‘Exhausted’ McGowan quits WA politics for multimillion dollar job with Chicom

WA Premier Mark McGowan has sensationally quit as WA Premier citing fatigue, after being offered a multi-million dollar job with a Chinese mining company.

The Premier walked away from politics after 30 years blaming health concerns, after forcing everyone else to jeopardise theirs due to vaccine mandates.

“I’d like to thank Andrew Robb, he was the OG in selling out the country and then walking into the arms of the enemy the next day,” McGowan said in a teary press conference.

“But what’s really important is my health and the only cure for that is a healthy bank balance.”

Victorian PM Daniel Andrews declined to say he too would be resigning, stating that John Holland has “yet to come up with a reasonable offer.”

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Lmao has any one heard of this


apparenyly there was an abc show with an aboriginal woman shitting on a photo of a white person


abc show with an aboriginal woman shitting on a photo of a white personRenowned spoof shitter Benjamin Law describes it as “genius”.Culture matters.

Speaking of which, an interesting breakdown on the racism in subverting ‘white’ fictional characters and turning them into ‘diversity’ (usually Africans).


I quite liked #5

5. It is a clear political message. You are not allowed to claim Aragorn as your own, as a character inspired by your own past, your own archetypes. You are not allowed to learn lessons from Aragorn as Aragorn. Aragorn must be given his proper “revolutionary content.”

Its true – so much of ‘Progressivism’ and the ideology behind it is about severing cultural links to the Archatypes that that help specifically define who we are, it is about domination and form cultural bullying. Anything to weaken the patriarchy.

It isn’t inclusive it is an attack.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

I watched that. They made the girls eat a piece of abo shit on a plate like it was a piece of cake.

Overall a good show though, a piss take on fast paced life and there always being “another fucking thing to do”.

You probably haven’t heard of it though because you finger your arsehole over Paul Murray and the little Iranian girl.


I don’t even own a tv , because I’m not a bogan or a boomer


No. You’re a little faggot. Probably a manlet with short man syndrome.


Lmao this was a good dunk ill admit

simple but effective


lmao wat how is it it a good dunk

i’m over 6 foot anyway

but insulting men because they’re short is peak 3rd wave feminism misandry


its just a really uncalled for nasty insult and it made me laugh bc of how dumb it was


Haha. Overall a good show.

How shit is your life if this even gets 5 mins of your time? Classic ABC luvvie shit, ugly people doing boring lame attempts at ‘comedy’.

You’d be orgasming over Friendly Jordies then.

Those Leftards haven’t been funny since this time: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-fGa2wReAwQ


I honestly thought that Australia would have had its first political assassination during ‘these times’. Andrews was my first guess and McGowan close second.

I have no intention of being involved obv but these were crazy times. Is that ok for any Feds reading this?


According to Wikipedia this wasn’t the first, but anyway you can make up your own mind


It was only shitty little shops that suffered and who cares about them? Don’t make a shitty little shop. Easy. Noone cares about your gay little fucken shop. Because I can just go to Kmart or some shit. Der.


Evil tyrannical thug. I hope he dies of myocarditis, or pulmonary embolism or similar.

A fly in your ointment

heres some ideas for your project:
stroke can make people live in hell-like condition for the rest of their life.

Soylent Green

Most 4WD owners have their own compressors, so will be back on the road after some minor inconvenience


Is this a real group or some sort of Soros-funded cutout?

Very suspicious to commit crimes that will definitely have no impact on preventing climate change but do contribute to the rising tide of societal ruin that Soros pushes everywhere.


I support them

completely unnecessary vehicles

dangerous, can’t see over them, obnoxious, polluting, loud

good to see these lefty retards do something useful for once

they should steal the catalytic converters instead


yeah these protesters are retards but these things are absymsal

hate to channel those ‘urban design’ faggot youtubers, but they’re right

suvs/light trucks are a product of marketing and regulations pushing car manufacturers to make them

they’re stupid, clog up the roads, look like shit and are pretty dangerous

no one uses them for their intended purpose


I agree about visibility and handling but that is not what they are targeting.

Nearly all new SUVs are fuel efficient. They would be better off targeting older cars but of course they would be dealing with people who are more likely to beat the living daylights out of them.

I expect an alternative movement of young Australians that will never be able to afford a house or family of their own. They will target expensive cars… and eventually the occupants as well.


i agree theyre not as fuel inefficient as people think but thats bc modern designs make them that way

on a 1:1 basis a modern car with the same design principles that isnt an SUV will still be more fuel efficient


On their “how to spot an SUV” they have listed a Toyota RAV 4 which is 6L/100km and 4.8L/100km for the Hybrid. I think the badge on the photo says Hybrid. That is how retarded they are.



More evidence it’s a fake Soros org

Crush the soccer mums and their school run vehicles

You will drive a Yaris and be happy


There already exists an ‘alternative movement’ in Melbourne’s West.

They’re otherwise known as African (Sudanese) youths, who steal high powered cars to order (from Bikie gangs to strip) or otherwise reuse in another raid or home invasion.


Nothing new. In the 90s and 2000s it was the Leb gangs stealing WRXs for ram raids, and also stealing expensive cars that were stripped and shipped overseas.


Lebs are still trash 30 years later


the woman are hot though



US military pollution is a significant contributor to climate change. If it were a nation state, it would be the 47th largest emitter in the world.

The Cost of Wars Project found that US military pollution had accounted for 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, which amount to 257 million passenger cars annually.

