AFR unleashes attack dogs

The AFR has decided to attack Qantas’ Alan Joyce, which is fun to watch:


Qantas’ enviable dominance now comes with a big cost


Qantas says Canberra cancellations minimise network disruptions

and here:

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce first testimony under oath in nearly a decade

Joe Aston let loose this:

“Joyce answers the questions he wishes he was asked, or answers previous questions instead of the one at hand. The more personal the question, the more impersonal the response. The more concrete the question, the more abstract the rejoinder. The more simple and verifiable the question, the more complex and unprovable the riposte.

He’s a fatigue negotiator. He talks around everything. “Let me address your question by reframing it. Forget this, you’ve got to understand that.” Every confronting truth is recast as a digestible ego fantasy. He’ll keep repeating his rehearsed assertions no matter how many times they’re proven to be false.”

Sounds like just about every “leader” I’ve ever heard speaking publically in Australia. Nice to see young Joe laying into him. I wonder if he’ll call out such behaviour with such vigour when it’s not his employer’s punching bag of the day. Here’s hoping.

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He’ll protect his brand legacy no doubt like Keating until the end

“Qantas wasn’t bailed out during covid” and so on


The whole Qantas saga is a distraction to the real cost of living drivers. I don’t have to fly Qantas domestically or internationally (note all airlines upped their fares). But I need to heat and cool my house, feed the family, etc. But, hey, everyone hates Joyce and let’s get one final kick in. Concentration in banking, groceries, energy supplies not even debated.


It’s an intra-mate conflict, Qantas sided with Labor which Aussie media mates mostly oppose.

Fuck them all, I’m happy when the tip of the corruption iceberg is exposed


Qantas sided with Labor which Aussie media mates mostly oppose.



You probably think Peter Costello’s 9 Entertainment supports Labor lol


abc seems to be more pro labor the rest appears to be more pro lib even fairfax

fair to say theyre all pro globohomo neoliberalism and lib/lab are interchangable on anything to do with that, so im not sure how it matters


Protestants and Catholics, Sunnis and Shias, to outsiders they’re basically identical but to insiders the other side are infidels who deserve to die.

It may not make any difference to plebs like us who is in power but it matters to Peter Costello and Alan Joyce. They like seeing their team win and their personal mates will help them out when they have the power to do so.


bristol stool 3 vs bristol stool 4


the only ones who are pro liberal is Murdoch and dailymail

List of pro alp : fairfax, abc, guardian, MB, crikey, 10 (the project) etc etc

7 and 9 are too regarded to be anything


If Jenny Morrison could meet 50.1 per cent of voters, Scott Morrison would be prime minister for life.

Sure thing champ


Lol yeah right mate

Remember the multiple ministries? The robodebt bullshit?

smh was frothing over that for months
“A threat to democracy “

not a fucking peep about the qantas club or the kpmg internship or the tax auditing etc etc

they had (and still have) full on scomo derangement syndrome

but st albo from the projects can’t do wrong


not a fucking peep about the qantas club or the kpmg internship or the tax auditing etc etc

Half the fucking AFR has been that shit for the last few days, that’s what the post we’re replying to is about.

It’s obvious you don’t actually read any Fairfax media.


I said smh

learn to read it might help

joe Aston doing good work but he won’t be around for long


That’s a trick fairfax been doing for years. Pretend to be inner city faggots but subtley support the libs.


They are inner city faggots just more the potts point type rather than newtown.


libs are going to destroy the planet

without treaty we can never heal

immigration is good and here’s 10 reasons why

etc etc

all the bullshit the alp uses to justify arse fucking the workers is supported by Fairfax propaganda


The AFR (Fairfax) is pretty much the Australian business lobbyists gazette, you see all propaganda there first before it gets softened and trickles down into the rest of Aussie media. Times are changing as Labor abandons any remotely left wing policies but the lobbyists have traditionally backed the Libs and will keep doing it for a while longer.

Fairfax isn’t that subtle about preferring the Libs, people who don’t read it might think because it publishes some woke bullshit articles that means it’s for Labor but the Turnbull Libs/Teals love that shit and Fairfax still needs to try to retain readers to the left of Dutton to remain a going concern.

The only exception may be at times in Victoria where Dan’s extreme credibility in the world of globohomo seem to get him ahead of the Victorian Libs in Fairfax’s eyes.


