encountering the same group of boongs again. It’s not like they’re ever going to leave Dubbo is it?


I haven’t booked yet but good idea Peachy I will want to post on here

oh, if you haven’t booked yet, chances are that you won’t go at all


DLS should put out a shitty country song

>In a statement posted to Facebook after the viral success, Anthony said that he wasn’t rushing into a record deal. “People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off $8 million offers. I don’t want six tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet.”

lol lol lol



didnt you see he was faking his accent

and he is quoted as saying america should always be a melting pot of diversity

not your messiah


yeah just another retard


Yeah no shit even a hillbilly soy boy can see it’s hopeless. Anyway I hope he enjoys his 8 million.

Aussie Soy Boy

The only time MB got anything right was putting everything in cash early 2020. They got their 40% discount on everything, then were too stupid to put it back into equities. A lot of people were calling a bottom in the market in late March. It wasn’t until late into the year that they realised the world wasn’t ending and slowly dipped their toes back into the water, basically only marginally up on someone who let their money ride throughout.

Just one own goal after another. Who would put their life savings in their hands?


yep this is right, i remember them fucking it all up after they had that amazing call in 2020


theyre not doing too poorly though but their results arent any different anymore than any other fund


Did MB ever mention US stock like


That’s an awesome chart. I wish I knew anything about tech so that I could have had ridden that.

good onya for picking a big winner


LOL – the banned Peachy after that, I think she loaded up at the bottom and I think I could hear DLS grinding his teeth over her comments all the way from Sydney.

the arborist

Vibrant! Diverse!

Ashish Luitel, who runs Wise Cleaning in Ashfield, in Sydney‘s inner west, has been charged with two counts of sexual intercourse without consent in relation to the alleged incident in June.

The 18-year-old girl and her older sister, 21, had arrived in Australia just three weeks before they applied for a job at Luitel’s business.


When Burwood detectives raided the business the following day, semen, blood and saliva was allegedly found on the office floor.

Luitel has been granted bail after his wife and another woman paid a $100,000 surety.

wife sounds like a real ride or die


where’s a random iranian man carrying a beaker full of sulphuric acid when you need him


You would.

Amazed that she has been fired.

Only Fans in 3, 2…


I knew before I read the article the woman in question would have lip fillers, fake tits and sleeve tattoos.


Lol Ezfka legacy scum hate each other so bad.


This should be the Welcome to Country being shown to Melbourne’s “Youth crime” problem


what is with the ban on edits at this site now


It seems to work for me, last time I tried


I also complained about it in other thread. The last few times I have received the “posting too soon” warning even if I try to edit minutes later.


Just tested and still happening. Ironically, it let’s me post new comments as quickly as I like.


I’ve never seen that error. Does it happen every time you try to edit?


Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Yes. Every time in the last week or so.

Not the end of the world. You just get to see how clumsy I am when responding quickly.

btw, I am using MS Edge Browser.


Yes. Every time in the last week or so.

hopefully Ramesh will see your error report and fix it up

MS Edge Browser

what is this, some kind of Nokia thing?


Microsoft’s replacement for Internet Explorer. It is based on Chromium. I find it more polished than Chrome.

I will try logging off and posting again in Edge, Chrome, Brave, and see if there are any differences or whether this site just hates me.


Test 1: MS Edge session


Test 2: Google Chrome


Test 3: Brave


All browsers failed. I can only conclude that this site hates me, much like when it previously wouldn’t let me upload images.

the arborist

Try Brave browser if you can. MS is bad juju.


still doing it for me

i cant edit anything i write and i used to edit a lot so my posts are coming off half cooked


anyone else hear about this lucy letby chick

ive been reading about her and how fucked is this story

wonder why shes so evil


Letby is a psycho, but this is a result of NHS being a clusterfuck and a culture of managers repeatedly ignoring doctors’ concerns.

Previously we had patients not being aware of who they have seen and non-doctors presenting themselves as doctors which led to this death linked below.

Plenty of NHS doctors on strike or fleeing overseas for better pay and condition. Also not helped by psychos in admin and management throwing their weight around.

Eg. Fridges and microwaves in staffrooms being locked for non-medical support staff.


Recently there have been also some recruitment ads circulating, advertising for non-medical “consultants” to work on medical afterhours rosters. You know the system is run by muppets as it is such an obvious risk to have someone underqualified in a critical role.

Of course, as governments including our own look to cut costs, medical role substitution seems to be the only solution. The ACT ran a nurse practitioner clinic trial, where the cost of a consult was 4x as much as a GP bulk billed appointment.

But even though it failed, this hasn’t stopped them trying. Pharmacists prescribing is the latest brainfart, combing the grift of the pharmacy lobby with the standard incompetence of government.


why havent pharmacists been replaced by vending machines yet


If you replaced beefy cunts with poos the poos probably wouldn’t go to the poo run fast food places.


Of course, as governments including our own look to cut costs, medical role substitution seems to be the only solution. The ACT ran a nurse practitioner clinic trial, where the cost of a consult was 4x as much as a GP bulk billed appointment.

haha, stupid governments. Inflation has finally caught up to their budgets, the stupid cunts. It’s so easy to understand that inflation is the devil, but nobody seems to be able to understand…or to remember for long enough.

bullshit nurse clinics or nurse “consultants” for hyper acute strokes is just flailing around while sinking in the swamp. The only possible outcome is reduction in the quantity and quality of services.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Vax mandates did not / do not help staff shortages and the desperation for “anyone” to fill the roles.


Eg. Fridges and microwaves in staffrooms being locked for non-medical support staff.

lol, that is fucking ridiculous.


Reading and writing is gay you might end up writing shit for Fairfax.

Just be a beeefy cunt


Lifts, pills, fiat. Boomers don’t even know how they are the first cyborg generation.


So RMIT gets $750 k per year to demonitise and deplatform the No campaign, pretending to be a Fact Checker.

Head of the RMIT fact hunts is Russell Skelton, ex ABC journo, husband of lefty ABC talking head Virginia Trioli, vocal critic of Dutton etc., activist and Yes campaigner.

What a fucking Leftard scam.


RMIT Fact Check researcher posts on Twitter calling Dutton a fear mongering racist, etc.


I’ve got a theory developing.

it’s easy to not be racist in a prosperous country, surrounded by a relatively homogenous population.

if the country becomes less prosperous (less economically secure) and folks are surrounded by all sorts of foreign sorts of peeps it becomes quite natural to notice the problems of those foreigners – whether they are on average more violent, less honest or reliable, fickle, loud, whatever. Because, in that situation, there is something at stake.

the arborist

I agree. Dealing with incompatible cultures tends to make one realise that some cultures are incompatible.


It probably goes back to a concept as simple as the Maslow hierarchy of needs.

A significant portion of the country doesn’t even have the second level of the hierarchy consistently met, probably not the third or fourth either.

The threat senses of those struggling are working harder than some upper middle class progressive karen whose biggest life challenge is anxiety about climate change or worry that the neighbours might look down on them for only having a 5kw solar system.


I’ve long maintained that Diversity and Multicult will only work for as long as the level of productivity and wealth in our economy is sufficient to meet the diverse wants and needs of its population.

As dysfunction spreads, productivity plummets and instead of having a prosperous Multicult society like Australia, you have Lebanon or PNG, or at best Brazil or Venezuela.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

Revenge a dish best served cold for Putin


He probably didn’t even need to order it.

There’d be an almost endless line of boolickers and toadies who would take initiative to arrange this in order to “get ahead”.


