Greens announce new “Anti-White Australia” immigration policy of deporting all white Australians by 2025

In support of their CRT legislation, the Greens have announced that as part of their immigration policy they would begin mass deportations of white Australians commencing immediately. Residents of inner-city Melbourne and Sydney would be eligible for exemptions, Adam Bandt has told a press conference.

The plan will see the new quarantine camps built used to round up white Australians and ship them off to any country that will take them, ‘preferably non-white.’

“The best way for Australia to stand up for indigenous issues and to fight white supremacy is to import millions of migrants from third world countries that don’t give a fuck about indigenous issues and see EZFKA as the economic zone it is,” Bandt said.

“White Australia bad. Brown, Yellow and Black Australia good.”

Lidia Thorpe has reportedly supported the idea but has been gagged from making a total arse of herself before the election.

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Agent 47

Wants gender re assignment surgery billed to Medicare.

Probably because Adam wants to be the first the absolute faggot.

Aussie Soy Boy

So easy to beat Labor. Labor are going to need Greens preferences, possibly form a coalition with them. The Greens are extremists. Scomo just has to put it to Albo which of these core Greens policies (almost all on the absolute fringe left) do you support?

A fly in your ointment

as always, us Wogs are excluded. We’re neither whities nor cotton pickers, not even coolies.

oh well… I guess us and Australians get to stay, eh?

can you take transfatties with you, please?


jfl this cunt can’t be serious

I’m willing to pack their bags for them

A fly in your ointment

see what Pootin can do from 100000 leagues distance, undermine the commonwealth to separate wealthy and commoners


Cunt is absolutely fucken delusional!

Agent 47

‘More progressive policy’

They’ve got trannies teaching kids here. I don’t know how much worse it can get sans a good old fashioned Bolshevik famine.


Absolutely. Victoria will descend into Venezuela within five years due to Vexit. The state produces nothing as per Aussie Soy Boy’s comment and depends on the rest of Australia for food in winter. The only parts of the state that produce anything useful are at least two hours drive from Melbourne. Coincidence? No!


Fucking #metoo. I’ll also help dig the trench so they can be physically separated

Aussie Soy Boy

It’s one thing for WA to leave Australia (although would difficult for 3 million people to defend that land mass) with all their natural resources, but what does Victoria offer other than financial services, gay coffee culture, third rate expensive useless educations for Indians and Nepalese who basically got scammed, and sports events that they pay massive hosting rights fees (F1) or massive appearance fees (tennis) that they never recover.


He’s right though – the best thing for residents of EZFKA would be if their respective legacy states broke away from Australia, what would they be leaving?

Carving Victoria off from the rest of Australia would immediately excise the million or so street shitting Indians we’ve imported as well as the majority of social entropy inducing Africans. It would also rid us the descendants of 1m low IQ quasi-Europeans which are what most Greeks are – yeah that means you George Megalogenis.

Losing WA means that they would get to keep their royalties, which would break one half of EZFKA’s conveyer belt economy, which involves exporting Iron Ore and importing immigrants for Frank Lowy and Gerry Harvey. This act alone would immeasurably improve the quality of life for most residents of NSW.

QLD could go its own way and SA merge with the NT and sell themselves to China for all the fucks I give, while Tasmania could just keep doing whatever the fuck they do now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
Roger Nubbins

Laughed out loud at you giving the Greeks a shitcanning.

Agent 47

Only problem Is, once they get a beachhead demographics take over.

I’d prefer to just drop napalm over Caulfield, Ripponlea and Balaclava.


They have to be kept out of the countryside at all costs, that is where society is constantly renewed from. We’ve already lost our cities, but they are population sinks.

Agent 47

Lol Nic Reece. He’d be better off asking the fed government for a pair of testicles. Total simp.


Off topic but lol
comment image


comment image


Fuck me – I actually saw that tweet and laughed as it was clearly satire. Just highlights what a bunch of low IQ morons most “journalists” are nowadays. Emotion over logic – that’s what gender diversity delivers to our social narrative.


Yeah I might write an article about it. Gynecologists are already in short supply in regional oz. If this nonsense continues, in 10 years there will be no obgyn students, and in 15 women will be dying in childbirth again.


