Australia to fight ageing population by letting elderly third worlders chain migrate to Australia

Australia’s ALP government has made a historic migration annnouncement allowing economic boat arrivals to bring over their elderly relatives to fight an ageing population.

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles said that bringing in more welfare-dependent, unskilled, elderly people from foreign countries with fuck all English speaking ability in an endless chain migration scam, would be a boon for Australian public services like Medicare and the NDIS.

“No-one had the ALP on their 2023 bingo cards to destroy what’s left of our public institutions with chains of endless, imported welfare parasitism. We’ve been doing it with family reunion through the front door, so why not the back door as well?’ Giles said.

‘The productivity commission finding that these elderly family reunion cunts cost us average $420,000 in public spending per migrant shows us what a wonderful investment it is. The hospitals and aged care sectors I’m sure are looking forward to their arrival.’

‘Chain migration has been one of the vibrant and diverse aspects of turning this country into the economic zone shithole it is today, as seen throughout the first world. It’s a small price to pay for not being called racist by people that hate us anyway’

Thousands of homeless Australians have also flown to Christmas Island to warmly greet economic migrants taking advantage of open borders.

‘I just wanted to let them know we’re happy to compete with them for scarce resources they’re not entitled to,’ Sydney man Chris said.

‘I’ve been living in a car the last year and unable to find a rental for the family, but I’m happy to continue watching the problem be needlessly exacerbated by self-loathing white people.’

Australian Police units are tipped to get massive funding boosts ahead of the new wave of invaders, with experts expecting a sexual assault, terrorism, grooming gangs, domestic violence and aggravated burglary bonanza.

‘It’s just part of living in such a wonderfully vibrant, diverse and low-trust multicultural society that we have no say in. Multiculturalism has been the greatest excuse to build the dystopian, digital surveillance state we see going up across the world and I’m glad Australia is at the forefront of that,” Giles said.

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this isnt even satire this is real life motherfuckers

one of the most astute comments ive read about the migration process is how so many of them end up above and adjacent shopping areas in regional towns, that seems to be the preferred place where a lot of these people get housed

you see them going for aimless walks every evening in culturally diverse atire and sitting around idly on park benches


It is real. I am warning everyone I know not to rely on the pension at all in retirement. That comment could probably be extended to Medicare.

“we can solve world poverty by opening up the borders and printing money for welfare payments” … said nobody.


Renew renew renew.

Soylient green fer sure.

Go to your local hospital to see how stretched the systems are. I’m looking at moving bush, missus talks of all the wonderful oldies she meets at work who are shipped in from remote Qld to be treated in Brisbane. Says do you really want to move away from urban centre as you will be in same boat as these oldies when you get to that age. My view is I’ll stop where I drop and living a more rudimentary life would improve my health more than sitting behind a keyboard deleting all the embellishments on my projects such some ex commie Taiwanese lords can save some coin.

Agent 47

Migrants to the regions is really about replacing white people rurally as well as in the cities. You see what’s going on in the UK with the migrant hotels in small towns causing rapes, crime etc. They don’t want white people to have a space to themselves ever.

France is now trying this shit on as well with predictable results.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Although I wouldn’t have quite put it like that, the honest reality is that based on current projections that every second or third person in the world will be a Sub-Saharan African in a hundred years.

As a consequence of their unbounded population growth, is it fair to ask that while there will be a population implosion in the West, that the population explosion in Sub-Saharan Africans be entirely absorbed by Africa? Why can’t their surplus populations be allowed to emigrate like Europeans did?

Capture - Copy (15).JPG

Damn – I meant to post Steve’s scary graph, where only 1 in 5 people of the future ARE NOT Africans…. demographics is destiny.

Capture - Copy (16).JPG


Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

biggest incel ive ever seen

its so predictable with these types is they attempt to acquire power to overcome their ogre like appearances

A fly in your ointment

sheet, I’m an extremist for being UnPfizerred and for not trusting any gov/political party without a clear ideology!


You would struggle to find a less capable person in that role over the past 20 years I imagine. We have sheer luck and mutual incompetence between him and any perpetrators, to thank for the lack of any real terrorism in Australia under his watch.

Read his comments and it’s all inane rehashed unverified guesswork, scarey that’s the best ASIO can put up. I’ve had a clearer outline of potential threat profiling from my barber. He’s less informed than an msm opinion writer, and has less grasp on actual facts than a hack churning out MAFS write ups for Mamamia. He’s not even a savvy enough politically to suitably amp up the fear for his budget allocation.

A fly in your ointment

imagine the uselessness of new generations when these “third worlders chainimmos” (whatever that means) are less of a drag on state and society then the current youths.
At east these oldies can use their thumbs for more than just one function, like bumming up the convict class to literally show them that Warden Class Australians are having a new preferred immo class. Convict class being what they are will obviously blame the later day immos for them being replaced and not being the favourite sheep any more… Wogs were always second class units and by the looks of it, they will remain so


no one gives a fk about whos gonna be a drag on who

we want these cunts to go home

more people is bad, idc if theyre rocket scientists or uber drivers

if anything the latter is arguably better bc they dont clog the housing market

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal
A fly in your ointment

we want these cunts to go home

Then you should begin to bark up the Warden class Australians tree and focus on where the problem actually comes from. Canberra, behind the stage.

Warden class wants you to divert your anger elsewhere until that frog is boiled.


that’s what we’ve been doing on this blog for the past 2 years ???????????????

A fly in your ointment

Um, nope.

It was always about how slopes and gunga dins are gaming the system and abusing it…
Utterly inverted perspective

Key difference (and I repeated this ad nauseum) is that gaming was impossible until about early 2000’s whence it became possible for 100000 to immigrate – and immos did not change rules and regulations in Aus, it was the Wardens (their lap dogs in Canberra).


shore thing nigga u been readin different to what ive been

A fly in your ointment

I pointed this once to very you in the past…. my nigga… i will remind you of this conversation the next time.
(but i am not trying to single you out, almost everyone here does it)

Agent 47

Lol what horseshit. It was even easier to rort the migration act and commit identity fraud in the paper immigration era than it is today in the digital one.

Relying on your one tenuous anecdotal experience of coming here in the 90’s and making it applocable to everything else as usual.