Someone in the FT comments “not a plane crash, a special landing operation”




This has some feels of the Godfather

  • Prigozhin organises a mutiny, with limited support (~2K troops)
  • His forces shoot down 3 airframes, loss of 11 pilots (IIRC)
  • He is forced to turn back through multiple negotiation channels, mutiny cancelled, Lukashenko a hero
  • Putin in his public speech calls those who organised mutiny traitors, those who followed them but turned back had a way out with no consequences. Traitors will be dealt with. Wagners who fought in SMO – heroes. No names were named.
  • Wagners get to keep vans – VANS! – filled with boxes with cash, no property has been seized
  • Wagners hand over their heavy armour, artillery shells (tons and tons of them, kind of pointing out that “shell hunger” was BS)
  • Wagners relocate to Belarus into new camps training Belarus army
  • Prigozhin is allowed free travel in Russia and Africa
  • Prigozhin is seen on the sidelines of Africa summit in Russia – prior to BRICS, largest international forum
  • Prigozhin posts first video from Africa, inviting volunteers, etc.
  • Wagners re-establish African presence, this is a new focus
  • Prigozhin suffers a “special landing operation” – thanks for this, JCB! – along with 5 or so others of his inner circles – presumably commanders on the ground stayed on the ground
  • Wagner presence in Africa is retained, commanders will certainly be “strongly encouraged” to follow a new leader, whose name we might never learn

All of this 2 months after mutiny.

Or Prigozhin may have been “killed” for media purposes only. We may never know this either. His body may have already been buried in the Black Sea.


So you think this is an opportunistic play at some kind of increased African influence?

while priggo gets a new face grafted on (like that old movie) and lives the rest of his life somewhere in luxury?

Gruppenführer Mark

This is a play to strengthen ties with Africa without having to rely on a person who was already ousted as unreliable once. Remember, Wagner Group was organised by various players from Russian shadow operatives (FSB, GRU), and Prigozhin became a “spokesman” for the group. I highly doubt he was behind any military operations, development of strategy, or decision-making, having no previous experience.

What he did have is a no-nonsense way of talking that appealed to the common folk, and he was well versed in the Russian prison culture, which he was intimately familiar with, having spent a number of years for various crimes. This helped him in his recruitment effort of the convicted felons to fight in the early stages of the SVO, allowing Putin to properly train the first wave of mobilised forces. And prisoners have done very well against Ukrainians in Bakhmut. Prisoners were suffering losses, but they were motivated and well-supplied. They were also fighting for their “honour”, whatever that means in the prison system – Solzhenytsyn described some of it in his manuscript. Ukrainians were under-equipped and mobilised from the streets against their will, so their will to fight and motivation were much lower, and losses higher (some estimate 5:1) than Russian convicts.

Then, on the back of his own PR campaign, and grass-roots support across the blogoshpere, Prigozhin started to believe that he was more than a figurehead with a loud mouth. And he tried mutiny which was not publicly supported at all. Not by the opposition, not by the military, not by people. He was done. Putin spoke of traitors and heroes, without naming names, but there was a clear line that all of Wagners were heroes, except those who tried to stab Russia in the back. Then the scenario with Godfather’s “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” is starting to take shape.

If Prigozhin is alive and will be reinvented in a different image (which I highly doubt, by the way), he may well be sipping cocktails with Epstein somewhere on the shores of Red Sea.

And a couple of other dot points, which may be connected:

  • Russian army has held the Ukrainian counteroffensive for the last 2+ months successfully
  • General “Armageddon” Surovikin’s three lines of Russian defense are still there, fighting is yet to approach, let alone breach first line of defense
  • It is an accepted knowledge among military strategists that if the first line of defense is not breached within 3-5 days, the counteroffensive is considered a failure
  • According to the news reports from Western (not Russian propaganda) sources, Ukraine has recaptured ~0.2% of its territory as a result of counteroffensive
  • There is now a constant stream of opinion pieces in Western mainstream media openly discussing failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive
  • A NATO talking head floated an idea that Ukraine should consider giving up some of its territory to secure NATO membership (not allowing Ukraine to join NATO was one of the original reasons for the SVO)
  • Pentagon is encouraging Ukrainians to concentrate everything they have left for a last-ditch effort, presumably, in tan effort to expedite destruction of the remainder of Ukrainian army
  • Zelensky has admitted that a new wave of mobilisation (11th? 12th?) will be necessary to recruit up to 200,000 men to ensure the success of the next counteroffensive in spring 2024
  • In the meantime, Russian army has started taking village after village around Kharkov, taking more and more villages and land every day
  • USA just advised all of their citizens to leave Belarus as soon as possible
  • Poland admitted that they have lost 10,000 “volunteers” in Ukraine, who fought there. Poland’s ground forces are circa 60,000
  • Some Telegram channels are hinting at Russian offensive in the making
  • General “Armageddon” Surovikin has been relieved from his post as the commander of Russian Air Force and will be transferred to a new post. He remains on vacation (started right after Prigozhin’s mutiny, so 2 months ago)

I invite others to make their own wild conspiracy theories 😀


Your dot point post actually made me think differently, especially these points:

Wagners relocate to Belarus into new camps training Belarus army

Prigozhin is allowed free travel in Russia and Africa

Prigozhin is seen on the sidelines of Africa summit in

Russia – prior to BRICS, largest international forum

Prigozhin posts first video from Africa, inviting volunteers, etc.

Wagners re-establish African presence, this is a new focus

Prigozhin suffers a “special landing operation” – thanks for this, JCB! – along with 5 or so others of his inner circles – presumably commanders on the ground stayed on the ground

Wagner presence in Africa is retained, commanders will certainly be “strongly encouraged” to follow a new leader, whose name we might never learn

And an idea popped into my head.

When I heard the news I immediately laughed and went along with the msm narrative “Of course Putin killed Prigozhin” But this also violates my heuristic short cut The reality is the most likely truth is the opposite of the mainstream media’s narrative.

It is apparent in your points that Prigozhin and the Wagner group have been treated very concessionally considering their supposed crimes, and less than two months after this supposed ‘coup’ he sauntering around Africa.

What is one of the key outcomes of that trip? How about the Niger coup and the destablization of all of Central Africa, massively to the disfavour of the West.

I would not put it past the US or Zelinsky to have carried out that attack. Zelinsky has carried out numerous assassinations within Russia, and Belarus is a poorer more dysfunctional version of Russia, so it would probably be easier to infiltrate.

For Zelinsky it would be a no brainer – blow up Prigozhin, like he’s had many others killed, Putin gets blamed and he gets kudos and more funding from the US and France because he got rid of someone who just cost them central Africa. The very fact that there hasn’t been one suggestion of this in the msm imho makes it more likely to be the truth than not.


Another great AFR article by Joe Aston today, great work by that man.


Be careful joe this one might be a step too far


iron ore up again

Iron is in a short squeeze:. There is no policy change to explain it.



aud will start going up again too prob

pure cope to expect it to stay low for long


No wonder private school kids like you study finance/economics so much. Get paid a lot to be a retard.


just absolute fucking lol

election chiefs said a tick will count as a Yes vote – but a cross will not count as a No.

yes im sure all the somalis and indian grandmas will understand precisely

What a cunning plan by overseasy


honestly how hard would it be to just have two boxes with YES and NO

This is legit banana republic stuff

the count is likely to be rigged/fake


To have two boxes would probably add another $150m to the cost tally


and also cut the yes vote by 20%


if you don’t know how to write YES or NO

your vote should not count

jfl at people who can’t even speak english being allowed to consider the implications of constitutional amendments


Fucking LOL, you can actually practice how to fill out the box on the AEC website.



That’s an absolute scam, not surprisingly it’s the Australian Electoral Commission, they had an absolute stinker at the Victorian election.