Investigative journalism is hard. A lot of work for either a big payoff or more likely a dead end. Far easier to mine text in social media to look for something like the latest trend or what people are saying about …
Otherwise just write an opinion piece.

You are right it is a hoax, but the media went all in for the Russia collusion, Jussie Smollert, against the Covington Catholic kid and the list goes on.


Nowadays Journalists are either courtiers or entertainers. Honestly most people are better off not watching the news.

If you really must keep abreast of ‘News’ follow the raw tickertapes, everything other than that is just opinion masquerading as news.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie

All the news I need to know, I learn from T’s and Robert2013’s occasional links! 🥰


Lol – Tucker Carson ran with it and paid out on the NYTimes and their reporter big time


” Our primary obligations must be to the truth, and right now, the truth is this: The vaccinated suffer some degree of immune imprinting, and Omicron replicates preferentially in their lungs. That is not great, but we’re not seeing higher levels of death, hospitalisation or sickness right now. Corona has become a bad cold, and the default assumption must be that it stays that way. We don’t lose sleep over the possibility that some terrifying new hCoV-OC43 variant will emerge to bring back the mortality of 1889. The murky laboratory origins of SARS-2, and the limited evidence of tinkering that its genome bears, aren’t enough to support eternal predictions of death and doom. “

Last edited 2 years ago by emusplatt

hahaha ….hey rba eat dis!


RBA is definitely watching all this, while waiting.

Experiences like this in Canada means they’ll be much more reluctant to hike and hike much less than they otherwise might have.

they’ve got their beady eyes on NZ as well, don’t you worry.

Reus's Large MEMBER

They were never going to hike, they will HODL, only one chance of them hiking and that is if Lab/Green get in to crash the mess on someone else’s watch.


They were never going to hike, they will HODL, only one chance of them hiking and that is if Lab/Green get in to crash the mess on someone else’s watch.

nah, i reckon they will hike. If only just a bit.

even if for no other reason than to test the EZFKA units reactions and measure elasticity of house prices and other demand as well as banks’ behaviour and forex to a small rise.

this information can then be used opportunistically to further any purposes they like.

Very likely it will give them a plethora of excuses to not hike any more (should they not want to, eg if Libs are in power). ….Or to hike, if they want to (if they want to destabilise Labs, who somehow manage to win).

Last edited 2 years ago by Peachy

They will raise – the elites grow most of their wealth through the boom/bust ‘business cycle’.

But now low interest rates have killed the ‘business cycle’ the only thing that can bring about the required movements in asset prices is the ‘interest rate cycle’ pantomime of the central banks.


At some point even the jellyfish that make up our financial press are going to start questioning a 0.1% cash rate with inflation running at over 3% and seemingly low unemployment.


As the real estate gasbag deflates, debt will remain and we may well have a social mess on our hands. You know what to do. Owe nothing. Have financial assets. Brim your tax shelters. And, yes, live quietly among the masses.”

It’s been all said for the past decade and I honestly don’t know what will happen next. The winners have been those who leverage debt up to their eyeballs and if they ever seem like losing they’ll be bailed out. If houses drop any more than a small percent our government will throw everything at it to keep the party juiced.


Have you gone from a dictator to Patrick Bateman?

Roger Nubbins

Adam “Ass” Bandt.

Aussie Soy Boy

Ryan Campbell post on Instagram in January

Welcome to the world of Covid….My daughter has missed her birthday twice due to lockdowns, this year we were able to do a small bday party despite Covid but as I need to fly out for work on Wednesday I couldn’t go in….so for all you moaners & groaners, get a grip…get on with it, get vaccinated and find a way to put a smile on your face or more importantly, ur family’s face 




Aussie Soy Boy

Ex Australian cricketer who played 20 years ago who had a massive heart attack.

On social media mouthing off too much about people not triple jabbed, etc


Oh, is this the same guy?

Roger Nubbins

Old Ryan cant grip much of nuthin at the mo, and that smile on his face is a grimace from the vent tube.
So getting the Vaxx or not is an IQ test?


Now they’re just look at trying to work out what’s wrong with his heart.

“He did a few tests and they’re saying there doesn’t appear at this stage to be any brain damage, his brain wasn’t starved of oxygen.

They’re not sure now why his heart is still being arrhythmic. So that’s another issue that they’re now going to look at over there


Aussie Soy Boy

Maybe the doctors are the ones who have had their brains starved of oxygen.