Here’s a target for them. Not that they’d ever lay a finger on such a pro-LGBT and anti-racist organisation, that will shoot them dead if they try anything.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1
A fly in your ointment

on individual basis targeting older car makes sense as the CO² footprint reduction per unit is high but there aren’t too many older cars and in fact one will struggle to find one on the street.
don’t forget the carbon footprint of making a new car to replace that 5yo “shitbox”

my mate calls SUF an FUV: Faken Usless Vehicle
Rav4 is the very materialisation of the FUV and its urban consption a bee’s disck under 9L is nothing spectacular in saving, almost naught.
And then there’s that thing called the driving style which no one teaches in Westworld. same car can do 30-40% more consumption with different drivers.


i still see cars from the 90s/80s sometimes but it is getting rarer and rarer. even the old toyota corolla circa 2003 or so is disappearing from the streets, you know that ubiquitous silver hatchback one that used to be absolutely everywhere.


Yes, the car fleet confirms that people are generally rich.

uncle says that the new corollas aren’t nearly as good as the old corollas for longevity

A fly in your ointment

Most cars became perishable because the consumerism made them ‘obsolete’ after about 5yr (or the length of your average car loan) and that manufacturers adjusted accordingly for about 2 ownership changes before graveyard.

Special cars that endure test of time are still there but they are now only non mainstream models

Gruppenführer Mark

I own a 2010 Pajero with manual transmission, 178K on the clock. Was thinking about selling it (these still go for ~22K around Perth), and getting something new.

Started driving it a bit more often over the last couple of months, to keep the car running, and remembered that I really really enjoy driving stick. It is still getting ~9.5L/100km city driving, low 8s on freeway.

Plus it is impossible to get a large off-roader with manual, so I’m keeping mine.


Still obnoxious and deserve to be targeted

I’m guessing you own one of these which is why you’re so defensive about it

not as bad as lebbos driving loud cars, but still obnoxious


I don’t own one. They are a danger to the owners and others. Greenslips should be double that of a sedan to represent the greater risk. Unfortunately blocking visibility of other drivers does not appear in actuarial analysis.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

good man

hopefully they more they get vandalized, the fewer people will buy


the worst are those cartoonishly huge american import pickups with the tiny trays that are the size of a t rex

what fking moron needs to drive one of those


Yeah cool go to jail for the pissy few decades you have left over some faggot puncturing your tyres because you had to get an SUV to impress your shitty wife and kids.

A fly in your ointment

there are other methods to “to deflate their tyres” in return and it is perfectly legal if you don’t get caught with a hand in the cookie jar


Like what?

A fly in your ointment

You will need to use your own devices to workout the answer to “like what?” as saying it would mean defeating the principle which makes it work.
Use your imagination


A number of you guys are really as thick as two planks. Unable to look beyond your own solipsistic needs you then radiate the stunted nuggets of your existence externally to infer that the situations and needs of others must necessarily reflect yours.
Ergo, any behaviour by others that doesn’t reflect your own beliefs must necessarily be attributed to some malign or misguided impulse.


Nah – it is a part of a concerted effort to prepare us for the Long Emergency.

The war on personal transport has begun:


Just like with ‘Climate Change’ they will mention any reason except the truth, we’re running out of cheap fuel to continue with the status quo.


A recession has followed every spike in oil prices without exception. Once cheap fuel is gone, it is pretty likely we’ll get an extended depression.


The myth of modern audiences.

The Critical Drinker does some pretty good reviews.


He’s awesome – regularly check him out.


Didn’t look at it much but technically speaking the population is gonna be 50% non-white pretty soon so it makes sense to start now. At the end of the day Hollywood is all about business and if Marvel is raking it in well it’s all covered for the time being.


Because 50% is non-white, Snow White needs to be played by a Colombian. Okay…


I think it’s disgusting but looks like the Mermaid movie was a success.




I would assume the projects in Victoria being paused are not John Holland jobs.

Gruppenführer Mark

A bit of local perspective. I think McGowan will take some time off. He’s got a 250K a year pension, so not like he is destitute.

Once the dust settles, and currently the reports are his Deputy got the votes to be a Premier, and the planning/infrastructure minister to get the Deputy and Treasurer roles, the WA Labor will concentrate on holding down the fort until next election.

In 2025, there are both state (March) and federal (July) elections. By then, we should have another 500K immigrants, at least, on shore. So the game becomes pander to your perceived special interest group. WA doesn’t figure into the big plan for the Big Australia, with 10% of the population, so Feds won’t be inclined to spash cash as much as in NSW or Vic.

Yet, locally, mining investment is diminishing, State investment is almost gone, the State has problems with Perth homelessness crisis, property crisis, hospital crisis, Perth Mint crisis, Banksia Hill crisis, and rumours swirling that Mark had a string of affairs.

It certainly is interesting how this plays out for the next Premier. The local news were not saturated with the new players as much as it was about McGowan.

At the end of the day, I’d expect him to join some mining interst, and not the ChiComs.

A fly in your ointment

“There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it’s all dark.”

A fly in your ointment

Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun

A fly in your ointment

And when at last the work is done
Don’t sit down it’s time to dig another one

A fly in your ointment

For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide

A fly in your ointment

And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave.

A fly in your ointment

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.

A fly in your ointment

Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.

A fly in your ointment

Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.

A fly in your ointment

And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.

A fly in your ointment

So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.

Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I’d something more to say.


holy fk mate what is with this boomer meme spam

A fly in your ointment

you can vote them down and if there is enough minuses I will pretend to give dafaq

comment image


get this legend here if he isn’t already one of youse


Most of the population knows that we’re sunk without immigration.

Where would this place be without the younger generations paying for the retirement of oldies via the housing market and taxation? And where would all those new customers for the supermarkets, banks and other shitcos come from to prop up the other old cunt retirement fund, which is the asx?

The current economic system demands immigration.

There is only one way to fix this, which should be obvious by now, but people just sit around and complain indians etc in between bouts of blaming the jews.