A fly in your ointment

Yeah, sure… you went through the PR approval proces so you must know.
Besides, even if it was easier to rort the system (as you wrongly claim), it was 25k immos per year.
Whom changed that number to 250k per year? Slopes? Gunga Dins? MP Mick in Canberra?

How dense a mind has to be to be unable to comprehend that the swathes of Asians and Africans coming every day are vacuumed, not pumped into Aus and by who’s orders.

Agent 47

Because right on cue, he’s triggered by the fact he is essentially the self interested economic parasite that rocked up once the first world country was built, and then applies this arbitrary criteria that migrants are completely absolved of all responsibility and wrongdoing (cultural, economic or otherwise) by virtue of the fact they made a completely conscious decision to buy a plane ticket to a first world country. It’s all the fault of the EMMA RENAY JABBERWOCKY EZFKA PRISON WARDENS (or whatever lame faggot term) and no one else, forever.

Repeat until the next immigration article and he says the same thing.

A fly in your ointment

I understand the sour feeling each the emperor is exposed naked.
From this comment I gather you did not even bother to understand what I am saying as your response did not even miss the target but it is a shot in opposite direction.

Agent 47

Oh no! You had to submit some paperwork, pay a fee and wait for approval from the public service. The horror!

Literally no one on this blog disputes the immigration problem is primarily top down, it’s the whole point of the blog. What’s being pointed out is your continued denial and deflection on the topic of migrants like yourself being absolved of any and all wrongdoing upon arrival and contributing to the problem. To the point where we now have so many migrant groups actively lobbying for their own interests at the expense of the founders of the host nation, ie us convicts that you despise so much that you’re compelled to stay here forever and benefit from, that we also now have Sikhs and Hindus fighting street battles in Federation Square over a country that doesn’t even exist yet.

Your argument is literally people that arrive in point b from point a have nothing to do with making a choice to do so and anything that happens in point b is not their fault.

And for that you deserve to be overwhelmingly mocked, bullied and ridiculed accordingly.

Agent 47

What sour feeling? I love my country and what my ancestors gave me, something you’ll never understand.

I understand your ‘argument’ very well, it’s retarded and been taken apart almost daily on this blog.


I’d prefer to have removed from the country those dumb cooker aussie bitches that set their house on fire

How many millions have those two milked in DSP and carer’s benefits and public housing and medicare over the years

A lot of useless mouths in this country including aboriginal, legacy, and new australians


Except if you’re already here you can play the system according to the pre existing rules how you like, as you are legally entitled to. Literally every country let’s you do this.


well thats how they have made the immigration laws so you are legally entitled to play the system according to the pre-existing rules

Stop complaining then?


My comment was in reference to citizens and existing PR holders.


I know?

I don’t understand what the point you’re trying to make is – immigrants are just playing the games by the rules that were created for them


So you are aware of the whataboutism you just deployed then I see.

The thread is about very low value near future migrants being able to exploit the system and you’re trying to hijack it into some obscure example about people already here.

There is a big difference and you know it.


no – I was responding to stagmal saying that he doesn’t care if immigrants are rocket scientists or uber drivers

I dispute that by stating that we rather accept industrious and peaceful immigrants, rather than keep the lazy and obnoxious locals that we have

It isn’t whataboutism at all – stop using words that you don’t understand


the idea that a country is just some place where you ‘minmax’ out people based on how much alleged gdp they produce is the the pure unadultered essence of ezfka thinking

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

i wish it was because we could do with some facets of Nazi ideology (not all), but unfortunately it isnt

EZFKA is about squashing the productive middle class, so as many useless mouths as possible can get fed to enrich the tiny ruling class

I know its going to be a very hard pill to swallow for most of the people who hang around this website, because a lot of them are useless parasites themselves

Thought don’t see themselves like that so will be some strong cognitive dissonance

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

nazis wouldnt be replacing us with indians and shit tho theyd just be trying to improve our own ppl

which ith ink is reasonable, wholesale ethnic replacement/genocide (the ezfka way) aint


no but they wouldn’t be indulging retards and trannies and disabled people either

I understand that Hitler greatly admired the Japanese

i know this is going to be a tough one for you to accept, given that you are LDAR but most indians/chinese make better citizens than you

just be glad you are amusing
Once chatGPT improves its over for white slackers like you – no value left

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

nah im actually looking for a job now, no more LDAR for me

LDAR is funny and its fun but its a meme basically

id happily live in a country that just hands out jobs to people and forces them to do it fyi i think thats preferable to the current employment market system we have

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

ok but chinese would be working like dogs from 5 years old

while you sponged off the country for x decades already


working like dogs doing what mate

there’s no correlation between individual hard-work and actual production esp in a society like ezfka

someone who works as a marketing executive at a big company has worked very hard, but they are literally more parasitic and useless than a dole bludger

if anything its probably a more reasonable way to allocate resources to just hand people money to do FA all day than have them drive 8 hour commutes to work at some faggot corporation that does absolutely nothing valuable for anyone except drive useless consumption

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

come on now son, lets be real

its not asians becoming marketing executives and tiktok influencers

they’re doing STEM at a rate that is probably 10x the white population at a rough guess

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

as I said, this is going to be a very hard pill to swallow for lazy and self-indulgent legacy australians

which is the majority of them, including here


yeah theyre becoming civil engineers to build more roads bc all the pre-existing ones are being clogged up by their co-ethnic mates theyre lobbying to be brought over here


wouldn’t be clogged if we didn’t have so many useless lazy cunts here though would it

the ones who’s only claim to fame is being born on our shores, then working out how to milk the system while doing nothing useful

Like I said this is going to be a very hard pill for you in particular to swallow

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

i dont htink its remotely as close as 10x

asians arent that smart compared to whites, even if their performance iq profile is quite a bit higher relative to their verbal iq

another issue oriental east asians appear to have quite low mercantile skill, even groups like lebanese and armenians are better than them at that

from what i understand verbal iq predicts economic performance better than performance IQ does

its why asian countries while doing pretty well never seem to supercede whites like germany, u.s.a etc in terms of economic performance, despite the fact that theyre higher iq overall


no its because their countries have no natural resources and poor geography

if australia had been settled by east asians it would be a global super power rivalling the US by now


like germany has good natural resource endowment either tho lol and it absolutely smashes asian countries out of the park, per capita it smashes u.s.a out of the park too

its not even close, hitler was right germans are the master race


germans are way better people than australians

so you’ve just proved my point

but germany also benefits from its historical location


industrious and peaceful immigrants….

