What rental crisis? Anti-White Albo hands out PR for Islanders as Australia accelerates to total open borders

If raising the migration intake to record levels and allowing chain migration for 70 year-olds from the middle east isn’t enough, then Anti-White Albo has tripled down on breaking everything in the country:

“Australia will launch a lottery to bring 3000 foreign workers into the country every year under a new law to be proposed that adapts the “green card” system used in the United States to give the winners a pathway to citizenship.

“In a departure from decades of visa policy, the federal government will open the scheme to people from across the Pacific so they can apply for permanent residency in the hope of winning the random selection.

In a departure from decades of visa policy, the federal government will open the scheme to people from across the Pacific so they can apply for permanent residency in the hope of winning the random selection.

“This is the first time that we’ve allocated part of our permanent migration allocation to a specific region – and it is revolutionary,” he said.

“The reason we’re doing it is a desire to build the people-to-people links with the Pacific, and one of the best ways of doing that is building our Pacific diaspora.”

‘Build our Pacific diaspora?’ This is literally the whole Paul Keating ‘Asianise Australia because they won’t trade with us’ bullshit all over again. How well has building up foreign diasporas worked so far? Chinese subversion? Indians fighting each other over domestic politics? ISIS brides? I could go on.

Further, what inflation, housing, rental and hospital crisis? So, we’re not even bothering with the pretense of skills (which was bullshit anyway) and it’s just anyone can come if you win the lottery.

In my experience, Islanders are generally nice people when they’re sober, but they have some of the lowest IQ’s on the planet and all Albo is doing is importing yet another slave underclass to leech off of public services. This will also ensure the Pacific Islands stay eternally third world.

Those of us in the agribusiness world are fully aware of their terrible work ethic and exploits on the fruit picking visas, generally lasting a week before fucking off from the farm and heading to Brisbane.

There is also the issue of many Islanders ending up in criminal gangs that will likely try and make their way back. I have zero confidence in our vetting systems. Yeh, it’s greasy journalism outlet Vice but it’s an introduction to the problem:

I think this meme summed it up:

On top of that, we also have Muslims that fled to another Muslim country and have been safe in said Muslim country for years, whinging that the Australian middle class should be paying for more of them to come and form their own ethnic enclaves:

“The representative for the largest refugee group in Indonesia says asylum seekers are deterred by Australia’s policy of turning back boats, but called on the Albanese government to increase its humanitarian intake and consider including refugees in a new visa lottery.

Labor’s decision this week to abolish temporary protection visas has prompted the federal opposition to warn that people-smuggling networks in the region would be energised by the news.”

Meanwhile, in Ireland and the UK they are protesting and burning down migrant hotels about being replaced (finally).

We’re following the exact same pattern as the rest of the five eyes nations thanks to a small handful of people. Pretty shortly it will just be overt open borders, as opposed to the ‘pay to play’ sell citizenship model that lolbert fags in Canberra, Lee Street and Collins Street have thrust open us.

Australia is occupied by a hostile parasite class and voting isn’t going to solve this, but most of you knew that already.

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Aussie Soy Boy

Islanders and maoris are more scary than abos, and abos are the most degenerate people on the planet.


Highly unlikely Albo has been to Woodridge. Spend some time there and you will be allocating 0 of these visas.

Aussie Soy Boy

comment image


Don’t get too close to Jake the Muss, he wouldn’t like soy boys like you


I’ve found Pacific Islanders who are strongly bound to Christian values, like Israel Folau, to be upright people and good citizens. So what if his personal views reflect an undeveloped, layer 1 interpretation of why something like LGBT is bad – because it is in the bible.

Yeah there are other more complex reasons or arguements, like the way it can change pay off dynamics in terms of economic and social equations within a society and interfer with perpetuating society itself. But the point is it counters the same behavioural population sinks that emerged in the past and have done ‘society’ harm.

While I’m big on genes, I believe it is proof that adopting strong cultural values, even if they’re not your own, can lead to beneficial outcomes in terms of where you end up in society and your likelihood of success. Genes play a signficant role, but cultural values can still play a postive or negative role. Really makes me question why US Black Gangster ‘culture’ is pushed so hard over their adopting ‘whiteness’.


 Really makes me question why US Black Gangster ‘culture’ is pushed so hard over their adopting ‘whiteness’.

to create division, fear and to direct subgroups hatred towards each other so they ignore the elite and what they are doing.
It’s not exactly a never seen before tactic.