There is only one way to fix this, which should be obvious by now, but people just sit around and complain indians etc in between bouts of blaming the jews.

mmm… eat the rich? Disentitle the old?

lower teh rates?

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

mmm… eat the rich? Disentitle the old?

lower teh rates?

Nothing so drastic or chewy Peachy. It might be worth a post one day to discuss thou that shall not be named.


It might be worth a post one day to discuss thou that shall not be named.





There is only one way to fix this, which should be obvious by now, but people just sit around and complain indians etc in between bouts of blaming the jews.

No – I’m consistent.


No – I’m consistent.

And that’s why we love you!


Is it a wonkish economic reform that will literally never happen and which the masses won’t understand or vote for?

Believing Australia is gonna get the economy of Germany through any political action is even more delusional than thinking Lib/Lab will cut immigration

Every cunt wants something else to focus on besides stopping immigration. There’s always some ten step program before we can improve any fucking thing.


Australians don’t have the intellect or interest to understand anything


“Gonna get the economy of Germany “…

That’s lurched into recession, that one? Claims of ‘removing dependence on Russian Oil” as a major cause instead of years of fucked Woke environmental energy policies forcing prices sky high so middle class are forced to chop trees down to stay warm last winter. Zero benefits to their open borders, actually caused a rise in Nazism not seen since the good old days.

That one? They’re our target?


The economics autists always idolise Germany

They jack off to car factories and shit

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes to this! I believe it! We can do it!

Believing Australia is gonna get the economy of Germany through any political action

Germany’s economy was largely dependent on cheap Russian gas. By blowing up the Nordstream and signing up for blockade of Russian hydrocarbons full stop, you know, to be aligned with the EU, and by importing a shitload of Turks, Syrians, etc. over last decade, paying all of them generous welfare, etc., Germany’s economy has all of the incentives and reasons to be just like Australian economy!

Hope and Vision should be AnAl’s new election slogan!


Is it a wonkish economic reform that will literally never happen and which the masses won’t understand or vote for?

It’s not all that wonkish (i’d argue it’s less wonkish than the current system) and given the worlds current trajectory it’s inevitable.

Believing Australia is gonna get the economy of Germany through any political action is even more delusional than thinking Lib/Lab will cut immigration

Germany can eat a bag of dicks. Germany is as fucked as the rest of us. The whole eurozone is the exact opposite of what to do.

Every cunt wants something else to focus on besides stopping immigration. There’s always some ten step program before we can improve any fucking thing.

I’m saying they’re never going to stop immigration because the current system requires it and the very people that seem inclined toward low/zero immigration are ironically the largest supporters of the economic status quo.

Within the current system the best you can hope for is a slowdown in rate of change.


There is no solution. This was debated at length previously


Especially millenials. Faggots.

A fly in your ointment

Isn’t that what I kept parroting here for about forever?

Silly me, of course it is what I kept parroting but I was told that instead immos abuse the system hence they arrive in planeloads every day.


Sounds like WA still want to suck him off. His nose even looks a bit like a pee pee. Anglo head. Or rather Scot. I noticed some Scots I know have that nose. What is this phenotype…


Seems like a younger version of the one you inquired about earlier

comment image


Nah it’s heaps different. John Jarratt is the same as coach.

download (1).jpg

oh dear

the whole world is turning Coming
Now a sitting Australian senator

Senator Nick McKim is now asking questions about rents and housing prices.

He asks Philip Lowe whether high interest rates are having an impact on low demand for new houses and higher rents.

McKim asks whether there is a “hole in the bucket” because “higher rents lead to higher inflation which lead to higher interest rates”.

McKim puts to Lowe that it is a “vicious cycle”.

“The cycle doesn’t work like that,” Lowe replies.

“The solution isn’t lower interest rates.“The solution is supply, supply, supply.”


Always supply, never demand

That’s the Australian way


Especially for a self-serving politician with six IPs. This is now the second time Lowe has pointed out high immigration vs low rental vacancy.


Lowe is telling McKim the solution is supply, supply, supply

but not lower interest rates

somebody needs to explain to Phil you don’t get one without the other


How did we ever manage to build anything before the pandemic zero interest rates



“It’s really hurting some people. The underlying issue here is supply and demand in the rental market. The vacancy rates in many cities are very low”, Lowe told the Committee.

“There are a few things that have contributed to that”.

“During the pandemic, the average number of people living in each household declined and people wanted more space”.

“And the other thing that’s now happening is a big increase in population”.


So much tip toeing around the issue, soft cocks can’t even say “immigration “.

Linked In is a pisser at the moment, the Supply Bros agents, developers and even social housing advocates refuse to contemplate importing 700,000 Pajeets is a root cause.

AFR runs a piece “muh Councils and Nimbys is the problem “, otherwise we’d be delivering millions of houses tomorrow. Half the country is directly involved in the housing game, how can they not know it takes min 18 months to deliver one house, we were 70,000 homes behind in annual supply before Covid, and anyway the cost is beyond prohibitive.

Fark, EZFKA is stupid.

Just say it out loud, grow a pair for fucksake.

Stop all immigration now, reduce it to the same level as we have in homeless nationally.

Cue some muppet with a great idea about container homes to ‘solve the rental crisis’.

Just don’t mention the immigrants.


Immigration spiked in 2007/08. Housing completions spiked in 2017/18. We can look forward to several more years of not enough housing.


somebody needs to explain to Phil you don’t get one without the other

You do when the government builds housing instead of leaving to the likes of Meriton, where Harry is now hording units because he thinks he’ll get a better price latter.

Market failure. It’s market that only works with higher and higher prices.