You have one job…


reminds me of the voting ballot the germans distributed in austria during the anschluss

Aussie Soy Boy

This is totally corrupt. If we assume 10% of people will make this type of error on the ballot and the vote is 50/50 then 5% of invalid votes will count towards the yes campaign but 0% of invalid votes will count towards no.


i struggle to give a shit about the albo internship story tbh

as though this is some big revelation that parents help their kids get jobs

conservatives clutching their pearls over something a lot of these upper middle class cunce do on a daily basis lol


the point is if it was scomo, the abc and smh would be calling it a threat to democracy




If you don’t get it, we can’t help you.

There’s definitely a revolting behavioural or cultural side to these political elites.

In the olden times it was just the crassness of ‘new money’ who acted this way but now it’s a heady mix of self entitlement, massive ego, absolute hatred of the average Australian, and mid range IQ.

At least the rich and elites used to have a code of behaviour, politicians like Mick Young and Barry O’Farrell knew it (look them up). Set your kid up a job sure, but it wasn’t done by rorting tax payer funds to do it, and for fucks sake do it discreetly.

The sob story of him growing up in Housing Commission is now a joke. He looks like some Gordon Gekko corporate raider.

Dan Andrews is an entire range of levels above Albo though, his corruption and nepotism is at a huge scale. 30 of his ex Ministers and mates are now on quasi Government boards.

Dan is sociopathic.


no i know its fucked

but it aint just albo doin it mate

the whole job market is fucked, every upper middle class dog kid is getting put in their jobs or jobs are being chucked at women just cuz theyve got tits and a nice smile over some ugly smart kid whod never get a chance eitherway and would be thrown out the moment he walks into the interview room


the housing commission story was bullsiht eitherway, he had some prime location public housing flat smack bang in the cbd or near it

most people would give their left nut to live in something like that today (or any public housing tbh), it was only an advantage for him


this is one of the only politicans whose personal life history impressed me


sleeping on park benches


zero connections, never even had a gf until he was in his 30s or so


would seduce elderly widows for their money and then use it to fund the communist party

broke out of like 4 prisons

legit bank robber

Gruppenführer Mark

the whole job market is fucked, every upper middle class dog kid is getting put in their jobs or jobs are being chucked at women just cuz theyve got tits and a nice smile over some ugly smart kid whod never get a chance eitherway and would be thrown out the moment he walks into the interview room

Mate, you still don’t get it. Stewie, LSWCHP, Peachy, others above (and other threads) tried to tell you a basic fact: there is a job, and there is a profession.

A job can be held by anyone, with minimal specialist training that can be learned on the job, in tech school, online, or in plastic surgeon’s office. These jobs are largely based on looks and gift of the gab, because they are service jobs, sales.

A profession is something to be learned in an institution of higher learning – doctor, engineer, teacher. Can you point out some standouts who were naturally blessed with extraordinary ability to just grasp this higher stuff? Maybe. They are the exceptions rather than the rules. Ugly smart kids will win here every single time. And some of those ugly smart kids will invent some stuff and become wildly rich ugly smart kids and will have to fight off a line of people with tits and a nice smile who want to fuck them just to get access to the bank.

So, either get a pair of tits, learn a trade on the job, or go to uni. Otherwise, all other less qualified people will be getting ahead of you. Even those spitting villains of yours will soon grow old enough to receive “sit down money”.


Yeah every town and country on earth has an incrowd. It might be nice to get a big management job at channel 7 like Howard’s son got, he also married a model I think. But yeah dream on. Gotta do real work.


i don’t agree they’ll win every time

cognition has some casuality within the labor market, but it’s much less meritocratic than most people actually think (or ideally should be)

really the absolute hierarchy of useful characteristics in the labor market are in this relative order

1) connections (usually family)
2) looks or conforming to stereotypes re: a given job
3) cognition

all might be more useful than another in a given circumstance but the absolute determinants of the variance in outcomes are in that particular order

the IR literature seems to agree esp: re: stereotypes, it’s one of the reasons why it is so hard for old(er) laid off cunts to find work and why structural unemployment is so pernicious and difficult for governments to deal with


cognition is a really important factor for the variance in incomes BETWEEN societies but its relative value drops off within societies to a degree


For the individual IQ is less of a determining factor of success, being born smart and poor doesn’t mean you will necessarily turn out a success. It increases your chances but there are other factors over which you have no control, including plain old bad luck, that can hold you back. For societies collectively and all those that live in them, there is nothing more important to their overall quality of life, safety and wealth than median IQ.


im pretty sure that multiple studies show IQ is the best predictor of income

better predictor than education, grades etc


education/grades derive much of their predictive power from IQ, which itself derives its predictive power from the hierarchal apex factor you extract from the variance in IQ test scores (the so called general factor or g) using factor analysis

IQ is better at predicting incomes between societies than within societies IMO

within societies it is also itself proxying other traits (such as connections), there’s also the fact that incomes don’t necessarily follow IQ linearly, especially beyond a certain point, or at least for the majority of people

some of the most well renumerated professions are not very g-loaded, and some relatively modestly (or high variance) renumerated professions are especially g-loaded


well quite frankly that isn’t true and I will go back at some point and I will find the twitter post from the IQ-sphere that shows that IQ is the best predictor of income

either you aren’t high IQ, or you are limited by other intrinsic factors eg mental illness

(or just an edge case)


quite frankly it is true lol

IQ is much better for predicting group outcomes rather than individual outcomes

its a very good predictor, one of the best (who is saying otherwise), but being a good predictor of something as highly multi-variant as income doesnt mean that much for given individual cases

i think you think i’m thinking something i’m not thinking


i really have nfi how this blew up from a statement re: that the job market isn’t as meritocratic as IQcels think it it, which was in reference to albo literally proving that which is what everyone was bitching about in the first place

p.s: reading comprehension is a fairly g-loaded characteristic

think about that for a second


Can’t be fucked finding it but you’re completely wrong


I think IQ for the record is probably the best predictor or maybe second best predictor compared to examples of parents who can very clearly get their kids jobs (like albo)

the looks thing is funny but i doubt its really a better predictor of incomes at least than IQ even if it would still be a very good predictor, unfortunately

so what exactly am i wrong about

the fact that i think IQ is a better predictor for group outcomes than individual outcomes?

bc that’s what charles murray says too


You’re deeply inhaling the copium




im gonna be deeply inhaling a cock in a sec




im gonna be deeply inhaling a cock in a sec

how was it this time?


Education and grades use to perform like an IQ test – the goal was success and knowledge, and those with high IQs generally performed best.

But as the goals of education changed to from that to ‘learning’ and ‘growth’ the correlation with educational success and IQ has weakened.

the arborist

You’re right, but lots of jobs have been elevated to profession status such as ‘Human Resource Management’ and ‘Marketing’.


it’s just semantic games with the word ‘job’ vs ‘profession’

Gruppenführer Mark

Don’t disagree. But speaking things into happening doesn’t make them so.

Point was, there are real professions that require real skills that must be gained through higher education, and no level of nepotism, cup size or the like will make the candidate beat the experience and education.

Rocket surgery is not something one picks up on YouTube.

Like the old joke goes… Some company bought some new whizz-bang machine, all computer driven, HR and management are extatic, lower costs, higher productivity, nirvana.

The machine breaks, the management calls every expert, they are lost. So then someone remembers old Billy Bob, who knew his way around things. They bring him in, he walks around the machine, looks inside, grabs a mallet, makes some measurements with the tape, puts a mark in one spot, whacks the machine with the mallet, and it’s up and running again. Management rejoices.

Two weeks go by, the company receives an invoice for services rendered, $20,000. Cue the outrage, emails fly demanding explanation for the amount charged for 15 minutes of work.

Week later, breakdown of the fee arrives. $50 for the mallet work, $19,950 for knowledge where to apply the mallet.

the arborist

Agreed. I was just pointing out the term ‘profession’ has been dragged through the mud and can be used correctly (as you did) or incorrectly (as general society uses it).