“This overegging of marginal value policy to cover up the historic failure of majority economic policy is precisely why the fake left is failing”

DLS has been fairly good at identifying where the issues are lately.


He will still be voting yes to the voice though , he has declared


DLS has been fairly good at identifying where the issues are lately.

Yeah, he’s not dumb, but he is severely impeded by some enormous blind spots in his perception and mental construct of the world.

That said, I haven’t really spent any time reading MB lately, what with my important leadership responsibilities and such.

If there is one commenter worth reading over there it’s sps179. I really value that guy’s stuff.


Interesting article by DLS – many of the sentiments he is expressing are the same ones that define what we have come to refer to as EZFKA.

Glad he is slowly waking up to what we already know.

This other comment was also interesting

The fake left wants to replace the world’s best living standards with a Blade Runner set while claiming high moral ground. It is more mental illness than it is policymaking.

The ‘Blade Runner’ dystopia vision is one replicated everywhere in movies that are set in the future, from Spielberg’s ‘Ready Player One’ to that dreadful ‘Halo’ series – all the “good” and “moral” people always live in these poverty ridden multicultural slums. The rich are always portrayed as a bunch of homogenous white overlords.

The one noticeable exception to the ‘Blade Runner’ vision of the future was ironically from a movie based on a book by the same Author, Philip K Dick, Star Ship Troopers.

Apparently Paul Verhoeven tried to to make the semi-Fascist Global UN look unappealing, with its authoritarianism, militarism, social order, and the greatest crime – making distinctions between civilians and citizens.

Verhoeven apparently thought the institutionalized ‘Thought crime’ in the general public reaction towards anything ‘Far Right” would mean that simply using social policies stereotypical typically associated with Fascistic regimes, would be sufficient for audiences to realise that they shouldn’t be cheering too hard for their heros.

Alas, without explicitly having a character state that they were essentially living in a Fascist society, thereby triggering the audiences ‘Thought Crime’ programming, all he ended up doing was making Fascism look cool with its high trust society and social order, while in the process making a B-Grade SciFi classic on par with ‘Battle Beyond’ the Stars or Flash Gordon’.

Aussie Soy Boy

Joyce and Albo are just a couple of old poofters looking out for each other.


Seems obvious doesn’t it?

If they were straight blokes looking after each other the journalist faggots and ugly cows would lose their shit.


Fly Virgin. Dunno why anyone would wanna fly Qantarse except to have a gay Aussieness larp.


I’ve been flying to the north coast from Canberra regularly over the last few months. Virgin every time. I wouldn’t dream of flying Qantas


Aston clearly despise that short Irish poofter. Not as much as I do though.

Gruppenführer Mark


Sounds like just about every “leader” I’ve ever heard speaking publically in Australia. Nice to see young Joe laying into him. I wonder if he’ll call out such behaviour with such vigour when it’s not his employer’s punching bag of the day. Here’s hoping.

A couple of things. Yes, every leader / public figure out there talks to their “talking points”, regardless of the questions asked. I have gone through full-blown training on how to talk to media. There is a different approach to TV, radio or newspaper, but the crux of it remains the same – stick to your talking points. Don’t deviate, turn the conversation where it needs to go.

So, your observation is correct. However, it is media that has made this possible, all by themselves, and it is the media that is actively preventing the debate in this and other countries.

The media went from reporting stories of interest – facts or opinions of debating sides – to creating a narrative (I am not discussing here who pushed for this change, that’s a different subject). The media also went from providing entertainment to fighting for advertising space, which necessarily means more eyeballs to maximise profits. So this also necessarily means that sensation took over from reporting.

I recall an old clip from some previous Mayor of Perth who, after being asked a question, became emotional and called the reporter words and told him to get away or something. Once the story becomes not about the story, but about an emotional reaction, news is over. Once interpretation of someone’s words is a focus, or asking a negatively-charged question (when did you stop beating your wife), or a question that is worded in such a way that the response is meant to start in a negative sense (isn’t it true? – no!), the honest media is dead!

So if you get to make it into a news program, and get to state your points for 30 seconds without being talked over, it is a good length clip. Full sit-down or a debate is the next best thing, but there you are at more risk of bad edit or leading questions and being open to attacks by your opponent.