When the solution was to lower the rates and we inevitably hit the bottom, it’s weird that people are surprised that we’re seeing firsthand how that was never a sustainable solution.


McKim was saying higher rates raised rents before you were.



inflation UP again

its not because we are doing the wrong thing

its because we need to do MOAR


0.25 is piss weak


we have gone from 0 – 3.8% (1400% relative terms)

japan has gone up zero and their inflation rate is 3.5%

argentina has put their rates up to 97% and the inflation rate is 108.8%

its an interesting trend


Love the hyperbole. If we went from 0% to 0.1% what would that be in relative terms?

A fly in your ointment

argentina has put their rates up to 97% and the inflation rate is 108.8%

what would’ve happened if instead of 97% IR they made it 0.25% over the inflation rate?

Aussie Soy Boy

You’re dumb when it comes to this stuff


inflation keeps surprising to the upside

rate rise expectations keep surprising to the upside

why do the expert economists keep being surprised?

maybe things don’t work they way they think they do

Aussie Soy Boy

In 1990 inflation was 7% over the year but they lifted to 17% to hit it on the head.

3.85% isn’t going to do much of anything only fuel inflation dumb dumb.


In 1990 inflation was 7% over the year but they lifted to 17% to hit it on the head.

3.85% isn’t going to do much of anything only fuel inflation dumb dumb.

yeha… but bloke doesn’t understand real interest rates vs nominal:

argentina has put their rates up to 97% and the inflation rate is 108.8%




comment image

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

japan been running negative real rates for most of the last 30 years

US for the last 20 years

Australia for the last 10 at least

but all of a sudden we need to jack it to 17%


japan been running negative real rates for most of the last 30 years

Why do you think that is an argument for lower rates causing deflation? This isn’t something where linear thinking applies e.g. Japan has low rates and low inflation, therefore low rates cause low inflation. It’s a dumb argument.

You’re talking about economies in outright deflation or almost no real growth. Prior to covid monetary policy wonk models were ssying that places like Japan, areas of the Eurozone etc might need rates south of -5% to get inflation into their target rages.


nothing they tried achieved anything, they continued to stagnate in semi-deflation

look, i haven’t made this theory up myself

There is extensive literature and research on it.

I find it bizarre that this community rejects all mainstream dogma, except when it comes to interest rates

Despite being probably the most patently absurd of all the gloablist propaganda (covid, immigration, vaccines etc)

The real world evidence is directly in front of your face if you open your eyes


nothing they tried achieved anything, they continued to stagnate in semi-deflation

Again, these types of comments make no sense to me. You’re making unfalsifiable statements and not even considering counterfactuals. How do we know Japan etc wouldn’t be in outright deflation if they hadn’t had rates at the lower bound combined with QE? This is dumb.

look, i haven’t made this theory up myself

There is extensive literature and research on it.

I know you haven’t. But post what you consider is the best piece of research you’ve read and I’ll read it.

I find it bizarre that this community rejects all mainstream dogma, except when it comes to interest rates

There’s no belief involved, interest rates and taxes are transfers, right? It might be unfair but we know where the money is going. It’s a shit system.

It’s all transfers, some + for inflation, some -.

If inflation is increasing because an economy can’t produce enough and manufacturing is capital constrained, rates could be cut, savers effectively subsidize the manufacturing sector to produce more, which would eventually bring down that supply driven inflation, might blow it out elsewhere but in a sensible system they’d use taxation to prevent it.

But does that sound like our economy. Rents are only 6% of cpi. Developers can still borrow money, they just don’t think they’ll make enough on the current project so they don’t build.

Believing the free market is the only solution is the actual dogma.

The real world evidence is directly in front of your face if you open your eyes

We all occasionally see what we want to see.


It’s a waste of time engaging with Coming on this. Don’t feed the inflation cooker troll.



We and They are the same people


Fucking love Leftie cucks

Gruppenführer Mark

Humans tried living in caves that were much less masculine, but rather feminine, and rejected that idea.


How tiresome must these people be to write books like that, centred on completely made up “problems”?


That’s some people’s entire personalities. Architects.

I think they have a fair point I’d probably rather live in those French mid-density things but as if it’s gonna happen now that we all have to pay banks for 2/3 of the price of the house just for the land component, also our tradies aren’t exactly top tier.


comment image


Chad move honestly

This guy probably knows the economics and still talks like he’s a lifetime stay at home wife from Mosman

That’s fucking confidence


What a lowlife.


looks like a toad man


Talk about blame the victim. I’d love to beat the fuck out of him. I doubt even fairfax or 9, his own company, would print that.


Toadmen are the worst. Have come across a few in over enthusiastic middle management ie mega cucks. One used to bring lollies around the office in a glass jar. So wanted to do a dirty big shit in that jar …


Ah, a company man as the yanks say. Yeah I fuckin hate those faggots. Love to bash them too.

Ironic Boomer

Unless I know them and they have proven to not be an unrepentant boomer dickhead, if I see a boomer in need of medical attention, they are on their own I will not help them.



i don’t think the govt can get any worse at this point, no way would we have been worse off or even the same under scomo



I guess I was wrong, the ALP is even more corrupt than the LNP was

Live and learn



its over

he is bringing in the absolute worst of the worst third world

a lot of Mohammeds and vijays going to be working in aged care I guess
how many of the old ladies are going to get raped tbh


this has to be the bidding of klaus schwab and the nwo to destroy borders
There’s no other reasonable explanation


Simple things like road deaths of EZFKA coupon holders will spike with 700,000 shit driving Pajeets, but the media and cops will just blame the EZFKA.


Road toll is already on the increase.


I’ll repeat that you should not rely on the pension for retirement at all. It will be so heavily diluted by jimmies that even Costello’s assertion above that you can “live off the pension if you have a house paid off” will be proven wrong in quick time.


