Australia is a fine country.

Only the red countries or regions on the map mandate bicycle helmets by law and enforce them with fines. Australia’s laws on this are not “world class”, “progressive” or even reasonable. They are just one of many symptoms of an overly powerful public health and safety bureaucracy and a polity that is either well conditioned to disproportionate responses to a range of issues or too lazy or too busy to fight the busybodies making work for themselves and their mates.

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they dont enforce these rules at all in my experience

Gruppenführer Mark

Only once did I witness any semblance of policing this. Walking in Perth CBD about 5 years ago saw two horseback cops having a convo with a guy on a bike, no helmet.

But then again, I was pulled over for driving in a bus lane a year back just after 4 pm. Got the works, breathylizer, drug test, was let go with a promise that “the office” will consider if I should get a fine. Cunts just changed the bus lane protection times from 4:30 pm to 4 pm.

Never got a fine.


This is the hill you want to die on?

Dam Andrews in the midst of his Lockdowns and general ass-fucking of the populace pushes through a ridiculous diversion and meaningless to 99% of the public, but a clear gesture of loyalty to his backers and future employers.

The Summary Offences Amendment (Nazi Symbol Prohibition) Bill 2022 was passed in 2022 and makes it a criminal offence for a person to intentionally display the Nazi symbol (the Hakenkreuz, often referred to as the Nazi swastika) in public.

Anyone who intentionally displays the Nazi symbol in public will face penalties of up to almost $22,000, 12 months imprisonment or both.

With the hundreds of thousands of useless and invariably unhealthy elderly migrants to be brought in by this Labor Government, it won’t matter if a million cyclists crash without helmets. Medicare will be fucked dealing with these migrants.


Kind of justified given that we have (expensive/quality) public healthcare and welfare state

how many extra bogans with head injuries we would be on the hook for if shazza and Dazza could ride around pissed without helmets

Medical care
etc etc

when there’s no self sufficiency or responsibility, there should be no expectation of freedom


zero evidence provided in that guardian article to support that just opinion

where are the studies that they claim provide conflicting results ?
they don’t link a single one

Here is a meta analysis

just people wanting their preferred opinion to be true , without substantiation

now if there was an agreement that you don’t receive any govt support or free medical care if you injure yourself while riding a bike helmet less , then it would be reasonable to abolish compulsory helmets

that is however in turn going to lead to a lot of homelessness , gofundmes, crime etc

a welfare state is by necessity a nanny state


just people wanting their preferred opinion to be true , without substantiation

the irony….

and i will repeat this for emphasis:

helmets would prevent most head injuries full stop(no shit….).

We should mandate helmets be worn at all times, even in your own home, and especially in the shower where the chance of slipping over and hitting your head on a hard surface is high…

So if you receive a head injury at any time while not wearing a helmet you shouldn’t receive treatment.
Why are bikes singled out when as you yourself point out the same is true of cars and literally any other head impacts?

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

edit 2 protagonists?


From Hersh’s account it seems as though my spitballing on Israeli involvement was off the mark [No.1 – I concede and up my US probability of direct involvement to 90%].

But still this comment was intriguing:

 So there was concern within the group about finding the right way, and we actually had to turn to other intelligence agencies, which I’ve deliberately not written about.”

Given that he has already written extensively of US, Norweign and potentially Denmark and Sweden’s involvement.


no mention of brits

Gruppenführer Mark

Brits had nothing to gain. Norway did, and so did US, from what I read they are now the biggest LNG exporter, eclipsing Qatar


that begs a question then is britain doing in this war?….I smell money …lots of money example of square mile shitfuckery of which BP is the least

Gruppenführer Mark

I really think it’s about Brits ruling family trying to get back to their empire status, since the US is rapidly losing ground.

When the multipolar world comes, they want a piece of the pie.

Caption: The King and the Jester


What has UK got to do with anything?

is it along the lines of The City Evil Financier conspiracies?