Keep going, you’re on a roll sparky.
They’re all useless dead wood just like you. please self deport back to ladyboy land you annoying little hairless dicked oriental


lmao i love all these alleged mino gps we import as somehow model amazing citizens they cant even speak english and are the shittest doctors imaginable

i groan when i rock up at the medical centre, have to wait like 4 hours for an appointment then i see some paki or whateve guy standing at the door waiting for me

webmd is better than these people


Try and find a non third world doc. Even if they dont bulk bill it’s better than getting maimed by some fake credentialed goatfucker who hates you.


i’d love to know what value you contribute to society

You don’t seem to have been too affected by refusing to be vaccinated, so its unlikely you have a proper job

Disability pension?
Or are you a cash economy worker


how easy do you reckon it would be for a reasonably high iq person to pull off faking gp credentials and setting up a practice

ive always thought about it and reckon it would be possible

like that principal in victoria who faked having a teaching degree and ended up working in a hs for like 30 years and being great at it


its possible but you are too lazy


Fake doctors usually can get away with time in the public hospital system, but the amount of checks and balances to work in any kind of private practice means you would get found out very quickly. 

Anyone who thinks it’s possible really doesn’t know what they don’t know.

Let’s take something as simple as seeing a patient, writing a script and billing Medicare for the consult.

You need 2 unique identifiers to do this. One is to access Medicare billings, the other is required by pharmacies to fill scripts. Without the medicare rebate either you don’t get paid, or the patient doesn’t get it – the average EZFKA unit is entitled and will definitely ask questions, complain etc which will end your business fairly quickly.

But let’s assume you already know this. Both identifiers are linked to national registration – so you’d also have to fake that. Even if we assume you have the means to do that, there is still one last issue that is insurmountable, and that relates to the location specific property of one of those identifiers. Any fraudulent application would stick out like a sore thumb compared to a legitimate ones. It’s probably something you’d only know if you work in the medical field, a high IQ isn’t going to be enough to work around it.


Lets imagine you’re my GP, which is unlikely because you’re probably the manager of a triad owned nail salon/brothel,
but if you were, you’d be the most passive aggressive little weasel that anyone would encounter.
That’s why you’re an oriental pimp and not a medico – they wouldnt let you near actual humans.


im going to take that as you are a disability pension bludger

not really surprising tbh


You’d be a shoo-in for the DSP with your constant and relentless masturbation, like a horny bush monkey, drained of your disgusting oriental fluids.
They’d shake their heads and say ‘sad case here, drained of his bush monkey fluids, we should give him the DSP’.


It’s just really pathetic that you’ve never contributed or achieved anything

but that’s why cookers are cookers : so they can feel special and proud for once in their lives

like they did something amazingly brave

when really you sacrificed nothing by going unvaxxed since you don’t work or socialise anyway

it’s your identity now, because your old one was so shitty



Mors tua vita mea


How about we deport you, since you seem to be pretty obnoxious yourself


It is also literally whataboutism

You have successfully trolled a satire thread and turned it into how you personally think most white Australians are lazy trash.

Shut up.

A fly in your ointment

well thats how they have made the immigration laws so you are legally entitled to play the system according to the pre-existing rules

Ouch, the one that usually do not want to get it – got it amongst the first.


well thats how they have made the immigration laws so you are legally entitled to play the system according to the pre-existing rules

Ouch, the one that usually do not want to get it – got it amongst the first.

Pity you are both about 3 steps behind. complaining to the masters isn’t going to get them to stop using slaves to work the cotton fields…

A fly in your ointment

sheet, it feels as if my points are suppressed with srong dislike of me being a “parasite” wog (to quote someone above).

I never said that complaint to masters will serve any purpose. It takes a rebellion, a mass Ned Kelly type culture to depose the warden class Aussies from bringing in a new class of cotton pickers (<- a class which does not feel self entitled).
I had faith in this until 2020 and jabbadabba medicoterror period but 95% pfizzered and 70+% boosted at least once tells me that no one has the balls required. Mortgage is the immaculate thumb to suppress a rebellion with a promise of wealth on paper. This country is flucked and the convict class ezfka units are to blame the most as the senior class of immigrants – for not rebelling, for complacence, for selling out this country to the highest bidder for a 7% annual increase in equity.

If Ned Kelly rose again, i am sure he’d die of heartache seeing how emasculated convict class has become.

Last edited 1 year ago by A fly in your ointment

Ned kelly is a fantasy, a story, just like robin hood, or jesus christ.
He may have been a real person but his story has been moulded and turned into mythology to help construct society.

If it took 2020 to open your eyes to the fact that sheeple is an apt term then you really are a little slow…

Comment of the week.

Subtle distinctions required though:
1. business-leader convict class (importing the 3rd world etc – along with the usual suspects)… these devious EZFKA units are fewer in number.
2. uneducated convict-class EZFKA units who just got lucky and are happy to go along for the ride rather than actually making/lobbying for the policies… these are the vast majority.

Last edited 1 year ago by Roger Dodger

imagine the uselessness of new generations when these “third worlders chainimmos” (whatever that means) are less of a drag on state and society then the current youths.

The sad fact is there will be no youth – the demographic bomb, triggered by the Jewish Cultural revolution of the 1960’s that set Secular Jewish value of ultra-tolerance as the baseline norm of societal expectations and morality, has destroyed the West in exactly the same way as it destroyed the Israelites whenever things got too good for them in the Bible.

Once a society learns this knowledge, of what kills societies/culture, it becomes the ultimate weapon – a culture bomb of genocidal proportions. All that is need is time and a convincing appeal to desire of ‘individual freedom’ or ‘self over society’, and the fuse of societal self destruction is lite.

Nothing typifies this more than the work of “luxury values” – values that are toxic for ordinary people and for which only wealthy people can afford:

Honestly why are values like this celebrated in our society, instead of scorned. Why are traditional values scorned instead of praised in our interestingly owned and influenced media? Because ultimately traditional values have stood the tests of time. Of course our cultural enemies will attack those values which have produced such wonders that our societies are, and for which we so take for granted today.