Unless media goes back to reporting, rather than influencing, things will continue.


the last time i flew qantas it was way more expensive than the alternatives and the stewardesses were ultra rude the whole time and thought they were hot shit (despite being elderly roast) and as a result i have never flown with them again

what happened to qantas isnt comparable to the destruction of Air South Africa post-apartheid though, black apartheid turned it from one of the best and renowned airline services around to an airliner that sounds outright dangerous to fly on now

amren had a really great article about it 10 years ago:


Everything the whypipo built in Seffrica, which is a lot, has been totally rooted by the blacks.

They did it in Rhodesia, and they’re doing it in Seffrica. The place will shortly become another humanitarian disaster requiring aid from the world of whypipo to prevent mass casualties.

The reason for this is that most African blacks (not all, but most) are stupid, violent savages with ultra high time preference.

Africa is huge with vast natural resources. It should be the dominant nation in the world and an absolute paradise on earth, rather than a current example of what a post apocalypse horror show looks like in real time.


one of the few countries in ss-africa that has actually created a respectable society is botswana

the kind of prudent technocratic management that has occurred both there and (recently) in rwanda too is unfortunately fragile and i fear is likely to blow up into a chaos of corruption and anarchy when or if less principled and effective men ultimately take the place of the decent african men who run those countries

if i was in charge of an SS-african country my objectives would be getting population levels as low as possible, cratering birth rates and building infrastructure in place to enshrine my political system after i’m gone as well as implement subtle pro-eugenics policy for the long term


if i was in charge of an SS-african country my objectives would be getting population levels as low as possible, cratering birth rates and building infrastructure in place to

It wouldn’t work – SSA have never had a Malthusian limit, their population has always been kept in check by their stupidity and the hostile environment. Take those incumbrances away, through the spill over effects of Western civilization and they’re like locusts.

Control your nations population and very soon your neighbours would spill over the borders and dominate your own – this is how SA1went from a black/white ratio of 3:1 at the turn of the 20th century to 9:1 today.

They’re honestly not hung up on being good global citizens, like stupid Westerners – they know that the point is to have as many offspring as possible.


it might be possible via extreme oppression, you might even have to bring in a mercenary army from overseas to enforce your regime but i think you could implement a eugenics program in ss-africa but it would be brutal and borderline genocidal

Reus's Large MEMBER

I am pretty sure that Bills Gate’s vaccination program was to try to reduce the population in SSA, but they still managed to out breed that too.


The coup creates more uncertainty for France’s presence in the region. France has about 350 troops in Gabon. Its forces have been kicked out of Mali and Burkina Faso after coups there in the last two years.

Another pro-French African leader bites the dust


Especially those who have no idea how immigration policy actually works.

In 2023, everything is too complex for non-(captured)experts to understand.

We may as well do away even with our phony democracy because the population aren’t educated enough to decide which puppet should lead.


Lol couldn’t debate the point so he inferred Cameron is a racist



there is nothing wrong with being a racist

To not be a racist is to deny reality itself


I guess I’m saying if you shy away from it every time the magic words are uttered, then you are immediately ceding control to the forces of chaos

racism is generally heuristics
it is perfectly rational and desirable to use heuristics to guide decision making

we are at risk of destroying civilisation and reason


Yes it’s a classic response and strawman of the left


the idea that a person is wrong if they are a racist or that an idea is wrong because it is racist is a logical fallacy, it needs to have its own latin term to describe it if doesnt already

argumentum ad racism


Control language and you control they way people think. That way some ideas and concepts remain forever out of most people’s reach by effectively ‘banning’ them through social ostracization. I wonder whose worked that out.


Rizvi’s “only true racists” response to Murray sounds defamatory.


Hungary’s Viktor Orban offers incentive to women: Have 4 kids and never pay income taxes again!

Highly eugenic policy, more reproduction by high income earners and less funds available to support bludgers etc. I hope they don’t grandfather it so it won’t be available to Boomers.