Gruppenführer Mark

It has been really strange that since the beginning of this Support Ukraine battle cry the UK has been as strong, if not stronger than the USA, voice for Ukraine. Also, UK tried to front run a few things, like BoJo visit in April last year that scuttled the peace deal, declared their everlasting love for all things Ukrainian through 3 PMs, even when their own people were fighting high inflation, power cost, demonstrations. UK were first to commit to providing main battle tanks, pushing others to follow.

It all seems odd. UK is usually the lapdog, not the leader of the pack. My speculation is that the can see the end of US hegemony and the emergence of a multipolar world. EU is done, the US is in decline, neither China nor Russia want to be the hegemon, so there is a chance for UK to regain some of its imperial ambition


Exactly – the Brits are just the biggest useful idiot in the room. With their fading relevance they take this role on the world stage thinking it shows people (see above) that they still got it.

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

I like freedom, but it can only apply when the freedom doesn’t hurt others.

Helmet wearing is essential because Medicare pays for the outcome, emergency services see enough carnage, taxpayers will fund a head injury in a thousand ways.

My maxim is; more people = less freedom

Last edited 1 year ago by Totes

Interestingly , many studies have shown that helmets provide significant protection and improve outcomes in car accidents too

makes no sense that they aren’t mandated for car drivers and passengers too
especially children

you can imagine the bogan outrage if they brought that in

all the unemployed DSP cookers on here would be declaring themselves sovereign citizens
meanwhile the Asian taxpayers would just do it


so lets spend umpteen billion bux on 47 airbags for every vehicle instead


another very good point

helmet costs $30


essentially another line of grift


those airbags prevent more than just head injuries.


dunno really …the only time i was involved with an air bag deployment there was no chance of any injury at all ..travelling to slow


We should lock down until we’ve figured out what’s going on with cars


helmets would prevent most head injuries full stop(no shit….).
We should mandate helmets be worn at all times, even in your own home, and especially in the shower where the chance of slipping over and hitting your head on a hard surface is high…


takes me back to the construction of the old bhp hq

silly bastards dropped a 600mm rsj from the 22nd story.
inserted itself vertically in the concrete of the basement

safety feller sez this is why we wear hard hats


Wokists exposing themselves as racists is my favourite genre


Their whole ideology is based around race and adjusting for differences instead of just accepting differences.

Scratch the surface and most progressives are not only fundamentally racist, they’re usually unrepentant authoritarians too.

Ironic Boomer

Lmao. Don’t know the entire story, but that is pretty funny.


long but staggering video from jordan

he is a bit of annoying ALP shill but he is the best journalist in the country


I watched that last night. It was funny watching when it played out, but when it all gets jammed into one video it just looks completely demented. Barilaro has got to be one of the scummiest Australian politicians I can recall.


I think Barilaro’s just one of the dumbest.
The rest at least hide it a bit better.

Agent 47

Best journalist who’s hero is degenerate neoliberal tranny fucker Paul Keating.



but that’s the sad state of affairs we are in


Paul Keating? The one whose daughter is a close personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, stayed at his house etc.


We’ll just keep giving out visas:

Someone on here was saying Albo is Biden without the dementia.


Modern day blackbirding, fully supported by woke progressives.


Stewie, you got a mention on an article at EmBee:

LOL at the first comment. Surprised it wasn’t deleted.


Ironically Stewie is living rent free in MBs head


Lol – I wonder if DLS chewed Leigh out for daring to mention the evil one? I see that he chimed into the comments further down.

Leith isn’t such a sook and happier to treat an idea or comment on its own merit, and not judge it by where it has come from… a truth remains a truth, no matter who says it.

Ironic Boomer

I can’t wait for the not racist dennis take on that article. He must be having connipitions
Lol at immigration lunatic.
Also shows, along with that Tulip flower, how the density issue is a red herring argument used to deflect away from shining the spotlight on the rate of immigration.

Agent 47

Quite clear that Dennis has never experienced violence in his life, because if he had he wouldn’t be as abusive as he is.


say the same about that dawson thing of per capita posted below


True. I don’t think I’ve seen a more aggressive shithead anywhere on the internet. It’s like he wasn’t socialised properly as a child, and his response to anyone who disagrees with him is a torrent of abuse. Its odd, because he gdnerally seems like an effeminate SJW lefty softcock.