And unless your a PC beta male good luck finding a spot in a nursing home.

The one my old man is in is always ringing me complaining about my old man’s slurs and trying it on with the assistants.


There will be little to no welfare within the decade. There will be no bulk billing for GP visits, little pensions and you’ll pay a fee to attend school.


I think welfare will go on existing. It keeps French Revolution scenarios at bay, gives no-hopers a reason not to turn to violence, makes a reasonably stable environment to do business, gives pseudo-leftist parties something to buy votes with. There’s a reason why the US still cares well for its very poorest even as it pisses and shits upon its middle class.

Last edited 1 year ago by No1

Nah, it will be lowered. We won’t have enough money to pay for it all.

US still cares for its very poorest. LOL. The US would rather spends its money on the war in Ukraine to enrich its oligarchs and MIC than spend on its homeless.


Idk about homeless people but Section 8 housing and Medicaid seem like a lot more support than middle class people get in the US

Obviously the lion’s share of US spending is for the rich but they provide a lot of shit that is means tested for the very poor as well.


aus per capita homelessness rate is higher than america’s now

there is a tent city over the bridge in dubbo


there is a tent city over the bridge in dubbo

not surprising, given the severe shortage of land in Dubbo and surrounds


They will start building highrises in Dubbo


You can’t live off the pension anyway now, let alone if you own your own property (means test forces them to sell further unsettling legacy Aussies in their old age, and I’m not talking about the Boomer).

Force them into Aged Care homes where they will be “well treated” by Pajeets on their 6 week courses.

The other option is Super, but that is being annexed by the ALP in their funds like CBus to deliver more ALP policies at fuck all returns…


Most people can live off $500 per week with house paid off. Bearing in mind this is supposed to be a safety net and not funding annual holidays, eating out, etc.

I would like to see superannuation scrapped and used as a secondary pension fund with pro-rata benefits based on years worked as an Australian citizen. This would ensure that grifting jimmies can’t get their hands on it.

Edit: I mean superannuation scrapped and the existing “employer contribution” being collected as tax revenue going forwards. Leave existing super contributions where they are and just remove the bs tax concessions.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy


inside every phil there is a cuck and there is a chad


You reckon Tarric is a virgin


He’s still not really saying “immigration is the main cause for this problem and will be for years”, just weaselling around it.


He wants the freelance writing gigs. You can’t deviate from “the message”. It has been a supply issue for 15 years.


I don’t know why you don’t like him. I don’t think he ever made any big false predictions about a crash. Unlike that Adams bloke.


All of the large spike in oil prices have led to recession. The spike in price last year will lead to a recession. I am talking about per capita recession as EZFKA is using population growth to cheat a technical recession.




Same Doherty Institute, those massive bedwetters who basically gave Scomo and his bosses McGowan and Andrews the grounds to fuck this place.

A fly in your ointment

A part of standard Mediterranean and eastern european diet for 1000’s of years.
For the very particular purpose of its antibiotic abilities.


“The lawyer for the First Nations families in the Hawks racism saga has confirmed his clients will take their case to the Human Rights Commission.
Leon Zwier, who has acted for the families from the outset”

lmao every time






One of Australia’s top commercial lawyers who has represented Australia’s biggest corporations


makes sense that he would take on a poor single mother with a minor grievance as a client

and that she would have sought him out to represent her

a great fit!

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming


amazing article about his law firm “Arnold Bloch Leibler”

lots of interesting stuff here


unz.com had a big piece on that

Agent 47

The voice to Parliament is entirely Mark Leibler hiding behind aboriginals to attack white Australia yet again.

I mean it’s out in the open.



What are you saying?

That there is a strong Jewish connection to The Voice? That’s a conspiracy theory surely.

Sure there’s this job ad calling for staff for a Jewish organisation to specifically promote the Yes to the Canberra Voice campaign…



Just people pursuing their cultural values, providing ‘thought leadership’ for worthy causes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

A total of 46 of the 147 pro sports teams in North America’s five largest leagues are owned by Jews or people of Jewish descent. This includes nearly half of all NBA owners.

Anyway, this photo of AFL boss Gil McLachlan is probably just him talking about Harry McKay’s goal kicking woes with a bloke who undoubtedly could kick a great drop punt back in the day.

Agent 47

Total mystery.

As an aside, I’m convinced that Daily Mail reads EZFKA or at least follows the Twitter account because they were putting out memes of this photo for a while.


Footy Chads love the Jew.

Watch NRL this evening goy. It means you are extremely Aussie n shieet.

Agent 47

So to recount on the main supporters and lobbyists for the Voice to Parliament tangent:

Mark Leibler
Jeremy Leibler
Leon Zwier
Anthony Pratt
Steven Rothman
Josh Burns
Kim Rubinstein
Julian Leeser

There’s a few others I’ve missed but basically all Khazars using Aboroginals. This all started with Colin Tatz, Ron Casten and Linda Lippman in the 60s.


If only we could identify some common connection…


You blokes are nuts. Of course it’s easy to list a large number of jewish supporters

public opinion on the Voice (whatever the fuck it is) seems to be split about 50/50.

so you’d also expect about half of jews to support it at a baseline level

when you look at whether prominent people are likely to publicly support or oppose the voice, you see that about 90% support. Some 10% would dare publicly oppose (rest of those who oppose are smart enough to stay quiet)

you put this together & of course there’ll be a lot of jewish supporters.

just like there are a lot of black supporters and Chinese supporters and white supporters and disabled supporters and lesbian supporters etc.