You couldn’t copy it directly to Australia though, as most of those untaxed funds would go into housing and price out couples who’d like to reproduce from appropriate housing.


singapore tried something similar, it was a bit of a fizzler. afaik these kinds of policies struggle to actually increase birthrates, and it would need to be targeted more to high income (as a proxy for other traits ofc) individuals to be truly eugenic, i suspect it may ultimately be dysgenic (assuming low income people in hungary actually pay income taxes – otherwise maybe not) as the people who would feel most incentivised to have lots of children to avoid taxes are low time horizon type people

the kind of tradeoff is that having 4+ kids = less of a resource and cost burden than income tax, and i suspect that isn’t going to be true for most if not any person, hence why these schemes often don’t work. they just incentivise people who dont think things through to be like “wow good deal” without doing the actual calculations on whether they’ll save them money at all, and that can never be eugenic


if some eugenic outcome is the goal negative eugenics is more effective than positive eugenics, william shockley wanted to offer certain individuals a free sports car when they hit a certain age in exchange for a sterilising procedure, the logic being taking the sports car over the possiblity of having future offspring would be something low time horizon people would ultimately choose


singaporean women – ugly af
singaporean men – incel af


as the people who would feel most incentivised to have lots of children to avoid taxes are low time horizon type people

How much of a threat it is really that people paying like $10K tax per year will have four kids to save tax, not many people are that retarded and if they are then they will probably have kids anyway. At least they actually work.

and i suspect that isn’t going to be true for most if not any person,

Most people still have kids with no financial incentive so it probably doesn’t need to be fully subsidised.


look at the kinds of spastics who fell for the baby bonus

they used to hold baby shower parties at dubbo maccas


baby bonus would have been a good idea if Australia didn’t also have a cradle to grave welfare state alongside it


yeah having all those ferals out on the streets running rampant and committing crimes definitely sounds like a good idea

convinced the regional crime wave atm is being caused by the demographic bulge in ferals the baby bonus partially caused


we would also need corporal punishment

goes without saying


Yeah if you had that in Oz you’d just get more Raptor drivers needing property development to remain effluent. Noone wants to root the nerds. Even the nerds would rather just play vidya rather than deal with bitches.


Just had a dividend payment for a few thousand shares I’ve had for decades. I paid $1 for them back in the day. Fully franked payment of $535K dropped into the bank account this arvo. Franking credits should bring me another $200K or so.

Now that’s what I call a good investment.

Finest Shiraz and Wagyu for dinner tonight.

Aussie Soy Boy

Nice work


Tell us more

How did you find this opportunity


Private employer, employee share ownership scheme. I bought shares in the scheme when I joined the company back in 91 and kept them all these years.


Well done and well done to your old employer.


if you have an income of 535k you will not receive any additional money from franking credits

Likely LARPing


My taxable income is zero, due to the miracle of superannuation. I get a fully franked dividend meaning that the company has paid 30% tax on that dividend that I shouldn’t pay, because I’m on the 0% tax bracket.

Obligingly, rhe ATO says “Whoops, we’ve charged you 30% tax on your dividend that we shouldn’t have, so here’s your 30% tax back as a franking credit.”

For the first time in my life, ever, the tax system works for me.


You are so skeptical. Even if you know he is full of shit you could at least played along with it for a bit. Congratulate him, Bing, and any other of his aliases on being an old cunt who finally reached the tax-free age of 60.


You think I post here as Bing and other aliases? That’s a peculiarly silly idea.


I have witnessed some people self-destruct in retirement. Find something meaningful to do with your life and switch off the imaginary friends and enemies on the internet.

That is the most important and sincere comment you are going to get from anyone on this forum.


You clearly think I’m some deluded povvo raving loony who spends his lonely hours of isolation ranting into the void on the internet via a bunch of sock puppet accounts on fringe websites. This is incorrect.

I have money, friends Ive known for decades, a loving partner, wonderful children and so many meaningful interests that I never have enough time in the day to do all the things I want to do.

Life is good. Except for the golf. My golf is still shit.


Nah LSWCHP is genuine – he’s been here from the outset and MB for years.


You are naive. Have a read of Bing losing his rag in other thread. A pom accusing Stagmal of lying about his windfall. A day later we have another pom with a windfall of his own. Please.


You think I’m a Pom? FFS, you really know how to hurt a guy.


Thanks Stewie. I was a regular paid up contributor at MB for ten years. Noobs like Freddy have NFI.


people chasing short term gains then blowing up on suicide watch

im a hold until im old kinda guy too its the best way to play


Anyone know what happened to CHN?

Absolute collapse


Nice one. Congrats.

I don’t think they still have this stupid tax rule, but just in case don’t be late with your tax return following financial year. Many years ago I paid myself a large one-off dividend when closing my company down. The following financial year my agent was slow in submitting returns and I was ATO forced me to pay a few grand in tax interest on dividends that I never received.