Corporate language is dark, deep and murky.


holy fucking shit this is hilarious

THANK YOU bill shorten

this cripple got his end in thanks to you


What’s wrong with that? If the money wasn’t going to this poor bloke and a hooker it’d be going to some Liberal faggot and his cunt Karen wife for a holiday to Aspen. Take care of Aussies.


whos going to give all these handjobs if we don’t keep a steady stream of asian students?

your mum?


yours mate like she did to me last nite


Plenty women like doing it. Oldest profession in the world.


would you rather him be plotting shooting up a school like hed be doing in america instead

sex workers or even better arranged marriages should be mandated for all incels


Perfect timing, have a look at this ‘Refugee advocate’ (wog who can’t move on from being called a wog at school 30 years ago, has to make a career out of his insecurities).






the arborist
Aussie Soy Boy

Wiki quicker to update Prigozhin’s death than Richard Lynn’s. Must be more trust in Russian telegram reports.


lol yeah there’s been like 5 separate reports of lynns death over the last month or so and none of them are notable or reliable enough

but some sketchy ambiguous russian sources (despite a lot of obvious subterfuge going on to conceal what may have really happened) that’s a-okay


This would occur as the number of people aged 65 and over more than doubled to 9million people, among a projected population of 40.5million in four decades’ time, up from 26.3million now.

Those over 85 would triple and those over 100 would multiple by six.

By 2063, today’s youngest Millennials born in 1996 would be turning 67 and qualify for the aged pension under existing rules covering those born since 1957.

Treasury is also projecting deficits to be the norm for the next 40 years, despite a surplus being delivered for 2022-23 for the first time in 15 years, and the first for Labor federally since 1989.

lol its over

will be a turkey/south america style country in a couple decades

Aussie Soy Boy

They have been dropping these kind of articles over the past couple of weeks. Mentally preparing everyone for a lift in pension age, increase in GST.


they should just rip the bandaid off now

the lot


not before they get rid of negative gearing, capital gains exemptions, old age pension PPOR exemption, and various other forms of middle class wealthcare such as maternal leave and handouts to mums


It’s pretty obviously going to be fucking terrible.

Tax hikes on the poor and permanently supercharged migration

A boot stamping on a human face forever.

I hope it’ll be Labor’s Workchoices and this shitty party is gone in one term.

People elect Labor to try to get some vaguely centre-left economic policies in and instead it’s like we elected the WEF itself to rule Australia


Maybe no more claiming pension while having big super balance.

Boomers have won bad and deserve to because of the sheer faggotry of millennials and braindead apathy of gen x. Sucks to be caught up in it but oh well I should have worked it out long ago.


They’re coming for your Super, make no mistake.

We’re fucked either way.

If you’re in an Industry fund Labor will grabs those funds for their own projects, bye bye decent returns there. It’s all about rewarding Union mates with more projects, they then give their members funds back, then splurge and waste on public housing etc. Labor have always been great with Finances…pfft.

If you’re smart enough to want to dictate your own life, they’ll keep attacking your SMSF’s as they have. Call them rich bastards etc. with pathetic culture war shit, then strip away any benefits and ramp up the costs. Soon it just won’t be worth the fight of having one.

the arborist

True. To be fair though, have SMSFs been used as a tax avoidance measure as opposed to being used as a retirement nest egg?

Not that I’m pro tax, but SMSFs are yet another avenue that cashed up people use to avoid tax that isn’t available to poorer people.

As usual, the lowest and highest income people avoid tax, and the middle are bled dry until they join those at the bottom. Sounds kinda WEF-y to me.

I have no doubt SMSFs are a good thing in general, but are being rorted.


Rorted is a very subjective term, think Kerry Packer’s comments to a Senate Committee where he classically said, “I pay whatever tax I am required to pay under the law, not a penny more, not a penny less… if anybody in this country doesn’t minimize their tax they want their heads read because as a government I can tell you you’re not spending it that well that we should be donating extra.”

In EZFKA, SMSF’s are one of the last true bastions of independence and freedom, many who have been wage slaves themselves, and either luckier and or smarter than others. What is the rort if they are managed well and provide for a good independent retirement? That’s what they are meant to do, and that relieves the burden on taxpayer support.

The elites have so much cash they can avoid tax and have great lives, that means both politicians and corporate heavyweights. Labor band Green politicians avoid tax as well and as much as anyone.

The working poor and middle class are otherwise fucked, they have no chance of independence or freedom, they pay way too much tax.

the arborist

Yeah, I get all that, but SMSFs are being used as a tax avoidance vehicle by people who don’t actually need an SMSF.

If we accept misuse of SMSFs, we also have to accept everything that goes on with negative gearing.

If pushing the boundaries of the rules to your own advantage is ok, we have to accept that everything that Gerry Harvey, Dan Andrews, Anthony Albanese, Rupert Murdoch, Klaus Schwab, Judaism, Islam, etc do is also ok. Where do you draw the line?

Gruppenführer Mark

From a personal perspective, SMSF have a place where a person has time and brains to manage his/hers money. Generally, this takes one of two shapes. First, property investment that one buys and largely forgets. Second, moving in and out of various securities, that take a tremendous amount of time for research, market timing, the works. Some, of course, will buy BHP or Telstra because dividends, but that is more akin to set and forget.

I have tried SMSF and found that for me, personally, the results did not justify the time invested + accountant fees, etc. I wasn’t operating with a huge sum, it was above 100K minimum “recommended” but below your average property price. So to generate returns would require me to invest time, which is finite, for the sake of potentially superior returns to what could be gained by working the market. Honestly, time spent on other things was more valuable to me then than picking securities, being in FT job. I did ok, but if I included time cost, I lost compared to a managed fund with low fees.

Again, personal perspective. It is for the same reason I don’t do laundry except for socks and jocks, taking shirts to a service where a shirt would set me back $5. Or cleaning outside of vacuum and mop.

This was one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in life so far – know the value of your time. I’d rather spend hours with a book, enriching my brain, or in the kitchen, knowing that what I put in my body and in bodies of loved ones will reap way more rewards than ironing a shirt.

Not really replying to your post, just a rant. Maybe when I retire I’ll have time to chase stocks, but I doubt it.


Truth is most stock traders go backwards

Once you factor in the time they’re piling into it to your point the opportunity cost becomes ugly


they call it the 90 90 90

90% of investors lose 90% of their money in 90 days

this video is the best lecture ive heard about it


Nearly halfway through this video. Whilst he says a few truths, my initial thought is he is doing exactly what he says the fake-trader mentors are doing. That is, pretending to be an expert and then profiting from training:

What alerted me to the grift is his comments that “successful traders trade all markets”. Complete bs. Soros (FX), James Simmons (Equities), etc. The objective is to find a trading edge. You may find many trading edges in different markets that are not really worth your time, but eventually you will find one and invest the bulk of your time trying to maximise it. Once you have milked it for all you can, you may target another edge in another market, but no way in hell all markets.


i knew someone was going to say something like that, and i agree and wasn’t that interested in the spruiking of his own service, but the way he described how brokerages work etc was genuinely eye opening and in my experience i’d believe it. so many retail investors will only ever tell you about their successes and not the times or years they’ve blown up their money or didn’t make sh1t, at the end of the day for most it’s a casino. even for those who never lost if you compared their results to an index (especially over a long enough period of time) you’d see they’re not really doing much better than if they had just put it in a mutual fund.

stock analysis doesn’t inspire me most of the time either; frequently if there’s an argument in favour of an equity there’s an inverse argument that’s equally as logical. even for the greats of the industry many of them i’m sure are skating by a lot of the time with access to insider information that isn’t available to peasants like you and me.