He must be an absolute dream to be around.


wait wasnt dennis that nazi guy

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
Ironic Boomer

I don’t think he was/is a nazi. Though it would be kind of funny if he was.


Nah – just some aggressive, progressive Boomer of a similar ilk to DrSmiturd


Didn’t recall anyone of note called Dennis. Just looking at that exchange he seems to be a troll, not even a paid up member.


there was another guy on there called Denis (i think)who was actually a neo nazi, he was solid im not sure why hes not here already


Yeah Dennis413 I think he was. He was like the photonegative of Dennis the progressive.

Agent 47

“Those offshore detention contracts are costing us billions, so let’s deploy navy and ABF ships at the cost of millions of dollars a day to repeat the same problem from 10 years ago instead”


Vaxxed and ready to relax


current status – cooked


It is only acceptable for property developers and the immigration industrial complex to kill native wildlife. Cats do not give donations, there are no Cat board appointments.


very reasonable law

these are real greenies, not the fake kind

I support it




what do you think is reasonable about allowing bogans to let their cats roam free and slaughter millions of native wildlife?

should the same bogans be allowed to let their pitbulls roam free slaughtering children?


The fact that 100% of new environmental regulations are directed towards increasing the misery of normies and 0% are directed towards more destructive activities undertaken by the very rich and corporations. E.g., taxes that affect planes that normies use don’t affect private jets that rich cunts use:

Describing anyone who does anything you don’t like as an evil wh*te bogan doesn’t make your points more persuasive.

And the fact that you believe exactly the same things as Dan Andrews except you want lower taxes. Before it was Jim Chalmers but you’re also into safety bullshit so now you’re Andrews.


the fuck does private jets have to do with cats killing native wildlife

becuse we aren’t fixing one problem, let’s not fix any problems

very reasonable



Because if we just cop every environmental regulation that the elites want to put on us so that the planet can survive them doing whatever they like, then eventually we’ll probably be living in the fucking Metaverse like it’s Matrix or some shit.

Until these cunts are willing to curtail their environmentally destructive activities in any way shape or form, I don’t think we should accept this very obvious scheme to free up the environmental budget for them to live even larger.


the “elites” are now crimping your ability to let your cat roam free

jesus christ most of the people here are just mentally ill


>Literal law put in place by lawmakers that you need to keep your cat inside or in a cat prison, or else the thing presumably gets euthanised.

>Omg u cooker how dare you say that the elites have reduced your rights.

Raise your trolling game or gtfo.


or… just keep your fucking cat inside?


Or just… pick somewhere else to simp for elites because it’s fucking tedious seeing you here all day arguing things that you don’t even actually believe, just to get a rise out of people.


Unfortunately I think he actually believes his bullshit.


Gotta wonder what his employer thinks about him spending all day here spraying his shit. Good thing he got vaxxed to keep that job he’s not doing…


ok cat-fucker


I wonder if all the deranged behaviour and opinions displayed by cookers on this website could be due to toxoplasmosis induced personality changes, from exposure to cat faeces

how many of you cookers own or have owned cats?


Douchey Howser is on the case


i dont own any pets i dgaf about them theyre just dirty and annoying. another way to be less free in life essentially, never understood why so many people wanted to do that to themselves


Emergency food supply


Rabbits are better than dogs and cats though, right?

remember reading that carnivore/predator meat isn’t really good eating


I thought you said you had a dog?


not me


i think people need to take a bit of a chillpill when he goes off at me i just laugh at the dog and it’s cool”

It was just a metaphysical dog?


I believe the dog being discussed was coming…


Native wildlife has already been completely decimated long before someone moves in with a cat. Clearfelling every tree in the area and bulldozing all the ground doesn’t leave much food for wildlife. IF you want to save the wildlife cats aren’t the point to be starting at.


This is right. Saving wildlife is not a sensible goal in towns and cities.

out in the bush where the wildlife is, perhaps the feral cats can be shot or poisoned?


the foxes are eating as much as the cats, and the rabbits are destroying the entire environment anyway…


the foxes are eating as much as the cats, and the rabbits are destroying the entire environment anyway

kill them all?

might be a way to utilise those millions of vials of Pfizer shots that nobody wants


kill them all?