Being unable to edit typos becoming annoying.


dividend payment for a few thousand shares I’ve had for decades. I paid $1 for them back in the day. Fully franked payment of $535K 

this should be considered as a puzzle to be solved.

even if “a few thousand” means “ten thousand”, then the cash dividend is $53.50 per share.

the dividend is fully franked, so the company is local.

the company existed a few decades ago, so it’s not a recent high-tech thingy.

I can’t immediately think of a company like that.


Crack on, Sherlock!

Your numbers are in the ballpark. From where I’m sitting the answer is blindingly obvious, but I suppose that’s because I know the answer.


Cochlear or CSL could fit the bill

Roger Dodger

CDN = Codan


”Australian” businessman proposes Islamic banking system as solution to the housing crisis

it’s absolutely amazing that we manage to adopt/allow only the worst parts of Islam and not the based parts (banking, capital punishment etc)

and we only adopt the worst/most post modern parts of the western “enlightenment” (crony capitalism, self loathing) while the best parts are now decried (freedom of speech and thought)

we’ve got the absolute worst of all worlds


i dont even think veil wearing is that bad either

i can understand the rationale for it

cool story i know but i know a chick who went to lebanon of all places on vacation

she told me she was constantly getting cat called and groped by lebo guys who were macking on her everywhere she went and said it was really hard to be a woman there

face veils are a direct response to machismo arab culture imo cover up so you dont get constantly harassed by horny arab men who think theyre gods gift every 5 seconds of your life

and as a mrried man it stops guys from macking on your girl and her cheating on you

its perfectly rational and wearing a face curtain is a lot easier than having to spend 30 minutes putting on makeup like some women do here before they go out

tell me how thats more oppressive than a face curtain that takes like 2 seconds to put on

trump agrees too:


*less oppressive rather


I love looking at barely dressed women tbqh

sexual liberalism is good


Would rather just have more sluts and fewer lebos


lebos and sluts a distinction without a difference


speaking of lebos and RE agents

they’re just so high T it warps their brains


“Would rather just have more sluts and fewer lebos..”

Coming for the win.

I’m making up those t shirts now.


Veils are a cop out – I’d still prefer to live in societies where men don’t behave like oversexed chimps. Beauty is there to behold.


Yes the veil is a solution to a unique middle eastern cultural issue


We’re not a country we are just a sector within a globalised world. Everyone is on side except for a few countries like China. You might be smart but it doesn’t mean shit.


Holy fuck the ezfka Twitter account has been absolutely on fire today

timbo has obviously just reupped his 60 day Ritalin script


jfc just watch this

the abc used to be incredibly based

just presenting hard cold facts without emotional editorialising


Classic EZFKA.

The NSW anti-corruption watchdog has found a Sydney property developer secretly filmed two councillors with sex workers on a “boys’ weekend” trip to China so he could blackmail them into voting for his projects.


Lol how incel would you have to be. You can get a root for $150 or something you don’t need a property developer to fund it.


Having a dirty big fuckin wog or poo or whatever it is with thunder thighs isn’t enough.

She could knock you out with a kick box to the head.

Coming is in love.

Reus's Large MEMBER

What are they on about, there are some chunky monkeys in that group already, compare that to the 70’s and you see the wonder of unhealthy food


Yeah everybody’s gotta be fuggin huge now it’s gross compared to the 70s and 80s, even the 90s. Nigga butts on the women. It’s rare to see elegant classy women.


They have already self-censored in acquiescence to the anti-aesthetic brigade, by putting their best talent (GI Jane and Wonder Woman) out of view at the back.

I would have thought that is more than enough.

Last edited 10 months ago by Peachy

Well spotted – was that your feminine eye instantly assessing the opposition?


Every single one of these women has more value just in their feet than your entire life

would bang each and every single one


would bang each and every single one

hehe, OzCuck really knows your type!

Coming is in love


Yes my type is women because I’m not gay


I think I see an Asian and an Indian or Latina

Basically brands should only cast black people to be safe from Twitter (or wherever they post now) outrage.