What’s the purpose of the lottery format? Is it to get around educational requirements that would usually rule out most Islanders? As this is mostly intended to recruit manual labourers anyway.


What’s the purpose of the lottery format? Only reason I could think of is non discriminatory. We couldn’t possibly discriminate on education, age, health etc. given we have upped the number of death stare granny visas.


Surely the lottery is just the biggest pisstake, some faggot bureaucrats all having a laugh? Alongside the Teal Karens having a welcome to country ceremony for Apuu and his mates all piling in on boats.


 when they’re sober”

That cracked me up. It reminded me of my nutty ex-GF many years ago. She was a little drunk at Casino and after bad beat in blackjack called the dealer a motherfucker. Big Islander security guy tells her that she is drunk and needs to stop swearing and stop drinking, and she responds “yeah you would know about being drunk”.


Dan Andrews has given prisoners a pay rise…these poor criminals haven’t had a pay rise since 2015 so I guess that’s fair enough ey?



so here’s the burning question

would we have been better under lnp?

it is looking more and more like that yes albo has been an utter disaster even relative to whatever scomo would have done. no way would scomo have given asylum to the 20,000 reffos and probably (though i can accept he may have still) have jacked the rates THIS HIGH. this is just getting utterly ridiculous; albo is definitely in a race in his own mind to be the biggest virtue signalling prime minister of all time.

his entire term, and likely multiple terms because dutton is unelectable, is turning into a demographic disaster. we’re screwed. we always were of course, but this is accelerating stuff to the 9th degree.


a serious bout of stagflation is going to make cranking that tap open ever more politically untenable. Maybe he’s playing beat the bomb…


IMO the regular migration isn’t about wokeness, it’s about the total control of lobbies and WEF-types over Australia. So it will be the same whichever major party is in power.

The bright side is that it’s very accelerationist because there’s nowhere to house these people and little desire or capability to fix that issue.

Libs would have been different on reffos. But third term ScoMo plus Frydo wouldn’t have been better on any other policy, plus higher corruption because they’d feel total impunity at that point.

I am enjoying the reduced level of slutting for the US and agitating for pointless conflicts with Chinar.


it’s both imo, if it was totally about lobby control you would see even worse from LNP not ALP, in reality you see worst from ALP bc the woke stuff matters too and they’re way more advanced on that front than LNP


I think the lobbies/WEF have just increased their power in the post-COVID period to enable these numbers. Politicians give less of a fuck about the peasants than ever, this is visible in the US as well. If, for instance, we got into a world war now, we’d definitely go full Ukraine and send whole nations to the meat grinder. That’s how bad it is.

But you know, thinking about it, the fact that the Libs don’t go as hard for nonsense like parental visas that bring in useless eaters, may have the effect of keeping numbers lower.


Politicians give less of a fuck about the peasants than ever,

Given how little pushback they got, why would they.


Sure. But also, I think more politicians are literally agents of the Deep State etc.

Like for instance, the very large number of former-intelligence agents now running for political office: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/08/20/ciad-a20.html

Or this NATO Chairman, now Czech President: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Pavel

And I find it suspect how so many NATO countries seem to have female “Defence” Ministers now: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/who_is_who_51267.htm Perhaps that is the preference for recruits.

But there would be plenty of factors for why politicians increasingly view their populations as mere cattle for lobbies to profit from.


But there would be plenty of factors for why politicians increasingly view their populations as mere cattle for lobbies to profit from.

people don’t seek power because they think the whole populace is their equals…


You should see how many ex-Isreali spies/army hackers work for Google.
unz.com has an excellent article on it


Doubt it. Here is David Littleproud wanting more migration on behalf of the National Farmers Federation.



They all want migration. All that differs is the who and the visas.


Albo is gonna march in the Sydney poofter parade with all the other poofters, which will make everything all right.


DLS tried to answer that yesterday

Wasn’t there an EZFKA post or something that basically said that both (LNP and Labor) are doing the WEF agenda and the LNP will just do it slightly slower.


MY entire life labor and libs have been virtually identical, to the point that the 80’s versions were both far more like each other than like the equivalent party today.
A fundamental truth of representative democracy seems to be a choice between 2 virtually identical propositions. I don’t think that is accidental…


My view is Scomo is the worst PM we have had, it took me a long time to realise it but he got to the top of his little shit heap because those around him are even worse.

