Meme feast!!

The last thread was getting pretty long and hard to read, so I thought I would start a new one.

I’ve been so inspired by the meme’s produced by the @auseconomicunit EZFKA account that I’m going to do a homage to them.

I’ll start with one of my recent favorites:

It is simple but effective, but it also lends itself to being re-used again and again and again, drilling it in for all to see – the root cause of all our social problems, that our media and talking heads refuse to draw any connection too, is our politicians ‘solution to everything‘.

Not only could I circle the relevant topic I’m replying to, I could if I wanted too tick the check box below in order to indicate which of the usual suspects I was replying to. My only criticism is the missed opportunity of having topical media subjects, like the ever topical hospital queues, listed there too.

Speaking of hospital queues, this one fucking rocked:

Great use of the Withered Wojak. Everyone knows he’s had the life sucked out of it – it doesn’t need to be said. The question is ‘Why?’ Which Albo answers in the next frame. Brilliant! Leith should steal this and use it as the accompanying image to every hospital waiting queue story that the msm likes to run. People really need to give this ‘Immigration is the solution to everything‘ meme some legs and push at every opportunity they get.

This one is also Brilliantly effective.

The same but different is just another version of the ‘Either/Or’ damned if you do, damned if you don’t red button meme.

Now compare and contrast the two. The ‘Either/Or’ meme has the limitation of only being able to carry a limited typed text – basically a couple words. You better be good at being succinct or it will fall flat or miss the mark. The EZFKA version is waaaaay better, because it is carrying so much more visual information… AAA+!

Finally I’ll give praise to how EZFKA Twitter uses consistent branding and layout with regard to it’s ‘Satire’ news articles, it is very important to deliver a constant message using consistent branding – there is a reason why News Papers rarely change their Banner’s.

Anyhow, as someone who use to passionately make his own meme’s for a while I do have an appreciation of meme construction, and thought I would call out these excellent examples of memeship.

Postscript: We should have a meme making competition. Tweet your home made meme’s to the Stewie Griffin Twitter account linked above and I’ll post them and attribute them in the comments.

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Gruppenführer Mark

Let me suggest some talking points for this new excellent thread:

HapaCookersVax vs. anti-vaxChewsEmbee wankersThat should get the partee started!

Last edited 2 years ago by Gruppenführer Mark

I don’t know if I can handle any more of that…

Gruppenführer Mark

Come on, man! Get a hold of yourself! Piss-weak dog-faced pony soldiers like you put this great country in peril!

(This message is brought to you by the Five Eyes. I’m Brandon, and I approve this message).

Welcome to Shitbane

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city BRISBANE, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which Megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one AND LOOK AT ALL THE HK PEOPLE IT’S JUST LIKE BEING IN A WORLD CITY Imma gonna eat some real RAMEN like its from the real HONG KONG its just like being in JAPAN!

Concerned Citizen

But Brisbane has some of the biggest skyscrapers and a metro, what’s so bad about it?

The Hapa issue – is it really that bad of an issue now? In Brisbane it seems every second couple is a WMAF and there’s a whole school for Hapas, called BBC.
What could possible go wrong?

Gruppenführer Mark

I posted this on the other thread, nice parody and very Ozzie. Eshay!


Hello fellow ezfkers, hope you all have a good weekend with a few cold beers. Sadly I’m back to the grind this weekend.

Lot’s of hopium on the US inflation rates today. If I’m not mistaken a drop of -0.1% means it’s time to start buying houses again and getting balls deep in debt.

I would still love to see that incel post here some day. I really want to write one on trt in Australia but fear it will drive the wrong traffic here and get the wrong attention.


trt in Australia but fear it will drive the wrong traffic here and get the wrong attention.

what is trt? Or is is better not to know?

is it anything like that guy who drones on about HK refugees and half-caste children, etc?


Testosterone replacement therapy
No idea what you’re talking about lol


I’d like to read this

list of doctors who are willing to prescribe


There’s one very well known Dr in Australia. Alternatively if you have low T and the right GP you can get it non-pbs from them privately.