I’m sure no ones thought of trying that strategy yet…


Maybe legislate that they must wear masks and can only leave their burrows for 1 hour a day, if exercising.

then they’ll get fed up and move to New Zealand or Thailand or something


over here rabbits have slowed considerably..calici rkt them
cats and foxes and feral dogs are still an issue.
unfortunately we can’t do the denham peninsula thing everywhere ….too much country


cats eat fresh…about half or less …gunna have to be radical bait.


how is not sensible?

I much prefer to have birds in my backyard, than the neighbours cats shit

they should be kept indoors or shot dead/baited

it isn’t that difficult


cat trap ..wheelie bin full of water. fk ’em


yes, the whole world should be set up to your preferences, kill all the cats and sharks so you can have flying rodents in your yard…


Are sharks wildlife?
Didnlt you advocate wholesale slaughter of every shark on the planet.

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

imagine how many fish we will save though


None, we will scoop them all up in trawlers nets as we already are so you can have your swafood dinner…


Paging Vic Hislop!!!



My old man tells a story of a (paid) fishing trip with Vic, someone pulls in a shark and mad Vic unholsters a pistol and shoots the fucking thing as it’s being hauled up. Awkward looks all round from the customers.


god this story just never stops giving

obviously david is going to work for britanny or one of her pals

Ironic Boomer

Probably in a more tax efficient ‘foundation’, learnt from tame.
The divorce between those two is going to pop my popcorn.


A message to all the mongoloidian rice/cels on here
Get the vaxx, pay the tax


whocoodanode that giving people thousands of $$$$ to have a kid would encourage people with minimal income to have kids they don’t want.

Agent 47
Ironic Boomer

Can’t believe he got let go on bail after the first one. Wtf.


I’ll leave the rarity of that particular skill set for you to work out, although i think the rarity is people willing to do it for fuck all pay



“Some migrants 7.30 spoke to cited racism, inability to find a job in their own field and a strict parental reunion policy as some of the reasons — and experts like Fethi Mansouri agree.”


 inability to find a job in their own field

clearly a sign of massive skills shortages, isn’t it. lololol


Need to bring in another 300,000 folks per year to ensure that there is enough demand for the previous 300,000 folks that were brought in that can’t find jobs.

Gruppenführer Mark

Peachy, it will all work itself out. According to Deagel, Australia population will drop to 15M, ang GDP will drastically reduce.


id be interested to hear what chatgpt has to say about deagel

it was a very weird website


the fuk is deagel



between 2017 and 2025 aust population will fall 35% and GDP will fall 70%.
They aren’t looking like a good prediction so far….

I wish they had a global total so I could see how much they thought global population was falling.

Gruppenführer Mark

You should check out other countries on top of that list….


I did, thats why I want a total.
I reckon at least 30% reduction in global population 2017-25. hows that looking lol.


I lold


I can see what’s happened …unsafe workplace ..shit mine planning..


hillstarts by Pilot Sqn Ldr Nottie Zactly-Trew


have a go at this feculant bladder of sewer gas ..

Dawson, is a population ponzi shill, another shithead like tulip
an innumerate casual racist slur hurling gobshite feathering her nest at the expense of the legazen australian. dawson is a future eater, an ecovandal


Well that was a rabbit hole I wish I didn’t look into. Just another pointless left wing shit fest.

Dawson seems to have a historical beef with the AUWU who seem to be experts in harassment.

Dawson also appears to have upset the trans community.

Shane Bazzi whose 15 minute of fame was being sued by Peter Dutton decided to weigh in, then gets sent packing and hides behind a mental illness card.


Yup, a “progressive” think tank not considered progressive enough by the likes of unemployed/refugee advocate Bazzi and co.

Saw a tweet where he tried to get her sacked, except she’s the one who handles complaints.