Hopefully Albo doesn’t do too much damage, we see someone with half a brain come from the clouds to oppose him, and he’s a one term wonder. Might just go buy my lottery ticket as well…


he wont be one term wonder dutton is unelectable


and I reckon he’s the best they got….

poor bugger my country


The entire current crop of politicians seem particularly useless.
My theory is anyone remotely competent can see it’s all about to fall apart so why spend 5-10 years trying to build yourself a political career to be the guy at the top when it all turns to shit.


Pretty much. We really have bottom of the barrel stuff for our politicians. The LNP are a bunch of unemployable private school twats. Labor is full of people who have never held a job outside of politics.


This guy is a Simp for lefties in EZFKA, has made a career out of sucking Labor dick, and is clearly an absolute POS, but a pretty good demographer, check out his thread:



Nothing says the Chinese property market is fucked more than the desperation like giving mortgages to 80 year olds..



The headline is a bit misleading – the example given in the article is a 50.y.o getting a 30 year mortgage, whereas it was previously capped at age 40.

We’ve probably got the same going on here – for a long time you just needed a pulse to get a mortgage, age didn’t matter as long as you could give the banks an exit plan eg. “sell or downsize”. Of course, those skimming their commissions don’t actually care what the reason is, as they’ll be long gone by then.


You’re correct, it’s 50 year olds getting 30 year mortgages.

Add this to the stories about the hundreds of thousands of Chinese forced to live in unfinished apartment buildings?


100 cities in China last year had open protests from homebuyers who refused to repay their loans (in China they start the mortgage before they get title). Naturally the Chinese are clamping down with direct threats and arrests.

It’s getting very ugly there….



Very ugly indeed. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Xi has made it so overseas online degrees aren’t recognised in order to force a large number of potentially angry youths out of the country.


Australian banks are not allowed to discriminate based on age as far as I know


If you are over 40 and wanting a loan that cannot be repaid before retirement age the banks will demand your superannuation statements so that your super can be used as collateral.

They will also allow you to use your home as an ATM before retirement, effectively allowing you to withdraw the superannuation balance above what they need for collateral.

I have no doubt that a large portion of GenX is going to have a retirement crisis.


 40 and wanting a loan that cannot be repaid before retirement age the banks will demand your superannuation statements so that your super can be used as collateral.

They just want a statement that you have a plan to pay it back. Super is one potential way but the super statements mean nothing, they don’t have a claim on it beyond anyone else’s and if you spend it all before you pay your loan back then there’s nothing they can do other than sell your house.


I am over 40 and was basically told my loan application would be referred to the credit team. They said they would most likely approve it anyway. It seems a fake compliance check.


Absolutely, Gen X will have a retirement crisis. The welfare system would have collapsed prior to their retirement due to mass immigration. Whatever superannuation is left will be what they live on.


Good luck with living off their Super after Albo and Chalmers use the Industry Superfunds for their political ambitions….

Labor financial services spokesman Stephen Jones has revealed the ALP’s intention to have superannuation play a larger role in Australian society should it win the federal election this year.

Speaking at a recent industry function, Jones told attendees: “We think we can be deploying superannuation funds in the interest of the members who own the funds, but also in the national interest.


Is there going to be much super left?

I thought a lot of people raided it during Covid for a range of things, emergency use not withstanding but I’m sure there were quite a few taking it out for renovations, IP deposits and crypto.

Then there were the ones doing the dodgy with their SMSF…



I hope the govt takes it all. Issue govt inflation linked bonds with 0% coupons and zero taxes on income earning. Let savings be savings that don’t need to be gambled at the casino, or eroded by inflation.

Better still. Put it all into a secondary pension pool and distribute the pension based on number of years working as an Australia citizen. Fuck this bs of giving pension to people who have never worked a single fucking hour as an Australia.

Union leeches want their cut so it will never happen. Their version of “national interest” will be national infrastructure projects controlled by CFMEU so they can get a bigger cut of union fees.


Sure they are. They are required* to make sure you can repay the loan, and retirement would prevent that.

As far as you know doesn’t seem to be very far at all……

*how realistic that requirement is is a discussion to be had with how realistic all the other regulation is.


There’s a little bit of fuss about 15 Minute cities atmo.

The concept was a Town Planner’s wet dream, some utopian place where everyone was no more than 15 mins from what they needed all the time. People would skip down the street picking daisies and buying their soy lattes, cycling along happily etc.

Everyone else in the property industry rolled their eyes and let the Millenials blather on.