Good that you understand it is a casino, and that making discretionary trading decisions is essentially betting against the house.

That makes you the ideal candidate to learn about non-discretionary system trading. Do some reading. Get some ideas off others:


Evolution of a failing trader.

Freddy one year ago:

“I have this algo that’s going to give me exponential growth in my CFD account!”
(I laughed so hard)

*Face ripped off multiple times*

Freddy now:

“It’s a fukin’ casino!”


It seems you actually have no idea what I wrote. Let me elaborate. Discretionary Trading is what your average punter does in choosing individual stocks to buy.

Non-discretionary is using an algorithm to tell you what to buy. There is no discretion. You buy it.

If I am telling Stagmal to abandon discretionary for non-discretionary, it means I believe in System Trading. If it makes you sleep better at night then I am happy for you to conclude that I have lost all my money and am homeless yet somehow still believe in it.


I warned beginning traders back then about using highly leveraged products. You knew better and have paid for the lesson by giving to the market its due tuition fees.

Please post pictures of your tent, shopping trolley and scruffy dog for gleeful lols.


It seems that I have caused one of your previous aliases some serious butthurt. Seeing how much of a dunce you are, it is understandable that you have previously embarrassed yourself to the point of needing to setup another alias.


Nah, not at all.

I just like embarrassing arrogant pompous twats like yourself.


I’m up 1k tonight discretionary trading the ‘casino’.

What’s your P/L?

Screen Shot 2023-08-30 at 02.31.14.png

What a bitter bunny boiler you are.

I would normally not GAF but since I can see you also use IG Markets, and know this transaction can’t be done on a Demo account, I know it will cause you butthurt.


That looks pathetic you absolute tit, my 4 year old can do a better job.

Anyway, if you need help with your trading, Stagmal went from Zero to Hero and now has a 500k stock portfolio acquired mostly when on the dole.

You’re both full of shit so it’d be a match made in a coprophagic heaven somewhere.




it wasnt mostly from when i was on dole at all bruh and a lot of it isnt stocks

the arborist

Good rant. I agree with all that. There is a place for them – but for the reasons you stated, its very niche. And open to exploitation by those who can afford to pay someone to manage it for them as a tax minimisation vehicle.


Maybe if you can’t beat em join em Stagmal.

Unreal these absolute trash getting so rich.

Need poo real estate agency. 0.2 percent instead of 2.


WTAF is that on her finger!?


You haven’t seen Zed real estate in Bayside Melbourne. It’s a pisser, jumped up little refugees who have perfected the merging of all the toxic elements of Instagram Influencer, low IQ who thinks it’s “all about the hustle”, and a simple land rat.


Grotty little shitskins. Are they cheaper though.


Lol. Black suits with black shirts and black ties and shiny black dress shoes…with no fucking socks! I genuinely Laughed out Loud.

That would have to be the most woggish collection of wogs I’ve ever seen.


That would have to be the most woggish collection of wogs I’ve ever seen.

I lol’ed at that, so much so that I clicked on Drago’s link, after which I lol even harder!

Gruppenführer Mark

What did you expect from an agency run by a No Sheet family?

the arborist

I laughed and vomited at the same time.


ghost colleges in Melbourne cbd

the age is on to it 20 years later


its like those random indian owned businesses that pop up in places (i see them from time to time) then disappear a few months later


It’s almost like everybody hasn’t been fucking saying the whole student visa system has been completely rorted by the shitskins and all the associated shysters.


i’d like to think prigozhin is still alive and is living it up on some beach somewhere in cuba right now, it really is kind of a sad end to a genuinely interesting and funny guy

i guess that’s what defines these kinds of historical figures, their absolute indifference to fate

i guess we’ll never know what happened to him


I wonder what will happen to his African business empire. This level of chaos around Wagner must have really undermined their reliability as a security force.

If the official story is true, Prigo went all-in to take over Russia itself. Putin’s regime pretty much kills any semi-serious dissident figures, hence billionaires regularly falling out of windows and political opponents dying violently as soon as they get any following. Maybe because they were mates, Putin let Prigo amass more power than he would allow for other people and that culminated in the coup attempt.


Don’t know if anyone remembers our previous discussions but Turkey had a regime change at its central bank and installed an ex Goldman Sacha banker in June

they then increased their interest rates suddenly after the last guy left rates stable for a long time

as soon as they lifted rates the following inflation reading shot up , after having been falling for the previous 9 months straight

Just this minute they’ve jacked the rates again up to 25%

wait for the next inflation reading to be even worse

muh orthodox economics
muh alan Kohler


USD/TRY – US Dollar Turkish Lira
Real-time Currencies


Looks like the market is paying attention, the lira actually rose against the USD for once.

Usually you flag market reactions to interest rate moves but strangely not this time.


Zoom out bud


USD/TRY – US Dollar Turkish Lira
Real-time Currencies


Time to buy some Lira you reckon?



The annual inflation rate in Turkey rose for the first time in 9 months to 47.8% in July 2023 from 38.2% in June, and above market forecasts of 47.3%, as several tax hikes and the lira depreciation pushed prices higher. Main upward pressures came from housing & utilities (19.3% vs 14.8%), transportation (43.4% vs 21%), furnishings, household equipment (50.1% vs 43.2%) and health (75.9% vs 65.7%). Food inflation also surged to a 4-month high of 60.7% (vs 53.9%). Additionally, the core rate climbed to an eight month high of 56.1% in July from 47.4%. On a monthly basis, consumer prices soared by 9.5%, the biggest increase since January last year. The central bank of Turkey recently forecast inflation will hit 58% by the end of the year.

I guess it’s better than the 86% (reported) inflation back in october 22, but still terrible.


At least they’re honest.


Only the shitkickers are represented by the union.

What I find interesting is the power the unions suddenly have. It seems to be a turning point where even the jimmies who were just happy to come here, are now realising they can demand more money.

It reminds me of the Eddie Murphy Raw segment where he is sick of American women trying to steal his money via divorce settlements, so he gets a wife from an African tribe. For those who have never watched it:


Yeah, they’ve been difficult, the shitkickers. (Possibly they have worked out that inflation is the devil?!)

But we’ll bash them into line eventually


You need a higher proportion of temporary jimmies that can be kept on a short leash with the threat of losing sponsorship.


Could there be a connection between the cost of living rising and wage demands rising?


The point is the Great Replacement was supposed to replace all the wage-demanding locals with ignorant and compliant jimmy slaves. The jimmies are joining the revolt.


Hard to find ignorant and compliant visa slaves to work on a gas platform

I’m sure they’ll keep hospo wages on the floor.


Something is very wrong with Hospo.

Melbourne restaurants are outrageously expensive, yet their owners are bust and can’t stop ripping off their staff on wages.

But 50% of Hospo staff at least seem to be basically unskilled and provide very menial work for little to no value. No wonder in Chinese and Japanese restaurants I keep seeing shitty little robot waitress things.

I reckon 5% of all Hospo staff (ie. only in high end places that have a basic self worth) do they seem to care, I’d challenge anyone to show me the value most add above the shitskin in the servo pushing me to buy a snickers bar with my fuel.


Melbourne restaurants are outrageously expensive, yet their owners are bust and can’t stop ripping off their staff on wages

commercial lease pricing

plus wages

you actually have to move a lot of food in order to make any sensible profit.


Yeah I have quite a bit of respect for food places you basically gotta move $1k before you can start running a business.


Commercial rents especially so, Retail propadee is largely bought and sold purely on the yield achievable. The ¥ewish have always been strongly represented as landlords in that sector, and it’s what made the Lowy family’s Westfield the pride of Israel.