Was reminded of a meth addict who ended up in a psych ward, and demanded that they be allocated a different psychiatrist because they weren’t going to be given any addictive medications. After putting up with a torrent of abuse, the doctor tells them that a change in specialist can only happen if they put their complaint in writing and the director agrees to it. So the patient goes off and write pages of complaints, and an hour later goes back to see the doctor and asks, “who is the director?” and the doctor says, “I am.”



Ironic Boomer

+1 For ‘feculant bladder of sewer gas’.


here is some absolute top grade rage fuel

Some migrants 7.30 spoke to cited racism, inability to find a job in their own field and a strict parental reunion policy as some of the reasons — and experts like Fethi Mansouri agree.

In many cultures globally, the idea of family is not just … the two parents and the kids,” Professor Mansouri said.
“One of the key considerations for [migrants] will be the extent to which they can bring a parent.

The long-term goal is to get into airlines. [But] there just isn’t enough jobs for everyone out there.

so why would we import even more if there already aren’t enough opportunities?


MP’s son jailed over sick child porn stash – but could walk free in two months

Reckon if he was some random he’d get out so quickly?

Gruppenführer Mark

How about the drugged out chick who left her 2 kids to die in a car after she went to a party and passed out drugged up, and will walk free after 20 months? With 3 years served already, that’s 5 years for 2 kids.


didn’t she get 10 years?

Gruppenführer Mark

The article I read today, and can’t find, says she will be eligible for parole Nov 2024. Which way do you think it’ll go?


spay the dog

Gruppenführer Mark

A comment from No 1 mentioning Metaverse strangely coinsided with a ZH article on Metaverse published earlier today.

I’ve read the book and found it fascinating. It really did explore the pitfalls of humans switching off.

At the same time, I cannot believe that people will willingly switch off from life to exist in an alternate reality. Did anyone have this experience? Why would you do it?


That seems like an interesting book. Might read it. …is it a significant advance on the theme of dissociation, escapism, etc that we see in Brave New World?

does the ZH article contain spoilers for the book?

Gruppenführer Mark

Not really. It was written back in the 90s from memory and had some interesting and true predictions about how this turned out.

The author had at least one more interesting book, can’t remember the name.

And one can find an audiobook free if one looks for it

Brave New World was written in 1920s? So also very prescient, but if one was to guess in that era what could happen, one would also need to read Zamyatin’s Us.

I found both of the anti-utopia books very thought provoking.

Snow Crash, though, goes in a whole new direction, as it imagines a world that was not even imagined 100 years ago – a virtual reality. Both Huxley and Zamyatin could only imagine tech that was available at the time, and it’s advances. Computer was not on the cards

Last edited 1 year ago by Gruppenführer Mark

Fucking double speaking, cnuts. There is nothing we can do to stop this. Too rich, too powerful. Fucks sake.


history of Pay the Rent, compiled by the Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) with the help of Gunnai/Mara elder Robbie Thorpe, notes that the concept originated in 1837 when a Quaker settler paid interest on one-fifth of his land value as “yearly rent”.

Every single fucking time.


Makes my blood boil. You’d be familiar with Tjapuki Aboriginal theme park in Cairns? I know the family that set this up, you wouldn’t guess their ethnicity? They then sold it for a motza before the locals ran it into the ground and abandoned it. Can you imagine if a ‘normal’ aussie started an aboriginal theme park/ tourist attraction? How they get away with this shit is not beyond my comprehension, but it still infuriates me.

Gruppenführer Mark

Got some detail on this? I tried Google, but all they have is a successful business that ran for 33 years and COVID killed it.


they just keep stacking up mate…

give …wreck
give …destroy
give …abandon


What detail do you want?


Don and Judy Freeman


Don’t worry. All they have to do is give up the wagyu washed down with the finest shiraz. That’s according to that law talking guy.


Westpac said on Friday it had experienced a small increase in the number of borrowers who were more than 30 days late on repayments “mainly due to seasonality and cost of living pressures”.

they put cost of living pressure in the same breath as “seasonality”. Better hope like fuck that the inflation is transient and prices for staples start falling. (Because god forbid wages start rising and we have to crank rates higher again)

anyhow, this is what I’ve been telling youse – house prices are resilient when people are comfortable. People’s surpluses need to be drained (through higher energy prices, higher food prices, whatever) if prices are to be vulnerable.

that’s why all the bleeding heart lefties who want to spare everyone every ounce of pain are implicit supporters of high house prices.