Last edited 2 years ago by DictatorDavid

Are you going to tell us his name


If I was looking into trt I’d go here and see the answers –

Last edited 2 years ago by DictatorDavid

The link is blank

why don’t you just tell us his fucking name


Because I don’t owe you shit. I have my own reasons and you can do your own fucking research. If you’re a competent doctor then it shouldn’t be hard to work out yourself?

Last edited 2 years ago by DictatorDavid

Then don’t threaten to provide us with a helpful article in the first place

Concerned Citizen

Use Libreddit or Teddit instead of linking to that craphole website.

Also you can use Reveddit to see posts that mods have removed from Reddit. Apparently they remove quite a lot, sometimes more than half.


Or you can go to your GP, state that you’re a woman who wants to transition into a man. Cant say no to trannies.


Coming is a doctor and says he has a partner so there’s a much easier solution.

Nothing to stop him writing a script in her name to transition and using the medication himself. It’s all about the informed consent/affirmation model these days and if a pharmacist questions it you can even go off at them at being woke transphobes. Can even claim a Medicare rebate, stick it to EZFKA so it’s a win/win.


Lol surely you need specialist authority for that

otherwise that’s the best way to hop on


There’s about 5-7 options in Australia. From the reddit link I posted

“There was a doctor down there, Zentner, he was the go-to guy for TRT”

“Hey mate, performance health clinic, is in Coomera, it’s the only Telehealth clinic that will prescribe self administered injections. It’s a bit pricey but the service you get is worth it”

^Are two options. Gouda obviously knows what he is talking about and posted the third option with GP’s. You’re not a doctor of medicine?

You can also go to an endo but they supposedly won’t prescribe unless you have the levels of a 80 year old. The protocols they prescribe are also allegedly archaic and will have you having big swings in hormones.


You lot are hopeless.
And the chat confirms what i’ve said that coming is a sort of dr who looks at things in a lab with a lot of porn on his work computer.
Any doctor can prescribe it , I give it to a small but constant number of housewifes and i got some fpr the wife for a while and when she lost interested I used up the rest of the tube myself. It just made me a bit more edgy rather than horny but that was the lowest dose and you work up.
TRT for men is easily obtained as a supplement from the internet. Again i recently looked it up on a website after hearing about it on my JRE podcast. Its being pushed for guys to stay bulky etc as they age but again … I couldn’t be arsed with it in the end.


Post the website


i’ve post link – its awaiting approval
look up a company called amino z and check their TRT mate


Just googled amino z and it’s worthless herbs and bullshit


and if you want pharma grade is lawley pharma
i’m happy to do help needy people for other contrab@nd in return
just send your wife to me and after a thorough physical and history of why she has no libido with you I’ll prescribe it double strength


You’re talking about the cream?


you start prescribing the shots you are going to be up in front of the medical board


Wouldn’t be a problem if there’s a valid clinical indication.

Can remember seeing one guy years ago who was getting it from a well known professor of psychiatry for treatment resistant depression. It became an issue when said professor retired and the patient couldn’t find anyone else willing to take him on.


Nope, all medication done as private scripts and no endocrinologist opinion necessary. There seem to be a few trans friendly GPs who won’t hesitate to start women on testosterone.


No idea what you’re talking about lol

like this:


He actually had me rooting for my pet Troll.

how many dudes are there duking it out, do you think?

It’s not immediately obvious to me because the names change. and I couldn’t be bothered trying to read carefully enough to try to work it out.

If you go to the link which is my name it is eye opening, and interesting. I don’t know why people think they could integrate if any of it is true. But then again, they have had 40 years to integrate and they won’t, because they are special and the whites they want to live around are sub-humans as they see it, just like everyone else including their own uncles and aunts who live 20 miles away in the ‘mainland’.
So I get the whole Hong Kong refugee camp thing, it’s actually kinda true, especially for a shithole city like Brisbane where they all seem to live and fish in the river for their dinners.