EZFKA has only been able to really benefit from Italians over the years in terms of restaurants, the upper end restaurants however are just old fashioned nightclubs where it’s all about being seen there. There is no value for money and basic quality as there is overseas. Asian food is largely slop, and Indian is lucky to qualify as basic food. I can’t see why anyone would import 3rd world food ‘culture’ (meals, cooking style, etc) or anything really.


I love cooking, and regularly do a variety of ethnic styles. French provincial, French Haute, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai…you name it. And I almost always make better meals than I’ve found at restaurants around the world. Most restaurant food in Australia is average at best and very expensive.

The argument that we benefit from immigration through the availability of their cuisine is bullshut, if only because it ignores the existence of recipe books.


This feels like the Police going on strike because there’s too much crime…?


If these charges don’t stick, some lone nut will just kill him

He’s got the deep state terrified even though fuck all changed under his term


Yeah makes me thing this is all by design to get him re-elected. by portraying him as an “outsider” They just hedge their bets and back both sides.


It isnt

he’s no outsider but they really don’t want him back bc they actually believe he’s an outsider


Yeah – as is their want, (((they’re))) waging full scale lawfare against him.

Aussie Soy Boy

He is probably the most accurate representation of the average Ezfka citizen atm.


This is the Zoo of 100 years ago, we go to see these chimpanzees do things, feel pity maybe because they are just animals with a small brain, laugh at how they are nearly human sometimes, etc.


Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia to join China and Russia in BRICS bloc

Pretty based additions to BRICS.

Egypt is an interesting addition since it is pretty much in the Western camp. Between Egypt, Ethiopia and South Africa, BRICS could have a lot of influence in Africa.

Aussie Soy Boy

They’re going to control oil eventually.

Gruppenführer Mark

Egypt controls the shortest trade route through the canal. They are a perfect addition for the BRICS trade bloc, especially or trade with Global South. I suspect Turkey will soon come crawling, too. Otherwise, trade route through Iran and Caspian Sea, connecting to ports on Volga, leaves Europe isolated.


DOJ sues SpaceX for preferring citizens to asylum seekers and refugees in its hiring practices 

The Biden regime is just engaging in unrestrained lawfare against anyone it doesn’t like on the flimsiest pretexts


Not a big trawler of Tucker Carlson – I’ve watched maybe one to maybe two & a half of his 18 episodes. But today I watched my 3rd, his 19th episode in which he interviews Trump – supposedly now the biggest most watched interview of all time, with over 160m views:

Which while listening watching it I stumbled upon some earlier fringe theory put out by Tucker in January 23 on how Richard Nixon was deposed and replaced with the unelected deep state President:

or if you prefer reading, the original transcript that I first came across it was here:

I knew some of these things, but so far all the factual items in the story have panned out. It is just the alternative interpretation of the narrative, using those same facts, is the one that is suppressed.

In particular, it is the ‘facts’ or connections that the media chooses to leave out. Facts, like Woodward’s “Deep Throat” being an FBI department head who was in charge of a department to discredit political opponents of the US Government. These connections, ignored by history because it was ignored by the ‘media’, make alternative interpretations of that same event being more credible.

The narrative is set by the media, after which it becomes ‘history’.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Thanks for these links and your comments. Worthwhile reading.


Stoking the urban-rural divide, a globalist speciality.

In Australia, most of the actual value comes from the regions, so this attempt to copy-paste American rhetoric is pretty weak when unlike them, our cities don’t have giant tech companies bringing in revenue from around the world. Even our banks are too incompetent to write mortgages in Asia.


So the AUD is just going lower and lower sparked by Powell’s remarks this time, adding to imported inflation. $0.64 and just hanging on. Could make it to $0.62 at this rate touching the GFC low.

Another ‘surprise’ rate hike before Xmas to sure up the AUD perhaps?


Nah, they’ll just forecast it coming back up


They can try but if Powell either jacks rates again or verbalizes they will be higher for longer (again) hard to see that working for long


“Performer” who bashed guy with didgeridoo becomes cultural advisor in prison


What the fuck is a Koori Court ?

He’s bashed innocent victims with a weapon on two seperate occasions. His victims were white Australians, why do they have it heard in some bullshit court?

Elders will assess his progress?


The Leftards in EZFKA are just mental, evil little pricks.

Just watched Kitchen Cabinet with Peter Dutton, who just seems like a pretty normal bloke. No genius, but not a total narcissistic sociopath. Worked in a butcher shop from aged 12, normal working class upbringing, then worked as a cop and saw a fair bit. He’s pretty blunt, doesn’t see everyone as being worthy of any compassion.

The Left have gone fucking mental, they want the host cancelled.

They can’t stand their ABC would have any balance, let alone allow a chance for Dutton to talk and be seen as a normal bloke. Worse still, allow him to say what he thinks.

Twitter is full of asshole Leftards ranting about it. They’re now going after his wife and family.


I saw that. She spent the last 10 minutes basically calling him a racist prick so I tuned out.


Can understand the rage from the left – the first two episodes have featured conservative independent Dai Le and Dutton.

But past seasons of the show involved members from all the parties, even including the likes of Clive Palmer and Ricky Muir. At some stage I expect politicians from Labor, Greens and the Teals will get a run – and when that happens the right will arc up, and those on the left currently raging will be predictably silent.

Anything involving politicians is always going to include a degree of spin and BS, and this sort of show to promote their stage crafted personas is no different. At worst it’s soft propaganda, but OTOH people complain they don’t get much insight into what our politicians are about so provides that kind of purpose too.


Today show calling for retirement age to be raised. Ezfka tards won’t ask about immigration meant to be paying for pension. Ezfka citizens biggest cucks on the planet.

Muh man tits and Gallipoli though.


Fark, even the most cucked nation on earth France didn’t cop the WEF boy Macron raising the pension age.

EZFKA will put their masks on, so many are public servants now and they don’t work anyway. 99% of Government employees in EZFKA are just filling in their day between posting I Stand with Dan memes.


Yep just a bunch of midwit faggot bureaucrats, that’s mostly the case in the private sector too. Tradies and yellow vests larping as old school tough guys. Country of absolute flogs.


interesting stats

the number of people in each top category doubled since 2018

each of them would be loving higher rates




This is very amusing.

Leftard types hate footy and anyone who follows it, but now are obsessed with outing the first Gay AFL player.

ABC 4 Corners and its ABC reporters couldn’t give a fuck 5 minutes ago, are now obsessed about footy.

It’s clear this is another EZFKA tradition or institution they want to destroy, and what’s funnier is the AFL have tried desperately to virtue signal to these types for a while now (and clearly that’s still not good enough).

No chance anyone in the AFL or fans will call this out as bullshit and just an attempt to wreck their game. The media don’t give a fuck about a Gay player either, they’ll be a handy pawn for them, clicks for their revenue stream.


Feels like a distraction from the AFL to take the focus of last week’s umpiring howler which has resulted in a team missing finals and thrown the integrity of the competition into doubt.


Jeez Thorpe is a weird looking cunt. And the older he gets the weirder he looks.

the arborist


Aussie Soy Boy

Why are they completely obsessed with revealing someone’s sexual preferences? Maybe the players think it’s no-ones business. It’s sick the lengths they are going to invade peoples privacy.

Thorpe had no choice but to come out because he’s an effeminate lispy homo.


They legit have nothing better to do. Gotta justify their existence. Also faggots seem butthurt that noone cares if they are a faggot.


Covid vaccine induced Steven-Johnson Syndrome, another horrendous disease I’d never heard of until the vaccines were promulgated.


i made the mistake of googling medical photos for it

Aussie Soy Boy

Sucked in to those yank troops. Hope they drowned.


The laughs keep coming with these Yes grifters.