Then places like Oxford and other socialist ridden holes in the UK (using the control seized under panic of Covid) to start implementing border controls of local areas. LTN’s were created with roads closed via basically huge planter boxes with Sneaky CCTV number plate recognition technology, to prevent cars and delivery vans accessing certain streets, etc.

Pretty soon they’ll be needing to achieve social credit scores or have enough travel credits (by walking and not using cars) as the only way they can move outside their designated area.

This concept worked pretty well in the past, the Warsaw Ghetto was an ideal working model, by 1941 exiting without permission was punishable by death. Cool huh?



house in broken hill sold for $38,000

how bad is broken hill ?

compared to say Shepparton or Dubbo


Broken hill is nicer than dubbo but presumably has significantly less employment opportunities.

Broken Hill’s population peaked at around 30,000 in the early 1960s and has shrunk by one third since the heyday of the 1970s zinc boom, with the decrease attributed to migration from the closure and consolidation of mining operations.[54] The estimated urban population of Broken Hill at June 2018 was 17,734

Looking back last eleven years of Dubbo’s population, overall the growth rate is very consistent and healthy ranging from 0.81% to 1.79%, adding around 264 to 596 people each year to the overall population. If you compare the 2011 and 2016 census figure, the growth rate is 6.22% over 5 years period. The reasons contribute to the population growth is that employment rate and birth rate are very steady in Dubbo. The growth is pretty much align with the national population growth.


dubbo is about or at least 10% indian now


Thats the price of decent curry, sadly.

Aussie Soy Boy

Might be a good time to buy with abos and bottom caste legacy Australians getting pushed out of the market.


Well that’s shit.


A few houses down from the 38k property you’ve got this. https://www.realestate.com.au/property-house-nsw-broken+hill-139900671


funily enough in a market without a land shortage a shit house sells for what it is worth, not the land it’s on.
So why exactly does dubbo have a land shortage?


too many indians + not enough ability to keep up with construction demand\

people like to sook about councils not releasing land fast enough but id imagine even if they did builders and developers wouldnt be able to absorb the demand for housing quickly enough


yeah, nah.
If you actually have enough land then old housing doesn’t get knocked down and people can still live in it while new housing gets built as well. That’s why broken hill is full of shitty old houses that sell for cheap. Back in the $7000 first home owner grant days there were stories of people buying a house in broken hill for less than that and getting the payment.

developers wouldnt be able to absorb the demand for housing

Developers entire profit is dependent on inflating land prices…
Around me they literally buy up everything in sight knock down the existing houses on the acreage and literally 10 years later have only released a tiny fraction of it as housing developments. If they released it all at once the price would collapse(along with the local housing shortage)

For clarification. Every old house that has replaced an older existing house could easily be built as a new house if land was freely available resulting in more housing rather than just newer housing.

Last edited 1 year ago by bjw678

nice garden……don’t they have any water there?


But completely to be expected when you’re country is run by work lunatics.

The recent anti migrant riot in Liverpool is a sign of things to come, I reckon. There will be blood.


goodo too go geordies


There’s a few sand groper here, who knows this bloke?



well it’s not aylmore ..he’s still going…they’ve tried to shut him down and can’t…public prosecutor won’t even try now.


ps … there was a barret .338 lapua mag. in his kit too.. spose he still has it.

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt


wow this looks like so much fun to be an MP on one of these committees
like a day spent arguing on EZFKA.com

Amazing that the CHO refuses to disclose his vaccination status


is there a video with the rest of this for context



Did the US spend millions of dollars to shoot down a hobbyist balloon/UFO?


It’s an improvement on regular training operations that cost millions of dollars and we get no entertainment out of.


Weren’t you the one aggressively calling me an idiot for wondering , and insisting that they were all Chinese in origin


No, you can go back and check if you feel like it.


It’s an easy mistake to make, recently lots of people have been calling Coming an idiot.


Thinking that the US really believes it might have shot down an alien spacecraft is pretty idiotic.


You said they were Chinese


pretty sure you said they were extra terrestrial…


I said the first one was Chinese, and it was


“…Yosemite Sam cartoon character who at any time can just flip out and start firing Sidewinder missiles at random pieces of junk in the sky, screaming “I’ll blast yer head off ya varmint!”


An aggressive idiot, to be precise.


Even the posh ones are realising…480 Hotels across the UK being annexed to house these illegal migrants.


In Sicktoria Dan Andrews has evicted local flood victims from their emergency accommodation for what reason…?




some rage bait for Stewie

guess they can’t burn them because it would release carbon


That’s a pisser, they’ve burned some old books and added new ones including my one part written by fraud Bruce Pascoe.