You’ll be pleased to know I have been doing my bit by raising fees this year.

Not a lot percentage wise, but in absolute terms enough to cover the increases in mortgage repayments since rates went up from 0.1%

Have also adopted the tradies “charge double and hope they fuck off” mentality on any work I don’t want to do.


I looked at putting solar on the roof late last year. The intertubes all said PV in Canberra cost about $1K per KWh. When I got quotes it was at least twice that…so about $13K for a 6.6 KWh system, up to about $22K for something bigger. Calculated break even times were about 7-9 years. Installation lead times were also about 4 months. They all seemed to have so much work that they’re charging whatever they like in the hope that punters will go away.

I decided I’ve got better things to do with my money.


 They all seemed to have so much work that they’re charging whatever they like in the hope that punters will go away.

Welcome to supply and demand working as it is intended to…


yeah ..its a pain in the arse ..

to do the bait ice and fish freezers in the shed I went it alone, all 12 volt , fk western power and the 7c FIT.
panels on top of the sea container, 2 cheap arse jaycar solar regs 4 recycled 12v batteries about 70% condition
and 2 inverters I had laying about.

can’t wait to fuck these synergy western power types off


to do the bait ice and fish freezers in the shed I went it alone, all 12 volt , fk western power and the 7c FIT.

panels on top of the sea container, 

good golly … how much fish do you keep?


only allowed 20kg fish fillet per person in the household..but ice and bait? gotta stock the box…shouldn’t take fish without bleeding them and placing on ice for processing…rigor mortis type firming from chilling..easier knife how much ice is needed for a 10 day trip?.. 25 bags is a bit short


So 20kgs per person per day is how much you’re allowed to take?

how long does it take to fill a shipping container at that rate?


no ..20kg is the personal possession limit full stop

hard maximum 10kg of demersals and 10 kg of littoral and/or pelagics …. bit of a problem if the spanish mackeral comes in at 15+kg [which is common]

and its wise to label the fillet packets in your name and transport in the vehicle your driving …always be in the immediate presence of your catch


no ..20kg is the personal possession limit full stop

hard maximum 10kg of demersals and 10 kg of littoral and/or pelagics …. bit of a problem if the spanish mackeral comes in at 15+kg [which is common]

but this is for one day, right?

so you can go grab another 20kg the next day and have heaps in the freezer?


no …at any point in time an amateur fisher can have 20kg of fillet in his possession.. no more than 20kg at any time ever…
naturally I add lobster squid crab when I can as they are outside the bag.
once the fish make it home it’s then policed as 20kg per person in residence

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

the ship container is hosting the solar panels and electrics is all…it’s out he bobf and in full sun ergo an oven in the day.. the freezers are in the shed [bit cooler]
household chest freezers they are.
[cheap arse hisense things]


never gone past ~18kgs when transporting I assure you


saga gets better ever day

david certainly does have a type – which also looks like him and probably therefore his mum

he might be packing a serious cock though since the ex seems to be very bitter despite being more attractive than him


I think he is significantly more attractive than his ex. And also his next ex.


u wot m8


hes hideous


The US Military Industrial Complex is making billions and their order books are full up for the next several years. BlackRock has inked deals to rebuild Ukraine. The elites are more than happy for the war to continue.


that also might help me with the querying of Britain’s purpose in the uke. war.


dailymail doing gods work every day

I’ve always thought that men wearing fancy watches is super faggy/effeminate

its basically jewellery

Aussie Soy Boy

A work ute costs $70k these days I don’t think anyone will get their nose out of joint over a $10k watch.


a work ute does work

a watch does nothing that your phone doesn’t already

its jewellery for men
ostentatious adornment

would never have picked you for a metro fag


they can do work but most fags just drive them around to be cool in their own minds, my neighbour was unemployed and owned a huge 4wd with towing capacity etc, didnt need it for anything


tell him ampol rang and said thanks….