I’ll let Stewie debunk this one


despite being 0.1% of the population jews for some reason appare to be about 50% of the powerful legal advisory backers of the indigenous voice


i can give you a reasonable answer, it’s contained in Kevin MacDonald’s seminal Culture of Critique

a book that is not easy to get your hands on anymore, but i have a copy still

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Their ‘thought leadership’ has been at the leading edge of the cultural war against white and colonial Australians – these are the influential ‘white men’ that run Australia.
Mark says ‘Jump!’ And Albo says ‘How high?’


Albo might be stupid, but he saw what happened to Kevin Rudd so has to do what Mark wants.

From Rudd’s autobiography, describing when he was PM in 2010 and Mossad assassins using Aussie passports killed a Hamas arms dealer:

In May 2010, the Rudd government expelled from Australia an Israeli diplomat, widely believed to be a Mossad agent, after four of the suspects implicated in the assassination of Hamas arms dealer Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room earlier that year were found to have travelled on forged Australian passports in the names of dual Australian-Israeli citizens.

Mr Rudd claims members of the Australian Jewish lobby, which condemned the decision as an “over-reaction”, tried to “menace” him for his strong response and doubted him when he told them it was the second time Mossad had abused Australian passports, potentially putting the safety of ordinary travelling Australians in the Middle East at risk.


Mr Rudd says a member of the lobby, Mark Leibler “went off ” his head at the decision and excused it as the work of those involved in the ugly world of intelligence.
The former Labor leader, a strong supporter of Israel although recent critic of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said he invited Jewish leaders to the Lodge for dinner to discuss the government’s response out of respect of Labor Jewish Melbourne MPs Michael Danby and Mark Dreyfus who had lobbied him over the matter.
“I sat there politely as Mark Leibler berated me for having committed such a hostile act,” he said.
Mr Rudd said when he informed Mr Leibler that it was the second Mossad offence after getting off with a “gentle rap over the knuckles” and promising never to do it again, Mr Leibler responded: “I don’t believe you.”
Mr Rudd said at this point he offered to provide Mr Leibler with an authorised briefing with Mr Richardson. But Mr Leibler turned angry and made what he perceived as a menacing threat to his leadership.


“He said ‘Julia is looking very good in the public eye these days, Prime Minister. She’s performing very strongly. She’s a great friend of Israel. But you shouldn’t be anxious about her, should you, Prime Minister?’”
That dinner was held on June 3. Three weeks later, Ms Gillard toppled Mr Rudd as prime minister.
Mr Leibler emphatically rejected Mr Rudd’s claims, telling Fairfax Media the former prime minister was peddling “far-fetched conspiracy theories” and that his account was “completely false, virtually from top to bottom”.
The prominent Melbourne lawyer rejected all quotes attributed to him about the meeting and the implication “that I or some mythical pro-Israel conspiracy somehow had a role in Julia Gillard’s success in overthrowing Mr Rudd”



“I knew for a fact that Julia had been cultivating the Israeli lobby in Australia,” he said.


So what you’re saying is that Kevin Rudd had a disagreement with some Jews once, therefore it’s the jews pushing the voice in order to take over the world?

yeah, super convincing.


Why would Jews be so strongly in support of The Voice?

Especially the most powerful Jewish man in Australia, who has huge political power. Feel free to research the guy. A man who stridently supports Israel on everything, to the point he demands ultimate loyalty to Israel and its every move. The founding Partner of a (Jewish) law firm representing everything major Jewish family / all of Australia’s Jewish billionaires? Note that barrister (from the Smorgon family) from the same firm represented Eddy Mabo in the High Court to win his Land Rights.

I mean, sure there probably aren’t more than 2-3 Jews total who have been involved with Aboriginal charities at grass roots, on the ground In Alice Springs, working with Aboriginal kids, in the Aboriginal communities, etc.

Ok so it seems that the only Jewish involvement is at the ‘power’ level, in Canberra, parliament and the boardrooms, where the money will be split by the major groups after the Referendum.

If successful, The Voice will be the greatest dismantling and nobbling of any and all form of White Australian self empowerment in its history.

It will open the floodgates to grifters and race shifters, creating havoc for any chance of effective government. Any and every piece of Legislation will be held up, watered down, and payoffs made to the grabby greedy. Especially in the legal world, a lawyers picnic for the rest of time.

Out in the burbs, White Australians won’t stand a chance against the flood of immigrants and the elites manipulating them to every last shekel.

I personally can’t imagine a more disruptive force for Australians, and more destructive force to Australia than The Voice.

Who would benefit from that?

Surely not rich and powerful Jewish elites and politicians especially those from legal backgrounds like Leibler, Mark Dreyfus etc. Ok it must just be their charity and kind hearts.


Nationalism is a threat to the elites, and Jews especially (who seem vey keen on Nationalism only if it’s in Israel). Nationalism allows power to the people, it allows self autonomy and in the end pride in your countryman. It means real progress, forward advancements for all members of a nation. True bonded populations are only possible under Nationalism. They in turn create power as other nations fear them. Nationalist power truly evidenced in a country would be Russia and China, maybe the USA 30 years ago.

‘Progressive’ policies are the antithesis of nationalism. Mass immigration, globalisation evolving to the WEF, replacement of the host culture via gay marriage and its inevitable segway to Trans ‘rights’ and then on to normalise Paedophilia, weaponised legislation like the Racial Discrimination Act (https://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/mark-leibler-responds-the-law-may-have-been-misapplied-against-me-and-the-slur-was-outrageous/news-story/f65a92723907df347b165726c0c3d7d7) and of course indigenous agendas like The Voice and also inevitably reparation payments, these all break down a society and crush Nationalism. Case in point the breakdown of the USA, and EZFKA.


Bravo – that is a better debunking than I could do. I knew some of these issues had no idea just how involved Leiber was in Rudd’s replacement.