Indigenous people have been dealing with mental health issues for 65,000 years so…


Why are all the speakers white?




And this from paid Labor shill Kos:


Also in arranged marriages and do what they’re told and don’t get abortions

will Kos support all these things for white women


Conveniently forgetting their useless elderly parents we also have to import as a package deal

the arborist

Also forgetting that their degrees are even more useless than the ones attained in EZFKA.


I have interviewed and worked with many dozens of Indians in my long IT career. 15-20 years ago, close to 100% of them were absolutely useless and I dreaded one my idiot manager or teammates including them in interview shortlist. They are pretty good nowadays, especially the women which is probably not what you want to hear.

the arborist

Fair enough. It’s probably a good thing I guess, if our IT, medical, engineering, etc workers aren’t useless.

Sounds like our legazens are being soundly outcompeted. Too lazy? Too beaten down? Too woke? Too pampered? Too stupid?




indian doctors are absolutely terrible

i groan whenever i’m at the medical centre and i hear my name being called in an indian accent


That’s really it isn’t it. Cut off your nose to spite your face. How the fuck do they not get over it decades after leaving school…The irony is I despise these people and much prefer working with immigrants. I think most normal people think the same.


really good article from LVO

its so depressing that this still doesn’t really have much traction after 15 years

the arborist

Yeah, good call. The article needs to be spread far and wide. There must be a receptive audience outside the EZFKA and MB bubbles.


Needs more “We need to do this and this”.

ie. if we reduced immigration to 90,000 for 5 years it would mean…and if we removed the right to import elderly family it would save…


My pensioner parents have had money stolen from their CBA pensioner accounts with unauthorised payments from International porn sites. To be clear, they only have the default CBA keycard and not a VISA/Mastercard Debit card.

CBA have by default enabled international payments on all the pensioner accounts, and organised crime syndicates are using brute force generated card numbers to steal money from their accounts. CBA are a bunch of fucking retards.


Your dad has been up to mischief sorry to tell you mate


One of the charges was to a gay porn site. I did ask my brothers if they have been using my parents’ card.


its absolutely wild to me that gay people would pay for porn

so much wanton debauchery in that group of people why would you need to pay


Social misfit with massive chip against Australians and most white people supports a dirty wog bloke who clearly needs to learn some social skills.

Who’d have thunk it?


A slap on the wrist and an apology would be sufficient, not losing his job. Anyway live in denial that your precious white people are a bunch of jews.


Who gives a fuck what happens to him he does nothing useful anyway
somehow managed to get himself to head some dumb sportsball grifting organisation
hope he ends up on the street sucking dicks


He grabbed that woman by the back of the head and held her still while forcing a kiss on her lips. It was disgusting and he deserves a kick in the balls from her Dad.


There will not be a revolution and no one is coming to save you.

Proof when you see media pushing this crap…lucky boy feels like he’s won Lotto because he’s worked his whole life paid tax and isn’t homeless.


Wtaf work does this conceited Monique pog even need done? They have no power and clearly dgaf about much if anything.

Got sued for $100k lol

I’m with millenial fags on this one.


But she refuses to connect the dots back to the sort of immigration that allows corporations turn themselves into slave markets with employees fighting each other to work harder and longer for more of a pittance.


Course not. Still we could do with better workers rights. Especially seeing as most work places are just rent seekers or bureaucrats. Atlassian actually does real work and has some of the best worker rights.


have to give john “adams” some kudos

first he beat the cash ban

now it looks like he is going to bring down asic

no idea why he feels the need to let northy grift off his hard work

but john has done a great job
Wouldn’t mind seeing him as an MP in parliament tbqh
him and LVO would both be good value


Yes, good on him on this one. He spent a fair bit of his own coin to expose this as well. Martin North (and Robbie Barwick) provides the viewers.


The average solo martin north video gets 4k views

the ones with john adams get many multiples of that up to 100k

The tarric brooker videos get 15k
The other wog gets fuck all

If it wasn’t for john adams and to a lesser extent tarric, martin north would be absolutely nobody
He’s one of the most boring people on the planet

its not john who needs martin, its the other way around

the arborist

I know it’s childish, but this abbreviation has always amused me.

FATF(UK) – Financial Action Task Force (United Kingdom)

the arborist

Australia’s real estate industry is the go-to sector for money laundering and more professionals should be compelled to report dodgy transactions, an anti-corruption group says.

Transparency International Australia says a flow of dirty money into the country could be pushing house prices up even higher but the real estate industry disputes the claim.

The FATF has been slamming Australia for years for it’s weak anti-money laundering rules and nothing much has ever been done about it. I wonder why.

Since the assessment of the effectiveness of Australia’s measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, the country has been in an enhanced follow-up process. The country reported back to the FATF in 2018 on the actions it had taken to strengthen its AML/CFT framework. As a result of this report, the FATF rerated the country on 7 of the 40 Recommendations.  

Today, the country is compliant with 12 Recommendations, largely compliant with another 12 Recommendations, but remains partially compliant with 10 Recommendations and non-compliant with 10.


Who do you suppose is expected to report this money laundering in property?

Yep, the real estate agent.

Fark…they literally print out “How to avoid FIRB regulations” flyers for Chinese clients, in Chinese. Not even kidding.

Is it AFP’s job?


Lol no conflict of interest there

Reus's Large MEMBER

When the gubbermint is benefitting from scam of course they are not going to investigate it.


I just love the way Your ABC spins a story, this hero is saving young Mums etc.


Then you do a simple check and find the person quoted in the article is serving nearly 10 years for fraud.

Seems a long sentence until you realise she got a 40% discount on that, and they could only prove she had stolen $1.9m not the $3.7m investigation believed. That difference of $1.8m may be “unaccounted for”.

Those stolen millions were used to find her lifestyle, overseas holidays, expensive clothes, breast implants, etc.

She targeted and stole from brain injured people and orphaned children.

Sounds like a perfect person to base the story on and quote several times verbatim.

Your ABC deliberately hides all this to push their narratives time and again.

Aussie Soy Boy

Dutton came across well in that cooking show. Lot of people will vote for the libs after that interview. Well done ABC!


You’re the only LNP voter watching the ABC


Pigs arse, plenty of Lib voters watch ABC, families where the Dad is made all the money and his hired wife is a Teal and rich little private school daughter a Green, plus lots would have watched just itching to see him fuck up. He gave them nothing.



The Dad would have better things to do, the only ABC he’ll be watching is Bluey if he’s got young kids.

I’m not even a defund the ABC guy but it should be defunded based on ratings alone at this point, why fund a channel only watched by cat ladies and the commentors of Poll Bludger


More than 80 per cent of the broadcast viewers for the ABC’s marquee news program, the 7pm bulletin, are over 55 years old – with a staggering two-thirds of viewers older than 65, internal data circulated to managers shows.

Less than 8 per cent of viewers for the bulletin are under 40, the figures obtained by The Australian Financial Review show.

Crazy numbers. Although they wouldn’t be much better for the AFR. Aussie media in general just isn’t relevant to people who aren’t die hard NPCs.


Fair points. I think they should strip out about 50% of its funding, could easily do that with a bit of Monkey pox and a request for all staff to work an 8 hour day (it would kill off so many). Reduce their remit to weather and bushfire broadcasting, and Landline.

Same with Councils, strip then of all Town Planning authority and anything else they’ve usurped, halve their budgets, and only let them deliver meals to old people, collect rubbish and clean up local parks of dog shit.


It’ll really be something when the ABC’s remaining viewers die off in the next 20 years and we’re still generously funding a channel that literally no one is watching and has no incentive to attract viewers.

It’s like if communist countries had an unlimited honey pot of resources wealth and spent it all on unwatchable woke nonsense programming.