How do these people even know what race these women are, they could be 1/16 anything


They could all self identify as aboriginal

Can’t be more inclusive than that


None of those chicks would make me queue for hours to get a signed autograph calendar of ‘The Body’ like I did in the 90’s, when models were Amazonian goddesses who teenage boys would dream of death by Snu-snu.

That said they weren’t exactly pogs either. All they were lacking were SSA and the obviously, fat, ugly or trans. The whole article said more about the angst of the person writing it than it did about the swimwear company.


That’s the key, it’s the “people” driving the message that make the end result so fucked.

Faggots in the fashion design, faggots in advertising, in retail sales, even the faggots in the media, all drive this weird skewed vision of what is attractive or beautiful.

Layer that with an influx of horrible ethnic varieties who are fat and ugly as well (Lebos etc), and none of them want the traditional Aussie beautiful white Anglo look.

Women now aim to look attractive to faggots, and to appease the jealous ugly brigades. Honestly I can’t see how young blokes today even get it up for these women. It’s part of the reason for the low birth rate as well IMHO.


I have heard it mentioned elsewhere that it was the domination of Pooh-pokers in the fashion industry in the late 90s early 2000s, that resulted in women being portrayed as flat chest androgynous pre-pubescent boys.


To the surprise of exactly nobody, Prighozin has apparently resurfaced in Africa claiming thst reports of his death have been greatly exaggerated.

Whether it’s genuine or a deepfake or whatever is unknown right now, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he was alive. If he is still aboveground, well, Vlad is gonna be mightily pissed off with his wet work crew.


I’m surprised, I thought they killed him properly!


I think he probably faked his death and someone with that level of narcissism wouldn’t be able to handle everyone really thinking he’s dead e.g., irrelevant.

But I don’t think he’ll ever provide concrete proof that he’s alive or else what was the point of faking his death to begin with?

Putin might end up regretting not killing him for real.


that’s hot

Saddam Hussein flirting during his youth.png
the arborist

Those teal and green voters got what they voted for.


Toorak is Labor now. Close enough.


Defs a psyop to make people hate greenies

There’s no way this would achieve anything


if they really wanted to make an impact going around targeting the actual infrastructure that sells these would be the way to go, sneak into car sales yards at night (theyre usually open 24/7 anyway) and slash every car’s tyre in the lot, make it completely unviable for dealers to sell them


That also wouldn’t make any difference, they’ll put up some barbed wire big deal

If people want to Stop Oil then they need to target the producers and big users (like the US army as if that’s ever gonna happen)

Targeting randos because you hate SUVs will just get legislation passed so environmentalists can get chucked in jail for protesting

Maybe that’s why they target Toorak where influential people who can get the ball rolling are

They should do whatever suburb of Canberra where the politicians live next


I’m going to let you know that the majority of australians hate

a) smokers
b) dickheads with large/noisy/expensive/otherwise obnoxious cars

just because you fall into both categories, don’t assume that most people think like you

its only the most bogan of legacy units and the scummiest of ethnics (lebs predominantly) who strongly approve of these


legacy australians absolutely love these huge dickhead mobiles

the thing is about dickheadmobiles is they encourage vehicular arms races on the roads just for people to feel safe while driving

if every car around you is becoming the size of a tiger II tank then you wont feel safe in your undersized shitbox anymore and want to upgrade

they effectively regulate themselves into existence and thats why theyre absolutely terrible


i certainly chuckled when I heard about the attacks on them

I think the majority of australians also would be amused and at least silently approve


not sure, i think the majority of australians drive an oversized shitbox now (especially compared to 20 years ago), our standard for what a normal sized car is has definitely changed due to the mechanism i just described up there

but yeah even if this is some sort of big oil psyop i still unironically support it, id join in if i lived in a city


What makes a Cayenne more of a dickheadmobile than a 911, just because it’s physically larger?

I understand why oil industry psyops hate SUVs but why do you

You don’t seem to hate nearly everything like Coming and Soyboy


larger the size the more fuel used compared to contemporary cars, the less visibility (these things are death traps to smaller people/kids for example), they clog up parking spaces and contribute to road jams simply by occupying more space on throughfares

theres a whole genre of youtube video basically talking about them and equivalent cars like utes etc


So you’re mad about an extra 4 litres of fuel per 100 kms or whatever?