The guy sounds like an enemy agent and should be in fucking jail.

Nationalism is a threat to the elites, and Jews especially (who seem vey keen on Nationalism only if it’s in Israel). Nationalism allows power to the people, it allows self autonomy and in the end pride in your countryman. It means real progress, forward advancements for all members of a nation. True bonded populations are only possible under Nationalism.


But nah these Jews have Australians best interests at heart, because it is antisemetic to believe otherwise…. and no one wants that accusation levied at them.

But what if, what if the antisemites, the Stewies and the Drago’s are correct?

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Lmao Drago brought the fucking RECEIPTS


A lot of Australians don’t like nationalism either. Because it generally means nerds/engineers are at the top of society, and that means the real-est of real work. Lol.


How so? Basest Nationalists are not engineers bro.


Hitler was an artist. He supposedly had a INFJ personality type:

Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

Now that is weird.


The Jews are not even hiding it anymore…


Ironic Boomer

Being a late boomer, I can relate. The mother to my children isn’t even born yet. Who cares if I die before the children turn eighteen, as long as I get mine.


If you haven’t had kids by now it probably ain’t gonna happen

Still, doesn’t hurt to scrape some Thai dating sites


I probably won’t have any. Paying a Porsche Cayenne price for a Camry lifestyle. It’s not much to get excited about.


Neither would be any kind of father, not unexpected for those Elites but nevertheless still bound to produce an arid fucked up personality in their spawn.


DeNiro is worth $500m. That’s mostly what matters.

The middle and working class aren’t the epitome of morality and sanity that’s for sure.

I really can’t see this new world of rich commie/fuedalism ever ending.


I’m not alone…


Good clip – they are useless. It is virtually impossible to find any HBD information anymore, stuff I know exists. Honestly feels like 1984 sometimes.


It IS 1984.


While we continue to document and winge, they are destroying us. I don’t even know how, where and who to have a serious conversation about this with.


I don’t even know how, where and who to have a serious conversation about this with.

it would be pretty sad if dodgy ezfka.com is the only place to have any sort of conversation on this kind of topic

I wonder if ezfka can be found in google

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

it can but its not well indexed


If you get heard by the wrong people and the wrong time talking seriously about what needs to be done you could be in deep trouble. I have recently arrived at the conclusion that Australia has not only ceased to be a nation, which happened some years ago, but it is now clearly no longer a democracy. We are not being given a choice.

Last edited 1 year ago by robert2013

Dubbo Hospital trending on Twitter.

Some Aboriginal spits the dummy after not getting opiates from ED.


Left wing disability advocate goes off half cocked and doxxes the Doctor involved.



these people are vindictive psychos omfg


Jesus Christ that is absolutely terrifying

we are not far away from a pol pot type genocide


She needs to be at home neurotocising over whether she packed her kids enough lunch, instead as a barren cow with nothing to fixate on her emotional attention gets diverted to some loser.

In the old days she’s just be bashed and called a witch.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Yep, they are using a cans of tomatoes according to Zelensky’s wife.

Seriously though, with Ukraine and NATO now attacking Russian civilians in Russia with drone attacks, isn’t it time the adults came back in the room and stopped this shit?

Xi has just announced China needs to ramp up and prepare for “worst case scenario’s “, In face of what he called a “complex and grave” situation, Xi said China must speed up the modernization of its national security system and capabilities, with a focus on making them more effective in “actual combat and practical use.”


ironic Boomer

David Sharaz again


Sharaz personally knew the victims of crime commissioner prior to the allegations being laid

and was the one to contact her to bring it to her attention

jesus fucking christ this cunt orchestrated the whole thing from beginning to end



Young man has his life ruined by a scorned roastie

Judge essentially said that the accuser was lying

  1. Why is the man’s photo and name published again, while this woman remains anonymous
  2. What actions will be taken against police/DPP for prosecuting a clearly innocent man
  3. When will the young woman be charged and imprisoned


false accusations are basically legal

no court will ever attempt to take that on

Gruppenführer Mark

Yes, but perjury is illegal still.


The Voice will definitely not unleash a tidal wave of “black cladding”. There aren’t any number of lawyers and organisations running their hands at the potential fees here. Definitely not.

Requirement from Dan Andrews that any government contract has to have Aboriginals is just proper utilisation of lax resources, it’s capitalism baby. Same with certification to guilt companies and consumers.

Oh well.


Wait, what…?

Tender bendersShawn Andrews, co-founder of Indigenous-owned coffee brand DHUWA, says the practice of “black cladding” – when a non-Indigenous business takes advantage of Indigenous enterprises or individuals – has sometimes been aided by programs that had specifically been put in place to provide more opportunities for Indigenous Australians. 

“It happens all time,” he says.

“The problem that occurred when the government set up the Indigenous Procurement Policy was that businesses that were losing tenders suddenly saw a way to win tenders.

Why? Because there was a specific Indigenous spend available.

“So they’d find the blackest face they could, pay them a fee and put them in as a fake business owner.

Or find Indigenous people who didn’t have any business acumen and make them the face of their company.

Just so they could win tenders. Yes, the Indigenous person might make some money. But the company makes millions.”



i’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500 alex


Do you often have to deal with deranged folks like that over in Dubbo?


yeah i got mugged by a guy with a knife the month before but i don’t think you saw my post about it

that’s just one of the things that have happened to me

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Weird fantasy world she is imagining.

When these weirdos imagine entire made up conversations that’s well into bipolar behaviour.

Aussie Soy Boy

I believe it. Standard white legacy scum behaviour.


They literally own the place now.


May as well start having a poo pm like England.


“We migrated to Australia in 1972 and that’s where I started to experience racism,” she said, saying her fellow students would make “monkey noises” at her and her family.