Or like in the post-apocalypse when robots are still doing their BAU programming but all the humans are long gone.

Gruppenführer Mark

TBH, I doubt that communist countries spent money on woke BS 😁 at least what goes for woke in our day and age


It’s a billion a year out of say 300 billion tax take so it’s not that onerous. ABC will always be around. Without it all you’d have is The Block and trash tv so people like it just from that pov.


Do you work for Dan Andrews?

Worst take all week champ.


The ABC should be kept but reformed top down IMO


Goes great with this:

Stuff the country full of unwanted third world migrants and make it so that nobody in their right mind would invest in housing for them, why not, what could go wrong.

Politicians around the world are playing that game where you don’t step on the cracks or lines in the footpath… and the cracks or lines are policies that worked in the past and normal people actually fucking want.


theres almost no point in saying anything any further

immigration is more of a human right (especially if youre not white) to most westoid elites than free speech

it isnt even just about the wages, asset prices and other economic effects it has, its a moral necessity to have an immigration program

simple as, it’s why you cant convince any of these die hards with any good argument against it, even if you could show them incontrivertibly its harmful in some way they wouldnt gaf

and most normie critics of immigration dont want it to stop anyway they always couch their criticisms of it in shit like needing to stop/reduce it temporarily so “the infrastructure catches up” and whatnot, very few people truly want it to stop entirely for the same reason its cheerleaders dont; its a human right


It’s not even just immigration. Every kind of remotely sensible policy or statesmanship seems to be like an elephant in the room now.

The housing problem, back in the 60s governments used to vigorously build either social housing or private housing that they would sell at below market prices to FHBs. As far as I know, no Western government is doing that anymore and there’s no serious consideration of it being done.

The Ukraine War, there’s still pretty much no suggestion that this war actually be resolved via realistic negotiations that don’t involve Ukraine getting back all of its post-Soviet territory plus demilitarising Russia, despite the huge cost to Europe of this war continuing.

There’s no permissible debate on anything of importance anymore in the Western world and the traditional media won’t even mention that in the near past there was a functional alternative to these horrible policies now being forced on everyone. It’s some real Soviet-style shit where the base assumption is that the party is always right and anything that contradicts that by implication doesn’t exist.


The trans horseshit is the peak example of the end of western civilisation for mine.

Almost anything else can be rationally debated in some way, but declaring that men can be women and vice versa is just utter batshit crazy denial of reality.

Anybody who makes or supports such claims is insane. If I was king I’d probably have anybody espousing transgenderism shot on the spot for the good of society. That’d put a stop to that nonsense chop chop.

Lucky for them I’m not king, I suppose.


In regard to immigration rights, there was an all-time classic stupid quote in Twitter last week that was suggesting Democracy being a veto of Globalisation and should not be allowed to happen. This is how fucking stupid lefties have become.




Job anyone?


Easy. Anyone can self identify as aboriginal no issues mate.


I have been watching some Spanian vids. This story is scary. In NSW you can be locked up for having anything on you worth more than $130 and being unable to produce a receipt.


holy shit i listened to that

doesnt surprise me at all he was clearly being stereotyped in the situation by the cops based on his appearance etc

i’ve heard of this happening before to people too

Aussie Soy Boy

Yeah no shit he was stereotyped. The cops sixth sense was correct because he’s a low life violent criminal.

By the time he was twelve, Spanian knew he would follow his family’s footsteps to become a career criminal. What followed was a decade-long string of brazen crimes and brutal violence: stabbings, ram-raids, drug runs and a notorious high school siege.



fantastic story teller but

pretty fucked thing that police can just do this to you though, all the more reason to keep your head down in the ezfka and not draw attention with bullshit like tatts etc

Aussie Soy Boy

The cops only go after dirty lebos who deal in stolen goods.


given it was an ipod this story likely happened quite a long time ago, in the video he says hes 43 and it was uploaded a few years ago

so probably around the mid-late 2000s when people still used ipods


I don’t think he was stereotyped. The cops would have known exactly who he was and their way of keeping him on a leash.

They have similar powers elsewhere. e.g., highway patrol can pull you over and defect your car for many trivial things like tiny scratch/fraying on seatbelt, washer fluid bottle on half-filled.


If we had a real country he would have been too terrified to commit crimes because of the risk of corporal punishment

but he was in and out of juvie and prison which was just a holiday camp

Aussie Soy Boy

Haha as if a cop is ever going ask someone that doesn’t look like a dirty, greasy, ex-con, Lebo turd. Don’t tattoo your face dumb dumb if you don’t want attention from the cops.


This is what you get from public housing

he has multiple videos of him going back to the housing commission

it’s filled with absolute scum

given us albo and Spanian
two dumb entitled fuckwits


tbh this is a good point about albo

if he never had public housing access he may have never gone anywhere in life bc he wouldnt have been proximate to the cbd

could have set off a butterfly effect chain reaction that led to him being pm, its very likely

imagine if he had ended up growing up in some shit hole like dubbo or some outer suburb instead


Apparently he stabbed a guy in school to “impress the girls”. Some people are only a split second away from serious violence.

Anyway he makes good vids so whatever. Violence is hardly the only evil in the world.

He tries all these foods around Sydney that noone can be fucked doing because you have to drive an hour to get anywhere. Trying say 5 burger joints would be like a 12 hour day.


yeah he’s very entertaining

good on him for turning things around with these vids


Yeah just watching people talk shit and eating food or travelling is often better than anything now.

I just watched Harald Baldr have a haircut for an hour.


compare his unpretentious editing style to someone like friendlyjordies

no fucking annoying music, no cuts or little breakaway clips/gifs imposed over the top, adhd jokes every 2 seconds breaking the topic being discussed etc its just a guy talking shit into a cam in random places, and its refreshing compared to what is usually on yt these days


yeah there is some authenticity to his vids.

Actually, I find more authenticity with lower-middle class people in general … except the blonde variety that want to kill me because I have darker hair.


I think Jordies will always provide at least some value. Sure he’s a Labor shill but he’s overall reasonably red pilled.

You only have to provide a bit more value than the MSM and it feels like way more.


cant stand him the cunt went totally AWOL during covid it was the most pathetic thing ever

itd be like being a live vlogger during ww2 in the UK or something and not mentioning the war once the entire time


Jordies just did some much needed damage to crypto scum.


The only thing worse than that whiny annoying Labor shill FJordy are his fags for fans.

Guy is a total coward, had the platform but shirked it all Covid and since.

His pokie vids were just ok.

Takes just the easy shots, even Barilaro was pretty harmless (did he really get his house firebombed, really?).


if he had come out criticising lockdowns, mandates etc it’d of been bye bye access to all the labor insiders he gets to rub shoulders with including rudd, hes explicitly interested in career climbing (he says so on his other channel Jordan Shanks – he’s a self-help tony robbins style devotee), he basically has very few principles outside of the ALP paradigm

i dont know why anyone wants to listen to him so much


Tbh he’s a very odd character and I would have been interested to hear the PSL community assessment of him

he was a male model
(though to me he’s not really attractive enough to be a model)

but he seems like a weird drama fag

and he dates Asian girls which is usually for the ugliest of white guys and incels

and he’s into politics which is strictly for the ugliest people who are still narcissists

and he’s into self improvement and Tony robins which is not something that anyone good looking enough to be a male model should ever need to be involved with


End of the day everyone has their biases, country is still probably a better place with him around


Yeah he is primarily a Labor shill but he’s still better than the MSM. They generally hate him so he’s obviously doing some good.

His skits are pretty good too imo.

I don’t think he makes out like he’s some big saviour or anything.


lmao this guy is a complete psycho


What a total POS. But at least he’s not a journalist.


This is pretty good, look him up for the thread.


What’s his name or better yet a link