Aussie Soy Boy

Most utes are used as toys, but take any car. $100k plus cars are commonplace. If it’s European it will be virtually worthless in another 12 years.

A watch will at least be worth something in 12 years.


That Daily Mail link you sent where they intentionally misquoted him as suggesting only supply side house issues, and now this one where they are attempting to the man rather than the ball, tells me DM are another property vested interest group.


Daily Mail and General Trust – Wikipedia

In the UK, Landmark Information Group includes Landmark and SearchFlow and provide information for property transactions. Trepp, in the US, provides similar services.

 Investments include used-car platform Cazoo, property investment platform Bricklane, and will-writing platform Farewill


Fuck this moderation approval bullshit. If you look at their Wiki page you can see DM-owners also own property information sites, and property investment sites.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

pretty tenuous conspiracy theory there

In the UK, Landmark Information Group includes Landmark and SearchFlow and provide information for property transactions. Trepp in the US, provides similar services.

These kind of companies would only benefit from a high turnover due to mortgage failures
The current lack of transactions while we Wile Coyote aren’t good for their business

And not even in this country anyway

I’m just going with clickbait and they want to appeal to the everyday Australian
(without any bizarre ideology as displayed by journalists at fairfax or Murdoch)


Are you denying that there is a coordinated effort by the media to not mention demand-side immigration as a contributing factor to unaffordability?


that has nothing to do with the dailymail who regularly publish anti-immigration pieces


DM published Big Australia propaganda. If their editors are too ignorant to realise that fact then they are part of the problem.




Example is that link you sent the other day where Phil Lowe was intentionally misquoted as suggesting only supply side factors as per the MSM. I listened to that part of the hearing and he clearly mentioned immigration and population growth as demand side factors.


serious paranoia mate

I don’t think dailymail writers listened to the whole 12 hours

they just copy pasted something from fairfax or abc

Here’s what they published

‘With population growth picking up again, we need more construction of dwellings,’ he said.

‘Otherwise we’re going to be in a situation of strong rental growth for a long period of time and it isn’t because interest rates are going up. It’s because the supply of rental accommodation is short relative to the demand.’

Seems to me that includes demand and supply factors
Factual and neutral

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

here’s their article from today

dailymail just reports facts

they don’t have the intellectual capacity to editorialise and propagandise

and they have no agenda anyway

the website only exists to sell ads thats why its 80% celebrity gossip

you may as well accuse New Idea of being pro-immigration


Lowe made specific references to immigration and international students. Saying half the truth is propaganda.

But yes I accept your point about copy/paste. At least they could invest in an editor that understands that they are being played.

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy


they published this just a couple weeks ago

do a google search for “dailymail immigration”
they love posting articles like this because their readership loves to seethe over immigrants

you are absolutely cooked mate
sounding like DLS

just because they didn’t publish 2 sentences out of 5 hours of testimony, that they didn’t even watch because they just copy pasted from the fucking ABC anyway

they are literally publishing your exact viewpoint with CAPITAL LETTERS and everything

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

So why was it excluded in other article? Why focus on watches instead of main issues? You are the one saying they are balanced when it seems they really haven’t got a clue about what they are publishing.


its a fucking tabloid newspaper mate

its designed to get clicks

the bogans who read it love to observe and also hate on rich people, so its perfect for them

they’d be in a lather over this faggy looking nerd who makes a million dollars wearing a fancy watch while they have to sell their jetski and stop getting their nails done every week

the people working on the floor have neither the interest nor the intellectual capacity to form and shape any type of political agenda

The leadership team is as pure white male as it gets
they’ve even got a British Lord there
and one token wog , but definitely looks like he shags

you can also just write articles for them as they accept submissions


Fair enough. It is a low budget clickbait site.

Listen to Joseph Wang interview on Financial Repression Authority. He makes mention of Interest Rates causing inflation. I presume he is where you got that idea from. He clarifies that it was a hypothesis of what could happen with MMT and that it is not the case right now.


no he isn’t where I got that idea from

I’ve had the idea for a few years

because lowering interest rates only seemed to make deflation worse

so the opposite could make inflation worse, I reckoned

its a very old idea in any case
From Irving Fisher and Albert Gibson in the early 1900s

and that is before they started paying IOR in order to set the target rate, which is what really started ringing alarm bells for me

He is the one who is firmly in the “QE is money printing” camp

so its very contradictory for him to now say that high rates aren’t also money printing

he’s not as smart as he likes to think he is, is my impression

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

So his theory is that raising interest rates cause inflation but only under MMT?