Another toxic immigrant wanting to dismantle the nation she moved to because her first impressions as a child was being teased because she was different – like any kid who is different for any reason or manner is.

Honestly these people are still fucking petulant children.


They really are infants.

Apparently if you weren’t Chad and Stacey it’s ok to ruin an entire country.

I was thrilled to leave school, I guess most people never do leave.


Corporate life is almost unbearable now.

Once upon a time it was about the meritocracy, and who was capable. Now Corporations are filled with childless middle age women who use to us their social flex at school canteens and fundraising associations – now they’ve fucking destroying corporations from the inside out like so many high school Queen bees.


Yeah and they have an endless supply of simps to back them.


A conga line of them all the way back to Bombay.


ABC ramps up its next phase of ‘Yes’ enforcement.

This is patently a political story, absolute propaganda pushing the Yes vote.


The law schools are rubbing their hands together just thinking about what money The Voice will bring. Why would they not want this?


Has to be a conspiracy theory, this is surely fake news.




Nope and nope – BR have been involved in this for a long time. All the “aid” comes with conditions that basically mean neoliberalising their economy, opening it to foreign capital, right when Ukranian exchange and capital is at their all time lows…. guess who’ll by buying up all that rich farmland.


Elensky spoke to US congress last year saying Ukraine is open for business and mentioned BlackRock.

US multinationals are active in Ukraine. Microsoft and Visa for Diya (the Orwellian app). Monsanto with farmland. Cargills at the Odessa port.

But, it is a fight for democracy or something like that.


The commenters left at EmBee aren’t necessarily the smartest cookies:

Upperwestside has only just figured out that Albo’s mass immigration is about future Labor voters. 🤦🤦🤦

How long will it take for them to realise EZFKA is just an economic zone.


My bet is that the composition of Indians has been significantly increased for exactly this reason – migrants from China, are generally too fascist to overwhelmingly favour the Labor, party…. however Indians being Jews of the Orient will always vote with whoever is more likely to provide them with social benefits.

Again, my personal theory is that Mark Leibler, head of the Australian Labor Party ordered it.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

From a journo


That surprises me – maybe I hang out with too many high IQ conservative Asian accountants.


Has anyone been following the Ben Roberts-Smith trial?

He lost

Can you give us the ezfka.com summary



Only the elite are allowed to do war crimes. Like the entire Afghan/Iraq war arguably.

Aussie Soy Boy

We should extradite him to Afghanistan to pay for his crimes.

noice touch, like your response


No harm no foul. Getting trained to kill shit bags and doing it, isn’t a crime.

But he’s an Alpha white male so must be destroyed by the faggots.


EZFKA media are now the self appointed law, claiming “justice” in their statement, but not realising it’s a civil case. The mainstream media is suddenly believable after 3 years of Covid lies and propaganda? This was a civil case so they’ve failed year 10 legal studies if they’re claiming “justice”.

He was the plaintiff so has not proven his case of defamation.

Literally was trial by media, The Age story using heavily conflicted witnesses, most under life and death pressure. The might of the media (newspaper + tv) machine against him, with no real ability to reply.

He was a soldier in the field with Taliban and who else, dealing with shit bags who could kill him at any time. May have knocked off one or two he shouldn’t have. Having to gain his own intel, etc. in bad lands, I’m amazed at the sanctimonious attitudes of the media in how they can judge that.

Kerry Stokes is bankrolling it, and should appeal. Each side will claim they won, each side has witnesses conflicting with each other. The decision handed down was inconclusive on many counts, but The Age had paid and pressured witnesses enough, and BRS had pissed off enough as well, so they were always going to get him.

Chicken stranglers are a rare breed, sometimes the nerds win.

Aussie Soy Boy

Haha the Taliban were somehow a threat to Australia?

Fuck me.

Talk about someone played for a fool for the mainstream media.

20 years later Australia had nothing for all the men they killed and women they raped. Taliban walked into Kabul to seize power unopposed.



PHON talking common sense


 Reduce immigration to ‘sustainable levels’ so the demand for housing accommodation would be ‘significantly reduced’.


 Ban foreign ownership of all residential property, both new and established, and give foreign owners 12 months to get out of the market. ‘With a crucial shortage of housing stock in Australia, we must stop the sale of property to non-residents and non-citizens,’ Hanson says.


Allow Australians to access extra money in their superannuation to buy a house.

No mention of what “sustainable” would be

A fly in your ointment

she knows this will never fly with either of the duoligarchy parties hrnce loudness. she’d cut the intake of rice eaters but the rest will finish as empty words.

when everyone is gone loony, a rare and isolated sense making does not make an intelligent person.


Tying immigrant numbers to Australian homeless is a good argument I reckon.

We would have at a guess 100k of homeless in EZFKA, so how about we allow that in annually?


It’ll just incentivise the govt to make more people homeless

  1. Meh, give a number pussy.
  2. Labor’s Minister for Pajeets Andrew Giles gave 105,000 citizenships out the other day. There are 600,000 more coming this year. They’re buying homes as ‘Aussie citizens moyte!’ Besides the Chinese use their kids to buy $10m homes, no FIRB. Won’t work.
  3. Cool idea, so you own your home but it’s means tested so you can’t get a pension. Meanwhile Dan Andrews has launched a Culture War that says you’re a rich bastard who needs to be taxed, so cop this $10k pa Land tax. So you are dirt poor in your older years but own your own home, cool.
ironic Boomer

Using super to buy houses is dr retardo.
The other two are obvious. Of course now those ideas will be tied to one nation by progtards.

engineers moved a 7600t building using new methods

this used to be a usual article title in The New World until financiers realised they can earn more by doing less through financial means.