Yet it is ‘Progressive’ values like this those in that twitter link (no doubt also accompanied by some Munchausen by proxy) which spell societal and cultural death – it is a terminator meme. That these ‘values’ are leaching out into the working class and being promoted as an “Aspirational Lifestyle”, especially to specifically the white working class, as a terminator meme, it is imho every bit as genocidal as CycloneB.

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie
Ironic Boomer

‘imagine the uselessness of new generations when these “third worlders chainimmos” (whatever that means) are less of a drag on state and society then the current youths.’

Just imagine.


it’s easy if you try

A fly in your ointment

you seem to know your music


i like tunes

Aussie Soy Boy

I look forward to the day legacy Australians are a minority.


You’ve got issues bloke

Feel free to move to another country and don’t let the door hit you on the way out


It’ll have to be New Zealand, any country with a choice wouldn’t take him


I hear there are plenty of countries with a minority of legacy australians.


history rhymes…these entitled fvcks deserved nick leeson

timeless phrasing…
” Janus-like nature of the British financial press.”

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt
A fly in your ointment

Seems an internesting read… tnx


What are “Captcha Logs”?


the name would suggest a list of events related to a captcha widget

Given the trivial nature of that answer I assume there is some fundamental info missing from your query.


You are correct, I deliberately deployed a low signal communication that was lacking certain information in order avoid triggering wider discussion. If you can’t connect my question to the context that caused me to ask it, then you likely cannot answer it.


…or perhaps you can, because now it is gone.


I can now connect it, but a more detailed why rather than what requires another to answer.


I think Sanjay must have been fucking about with security settings

lets investigate what emma renay does to botox – more important than the mio/pericarditis


My IP has been identified as malicious and I can’t log in (Except on my phone)


Same. Hence not actually logging in.


Maybe the website has become sentient and is now telling you what it really thinks 🙂

or more likely this:


It’s really something how a website designed to criticise the EZFKA ended up with its own EZFKA lobby who would like to see the whole country turn into a little China or India because the people there would get better marks at school, and GDP might be higher or something.

If we ever actually succeeded in reversing Australia’s progress into being an EZ, how would we go about keeping the lobby from re-establishing control?


comment image


Criticising lazy stupid bogans is anti-white


If we wanted to live in Hong Kong we would just move there, why don’t you? No more stress about lazy bogans.


If you wanted to live in Hungary or switzerland why don’t you move there ?

No more stress about migrant

yes that’s the way

all this is the fault of the evil migrants
it’s not at all the stupidity and laziness of the local white population that made this happen


Because people who actually care about living in a certain country can’t just move to another country where they are an alien. But you only care about GDP and how many people study STEM degrees so there are plenty of EZ utopias where you can go instead of trying to further ruin this place.

Plus your kind will destroy Hungary just as soon as Orban leaves power.


You care about living in this country because you enjoy the grifting

just like the migrants do


This is quite hilarious. Ironically a perfect encapsulation of the ezfka spirit

you all believe you are entitled to a free ride of grifting because of your ethnicity

much like the abos “this is my ancestors land and I’m the traditional owner of this country”

no sense of responsibility or accountability – lazy and useless legacy specimens are above reproach because of their skin colour and what their grandparents did/had done to them

it it wasn’t for the Jews/Indians/muslims we would be kangz again

no. The reality is that the smart industrious whites would be much better off jettisoning the useless white trash and bringing in more like minded people of all colours instead

alas, we will keep both the trash locals and bring in more trash from overseas as well


I know you’re just trolling but when your views are literally identical to those of Jim Chalmers, you are not the one fighting EZFKA here.


ive never heard jim chalmers criticise welfare grifters , unfortunately


There are so many utopias where there is no welfare and no income tax where you could live but you insist on living here, even though you hate this country and most of the people in it.


Ahh here’s the problem

there aren’t any utopias where you can grift without migrants

sucks for you I guess


“Oh but that’s so heartless this is Aussie battler just has struggled because of blah blah blah and they need help to get back on their feet”

“no you can’t leave aussies to suffer, that’s not how a civilised society behaves”

can you see how the exact same things are said about migrants by dumb lefties


Blah blah blah why don’t you want your country to become an economic zone shithole where only billionaires can afford to live a remotely decent life, why don’t you care about line go up, why don’t you want all this bullshit that doesn’t benefit you whatsoever.


plus how the fuck are you supposed to identify who the ‘like minded’ people are lmao. like ok here’s some quiz asian man who wantsw to live here don’t lie on it we just need to find out whether you’ll be a good fit to live here

idgf how much money these people are going to make doing useless shit (the nature of most jobs in most modern economies), we dont need more people period

comings whole logic makes no sense especially when you consider australia’s real productive economy is mostly based on a fixed resource base, you add more people on top of that and you dilute it down

its like advocating that the UAE or qatar (less extreme than this but its anaologous) import 5050550 people every year and give them full citizenship rights and entitlements to the countries oil wealth endowment

youre never going to have a productive manufacturing economy economy here doing jack sht land prices are too high among other things, to a great degree bc of the immigrants you want flooding the joint

if these ppl are so good and whites are so bad why are they so intent on moving in here rather than staying in their own countries. idg why minorities and non-whites follow whites around all over the fuckin world

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

youve contradicted yourself

if Australia’s economy is based on a fixed resource base then why would I want useless legacy whites here diluting it ?

people are fixated on moving here, and whites are fixated on staying here, because they can grift off that fixed resource base

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

so what’s your solution then, kill all the useless legacy whites and replace them with very useful elite asian people

yeah that’s gonna be real successful

i really have no idea why you think most whites are welfare spongers in aus; to a great degree a lot of dollies (which consume a minute fraction of tax btw, it’s not even close compared to middle class wealthcare handouts) are just on dole because job markets are far too exclusive in australia, partially due to artifical wage lawsand also due to IMMIGRATION LAWS which means the whole joint is flooded with coolies who are drowning out the natives in job markets

non-whites follow whites all over the world no matter where they can be found, they follow us around like a broken ass beaten half dead dog, then when they let us in they moan and bitch about how bad we are when we do

im just proposing we take the broken ass beaten half dead dog out to the woodshed and put a bullet in its head