Bruce Pascoe has his own family denying his claimed Aboriginal heritage. He basically wrote that before Cook landed the Aboriginals were driving John Deere tractors around the fenceline on their farms, and the Left all swallowed it.

Northcote is a swamp of inner city Melbourne leftards anyway, they’d all be pushi by their kids to be Trans so they can up their friends. Those kids are gone, they’ll have been groomed in Paedo Drag shows etc already.


Bruce Pascoe is probably Australian’s most successful grifter, continually extorting money from the taxpayer via ABC, SBS, and anyone else pandering to the white guilt gravy train.

Two of Australia’s most esteemed archaeologists Sutton and Walshe wrote a response to Bruce Pascoe’s book Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers? The Dark Emu Debate. And their rebuttal of Dark Emu, published by Melbourne University Press, is damning.

In page after page, Sutton and Walshe accuse Pascoe of a “lack of true scholarship”, ignoring Aboriginal voices, dragging respect for traditional Aboriginal culture back into the Eurocentric world of the colonial era, and “trimming” colonial observations to fit his argument.

They write that while Dark Emu “purports to be factual” it is “littered with unsourced material, is poorly researched, distorts and exaggerates many points, selectively emphasises evidence to suit those opinions, and ignores large bodies of information that do not support the author’s opinions”.

“It is actually not, properly considered, a work of scholarship,” they write. “Its success as a narrative has been achieved in spite of its failure as an account of fact.”

This is the guy that schools etc are using to dictate to them about Aboriginal history.


He got control of the narrative and because it re-enforced the direction the msm were pushing they picked it up, ran with it and amplified it as much as possible until even now, after all the subsequent discreditation, his false narrative is being pushed as the truth.


he has no aboriginal ancestry at all, the future of abos are guys who look like that


“We wouldn’t accept science books being that old in the library, so why do we accept other non-fiction books to be that old, because nothing is static?”

Because they were filled with first hand accounts that made uncomfortable reading i.e. were offensive to progressive values, but not necessarily untrue.

That is why this guy is re-writing our Narrative.

Capture - Copy (17).JPG

scandinavian ab?…ffs


With a name like Fricker probably some brainwashed secular Catholic of Irish origin. Honestly these carpet bagging whites, claiming indigenous privilege should be ridiculed in the media, but personal defamation laws put a stop to that.


but personal defamation laws put a stop to that.

The msm is all about BS like this transrace is just around the corner(or already here if you haven’t suffered brain damage…)


He seems nice.




or how we passively genocide your arse into the evolutionary dead end that alice springs proves inevitable

give … derelict in 5 years…dead ab

Last edited 1 year ago by emusplatt

suits me ..no debate …got it


two piggies






… why?

are they protesting the fact that he’s not raising interest rates hard and fast enough because that’s the only logic this protest could concievably have from the orthodox view


Last edited 1 year ago by stagmal

They are protesting because inflation bad, RBA in charge of inflation.

Clearly the plan to divest all responsibility for inflation from the government to an “independent” entity was a real winner despite nearly all factors effecting inflation not actually being interest rates…


is being a landlord just a horrible way to make dough

i can’t possibly see how it can be justified if there wasn’t an expectation of capital appreciation

my shithole apartment is constantly having issues that need a plumber/etc someone to come and fix and repair it, including a whole new air conditioner that was installed recently

my rent isnt THAT high to justify this being worth it


i can’t possibly see how it can be justified if there wasn’t an expectation of capital appreciation

No shit sherlock…

Our entire society put it all on black aka increasing property prices.


Capital gains is the drive, but a lot of repairs and maintenance would be tax deductible too.

That is of course, assuming your landlord actually bothers to do this. Plenty of substandard places get rented easily and with immigration rising that isn’t looking to slow down.

Aussie Soy Boy

Of course, then there were things like rent moratoriums during COVID, people trash properties. I knew about this moron who was paying $600 or so per week for rent and just decided to stop paying during COVID because someone else in the building said that’s what he was doing.


Atlassian’s Bondi Jesus and his little sidekick Scotty got hacked…



Biden’s handlers working hard to suppress the story about the disaster in Ohio:



It will be Biden’s Katrina. Hopefully the beginning of the end of the Biden administration.


Biden just needs to go down there and drink the water like Obama did, teasing the people of Flint in Michigan with their poisoned drinking water …