Concerned Citizen

He might be onto something because 1. people are being paranoid about other’s opinions and 2. they actually aren’t integrating because when they produce ‘Hapas’ (such a stupid word) their runts always empha size the ‘asian’ part and then there’s another thing 3. they and their parents have to create this kind of ‘thing’ where the hapas ‘of course their smarter than the local whitey people’ and this develops into even bigger complexes. It’s screwed up!

Don’t confuse the need for several hundred thousand 60 year old fat people and millenials who spent their youth on smartphones looking at mangas from the burbs to get laid and bring over brides with ‘people all being the same people’

Concerned Citizen

What’s so wrong about fishing in the river and enjoying the catch?


Brisbane river is pretty murky, plus there was a heavy industry presence where Southbank is now. Suppose it’s pretty good if you like three eyed fish.

Concerned Citizen

Isn’t Australia the place for NZ refugees? They call them “New Zealand Anchor Babies’


Please do TRT thread. I am having that discussion with my family regarding my elderly father who has lost a lot of strength in last couple years. My brother is against it saying it increases chances of cancer, and my response is “would you rather be a feeble old man or have a slightly higher risk of cancer?”.


Send this to your brother –


I recently had my T levels checked and they were very low. 100 points lower than the range for my age. I’m 58 and I live in Thailand. I had the tests done at one of the major hospitals and my GP started the TestoViron 250mg injections that day. I have 1 every 3 weeks plus 1 Testosterone 40mg capsule per day. I’m due for another test this week.


how do you feel


That’s a pretty lousy protocol. Have you had T checked on day 20?


Exactly you want to use an insulin needle and follow an EOD protocol or E3D to keep your levels even and side effects low


Yep some of Steve’s 250mg will aromatise and it will drop off over 10 days leaving him feeling average for the remaining 11days. He’d be better off with a shot of a long ester like undecanoate if only pinning every 3 weeks.


Enanthate or cypionate is decent every week but you may need an aromatase inhibitor depending on sensitivity.


trt doses shouldn’t really need an AI. The cookie cutter 200mg + AI they use in the states is over the top. A lower dose at higher frequency and subq should negate the need for AI in pretty much all the population. Estrogen shouldn’t be feared, males need it for health as well as test. Guys often get it in their head they are having side effects and it’s caused by high e2. But AI’s are not without their own negative side effects such as impact on heart health. There’s a great podcast on this topic and the clinics in the states are starting to catch up. The best way to lower e2 is to lose bodyfat, which a lot of guys are obese when starting trt because it’s caused by low test…


getting TRT here is impossible ive heard

love to hear it though


It’s hard but there is ways. Just another example of why Australia sucks compared to the states where it’s much easier to get TRT.

But we don’t have mass shootings tho and we spend 3 x as much for the same motor vehicle and 10 x as much for a house

Concerned Citizen

Wow Australia really is different.


TRT is readily available – look up these places that give you n-acetyl cysteine etc. Would post link but cant be arsed


Any medico can write a private script so technically all you have to do is convince a GP to do it for you and be happy to pay the unsubsidized retail price. That’s the first barrier, and as most EZFKA units want everything medical for free the discussion usually ends there.

As a general rule most GPs will decline to write an offlabel script and will refer you on as it would be outside their area of expertise. To meet the criteria for a PBS subsidized testosterone script, treatment has to be supported by an endocrinologist or urologist. This all takes additional time and money and there are no guarantees as one of the other rules to qualify is that your testosterone levels have to be essentially zero.

As the majority of people after testosterone typically fall into a certain demographic, it’s not surprising that testosterone is obtained through other channels, and their regular steroid supplier would have the relevant contacts.

If you aren’t going down that pathway and payment for an offlabel script isn’t a concern, then one should probably look at a Men’s Health or Sports Medicine clinic as that will probably be your best bet. Keep in mind, there has been an explosion in clinics catering exclusively to the likes of medicinal cannabis or dexamphetamine and other stimulants. Doctors like to make a buck as much as anyone else, so if the demand is there similar entities may pop in the future.


Just be careful with clinics. A lot like to sucker people in for thousands $$ and then prescribe only test cream.