Do non-whites migrate to Russia? Or Armenia ?

no they dont

they go to places they can grift – welfare states

the solution is to end grifting, and the Jimmies will go elsewhere


the asians we get here couldn’t get into UK or U.S.A, we get the third tier rejects

aus is like way down the list on places these people actually want to go

they dont go to russia or armenia bc theyre too poor

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

sugar off the table… but the rentier class sez nuh.


plus how the fuck are you supposed to identify who the ‘like minded’ people are lmao. like ok here’s some quiz asian man who wantsw to live here don’t lie on it we just need to find out whether you’ll be a good fit to live here

its not really that hard

if we stop the DSP, public housing, etc the useless local trash will seek asylum in Europe and the useless overseas trash will too

The gulf states manage to do it, as does Switzerland


Coming wants us to transcend resource wealth using the power of Asian STEM degrees and low taxes so we can become as wealthy as Chinese, Japanese or Koreans where they don’t even have babies because they can’t afford an apartment to raise them in and work won’t give them the time off.

Even in Germany, half the population are renters and retire with very little wealth dependent on their pension. Just having a strong economy does fuck all for the population when you have the kind of shitty social policies that Coming loves.

If he’s legit and not just trolling, at least it shows you how so many EZFKA units bought into Howardism. But the Howard generation had rising house prices to bribe them with, what does Coming have, a small tax cut that we’ll get when we kick all the dole bludgers to the curb? Even though 150% of that tax cut will go towards inflation from rich cunts buying their 20th investment property.


Grifting for me but not for thee

Germany has a very advanced welfare state anyway
that’s why the muslims go there


I bet you’ve never given away a single penny of whatever you’ve managed to stash.

Why are you asking us to give away the country’s resource wealth to millions of ubermensch Asians?


i suspect coming is chinese, it’s a co-ethnic grift

the tell for this was when he referred to white anglo australians with the phrase “yes you are”

he’s either that or a troll, im not sure which, its funny eitherway


I feel like he’s Indian, it seems more like an Indian thing to have zero capacity to understand other peoples’ nationalisms and to demand they change everything to accommodate you and your insecurities, while also desperately trying to fit in like Coming wants to live among the Jews he envies.

Chinese people are more comfortable living on the margins and are more confident in their own culture.


You guys are all massive hypocrites

i don’t think you’ll ever recognise it because you don’t want to

the parallels with the aboriginal grift are really very amusing


none of us are opposed to a welfare state and i want the jobactive apparatus destroyed and a job guarantee brought in instead, i dont want anyone on the dole lol. i want an efficient system that moves people from unemployment to work at a minimum of cost, the direct opposite of what we have here in australia

average australian wants (and gets) a system that makes moving from unemployment painful and laborious, obstructed by an endless labryinthine pipeline of dodgy training courses, credentialism, pointless middlemen and monumental barriers to entry


those are admirable goals and I would agree that there should be work for the dole/job guarantee

anything that reduces the opportunity to grift will also prevent undesirable and excessive migrants


As are the parallels with the AMA’s medical grift…

No competition through restricted entry.


Phillipino nurse whose done some study to become a nurse consult and thinks she’s a farkin docta!


your arguments would be more credible if you guys were upstanding citizens who work hard, volunteer in your local community, care for local disabled, donate to charities etc

but almost all of you are cookers and bludgers

the type to whinge about immigrants, then buy a thai wife or move to thailand etc

anyway I think stagmal is smart enough to appreciate the irony and hypocrisy of the stated positions here

and I hope that will add a little motivation to make himself a better person as he sounds to want to start the process

in order to escape the cognitive dissonance, and give him the moral capital to be allowed to criticise migrants and bludgers alike


Why are you asking me to give away the country’s resource wealth to you ?


I’m not asking anything from you, it’s pretty obvious you wouldn’t piss on your own mother if she was on fire.

Our thinking is meant for people who have the capacity to understand what a country is.


Our thinking is meant for people who have the capacity to understand what a country is.”

ie for legacy whites we waz kangz we grew here you flew here

much like the aboriginal attitude

its your god-given right to grift for xxxx historical reasons


Give me the contents of your bank account, Coming. Give me your overpriced Sydney house.

How come you get to keep it just because of Aboriginal attitudes like “it belongs to you”.


you’re incoherent


the amount of tax money that gets spent on direct dole payments is miniscule, its probably dwarafed by the amount of grants that go to maintaining the worthless jobactive apparatus that keeps boomer and boomer wannabes happy that so called ‘dole bludgers’ are being punished

just lol at comings indignation of someone getting $500 a fortnite

compare to handouts to boomer investment properties and tax concessions, defense spending/procurement grifts, childcare handouts etc

its no contest who the real grifters are in this country

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

“As at 26 March 2021, 5.5 million people received an income support payment, equating to 27%”

660,000 people working age 18-64 receive a full disability support pension

add in caters support etc

you guys love to post articles about some random jimmy grifting or raping or whatever

but these are not isolated numbers. They are huge swathes of the local population that contribute less than nothing


yeah DSP is more significant ofc, a lot of them are bludgers but like how the fk are they going to get jobs, no one is going to hire tards etc. a lot of them are indeed bludgers who were grandfatheed in, but these days getting DSP is all but impossible, even terminal cancer patients get denied it now. even then much is that still added up as a % of the budget?

compared to wealthcare for instance and childcare handout goodies for mums who dont want to give up their precious careers but also want to have trophy kids at the same time lmao


childcare is proven beneficial for children with regards to early learning and socialisation
I don’t begrudge anyone, even though povo/unemployed women get it for free because it gives their children a slim chance to be better than their useless parents

The point is that welfare culture attracts and encourages grifters both local and overseas born

I just don’t understand why you think these people are beyond criticism?
Many of them are as bad or worse than the worst migrants
So why is one group fair game, but the other group is untouchable

Be fucking consistent. You are all behaving like retarded lefties


lmao so these ppl who chose to have kids get the right to bludge off gubba cheese cuz they couldnt be assed raising their own damn kids but some poor bastard born with downs no choice of their own nope no welfare for U


sure but what are you going to do kill their kids?

I wouldn’t be opposed to sterilisation, but once they’re born its far too late

and there’s a small chance that they turn out good – we may as well do our best to improve that chance

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

I just don’t really give a shit. Dole bludgers are less parasitic than landlord Boomers and the Aussie financial complex but the government does everything possible to enrich those cunts further.