MMT says that governments create new money by using fiscal policy 

That kinda sounds like he’s saying that printing money is what actually causes inflation


I think it was to do with the balance of debt and savings. If there is more govt debt than private debt, and that govt debt is broadly distributed, you end up with the scenario where more savers benefit from a rate rise (and spending more) than debtors constrained by rate rise.

I presume Coming’s deflationary example was also at a point in time when few people had debt and more people had savings.


If there is more govt debt than private debt, and that govt debt is broadly distributed, you end up with the scenario where more savers benefit from a rate rise (and spending more) than debtors constrained by rate rise.”

Yep. That’s the scenario where higher interest rates causing inflation makes sense. The flip side, where low rates might cause inflation, would be via a currency debasement.


oops meant deflation and the currency debasement causes mass capital flight that trashes asset markets and causes a deep recession.


Never understood the appeal of luxury watches. From a practical point of view, watches seem obsolete given smart phones, fitness trackers etc.


 luxury watches. From a practical point of view,

Luxuries aren’t practical by definition.


mechanical watches are obsolete convoluted technology being marketed/sold as an upscale thing


its jewellery for men

who don’t want to be thought of as effeminate

something expensive that is pleasant to have but is not necessary:
great comfortespecially as provided by expensive and beautiful things:

Why do you care if watches are obsolete. They are perfectly functional devices and no one is making you buy one.

Gruppenführer Mark

It’s art. If you get a handcrafted piece from Switzerland that is, I only have one but it gives me great pleasure to strap it on every day. It is not about utility, see? It is more about having a masterpiece on your wrist. A man has created a few things as precise as a timepiece, and none that he can carry.


the archetypal veblen good


I clearly remember the bicycle helmet laws because I was a young teen who got so annoyed of being hassled by cops that I stopped riding my bike altogether. It was not so much the helmets that I objected to, it was being forced to ride on the road. It is apparently safer for teens on bicycles to mingle with cars even when there are no pedestrians, and even if you ride slowly on the footpath on the way to dedicated cycleway.

The laws were not about medical costs per se. It was about public liability. I recall Bondi council getting their butt sued because a child got hurt, and so began the knee jerk reaction of shutting down play-equipment, banning bicycles on council footpaths etc. When settled we ended up with the neoliberal solution of government washing their hands, push the kids onto the roads, and privatise greenslips so that insurance companies pay for children that have been mangled by cars. I bet a big chunk of council rates go towards public liability costs for play equipment etc.

In regards to the general “Australia is a fine country” statement. This is also a neoliberal feature. If you continually cut the budget of police departments then the natural evolution is to go from fighting crime to revenue raising. This is also true for the ATO who are too afraid to spend big money taking on big business unless the outcome is assured, they instead bully the small guy for easy money.


I clearly remember the bicycle helmet laws because I was a young teen who got so annoyed of being hassled by cops that I stopped riding my bike altogether. It was not so much the helmets that I objected to, it was being forced to ride on the road. It is apparently safer for teens on bicycles to mingle with cars even when there are no pedestrians, and even if you ride slowly on the footpath on the way to dedicated cycleway.

Haha, sucks to be you legazen!

We have different rules for Food Delivery Specialists imported from the Orient and the Subcontinent.

They are free to ride their unregistered motorcycles at up to 40km/h on footpaths. Even when the footpaths have heavy foot traffic! (As they do, seeing that there are twice as many people in each city compared to when you were a kid)


a george floyd situation in melbourne

but nobody cares because it was some dumb wog and not a black drug addict

imagine if he was abo – albo would be crying on tv and prejudicing the trial of the officers right now

Aussie Soy Boy

Nice job by the cops. I hope they stole any of his valuables too.


a different begging letter