Aussie Soy Boy

Davo’s headline today “Bomb Honiara”
Reusachtige sums it up in the first reply to the article “You’ve really become a bit of a nutter hey bloke!”


DLS has jumped the shark.

No chance of it ever being taken seriously again.

A fly in your ointment

1. formerly Gold trader
2. formerly taken seriously
3. formerly EmBee jovial blogger
4. formerly ???


Reusachtige is absolutely correct. The other comments are just as cringeworthy as DLS’s article with all the airchair army analysts. EmBee is full of overweight inner city jerks who will happily parrot the invasion of SI knowing full well they will fail the physical but happily comment on Twatter. Meanwhile it will be white working class who will be conscripted and sent to the firing line. Go to any country town, look at its population and then look how many men died in the wars. As always it is the working class that is shafted.


Disagree. DLS is right about this. China’s involvment in the Solomons is very bad for Australia for all the reasons he has stated. I also do not believe that the people of the Solomons want their government to be able to call in Chinese police and military personell for support, and that IS in the agreement. It is an egregious loss of soveriegnty for the people of that country.

It is premature to sortie out, but it’s definitely time to commence ASIO subversion operations, mafia style covert assassination threats, sanctions, bans on Solomon islanders entering Australia and so on.


I agree – control for Guadalcanal was one of the key battles of the Pacific. It is of tremendous strategic importance.

It is an enormous miss-step by Morrison to have allowed it to have occurred, to be frank I doubt Morrison would even be able to locate which country Guadalcanal is located in.

” I also do not believe that the people of the Solomons want their government to be able to call in Chinese police and military personell for support,”

Sogavare will definitely use the Chinese military to strengthen his rule – he has previous form so to speak. All your suggestions should be on the table.

Last edited 2 years ago by Stewie
Aussie Soy Boy

Of course it’s bad for Australia. Australia will get a taste of what they have dished out with their predatory yank pals for the past 60 years. A taste of the war crimes that our soldiers inflicted on Afghans. Our most decorated soldier is a psychopath serial killer.

For a country of 25 million people with no defence capabilities we’ve gone out of our way to antagonise China and treat them with contempt.

Murdering Solomon Islanders isn’t the answer to being check mated by the Chinese.

Start learning to live with less and learn some mandarin to ingratiate yourself with your new rulers.


Or grow some balls, buy or make some weapons and get organised.

Aussie Soy Boy

I’d rather just rat you out


Agree with you that the Chinese agreement with the Solomon Islands is bad, but disagree with DLS about military involvement. Military involvement will be a proxy war between China and the US with Aussie diggers being cannon fodder.

Realistically, we should be spending a lot more money in the Pacific Islands. Train their teachers, doctors and nurses. Put their citizens as priority for any work or study visa. Fund infrastructure and connectivity with Australia.

However, it should be noted that the bigger risk lies within Australia. Firstly, the looney left (Greens) feel we are racist criticising this agreement and we should defund defence. Secondly, huge amounts of key infrastructure is in Chinese hands (ports, electricity networks, running trains and huge tracks of farmland). This is a bigger issue. Our elite are more than happy to sell out our security and future for a few $$$s.

Reus's Large MEMBER

Yes and this is the true EZFKA spirit, sell out to line your own pocket while condemning future generations to a life of slavery under a communist regime.

A fly in your ointment

name once when any if the islands had sovereignty.

easy there, a meaningfull independent sovereignty free of influence of a power.

the invention of naval ships changed that.


Completely different subject, but hearing through the grapevine that NSW will not impose hotel quarranting on international travellers. I can’t help but think this has nothing to do with the citizens of EZFKA but more being able to open the floodgates again for mass immigration.

Last edited 2 years ago by HD

I am hearing similar. I think the gates are swinging open to allcomers!

Reus's Large MEMBER

100%, there were clearly not enough coming in as China is in lockdown, so they had to follow teh science and let the unvaccinated in without quarantine.