If we actually wanted to take on the grifts in this country, the housing complex needs to be the first target for grifting by far the most out of outsiders.


anybody paying tax in the first place is by definition not a grifter

40% of Australia’s working age population pays 0 tax

Let that sink in


i think you’ve found the solution, pay big w shelf stackers as much as doctors then they will pay net tax too


minimum wage is $22

so somebody working 40 hours a week at $22 would earn nearly $900/wk

that’s ~$45k

which would incur a tax penalty of $4500

so 40% of the working age population is making SUBSTANTIALLY less than a minimum wage full time job

tax threshold is 18,200

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

bc a lot of ppl don’t work full time

mostly women

let’s replace women with asian men

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

Jesus how many excuses deep can you go

if we assume 50% of the working age population is male

what % of the remaining 50% is the mother of a child age 0 – 18?

there’s just a lot of useless fucking mouths of all ethnic background in this country, why can’t you accept it


ok let’s just quadruple their wages then, and cut the wages of the ceo bosses who they work for to finance it

then by your definition no one will be useless and everyone will be paying net tax


i know you’re just trolling / being argumentative

because you and I both know there are a lot of worthless white people in this country it doesn’t even need to be debated

I’ve acknowledged that most migrants we accept/attract are also worthless

they aren’t mutually exclusive positions you are allowed to despise both


yeah there is but im not all in favour of the let’s racially replace white people proposal in response to them either

i think there should be some efforts to improve what we already have, eugenically if possible

we can have a fw non-whites here and there ofc but it should still be an ethnic status quo


How deep in your rectum did you have to go to find that definition



So why the fuck should anyone care?

If we brought in more taxpaying migrants, maybe we could afford to send more arms to Ukraine?

This isn’t a Liberal Party meeting, you’re not going to get applause by saying you paid tax all your life so now you have the right to ruin society


sounds like its an ALP/greens meeting instead doesn’t it

but only for whites


Are you being paid while spending enormous amounts of time here? That sure sounds like grifting to me…

Ironic Boomer

It’s pretty ironic …

Gruppenführer Mark

I honestly don’t understand why you guys keep engaging with Coming. It picks hot button topics and argues for the sake of it. It is a classic troll, right down to using insults to draw out an emotional response from you. Stop feeding it, regardless if it is indian, Chinese or purple.

I cannot believe that you will spend so much time engaging in tit-for-tat.


The issue is he is like 1/4+ of all comments on every thread at this point it is at the point where you can’t just ignore his posts.

And given the comments are 3/4 the reason why people are here, a significant number of posters here seem to be rightly at the point of obviously having had enough of him. Myself included hence my last barrage with him over the past week.


Jenna Price wrote another “housing is unaffordable here another hairbrained solution that totally avoids mentioning the underlying problem” article:

By my count, there are 34 spare bedrooms in my street, 34 rooms with no one sleeping in them… Is this a deranged idea? Sure – but what else have you got for a country where homeless rates are soaringinterest rates are soaringrents are soaring

When I had the audacity of replying to her self promoting tweet circulating this deranged and misleading ‘opinion’ piece with the following:

Here’s a deranged idea for Jenna that doesn’t involve storming peoples houses and commandeering their bedrooms – CUT IMMIGRATION!

This toxic old bag replied with the lie and false equivalency that all progressives use when someone voiced concerns over immigration:

You’re a migrant. Should we have cut you?

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

In that particular circumstance no the abos should not have because their lives were eventually improved by British colonisation right ?

Ironic Boomer

JPrice is a morally involuted fwit. Always was, always will be.
She should wear that on a shirt.


Price is a toxic Immigration Extremist.


Listening to Phil Lowe getting grilled by parliament. Greens Lanlord Nick McKim trying to blame RBA for rising rents. The twat eventually got put in his place with Phil Lowe and Michelle Bullock blaming low rental vacancies and high immigration.


have they asked him to justify how interest rates rises reduce inflation?

or has that been taken as a given

Dr Lowe also refuted a suggestion higher interest rates were causing a rise in rents, blaming tenancy pain on the insufficient number of new homes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

Lowe mentioned rising rates reduces aggregate demand, and emphasised that is unless you get wages rising in line with inflation.

blaming tenancy pain on the insufficient number of new homes.

It seems Daily Mail is also part of the Big Australia propaganda effort in selectively mentioning supply despite Lowe clearly mentioning immigration-led population growth especially in areas that appeal to international students.


why can’t it be both


In reference to supply and demand? It is both.


yes hence why i’m wondering how he managed to weasel out of explaining how higher interest rates will cure inflation


Are you suggesting RBA should be controlling the supply side as well? or that we should abolish the RBA mandate and leave it up to the landlord politicians to decide whether the value of their property portfolios should rise or fall?

Last edited 1 year ago by Freddy

im suggesting that the RBA should not pay any interest on ES balances
and the government should not issue bonds

as both are forms of welfare for the rich

at the same time, private loan creation should be constrained to avoid asset bubbles but also encourage construction or investment in production

Further government taxation policy should be targeted to encourage productive spending and discourage nonproductive spending and speculation

and government deficit/surplus should be used to manage inflation and deflation, not monetary policy


A lot of what you say can already happen but it doesn’t. In fact we are going the opposite direction with planned tax cuts and APRA getting ready to make it easier to borrow money for unproductive assets. We have a dysfunctional democracy and your solution to abolish one of the few independent policy makers is not the answer.

I would be inclined to go the other way and give RBA more power. Let them also use tax rates to fight inflation so that we don’t get the nonsensical repeat of the Kevin 07 election promised tax cuts during an inflationary period. Let them take back the APRA powers so they can control both interest rates and leverage.