Agent 47


Went the sports doctor route. Not hard to get at all if you get one that knows what he’s doing.


Which city ?

what were you prescribed ?


i shall youz a true story.
many years ago i prescribed sustanon IM for a older lady with low libido. Back in the day if that worked well you gave them an implant.

You can still get it and i could get some today if i wished.
But I dont
You dont mess with this stuff , I think its the reason why king hits are an aussie phenomenon. Doesn’t happen in the uk and they drink more – its dumbass steroid heads with a short fuse punching people.

Anyway this lady came back and told me she’d been thinking of sex constantly and run the old boy ragged. He was asking why she didnt have it 20 years ago. she coul;d barely function in her job
i asked if she wanted another shot and she said NOOOOO!

stick to the cream and capsules lads


Got to get this for the wife


Lot’s of hopium on the US inflation rates today. If I’m not mistaken a drop of -0.1% means it’s time to start buying houses again and getting balls deep in debt.

early Feb will be an exciting time. All the major central banks will be announcing their next round of decisions within a day or two of each other.

I think the tightening ain’t quite over yet 😉


I agree on the quality of the memes – they trade away a bit of brevity for a lot of versatility.


Was hoping for more memes 3/10


You get what you pay for!


hope T and BJW come back some day


imagine needing to ask this question in 2023

Aussie Soy Boy

I just realised Nick Kyrgios is a hapa. No wonder he’s so fucked up in the head.


Love the car crash value of Kyrgios.

He f’cks with the MSM all the time, they tried to push a narrative to hate him, then jumped on his bandwagon when they realised he was pretty good.

He’s an uneducated brainless Millennial too.


I’m not so sure that jungle Asians count under the strictest definition

same grey zone as tartars and Kazakhs

There’s no difference. Don’t think the C J and K are any better because they’re not, even if they pretend to be.

What’s with all the Hapa posting?


so it turns out the latest mass murderer was also an incel

when will we acknowledge that men not having access to sex is one of the largest social problems in existence

it’s only getting worse too

PSL was ahead of it’s time in recognising this

it’s all treated as a joke by the mainstream , but it’s going to increasingly result in chaos and violence

imo the long term solution is either sex robots or medical measures to drastically reduce the number of boys being born (to say 1 in every 5 births)

transsexualism is another option but the surgical procedures are just not good enough yet


Probs hoping women will be into him like they were for Ted Bundy.


sodini will never be forgotten, the OG incel shooter

his house tour video still chills me to the absolute bone

Couldn’t he have gone to SEA and found a bargirl and brought her home and made hapas?
That’s what half of Brisbane does.

JBW theory


Sex or its lack is not the problem. The problem is believing that it is the problem. We’ve had several generations since the sexual revolution. Each one is worse than the one before. More isolated. Fewer children. Less actual sex, more simulated sex via alternative sexualities, porn, etc. We are a system where pervasive addiction is the norm because people can’t get their needs met. The perceived need for sex is really an addiction, so is obesity, hyperchondria, etc. Providing sex robots will not fix a damn thing.


do you know what the oldest profession in the world is


Yep. Feeding delusion.


getting p in v has been the main priority in life since we evolved from single cell organisms


Secure housing is a need. Secure employment is a need. Belonging is a need. If all these are met, then you can get by without sex just fine. People who kill because they can’t get laid cannot be fixed by sex robots.


Yes! “incels” who murder were going to do it regardless whether they get sex or not, otherwise why kill when you can rape?
The term ‘incel’ is just tagged onto some psycho killers for some reason.


with a name like berger….


Good to hear you’ve convicted him? That’ll speed up our court system, the precedent has been set with Higgins, let’s just replace it all with a Twitter poll and the courts can take a break.


Curry Vs Curry In The Economic Zone Formally Known As

Who are these people and what are they doing in my country? (rhetorical question).
This post by me is satire, I love people of all races and faiths.


imagine the reaction from the ‘religion of peace’ if their mosque had been graffiti’d? we’d have riots for days and queues of Green Leftards to apologise all the way to Sydney.