NSW will remove some of the last major pandemic restrictions after close contact rules were scrapped, public health orders requiring key workers to be vaccinated were lifted and an end to hotel quarantine for unvaccinated travellers was announced.
As revealed by the Herald on Tuesday, household contacts of COVID-positive people will no longer need to isolate for seven days but will instead be required to undertake daily rapid antigen testing before coming into contact with anyone outside their household. The removal of close contact rules will come into effect from 6pm on Friday.The country’s chief health officers and state officials last month recommended a “nationally consistent, risk-based transition” to easing rules for close contacts of COVID-19 cases to quarantine, following the peak of the latest Omicron wave driven by the highly transmissible BA.2 variant.
NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said, that while NSW had passed the peak of the latest COVID-19 wave, the “plateau is quite flat, and the decline is quite slow”.
“So it is important [to acknowledge] that we are expecting the levels of transmission in the community to still be maintained at high levels,” Chant said.
Household contacts or people identified as close contacts by NSW Health will no longer have to isolate, and will instead be required to undertake daily rapid antigen tests, wear masks indoors when not at home and will be unable to visit aged care homes, hospitals and other vulnerable settings unless a special exemption applies.
People who test positive to COVID-19 via a PCR test or a RAT will still be required to isolate for seven days.
Public health orders requiring key workers, including aviation, teachers and health staff, to be vaccinated will be lifted but will instead be determined based on individual risk under occupational work health and safety rules.
The state’s remaining quarantine hotel operation will shut on April 30. Unvaccinated international travellers will no longer have to enter hotel quarantine and instead will need to take a RAT within 24 hours of arrival.
“We have to coexist with COVID-19, but we can’t ignore it,” Chant said. “The impact will most heavily fall on people with chronic underlying conditions and the elderly. We want to take a cautious and proportionate approach as we enter winter months when we will have flu circulating as well as COVID-19,” she said.
Chant said the overhaul to the rules were part of simplifying COVID measures as case numbers continued to decline and the state lives with the virus, but could not rule out reintroducing restrictions should cases surge or a more severe variant emerges.
“It is important to note that people can get reinfected and, whilst the vaccines are holding well, they don’t afford absolute protection,” Chant said.
NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet warned the removal of close contacts and hotel quarantine did not mark the “end of the pandemic” and said restrictions could always be brought back.
“We have put downward pressure on our health system and that is because of the efforts and sacrifices people have made,” Perrottet said.
“These isolation rules have been necessary but thanks to strong vaccination rates we can make the changes announced today.
“We will always tailor our restrictions, as we’ve said from the outset, to the circumstances we find ourselves in. We believe today’s announcements are balanced and proportionate,” he said.

By Lucy Carroll and Mary Ward (SMH)April 20, 2022 — 12.26pm

Last edited 2 years ago by HD
A fly in your ointment

I searched for more on this and not one shred of info. not even on the relax of restrictions, zero.

not doubting your post, indicating the silence of what should’ve been a major information


I can’t wait for their cultural values to be added to our own, Koalas are probably going to be in for a tough time though…


“The men are in their 20s and 30s, and they appear to have done it for fun. There was no religious or black magic agenda.” 

….sounds to me like there was some religious or black magic agenda.


That they roast and ate it after they’d finished their Lizard gang-bang suggests that there may have been some ceremonial aspect to it.


Yeh, I don’t think that they were just trying to avoid wasting the protein


I’m sure they enjoyed the yummy stuffing…

Percy Cumsteen

“Rajesh, have some of this lizard. It has tandoor cum taste”.

Hector Lancebottom

They’re putting the cum into Cumin.


just their culture’s variant of the sao biscuit


Bravo chaps


They probably thought this bizarre ritual would make them super attractive to the ladies. Dopey weirdos should’ve invested in property.


They probably thought this bizarre ritual 

media denies that it was any sort of ritual… so they were just plain old horngry

Percy Cumsteen

I have never been sexually attracted to reptiles. Koalas wombats and numbats, yes, lizards no.


I don’t buy it. No one is shagging a lizard (possibly a dude lizard) unless they a) have the IQ of a cabbage and b) believe some stupid shit.


….unless they a) have the IQ of a cabbage and b) believe some stupid shit…..

so it’s true then?


Definitely a ritual killing. This is deep in western Maharashtra, and the killing and eating is what gives it away.

A vast amount of hindu tradition is connected to the left hand path. Think tantric practices, kali worship, the thugee cult, the more exciting branches of yoga and the juggernaut practice etc.


tells you about their priorities… its an joke. still, victoria, so I guess they are getting exactly what they voted for…