I’d be inclined to let the RBA (or some other independent board) decide what the government surplus/deficit should be in each particular year

I don’t believe that interest rate rises are deflationary or disinflationary but that’s another story
I presume you saw the 10yr yield go up immediately after the RBA lifted interest rates and gave hawkish guidance

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

I presume you saw the 10yr yield go up immediately after the RBA lifted interest rates and gave hawkish guidance

It went up 0.1%? Could that just simply mean rates higher for longer at the front end?


it seems like lifting interest rates isn’t working at all to reduce inflation

i don’t want anyone to tell me they thought that inflation could survive rate rises this high this fast given the initial debt load

Japan inflation accelerating but slower than most, despite leaving their rates at 0%

when is it time to question conventional wisdom


real rates have fallen…


Merging APRA and the RBA is an absolute must. It’s an idea that immediately causes every property shill to freak out because they know it’s impossible for the RBA to do anything but inflate the housing market with APRA as a separate entity. Macro Prudential policy must be set at the same time they set monetary policy. It’s so obvious it feels silly to say it.

Giving a central bank control over taxation is way more difficult, given they have no control over spending, except via rates. It might be better just to go with pfh007’s RBA account idea, where the RBA could do some highly targeted cash infusions if inflation was too low. A CBDC would be handy for that, particularly if a currency expiry could be set.


Taxes are partially (and some would argue primarily) designed to control inflation. Hence, Tax rates should not be in direct control of vote buying politicians. Treasury could provide input into the decision but the decision to control inflation with taxes or rates should be independent.

PFH007’s idea would have more credibility if he wasn’t so dogmatic about punishing the plebes with 0% deposit rates. It is not like wealthy people are going to be lining up for 0% when they can get an government guaranteed return greater than zero elsewhere.


A CBDC would be handy for that, particularly if a currency expiry could be set.

Care to eplain how that would work in any practical way? Does something reset the expiry or the poor bastard holding it at the expiry date just loses it?

Taxes are partially (and some would argue primarily) designed to control inflation. Hence, Tax rates should not be in direct control of vote buying politicians. Treasury could provide input into the decision but the decision to control inflation with taxes or rates should be independent.

It is the balance of spending with taxes that determine if the policy is inflationary or deflationary. IE is more money going into the economy from the government or going into the government from the economy. Trying to control inflation by inly controlling one is not much better than just using rates.


You are focused on govt spending and have forgotten about the plebes. An increase in disposable income via tax cuts is inflationary.


an increase in govt spending is an increase in money in plebs hands, a decrease in govt spending is a decrease in money in plebs hands. an increase in taxes is a decrease in money in plebs hands. Why do you think I have forgotten?


Care to eplain how that would work in any practical way? Does something reset the expiry or the poor bastard holding it at the expiry date just loses it?

nah mate, that’s the design. It’s a hot potato. Get that velocity right up!


Im sure there will be no effects like good money being driven out by bad or anything…


No worries.

we’ll just expire the “good” money as well 🙂

bring in the CBDC, say old notes will no longer be legal tender within 36 months. Done.

(unless of course private money (or foreign money) comes in… then we’ll ban that as well)


you could certainly do it technically.I suspect various commodities will become the used proxy though…


Merging APRA and the RBA is an absolute must.

old mate APRA today had real trouble even imagining that.

oh, and don’t forget what old mate said, you can’t talk about macroPrudential without talking about microprudential!


and APRA getting ready to make it easier to borrow money for unproductive assets

now, now, that’s not quite what old mate APRA said today. They are comfortable with the buffers. At the moment. 😉


They know they would cop flack doing it right now. But once inflation appears to be slowing down you can be sure it will happen.


we’ll see what they put in their paper… with old mate being new in the APRA chair he might be a bit apprehensive to do anything drastic.

but generally – yes – they’ll want to keep the credit pumping, and the music playing, because that is consistent with their mandate of keeping the banks upright.


simple comeback and mckim is toasted


is there video



Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

its legit a 16 hour video, do you have the timing on the vid of when that moment happened? im going to crop it and upload it for youtube

Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

The rba session was before lunch… won’t be hard to find

PS if you’re doing video clips – can you do one of Malcolm Roberts and how the chair cuts the discussion before he can get right into the dirt on depositor bail-ins (and then lets that rabid Canavan bang on about climate change minutiae)

about 2:10-2:12

Last edited 1 year ago by Peachy

Greens Lanlord Nick McKim trying to blame RBA for rising rents. The twat eventually got put in his place with Phil Lowe and Michelle Bullock blaming low rental vacancies and high immigration

yeh, did you like that performance?


yo where’s the fkn video I NEED TO SEE THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Freddy oversold it a little, so don’t get too excited


ahhh ok forget it then

knowing phil the cuck its not worth looking for


Phil Lowe is a bit of a softcock but I liked the way Michelle Bullock assertively told McKim he was wrong.


yes, a softcock. He still can’t bring himself to say that “inflation is the devil”, but he’s been been able to say that “it’s corrosive”…


deflation is a good thing

idc what any economist cunt says it is


Depends on what is leading to the deflation. I hear the great depression wasn;t all that hot a time.

. The deflation that took place at the outset of the Great Depression was the most dramatic that the U.S. has ever experienced.1

 Prices dropped an average of nearly 7% every year between the years of 1930 and 1933


Good article ⁦@JennaPrice
⁩ . Growing up in the 50s it was common (at least 5 in our street) for houses to take in lodgers. Usually by women who had lost partners in WW2. Lodgers were often students or older single people. None in that street now.

Well duh, those old widows these days are richer than people who work, why would they even consider this unless they wanted some D on the sly.

Agent 47

I saw that. Typical boomer cunt. Was waiting for the “17% interest rates” to get a mention as well.

Agent 47

Ah Jenna Price, my favorite Fairfax Khazarian name changer. Right before Jon Faine and Nick Mazel Tov McKenzie.


Are you sure? That would explain a great deal.

Martin Luther was 100% correct in demanding that they have no influence over social narratives.

My reply to her:

“You’re a migrant. Should we have cut you?”

“I’m 7th generation Australian my Fathers side with indigenous ancestry too – what part of me would you cut off before my opinion is valid?”

left her snookered…. how could she refute the Shylock appeal?

Last edited 1 year ago by Stewie

Suspicions confirmed.




Ironic Boomer

I know it’s not what DrFwit was thinking, but for all she knows, you could have migrated to Australia yesterday from Swaziland. She just assumes you were born here and of certain melonation and ancestry because you advocate for a lower rate of immigration. There was some data a while back where recent migrants favoured a lower rate of immigration.
Shows how prejudiced these progtards are.