Visibility, OK, valid point

But truth is that buying a Cayenne instead of a 911 doesn’t really make you more of a dickhead

Just the usual rage at other people’s behaviour from our autistic troll


SUVs actually are (or were, anyway) originally marketed to dickheads, market surveys show theyre driven by much more aggressive people in general

this has probably changed as theyve become more normalised, the traffic arms race always trends towards bigger and bigger cars so jabronis can feel ‘safer’ behind the wheel

obviously cars period are bad news and creating societies based on automobile dependence was a mistake


they’re both dickhead mobiles as far as I’m concerned


You’re always letting us know what the majority thinks

Thank god we have you


We can’t all be free spirited smokers and hoons like you champ

Otherwise you wouldn’t be so special


I am pretty special

How much worse would things be if I was seething 24/7 about big cars, big dogs, smokers etc

Puts it into perspective


a figurative breath of fresh air


One of the good things about smoking is it’s a good faggot repellent, ie you.

As for SUVs well I didn’t like it when the SUV craze started but if you can’t beat em join em. I don’t have one btw.


i like faggots a lot more than smokers so its working out for both of us


If I could afford the fuel I’d definitely own an obnoxiously large SUV – as it is I’ve got the largest station wagon in under the brand. Nothing like driving an enormous land whale around the roads, ponderously changing lanes and occupying space.

I rue the passing of sensible safety legislation that banned bull bars the likes of which would shred the bodies of puny non-car owning pedestrians. Use to love driving around Sydney in a Turbo charged diesel Sahara with a bull bar like a cattle grate, that would bleach black world ending smoke and soot over pedestrians and cyclists.

Last edited 10 months ago by Stewie

Reminded of that vegan animal rights activist who would smear blood on people – inconveniencing people will just turn people against your cause.

Aussie Soy Boy

They should go to Frankston and let down the tyres in some Raptors


These faggot activists are copy cats (UK did this) and cowards (picked Toorak not Frankston).

They also hit cars that would be 100 times more fuel efficient than EZFKA 4WDs etc.

Come out to the Wonnangatta Valley and try that kids…


dailymail tacitly confirmed what was already speculating

albo and joyce are in a “close” relationship

Labor MPs wouldn’t have enjoyed hearing Mr Joyce confirm he’d been friends with Mr Albanese ‘for years’ with those two words effectively confirming just how close the two men had become. 

Opposition leader Peter Dutton again drew attention to their mateship again on Friday when we said they were ‘too close’.

‘The relationship between Alan Joyce and Anthony Albanese is well documented,’ Mr Dutton said on the Today Show on Friday.


poofta party at paul keatings potts point pad

wow what an alliteration haha


Could have been at Paul’s terrace

or maybe it was albo was hosting

They might have had a real marrickville pork roll


tbh this is another good reason to be gay

a) you’re semi immune from criticism and woke scolding
b) women want to be your besty and hang out with you, which you can use to gather information etc
c) I bet sucking each other off and butt fucking really bonds you with other men, without the jealousies and inequities of heterosexual relationships
Imagine the network you could build

Gay men have high T on average much smarter than hetero men so you will all advance far politically and professionally

and then just help each other out ahead of the straight guys and women

all the while getting more sex than you can possibly handle

its even better than being jewish probably




c) I bet sucking each other off and butt fucking really bonds you with other men, without the jealousies and inequities of heterosexual relationships
Imagine the network you could build

houston my sides are in orbit

fuck me

Aussie Soy Boy

Queer, Ass-Eater, Negro, Tranny Air Service


Sons of PMs


why did this not become our George Floyd

Mr Washington suffered a cardiac arrest and died on December 13, 2020, after being tasered twice and restrained during a confrontation with police and then sedated by ambulance officers.

During the incident, Mr Washington stabbed a Queensland police officer and his police dog with scissors.

and wait for it – not fentanyl but

Dr Milne told the court that Mr Washington’s cause of death was “undetermined” due to multiple contributing factors including underlying heart disease, physical and psychological stress at the time of his arrest, and drug use — methylamphetamine found in his system.

Real failure of the abc and ALP to not weaponise this in order to spark riots and a race war

timbo could make a good Twitter post to that end


No one in their right mind would sympathize with the deceased – he was on meth, burgled a home, assaulted the resident then stabbed a police officer in the head with scissors and had a go at the dog.


Very much like George Floyd


Should’ve hung on to Baxter


“And then I told him, you’ve got Monkeypox now!!”

Def faggots these two.