“They make the best neighbours”


“They make the best neighbours” #2


ffs ..get this

“rights restricted on skin colour alone”

absolute fucking fiction…. like the drunken drug fucked degenerate camp behaviour doesn’t exist….

seriously i would not lift a finger for ’em


“rights restricted on skin colour alone”

kind of like The Voice then




Haven’t checked the veracity of this data

haven’t seen our hapa friend(s) lately

did they lose interest? or is their/his disappearance related to that recent captcha conspiracy


Totally to be expected! Who among us hasn’t witnessed a 25 year old athlete collapse and die on the field during a match? It’s practically a daily occurrence, and always has been. Anybody who denies this is a cooker and a bigoted transphobe and….errmm…ah ….shit I forget where I was going with this.


As much as I hate NSW Labor, Perrottet needs to fuck off. Earlier this week it was selling off assets to support Big Australia. Now it is raising the Dam Wall in next term so that his property mates can build houses in the flood plain.

NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet and Treasurer Matt Kean at odds over Warragamba Dam wall raising (


you don’t want more housing supply?


housing supply isnt the problem, suitably zoned land supply is.


Ha! Suitably zoned land.

Sounds like someone in the industry, I’m hoping not on the dark side because dealing with a Council for a DA is fucked.

State Governments in EZFKA especially Danistan are absolute political sluts on the issue of zoning. No direction or intent to deal with the situation, and let Councils full of moronic socialists decide the outcomes of town planning applications.

Councils should be told to desiced

It would take less than 6 months to solve the issue of having enough suitably zoned land. It’s literally stroke of the pen stuff. That in turn would dampen the costs in the housing market, create true competition, bring supply closer to demand, and push $ chasing opportunities elsewhere.

That is never going to happen with LaborGreenFuckwit State Government and Councils involved.


you’re a top tier poster here along with soyboy


because dealing with a Council for a DA is fucked.

State Governments in EZFKA especially Danistan are absolute political sluts on the issue of zoning. No direction or intent to deal with the situation, and let Councils full of moronic socialists decide the outcomes of town planning application

Council only gives he appearance of being full of socialists.
Its full of landbankers who have a vested interest in competing land not being rezoned and theirs being rezoned instead.
Anyone trying to make money as a land developer who hasn’t already infiltrated he council has no hope.


In the last few years Sydney has supposedly had a one in 1000-year flood, and a couple (lost count) one in 100-year floods. Do I think we should spend a fortune in tax payer money raising the dam wall to a level that still cannot hold back that amount of water, just so they can build 100k+ houses that will inevitably be flooded and bailed out with even more tax money?


Given the dam almost ran out of water and we haven;t stopped increasing the numbers of people that need to drink from it increasing the capacity it can store isn;t the worst idea in the world.


We have desalination plants. Raising the dam wall is purely a flood mitigation exercise so they can evacuate all the people suckered in to buying a house on the floodplain.


How many years of desalination use would be enough for you to consider it useful?
If the dam had already been raised we may not have needed to build a desalination plant we haven’t needed a single litre of water from.


If we could travel 20 years back in time you may actually have a point. But alas we are in 2023 and so I will repeat my point that raising the dam wall is for flood mitigation.


Unsubstantiated Report released with explosive allegations of racism at an AFL Club, allows the Leftie media to smear the white coaches and staff. ABC etc all published the comments in the report unchecked.

So now the writer has been arrested for stealing from his Aboriginal organisation…

Voice anyone?


everyone needs a tax refund, right?


Picture of coming, if he was a redneck


This is him right after he posts anything…muttering ”ahhh gottem!!!”


Now Lynn Alden is hinting that she thinks interest rate rises worsen inflation

holy shit I should have a fin twit account instead of casting pearls before swine on here

you guys are going to end up worshipping me like the sun king on mb

Last edited 1 year ago by Coming

i reckon you push this theory bc you don’t want your property value to go down


Yeah. Sometimes coming feels overexposed on propadee


All I can remember is bcnich was famous for sunning his perinuem, so perhaps Coming is also overexposed there.


Judging by his alias I suspect Coming has a different problem

comment image


you can keep watching

but I’d like someone to explain why inflation is persistent after the fastest rate rises in the most indebted state ever

and why Japan hasn’t really suffered that high inflation despite keeping rates at zero and being one of the largest energy importers on earth

good chance this is a vicious cycle and reserve banks have no idea what they are doing

Aussie Soy Boy

If inflation is 8% the cash rate needs to jacked to 8%. Not raising it every 1-2 months by 0.25% lol. What’s it now 3.35%, inflation 8%.

Just pay off your house then you don’t have to worry about any of this. In fact you’ll be getting 4.5% on your money.


Love this simple rule

the soyboy rule

should have told Argentine before they had to jack their rates to 75%
would have saved them a lot of heartache

you should work for the IMF


because íncreasing interest rates aren’t the primary driver of inflation either positively or negatively.
Money creation rates driven indirectly by interest rates via property prices and loan sizes is one. Taxes vs gov spending is another, and I’m sure there are a heap more…

and why Japan hasn’t really suffered that high inflation despite keeping rates at zero and being one of the largest energy importers on earth

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

Nah, he’s just seen graphs that show interest rates going up correlates very strongly with the inflation rate going up but is far to simple to even comprehend that “correlation and causation are not the same thing” is even a thing.


You reckon all these fin twit nerds are sweating property prices in bumfuck USA wherever they live ?

nah it’s just smart to think laterally

after the scamdemic I’m surprised you dullards haven’t asked the same questions


Brilliant move by Lynn, if this theory goes nowhere then no harm done, if it takes off then she can be like one of those people who “predicted the GFC”.


Yes she doesn’t want to stick her neck out too far

plus you never know what fuckery they have waiting to happen .

the game is rigged

but everyone should at least try to understand how it’s played


Never trust an elf.

they are superficially beautiful beings, it evil.


I thought she might be a tranny

has a very deep voice


The rise of Phil Lowe


posting this on ausfinance, ill see how long it lasts

Agent 47


Ironic Boomer

Yep one-hundred percent.
Central bank lower rates = central bank knows what it’s doing.
Central bank raises rates = central bank doesn’t know what it’s doing.

Aussie Soy Boy

LOL basically just strip mining the country.

Legacy Aussie being left for dead as they spend up on piss, smokes and ice.
